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Directions. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following best describes information literacy?

a. the ability to find reliable information
b. the ability to read
c. the ability to use computer
d. the ability to manipulate data
2. When a message is transformed into an understandable sign and symbol system, the
process is referred to as __________.
a. encoding
b. noise
c. decoding
d. interpretation
3. The ability to effectively and efficiently comprehend and use written symbols is called
a. literature
b. literacy
c. illiteracy
d. alliteracy
4. When media identify a certain group of people they wish to get their message
across, this group of people is known as a/an______________.
a. narrowcasting audience
b. demographic audience
c. audience poll
d. target audience
5. A person that is media literate can __________.
a. easily use all types of computer hardware and software and other forms of
new technology
b. use and find information of all types in a university library, including computer
sources, microfilm and indexes/abstracts
c. read, analyze and critically evaluate information presented in a variety of
formats (television, print, radio, computers, etc.)
d. critically evaluate television programs and see through persuasion techniques
6. Typing all in capitals in electronic communications means __________.
a. Nothing special, typing in capitals is normal.
b. You are shouting.
c. This message is very important.
c. You sympathize with the person.
7. You are working on your personal homepage and would like to publish a nice
graphic you found on the internet. What do you have to think of before publishing?
a. The background of the graphic has to be transparent.
b. The copyright – I have to ask the owner for permission.
c. The graphic has to be published in its original size.
d. Nothing particular, I can use it as it is.
8. When you are communicating online to unknown people or filling out details on a
website, what contact information should you give out?
a. alias
b. family name
c. address
d. phone number
9. Which statement best describes the term ‘browser’?
a. a program that searches for information on the internet
b. a program for exchanging files over the internet
c. a program to treat pictures
d. a program for viewing and accessing data on the internet
10. Someone is behaving inappropriately on one of the sites you're using. You should
a. report to the moderator of the site.
b. shut down your PC.
c. tell the person off.
d. sue him in court.
11. What does censorship mean?
a. when information is filtered, suppressed or deleted to hinder freedom of
b. when someone tries to influence the opinions or behaviors of others
c. when false and deceiving information is used to trick others
d. when the data or facts are not revealed to the public.
12. If your teacher says you “cannot use the Internet,” this usually means you cannot
use the
a. library catalog
b. library’s databases
c. google
d. browser
13. Among the characteristics that are used to evaluate the quality of an Internet site,
one finds__________.
a) the date of publication is provided.
b) the author is known in the field.
c) responsibility for the site is clearly indicated.
d) the site is rapidly accessible.

a. a and b only
b. a and c only
c. a, b and c only
d. a, c and d only
14. You have found magazine article and Web pages presenting different views on a
current issue. You want to use this information to write your paper. In which case(s) do
you need to include a reference to the source of information?
a) when I copy word for word a paragraph from the magazine article
b) when I copy word for word a paragraph from a Web page
c) when I write in my own words what is being said in a magazine article
d) when I write my own words that are being said in a Web page
15. In order to find more documents on my topic, I can include synonyms in my search
statement. To connect those synonyms in my statement, I use __________.
a. AND c. NOT
b. + d. OR
16. To find all the documents about Edgar Allan Poe in the library catalog, I would do a
a. by title
b. by publisher
c. by subject
d. by author
17. Which one of the following citations refers to a journal article?
a. Miller, A.W. (1997). Clinical disorders and stressful life events. Madison, CT,
International University Press.
b. Anderson, K.H. (1999) “Ethical dilemmas and radioactive waste: A survey of
the issues.” Environmental Ethics, 2(3):37-42.
c. Hartley, J.T. & D.A. Walsh. (2000). “Contemporary issues and new directions in
adult development of learning and memory”, in L.W. Poon (ed.), Aging in the
1980s :Psychological Issues, Washington, D.C., American Psychological
Association, pp. 239-252.
d. Maccoby, E.E. & J Martin. (1983). “Socialization in the context of the family:
Parent-child interaction,” in P.H. Mussen (ed.), Child psychology: Socialization,
personality, and social development. NewYork, Wiley, vol. 4. Pp. 1-101.
18. In order to become familiar with a subject about which you know very little, first
you consult a/an __________.
a. journal
b. encyclopedia
c. database
d. book
19. Using a search engine such as Google to search documents on “The depletion of
the ozone layer and the impact on health,” I use the words__________.
a) impact, depletion, ozone layer, health
b) ozone layer, health
c) ozone layer
d) skin cancer, ozone layer
20. To find the most recent information about drug abuse, I consult a/an __________.
a. book
b. journal
c. encyclopedia
d. thesaurus
21. You have found a book that is right on your topic. Which section of the book will you
consult to find other documents on the topic?
a. glossary
b) index
c) bibliography
d) table of contents
22. Inventions, literary and artistic works, designs and symbols, names and images used
in commerce are governed by__________.
a. public domain
b. citation
c. intellectual property
d. copyright
23. Which one of the following words does not belong to the group?
a. magazine
b. journal
c. television
d. newspapers
24. Which of the following is an example of broadcast media that air audio and video
materials for the public’s information, interest or leisure?
a. radio
b. television
c. film
d. LCD projector

a.) a and b
b.) b and c
c.) a b and c
d.) b c and d
25. It is an electronic communications network that connects computer users through
various networks and organizational computer facilities around the world.
a. web page
b. hypertext
c. e-mail
d. Internet
26. Relics or artifacts such as pottery, ornaments, accessories, and other objects found
on historical, burial sites are considered _________ sources of information as these are
concrete evidences of the things used by the people in the past.
a. primary
b. secondary
c. tertiary
d. a and b
27. Which kind of literacy is best described when a student reads the magazine to keep
himself informed about the current issues?
a. information literacy
b. media literacy
c. technology literacy
d. functional literacy
28. What type of literacy is described when Jean learned how to make a video call so
that she conducted an interview with a researcher who lives overseas?
a. information literacy
b. media literacy
c. technology literacy
d. functional literacy
29. Which characteristic of a good media practitioner is exemplified when someone
verifies the accuracy of the details before submitting the news article to the editor?
a. truthfulness
b. objectivity
c. empathy and sympathy
d. responsibility
30. Billy ensures that an article is well-written and free from grammatical and factual
errors before submitting it to the press. He is a creator of media and information
a. writer
b. editor
c. director
d. performer
31. Zachary checked the website of the weather bureau to get updates about the
super typhoon. What type of media and source of information did he use?
a. print media
b. broadcast media
c. new media
d. mass media
32. Which type of literacy is described when someone uses his tablet to read his e-
books, which he downloaded using an app.
a. information literacy
b. media literacy
c. technology literacy
d. gadget literacy
33. A person commits a ____________if a he publishes, either in print or online, anything
that is deemed malicious of a vice or defect, tending to cause dishonor, discredit or
contempt of a natural juridical person or to blacken the memory of one who is dead.
a. plagiarism
b. slander
c. libel
d. sin
34. According to Article 201 of the Revise Penal Code, a material would be a violation
to the __________ law if it includes immoral doctrines, obscene publication or exhibitions
and indecent shows.
a. sedition
b. contempt of court
c. anti-obscenity
d. piracy
35. Which of the following could not be used if you want to talk with your friend abroad
through a videocall?
a. skype
b. weechat
c. e-mail
d. azar
36. Without this, media providers and producers, could be lured to create platforms
that are poorly made or offensive.
a. ethics
b. State
d. convention
37. This institution evaluates the kind of message which media send to the audience.
b. State
c. radio station
D. TV station
38. What is meant by balance in a news story?
a. getting a lawyer’s opinion before writing an article
b. having several authors write a story
c. covering all sides of an issue as fairly as possible
d. giving the same amount of space to every paragraph
39. What is an editorial?
a. an opinion piece published on a special page
b. the process when an editor works with unfinished story
c. a part of the writing process
d. the job that reporter's get when they are promoted
40.Why is it important for a reporter’s to talk to sources?
a. Sources help publish a reporter’s story.
b. Sources are the people that help edit and revise copy.
c. Sources give a story balance by offering different perspectives.
d. Sources buy newspapers.
41. Which type of media manipulation is practiced when a hair product advertisement
claimed that with regular use of a particular brand of shampoo, hair would grow thicker
in just three days?
a. hoax
b. propaganda
c. fearmongering
d. testimonial
42. It engages in research involving social, economic, and political issues confronting
Philippine society and the world.
a. Philippine Association of National Advertisers
b. IBON Foundation
c. Mc Cann Erickson
d. Mullen
43. As a homegrown product, their phones have special Filipino features and
nationalistic themes.
a. Cherry mobile
b. Myphone
c. Google
d. Microsoft
44. It is a film competition and festival that aims to encourage the creation of new
cinematic works by independent Filipino filmmakers
a. Cinemalaya
b. Gawad Urian
c. Famas Awards
d. Metro Manila Filmfest
45. A person who supervises and instructs the hosts and performers/actors on how they
should act in the program, play or movie based on the script is called_____.
a. producer
b. director
c. reporter
d. scriptwriter
46. She is an award-winning broadcast journalist who delivers credible and quality news
a. Kris Aquino
b. Ellen DeGeneres
c. Jessica Soho
d. Oprah Winfrey
47. Visual media is very powerful in sending a _________, especially if the images used
were able to move the viewer or the audience.
a. message
b. theme
c. creativity
d. word
48. What did the teacher consider in assessing and evaluating text information when
she says that a pre-school textbook should be easy to understand and that the words
should be appropriate for the vocabulary of the learner ?
a. accuracy and factuality
b. objectivity
c. language appropriateness
d. house style and format
49. This is the state when a person loses control over his extreme desire to play online
a. cyber bullying
b. addiction
c. intellectual property
d. patent
50. Which theory on media and information is described when Vilma sends a message
to her clients through phone calls, video conferences, and e-mails?
a. Information processing theory
b. Contingency theory
c. Media richness theory
d. Channel expansion theory

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