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Alana Retallack Reta0024

SACE Stage 1 Nutrition Unit Plan

Class Context:
The class is a year 11 class in Glenunga International High School. Glenunga International high school is a
category 8 school in the inner suburbs of Adelaide. The class contains 17 students, three of which have
special learning needs. One student has English as a second language, one has a hearing impairment and
one has dyslexia.

Unit Topic : The psychology of food marketing Year Level: 11 Unit Length: 5 weeks - 3 x 90 minute
classes per week

Unit Aim
Upon completion of this unit students should be able to:
- Read and interpret a nutrition label from a variety of different foods. They will understand what a
healthy level of fat, salt and sugar is in foods.
- Students will understand what additives and preservatives are and how they affect the body.
- Students will understand food labels and what different terms mean on food labels.
- Students will understand how consumers can objectively interpret information about nutrition
- Students will understand how fad diets can affect peoples’ health and wellbeing
- Students will know about anorexia and bulimia and will understand how media plays a role in
these diseases.

Learning requirements
In this unit, learning requirements 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be addressed and then assessed in the skills and
applications task and the investigations folio task.
1. identify and formulate questions, hypotheses, and purposes that guide nutrition
investigations and their design
2. design, safely conduct, and evaluate investigations and apply knowledge and
problem-solving skills to individual and collaborative practical tasks
3. select and use evidence to analyse, compare, and evaluate strategies for the
prevention and management of disorders related to diet and lifestyle, and make
recommendations for promoting good health
4. communicate knowledge and understanding of nutrition, using the terms and
conventions of the language of nutrition to suit particular purposes and contexts
5. critically evaluate and apply knowledge and understanding of nutrition to identify and
explain decisions based on ethical, personal, social, environmental, and/or economic
factors that influence the diet and lifestyle choices of individuals and communities
6. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of, and respect for, varying cultural influences on diet and
lifestyle decisions.

Unit Essential Questions

How can consumers objectively interpret information about nutrition?
What are additives and preservatives and how can they affect your health?
What are fad diets and how do they impact peoples’ health?
How to accurately interpret food labels and nutrient labels?
What are healthy amounts of fat, salt and sugar in different foods?
What is a health star rating and how are they allocated?
How do celebrities influence the public with health food promotions?
What is anorexia and bulimia and how do the media play a part in these diseases?

Performance Standards
The specific features are as follows:
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I1 Design of a nutrition investigation.
I2 Selection and acknowledgment of information about nutrition and issues in nutrition from different
I3 Manipulation of apparatus, equipment, and technological tools to implement safe and ethical
investigation procedures.
I4 The obtaining, recording, and display of findings of investigations, using appropriate conventions and
Analysis and Evaluation
The specific features are as follows:
AE1 Analysis of data and concepts and their connections, to formulate conclusions and make relevant
AE2 Evaluation of procedures, with suggestions for improvements.
The specific features are as follows:
A1 Application of nutrition concepts and evidence from investigations to solve problems and to promote
good health in new and familiar contexts.
A2 Use of appropriate nutrition terms and conventions.
A3 Demonstration of skills in individual and collaborative work.
Knowledge and Understanding
The specific features are as follows:
KU1 Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of nutrition concepts.
KU2 Use of knowledge of nutrition to understand and explain issues related to diet, lifestyle, culture, and
KU3 Communication of knowledge and understanding of nutrition in different contexts, using different
General Capabilities
- Communication – students will be working on this by using information and communication
technologies to research for their assignments and analysing this data and information to gain an
understanding of fad diets. Students will also do group work in class which will help them learn to
construct knowledge through communication with others. Throughout the topic students will also
be acquiring literacy and numeracy skills in nutrition.
- Citizenship – Students will be investigating the interrelationship between nutrition information
and community health, as they investigate how media can influence people’s nutritional decisions
and how this can have a negative impact on their health.
- Personal development – students will gain an understanding of physical, mental, personal and
social health and well-being through nutrition and learning about different diets and influences on
people through media.
- Work – students will gain skills in individual and collaborative work through the class tasks and the
summative assignments.
- Learning – students will be using nutrition data, problem solving, critically analysing information,
applying nutrition knowledge and skills and understanding how knowledge of nutrition changes
over time and can sometimes be falsely reported.

Adjustments for Learning: Content/Instruction/assessment

Student with English as a second language

Provided adjustment: Seeing as Glenunga is an international high school, there is a student in the class
who has English as a second language. These students have extra help outside of the classroom with ESL
teachers’; however inside the Nutrition class other supports will be given. Power-points and videos will be
made to be visual and not as much text. Students will receive extra help from the teacher with
assignments as well as any extra help with explanation of content when needed. Assessments for year 11
can be simplified for this student and made to be less demanding in terms of language. During the skills
and applications task the student will have access to a translator on their laptop as well as extra time if
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needed to read the questions.

Student with Dyslexia

Provided adjustment: The student with dyslexia will be supported in the classroom in a similar way to the
student with English as a second language. The power-point slides will be made to be visual and less text.
If any big blocks of text need to be copied down, the student will be given a print out. The student will also
be given extra time in the skills and applications task, as they take a longer time to read questions and
write out their answers. The student will be given support by the teacher when writing their investigations

Student with hearing difficulty

Provided adjustment: The student with hearing problems will be sat in the front third of the class to
ensure they are able to hear the teacher as much as possible. The teacher will try and face the student
when speaking to allow the student to lip read, encourage other students to also face them when they are
talking out loud to the class. Students in the class will also be encouraged to speak quite loud when talking
to the class to allow the student with hearing difficulty to hear them. If any video clips are watched in
class, ensure that subtitles are possible, or if not, give student notes of a summary of the video to read.
When information is being given by the teacher, make sure there are minimal background noises in
classroom. All instructions should be written on the board to ensure if the student could not hear or lip
read, so they still know what is going on. The student will receive the same assessment as the rest of the
class, however if they are not comfortable with doing an oral presentation, another option will be given to

Assessment tasks
- Students will be given a pre-assessment before the unit begins and will be tested on their
knowledge of nutrient labels, food labels and other things relating to the unit questions (found

- Formative work will be done throughout the unit to allow students to receive feedback on their
work and improve for summative tasks.
- When students do the fast food vs home-made food task, the teacher will go around to each group
and ensure all groups worked out the amount of teaspoons of fat, sugar and salt correctly. The
teacher will give verbal feedback to the students to allow them to see if they are on the right track
- In week two when students are asked to present about either an additive or preservative, the
teacher will write a short feedback for each group about their presentation skills and content
delivered to the class. This will allow students to know what they need to work on when it comes
to oral presentations.
- Students meal plans which they will make during the supermarket excursion will be formatively
assessed by the teacher.

- Investigations folio task: Students will undertake an issues investigation were they will investigate a
fad diet and how it can affect people’s health and well-being. Students will present this summative
as an oral presentation to the rest of the class.
- Skills and applications task: this task will be done in the form of a 60 minute long test including
multiple choice, short answer and an essay style question. The task sheet for this can be found in
the appendix.
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Unit eLearning Considerations/Technology
- Students will have access to their own personal laptops throughout the unit, meaning work can
be done on them and online activities are able to be done in class.
- Media will be used in the classroom to play videos, use power-point, to do quizzes and for
students to research for in class assignments.

Pre- In the first lesson students will be given a short 20 minute long quiz as a pre assessment of
Assessment their knowledge of reading food labels, nutrition labels, and their knowledge of nutrition in
Task the media and fad diets. These tests will then be used by the teacher to plan how in-depth
the lessons will go and how much background information the students need to be
prepared with.
- This lesson will be an introductory lesson to reading food labels.
Week 1: - A short presentation will be given to show the students what a food label is and
Lesson 1 how the information is displayed. For example how to read the fat, sugar, fibre,
energy content of the foods and also how to read the ingredients list.
Nutrient - Students will then be handed out food labels of different food packages such as
labels muesli bars, crackers, frozen foods, yogurt etc. and will be asked to work in pairs to
find out how much salt, sugar, fat, energy etc. is in each of the foods. A few
different brands of the same food will be brought in and students can compare
which brands are healthier.
- After students have grasped the concept of food labels and how to read them,
students will be placed into groups and given three food labels of the same type of
food but comparing homemade vs. takeaway foods. Students will have to calculate
how many teaspoons of fat, sugar and salt are in each of the foods and lay the
spoons out on the table to compare the three foods. (see appendix for examples of
food labels)
*Students will be given this handout so they are able to remember how to interpret food

- This lesson will be investigating more into the ingredients list to look at different
Week 1: additives/preservatives added to foods.
Lesson 2 - To begin the lesson this you-tube video will be played to introduce food additives:
Additives - Students will be put in partners and each pair will be given either an additive or
and preservative to investigate (Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Nitrate, Sodium sulphite,
preservatives Sulphur dioxide, propyl paraben, Potassium bromate, monosodium glutamate
(MSG)). The students will be asked to try and investigate the following things about
their assigned additive or preservative:
1. What its made from
2. Why is it put in foods
3. What harmful effects can it have on the body
- Students will then present their findings to the class and the class will be asked to
fill out a worksheet which has on it each additive/preservative and they will have
to fill out what they have learned from each presentation.
%20alphabetical%20June%202016.pdf – full list of additives

- Excursion to a supermarket
Week 1: - Students will be taken out of the school today to walk down to Burnside shopping
Lesson 3 centre to analyse nutrient labels and try to come up with a meal
- Students will be given an assignment worksheet to work on while at the
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Supermarket supermarket (in appendix)
excursion - Students will have to walk around and find ingredients for a dinner meal. They will
have to analyse the nutrient labels of all the ingredients and determine how much
salt, sugar, fat, fibre and energy their meal will contain.
- After spending an hour in the supermarket students will walk back to school

- Students will be given this lesson to finish off their assignment worksheet from the
Week 2: excursion.
Lesson 1 - Students will need this time to google and calculate the energy from foods such as
fruits and vegetables which would not have had a nutrient label displayed in the
Supermarket supermarket.
excursion - Students will be required to hand up their analysed meal at the end of the lesson.
- This lesson will concentrate on food labelling and food claims and how companies
Week 2: can use words to try and persuade buyers to think their product is healthy.
Lesson 2 - Play some food ads and ask students to discuss the health claims which are being
made in the video
Food labels - Cadbury ad –“there’s a glass and a half in everyone”
and food
claims - Lead the discussion onto other health claims the students may have heard in their
everyday life and that they might see on food packages.
- Hand out a range of different food labels which include words such as ‘natural’,
‘lite’, ‘low fat’ or ‘organic’ and ask students to discuss these labels and what they
think they mean.
- Use a power-point presentation to explain the difference between general level
health claims and high level health claims -
- Give students a work sheet (found in appendix) which they will have to research
what a food must contain in order to have certain nutrient claims put on the
packaging. Allow students to work in small groups for this small task. When they
are done, go around to each group and ask them to read their answers out and see
if other groups found similar.
- This class will be focusing on food labelling again, in particular the health star
Week 2: rating and heart foundation tick.
Lesson 3 - Start off the class by bringing out a package of farmers union iced coffee and also a
feel good farmer’s union iced coffee. Pass these packages around the room and
Food labels – ask students to look at the health star rating and then to look at the sugar content.
health star Ask students if they think this is an accurate health star rating based on how much
rating and sugar there is. Then show them in a zip lock bag how much sugar is in the iced
heart coffee.
foundation - Give a brief power-point talk about the health star rating and how it works and
tick hand around the information sheet found in the appendix.
- Give students all a food which they then have to give a health star rating to and
explain why they have given that rating to the class. Then reveal what the actual
health star rating is to them.
- Next ask students if they have ever seen the heart foundation tick before. Have a
discussion about the heart foundation tick and what students think it means
- Discuss how it has been removed last year. Ask students why they think this may
be? (it is due to nutritional information now being displayed on the front of
packaging instead)
- Ask students to work in groups and come up with their own way of showing that a
food is healthy. Ask students to produce a short list of guide lines and a way of
showing consumers how healthy different foods are. Students will then present
their ideas to the rest of the class.
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- Students will be given a brief overview of fad diets and what types of fad diets
Week 3: there and are what their negative effects can be.
Lesson 1 - Show students the Netflix documentary from the series ‘explained’ called ‘why
diets fail’. This documentary discusses various fad diets which have been tried in
Fad diets the past and talks about the factors which leads to these diets not working.
- Introduce students to their new issues investigation assignment. Students will be
required to choose a fad diet and investigate the negative effects it can have on a
person’s health and lifestyle. (assignment in appendix)
- Students will have this lesson to work on their issues analysis and ask any
questions in class.

- Students will have this lesson to work on their fad diets issues investigation.
Week 3: - Students will be monitored with how they are going with their work. If students
Lesson 2 are not on task or not using their time wisely, we will move onto the next topic
which would have been started in lesson 3.
Fad diets

- This lesson will focus on celebrities and their influence on the dieting industry.
Week 3: - Start a discussion with students about which celebrities they know of who have
Lesson 3 advertised different diets or dieting products.
- Show some examples (in Appendix) to get conversation started with students.
Celebrity - Play a fun game in class where students get into teams and the teacher reads out
influence on questions such as ‘match the celebrity to the fad diet’. Students will have to work
diets in their groups to work out the answers.
- The lesson will end with the teams going up against each other in a debate about
whether celebrities should be allowed to advertise dieting products or not.
Students will have 15 minutes in their groups to come up with their points for the
argument and will then face up against the other teams with the teacher being the
decider of the winner.

- This lesson will be set aside for students to present their issues investigation oral
Week 4: to the class.
Lesson 1 - While other students are presenting, the students watching will be given a sheet to
fill out.
Presentation - The worksheet students will fill out will include the following questions for each of
of fad diet the fad diets being presented:
assignments 1. What does this diet consist of/ what do you eat when you are on this diet?
2. How does it supposedly help you lose weight?
3. How does it have a negative impact on your health and well-being?

- This lesson will focus on eating disorders. Students will watch the documentary
Week 4: called ‘Thin’. This documentary follows four women with eating disorders who are
Lesson 2 being treated.
Eating - This documentary will take up this whole lesson and some of the next lesson.
disorders - During the documentary the students will be given a list of questions to think
about and answer.
*Planned adjustments: Subtitles will be put on the screen to allow the student with
hearing difficulty understand everything. The student with English as a second language
will also benefit from the subtitles, as if the accents are hard to understand they will be
able to read the language instead.

- The documentary will be finished off in this lesson, then at the end of the
Week 4: documentary students will discuss the answers they had to some of the questions
Lesson 3 on the sheet they were given.
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- At the end of the class the teacher will take the students answers to the questions
Eating to make sure they have completed them.
disorders *Planned adjustments: If the student with dyslexia needs more time to finish writing their
answers, they will be allowed to hand theirs up in the next lesson.
- This lesson will begin to focus on the question which the topic is surrounding which
Week 5: is “How can consumers objectively interpret information about nutrition?”
Lesson 1 - Students will be posed the question “How do you know if something you read in
the newspaper or in the media is true” at the start of the lesson and a short group
How to discussion will be had about this topic.
accurately - This discussion will then be narrowed down to “how do you know if facts you read
interpret about food in the media are true”, and “Do you believe everything you read”, “if
nutrition not, why?” Students will then discuss these leading questions.
information - Students will then be given a media article to look at which discusses a food topic.
in the media Students will be given this list of questions to answer about their article:
1. When you first read it did you believe everything that it said?
2. Is there any evidence given behind the facts?
3. Have you heard this information anywhere before?
4. Go onto your laptop and search this information to see if you can find any sources
backing the facts up. State them here if you can.
5. After searching for backup information, do you still believe everything the article
- After students have finished analysing their article individually, ask them to stand
up and find others in the class who had the same article (about 4 students will have
the same of each) Then ask students to discuss in their groups what they have
- Students will then report back to the class with what their group decided about the
reliability of their media report.
*Page 30 of uni nutrition text book*
- This lesson will be spent doing test revision for students.
Week 5: - To begin the lesson students will do a fun practice quiz online from the website
Lesson 2 quizlet-
- Students will then be given a practice test to complete in their own time. Answers
Test revision will be put up online after the class so students are able to check their answers in
homework time.
- The skills and applications task will be done in this lesson in the form of a test on
Week 5: the students’ knowledge. The test will run for 60 minutes in class time and the
Lesson 3 remainder of the lesson will be a fun game of the students’ choice.

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Power- point for lesson 1 on food labels

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Nutrition labels for activity in lesson 1 to compare food labels of fast food
and home-made foods
Alana Retallack Reta0024
Food labelling work sheet

Health claim Criteria for a food having this health claim

Low fat or low in fat

Reduced fat or less fat

Low cholesterol or low in cholesterol

Low sugar or low in sugar

Source of fibre or contains fibre

High fibre or good source of fibre

Reduced salt/sodium

Low in salt

No artificial colourings or flavourings

*Answers in page 50 of nutrition uni text book*

Supermarket work sheet

Food Total energy (per Salt Sugar Fat


Total in whole

What additives or preservatives can be found in your foods?

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Health star rating information sheet to hand out to students

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Examples of Celebrity endorsed diets to show students:

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Alana Retallack Reta0024
Alana Retallack Reta0024
Skills and applications task sheet


SKILLS AND APPLICATIONS TASK 3 – psychology of food marketing


To demonstrate your:
 Knowledge and understanding of reading nutrient labels and understanding of additives
and preservatives.
 Knowledge and understanding of how consumers can objectively interpret information
about nutrition in the media etc.
 Knowledge and understanding of eating disorders and fad diets.
 Ability to apply your knowledge and understanding, and to analyse data to make
recommendations for promoting good health
 Ability to use appropriate nutrition terms, conventions and notations.

Description of assessment

 Complete the following multiple choice and short answer questions.

 Write a paragraph for your response to question 12. Explicit instructions
 Communicate your knowledge and understanding of nutrition using the appropriate terms, support students to
conventions and notation. reach the highest
 Provide detailed responses to both the short answer and paragraph questions. possible level of

Assessment conditions

 This is an individual task and you have 60 minutes to complete it.

 A calculator may be used.
 Use of other support materials is not allowed.

Additional comments
 There is a range of question types requiring interpretation and/or analysis of text, diagrams,
tables and graphs (which support visual learners), experimental evidence, calculations and
social/ethical issues.
Alana Retallack Reta0024

Learning Requirements Assessment Design Criteria Capabilities

1. Identify and formulate Investigation Communication
questions, hypotheses, and The specific features are as follows: Citizenship
purposes that guide nutrition Personal
investigations and their  I1 Design a nutrition investigation.
design  I2 Selection and acknowledgment of information about nutrition
2. Design, safely conduct, and and issues in nutrition from different sources.
evaluate investigations and  I3 Manipulation of apparatus, equipment, and technological
apply knowledge and tools to implement safe and ethical investigation procedures.
problem-solving skills to
individual and collaborative  I4 The obtaining, recording, and display of findings of
practical tasks investigations using appropriate conventions and formats.
3. Select and use evidence to
analyse, compare, and Analysis and Evaluation
evaluate strategies for the The specific features are as follows:
prevention and management
of disorders related to diet  AE1 Analysis of data and concepts and their connections, to
and lifestyle, and make formulate conclusions and make relevant predictions.
recommendations for  AE2 Evaluation of procedures, with suggestions for
promoting good health improvements.
4. Communicate knowledge
and understanding of Application
nutrition using the terms and
conventions of the language The specific features are as follows:
of nutrition to suit particular  A1 Application of nutrition concepts and evidence from
purposes and contexts investigations to solve problems and to promote good health in
5. Critically evaluate and apply new and familiar contexts.
knowledge and  A2 Use of appropriate nutrition terms and conventions.
understanding of nutrition to
 A3 Demonstration of skills in individual and collaborative work.
identify and explain
decisions based on ethical,
personal, social,  Knowledge and Understanding
environmental, and/or The specific features are as follows:
economic factors that
influence the diet and  KU1 Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of
lifestyle choices of nutrition concepts.
individuals and communities  KU2 Use of knowledge of nutrition to understand and explain
6. Demonstrate knowledge issues related to diet, lifestyle, culture, and health.
and understanding of, and
respect for, varying cultural
 KU3 Communication of knowledge and understanding of
influences on diet and nutrition in different contexts, using different formats.
lifestyle decisions.

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Ref: A125890 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2013
Alana Retallack Reta0024
Investigations folio task sheet
Issues Investigation

To demonstrate your ability to:
 Select and extract knowledge and information about an issue in nutrition from several sources
 Analyse, compare and evaluate nutrition information
 Explain the interrelationship of diet, lifestyle, culture and health.

In the past 20 years many ‘fad’ diets have come about in the media with many celebrities getting on board to
promote these diets. Most of these diets have limited scientific evidence and can even be dangerous for your
health. These diets include the following:

- The raw food diet

- Alkaline diets
- Cookie diets
- The five bite diet
- The baby food diet
- The cabbage soup diet
- The Dukan diet
- The paleo diet

Description of Assessment
Investigate a fad diet and the resulting health consequences.
Examples of possible fad diets to investigate are listed above.
Select an issue to investigate. Research it and prepare a report that demonstrates your knowledge of the fad
diet, and the health consequences surrounding this fad diet and how it can affect ones well-being and life
Access information from a variety of sources (e.g. news articles, internet, magazines/periodicals, books,
class survey, interview).
Thoroughly analyse and evaluate the information and draw conclusions about the impact of fad diets on the
health of individuals and the community.

The task provides opportunities for students to:

 select and acknowledge information about nutrition and issues in nutrition from a range of sources
 analyse data and concepts and their connections, to formulate conclusions and make relevant predictions
(Analysis and Evaluation)
 use knowledge of nutrition understand and explain links between diet, lifestyle, culture, and health.
(Knowledge and Understanding)
 obtain, record, and display findings of investigations using appropriate conventions and formats (Investigation)
 use appropriate nutrition terms and conventions effectively (Application).

Students will be able to achieve to the highest level of the performance standards.

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Ref: A125890 (revised January 2013)
© SACE Board of South Australia 2013
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Assessment Conditions
This assessment will be presented as a 5 minute long oral
You will be allocated 1 lesson during week 3 to investigate your diet. You will then present you oral presentation in the next week.

Suggested oral format:

1. Issue to be investigated (the fad diet)
2. Introduction defining the main terms of the investigation and why nutritionists are concerned about the issue (including what you think you will discover by
conducting the research)
3. Discuss what you have discovered from you research (How the fad diet can affect a person’s health and well-being)
4. Conclusion outlining of your opinion after conducting the research. Comment on the reliability and accuracy of the evidence you used in your research. Could the
fad diet you selected affect the health on individuals and communities? What further research needs to be done to discover more on the issue?
5. Bibliography (at end of power-point presentation)
6. Appendices which were referred to in the report (e.g. raw data from survey, internet articles, tables)

Learning Requirements Assessment Design Criteria Capabilities

1. Identify and formulate questions, Investigation Communication
hypotheses, and purposes that The specific features are as follows: Citizenship
guide nutrition investigations and
their design  I1 Design a nutrition investigation. Personal
 I2 Selection and acknowledgment of information about nutrition and Development
2. Design, safely conduct, and
evaluate investigations and issues in nutrition from different sources. Work
apply knowledge and problem-  I3 Manipulation of apparatus, equipment, and technological tools to Learning
solving skills to individual and implement safe and ethical investigation procedures.
collaborative practical tasks
 I4 The obtaining, recording, and display of findings of investigations
3. Select and use evidence to using appropriate conventions and formats.
analyse, compare, and evaluate
Analysis and Evaluation
strategies for the prevention and
management of disorders The specific features are as follows:
related to diet and lifestyle, and  AE1 Analysis of data and concepts and their connections, to formulate
make recommendations for conclusions and make relevant predictions.
promoting good health
 AE2 Evaluation of procedures, with suggestions for improvements.
4. Communicate knowledge and
understanding of nutrition using Application
the terms and conventions of the The specific features are as follows:
language of nutrition to suit  A1 Application of nutrition concepts and evidence from investigations to
particular purposes and contexts solve problems and to promote good health in new and familiar
5. Critically evaluate and apply contexts.
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knowledge and understanding  A2 Use of appropriate nutrition terms and conventions.

of nutrition to identify and
 A3 Demonstration of skills in individual and collaborative work.
explain decisions based on
ethical, personal, social,  Knowledge and Understanding
environmental, and/or economic The specific features are as follows:
factors that influence the diet
 KU1 Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of nutrition
and lifestyle choices of
individuals and communities
6. Demonstrate knowledge and  KU2 Use of knowledge of nutrition to understand and explain issues
understanding of, and respect related to diet, lifestyle, culture, and health.
for, varying cultural influences  KU3 Communication of knowledge and understanding of nutrition in
on diet and lifestyle decisions. different contexts, using different formats.
Alana Retallack Reta0024

Stage 1 Nutrition – psychology of food marketing - week 1 lesson 1

Unit/Topic: Psychology of food marketing – food labelling

Aim of lesson: By the end of this lesson, students will understand how to read a food label and what different things to look out for when choosing a product.

Outcome: Students will understand what a healthy level of fat, sugar, sodium and fibre should be in a product and where to find this on the nutrient label.
Students will then be able to use and apply this knowledge in future lessons to plan healthy meals.

Year level: Year 11 Length of lesson: 90 minutes

Structu Time Concepts & What teacher will do and say (including questions) What students will Assessment Resources
re Mins Skills do Activities Equipment

Students’ To begin this lesson, a short quiz will be done with Students will do Pre-assessment Students need a pen and
20 min knowledge of students as a pre-assessment to determine student’s the test in silence of student no other resources
food labels knowledge on food labelling. It will be done in the form using no knowledge to
will be pre- of a printed out test which students will have 20 minutes resources. determine if
assessed. to complete. students have
any prior
knowledge of
how to read a
food label.
15-20 The concept A short presentation will be given to show the students Students will listen No assessment - Laptop with power-
min of nutrient what a food label is and how the information is to the teacher and activity during point
labels will be displayed. For example how to read the fat, sugar, fibre, take down notes. this time. -smart board
Middle taught and energy content of the foods and also how to read the Students may ask - work books to take
how to read ingredients list. any questions notes in
and interpret *Students will be given this handout so they are able to during this time.
them. remember how to interpret food labels*
Alana Retallack Reta0024

20-25 Students will Students will then be handed out food labels of different Students will work -Food packages for
min practice the food packages such as muesli bars, crackers, frozen in pairs to look at students to compare:
skill of foods, yogurt etc. and will be asked to work in pairs to the nutrient labels muesli bars, crackers,
reading a find out how much salt, sugar, fat, energy and fibre is in and determine frozen foods, yogurt etc.
nutrient label each of the foods. A few different brands of the same how much of each
food will be brought in and students can compare which component is in
brands are healthier. After students have been given the food. Students
some time to look at their food labels, a discussion will can use their
be had in class about which foods were better or worse notes and the
and which ones seem healthier but actually are not. handout they
received earlier in
the class.
30 Students will After students have grasped the concept of food labels Students will The teacher -Handout of homemade
use the skills and how to read them, students will be placed into work in groups to will walk vs takeaway foods (in
of reading a groups and given three food labels of the same type of work out the around and appendix)
nutrient label food but comparing homemade vs. takeaway foods. quantities of each assess each -packets of different
they have just Students will have to calculate how many teaspoons of component. group and give coloured plastic spoons
learnt to fat, sugar and salt are in each of the foods and lay the Students will then verbal
analyze fast- spoons out on the table to compare the three foods. look at other feedback on
End food and (See appendix for examples of food labels). groups and then whether they
home-made Students will then be allowed to walk around the participate in the correctly read
food labels. classroom and look at other students’ analysis of the discussion. the nutrient
different fast foods. labels or not.
A class discussion will then be had about the amounts of
fat, sugar and salt in each of the meals and how it differs
between home-made and fast food.
Alana Retallack Reta0024

Stage 1 Nutrition – psychology of food marketing – week 1 lesson 2

Unit/Topic: Psychology of food marketing

Aim of lesson: This lesson aims to investigate more into the ingredients list to look at different additives/preservatives added to foods.

Outcome: Students will understand what additives and preservatives are, why they are used and what effects they can have on our bodies. Students will be able to
recognise these additives and preservatives in an ingredients list.

Year level: Year 11 Length of lesson: 90 minutes

Structure Time Concepts & Skills What teacher will do and say (including What students will do Assessment Resources
Mins questions) Activities Equipment

The concept of To begin the lesson this you-tube video will be Students will have their none -Smartboard
5 min additives and played to introduce food additives: laptops down and be and laptop to
Beginning preservatives will be watching the you-tube play you-tube
introduced to QHhzvPE video
5 min Students will use Students will be put in partners and each pair will Students will work This task will -student
their research skills be given either an additive or preservative to quietly in pairs to be laptops for
and group work skills investigate (Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Nitrate, research their given formatively research
to find information Sodium sulphite, Sulphur dioxide, propyl paraben, additive or assessed so
about additives and Potassium bromate, monosodium glutamate preservative. They will students can
Middle preservatives. This (MSG)). The students will be asked to try and use google to find receive
will further teach investigate the following things about their resources on their feedback on
them about the assigned additive or preservative: laptops. their research
concept of additives 1. What it’s made from skills and also
and preservatives. 4. Why is it put in foods their
5. What harmful effects can it have on presentation
Alana Retallack Reta0024

the body skills.

30 Students will work on Students will then present their findings to the Students will present Their oral Smart board if
min their oral class and the class will be asked to fill out a to the class and fill out presentations students have
presentation skills worksheet which has on it each worksheet will be made a power-
and their ability to additive/preservative and they will have to fill out formatively point
Middle speak in front of their what they have learned from each presentation. assessed by -work sheet to
peers. the teacher fill out with
5 min Allow students the rest of the lesson to fill in the Students will work - -
(any work sheet with any other information they quietly to finish off the
End left missed in the presentation. work sheet.
Alana Retallack Reta0024

Stage 1 Nutrition – psychology of food marketing – week 1 lesson 3

Unit/Topic: Psychology of food marketing

Aim of lesson: Excursion to supermarket to allow students to put their food label reading skills into practice.

Outcome: Students will learn the layout of a supermarket and how to read food labels in the context of a food shopping trip. Students will learn to plan a healthy
meal using food and nutrition labels to guide them.

Year level: Year 11 Length of lesson: 90 minutes

Structure Time Concepts & What teacher will do and say (including questions) What students will do Assessment Activities Resources
Mins Skills Equipment

- Students will quickly be briefed about how the trip Students will listen to - 17 copies of
Beginnin 5 min to the supermarket will happen Students will be instructions the work
g handed out worksheet to complete (in appendix) sheet

15 - Students will walk to Burnside shopping center and Walk to Burnside -

min to the supermarket.

55 Students will be During the hour spent at the supermarket, students Students will walk This will be a Students will
min able to put the will work in groups and will walk around to try and around the supermarket formative assessment need clip
skills they have find a healthy meal. Students will be required to fill and find different foods task. Students will boards,
learned in class out the work sheet given to them with different to use in their chosen hand up their worksheets
Middle into practice and foods to make up a complete healthy meal of their meal. Students will read worksheet at the end and a pen
read food labels choice. They will need to try and keep, the fat, sugar the nutrient labels to of the lesson for
and ingredients and salt content within a healthy range, as well as determine how much feedback.
lists in a real life try to include a high amount of fiber. Students will fat, sugar, salt, energy
supermarket need to make their own meal even though they are and fiber is in their
Alana Retallack Reta0024

setting. walking around in a group. foods.

15 Walk back to the school and students will be Students will get signed
min allowed go to the next class after being signed off off by the teacher
by the teacher.

Supermarket work sheet

Food Total energy (per 100g) Salt Sugar Fat

Total in whole meal

What additives or preservatives can be found in your foods?

Alana Retallack Reta0024

Reference list
Bobongie V, Devenish G. (2011). Food Sensations Educators’ Resource. Retrieved from:

Health Star Rating System. (2019). How to use health star ratings. Retrieved from:

SACE. (2019). Nutrition. Retrieved from:

Weebly. (n.d). Thin documentary questions. Retrieved from:

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