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Fair Business Practices

We shall conduct business fairly and sincerely, adhering to ethical principles and refraining from unfair trade
practices and any form of bribery or corruption, to contribute to sound social and economic development through
fair competition in the market. We shall refuse to work with any group, organization or individual engaged in
unlawful activities, and under no circumstances shall we have any relations with anti-social influences.

Corruption and Bribery Prevention Initiatives for CSR-Based Procurement

The MCHC Group, in conformity with the MCHC Group Compli- MOS Index S-3-1: Achieve 80% of purchased items sur-
ance Code of Conduct, promotes the prevention of corruption veyed for toxic substances
and bribery and regularly conducts internal training and aware- MOS Index S-3-2: Achieve 90% purchasing of raw materials
ness-raising activities. and packaging according to CSR guidelines
The MCHC Group also holds local training regarding corruption Basic Approach
and bribery in overseas locations centered on Asia, making every The MCHC Group is fulfilling its social responsibility by solving
effort to prevent these practices. the issues of its procurement and purchasing one by one from
the viewpoint of its whole supply chain. In accordance with the
Antimonopoly Measures basic policy regarding the MCHC Group Charter of Corporate
The Antimonopoly Act is made up of three main principles, which Behavior given below, based on the understanding that all busi-
are the prohibition of private monopolization, the prohibition of ness partners are valued equal partners, with which relationships
unreasonable restraints on trade such as cartels and bid-rigging, of mutual trust should be maintained, the MCHC Group pursues
and the prohibition of unfair trade practices. The Act aims to pro- the realization of a sustainable society.
mote the development of market economies through free and fair
competition and is a fundamental rule to comply with in conduct- The MCHC Group Charter of Corporate Behavior
ing business activities. Shared Standards (extract)
The MCHC Group understands the deep importance of compli- We shall expect our suppliers and other business partners
ance with the Antimonopoly Act and is working to ensure this to share all the standards set out in this charter, including
compliance. As specific actions for ensuring fair competition, but not limited to standards relating to human rights, em-
compliance with the Act is promoted in the MCHC Group Compli- ployment, and labor.
ance Code of Conduct and the following initiatives are imple-
mented at the core operating companies. In the MCHC Group, based on the policies at each company
1. Implementation and compliance with relevant standards such regarding purchasing and procurement according to the CSR
as fair trading standards, Antimonopoly Act compliance manu- guidelines, each company is making improvements related to
als, and rules for attending the meetings of industrial groups. such issues as human rights, labor practices, and the environ-
2. Management and overseeing of Antimonopoly Act compli- ment. To boost progress in these initiatives, MCHC has devel-
ance by bodies including the Antimonopoly Act Compliance oped indicators designed to encourage green procurement and
Subcommittee, a special subcommittee of the Compliance CSR-based procurement in the MOS Indexes, which have been
Promotion Committee. operational since fiscal 2010.
3. Conducting of various training sessions regarding the Anti- Each of the operating companies has established a green pro-
monopoly Act, such as workshops and lectures by lawyers curement survey system through its individual efforts and makes
and others. surveys of purchased items to check for toxic substances. MCHC
has set a target of 80% of purchased items surveyed by fiscal
Measures against Anti-Social Forces 2015 on the MOS Index for green procurement. This is for the
The MCHC Group promotes avoidance of relationships with anti- MCHC Group’s aims to use only purchased items that meet qual-
social forces in the MCHC Group Compliance Code of Conduct, ity standards and to take every possible measure to ensure
and avoids any relationship of this kind throughout the organiza- product safety.
tion. In each of the operating companies, there are regular training MCHC has also set a target of 90% for purchasing in accor-
and awareness-raising activities for employees, and through dance to the CSR guidelines by fiscal 2015 on the MOS Index for
close partnerships with relevant administrative organizations CSR-based procurement.
each company gathers information regarding anti-social forces Since fiscal 2008, the suppliers for each of the operating com-
and performs checks on its business partners. panies have completed CSR questionnaires and the MCHC Group
continues to use its influence to make progress toward CSR-
Activities at Operating Companies MTPC based procurement. The MCHC Group will progressively provide
feedback on the results of these questionnaires to suppliers and
make visits with them regarding standards, thereby building even
stronger relationships of trust through dialogues.

Activities at Operating Companies MRC

Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation 121

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