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1 Boys wear swimming trunks while girls wear A.

Come and enjoy a day

these for swimming. 9. A kind of rubber
at inthe seaside.
swimming and Do
2. He/She is at the beach to protect people this puzzle and find out what
from accidents (like drowning, for example). 10. Children we whoallcan’t swim
love. Thewear one and
images of
3. You take it to the beach to protect you from these rings around their waist.
the definitions below will help
the sun. 11. You build you.
one of these at the beach,
4. You go to the beach or the swimming pool using wet sand, buckets and spades.
for this. 12. You wear these to protect your eyes
5. You take these toys to play at the beach. from the sun’s glare.
13. a marine and free-swimming
6. If you can’t swim, you may wear these coelenterate with a gelatinous umbrella-
round your upper arms to keep you floating.
shaped body and trailing tentacles.
7. You use it to dry yourself after swimming.
14. You need a special board to do this
8. A kind of cream used to protect the skin water sport.
from the damaging ultraviolet rays of the sun.

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