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Foundations of Figure Drawing

with Amy Wynne

Structural Landmarks of Skeleton:

Common Name Anatomical Name
• Skull • Cranium and face
• Forehead • Frontal bone
• Cheekbones • Zygomatic arches
• Jawbone • Manubrium
• Collarbones • Clavicles
• Ribcage • Thorax
• Upper arm bone • Humerus
• Shoulder blade • Scapula
• Shoulder joint • Glenoid Cavity
• Elbow • Olecranon Process
• Lower arm bones • Ulna and Radius
• Wrist bones • Carpal bones
• Bones of the hand • Metacarpals and Phalanges
• Pit of the neck • Manubrium
• Breast bone • Sternum
• Bottom of Breastbone • Xiphoid process
• V of ribcage • Costal Cartilage
• Frontal hip points • ASIS: Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
• Hips • Pelvis
• Upper legs bones • Femurs
• Hip joint • Acetabulum
• Knee bone • Patella
• Ankle bones • Tarsal bones
• Lower leg bones • Tibia and fibula
• Heel bone • Calcaneous
• Foot bones • Metatarsals and phalanges
• Backbone • Spinal column
Neck • Cervical Vertebrae
Ribcage • Thoracic Vertebrae
Lower back
• Lumbar Vertebrae
• Top back of pelvis
• PSIS: Posterior Superior Iliac Spine
• Triangle under back dimples
• Sacrum

Foundations of Figure Drawing with Amy Wynne

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