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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code Course Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits
CSE101 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 14335::Dr. Navneet Malik 2 0 2 3
Course Weightage ATT: 5 CA: 25 MTT: 20 ETT: 50 Exam Category: 13: Mid Term Exam: All MCQ – End Term Exam: MCQ +

TextBooks ( T )
Sr No Title Author Publisher Name
Reference Books ( R )
Sr No Title Author Publisher Name
R-2 C HOW TO PROGRAM PAUL DEITEL AND Pearson Education India

Relevant Websites ( RW )
Sr No (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
RW-1 Algorithms and Flow chart

RW-2 Algorithms and Flow chart

RW-3 Nested structures

RW-4 Linear and binary search

RW-5 Expressions in C language

RW-6 Keywords in C

RW-7 Applications of arrays

RW-8 Bubble sort

RW-9 Dynamic memory management

RW-10 Structures

RW-11 Structures and unions

RW-12 Pointers

RW-13 Pointers in depth

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
RW-14 Strings

RW-15 Arrays

RW-16 Storage classes

RW-17 Types of recursion

RW-18 Recursion

RW-19 Functions

RW-20 Type Casting

typeconversion- in-c/
RW-21 Input and output statements in C language

RW-22 While loop in iterative constructs

RW-23 For loop in iterative constructs

RW-24 Operators present in C language

RW-25 Basic features of C language

RW-26 Control statements in C language

RW-27 The 10 most popular coding challenge websites for 2019

RW-28 Tutorials and simple explanation of c concepts

RW-29 Clean Coding Principles

RW-30 Principles of SOLID

Audio Visual Aids ( AV )

Sr No (AV aids) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
AV-1 C Video Lectures
withvideo- lectures/
AV-2 Fundamentals of C Programming Video Lectures

Sr No (S/E/D) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
SW-1 Using Bloodshed Dev-C++ for OpenGL-GLUT Programming

Virtual Labs ( VL )
An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Sr No (VL) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
VL-1 Virtual Labs
VL-2 Network of top developers across the world.

LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks)

Weeks before MTE 7
Weeks After MTE 7
Spill Over (Lecture) 4

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Lecture Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections of Other Readings, Lecture Description Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Live Examples
Number Number Text/reference Relevant Websites, Demonstration/
books Audio Visual Aids, Case Study /
software and Virtual Images /
Labs animation / ppt
etc. Planned
Week 1 Lecture 1 Basics and introduction to C T-1 RW-25 Program development in Lecture 0's contents Power point
(Program development in C) R-1 AV-1 C should be covered presentation
AV-2 before starting lecture
1, need of
Lecture 2 Basics and introduction to C T-1 RW-1 L2:Program structure of The students will Power point
(structured programming R-1 RW-2 C program become familiar with presentation and
using algorithm and flow R-2 RW-27 L3:Various the C program discussion along
chart) programming tools like development with a live
flow chart and environment as well demonstration on
algorithms as program compiler
development tools
such as algorithms,
flowvhart, in
addition to this the
student will also learn
about the basic
structure of a C

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 2 Lecture 3 Basics and introduction to C T-1 RW-5 Components of C Students will become Power point An example of
(The C character set) RW-6 character set, discussion aware of the basics presentation and performing
on identifiers, keywords of live demonstration various
and data types, a parallel C language without on compiler operations on
discussion of various which it is not different kinds
printf() and scanf() possible to work with of data by a
format specifiers may C language human can be
also be carried out taken to explain
the need for
various data
Week 2 Lecture 3 Basics and introduction to C T-1 RW-5 Components of C Students will become Power point An example of
(Identifiers and keywords) RW-6 character set, discussion aware of the basics presentation and performing
on identifiers, keywords of live demonstration various
and data types, a parallel C language without on compiler operations on
discussion of various which it is not different kinds
printf() and scanf() possible to work with of data by a
format specifiers may C language human can be
also be carried out taken to explain
the need for
various data
Basics and introduction to C T-1 RW-5 Components of C Students will become Power point An example of
(Data types) RW-6 character set, discussion aware of the basics presentation and performing
on identifiers, keywords of live demonstration various
and data types, a parallel C language without on compiler operations on
discussion of various which it is not different kinds
printf() and scanf() possible to work with of data by a
format specifiers may C language human can be
also be carried out taken to explain
the need for
various data
Lecture 4 Basics and introduction to C T-1 RW-28 Discussion on Students will become Power point An example
(Constants and variables) R-1 constant,variable and familiar with presentation and involving
various arithmetic performing various live demonstration separate
operators operations with the on compiler operations on
help of C operators various kinds of
data in real life
can be taken to
explain the
importance of

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Basics and introduction to C T-1 RW-28 Discussion on Students will become Power point An example
(Expressions) R-1 constant,variable and familiar with presentation and involving
various arithmetic performing various live demonstration separate
operators operations with the on compiler operations on
help of C operators various kinds of
data in real life
can be taken to
explain the
importance of
Week 2 Lecture 4 Basics and introduction to C T-1 RW-24 Discussion on Students will become Power point An example
(Arithmetic operators) R-1 RW-28 constant,variable and familiar with presentation and involving
various arithmetic performing various live demonstration separate
operators operations with the on compiler operations on
help of C operators various kinds of
data in real life
can be taken to
explain the
importance of
Week 3 Lecture 5 Basics and introduction to C T-1 Discussion on Students will become Power point An example
(Unary) R-1 various unary, familiar with presentation and involving
relational, logical, performing various live demonstration separate
assignment operations with the on compiler operations on
operators,conditional, help of C operators various kinds of
bitwise data in real life
operators along with can be taken to
operator precedence and explain the
associativity,example of importance of
various expressions operators
involving these
operators can be taken
Basics and introduction to C T-1 Discussion on Students will become Power point An example
(Relational) R-1 various unary, familiar with presentation and involving
relational, logical, performing various live demonstration separate
assignment operations with the on compiler operations on
operators,conditional, help of C operators various kinds of
bitwise data in real life
operators along with can be taken to
operator precedence and explain the
associativity,example of importance of
various expressions operators
involving these
operators can be taken

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Basics and introduction to C T-1 Discussion on Students will become Power point An example
(Logical) R-1 various unary, familiar with presentation and involving
relational, logical, performing various live demonstration separate
assignment operations with the on compiler operations on
operators,conditional, help of C operators various kinds of
bitwise data in real life
operators along with can be taken to
operator precedence and explain the
associativity,example of importance of
various expressions operators
involving these
operators can be taken
Week 3 Lecture 5 Basics and introduction to C T-1 Discussion on Students will become Power point An example
(Assignment and conditional R-1 various unary, familiar with presentation and involving
operators) relational, logical, performing various live demonstration separate
assignment operations with the on compiler operations on
operators,conditional, help of C operators various kinds of
bitwise data in real life
operators along with can be taken to
operator precedence and explain the
associativity,example of importance of
various expressions operators
involving these
operators can be taken
Basics and introduction to C T-1 Discussion on Students will become Power point An example
(Bitwise operators) R-1 various unary, familiar with presentation and involving
relational, logical, performing various live demonstration separate
assignment operations with the on compiler operations on
operators,conditional, help of C operators various kinds of
bitwise data in real life
operators along with can be taken to
operator precedence and explain the
associativity,example of importance of
various expressions operators
involving these
operators can be taken

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Lecture 6 Control structures and T-1 RW-22 if, if else, switch Students will become Power point The choices the
Input/Output functions(If, If R-1 RW-23 case statements, while aware of which presentations and students face
else, Switch case statements, RW-26 loop for, do while statements to use live demonstration while choosing a
While, For, Do-while loops) AV-1 loops,at least 2 while dealing with on compiler career can be
AV-2 examples should be various problems used to explain
VL-1 discussed for all the if else and
VL-2 constructs switch case
similarly the
process of
coming to the
everyday can be
used as an
example of
Week 4 Lecture 7 Control structures and T-1 RW-22 break and continue Students will learn Power point division
Input/Output functions R-1 RW-23 statements, jump how to use jump presentation and operations, cgpa
(Break and continue RW-26 statements namely goto execution within the live demonstration calculation can
statements) RW-28 and return, at least 2 program on compiler. be given as
examples should be Animations can example of type
discussed for all the also be used for the casting,return
constructs same can be given as
example of
result of any
Week 4 Lecture 7 Control structures and T-1 RW-22 break and continue Students will learn Power point division
Input/Output functions R-1 RW-23 statements, jump how to use jump presentation and operations, cgpa
(Goto,Return) RW-26 statements namely goto execution within the live demonstration calculation can
RW-28 and return, at least 2 program on compiler. be given as
examples should be Animations can example of type
discussed for all the also be used for the casting,return
constructs same can be given as
example of
result of any
Lecture 8 Control structures and T-1 RW-20 discussion of Students will learn Power point division
Input/Output functions(Type R-1 importance of type how to convert one presentation and operations, cgpa
conversion and type casting and type data live demonstration calculation can
modifiers) modifiers should be into another type of on compiler. be given as
discussed. data. Animations can example of type
also be used for the casting,return
same can be given as
example of
result of any

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Control structures and T-1 RW-20 discussion of Students will learn Power point division
Input/Output functions R-1 importance of type how to convert one presentation and operations, cgpa
(Designing structured casting and type data live demonstration calculation can
programs in C) modifiers should be into another type of on compiler. be given as
discussed. data. Animations can example of type
also be used for the casting,return
same can be given as
example of
result of any
Week 5 Lecture 9 Control structures and T-1 RW-21 printf, scanf Students will learn Power point Different types
Input/Output functions R-1 functions along with about the suitability presentation and of information is
(Formatted and unformatted various format specifiers of various input and live demonstration printed in a
Input/Output functions like gets, puts, getch, output statements for on compiler newspaper in
printf(), Scanf(), Puts(), Gets getchar, putchar handling different various ways,
() etc) functions types of data separate way is
used for printing
headlines etc,
this example
may be used to
explain the
usage of input
and output
Lecture 10 Test 1
Week 6 Lecture 11 User defined functions and T-1 RW-19 Description about user Students will be able Power point Calling some
Storage classes(Function R-1 defined functions, to write customized presentation and person on your
prototypes, Function methods of calling a functions according live demonstration behalf to do a
definition) function and function to the given on compiler task can be used
prototypes requirement and will as an example
learn modular of
approach of a function
User defined functions and T-1 RW-19 Description about user Students will be able Power point Calling some
Storage classes(Function R-1 defined functions, to write customized presentation and person on your
call including passing methods of calling a functions according live demonstration behalf to do a
arguments by value and function and function to the given on compiler task can be used
passing arguments by prototypes requirement and will as an example
reference) learn modular of
approach of a function

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Lecture 12 User defined functions and T-1 RW-17 Students will learn Power point Power point Factorial
Storage classes(Math library R-1 RW-18 how to use function presentation and presentation and function and
functions) pow, sqrt,sin, other discussion along discussion along calculating
math fucnction with with a live with a live compound
general purpose task demonstration on demonstration on interest using
of programming compiler compiler pow function,
root mean
square velocity
of any to
find roots of
equations using
sqrt function
User defined functions and T-1 RW-17 Students will learn Power point Factorial
Storage classes(Recursive R-1 RW-18 how to use function presentation and function and
functions) pow, sqrt,sin, other discussion along calculating
math fucnction with with a live compound
general purpose task demonstration on interest using
of programming compiler pow function,
root mean
square velocity
of any to
find roots of
equations using
sqrt function
Week 7 Lecture 13 User defined functions and T-1 RW-16 Lifetime of a variable, Students will come to Power point A company
Storage classes(Scope rules R-1 Visibility of a variable, know about the scope presentations and operating in a
(local and global scope)) Various storage classes and lifetime of live demonstration city could be
Storage classes in C namely such as automatic, variables used in C using compiler treated as an
auto, Extern, Register, external, static and programs example of a
Static storage classes) register, example in local variable
context to function calls whereas a
may be used company
operating all
over the world
could be treated
as an example
external variable

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Clean coding for better RW-29 Discussion on clean Student will come to Power point
programming(need, coding principles and know the use of clean presentation
benefits and principles of benefits of writing the coding for better
clean coding) clean code programming

Week 7 Lecture 14 Spill Over

Week 8 Lecture 15 Arrays in C(Declaring and T-1 AV-1 introduction to arrays, Students will learn Power point A list of the
initializing arrays in C) R-1 AV-2 declaration, about storing data in presentation and marks of various
VL-2 initialization of arrays arrays and live demonstration students in a
performing various on compiler class
operations on it
Arrays in C(Defining and T-1 AV-1 introduction to arrays, Students will learn Power point A list of the
processing 1D and 2D R-1 AV-2 declaration, about storing data in presentation and marks of various
arrays) VL-2 initialization of arrays arrays and live demonstration students in a
performing various on compiler class
operations on it
Week 8 Lecture 16 Arrays in C(Array T-1 RW-7 passing array as a Students will learn Power point One of the
applications) R-1 RW-15 function argument, few about how to pass an presentation and inbuilt string
AV-1 sample programs of entire array to a live demonstration functions can be
AV-2 passing arrays to function on compiler used to explain
VL-1 functions about passing an
array to a
Arrays in C(Passing arrays T-1 RW-7 passing array as a Students will learn Power point One of the
to functions) R-1 RW-15 function argument, few about how to pass an presentation and inbuilt string
AV-1 sample programs of entire array to a live demonstration functions can be
AV-2 passing arrays to function on compiler used to explain
VL-1 functions about passing an
array to a

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 9 Lecture 17 Arrays in C(inserting and T-1 RW-4 Finding a single element The students will Power point Finding a word
deleting elements of an R-1 RW-8 in a list using the come to know the presentation and from a
array) strategies of linear and basic idea behind live demonstration dictionary could
binary search is to be looking up an on compiler be taken as an
discussed. element in a example to
Discussion on arranging list.Student will learn explain
array elements into basic technique of searching
ascending or descending sorting algorithm as techniques.How
order as well as bubble sort to arrange
arranging of strings into names into
ascending or descending alphabetic order,
order only with bubble how to arrange
sort. cgpa or heights
into decending
order can be
given as live
Arrays in C(Searching T-1 RW-4 Finding a single element The students will Power point Finding a word
including linear and binary R-1 RW-8 in a list using the come to know the presentation and from a
search methods) strategies of linear and basic idea behind live demonstration dictionary could
binary search is to be looking up an on compiler be taken as an
discussed. element in a example to
Discussion on arranging list.Student will learn explain
array elements into basic technique of searching
ascending or descending sorting algorithm as techniques.How
order as well as bubble sort to arrange
arranging of strings into names into
ascending or descending alphabetic order,
order only with bubble how to arrange
sort. cgpa or heights
into decending
order can be
given as live

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 9 Lecture 17 Arrays in C(Sorting of array T-1 RW-4 Finding a single element The students will Power point Finding a word
using bubble sort) R-1 RW-8 in a list using the come to know the presentation and from a
strategies of linear and basic idea behind live demonstration dictionary could
binary search is to be looking up an on compiler be taken as an
discussed. element in a example to
Discussion on arranging list.Student will learn explain
array elements into basic technique of searching
ascending or descending sorting algorithm as techniques.How
order as well as bubble sort to arrange
arranging of strings into names into
ascending or descending alphabetic order,
order only with bubble how to arrange
sort. cgpa or heights
into decending
order can be
given as live
Lecture 18 Test - Code based
Week 10 Lecture 19 Pointers, Dynamic memory T-1 RW-12 Need of pointers, Students will learn Power point
allocation and Strings R-1 RW-13 declaring and the knowledge of presentation and
(Pointer declaration and initialization of pointer different types of live demonstration
initialization) variables, various pointers and their on compiler
operators such as importance. that is
address operators, generally asked in the
indirection operator, placement exams.
types of
pointers including void,
wild and const pointers
Pointers, Dynamic memory T-1 RW-9 Need of pointers, Students will learn Power point
allocation and Strings(Types R-1 RW-12 declaring and the knowledge of presentation and
of pointers - dangling , wild, RW-13 initialization of pointer different types of live demonstration
null, generic (void)) SW-1 variables, various pointers and their on compiler
operators such as importance. that is
address operators, generally asked in the
indirection operator, placement exams.
types of
pointers including void,
wild and const pointers
Lecture 20 Pointers, Dynamic memory T-1 RW-12 Operations feasible Students will learn to Power point
allocation and Strings R-1 RW-13 on pointers and work with addresses presentation and
(Pointer expressions and arithmetic operations of the variables live demonstration
arithmetic) possible on a pointer on compiler
Pointers, Dynamic memory T-1 RW-12 Operations feasible Students will learn to Power point
allocation and Strings R-1 RW-13 on pointers and work with addresses presentation and
(Pointer operators, arithmetic operations of the variables live demonstration
Operations on pointers) possible on a pointer on compiler

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 10 Lecture 20 Pointers, Dynamic memory T-1 RW-12 Operations feasible Students will learn to Power point
allocation and Strings R-1 RW-13 on pointers and work with addresses presentation and
(Passing pointer to a arithmetic operations of the variables live demonstration
function) possible on a pointer on compiler
Week 11 Lecture 21 Pointers, Dynamic memory T-1 RW-12 Operations feasible Students will learn to Power point
allocation and Strings R-1 RW-13 on pointers, pointer as work with addresses presentation and
(Pointer and one an argument in a of the variables live demonstration
dimensional array) function on compiler
Pointers, Dynamic memory T-1 RW-12 Operations feasible Students will learn to Power point
allocation and Strings R-1 RW-13 on pointers, pointer as work with addresses presentation and
(Dynamic memory an argument in a of the variables live demonstration
management functions function on compiler
(malloc, calloc, realloc and
Lecture 22 Test 2
Week 12 Lecture 23 Pointers, Dynamic memory T-1 RW-14 String basics including Students will learn Power point
allocation and Strings R-1 the use of character about strings and the presentation and
(Defining and initializing arrays to store and various string input live demonstration
strings) manipulate strings, and output functions on compiler
reading and writing and will learn how to
from and to strings. perform operations
on strings
Pointers, Dynamic memory T-1 RW-14 String basics including Students will learn Power point
allocation and Strings R-1 the use of character about strings and the presentation and
(Reading and writing a arrays to store and various string input live demonstration
string) manipulate strings, and output functions on compiler
reading and writing and will learn how to
from and to strings. perform operations
on strings
Pointers, Dynamic memory T-1 RW-14 String basics including Students will learn Power point
allocation and Strings R-1 the use of character about strings and the presentation and
(Processing of string) arrays to store and various string input live demonstration
manipulate strings, and output functions on compiler
reading and writing and will learn how to
from and to strings. perform operations
on strings
Lecture 24 Pointers, Dynamic memory T-1 RW-14 String processing Students will come to Power point
allocation and Strings R-1 functions such as strlen, know about strings presentation and
(Character arithmetic) strcpy, strcmp, strcat, and how to perform live demonstration
character arithmetic operations on strings on compiler
including increment,
decrement, addition,
subtraction operations,
string manipulation
functions including atof,
atoi, atol, itoa,ftoa

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 12 Lecture 24 Pointers, Dynamic memory T-1 RW-14 String processing Students will come to Power point
allocation and Strings(String R-1 functions such as strlen, know about strings presentation and
manipulation functions and strcpy, strcmp, strcat, and how to perform live demonstration
library functions of string) character arithmetic operations on strings on compiler
including increment,
decrement, addition,
subtraction operations,
string manipulation
functions including atof,
atoi, atol, itoa,ftoa
Week 13 Lecture 25 Derived types including T-1 RW-10 Introduction to Students will learn Power point
structures and unions R-1 RW-11 structures including the about the importance presentation and
(Declaration of a structure) need of structures, of structures and how live demonstration
declaration of to work with them on compiler
structures,defining and
assigning values to a
structure, operations
which can be carried out
on structure members
after accessing them,
few examples on
Derived types including T-1 RW-10 Introduction to Students will learn Power point
structures and unions R-1 RW-11 structures including the about the importance presentation and
(Definition and initialization need of structures, of structures and how live demonstration
of structures) declaration of to work with them on compiler
structures,defining and
assigning values to a
structure, operations
which can be carried out
on structure members
after accessing them,
few examples on
Derived types including T-1 RW-10 Introduction to Students will learn Power point
structures and unions R-1 RW-11 structures including the about the importance presentation and
(Accessing structures) need of structures, of structures and how live demonstration
declaration of to work with them on compiler
structures,defining and
assigning values to a
structure, operations
which can be carried out
on structure members
after accessing them,
few examples on

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 13 Lecture 26 Derived types including T-1 RW-3 Creating a structure with Students will learn Power point
structures and unions R-1 RW-10 in a structure how to presentation and
(Structures and pointers) create structure live demonstration
within the another on compiler
Derived types including T-1 RW-3 Creating a structure with Students will learn Power point
structures and unions(Nested R-1 RW-10 in a structure how to presentation and
structures) create structure live demonstration
within the another on compiler
Week 14 Lecture 27 Derived types including T-1 RW-11 Introduction to unions, Students will come to Power point
structures and unions R-1 difference from know about the presentation and
(Declaration of a union, structures, accessing differences between a live demonstration
Definition and union members structure a union and on compiler
initialization of unions) how to work with a
SOLID for better software RW-30 Discussion on most Students will come to Power point
development(Principles of popular set of design know about the presentation
SOLID) principles SOLID principles for
better design

Week 14 Lecture 28 Spill Over
Week 15 Lecture 29 Spill Over
Lecture 30 Spill Over

Scheme for CA:

CA Category of this Course Code is:A0203 (2 best out of 3)

Component Weightage (%)

Test 1 50
Test - Code based 50
Test 2 50

Details of Academic Task(s)

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Academic Task Objective Detail of Academic Task Nature of Academic Academic Task Marks Allottment /
Task Mode submission
(group/individuals) Week
Test 1 To ensure The test will cover the topics completed in week 1 till week 5 Individual Offline 30 3/5
understanding of the
concepts and check
the student's
progress and his
performance on
individual basis
Test - Code based To ensure The test will cover the topics completed in week 6 till week 8 Individual Online 30 7/9
understanding of the
concepts and check
the student's
progress and his
performance on
individual basis
Test 2 To ensure The test will cover the topics completed in week 9 till week 11 Individual Offline 30 10 / 11
understanding of the
concepts and check
the student's
progress and his
performance on
individual basis

An instruction plan is only a tentative plan. The teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.

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