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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

2, Issue 01, 2014 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Automation of Education by Integrating it on Social Network Platform

Raj S. Shahpatel1 Sheshang D. Degadwala2 Kishori S. Shekokar3
Namita V. Bhagchandani4 Arpita D. Agrawal5
1, 2,3,4,5
Dept. of Computer Engineering
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
SIE Bakrol, Gujarat, India

Abstract---In order to search education related They can create custom Classrooms, Blogs,
information/resources there is only one traditional method, Forums, Events & Boards also participate in different inter
that is exploring things through search engine and college competitions.
navigating the resultant URL’s even though this method Though online education concepts have become
actually leads to waste of time and energy, still this method more popular and many standards have been developed and
is used widely. Now-a-days people all over the world show used by many institutions and organizations, the real
keen interest in using social network sites; the term “social challenges facing many problems [2]. It is sure that many of
networking” does not exclusively belong to digital standards developed in appropriate theoretical frameworks
technology on the Web. On the contrary, social networks and formal approaches which guarantee that people do not
had been studied from the beginning of 20th century with stop merely at creating technical solutions, but can force on
the aim to comprehend how the members of a certain to document the impact of technology on learning, and can
community interact and which mechanism can determine the pass along with lessons learned. Further, in a developing
interaction itself but today every social networking service country like India, the digital divide is still with us, and
platform helps to build social networks or social relationship appropriate use of technology requires consideration of a
among people who share common interests, activities, wide range of low-tech and high- tech solutions [3]. Many
backgrounds, or real-life connections. There are many social researches in this domain are still trying to make the content
networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc., but they representation standard. They are trying to make the
have limited service scope in terms of educational resources learning style more powerful from the learner’s point of
and information as there is no such existing system like view which is more important area of research where
Educational Social Network so far which can provide a learner’s preferred pace is getting more interest than other
single platform to Colleges/Universities to have its own hub areas
for regular educational updates and intercommunication also We start this paper with an introductory note on the
to have exclusive classrooms with online lectures. relationship between online education and education system.
Key words: Education, College, Intercommunication, It followed by the recent market and its growth in this
Social Network, Classrooms, Connections. developing country. Section IV and section V is all about
I. INTRODUCTION the discussion on prospects and promising research areas of
The rapid growth of social networking that has been online education domain
observed over the last two to three years is indicative of its II. COMPARISON BETWEEN EXISTING AND PROPOSE
entry into mainstream culture and its integration into the SYSTEM
daily lives of many people. In parallel with this, there has More time and space Reduced time and
also been considerable media coverage of the growth of Complexity
complexity. space complexity.
social networking, its potential positive outcomes and
Services other than
concerns about the way that some people are engaging with information are like:
it [1]. In the increasing demand of computing the Services Only information
Classrooms, Blogs,
Educational ERA hunts for the education related / Features availed.
Forums, Boards,
information and resources over the internet. As we know Events & so on.
that this the most common and traditional approach used URL Based and
worldwide, which actually leads to waste of time and energy Popularity At initial stage very
according to SEO
as everything available nor may be complete neither may be rating low.
available at a single place, in order to bridge this gap this
Depending on of
system helps the Educational ERA from any corner of the Very economic and
Cost websites and webpages
world to create an account and share educational affordable.
information and resources with each other also this may
Requires multiple
cater all the needs of educational community regarding Requires multiple
administrators and
education at one platform, so that education will become Management administrators and all
only one active at a
one stop in terms of information & resources as well as it active at same time.
would help each College/University to have its own hub for
regular educational updates and intercommunication. It will Not Possible. Possible.
be totally a new genre wherein Faculties, Students,
Alumni’s can log into it and share their Views, Ideas/ Regular updates at Daily updates at
Innovations, Educational Information, etc. Updates regular intervals with decided intervals
different panels. through single panel.

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Automation of Education by Integrating It on Social Network Platform
(IJSRD/Vol. 2/Issue 01/2014/150)

Every user have same

Privileges decided by
The popularity of Internet along with the extensive
development of standard protocol and services creates a new
Security No Yes dimension in the whole education scenario. It makes the
online education more attractive. Everyday new approaches
III. STATISTICAL RELIABILITY AND DATA COMPARABILITY are coming and bringing new prospects in education and
trying to refine the system towards personalized self-
learning [6].
The whole online learning education industry we
can divide into three major market segments:
 Content organisations: firms that furnish course
structure, multimedia, simulations, testing and
assessment; both off- the-shelf solutions as customized
 Learning services firms: firms that provide needs
assessments, program-building components, content-
design, development and programming, technical and
systems integration, site management and hosting,
maintenance and online mentoring.
Fig. 1: The graph showing user’s worldwide daily accessing
internet for Educational purpose [4].  Delivery solutions companies: firms selling
technologies associated with online education,
In Fig 1, it is made cleared that a large number of including training, authoring tools, course management
people all over the world access various websites over systems, collaborative software and virtual classrooms
internet for educational purpose and get their required and add-on tools [7].
information. At the same time if we take a glance at the whole
online social community we can divide into four major
market segments:

Fig.3: The Figure shows online social communities [8].

Fig.2: The graph showing user’s worldwide daily accessing
internet for Educational purpose and get either appropriate Among the various professional listed in the Fig 3,
or inappropriate results [5]. all have different functionality, usage and provides distinct
In Fig 2, it is made cleared that a large number of Fig 4 shows number of communities made and share
people all over the world access various websites over their ideas online in certain countries. It helps people to
internet for educational purpose and get either appropriate or communicate on one platform by making communities of
inappropriate results. their interests.
For both above cases a significant testing at the 95%
confidence level was carried out on the quantitative results 80
reported here. This means that where findings are reported 60
as ‘significant’, there is only a 5% or less probability that 50
the difference between the samples is by chance, and is 40
30 Over 30 days ago
different from the main population. 20
Data is fetched from different educational resources In the past 30 days
with satisfactory information required. Different sets of 0
results have been taken from various sources and thus must
be used with caution and are highlighted wherever required.
Fig 2 has taken from a programme of qualitative research
and will be helpful for the present debate but a robust Fig.4: the graph shows online social communities
conclusion must not be drawn. access worldwide [9].

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Automation of Education by Integrating It on Social Network Platform
(IJSRD/Vol. 2/Issue 01/2014/150)

V. PROPOSED SYSTEM Fig 5 actually depicts that how the education can be
From the above statistics and market needs we had automated by integrating it on social network, as seen above
concluded a long vision of developing such system where there are many tribes of people having variety of needs, after
education and social network platform complement each lots of survey among those tribes they were categorized into
other for that as discussed earlier we require managers to segments, this segments were based on their requirements,
direct the system, its role is to supervises the entire likings, usage, environmental conditions & so on., according
developing of education programs. Thus, she/he should have to this criteria, certain services needs to be developed
a very clear representation of all those social networking keeping in mind their limitations and future extension,
activities that strongly deal with education methodologies accordingly the needs and services were bridged using this
and didactic strategies. educational social network and finally we get a single
In fact, it is quite clear that social networking community, an educational platform and a social network
heavily contributed to mix formal and informal learning; resulting into an acceleration towards excellence and riding
that is because education can be even delivered through a the wave of change among the curious and young minds.
personal digital environment (such as Egg). Education,
therefore, does not have to “connect” learners each other, VI. PROSPECTS OF PROPOSED SYSTEM
but it is absolutely necessary to find out how the pre- The current promising application areas of online education
existing digital networks are structured in order to let the are content management and web security. Guild research
learners interact and transform their educational report 2006 also focus that “Improving the quality of
performances in social performance. learning contents” gets the highest priority than other areas
If users spend a lot of time joining online [11]. According to Blezu and Popa (2008), online education
communities, building new ones and interacting to has lots of prospects in various sectors like: in dynamism, in
communicate thoughts, experiences, etc., there is already a real time, in collaboration, global reach and delivery of
kind of learning process, very informal and very speech [12]. This is because in this domain:
spontaneous. Our mission is to design specific strategies  Learners can access information that is correct and up
which could fit to social networking mechanism with the to date through the web, information databases or
aim to “refine” the “raw” informal learning which spread university or company intranets.
knowledge elements across the Web. Obviously, this does  Learners are able to meet in a virtual space with other
not mean that online platforms are completely useless; on members and practitioner experts to discuss issues,
the contrary, in online courses, a platform should reflect, in answer questions and even participate in simulations
some way, the social networking philosophy. This could be and management games without having to leave their
done by offering learner most of the communication tool office or home.
she/he uses everyday It is a fact that most of online  Learners benefit from learning when required, learners
platforms are following this approach, that is to consider the are able to access the right sort of training at the right
learners interaction a central element and a precious time with the right people.
structure to implement several didactic strategies, not only  Learners have access when they want it.
those which are determined by specific psychological  Learners have access to the same materials.
paradigms.  Learners regardless of where they are receive the same
Thereby, social networking constitutes itself an message and are able to engage other learners and
approach to education, being an uninterrupted chain of practitioners globally.
knowledge sharing through the Internet. If millions of Guild Annual Research Report, April 2006 was on
the subject of future directions in online education. From
their survey sample it was noticed that “designing and
developing e- learning content” activity will get more focus
and attention in future. The second highest priority,
according to this report is the “addressing learner
requirements and preferences” [11]. For an organization,
“Extend the global reach of the online education content” is
the focusing priority area to get the content out beyond the
geographical limit. In that report it was clearly written that
“Blended learning” will grow significantly in the year
From the study it has seen that content packaging and
Fig.5: Definition of Educational Social Network.
content managing is got the highest priority in online
Web users are at least members of a community,
education research where yet lots of development has to be
and then it is reasonable that they all have a complex and
made. Learner’s prospect and interest is increasing very
personal identity, which could tell us a lot of things on what
rapidly as the technology is growing. Now researcher has to
they really know and on the experiences they have.
design the learning methodology according to learner’s
Social networking could really help to discover
interests and preferences. For that learner characteristics,
new ways to communicate knowledge by moving the focus
their behaviour, their learning style has to study which is
toward a more and more ubiquitous learning developed by
possible by recording their browsing history at their learn
community interactions [10].

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Automation of Education by Integrating It on Social Network Platform
(IJSRD/Vol. 2/Issue 01/2014/150)

time. That is why now the research on learner characteristics [3] “Online education quality: Aspects and criteria for
has got widest and highest ranges of rating. Again, the two evaluation of online education in higher education”,
areas like “access, equity and ethics” and “quality Report 2008:11R, Swedish National Agency for Higher
assurance” are of growing interest. Education, 2008.
Based on the Delphi report of Richter, the most [4] JOSE GRAGNANIELLO “Social networking site used
neglected areas of online education are the cultural by online adults, 2005-2011”, Aug 2011.
differences in global distance learning programs and [5]
cooperation which should receive much more attention. So substitution-beat-goes-on.html
from this study it has been seen that globalization of [6] A.E. Blackhurst, and D.L. Edyburn, “A brief history of
education, cross-culture aspects and culturally complex Special Education Technology” Knowledge by Design
student support system in distance education as well as in Inc., 2000.
online education environment is a prospective research area. [7] Ahn, June. (2011). Digital divides and social network
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[8] John Ronnestam, “Research on social networking
A promising technology for realizing online suggest 4 types of network”, 2007.
education requirements is the Semantic web that can provide [9] Jedi Matseuta, “Social Network website: best practices
flexible and personalized access to the learning materials. In from leading services summary, 2007.
fact, semantic web can be exploited as a very suitable [10] Ajith Sundaram. (2010). Evaluation of Social
platform for implementing an online education system, networking sites for business application.
because it provides all means for online education: ontology [11] J. Pulichino, “Future directions in e-Learning research
development, ontology-based annotation of learning Report 2006”, The Learning Guild Research 2006.
materials, their composition in learning courses and [12] C. Blezu, and E. M. Popa, “E-Learning and its
proactive delivery of the learning materials through online Prospects in Education” 12th WSEAS International
education portals [13]. Since online education involves a Conference on COMPUTERS, Heraklion, Greece, July
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As online education is definitely a growing field in the
educational and training market and online education
standard is a new emerging area, there are many challenges
in implementation of undergoing technological changes and
developments. The security of services, the encryption of
messages and the common taxonomies to describe services
and service access points in online education systems
environments are all in need of consideration. However,
Supporters of online education are always looking forward
some new developments. Technology advancements will
continue to reshape learning over the Internet with
increasing use of advanced tools and techniques.
So by employing the new technology in online
educational environment, one can make the system more
attractive and interactive for learner that may help to build a
learner centric platform in this environment.

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[2] I. E. Allen, J. Seaman, “Online Nation: Five Years of
Growth in Online Learning”. Needham, MA: Sloan
Consortium, 2007.

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