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in Affiliation with ISBM USA

To translate state-of-the-art research in B2B Marketing, Sales and Purchasing into

practice in growth markets through programmes and exclusive networking events.
In collaboration with ISB’s Centre for Executive Education.
Indian School of Business Introduces
Centre for Business Markets (ISB-CBM)
The Indian School of Business is a top-ranked global business advancing research in the creation of new knowledge, tools and
school offering world-class management education across its approaches in B2B Marketing. ISBM is a virtual network of over
two campuses - Hyderabad and Mohali. Now, in collaboration 200 researchers in academic organisations around the world,
with the U.S.-based Institute for the Study of Business Markets, connected with over 40 multi-national member firms with global
ISB introduces the Centre for Business Markets (ISB-CBM). operations, such as GlaxoSmithKline, ExxonMobil, Dow Chemical
The Centre seeks to provide elite business markets-focussed Co., and Westinghouse Electric.
Indian corporations with access to state-of-the-art research in
The ISB-Centre for Business Markets seeks to provide elite
business-to-business (B2B) Marketing, Sales and Purchasing.
Asia-based companies an exclusive and robust events platform
The Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) was where acclaimed B2B Marketing academics and executive-level
established in 1983 at The Smeal College of Business at practitioners will interact for the dissemination of knowledge,
Pennsylvania State University in USA with the mission of research and thought leadership. The Centre also offers

professional development programmes to high-ranking The ISB-CBM has evolved from the need for dialogues, insights
executives. These exclusive programmes and events will be and course offerings that can provide practitioners with skills
restricted to firms with membership to the Centre. to understand, create, deliver and capture value in B2B Asian
markets. This is the first of its kind initiative in Asia. The Centre
The objective of the Centre is to bring the best practices of
is committed to help B2B oriented organisations based in India
B2B Marketing as proven in developed markets to address the
and Asia find innovative next-generation pathways to grow their
challenges being faced by firms in emerging markets. This will
businesses profitably, especially in the era of rapid change that
be done through a blend of theory with practice. The Centre will
is a reality in today’s world.
provide a platform to enhance the performance, competence
and capabilities of B2B Marketing, Sales and Purchasing

Value Proposition for Member Organisations
The ISB-CBM understands that professional development These programmes are designed to help member organisations
may not be effective with a 'one size fits all' approach, which is internalise the skills they need to make smart decisions,
why the ISB-CBM Curricula will be customised to the specific understand how to execute them and monitor the impact of
needs of the member organisations and participants in Asia. those decisions in the onward journey of their organisations.
The Centre will conduct an assessment to identify gaps in the
expertise of member organisations and use these inputs to Reputed Faculty from Prestigious
develop specific programmes to fill those gaps, to arm them Institutions
with new 'tools of the trade' to keep member organisations at The ISB-CBM’s faculty comprises the most authoritative
the cutting-edge of knowledge and insights in B2B Marketing, sources and consultants worldwide in B2B Marketing from
Sales and Purchasing. academia and industry, as well as those at the intersection of
both. They bring real-world experience and practical business
The offerings can be either case-based or project-based.
expertise to every engagement. Some of our international
In case-based courses, select B2B case studies will be
scholars are also Fellows at ISBM USA.
used to understand the best practices around the world; in
project-based courses, the Centre will work with a member
ISBM Fellows
organisation’s specific challenges and issues and convert
As thought leaders in specific business marketing topics,
them into projects, to facilitate 'learning by doing'.
all ISBM Distinguished Research Fellows—scholars at
leading universities—have strong track records consulting to
Customisable Programmes
businesses around the globe, in addition to their extensive
The ISB-CBM offers a range of customisable programmes
teaching and publishing activities. They know and respect real-
designed for B2B executives and their teams who are
world business management and leading-edge solutions, and
committed to finding next-generation ways to grow their
are dedicated to applying their knowledge to actual marketing
businesses and realise their full potential. These programmes
problems and opportunities.
will be tailored to C-Level executives and Operating-level
executives from small, medium or large enterprises.
Insights Research
The Centre's programmes will help connect member
Comprehensive Professional Education
organisations with its vast network of elite academics
Working closely with ISBM USA, the ISB-CBM has put together
and fellow practitioners, who can help solve member
the most comprehensive suite of B2B Marketing, Sales and
organisations’ Marketing, Sales and Purchasing challenges by
Purchasing courses in the world. The ISB-CBM Curricula will
integrating insights from developed and emerging economies
equip C-suite executives and senior leaders in B2B Marketing,
via cutting-edge research in the field of B2B Marketing, Sales
Sales and Purchasing, with the latest thinking on how to
and Purchasing. The context of these programmes will be
forge ahead and win in the increasingly dynamic and complex
fine-tuned to the industry and geography that the member
ecosystem of the field.
organisations operate in.

In Summary
The elements of the value proposition for the Centre members
Coaching and Marketing Lifeline are as follows:
Through customised coaching, the Centre will facilitate
l The ISB-CBM will offer both open and customised
individualised coaching on a range of B2B topics, through comprehensive professional development programmes
up to two-hour technology-enabled interactions with Key for Marketing, Sales and Purchasing executives at varying
Academic Scholars - seasoned academics with extensive senior leadership levels from small, medium and large
consulting experience - for advice, direction and feedback corporations
on ideas. l The programmes will be conducted by globally reputed
academics engaged in cutting-edge research in the B2B
B2B Marketing Resources Marketing world
The ISB-CBM will provide member organisations access to l Members gain access to a robust network of acclaimed
high-impact customer analytics projects and will enable B2B academics and practitioners (member firms), similar
member organisations to work with the Centre’s researchers to ISBM USA, but targeted at firms with sole or significant
to build customer analytics capability. This goes beyond presence in Asia
'best practice' and arms member organisations with studies, l The Centre will provide a platform whose objective is to
research, articles and information for the 'next practice'. extend the application of B2B Marketing best practice
research (with guidance from ISBM USA) into the industries
Networking Events and geographies specific to Asia. The Centre’s initial target
The Centre will host exclusive non-commercial events in geography is firms in India and Southeast Asia

which member organisations can share ideas, gain insights, l It will offer members remote advice and coaching from
forge new connections and make new friends for professional faculty with worldwide renown as consultants in B2B
growth. Such networking events in an academic setting, Marketing

designed carefully in line with ISBM USA’s events, will help l It will offer members its customer analytics capability
build new alliances. Member organisations will get a platform l It will leverage ISBM USA's several decades of expertise
to showcase the best of their organisation’s practices to with respect to designing and conducting events, curricula,
the faculty, as well as to other practitioners, thus facilitating membership drives, etc.
an exchange of ideas that could transform the member l It will host summits and events to promote and advance its
organisations into truly learning organisations. The Centre's objectives. The members will have access to ISBM USA’s
members will have access to ISBM USA’s events and events and professional development programmes for a
professional development programmes for a nominal fee. nominal fee. Likewise, ISBM USA members will have access
to the ISB-CBM's events and professional development for a
nominal fee

The ISB-CBM Curricula: Learning Modules on Offer
The following is a representative set of learning modules that the Voice of Customer
ISB-CBM will provide to member organisations. This will help them In this module, participants will learn how to gather, analyse
to apply these learnings into their own organisational realities. and effectively use Voice of Customer in their new product and
service development initiatives.
Market Opportunity Analysis Competitor Analysis
Value Migration This module enables participants to determine their real
Customers move where they perceive they get better customer competitors, to identify and assess the competitors’ current and
value. This module addresses the concept of value migration, future marketplace strategies, as well as to understand changes
which allows mature businesses to reinvent their business in their value chains, assets, capabilities and infrastructure.
models and offer value to their targeted customers. Such understanding is vital to the firm to develop its own
marketing strategies proactively. The module addresses how to
Marketing Insights
transform competitor analysis into insights about customers,
Decision-makers today are deluged with data. This module
channels, suppliers and marketplace dynamics for making
helps participants to filter data so they can better select what
effective and profitable marketplace decisions.
is important for building competitive market knowledge. It also
helps participants to use this knowledge to better develop and Customer Value Proposition
execute marketplace strategy. Simply building a better product does not guarantee
marketplace success. One must deeply understand the value
Design Thinking
the firm’s customers will gain from the firm’s offerings. This
Design thinking is a powerful process of problem-solving
module will help participants understand what the firm’s
that begins with understanding unmet customer needs.
markets need from it and use these insights to better inform
This module provides insights into the process of innovation
marketing decision-making.
that encompasses concept development, applied creativity,
prototyping and experimentation. Marketing Analytics
Marketing analytics gathers data from across all marketing
Innovation, Customer Value Creation and Delivery
channels and consolidates it into a common marketing
Most businesses focus on the wrong areas - on flat markets,
view. This module will help determine how the firm’s various
mature technologies and commoditised product categories.
marketing initiatives are performing and will help identify
This module helps participants to break out of the box and
opportunities for improvement.
move towards more promising strategic arenas.

Product Management and Value Managing Affinity Partners
Delivery Systems Business Channel Management and Service Delivery
B2B Branding This Channel Strategy module focuses on educating and
In this module, participants will examine B2B brands in the enabling participants to break from old distribution paradigms
context of hard-nosed business realities and will study and embrace powerful, multi-channel routes-to-market, which

branding as an integral component of a successful B2B drive differentiation and accelerated revenue increases. It will

business strategy. also help make direct, indirect and online channels a vibrant
and essential part of business strategy.
Pricing Strategies and Value Extraction
Deep Understanding of Value Chains
Often in business practice, businesses usually know their
This module will help participants learn how to better
cost(s) very well, but do not have even a crude understanding
understand, create, deliver and profitably harvest value; build
of the value they bring to their customers. Markets are usually
more precision in selecting markets; and develop effective
targeted based on how valuable they are to the firm, rather than
market communication strategies. Participants will learn the
on how valuable the firm is to the markets. This module will help
essential keys for segmentation, targeting and positioning.
participants learn how to optimally price the market offering in a
They will develop competencies to help drive business-to-
manner that extracts value, based on the value provided to the
business marketing processes for growth.
Sales Enablement
New Product Introduction
Deliverables from Marketing support the organisation’s sales
The objective of this module is to have participants accelerate
goals. This module focuses on aiding participants in creating
the New Product Development process to dramatically increase alignment between marketing and sales. It will help improve
profits and success rates and shorten time-to-market based and optimise processes like demand generation, opportunity
on what the top performing firms are doing. It will enable assessment, pipeline management, as well as managing and
participants to optimise the firm’s idea-to-launch system and closing major deals.
allow for flexibility and scalability, to suit different sizes, types
and risk-levels of projects. Negotiation Skills
This module introduces the theory and practice of negotiation
Product Lifecycle Management in the B2B context by emphasising both analytical and
This module will help participants to understand in-depth the interpersonal skills. Through case discussions, participants will
concept of product lifecycle management (PLM), the objective develop a set of conceptual frameworks and will understand
of which is to reduce time-to-market, improve product quality, how to diagnose barriers to agreement and how to develop
reduce prototyping costs and reduce environmental impact at creative strategies to address them in B2B sales and
end-of-life of the product. purchasing situations.

Strategic Procurement Services Operations Management
This module provides an in-depth overview of the frameworks, This module explores key issues in service strategy, service design
principles and tools needed to embed category-based and service delivery and identifies successful ways to manage them
procurement in the organisation. By using various mathematical as demonstrated by world-class companies. The main objective
models, participants will learn to design and analyse the is for participants to explore the approaches used by companies
procurement strategies that can best fit the requirements of their
to facilitate the development of organisational competencies that
respective firms.
make their names synonymous with service excellence.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
The design of a logistics system is critically linked to the
Strategies for a Digital World
objectives of the supply chain. This module will help participants
Digital Transformation
understand how logistics decisions impact the performance of
After attending this module, participants will be able to use
the firm, as well as the entire supply chain. The programme will
frameworks to identify and analyse emerging trends and issues in
underscore the importance of understanding the link between
Digital B2B Marketing. By evaluating digital marketing efforts in the
the structures of supply chain and logistics capabilities of a
firm’s supply chain. context of the existing marketing function, participants will be able
to take the concept of integrated marketing to newer heights.
Relationship-Building and Networking in Business Markets
B2B Marketing is about managing the complex network of Digital Presence
buying and selling relationships between organisations. This Customers have started doing more and more homework online
module will equip participants with an in-depth understanding of before approaching/notifying the seller: On an average, the B2B
the complexities in these relationships and how to handle them. sales process is 57 percent complete before the seller knows
of a potential customer’s interest. This module will enable
Supply Chain Analytics
participants to win in the digital world, which is essential to
In the context of intense global competition, customers are
demanding more and more value at the lowest cost. For the firm maintain margins, market share and revenue growth.

to be successful, it must develop supply-chain strategies and

Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategies
logistics capabilities that will serve the needs of its customers,
while maximising overall profitability. The objective of this This module enables participants to learn and adopt the latest

module is to help understand the importance of Supply Chain digital marketing practices in the context of B2B Markets. It will
Analytics and Optimisation. delve into key online marketing concepts, cross-channel impacts
of advertising, causal measurement of advertising effects on

Managing and Delivering Business Value/ market performance, as well as conducting field experiments.

Value Communication
Digitisation of Sales
Sales Interfaces and Key Account Management
Digitised selling capability is focused on the technology-enabled
This module will empower participants with better definition
provision of information and enablement of transactions with
of key account management and customer relationship
customers, thus replacing many legacy sales force activities
programmes and will show how to better align sales efforts
with a view to enhance speed and efficiencies. In this module,
with specific customer needs and requirements for which the
customer is willing to pay. participants will examine the impact of digitisation on the sales’
Marketing ROI and Strategic Performance Metrics
The objective of this module is to enable participants to gain Artificial Intelligence
a deep understanding of marketing strategy; to appreciate the This module aims to provide an introduction for participants
inputs and insights required to create a marketing strategy; to to the fundamental methods of knowledge representation,
execute the steps involved in developing a robust marketing learning and reasoning that are used in Artificial Intelligence, and
strategy; and to test and evaluate the likely success (or failure) of understanding its possible implications for Business Markets.
a proposed strategy.
Virtual Reality
Marketing Strategies This module will list for participants the essential principles of
The objective of this module is to help participants understand
Virtual Reality and the implications of this technology to B2B
how organisations can concentrate their limited resources
Marketing, Sales and Purchasing.
on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a
sustainable competitive advantage.

Customised offerings relevant to business type
and management level
Member companies have been classified into four different cohorts and the offerings of ISB-CBM will be customised to these cohorts
since the issues faced are unique for each. These segmented offerings are listed below:

For C-Level Executives and General For Operating-Level Executives of Large

Managers of Large Organisations Organisations
l Value Migration l B2B Branding
l Strategic Imperatives for Design Thinking l Relationship-building and Networking in Business Markets
l Innovation, Customer Value Creation and Delivery l Sales Interface and Key Account Management
l Marketing ROI and Strategic Performance Management of l Business Channel Management and Service Delivery
Marketing and Sales
l Pricing Strategies and Value Extraction
l Marketing Insights
l Marketing Analytics
l Strategic Procurement
l Sales Enablement
l Competitor Analysis
l Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategies
l Strategic Negotiation Skills
l Negotiation Skills in Business Markets
l Voice of Customer
l Logistics and Supply Chain Management
l Strategic Branding in Business Markets
l Services Operation Management
l Relationship-building and Networking in Business Markets
l Supply Chain Analytics and Optimisation
l Strategic Channel Management
l Digitisation of Sales
l Implementation of Digital and Social Media Marketing
l Design Thinking
l Strategic Supply Chain Management in Business Markets
l Deep Understanding of Value Chains
l Digital Transformation
l New Product Introduction
l Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Business Market
l Product Lifecycle Management
l Customer Value Proposition
l Implications of Virtual Reality on Business Marketing
l Marketing Strategies

For C-Level Executives and General For Operating-Level Executives of SMEs
Managers of SMEs l Product Lifecycle Management
l Value Migration l Relationship-Building and Networking in Business Markets
l Strategic Procurement l Digital Presence
l Marketing Strategies l Sales Enablement

l Competitors Analysis l Negotiation Skills in Business Markets

l Customer Value Propositions in Business Markets l Digitisation of Sales

l Marketing ROI and Strategic Performance Management l Supply Chain Analytics and Optimisation
of Marketing and Sales l Service Operation Management
l Voice of Customer l Logistics and Supply Chain Management
l Strategic Branding in Business Markets l Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategies
l Strategic Channel Management l Sales Enablement
l Deep Understanding of Value Chains l Business Channel Management and Service Delivery
l Pricing Strategies and Value Extraction l Sales Interface and Key Account Management
l Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Business Market
l Large Organisations: Annual revenue above
l Implications of Virtual Reality on Business Marketing INR 2000 Cr/ $ 300 Mn
l SMEs: Annual revenue less than INR 2000 Cr/ $ 300 Mn

The offerings of the ISB-CBM are open only to members. For corporate houses, the membership fee paid will cover all the companies
within the ambit of that corporate house.

Tier 1 Membership 3. Eligible to sponsor various events

1. Eligible to nominate participants at a fee for various training 4. Eligible to sponsor various student programmes
5. Eligible to sponsor dedicated research to address company-
2. Access to practice-oriented White Papers
specific challenges in the realm of B2B Marketing, Sales and
3. Subscription to ISBInsight Purchasing
6. Eligible to sponsor sector-specific events, i.e., for the
Tier 2 Membership industry in which the company operates

In addition to all the privileges of Tier 1 Membership 7. Eligible to be part of joint partnerships, i.e., work with other
companies to address common challenges
1. Invitation to register for global academic conferences
8. One on-site day-long interaction per year with an appropriate
conducted by the Centre
Key Academic Scholar on a pre-selected topic at their
2. Participate in custom studies and priority projects to premise for a wider audience. International ISB-CBM
understand challenges of companies in growth markets Academic Scholars may also be invited by the Centre for
3. Eligible to compete for the ISB-CBM Awards these interactions; however, this will cost an additional fee
9. One case study per year, covering specific key challenges
Note: There will be a 10% discount on the published rate of the
programme fee. being addressed by the company

Note: There will be 20% discount on published rate of the

Tier 3 Membership programme fee.

In addition to all the privileges of Tiers 1 and 2 Memberships

As you can see, our Tier 4 membership provides the best
1. Access to the Centre's Key Academic Scholars, International membership value for a company.
ISB-CBM Academic Scholars and ISB students (as well as
students of other top management institutes in the country
that are part of the Centre's consortium) for conducting
Annual Membership Fee
specific experiential learning projects for the company Category of Membership
2. Participation in General Meetings Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
3. Access to industry-specific data for an appropriate fee
INR 75,000 INR 1,50,000 INR 2,50,000 INR 3,50,000
4. Invitation to attend talks by guest speakers
The Annual Membership fee is non-refundable.
5. Eligible to nominate for practicum, where designated
personnel from the company may be nominated to work
Programme Fee
with the Centre's Key Academic Scholars and International
ISB-CBM Academic Scholars to acquire on-the-job skill The published rate of the programme fee will be available on the

development, akin to apprenticeship programme brochure and the centre's website.

6. Internship by ISB students at the company, as appropriate Please Note

l Statutory taxes will be payable as per the rates applicable at
Note: There will be a 15% discount on the published rate of the
programme fee. the time of payment

l ISB-CBM reserves the right to revise the fee structure

Tier 4 Membership periodically

In addition to all the privileges of Tiers 1, 2 and 3 The fee received by ISB will be realised in Indian Rupees.
Memberships Companies that would like to remit the fee in foreign currency
1. Eligible to sponsor the Centre's Key Academic Scholars and may do so by remitting the foreign currency equivalent to the
International ISB-CBM Academic Scholars for research, as fee in Indian R upees, based on the prevailing exchange rate at
well as for chaired professorships the time of payment.
2. Syndicated research by a group of companies

Instruction for Remittance of Fee and Bank Details
1. Net Banking payment options are available
2. Payments can be made by cheque in favour of the “Indian School of Business”
3. Payments can be made by way of Demand Draft made in favour of “Indian School of Business,” payable at the Hyderabad Campus

Wire Transfer Details

International Domestic

Currency USD Beneficiary Name Indian School of Business

Receiver’s Citi Bank Account No 710124779

Correspondent Bank New York, USD SWIFT: CITIUS33
Bank Name Indian Bank
Beneficiary Bank Indian Bank, Chennai
A/c No. 3604-5868 Account Type Overdraft Account

Swift Code IDIBINBBMAS City Hyderabad

Ultimate Beneficiary Indian School of Business Branch Hyderabad Main Branch

ISB Campus, Gachibowli, Hyderabad
500 032 RTGS/ NEFT/ IFSC Code IDIB000H013

Account Number of EEFC 822804134

Ultimate Beneficiary

Type of Account EEFC-GEN-USD

Title of Account Indian School of Business

Bank Address Indian Bank

Hyderabad Main, 5-1-679, Surabhi
Arcade, Bank Street
Hyderabad 500 001, Telangana.

Refund Policy for Programme Fee

Cancellation done more Cancellation done Cancellation done less Medical and other
than 4 weeks prior to between 2 to 4 than 2 weeks prior to exigency
date of commencement weeks prior to date of date of commencement
Cancellation of of programme commencement of of programme
nomination, initiated by programme
the company 100% refund of the 50% forfeiture and 100% forfeiture of the 100% carry forward of
programme fee 50% refund of the programme fee the programme fee to
programme fee future programmes until
the next academic year

In case of cancellation of nominations by the client

l l Computation of refund for cancellation will be reckoned on
organisation for any programmes because of a medical the actual fee paid
exigency situation, the client organisation must provide
l Carry forward of the programme fee (if any) will be allowed
a suitable medical certificate to receive the 100% carry
only up to next academic year. Thereafter, the amount will
forward benefit
be forfeited
In case of cancellation of nominations by the client
l For any cancellation/ carry forward, the request should be
organisation for any programmes because of a personal
made in writing by the authorised representative of the client
emergency, the client organisation must submit a written
note specifying the reason for the cancellation

Tentative Evolving Annual Calendar for
April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020
Event Participants' Profile Day & Date Lead Faculty Venue
Launch with a Round Table C-level executives, general Saturday, April 27, Faculty and ISB, Hyderabad
Discussion managers and operating-level 2019 Industry Experts Campus
Contemporary Challenges in executives of large corporations
Business Markets for Companies as well as Small and Medium
Operating in Growth Economies Enterprises (SMEs)
Programme 1 C-level executives and general Monday, April 29 to Prof. Liam Fahey, ISB, Hyderabad
Marketing Insights managers of large corporations Wednesday, May 01, ISBM Fellow Campus
Programme 2 Operating-level executives of large Thursday, July 04 Prof. Michael ISB, Hyderabad
Strategic Negotiations of corporations as well as Small and to Saturday, July 06, Benoliel Campus
Business Markets Medium Enterprises (SMEs) 2019
Programme 3 Operating-level executives of large Friday, July 26, to Prof. V. Kumar, ISB, Hyderabad
B2B Sales Management and corporations as well as Small and Saturday, July 27, ISBM Fellow Campus
Client Engagement Medium Enterprises (SMEs) 2019
Programme 4 Operating-level executives and Thursday, August Prof. Manish ISB, Hyderabad
Pricing Strategies and Value general managers of large 30 to Saturday, Gangwar Campus
Extraction corporations as well as Small and September 1, 2019
Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Programme 5 Operating-level executives of large Tuesday, September Prof. Kirthi ISB, Mohali
Growth Through Digital corporations as well as Small and 03 to Thursday, Kalyanam Campus
Marketing and Digitisation of Medium Enterprises (SMEs) September 05, 2019
Programme 6 C-level executives and general Thursday, October Prof. Rajendra ISB, Hyderabad
Value Migration and Customer managers of large corporations 03 to Saturday, Srivastava, Campus
Solutions October 05, 2019 ISBM Fellow
Programme 7 C-level executives and general To be decided Prof. Murali K. ISB, Hyderabad
Developing High Performance managers of large corporations Mantrala Campus
Sales Force
Programme 8 C-level executives and general Thursday, November Prof. Siddharth S. ISB, Hyderabad
Innovation, Customer Value managers of large corporations 28 to Saturday, Singh Campus
Creation and Delivery as well Small and Medium November 30, 2019
Enterprises (SMEs)
Programme 9 C-level executives and general To be decided Prof. Michelle ISB, Hyderabad
Value-Based Marketing Including managers of large corporations Steward Campus
Value Selling
Programme 10 C-level executives and general To be decided Prof. James A. ISB, Hyderabad
Return on Marketing Investments managers of large corporations Narus Campus
and International Marketing ISBM Fellow
Programme 11 C-level executives and general To be decided Prof. Sundar ISB, Hyderabad
Competing in Digital managers of large corporations Bharadwaj Campus
Environment as well Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs)
Programme 12 C-level executives and general Thursday, February Prof. Michael ISB, Hyderabad
Business Channel Management managers of large corporations 06 to Saturday, Ahearne, Campus
and Service Delivery February 08, 2020 ISBM Fellow
Programme 13 C-level executives and general To be decided Prof. Sundar ISB, Hyderabad
Building Social Attributes into managers of large corporations Bharadwaj Campus
Your Brands

Programme 14 C-level executives and general To be decided Prof. D.V.R. ISB, Hyderabad
Customer Management through managers of large corporations Seshadri Campus
Solutions for Profitability as well Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs)

Profiles of ISB-CBM Key Academic Scholars
The following represents an illustrative list of Key Academic Scholars who are full-time faculty at Indian School of Business,
some of whom are Fellows at ISBM USA.

Arunachalam, S. Devalkar, Sripad Gangwar, Manish

Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor,
Marketing Operations Management Marketing

Mani, Deepa Nandkumar, Anand Nidumolu, Ram

Associate Professor and Research Fellow Associate Professor, Strategy Clinical Professor,
Executive Director, Srini Raju Centre for IT Academic Director, Centre for Innovation Organisational Behaviour
and The Networked Economy and Entrepreneurship

Pedada, Kiran Seshadri, D.V.R. Sohoni, Milind

Assistant Professor, Clinical Full Professor of Business in the Professor, Operations Management;
Marketing Marketing Area; Director, ISB-CBM Deputy Dean - Faculty Development and
Registrar’s Office

Srivastava, Rajendra Singh, Siddharth S. Timoumi, Ahmed

Dean and Novartis Professor of Marketing Associate Professor, Marketing; Assistant Professor,
Strategy and Innovation; Executive Director, Senior Associate Dean - Admissions and Marketing
Centre for Business Markets; ISBM Fellow Financial Aid

Uppal, Abhinav Voleti, Sudhir Zerrillo, Philip

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Marketing Strategy;
Marketing Marketing Deputy Dean, Corporate and
International Relations

Profiles of International ISB-CBM Academic Scholars
The following represents an illustrative list of our international scholars, some of whom are Fellows at ISBM USA.

Ahearne, Michael Benoliel, Michael Bagri, Prakash

C.T. Bauer Chair and Professor of Marketing, Director, The Center for Negotiation, USA; Founder & Principal,
University of Houston, USA; Research Director, Visiting Faculty, Indian School of Business, India PRB Partners, India
Sales Excellence Institute; ISBM Fellow

Bommaraju, Raghuram Bharadwaj, Sundar Chaturvedi, Aadhaar

Assistant Professor, Marketing, The Coca-Cola Company Chair of Marketing, Assistant Professor,
Iowa State University, USA Terry College of Business, University of University of Namur, Belgium
Georgia, USA

Day, George S. Fahey, Liam Grewal, Rajdeep

Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor Emeritus, Executive Director, The Townsend Family Distinguished
The Wharton School, University of Leadership Forum Inc., USA; Professor of Marketing and Area Chair of
Pennsylvania, USA; ISBM Fellow ISBM Fellow Marketing, Kenan-Flagler Business School,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA;
ISBM Fellow

John, George Johnston, Wesley J. Kayande, Ujwal

General Mills/ Paul S. Gerot Chair in Executive Director, Center for Business and Associate Dean (Academic) & Professor
Marketing, Carlson School of Management, Industrial Marketing; CBIM Roundtable in Marketing, Melbourne Business School,
University of Minnesota, USA Professor of Marketing, J. Mack Robinson Australia; Director, Centre for Business
College of Business, Georgia State University, Analytics; ISBM Fellow
USA; ISBM Fellow

Kalyanam, Kirthi Kumar, V. Kumar, Piyush
L. J. Skaggs Distinguished Professor, Regents Professor, Richard and Susan Lenny Associate Professor, Marketing, Terry
Leavey School of Business, Santa Distinguished Chair & Professor in Marketing; College of Business, University of
Clara University, USA; Director, Retail Executive Director, Center for Excellence in Brand Georgia, USA
Management Institute and Customer Management; Director, Ph.D. Program
in Marketing, J. Mack Robinson College of Business,
Georgia State University, USA; ISBM Fellow

Kohli, Ajay K. Leone, Robert P. Mantrala, Murali K.

Regents Professor & Gary T. and Elizabeth J. Vaughn and Evelyne H. Wilson Chair & Sam M. Walton Distinguished Professor of
R. Jones Chair in Management, Scheller Professor of Marketing, Neeley School of Marketing, Robert J. Trulaske, Sr. College of
College of Business, Georgia Institute of Business, Texas Christian University, USA Business, University of Missouri at Columbia,
Technology, USA; ISBM Fellow USA; Research Fellow and Visiting Faculty,
Indian School of Business, India

Maital, Shlomo Narus, James A. Palmatier, Robert W.

Senior Research Fellow, S. Neaman Professor, Business Marketing, Wake Forest Professor of Marketing & John C. Narver Chair
Institute for Advanced Studies in Science & University, USA; ISBM Fellow of Business Administration, Foster School of
Technology, Haifa, Israel Business, University of Washington, USA

Reddy, Srinivas K. Ray, Sourav Ramaswami, Sridhar

Professor, Marketing, Singapore Management Professor, Marketing, DeGroote School of Professor, Marketing,
University, Singapore; Director, Centre for Business, McMaster University, Canada; Iowa State University, USA
Marketing Excellence, Lee Kong Chian School of Research Director of Marketing Analytics,
Business, Singapore Management University MiSCAN (Marketing and Supply Chain
Analytics) Laboratory

Sheth, Jagdish Steward, Michelle Sharma, Piyush
Charles H. Kellstadt Chair & Professor in Associate Professor, Marketing, Professor, Curtin University,
Marketing, Goizueta Business School, Wake Forest University, USA Perth, Australia
Emory University, USA; ISBM Fellow

Tellis, Gerard J. Tuli, Kapil R. Venkatesan, Rajkumar

Director, Center for Global Innovation; Professor of Marketing & Director, Retail Ronald Trzcinski Professor of Business
Jerry and Nancy Neely Chair in American Centre of Excellence, Lee Kong Chian Administration, Darden School of Business,
Enterprise & Professor of Marketing, School of Business, Singapore Management University of Virginia, USA
Management and Organisation, Marshall University, Singapore
School of Business, University of Southern
California, USA; ISBM Fellow

Viswanathan, Madhu Wirtz, Jochen Worm, Stefan

Assistant Professor, Marketing, University Vice Dean (Graduate Studies) & Associate Professor, Marketing,
of Arizona, USA Wirtz, Jochen; Vice Dean Professor of Marketing, NUS Business BI Norwegian Business School, Norway
(Graduate Studies) & Professor of Marketing, School, National University of
NUS Business School, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Singapore, Singapore

Education Partners
The following ISB Research Centres and Institutes (RCIs) are
the education partners:

Bharti Institute of Public Policy


Munjal Institute for Global Manufacturing


Punj Lloyd Institute of Infrastructure Management


Max Institute of Healthcare Management


About Indian School of Business

The Indian School of Business (ISB) is a top-ranking global
business school offering world-class management education
across its two campuses - Hyderabad and Mohali. The school
has grown at a rapid pace over the 17 years since its inception
and already has several notable accomplishments to its credit:
It is the youngest school ever to be consistently ranked among
top Global MBA programmes; one among the select 100 Global
B-schools to have AACSB and EQUIS accreditation; one of the
largest providers of executive education in Asia; and the most
research-productive Indian management institution. ISB has
been ranked 24th among the top 100 business schools in the
Financial Times MBA 2019 global rankings. The strong support
of associate schools - The Kellogg School of Management,
The Wharton School, The London Business School, MIT Sloan
School of Management, The Fletcher School and other global
business schools - has been a key factor that has helped
ISB to emerge as a school offering the best of management
education backed by cutting-edge research. The ISB brand is
now represented by a network of 9,800+ accomplished PGP,
PGPMAX, PGPpro and PGP MFAB alumni and more than 45,000
alumni from the Executive Education programmes, working in
leading companies, government institutions and non-profits
spread across 40+ countries, and over 400 alumni running their
own ventures.

Professor Rajendra Srivastava Minal Agarwal
Dean and Novartis Professor of Marketing Strategy Manager, ISB-CBM
and Innovation, ISB AC-2, Courtyard, Indian School of Business
Executive Director, ISB-CBM Gachibowli, Hyderabad - 500111.
E: M: +91 99590 62841

Professor D.V.R. Seshadri Swati Sisodia

Director, ISB-CBM Manager, ISB-CBM
2115, AC-2, Indian School of Business AC-4, Level 1, Indian School of Business
Gachibowli, Hyderabad - 500111. Gachibowli, Hyderabad - 500111.
M: +91 94483 62173 M: +91 99350 34446
E: E:

Indian School of Business

Registered Office: Gachibowli, Hyderabad - 500 111, Telangana, India. Ph: +91 40 2300 7000,
Mohali Campus: Knowledge City, Sector 81, SAS Nagar, Mohali - 140 306. Punjab, India. Ph: +91 172 459 0000
Corporate Identity Number: U80100TG1997NPL036631 /isbedu /isbedu /company/indian-school-of-business

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