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Michel de Certeau
dérive (driB)
In a dérive one or more persons during a
certain period drop their usual mo7ves for
movement and ac7on, their rela7ons, their
work and leisure ac7vi7es, and let themselves
be drawn by the a>rac7ons of the terrain and
the encounters they find there... But the dérive
includes both this leBng go and its necessary
Guy Debord
contradic7on: the domina7on of
(1931-1994) psychogeographical varia7ons by the
knowledge and calcula7on of their
~ “Theory of the Dérive” (1956)
Urban life increasingly permits the
re-emergence of the element that
the urbanis7c project excluded.

“Walking in the City,” p. 95

rules of syntax,
langue parole
(language) (speech)

rules of syntax, speech acts,
vocabulary, what people do
grammar with language
synecdoche asyndeton
synecdoche asyndeton
Haunted places are the only
ones people can live in...
Haunted places are the only
ones people can live in—and
this inverts the schema of the

~ “Walking in the City,” p. 108
The long poem of walking
manipulates spa7al organiza7ons,
no ma>er how panop7c they
may be.

~ “Walking in the City,” p. 101
D u rkh eim Georg Sim Robert Park
Emi l
8 5 8 - 1 917) m
(1858-19 el (1864-1944)
( 1 18)

Louis Wirth

Karl Marx
“The Metropolis (1897-1952)


and Mental Life”

“the blasé”
“if it is true that a spa%al order
organizes an ensemble of
possibili%es (e.g. by a place in
which one can move) and
interdic%ons (e.g. by a wall that
prevents one from going further,)
then the walker actualizes some
of those possibili%es. In that
way, [a walker] makes them exist
as well as emerge. But [that
person] also moves them about
and…invents others…”
~ “Walking in the City,” p. 98
“Le Passe-Muraille,” sculpture by
Jean Marais, Monmartre, Paris

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