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Electromagnetic signatures of collision zones in India

Article  in  Geotectonics · July 2014

DOI: 10.1134/S0016852114040050

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2 authors:

T. Harinarayana K. Veeraswamy
National Geophysical Research Institute; Gujarat Energy Research and Management … CSIR - National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India


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ISSN 00168521, Geotectonics, 2014, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 327–345. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2014.

Electromagnetic Signatures of Collision Zones in India1

T. Harinarayana* and K. Veeraswamy
CSIR  National Geophysical Research Institute, Uppal Road, Hyderabad—500007, India.
* Presently working as Director, GERMI, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Received June 20, 2011

Abstract—Indian subcontinent has experienced intense tectonic activity within the continent in the form of
subduction, continent–continent collision, subduction–collision–accretion tectonics. Deep electrical sig
natures of intense tectonic activity are presented for three different regions: Himalayan region, Central
Indian Tectonic zone and Southern Granulite terrain. Two long traverses at each region are discussed along
with other geophysical data. The geoelectric sections across the Himalayan region have shown a clear north
ward dipping signature of the anomalous conductive features at upper to midcrustal depths. This model gave
a clear evidence for the collision and subduction processes. The profiles across the Central Indian tectonic
zone constituting major eastwest trending faults and mobile belts provided the evidence for the presence of
mantle derived fluids at midcrustal depths and also gave a clear evidence for the collision processes between
the Bundelkhand craton and the Dharwar craton. The collision–accretion tectonic process is observed in
Southern Granulite terrain of south India. Evidence for the exhumation of mantle derived fluids to the mid
crustal depths has been observed along the Vattalakundu–Kanyakumari profile, while the subduction–colli
sion–accretion processes have been observed along Kolattur–Palani geotransect. In all the three tectonically
active regions, the deep electrical structure mapped from magnetotellurics, gave a clear evidence for the pres
ence of anomalous conductive structures that can be related to active tectonic regime that has paved a way for
better understanding of the evolution of the deep crust. In this paper all the earlier works in three regions with
emphasis on tectonics are briefly reviewed.

Keywords: electromagnetic signature, collision zones, electrical conductivity, magnetotellurics, lithosphere,

Himalayas, suture, longitudinal conductance
DOI: 10.1134/S0016852114040050

INTRODUCTION [60]. Among the various theories that explain the evo
Continental rifts and valleys, collision of the cra lution of the crust, plate tectonic theory could explain
tons and mega block structures are important tectonic major characteristics of the cratons, lithospheric
features on the surface of the continental crust. plates, collision phenomena and unified the existing
Among the various physiographic features, collision theories on the formation of geosynclines, continental
phenomena plays an important role as they are the drift, plume tectonics etc. [11, 75, 84, 105, 112].
centers and formed due to complex interaction of tec The collision process can be visualized in different
tonic and magmatic processes and helps to understand ways. One such type is convergent margins in which
the evolution of the crust. Major collision tectonic the oceanic crust is subducted. In such a process nar
regions are associated with deformation, metamor row zones of deformation occurs which can be traced
phism, magmatism and appear as major linear fea from near surface to lithospheric depths or more.
tures. These collision processes seem to be observed as When two plates of oceanic and continental type col
an episodic and known to have taken place since late lide, subduction process may not occur due to lower
Archean times [15, 16, 84, 100, 105]. Study of colli density of the continental crust. If the size of the con
sion tectonics and its geodynamic phenomena of Pre tinental crust is small it is more likely that terrain
cambrian times is a Herculean task due to many accretion may occur [80]. Coney et al. [17] are the first
uncertainties in that period. This is due to the absence to recognize the terrain accretion process in Canadian
of clear evidence of other different geological pro Cordillera and showed an evidence for growth of con
cesses such as formation of sedimentary basins, multi tinents over a geological time. Such accretion process
ple phases of igneous intrusives with overprinting rela can be mapped even today in the northern Canadian
tionships etc. Archean period in the geological history Cordillera in the form of accretion of Yakutat block
is very important as a major portion of the present day accreted to North America [51]. Another form of col
crust was formed and stabilized during that period lision is a continent–continent collision process,
where the two continents are large in size. Such pro
1 The article is published in the original.
cess can occur and the deformation due to collision


process can extend over few thousands of kilometers. been studied by using deep geophysical techniques in
For example, the deformation observed in the Indian different parts of the world. This includes deep seismic
Ocean can be related to the continent–continent col and deep e.m. techniques. Before presenting the
lision process of India–Eurasia. The deformation in e.m. signatures of collision zone tectonics, a brief
the Central Indian Ocean has been observed in two dif description of electrical structure of the collision
ferent spatial scales—one in a smaller scale (~5–10 km) zones is briefly described here.
in the form of reverse faulted blocks and the other in a
large scale (~100–300 km) exhibiting in the form of
folds within the oceanic lithosphere [9, 19]. EM signatures of Collision Zones in Other Regions
The study of continent–continent collision pro Although the present study is limited to Indian sub
cess is important as it provides clues on global weather continent, a brief description of other similar regions
conditions and also on the composition of the sea is presented in the following which provide better
water. For example, it is believed that the assembly of understanding.
the present day continents has influenced the mon Arabia–Eurasia Collision Zone in Eastern Anatolia.
soon [55] and also the water in the oceans [24, 66]. The Arabia–Eurasia collision in Eastern Anatolia is
Our improved knowledge on the earth system helps for generally accepted to be at a younger stage (~12 Ma)
better understanding on the interaction of the plates of development than the India–Asia (45–70 Ma) col
with climate influencing tectonics [110]. Another lision [21, 83, 84]. The moderately young age of this
important process during continentcontinent colli collision gives an opportunity to study the common
sion is the mountain building activity, e.g., formation features for both zones and examine the temporal evo
of the spectacular Himalayan mountains in Asia and lution. On the basis of passive seismic and gravity stud
also the Alps mountains in Europe. ies Zor et al. [116] showed that the crust beneath 2 km
A number of models are discussed to explain the high plateau has been thickened to around 50 km.
continental collision processes based on the geologi Turkoglu et al. [99] have primarily used long period
cal, geochemical and geophysical data. While the sur MT data to study large scale resistivity structure on two
face and near surface features are well explained based main transects of eastern Anatolia, extending from the
on the geological and geochemical data, the subsur Arabian Plate to the Black Sea. The eastern transect
face features are mapped from geophysical data. The (see fig. 5 in [100]) passes through the area where
present paper is devoted to understand the geodynam direct convergence occurs between the Arabian and
ical processes of collision tectonics in a plate tectonic Eurasian plates. The resistivity model obtained by
framework by utilizing the conductivity characteristics 2D inversion of the data reveals a high conductive
of the deep crust along different geotraverses using midcrustal layer. The conductance of this layer
deep electromagnetic technique, namely, the “Mag exceeds 5000 S at some places, but it does not maintain
netotellurics.” This technique has played an important this value over the same spatial area, hence, resistivity of
role in mapping the deep crust and upper mantle the upper mantle can be constrained in Anatolia. A
structures and also helps to understand the crust– decoupling between upper and lower parts of the lithos
mantle characterization process. The recent phere can occur due to the presence of fluids that may
INDEPTH studies in Tibet have characterized the weaken the crust and mantle to allow lateral flow.
deep crust and mantle structures and have given an European Alps and Pyrenees. The Alps were formed
evidence for the presence of fluids at lower crust. The by a collision—as the European Plate was subducted
various tectonic features in different continents have southward beneath parts of the African Plate—that
also been mapped by magnetotelluric studies [36, 44]. closed the Tethys Ocean. The collision was relatively
longlasting with major events in the Cretaceous and
early Tertiary period [18, 25]. Structural mapping and
Magnetotelluric Method seismic reflection have been integrated to image the
Electromagnetic (EM) theory is originated from structures from surface to the upper mantle, and are
four fundamental equations proposed by James Clerk dominated by Southdipping structures in the crust
Maxwell. These equations are from the wellknown [89]. The deformation rate (2 mm/year) is slow across
principles of Ampere’s and Faraday’s laws related to the Alps [12] as compared to convergence rate across
electric and magnetic fields. They are further analyzed Himalayas. Zones of high conductivity were deline
by Tikhonov [97] and Cagniard [10] and proposed a ated using a localized MT survey in the Pennine Alps
relation between the resistivity of a medium and elec of Switzerland by Losito et al. [48] and attributed them
tricmagnetic field variations. These relations gave to the presence of interconnected graphite. Other MT
birth to a new geophysical method, namely “the Mag surveys have delineated a major zone of crustal high
netotellurics (MT).” conductivity [47] which has beeninterpreted as a
More details on the methodology and other details zone with at least 5% partial melting [30].
can be seen in several publications [107] and reviews AltiplanoPuna Plateau. The AltiplanoPuna Pla
and it’s application to different geological problems teau is 1800 km long and 300–400 km wide in the
can be seen [43, 100, 103]. The collision zones have Central Andes, making this as the second largest pla

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 48 No. 4 2014


68° 76° 84° 92°

36° istan 36°

La d Tectonic map of India

akh (after Valdiya, 2010)

0 500 1000 km




A ad

ala IndusTsangpo
ya suture Lo
n Ma hi
Fr t
on in B
ta oun

lT dar
28° yT Main
r ra

Jaisalmer Cent
ral T B 28°


Agra Na

Lucknow Shillong
F Patna
ati g



men Dauki F
n linea


Indore mad

o M ya nm
Jabalpur M

Sagaing F
D an
C ad

be 20°



Mumbai Bhubaneshwar
ri g



shear zone
12° Chennal Primarily fault/shear zone 12°

Primarily thrust
shear zone PlaghatCauvery
shear zone Thrust/fault
Achankovil shear zone MT traverses

72° 80° 88°

Fig. 1. Simplified tectonic map of India (modified from [102]) along with locations of MT profiles (A–F) discussed in the present

teau on the Earth. Unlike Tibetan and Anatolian pla plano has a very high crustal conductivity, with the
teaus, the AltiplanoPuna Plateau has been uplifted conductance locally exceeding 20000 S, which has
without terrane accretion or continentcontinent col been interpreted with melt fractions in excess of 14%.
lision. Even though it is not a case of true continent– Interestingly, this conductor is not present further
continent collision, investigations of this feature are north near 18° S [7].
pertinent here because they show that two quite differ In the following, deep electromagnetic investiga
ent sets of tectonic processes can result in the forma tions using magnetotellurics are described along vari
tion of a high plateau [3]. Longperiod MT surveys by ous geotransects (Fig. 1) and the subsurface structure
Brasse et al. [8] and Schwarz and Kruger [90] at 21° in the form of resistivity variation are discussed in
and 22° S, respectively, showed that the southern Alti terms of collision tectonics. Continent–continent

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 48 No. 4 2014


log conductance, s
4 (a)

SubHimalaya Lesser Himalaya Window Higher Himalaya









0 R1 C4 Resistivity,
C1 Ωm
10 8192
Depth, km

R2 2048
20 512
30 32

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
South Distance, km North

Fig. 2. The longitudinal conductance (conductivity integrated from the surface to 50 km) computed along the profile (a) and geo
electrical section derived from the 2D inversion of MT data along MandiRohtangpass profile in NW Himalayas (modified from
[104] (b). Light grey symbols towards northern part of the profile indicate the positions of hot springs. C1–C4 and R1–R2 cor
respond to conductive and resistive blocks, respectively.

collision is a fundamental tectonic process that has between India and Asia occurred along the Indus–
shaped the evolution of the Earth’s surface. A broad Tsangpo Suture (ITS), beginning in the West and the
range of geodynamic models have been developed to tectonic style has been changed completely during 45
explain the structure and temporal evolution of conti to 70 Ma [2, 108]. MT studies have been taken up by
nent–continent collisions. A series of collisions have several scientific organizations under INDEPTH
occurred in the Indian subcontinent from north to project to understand the deep structure and mechan
south. These are (i) the Himalayan collision zone, the ics of the Himalaya–Tibet region. Distinct conductive
largest and youngest [100, 102], (ii) the Central Indian structures have been delineated within the Tibetan
suture zone, formed by the convergence of the south crust in the vicinity of YarlungZangbo suture zone,
ern and northern blocks of the Indian subcontinent, which makes the surface manifestation of the India–
and (iii) the PalghatCauvery and NWSE oriented Asia collision [94].
Achankovil suture zones. The electrical resistivity sec
tion derived from Magnetotelluric (MT) data covering
the above tectonic zones is described below. Western Himalayas
The Cenozoic Himalaya–Tibet orogeny is geody
namically active region to understand the crust–man
Himalayan Collision Zone tle structure, composition etc. Geophysical investiga
It is well known that the Himalayas are known to be tions such as seismic, electromagnetic etc. being con
the youngest orogenic belts that have originated due to ducted in this active collision zone to delineate the
continental collision between two mega plates, namely deeper structures and their possible relation with the
the India and Eurasia [54, 113]. The region has been ongoing deformation processes. MT measurements
studied by geological and geophysical studies to were made along different profiles in recent years that
understand the deep Himalayan structure [4, 94, 101]. cross parts of Southern Tibet and the Himalaya. Even
The deformation due to collision process has resulted though these profiles are distributed in western, cen
in melting of the crust and other metamorphic pro tral and eastern parts of Himalayan tectonic zone,
cesses at midlower crustal depths [5]. The collision their coverage in Himalaya–Tibet orogeny remain

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 48 No. 4 2014


4 (a)

log conductance, s


Lesser Himalaya Higher Himalaya
0 R1 3200
10 C1 C3 1224
Depth, km

20 R2
30 68
40 26
20 40 60 80 100
South Distance, km North

Fig. 3. Resistivity model derived from the 2D inversion of MT data along a transect in Eastern Himalayas (modified from [65]).
The conductance for the top 50 km along the profile is also shown. Abbreviations: MBT—Main Boundary Thrust, MCT—Main
Central Thrust and MFT—Main Frontal Thrust. C1–C3 and R1–R3 correspond to conductive and resistive blocks respectively.
log conductance, s





24 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 Resistivity,
0 Ωm

10 10K
Depth, km

20 1K
30 100
40 10
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
South Distance, km North

Fig. 4. Resistivity section along Burhanpur–Barwa transect derived from magnetotelluric data (modified from [20]). The con
ductance (for the top 50 km) variation along the profile is shown in the top panel.

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 48 No. 4 2014


4 (a)

log conductance, s











0 Ωm
20 720
Depth, km

30 193
50 4
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
South Distance, km North

Fig. 5. Resistivity section along MahanKhajuria Kalan transect derived from magnetotelluric data (modified from [59]). Top
panel corresponds to conductance (conductivity × thickness of top 50 km). Abbreviations: GF—Gavligarh Fault, NNF—Nar
mada North Fault, NSF—Narmada South Fault, TF—Tapti Fault.

sparse due to logistic problems. Hence, in the Hima The magnetotelluric data collected in this region
layan region, a major gap lies between Main central (line A in Fig. 1) has been subjected to different inver
thrust (MCT) and Main boundary thrust (MBT). One sion models using various combinations of inversion
of the important studies in this direction was settings, such as single mode and joint inversion of
INDEPTH which delineated deeper structure (up to TETM data [104]. Topographic variations (400–
100 km) in the NE parts of Higher Himalayas, Indus 4000 m) are included in the model as a part of the
Tsangpo Suture Zone to Southern Tibet. Some more inversion to accommodate the possible effects due to
MT studies have also been undertaken on the NW, large topographical changes along the profile. The
central and NE parts of the Himalayan region to resistivity structure in the area resulted from the
understand conductivity structure [4, 29, 39]. Most of 2D inversion in the MT model is discussed below.
these MT experiments either cover the Higher Hima The interpretation of MT data along 150 km Bilas
layas to Southern Tibet or MBT to Siwalik/Dhar pur–Rohtangpass profile (Fig. 2) delineates certain
masala formations except a few studies which cover distinct features of different resistivities. A shallow
the zone between Higher Himalayas to south of MBT (extending up to ~8 km depth) conductive (2–16 Ω m)
in the central part. It contains most of active thrust feature lies near the southern end of the profile (i.e.,
south of MT station—16), as shown in Fig. 2 as fea
zones and epicenters of great earthquakes of Hima ture “C1”. It indicates the presence of the Siwa
laya. The seismicity in the North western Himalyan lik/Dharmasala group of sediments. Feature “C2”
region is well known due to occurrence of 1905 great seems to be a steep and deep penetrating (>40 km)
Kangra earthquake, where MCT/MBT has taken sud conductive anomaly (~10 Ω m), which spatially coin
den northward turn. Because of this there is a signifi cides with the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) of the
cant and closely spaced assemblage of thrust belts Himalayas and closely associated with other
between MCT and MBT. Keeping this in view, MT thrusts/faults. Presence of basement ridges on the
investigations were carried out to delineate the con western side of Chail thrust and the closeness of the
ductivity structure in the region from Higher Himala Rampur window of the lesser Himalaya on eastern side
yas to Siwaliks. might have contributed to the northward turn of these

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 48 No. 4 2014


(otherwise NWSE oriented) thrust belts. In such cir In a near northsouth direction the magnetotellu
cumstances, it is possible to argue that the fluid con ric measurements are made cutting across the various
tent of the MBT continues from the MT station no. 16 thrust such as MBT, MFT, MCT and MHT covered by
to Kangra region. The presence of ShaliDeoban 18 stations (line B in Fig. 1). The nonlinear conjugate
group of sediments plus the fluid content of the Chail gradient algorithm of Rodi and Mackie [79] has been
thrust in Lesser Himalayan region has been reflected applied to the MT data along a profile and 2D model
as a northward dipping conductive zone (5–30 Ω m) ing has been carried out. The geoelectric structure
and shown in the figure as feature “C3”. Feature “R1” along the profile is presented in Fig. 3. The structure
corresponds to a high resistive (>5000 Ω m) north dip beneath the MFT and MBT zones is underlined by
ping block revealed between Chail and Jutogh (Mun anomalous conductors (C1 in Fig. 3) characterized by
siari) thrusts containing Chail metamorphics and may 10–40 Ω m that extends from shallow depth to upper
correspond to the overthrusting of the crystalline crustal levels to a depth of about 10 km. Such a low
basement as shown in Fig. 2. Resistivity is identified with Siwalik sediments in the
Near surface horizontal conductive feature (“C4”) Gangetic plains [31].Towards the north of the MBT,
seems to contain fluids which in turn released as hot i.e., below the lesser Himalayan region another two
springs (shown by red symbols in Fig. 2). Highly resis anomalous (2–5 Ω m) crustal conductors (C1 and C2
tive (>5000 Ω m) zone towards northern end most in Fig. 3) can be seen. The high resistive upper crustal
probably represents the Higher Himalayan crystal metamorphic rocks in the lesser Himalayan region is
lines. Feature “R2” represents a deeply buried (>8 km) shown as R1 in the Fig. 3 with Resistivity of about
and highly resistive (>2000 Ω m) near vertical zone 1000 Ω m. From the broadband seismological studies
(Fig. 2) of the lesser Himalayan crystallines under the [56] in Central Nepal gave an evidence for low velocity
well known “Rampur window.” The confined nature zone beneath MHT. It is known that the overlying sed
of this buried (8–50 km) resistive body is reflected on iments may act as a lubricant for the low angle (10°–
the surface in the form of elliptical shaped “Rampur 15°) underthrusting of the continental crust. The
window.” The reason for the efficacy of this method observed conductor (C1) may be due to these sedi
appears to be the conductivity (or resistivity) contrasts ments along with the trapped aqueous fluids in the
that one may expect at the interface of sediments fault zone. Additionally the northeast dipping con
(often wet and/or moist) and/or fluids, and the base ductor derived along the profile (Fig. 3) corresponds
ment. to the signature of the MHT. The dipping crust below
Longitudinal conductance up to a depth of 50 km the Asian continent represents the high resistive fea
has been computed and plotted along the profile as tures (R2 and R3). This is due to the presence of the
shown in Fig. 2. There is a general decrease of conduc shallow conductor (C1). From the study of joint mod
tance from south to north with ~1000 S near MBT and eling of gravity and magnetic anomalies Tiwari et al.
Lesser Himalayas and 700–800 S for the higher Hima [98] have suggested for the presence of metasediments
layas with a prominent low value near Rampur. This is in lesser Himalayas extending to a depth of 12 km. The
due to the presence of a large resistive block (R2 in Fig. 2) observed sediments in the lesser Himalayas coincide
below Rampur. with the metamorphic rocks [53]. From our model the
conductive metasediments (C1 and C2) seems to be
extending up to the MCT. From geodetic and geomor
Eastern Himalayas phic studies the MCT is observed to be active even
From deep geoelectric structure mapped by mag today [37]. Based on the regional, thermobarometric
netotellurics in the Tibetan plateau, central part of and geochronological data Robinson et al. [78] have
Nepal and NW part of Himalayas gave an evidence for suggested that MCT is a part of southward dipping
the existence of anomalous conductive layers at mid thrust and absence of major reactivation in the region.
upper crustal depths. The anomalous conductor is Below the higher Himalayas at a shallow depth of 5 km
interpreted due to the presence of crustal fluids such as another anomalous conductor (2–5 Ω m) is deline
aqueous or metamorphic fluids and also due to partial ated. Interestingly this conductive feature (C3) corre
melts [4, 13, 101]. The Himalayas of Sikkim region lies sponds to the MHT in Higher Himalayas. The likely
between the Nepal and Bhutan and falls towards the cause for the anomalous conductors observed along
eastern part of the Himalayan arc. This region has not the profile is due to the presence of the metamorphic
paid much attention as compared to other segments of fluids as continuous underthrusting of the Indian plate
the Himalayas [41]. Patro and Harinarayana [65] helps to release the metamorphic fluids due to dehy
made an attempt to understand the tectonic processes dration process. In an earlier study also an anomalous
associated with the continentcontinent collision in conductor is observed towards the north of MCT.
the Sikkim Himalayan region by studying the deep Additionally along the 100line profile of INDEPTH
geoelectric signatures of the important thrust systems, study Chen et al. [13] have shown the conductive crust
namely the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT), the Main between 10–40 km depth towards the southern part of
Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Main Central Thrust the profile near Yadong. In the present study also
(MCT). anomalous conductor (C3) has been delineated that

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 48 No. 4 2014


spatially corresponds to the conductor observed along major tectonic features. In the following, the deep
the 100line profile. The electrical signatures in the crustal electrical signatures along the two near parallel
form of anomalous conductors delineated form the traverses are presented.
present study spatially corresponds to the major tec
tonic features such as MFT, MBT, MCT and MHT.
Similar features have also been observed along the par Burhanpur–Barwa Transect
allel profile in Central Nepal.
It is well known that the continental rifts are the
The longitudinal conductance has been computed sources of anomalous structures and its signatures can
along the profile considering the resistivities up to a be seen even to deep crustal depths, this includes the
depth of 50 km (Fig. 3) The conductance value has thinning of the lithosphere due to asthenospheric
maintained at 1000 S above the anomalous conductive upwelling. Anomalous high heat flow values with low
zones (C1, C2 and C3 in Fig. 3) while there is a sharp pwave velocity and density within the lithosphere are
decrease at the boundaries of conductive zones. Such the characteristic features of rift regions [64]. MT data
a feature is indicative of a resistor, conductorblocks has been acquired along a transect from Burhanpur to
juxtaposed to each other which makes a way for an Barwa (line C in Fig. 1) across the NSL region passes
environment for movement of blocks. through Satpura horst, Narmada graben and Tapti
Purna graben and mainly occupies the region between
Narmada and Tapti region [28, 73]. 2D modeling of
Central Indian Tectonic Zone
the data has revealed two anomalous conductive fea
One of the major tectonic zones of the Indian sub tures (10–100 Ω m) at mid crustal depths. They lie
continent is Central Indian Tectonic Zone (CITZ) below Narmada graben and south of Satpura hill
divides the Indian plate into two regions—Southern range, located between Nepanagar and Burhanpur.
peninsular block and northern foreland block [1, 40, The heat flow value is about 70 mW m–2 [76] over the
111]. This zone is believed to be formed during Mid anomalous conductive feature near Dorwa. The base
to Late Archaean period. Differential crustal move ment structure seems to be fractured as the resistivity
ments have taken place along this zone since the observed for the basement is about 200 Ω m. The
Archaean times. It has been reactivated several times undulations in the Moho with discontinuity of 3–4 km
since then and recognized as a major Proterozoic col upward shift in the southern part of the profile is an
lision zone between Bundelkhand and Aravalli cratons indication of an intense tectonic activity that could
in the north and Bastar and Dharwar cratons in the result in the form of a major fault extending to deep
southern block. It is sutured during PalaeoProtero crust. The anomalous conductor could be due to accu
zoic time to form as Indian plate [81, 87, 111, 115]. mulation of fluids in the crust. Another interesting fea
Such deformations are believed to continue even today ture is gravity low near the anomalous conductor in
as frequent occurrence of earthquakes at both upper the north. Nayak [63] has integrated the available data
and lower crustal depths. Additionally, deep crustal in the region and is of the view that mantle originated
faults have been identified from deep seismic studies material might have reached the crust along the two
and are believed to be reactivated through the palaeo crustal scale faults delineated from DSS studies [45].
rift environment [50]. From regional geological stud He also interpreted continuity of mantle derived
ies, the evolution of the CITZ is believed to be origi material between these two faults. This observation
nated in the Archaean to Early Proterozoic and differ correlates well with the anomalous conductors deline
ent cratons are sutured together to form as a shield ated from magnetotelluric study. The reflection pat
region [62]. It is also believed that the region has expe tern in the vicinity of the anomalous conductor shows
rienced strong compressional and extensional events a northward continuation at lower crustal depths
during Archaean to MesoProterozoic period [67]. (Fig. 4). Reflectors inferred from DSS are more prom
Considering the regional geological studies, a plate inent from a depth of 25–40 km, where less resistivity
tectonic model has been proposed with southerly dip value is observed. These prominent reflectors are dom
ping subduction of the Bundelkhand craton below the inant in the anomalous conductive regions both
Bastar craton [87, 111]. However, northerly dipping towards north as well as towards south near Dorwa and
model has also been proposed showing the northerly north of Burhanpur. Similar anomalous high conduc
dipping subduction process of the Bastar craton below tive zones are also shown along a parallel—Damoh
the Bundelkhand craton [81]. During Late Cretaceous JabalpurMandla MT profile. The anomalous con
to Early Tertiary period this region became the source ductive features here were attributed to partial melting
for out pour of lava, presently well known as Deccan of mantle and release of saline fluids in the shallow
traps. This seems to be the last episode of the reactiva crust [28]. From the xenolith data, the high conduc
tion processes of CITZ. The northern boundary can be tive zones may represent ultramafic rocks such as
identified as the well known NarmadaSon lineament pyroxinites and websterites which has appreciable
(NSL) zone and the southern boundary is the Tapti quantities of paramagnetic minerals. The presence of
Purna lineament zone. Within the NSL zone, Nar paramagnetic minerals such as magnetite, titano
mada north fault and Narmada south fault are the magnetite could be responsible for the anomalous high

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 48 No. 4 2014


conductive zones observed in MT response [20]. is unlikely [43, 109]. Since the study region is one of
Another possibility for the anomalous conductivity the tectonically active regions the reason for conduc
zone is the fluid inclusions in the rock. However, if tivity anomaly may not be due to thin graphite films.
they are not continuous the reason for the anomalous Generation of partial melts requires a minimum of
conductivity due to fluid inclusion is a remote possi 700°C [96]. The available heat flow data doesn’t sup
bility. port for the presence of such a high temperature in the
Observations from magnetotelluric studies, deep region and the modeling studies suggests the tempera
seismic studies and also from petrological studies, it tures do not exceed 500–580°C [68]. The gravity data
can be inferred that the rifting along the CITZ has led along this transect reveals high gravity (~50 mGal)
to compositional changes at lithospheric depths and towards south, where Tapti and Purna faults are
has resulted in densification of the crust. Presence of located. The anomalous conductors (~20 Ω m) associ
large amount of magmatic rocks at lower crust might ated with these faults also occur at depths of 10–
have lead to the thickening of the crust before the pre 20 km. Low seismic pwave velocity of 6.7–7.2 km/s
rift thickness. Additionally, high density due to mag in the deep crust of MahanChipner together with
matic accretion which has melted the crust by intru high conductivity and high gravity gave an indication
sion of the mantle material might have lead to increase for the possible presence of magmatic bodies, possibly
in the density at lower crustal depths relative to the filled with fluids, intruded into the crust from mantle
shallow crust [20]. due to underplating.
From the conductance values computed up to a From the results derived from magnetotelluric
depth of 50 km, two prominent highs (>3000 S) are studies along with the gravity, seismic and heat flow
observed corresponding to the anomalous midcrustal studies along the traverse in central India, it can be
conductor delineated along the profile. Similar to the seen that the region might have undergone tectonic
conductance observed in Himalayas where intense reactivation as two distinct processes. The region
tectonic activity is well known, it is interesting to see north of Narmada River is characterized by the fluids
similar trend in the central India also. This indicates in the deep crust while towards the southern segment
CITZ also a region of intense tectonic activity. dominated by the underplated material. Additionally,
upper crust is resistive but dissected by a narrow zone,
steeply dipping conductive features indicating the col
Mahan–Khajuria Kalan Transect lision tectonics of the region. The well known Bun
This transect cuts across the major lithounits of delkhand craton towards the north and Dharwar cra
NSL region—Purga graben, Tapti valley, Satpura ton towards the south might be colliding with each
mobile belt, Mahakoshal rift belt and also major faults other number of times that has resulted in dissection of
such as Puma fault, Gauligarh fault, Tapti fault, Nar the upper crust into number of smaller block struc
mada south fault and Narmada north fault. Forty five tures in the upper crust as observed in the NSL region.
magnetotelluric stations have been occupied along this The longitudinal conductance computed to a
transect (line D in Fig. 1) with a station interval of ~5– depth of 50 km is shown less than 1000 S for most part
8 km (see fig. 1 of Naganjaneyulu et al. [59]). The 2D of the profile except at three locations where crustal
modeling has revealed a high resistive upper crust with conductors have been delineated (Fig. 5). At these
resistivity values ranging from 1000 to 5000 Ω m. locations the values have reached more than 1000 S.
While such is the general nature of the upper crust a From such an observation northern half of the traverse
few narrow steep anomalous conductivity features is relatively less active (except near NNF) as compared
have been observed at places that closely coincide with to the southern part.
the geological faults on the surface. Among these
faults, some of them are delineated from earlier deep
seismic studies and a few of them are not reflected Southern Granulite Terrain Region
from the seismic study. The new faults which are In Southern Granulite Terrain (SGT), high grade
mapped by MT are Kaddam, Purna and Gauligarh metamorphic rocks have been identified towards south
faults. The low resistive mid to lower crust has been of the Kuppam (13° N) and low grade metamorphic
observed all along the transect with a resistivity values rocks towards the north. The high grade metamorphic
ranging from 50–300 Ω m. Anomalous conductive rocks mainly consist of charnockites. There seems to
features (<20 Ω m) have been observed for Gauligarh be a boundary extending in eastwest direction
fault and Narmada north fault. These conducting fea between these two types of rocks. In view of this, the
tures, which are distinct, and separated by the resistive region has attained importance to many earth scien
upper crust and they seem to be unconnected (Fig. 5). tists [14, 15, 23, 49, 61, 67, 72]. Additionally, major
Low resistive anomalies in general can be explained tectonic units have been identified in this region. They
due to variety of reasons such as presence of fluids are Moyer–Bhavani Suture Zone (MBSZ) towards
[38], partial melts [88], thin film graphite [27] or a north and Palghat–Cauvery Suture Zone (PCSZ),
combination of these factors. In active tectonic Achankovil Suture Zone (AKSZ) etc. towards south
regions the interconnectivity between the conductors within SGT [23]. Three major tectonic blocks have

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 48 No. 4 2014


log conductance, s
4 (a)




2 Ωm

Depth, km

30 492
40 84
50 14
60 2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
South Distance, km North

Fig. 6. Geoelectric structure obtained from 2D MT inversion across PalghatCauvery suture zone (modified from [58]). The con
ductance (from surface to 50 km) computed along the profile is also shown. Abbreviations: CSZ—Chennimalai Suture Zone,
PCSZ—Palghat Cauvery Suture Zone.

also been identified within the region. The northern tially with gravity high of 20 mGal. Interestingly,
block dominated by granitegreenstone terrain, the Moho upwarp has been delineated from deep seismic
central block mostly consists of migmatitic gneisses studies in this region [70]. Such features are an indica
with enclaims of metasedimentary metabasicultraba tion that the region must have experienced intense
sic rocks. Towards the south the rock is dominated by crustmantle interaction due to which large amount of
quartzofeldspathic gneisses with enclaves of meta fluids originated from the mantle is trapped at upper
sedimentary formations. These blocks are separated by crustal depths. In the following deep electrical signa
the mega suture zones [14, 86]. tures across two major suture zones—PalghatCau
To understand the deep crustal structure of this very and Achankovil—are presented.
complex region integrated geophysical studies consists
of seismic reflection/refraction, deep magnetotellu
rics, regional gravity and also deep resistivity sound Palghat Cauvery Suture Zone
ings have been carried out [33, 77, 82, 92, 93]. Magnetotelluric studies have inferred a block
Regional geological, geochemical, geochronological structure with distinct resistivity variation with MBSZ
and structural studies have also been carried out along as a marker separating the Archean Dhwarwar craton
the geotransect from Kuppam to Kanyakumari [6, 42]. towards north and granulite terrain towards south.
These studies have identified major tectonic blocks Similarly, another block structure has been inferred
juxtaposed each other and also features related to rel with PCSZ as a marker. The suture zones have exe
ics of collision tectonics phenomena. In our present cuted anomalous high electrical conductivity in the
study, the deep electrical crustal signatures related to region [34]. An interesting feature observed is the
collision tectonics are presented along the two Mettur Suture Zone (MTSZ) is acting like a marker
transects namely Kuppam to Palani cutting across the between the low highgrade metamorphic rocks in the
major suture zones of MoyarBhavani and Palghat– crust with high resistivity character (10000 Ω m)
Cauvery. In another transect starting from Palani to towards north and low resistivity (3000 Ω m) towards
Kanyakumari cutting across the well known Achank the south for the profile from Kuppam towards north
ovil Suture zone. to Bommidi towards north (see Fig. 6). MTSZ exhibits
The Palghat Suture zone has shown anomalous anomalously high conductivity (100 Ω m) at mid
high electrical conductivity [57, 58]. This high con lower crustal depths. The reasons for anomalous high
ductive feature at mid crustal depths is correlated spa conductivity could be due to the presence of fluids and

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 48 No. 4 2014


also perhaps the presence of graphite. The presence of (see Fig. 6). The longitudinal conductance in SGT
graphites at old collision zones is expected [34]. Simi region is low as compared to other two regions (Hima
lar to MTSZ marked resistivity variation is also layas and CITZ). However, between the major suture
observed across MBSZ with 40000 Ω m. towards north zones (PCSZ and CSZ) the conductance value is
and about 5000 Ω m towards south east as shown in ~1000 S. In view of such an observation the tectonic
Fig. 6. It is interesting to see the differing deep crustal activity is relatively low all along the SGT except near
reflectors on either side of the MBSZ. From the obser the two mega suture zones.
vation of such a phenomina from magnetotellurics as
well as seismics a continentcontinent collision tec
tonics can be inferred [57]. Achankovil Suture Zone
Earlier, on the basis of gravity data, Krishna Brah Similar to MBSZ and MTSZ, Achankovil Suture
mam [46] has delineated the suture characteristics Zone (AKSZ) is known to be one of the interesting
along the PCSZ in addition to identification of thicker tectonic features in SGT. While the other suture zones
and thinner crusts with granitic intrusives at depths. are oriented nearly in eastwest direction the AKSZ is
However, recent gravity studies [52, 93, 106] have oriented in NWSE direction. As mentioned earlier,
derived inputs from other studies like DSS to model the SGT region comprises of the distinct block struc
the observed gravity anomalies within the PCSZ. ture separated by various suture zones. The Achank
Meager seismic tomography studies [32, 69] also pro ovil Suture Zone forms as a marker between the
vided valuable information on a southward subduc Madhurai block in the north and KeralaKondalite
tion. Magnetotelluric studies across PCSZ (line E in block towards the south [23]. The Madhurai block is
Fig. 1) have inferred block structure in this region [33, dominated by charnokite massif and also with
34]. On the basis of MT data integrated with gravity metasedimentary rocks of quarzites, carbonates,
Naganjaneyulu and Santosh [58] inferred that the banded iron formations etc. The age of charnokite
upper crust is highly resistive (>20000 Ω m) with a massif is believed to be NeoProterozoic [85]. The
density of about 2.72 g/cm3 extending up to 14–15 km extension of the AKSZ runs about 120 km with a width
representing the felsic crust. The high resistivity of about 25 km. The dominant rock types within the
accompanied by relatively low gravity is attributed to AKSZ are metamorphic and also magmatic rocks that
the granitic bodies (Fig. 6). Between the two suture include charnokites, garnet biotite gneises, calcarious
zones (PCSZ and CSZ) anomalous low resistivity silicates and mafic granulites etc. It is believed that
(<300 Ω m) is delineated at midlower crustal depths. AKSZ has similar features to that of Ranotsara shear
Such low resistive material is considered as anomalous zone in the southern part of Madagascar [71, 74].
according to normal MT classification [43]. In gen Magentotelluric data acquired along a traverse [22]
eral, factors like partial melts and graphite at the grain cuts across AKSZ—from Vattalkundu to Kanyaku
boundary reflects anomalously low resistivity values mari (line F in Fig. 1) has exhibited high resistive
(<300 Ω m). upper crustal feature up to a depth of about 10 km with
Low resistivity structures delineated in this region an increased thickness to about 15 km beneath AKSZ.
in the lower crust can be correlated with sedimentary Anomalous conductive feature from lower crust to
layers due to largescale overthrusting or fluid filled upper mantle depths (see C in Fig. 7) is clearly deline
suture zones. Subducted oceanic lithosphere which ated below AKSZ. Additionally, a resistive domal like
was subsequently hydrated during exhumation and feature is observed below Madhurai block with a mod
retrograde metamorphism could be one of the possible erately conducting feature separating the upper crust
explanations for the high density and low resistivity and the domal resistive feature. The anomalous con
observed in the region. The highpressure mafic gran ductive feature (C) has shown a palm tree shape struc
ulites within the PCSZ have been correlated to the ture indicating that AKSZ has experienced intense
remnants of subducted and metamorphosed oceanic tectonic activity originated from lower crust to upper
crust [86]. However, according to Roy et al. [82] pres mantle depths. Interestingly, gravity high is observed
ence of partial melts in this region can be ruled out due near AKSZ region that can be correlated with the
to low heat flow values observed in the region (28– anomalous deep crustal structure. Another interesting
38 mW m–2). Evidence for remnants of accreted oce feature observed from seismic tomographic studies is
anic lithosphere has been reported by Santosh et al. high velocity (Vp > 6.3 and Vs > 3.7 km/s) structure to
[85] from different domains within the PCSZ includ a depth of 8 km in the upper crust near AKSZ. Remote
ing ophiolite suite and diopside dykes. According to sensing and structural fabric of the rocks have shown a
Naganjaneyulu and Santosh [58], the nature of the series of lineaments that are dipping towards AKSZ
southward dipping low resistivity and high density from either side [71].
anomaly suggests a fragment of the eclogitised and It is interesting to compare the deep resistivity
partly exhumed subducted oceanic lithosphere, structure with other geophysical studies. The seismic
marked by the domal structure. reflection image along a part of the present traverse,
The longitudinal conductance has been computed i.e., from Vattalkundu to Kalugumalai supports the
for 50 km and plotted above the geoelectric section dome like resistive feature below Madurai granulite

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 48 No. 4 2014


3 (a)

log conductance, s

1 Kanyakumari







Depth, km

30 128
40 8

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
South Distance, km North

Fig. 7. Resistivity section across Achankovil Suture Zone derived from Magnetotelluric data (modified from [22]). Arrows indi
cate the upward flow of asthenosphere. The conductance for the top 50 km along the profile is also shown. Abbreviations:
AKSZ—Achankovil Suture Zone, KKB—Kerala Khondalite Block, MGB—Madurai Granulite Block.

block as the reflectors delineated from seismics palm tree like structure delineated below the profile
between 3–8 and 12–13 s TWT. Additionally, gravity near AKSZ is also located where the longitudinal con
high between Sedapatti and Sarvatapuram also sup ductance is more than 100 S.
ports the resistive domal like feature. Strong southerly
dipping features observed from seismic reflection
image [70] correlates with the southerly dipping fea DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
ture below Kalugumalai. Computed gravity data for Study of collision zones is important as they reveal
the model constrained from seismic and magnetotel anomalous tectonic features and processes related to
luric studies have shown a good fit with the observed orogeny. In the present study, collision zone related to
gravity data. The Bouguer gravity low is associated subduction processes and also interactions between
with a low density and relatively less resistive (<1000 Ω m) the cratons and suture zones are presented in Hima
rocks of Kerala Khondalite block. High density with layan, central Indian and Southern Granulite terrain
moderately resistive quartzite and banded iron forma regions. Based on geoelectric sections along with tec
tion from shallow to mid crustal depths is spatially cor tonic models proposed earlier, line diagrams have been
rectable with gravity high below AKSZ. From the prepared with major anomalous resistive/conductive
above correlation, and also from the available geologi structures and presented in Figs. 8a–8d. The well
cal and geophysical data, it can be concluded that the known Himalayan region is studied with deep geoelec
deep crust beneath AKSZ is probably associated with tric structure along two traverses—one in Sikkim
low resistive but high density feature. Himalayas towards the east and the other in Garwal
The longitudinal conductance computed up to a Himalayas towards the west. Sengor and Kidd [91]
depth of 50 km (Fig. 7) has shown a decreasing trend have brought out an analogy between the origin of
from south to north indicating that relatively stable Tibetan plateau due to subduction processes in Hima
crustal section from VattalkunduKalugumalai as layas and the Anatolian plateau originated due to the
compared to KalugumalaiKanyakumari, where the collision zone between the Arabia and Eurasia conti
conductance reaches more than 100 S. Interestingly, a nents. Similar to southern Tibet, the geodynamic

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 48 No. 4 2014


modeling of Anatolian plateau suggests the weakening MBT and MCT showing major features of crust is pre
of the rocks for the crustal flow [5]. In both the Tibetan sented in the Fig. 8b. The dipping nature of the upper
and Anatolian plateau the entire colliding plateau does crust near MCT is clearly identified as anomalous
not underthrust in the region and both are character conductivity feature, probably related to mafic/ultra
ized by the shallow asthenosphere. Similarly, Froi mafic rocks associated with fluids. High resistive fea
devaux and Richard [26] have compared the Tibetan ture at lower crust is seen towards south of MCT, prob
Plateau with the Altiplano and observed that both have ably related to felsic type of dry rocks. From compari
similar patterns of low level thrusting and extended to son of the two MT transects on western and eastern
higher elevation. Thus the study of collision zones has parts of Himalayas, the anomalous conductive feature
greater potential to provide constraints to the rheolog is thin (~10 km) in the Garhwal Himalayas, whereas,
ical properties of the crust and upper mantle. it is thicker (>10 km) for the Sikkim Himalayas.
The magnetotelluric profile in the western part of The central Indian tectonic zone and Narmada
the Himalayas crosses the MBT, Shivalik sediments, Lineament Zone is believed to have experienced,
Chail thrust, Rampur window, MCT and higher intense tectonic activity with collision process
Himalayan rocks of high grade metamorphics (Fig. 1). between the two major cratonic blocks namely, the
The northward dipping signature is clearly brought out Bundelkhand craton towards the north and Dharwar
by the MT study [104] in the form of anomalous con craton towards the south. Two prominent anomalous
ductive layer with a thickness of ~10 km (Fig. 2). It is conductive features along BurhanpurBarwa profile
known that Himalayan collision zone tectonics has have been delineated; one near Dorwa and another
occurred during Cenozoic period. In this collision between Nepanagar and Burhanpur (Fig. 4). From the
zone two major orogenic belts have been identified. observation of undulating Moho from DSS studies,
One is the Pacific type orogeny towards north of ITSZ anomalous conductive features at midcrustal depths
and the other is southern collision type orogeny and from xenoliths data, it is interpreted that appre
towards south of ITSZ. They have identified a flower ciable quantities of ultra mafic rocks such as pyrox
shaped structure for the ITSZ. The cartoon of the inites and websterites might have originated from the
Himalayan orogeny is redrawn and presented in deep mantle [20]. These rocks contain magnetite and
Fig. 8a. Our present MT study is located over a colli titanomagnetitic minerals that could be responsible
sion type orogeny of Himalayas. Major features of the for the high conductivity at midcrustal depths. The
geoelectric section presented in Fig. 8a show a clear two near parallel MT profiles oriented approximately
dipping nature of the upper crust with a massive felsic in northsouth direction have shown clear evidence
intrusive body at lower crust and upper mantle depths for the continuous tectonic activity in the region. The
below Rampur. MBT has shown its signature in the resistive upper crust is dissected by various crustal scale
form of anomalous conductivity feature probably due faults (Fig. 5). Steeply dipping anomalous conductive
to weak zones filled with fluids in the upper crust. features are spatially correlates with the well known
Arora et al. [4] have studied the Pacific orogeny region geological faults [59]. This is clearly delineated along
of the western Himalayas. A line drawing for their MahanKhajuriakalan profile. A line diagram showing
model is prepared and presented in Fig. 8a. Northward the central Indian collision type tectonics is presented
dipping feature is clearly indicated in their model. in Fig. 8c. Major features derived from the geoelectric
Steep dipping of Moho towards north is also well cor section of Central India are presented in the form of
related. another line diagram in Fig. 8c. The prominent signa
The MT profile across Sikkim Himalayas [65] ture of the model is a high resistive upper crust and a
passes through MFT at the foot hills of the Himalayas, low resistive lower crust with a dipping signature from
MBT and MCT in lesser and higher Himalayan Narmada south fault towards north. The anomalous
region. The deep resistivity section derived along the conductive features are interpreted as layeredintru
profile has exhibited dipping signature of the anoma sive structures. Conductive linear features between the
lous conductive feature towards north (Fig. 3). In Sik block faulted upper crust are also observed which can
kim Himalayas, Tiwari et al. [98] have conducted grav be attributed to weak zones partially filled with fluids.
ity and magnetic surveys, along the MT profile. They The model supports collision type tectonics of CITZ
have shown a clear signature of flexure of underthrust with a clear dipping signature towards north. This
ing Indian plate with large variation in Moho depth. A model also supports the model proposed by Roy and
bow shaped sedimentary formation of lesser Himala Prasad [81].
yas is compared with a cross section of metamorphic Southern Granulite terrain is believed to contain
rocks [53]. Their model has shown a thin feature of number of crustal blocks juxtaposed to each other and
lesser Himalayan metasediments towards north separated by mega suture zones. The magnetotelluric
related to the curvilinear shape of MCT. They further traverses from Kuppam to Kanyakumari has shown
extended their model towards north and joins with the the resistive upper crust and a conductive lower crust
INDEPTH [35] profile. Part of the line diagram of with anomalous conductor between the Chennimalai
their tectonic model is presented in Fig. 8b. Another suture zone and PalghatCauvery suture zone (Fig. 6).
line diagram based on the present study covering MFT, Moho upwarping has been observed from deep seismic

GEOTECTONICS Vol. 48 No. 4 2014


(a) (b)

South Collisiontype orogen Pacifictype orogen North South North
(i) Basement
20 MC
Moho LC
40 Mantle

Depth, km
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(ii) (iii) Distance, km

0 ?
? Lesser Himalaya Higher Himalaya


20 Mafic crust ? MHT 20 (ii)

Weak zone
40 Felsic 40 0

Depth, km
60 crust
0 50 100 150

Depth, km
Distance, km Indian
Moho 80

Depth, km
100 Felsic crust
0 50 100 150 200
(c) Distance, km
Central India suture
Collisiontype Pacifictype

Upper crust Upper crust

Lower crust


(ii) South North




South North Block faulted TTG crust
0 Deccap traps/sediments

Upper crust


Vol. 48
Weak zones
Moho Intrusive
Lower crust Intrusive
40 Intrusive

Depth, km
Depth, km

Resistive upper mantle 40 plume

No. 4
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

Distance, km Distance, km

Fig. 8. Line diagrams showing tectonic features of Western Himalayas (a), Eastern Himalayas (b), Central Indian tectonic zone (c) and
Southern granulite terrain (d). The collision type and Pacific type orogeny of Himalayan region [85] is shown in (a) (i). The tec
tonic features based on the present study are shown in (a) (ii), and based on earlier study [4] are shown in (a) (iii). The line diagram
showing the features of eastern Himalayas from gravity and magnetic studies [98] is shown in (b) (i) and major features derived
from MT study are presented in (b) (ii), which are consistent with the earlier tectonic model. The Central Indian tectonic features
are shown in (c) (i) and major features derived from MT studies are shown in the form of a line diagram. The dipping signatures
of the upper and lower crust and its correlation with the earlier suggested tectonic model can be seen. A line diagram showing the
major features of southern granulite terrain is presented in (d). The dipping signatures towards south from PCSZ, CSZ and below
the MGB which are consistent with earlier proposed model by [85].

studies between these two suture zones. A prominent sible that these weak zones can manifest itself in the
local gravity high spatially correlates with anomalous form of crustal scale fault structures. In such a sce
conductor and Moho upwarping supports the occur nario, reactivation of adjacent crustal blocks can be
rence of high pressure metagabbros and garnet expected.
amphibolites representing the metamorphosed oce On the basis of MT results from six profiles in three
anic crust [58]. Further south of this profile, from Vat different regions, it can be concluded that if the crustal
talakundu to Kanyakumari, has shown interesting longitudinal conductance reaches 1000 S or more due
deep crustal features. The dipping reflectors inferred to the presence of deep crustal conductors, as a rule of
from the seismic study spatially correlates with the thumb, the region may be considered as tectonically
resistivity discontinuity at a few places. A palm tree active. The present study although has indicated
like anomalous conductivity feature (Fig. 7) is associ important subsurface features along the six transects,
ated with Achankovil suture zone indicating the exhu its interpretation is based on two dimensional model
mation of deep mantle rocks to the midcrustal depths ing only. However, for more realistic models, addi
[22]. The occurrence of such a feature is an indicative tional data along different parallel transects with three
of intense tectonic activity which has become the dimensional modeling may provide greater constraints
source for the presence of mega features such as Pal and confidence on the subsurface structure.
ghatCauvery, Chennimalai and Achankovil suture
zones. A tectonic model is proposed by Santosh et al.
[85] in Southern Granulite terrain of south India with ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
a possibility of two Cambrian collision belts. They We thank Dr Y.J. Bhaskara Rao, Director of NGRI
have shown that Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB) repre for his permission to publish this study. This study is
sents a rift basin where sediments were deposited pos partly supported by PSC0204 funds.
sibly around 700 Ma. Yoshida [114] has traced the
extension of the Khondalite belt into Madagascar
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