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Tech talk - Creating a

social media strategy

Anwesha Sahoo
Ashish Chauhan
Parul Gupta
Sidhant Nath
Sunil Gumbar
Varun Juneja

 84% of the traffic to the portal from search engines.

 Only 4% contribution to the overall traffic through social media.
 Huge number of followers due to quality and high performance however, less referral
traffic. Contrary to its competitors.
 Need to enhance Tech Talk presence in social media
 The analytical strategies to be adopted to study the followers and traffic on the
 Whether to keep social media marketing in-house or outsource it and how to design
the KPIs in implementing the social media strategy.


A detailed analytical study should be done to find out awareness of the website through:
 Frequency of posts published
 Growth of New followers and fans
 Methods adopted to increase reach: Paid and Organic and corresponding effect on
traffic growth
 Level of Engagement of audience based on the interactions, comments, views and
 Traffic Generation through Referrals or quality visits
 Number of comments, likes, sharing with other subscribers will highlight the potential
influencers from the subscriber base.

 Creating a blog where readers could share their thoughts and raise questions that
could be addressed by the authors directly.
 Many publishers are turning to social media as an effective way to increase discovery
of their new articles & publications. For example - some publishers are partnering
with social media services like Pinterest where readers can post about their favourite
authors and titles, and publishers use social media analysis to see what is trending
and act accordingly.
 Personalized services based on the likes and preferences of its readers.
 Campaigning in social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, Snapchat,
Tumblr, etc.

1. Because of the academic, information-rich nature of Tech Talk content, which has less
entertainment value, more user groups may be attracted to it on professional social networks
such as LinkedIn. So, it should be a first choice for drawing attention to it.
2. The key performance indicators that Khare should focus on are not just the number of
subscribers or votes, but their quality.
3. Tech Talk can follow both ethical and non-ethical ways to build the attention of the target

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