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Training program

The Security & Safety in Oil Firms

1. Course Objectives

By the End of this program the participants will be able

to identify the following:
 Guard and security rules & procedures for securing oil
 The rules which governing the entry and exit of individuals
and vehicles.
 intrusion detection systems
 the basic functions of the outer barrier (walls) of the oil
 intrusion and how to combat it
 detectors and surveillance to secure the perimeter of the
oil Firms
 modern techniques which assist in command and control
system at entry and exit
 secure oil Firms in the face of natural or man-made
 employ geographic information systems (GIS) to protect
oil Firms
 firefighting strategy
 security & guard System to secure the oil Firms
 identify the physical effects in accident Locations and how
to maintain them
 development a sense of security skills to guard and
security elements
 evacuation plans when oil Firms exposed to risks
 Safety and Occupational Health within the oil Firms
 deal with terrorist threats and crisis management in the oil

2. This program is directed to

‫المنظمة العربية لخدمات التدريب – عضو التاحاد الدولي لمنظمات التدريب‬

– Arabia Organization for Training Services
1Member In International Federation of Training & Development Organizations
 Security leaders in oil Firms
 Security officials departments in oil Firms
 Officers working facilities petroleum and petroleum sites

3. Program contents:
1- security & guard
 rules and security guard and procedures for securing oil Firms
 geographical scope of the facility
 fence fences surrounding the spatial range
 barriers
 guard towers and surveillance
 sovereign gates and main and sub
 rules governing the entry and exit of individuals and vehicles
 security checks.
 inspect and review security clearances.

2- intrusion detection systems:

 internal sensors systems
 external sensors systems
 warning communication systems
 systems alarm signals
 systems and methods for assessing warning

3 - Technical perimeter security system (Modern

security fence):
 the basic functions of the outer barrier (walls) of the oil Firms
(specifically - Routing - deterrence - delay - Monitoring)
 types of natural barriers, walls and fences, gates and external
and internal Windows, and mobile barriers and buffer zones
and technical support methods
 Intrusion and how to combat it (spyware - infusion - intrusion -
the bombing)
 Optimum use of the lighting system, fixed and mobile

4 - detectors and surveillance to secure the

perimeter of the oil Firms:
 Photometric sensors system

‫المنظمة العربية لخدمات التدريب – عضو التاحاد الدولي لمنظمات التدريب‬

– Arabia Organization for Training Services
2Member In International Federation of Training & Development Organizations
 Closed network video systems
 Barbed wire sensor
 Lighting systems

5-modern technologies to help in the Command and

control system in the entry and exit:
 detectors retina and iris of the Eye
 detectors visual footprint of the fingers
 detectors Engineering palm of the hand
 Smart Card Reader
 Equipment and explosives detectors:-
- Optical detectors
- Manual detectors
- X-ray double
- Dogs inspection
 employ geographic information systems (GIS) to protect oil

6-Securing oil Firms in the face of natural or man-

made disasters
 types of fires that are exposed oil Firms
 the basic elements of fire prevention
 protect oil Firms from explosions
 protect oil Firms of hazardous materials
 measures to be taken to protect individuals

7-Fire-fighting strategy
 the basics of fire-extinguishing Firms
 sources and types of fire
 fire extinguishing methods and appropriate fire extinguishers
 self-extinguishing system
 fire prevention methods
 steps followed in the event of a fire
 combustion chemistry
 manual firefighting equipment types and their uses
 the principles of the use of hand fire extinguishers
 fire equipment and maintenance methods

‫المنظمة العربية لخدمات التدريب – عضو التاحاد الدولي لمنظمات التدريب‬

– Arabia Organization for Training Services
3Member In International Federation of Training & Development Organizations
 systems and types of firefighting equipment mechanism and
maintenance methods
 fire extinguishing systems using halon gas - using carbon
dioxide - using dry chemical powder
 Focus topical system using carbon dioxide
 early amortization networks mechanism
 devices and equipment used in fighting oil fires

8-Security & guard department to secure oil Firms
 organize the department of security & guard
 Special Equipment for elements of security.
 Basis for choosing the human element
 technical and vocational preparation for a security department.
 preparing and writing reports security

9-Identify the physical effects whereabouts of
accident and how to maintain them
 Physical effects which can presence
 Rules to be followed
 Data to be substantiated when previewing the accident

10-The development of skills of a security sense to
guard and security elements
 security administration and the role of individuals in the
Department of Insurance Operations Guard
 systems and elements of security tasks and duties
 Preventive checks of persons and vehicles
 Precautionary measures for important places within the oil
 secure data and information systems

11-Evacuation plans in case the oil Firms of the

 procedures in cases of threats
 bomb threat cases or suspicious materials
 in cases of explosions
 In case of chemical accidents.

‫المنظمة العربية لخدمات التدريب – عضو التاحاد الدولي لمنظمات التدريب‬

– Arabia Organization for Training Services
4Member In International Federation of Training & Development Organizations
12-Safety & occupational health Within the oil
 preventive measures and health procedures to be followed to
avoid the Risks in oil Firms
 training in the use of personal protective equipment
 First Aid in the workplace and how to do it
 field surveys to measure petroleum vapors
 inspection sites and ensure compliance with health
 necessary arrangements for emergencies

13-Deal with terrorist threats and crisis management

at oil Firms :
 Main risks that threaten the safety and security of oil
installations and the role of the security apparatus in the
control and prevention of risks.
 Modern methods which used by terrorist organizations in
breach of the security and safety of oil installations.
 How is securing oil Firms against acts of destruction and
infiltration, intrusion
 Dealing with crackers and how facilities are secure oil and gas
from the dangers.
 the best way to deal with the threat to blow up the
communications facility.
 art security crisis management in times of terrorist threats
 Risks analysis according to risk and data limits
 Identify of prioritize risks.
 assess the true level of threat and identify its sources
 Identify actions and countermeasures for potential hazards
 assess the weaknesses and propose appropriate solutions

4. Duration of the Program:
 Two weeks (10 days)
5. Date of the program:
 during the period from 20 to 31 Oct, 2013
 place of the program:

‫المنظمة العربية لخدمات التدريب – عضو التاحاد الدولي لمنظمات التدريب‬

– Arabia Organization for Training Services
5Member In International Federation of Training & Development Organizations
 Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia

6. Financial offer for the program:

The value of individual participation on this program is
$ 4200 U.S. (only four thousand and two hundred U.S.
dollars) and includes the following:

 Attend the program

 a copy of the scientific and training material
 providing tools written for each participant (handbag - a pen
- Stationery)
 certificates of attendance of participants for the program
(but not less than co-attendance for 90% of program time)
 lunch meal daily for each participant
 providing Coffee Break (- Tea - Coffee - Nescafe - Juices -
mineral water) for each participant
 reception and farewell to the participants at the airport
 leisure trip at the end of the program

Groups Offer:
In the case of the nomination of three or more
participants receive a 15% discount and become
individual participation $ 3,500

Communication and Mailing

Arabia Organization for training services (AOTS)
Egypt: Cairo - Dokki - 88 Tharwat Street – AL MESAHA Square
01224223232 002

‫المنظمة العربية لخدمات التدريب – عضو التاحاد الدولي لمنظمات التدريب‬

– Arabia Organization for Training Services
6Member In International Federation of Training & Development Organizations
002 0237629550

With sincere greetings of the Arabia

Organization for training services (AOTS)

‫المنظمة العربية لخدمات التدريب – عضو التاحاد الدولي لمنظمات التدريب‬

– Arabia Organization for Training Services
7Member In International Federation of Training & Development Organizations

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