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ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

How A

Few words to
Wrinkle in
Time Came

Plot: What’s

Setting/Time & Themes/Layer

ENGR. ARNEL B. ALIPAO Place s of Meaning

How A Wrinkle in Time

Came About
• Madeleine L’Engle had written and
published several books before
writing A Wrinkle in Time. Though
L’Engle sent Wrinkle to many
publishers, it kept getting rejected.
“I got a few queries saying ‘Who is
the book for?’ I said it’s for people; I
don’t write for an age group, I write
for people.”

How A Wrinkle in Time How A Wrinkle in Time

Came About Came About
• L’Engle explains further, “I write •Most of the objections to
stories because that’s how I look the book, she recalls,
for truth. I was looking for truth
when I was writing Wrinkle. We “were that it would not be
live in a world where it’s very able to find an audience,
difficult for people to understand that it was too difficult for
that a story can be truthful and children.”
not factual.”

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 1

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

How A Wrinkle in Time Came About How A Wrinkle in Time

• A Wrinkle in Time combines Came About
elements of science fiction and • Writers are always told to
fantasy with two of L’Engle’s
write about what they know,
special themes—moral
responsibility and the power of
and L’Engle says she modeled
love, especially family love. But it the main character of Meg
is also based on science, one of after herself, because “I’m
L’Engle’s favorite subjects. She the only person I know that
reads a lot of science books and well.”
uses scientific ideas in her writing.

How A Wrinkle in Time

Came About How A Wrinkle in Time
• During her school life, L’Engle often
Came About
felt as Meg does, lonely and
awkward. She, too, had problems “If I’m writing
• L’Engle explains,
with her teachers. L’Engle also says
she is stubborn, just like Meg. There about a twelve- or
are a few differences between Meg fourteen-year old, I’ve got
and the author, though. Meg is good to be myself at that age.”
in arithmetic and not so good in
English. L’Engle was very good in
English and didn’t do so well in math.

How A Wrinkle in Time How A

Wrinkle in

Came About
Time Came

•When Wrinkle was finally

published, L’Engle won
the Newbery Medal, the Plot: What’s

most prestigious
children’s book award in
Setting/Time & Themes/Layer
Place s of Meaning

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 2

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

Plot: What’s Happening? Plot: What’s Happening?

•A Wrinkle in Time • Meg’s father has been missing

for some time, and she is
is about the journey worried about him. Some people
think that Mr. Murry abandoned
of three children to the family. But Meg and her
find a missing man, mother believe that Mr. Murry is
doing important government
and perhaps help work and, for some unknown
save the universe. reason, can’t return to them.

Plot: What’s Happening? Plot: What’s Happening?

• Charles Wallace has made friends with
a very odd lady, Mrs. Whatsit. One • Before the night is over, Charles
evening, Charles Wallace and Meg go Wallace tells them that Mrs. Who,
to visit Mrs. Whatsit and her two Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Which are
friends, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which. taking them on a trip to an unkown
The children find an older boy, Calvin location.
O’Keefe, near the house. Meg
recognizes Calvin from school. After “I don’t know [where] exactly,” says
visiting the ladies, the children go Charles Wallace. “But I think it’s to
back to the Murry house for dinner find Father.”
where Calvin and Meg get to know
each other better.

Plot: What’s Happening? Plot: What’s Happening?

• It’s a scary trip because Meg • Mrs. Whatsit transforms into a white
finds herself completely and horselike creature and flies the
utterly alone in soundless children to a mountaintop on the
planet Uriel. There she shows the
darkness. When they arrive at
children what they are fighting: a
their first destination, the planet dark thing that blots out all light. It
Uriel, Meg discovers that they is so huge it can surround planets—
have tessered—or wrinkled— including Earth. This dark thing
through time. makes everyone shudder with fear.

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 3

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

Plot: What’s Happening? Plot: What’s Happening?

• On Camazotz, Calvin, Charles
• They also learn that Mr. Murry Wallace, and Meg find a town where
has been fighting the Dark Thing all the houses look the same. In
(also called the Black Thing). To identical front yards, children are
rescue him, the children will bouncing balls and skipping rope in
have to travel behind the Dark unison. Each ball and rope hits the
Thing to the planet Camazotz. sidewalk at the exact same instant.
The doors to each house open at the
Their three guardians will be able
same time, and mothers come out at
to watch, but they will not be the same moment. The paperboy
able to do anything to help the comes by, throwing the paper to
children. exactly the same spot at every house.

Plot: What’s Happening?

• He tells the children that this is
Plot: What’s Happening?
the capital of Camazotz: “Our • Calvin, Charles Wallace, and Meg
factories never close; our admit to being very afraid, but that
doesn’t stop them from going to the
machines never stop rolling. . . .
huge CENTRAL Central Intelligence
We are the most oriented city on Building. They are taken into a room
the planet. There has been no where they find the man with red
trouble of any kind for centuries. eyes, who communicates without
All Camazotz knows our record. using words. He tries to hypnotize
That is why CENTRAL Central them, but the children resist.
Intelligence is located here. That Eventually, he succeeds in taking over
Charles Wallace’s mind.
is why IT makes its home here.”

Plot: What’s Happening? Plot: What’s Happening?

• The children are taken to see Mr. Murry, who
is trapped in a tall transparent column. • When Charles Wallace insists that
Charles Wallace tells Meg that the only way they go to see IT, Mr. Murry agrees.
to save Mr. Murry is if she gives in to IT. At Meg is frightened. She can feel a
the mention of IT, Meg’s skin crawls and she rhythmic pulsing coming from the
knows that IT is the Dark Thing, the thing building, like it was breathing for her,
that has captured Charles Wallace and her
taking her breath away. They enter
• Before Charles Wallace can stop her, Meg
the building and are taken to a room
runs through the transparent glass wall and where—lying on a dais—is a brain,
joins her father in the column. Mr. Murry is an oversized, disembodied brain! IT!
able to leave the column with Meg in his

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 4

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

Plot: What’s Happening? Plot: What’s Happening?

• Meg tries to resist IT’s pulsing power. • Suddenly three alien figures walk
She fights to stay conscious, but can’t toward them. They are large and
hold out against IT and loses gray with four arms and more than
consciousness. As Meg slowly comes to five waving tentacles on each hand.
her senses, she feels awfully cold and Their furry faces are featureless, with
can’t move or speak. While she can only indentations where an Earthling
hear Calvin and Mr. Murry talking, she
would have eyes, a nose, and a
can’t signal them in any way. She
discovers they are on another planet
having escaped IT—but they’ve left
Charles Wallace behind.

Plot: What’s Happening? Plot: What’s Happening?

• When the smallest alien bends over • The three Mrs. Ws reappear and
her, suddenly Meg feels peaceful and discuss what can be done to
sleepy. The aliens inform Mr. Murry rescue Charles Wallace from
that Meg, burned by the coldness of
Camazotz. They say the only
the Black Thing, is in grave danger.
Mr. Murry and Calvin can’t save her, person who can do it is Meg. She
but the alien creatures can. When must face IT all by herself. Meg
Meg wakes up, she feels much is very frightened—the Dark
better. The pain and cold she felt is Thing almost got her once! But
now just a memory. Meg calls her she agrees to go.
creature friend Aunt Beast.

Plot: What’s Happening? Plot: What’s Happening?

• Back on Camazotz, Meg finds • Suddenly, the real Charles
Charles Wallace and tries to talk Wallace is back! He races to
to him. Meanwhile, IT attempts Meg, and in a flash they are
to take over her mind again. Meg whisked away from Camazotz by
lets all the love inside her heart Mrs. Whatsit. In seconds, they
flow out to her young brother. tumble across the lawn at home.
She looks Charles Wallace in the Charles Wallace clings to Meg.
eye and repeats to herself, I love “You saved me! You saved me!”
you I love you I love you. Mr. Murry and Calvin are there,
too, both safe at home.

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 5

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

How A

Setting/Time and Place

Wrinkle in
Time Came

• At the beginning of A Wrinkle

in Time, the reader might
Plot: What’s
think they’re going to stay in
CASTS Meg’s town for the entire
story. But there are many
different settings in the book,
mostly alien.
Setting/Time & Themes/Layer
Place s of Meaning

Setting/Time and Place Setting/Time and Place

• When the story opens, Meg Murry is • On the second floor there are three
awake in her attic bedroom listening to a bedrooms for her parents and brothers. A
storm. The Murry family lives in a big old big old-fashioned kitchen is on the first
house, which the author describes as Meg floor. Off this kitchen are a pantry, a
goes down to the kitchen for some warm garage, and an old stone dairy that Mrs.
milk to help her sleep. Her room in the Murry uses as her scientific lab.
attic is small. The rest of the attic is much
larger and has a Ping-Pong table, a
rocking horse, an old dolls’ house, and an
electric train set.

Setting/Time and Place Setting/Time and Place

• The kitchen is cheerful, with curtains, • The house used to be the
flowers blooming on the windowsills, Murrys’ vacation home. But now,
and a bouquet of flowers on the since Meg’s father has
table. Though the windows were
disappeared, they live there
rattling in the attic and the wind was
howling through the chimneys, Meg permanently. The house is about
feels safe and warm in the kitchen. four miles away from the village
Even though Meg is sometimes upset where the children go to school.
and unhappy, her family’s home
gives her comfort and security.

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 6

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

Setting/Time and Place Setting/Time and Place

• This comfortable and very quiet • Life begins to get strange when three very
community, never named, could be odd ladies—Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Which, and
almost anywhere in America. It’s the Mrs. Who—quietly move into the
abandoned house in the pine woods
kind of town where the biggest behind the Murry property. Soon after
excitement is that someone has meeting the ladies, Meg, Calvin, and
taken sheets from a neighbor’s Charles Wallace find themselves in a very
clothesline. It is also a gossipy town different setting. The three Mrs. Ws have
where people say that Mr. Murry has taken them to Uriel, the third planet of the
deserted the family and is never star Malak in the spiral nebula Messier
coming back. 101.

Setting/Time and Place Setting/Time and Place

• They land in a field filled with flowers • By a crystal-clear river, they find
and sunlight. It is enough like Earth many white horselike creatures with
for Calvin to wonder if they are still on rainbow wings—like Mrs. Whatsit.
their own planet. But as the travelers These magical creatures make music
explore, it’s clear that this isn’t Earth. that fills the children with awe and
They travel across a plain filled with joy. These alien beings and their
large granite monoliths set in music show us that this is another
rhythmic patterns. They continue on, place, definitely not planet Earth.
passing over a garden that is “more
beautiful than anything in a dream.”

Setting/Time and Place Setting/Time and Place

• The children each receive a flower that • When they return to the flowery
has hundreds of tiny blossoms. With field, Uriel’s smaller moon is
these flowers, they can breathe when
Mrs. Whatsit takes them up into the
rising, bathing everything in a
thinning atmosphere. As one of Uriel’s lovely, golden glow. Seeing a
moons is setting, the children see a moon that reminds the children of
huge black cloud in space. It is a shadow Earth is a comfort after the dread
that hides the stars and allows no light of the Dark Thing.
to shine through. Looking at it, the
children know it is evil, dark, and

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 7

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

Setting/Time and Place Setting/Time and Place

• The next location in the book is a • The next setting is more obviously
two-dimensional planet where alien than Uriel. The children land in
Orion’s Belt to visit the Happy Medium.
they can’t breathe. Meg “felt a
The atmosphere is foggy and they are
pressure she had never imagined, standing on a flat gray surface. They
as though she were being can’t see anything except one another.
completely flattened out by an As they walk, they realize that there
enormous steam roller.” are no trees or bushes, just an
occasional rock. The Happy Medium
lives in a big stone cave.

Setting/Time and Place Setting/Time and Place

• Their final stop in the search for Mr. Murry • On Camazotz, the children
is Camazotz, a planet taken over by the
Dark Thing. The odd thing about Camazotz
wander through the main city.
is that it looks just like Earth. It has the They stop and look at the houses
same kind of hills and trees and grass. and the people. They walk to the
Even the creatures living on Camazotz look CENTRAL Central Intelligence
like humans. The big difference is that they
don’t behave the way people do on Earth. Building, where they find Mr.
The fact that Camazotz is so much like Murry. Eventually, they are taken
Earth, yet so alien, makes it extremely to a domelike building that
houses IT.

Setting/Time and Place Setting/Time and Place

• In trying to escape from IT, Mr. Murry, • The author establishes the
who is inexperienced with tessering,
differences between the
accidentally takes them to Ixchel. This
place is in the same solar system as inhabitants of Ixchel and
Camazotz, but it is very different. humans by having Meg and
Ixchel is the strangest planet by far. It Aunt Beast talk about how
has brown grass and trees and gray
different “seeing” is for each
flowers. Even the tall creatures that
inhabit the planet are gray. There is a of them.
wonderful scent in the air.

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 8

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

How A

Setting/Time and Place

Wrinkle in
Time Came

• After Meg’s brief return to Camazotz to

rescue Charles Wallace, the children
are back on Earth with Mr. Murry within
minutes of having left. Meg, Charles Plot: What’s
Wallace, and Calvin return from their CASTS
adventures in time and space without
anyone else noticing they were gone.
The familiar smells and sounds of Earth
and the fall season are all there to
welcome them home.
Setting/Time & Themes/Layer
Place s of Meaning

Themes/Layers of Meaning Themes/Layers of Meaning

• There are many themes in A Wrinkle • Two other themes are faith and
in Time, but the major theme is the trust—Meg’s faith that her father will
struggle of good versus evil. This return to the family and that
struggle takes place not only on the everything will work out; and trust
planet Earth, but throughout the between the children and the three
universe. Love is the strongest ladies. The children trust the three
weapon in the fight against evil. And ladies to help them and guide them
this is the other most prominent and keep them safe in the same way
theme—the power of love, in families they rely on their parents.
and among friends, to fight evil.

Themes/Layers of Meaning Themes/Layers of Meaning

• Daring to be different is another • The children show courage when they
theme. In their own ways. Meg, fight against evil even though they’re
Charles Wallace, and Calvin are very afraid. In fighting against evil, they
different from the other kids they use everything—including their own
know. Those differences make life faults. Using our faults is another
harder for each of them, but they still theme. Understanding how to use
have to be true to themselves. To be their faults to accomplish good helps
able to do this takes courage, another the children in their struggle against
theme of the book. evil.

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 9

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

Good versus evil and love Good versus evil and love
versus hate versus hate
• The primary theme of the book is about the • The three ladies tell the children
battle between good and evil. According to
the author, the forces of darkness and those that their planet, Earth, has
of light have been fighting each other since always had some of the very best
time began. Darkness is the absence of light. fighters against evil and the
When a person is “in the dark” about
something, it’s a way of saying that they powers of darkness. Jesus is
don’t know what’s going on. Without light, named as well as Gandhi and
nothing can be seen and nothing can grow. Buddha, Einstein, Bach, and
The evil in Camazotz blocks out all love, and
as a result, the people are frightened and Pasteur, among others.

Good versus evil and love LOVE

versus hate
•Madeleine L’Engle believes • How is love shown in A Wrinkle in
Time? There is the love between Mr.
that the way to fight and Mrs. Murry and their children.
darkness and evil is This is the love that draws Calvin to
Meg and her family. There is the
through light and love. For special love Meg and her little brother
L’Engle and her characters Charles Wallace feel for each other.
in A Wrinkle in Time, love There is also the love between Calvin
and Meg.
saves the day.

• Meg’s love for Charles Wallace sends
• Love is a very powerful force in this her back alone to Camazotz to rescue
book. Meg and Charles Wallace him. It is the love of Aunt Beast and
undertake the dangerous journey to the three ladies, as well as her
rescue their father because their love parents, that helps Meg rescue
for him is so strong. The love between Charles Wallace. And it is Charles
Aunt Beast and Meg is what allows Wallace’s love for Meg that brings him
Meg to heal from passing through the out of his trance so he can escape IT.
Black Thing. The story ends on a positive note
because love triumphs over every
obstacle or problem.

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 10

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

• Faith is accepting things without • Meg struggles to believe her
understanding them completely. father is coming home, yet
It’s not always possible to she’s afraid that he never will.
understand everything; some
Mrs. Murry, Meg’s mother,
things just have to be taken on
believes that her husband will
faith. A Wrinkle in Time is a novel
return. It is Mrs. Murry’s faith that
with many examples of practicing
keeps Meg’s faith alive.

• There are other examples of having • The three “guardian angels”—Mrs.
faith. Each time the children Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs.
“tesser”—that is, travel through time Which—also have faith. Their faith
and space—they are putting their is that the children can succeed
faith in the three ladies who are their against the Black Thing and save
guides. They believe their guides will
Mr. Murry.
keep them safe as they travel. The
children also believe that they can • All of the characters on the side
find and rescue Mr. Murry. If they of good in A Wrinkle in Time have
didn’t have faith that they could do faith that love will triumph over
that, they wouldn’t have tried. evil.

• Trust is having confidence in someone • Growing up, Meg thought that her father
because of their strength or knowledge or could fix everything, and she had complete
ability. Calvin and Meg trust Charles trust in him. Toward the end of the story,
Wallace, who is barely five. They trust his Meg realizes that her father makes
judgment because he knows and mistakes and doesn’t always make
understands things they don’t. Meg and decisions that she agrees with. Realizing
Calvin trust Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and that he isn’t perfect destroys her trust in
Mrs. Which even though they are strangers him for a while. When she finally
because Charles Wallace has confidence in understands that no one can fix everything,
them. Calvin and Meg and Charles Wallace she learns a valuable lesson. She
also have to trust one another and have understands that what she can trust about
faith in one another’s abilities as they her father is his love for her.
journey through time and space.

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 11

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

• There are many examples of courage in A
• Courage is having the strength to resist and
Wrinkle in Time. Mrs. Whatsit was once a
endure fear, danger, and difficulty. It takes
star who was not afraid to battle the Black
a lot of courage for Calvin, Meg, and
Thing. She won the battle, but she paid a
Charles Wallace to travel to other worlds by
terrible price—she is no longer a star. Mrs.
themselves. They must face a lot of terrible
Murry has courage, too. She resists the fear
beings—the Black Thing, the man with red
that her husband won’t return. Her courage
eyes, the evil brain known as IT. But that
inspires her children to believe that Mr.
doesn’t mean they are not afraid. Don’t be
Murry will return—and to search for him
afraid to be afraid because “only a fool is
when they have the chance. Meg shows
not afraid,” Mrs. Whatsit tells them. There
amazing courage when she agrees to go
is great danger in going behind the Black
back to Camazotz for Charles Wallace—
Thing, but the children still go, which takes
even after suffering terrible pain as a result
great courage.
of her first encounter with IT.


• This book is also about faults— • So are faults helpful or not? Are
character flaws such as anger and they things we should get rid of?
impatience in Meg and pride and Try to control? Or are they things
arrogance in Charles Wallace. But
we have to understand about
instead of completely condemning
faults, Mrs. Whatsit tells Meg, “I give ourselves and use in more
you your faults”—which she says positive ways? Meg’s anger is a
might help Meg on Camazotz. Meg good example. It’s not good to be
doesn’t understand this. “But I’m angry, but Meg’s anger helps her
always trying to get rid of my faults,” to fight her fear. When she’s
she protests. angry, she doesn’t feel so afraid.


• In Chapter 6, Mrs. Whatsit says that the • In Chapter 6, Mrs. Whatsit says that the
danger is greatest for Charles Wallace danger is greatest for Charles Wallace
because he’s the most vulnerable. because he’s the most vulnerable.
“Beware of pride and arrogance, “Beware of pride and arrogance,
Charles, for they may betray you.” And Charles, for they may betray you.” And
in fact, they do; his overconfidence in in fact, they do; his overconfidence in
his abilities allows IT to take over his his abilities allows IT to take over his
mind and body. But Charles Wallace’s mind and body. But Charles Wallace’s
pride in his abilities is also an important pride in his abilities is also an important
tool for him. It allows him to try things tool for him. It allows him to try things
that he might not otherwise have the that he might not otherwise have the
courage to do. courage to do.

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 12

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

How A
Wrinkle in
Time Came

• Meg Murry: Meg is a twelve-year-old girl

who is fiercely loyal and protective of her
family and is especially attached to her
little brother, Charles Wallace. When Meg
Plot: What’s is feeling sad or lonely, she tells herself,
CASTS “Charles loves me at any rate.” She
worries about Charles Wallace not being
able to fit in when he goes to school next
year. Both of them are very, very smart
and that sets them apart from other kids.
Meg wears glasses and loves math.
Setting/Time & Themes/Layer
Place s of Meaning

CASTS • Charles Wallace: Meg’s five-year-old brother
is a very special little boy. He knows things
• Meg Murry: Meg is very familiar with without being told, and he understands
her faults—impatience and anger are things that most five-year-olds wouldn’t.
high on the list. She’s also very Charles Wallace is always adding words to his
stubborn. She tries hard to control vocabulary. He enunciates clearly, like a
her emotions, but she often doesn’t much older child. It becomes clear early in
the story that Charles Wallace is a genius. Yet
people think he’s a moron because he doesn’t
speak often. He’s also a realist: “I think it will
be better,” Charles Wallace tells Meg, “if
people go on thinking I’m not very bright.
They won’t hate me quite so much.”

• Charles Wallace: CASTS CASTS

• He loves his older sister Meg and tries to
take care of her. He makes sure she knows • Charles Wallace:
that he loves her. He understands Meg in a
• Sometimes he puts too much trust in
way that no one else can—or could until
Calvin comes along.
his own abilities. Mrs. Who says to
• Despite being so intelligent, Charles Wallace
him, “Remember that you do not
does have faults. Mrs. Whatsit warns him to know everything.” Charles Wallace
beware of pride and arrogance. For doesn’t remember and he ends up
example, he is convinced he can protect under IT’s control.
Meg no matter what. When Mrs. Whatsit
tells Calvin to take care of her, Charles
Wallace says rather sharply, “I can take care
of Meg. I always have.”

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 13

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

• Mrs. Murry: Meg’s mother is a • Mrs. Murry:

beautiful woman with doctoral • When she is with her children, Mrs. Murry
seems calm and capable. But she’s also
degrees in biology and bacteriology.
honest with Meg about how upset she is
Mrs. Murry hasn’t given up hope that about her husband’s disappearance. She’s
her husband will return. She tells clearly a great mother because she defends
Calvin that she’s been working on an her children. She lets Meg know that she
experiment “so I won’t be too far loves her no matter what. Mrs. Murry is
behind my husband when he gets confident that Meg will grow up to be as
back.” beautiful as she is even though Meg doesn’t
believe it herself.

• Mrs. Murry: • Mrs. Whatsit: is a strange neighbor
who appears at the Murry house
• Mrs. Murry is smart about all of her looking like a smallish tramp
children. She knows that Charles completely bundled up in clothes,
Wallace is different, but she also knows including a shocking pink stole knotted
that while she can help Meg and around an overcoat, and black rubber
Charles Wallace with practical things, in boots. She has several scarves of
the end they have to make their own assorted colors tied around her head
way in the world. She believes they are with a man’s felt hat perched on top
smart enough to do it. and “a voice like an unoiled gate.”

• Mrs. Whatsit:
• Mrs. Whatsit:
• Mrs. Whatsit is the youngest of the three
• But even this decidedly odd person ladies whom Calvin calls the “guardian
finds hospitality in the Murry angels.” She is the one with the most human
household. Meg makes her a sandwich qualities. She is also the one closest to the
and Mrs. Murry helps Mrs. Whatsit take children. We see Mrs. Whatsit in her real
off her wet boots. Mrs. Whatsit praises form—as a strange and beautiful white
horselike creature—on the planet Uriel. We
Mrs. Murry for letting Charles Wallace
learn that she used to be a real light-emitting
be himself. She upsets Mrs. Murry as star before the Black Thing took over. Despite
she’s leaving by mentioning tesseracts. all she has suffered, she still has hope that
the Black Thing can be overcome.

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 14

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

• Sandy and Dennys Murry: Meg’s ten-
• Sandy and Dennys Murry: The twins
year-old twin brothers are fiercely clearly don’t have problems fitting in,
independent and self-sufficient. and they’re critical of Meg for not
The twins don’t feature doing better in school. “I wish you
prominently in this book, but they wouldn’t be such a dope, Meg,” says
serve a purpose: They are ordinary Sandy. “Use a happy medium, for
kids and contrast with Meg and heaven’s sake. You just goof around in
Charles Wallace, each of whom is school and look out the window and
don’t pay any attention.”

• Calvin O’Keefe: Calvin is athletic and popular • Mrs. Who: Mrs. Who is a plump little
at school. Like Meg, Calvin is unhappy, but woman with enormous eyeglasses
his unhappiness comes from his home life, “twice as thick and twice as large as
not his school life. When he first meets Meg Meg’s.” She is one of the three
and Charles Wallace in the woods, Calvin tells “guardian angels” in the book. She
them that he’s there to get away from his loves to use quotes to make her point.
family. He is the third of eleven children. He
As Mrs. Whatsit explains: “She finds it
feels different from the rest of his family. His
mother and his siblings don’t really care so difficult to verbalize. . . . It helps her
about him. He tells Meg, “You don’t know if she can quote instead of working out
how lucky you are to be loved.” words of her own.”

• Mrs. Who: She stands up for Calvin, saying • Mrs. Which: She is the eldest and the
to Charles Wallace, “He wasn’t my idea, leader of the trio of ladies who escort
Charlsie, but I think he’s a good one.” the children into the unknown. Mrs.
• Mrs. Who gives Meg her eyeglasses to Which is a shadow, hardly seen, but
help rescue Mr. Murry from IT. She also very much there. It is Mrs. Which who
gives advice to each of the children before says, “I ddo nott thinkk I willl
they go to Camazotz. At the end of the materialize commpletely. I ffindd itt
book, she recites a long quote to inspire verry ttirinngg, andd wee hhave
Meg and guide her on her mission to mmuch ttoo ddoo.”
rescue Charles Wallace on Camazotz.

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 15

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

• Mrs. Which: Mrs. Which is the wisest • Mrs. Which: Mrs. Which doesn’t want to
and the most powerful of the three waste time letting the Happy Medium
“guardian angels,” and not as friendly show the children scenes from home.
as Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Who. She She knows it will upset them—and she
knows more than the other two ladies. is right.
Mrs. Whatsit says that Mrs. Which • It is Mrs. Which who gives the children
hardly ever makes a mistake. Mrs. the command to go into the town on
Which worries that the children will be Camazotz and not to become separated
frightened and warns Mrs.Whatsit about no matter what. She is also the one
telling them too much. who takes Meg back, alone, to rescue
Charles Wallace.

• The man with red eyes: The man • Mr. Murry: When the story begins,
with red eyes lives on Camazotz. Meg’s father has been missing for a
He has been taken over by IT. He long time. He is a physicist who
speaks for IT, just as Charles had been working for the
Wallace does when he is taken government. No one knows for
over. The man with red eyes also sure where he is, but his family
calls himself the Prime Coordinator. believes that he is on a dangerous
and secret mission.

• Mr. Murry: When we finally meet • Mr. Murry: Mr. Murry tries to help
Mr. Murry, he is trapped in a Meg resist IT by telling her to think
transparent column on Camazotz, of the periodic table of elements
trying to resist IT. His first thought and the square roots of numbers.
is for Meg. He wants her to save Finally, he tessers Calvin and Meg
herself, not him. When he realizes away from Camazotz. He knows
that Mrs. Who’s glasses can free that Meg is upset and unhappy
them both, he takes Meg into his about leaving Charles Wallace
arms and escapes from the column behind on Camazotz, but it is the
with her. best he can do.

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 16

ARNEL B. ALIPAO, UE 7/18/2019
BSED Major in Math

• Mr. Murry: He tries to be patient • Mr. Murry: Mr. Murry is very protective of
Meg, yet he allows her to make her own
with Meg. He tells her, “I am a decisions. He doesn’t let the creatures on
human being, and a very fallible Ixchel take his daughter away until he’s
one. But I agree with Calvin. We convinced that they are going to help her.
were sent here for something. And Later, when everyone understands that only
Meg can save Charles Wallace, Mr. Murry
we know that all things work doesn’t want her to go back to Camazotz. He
together for good to them that love realizes that even though he wants to do
God, to them who are called everything for Meg, he can’t fix all the hurts
or right all the wrongs or bear her pain for
according to his purpose.” her.

• IT: IT is a disembodied alien brain. “An • Aunt Beast: Aunt Beast is a very, very tall
oversized brain, just enough larger than gray being with four arms and lots of
normal to be completely revolting and long waving tentacles at the end of each
terrifying . . . a brain that pulsed and one. She first meets Meg when she and
quivered, that seized and commanded.” two friends greet the newcomers to their
This is the power behind the man with planet, Ixchel. These creatures have only
red eyes. This is the Black Thing, the indentations where a human would have
evil shadow that takes over planets and features like a nose, mouth, and eyes.
people and deadens whatever it Their entire bodies are covered with the
touches. softest fur imaginable, and they give off
a beautiful smell.

• Aunt Beast: Aunt Beast is a very, very tall • Aunt Beast: Aunt Beast heals Meg from the
effects of IT. She doesn’t communicate the
gray being with four arms and lots of
way we do; instead, she talks through the
long waving tentacles at the end of each tentacles in her fingers. She doesn’t “see”
one. She first meets Meg when she and like humans do, either. Nonetheless, Meg and
two friends greet the newcomers to their Aunt Beast understand each other as if they
planet, Ixchel. These creatures have only were mother and child. Aunt Beast takes care
indentations where a human would have of the helpless Meg as though she were a
features like a nose, mouth, and eyes. baby. She bathes her, feeds her, and clothes
Their entire bodies are covered with the her. Aunt Beast talks to Meg, trying to
softest fur imaginable, and they give off reassure her at first, and then trying to
a beautiful smell. explain her world to Meg and to understand
Meg’s own world.

EL 111 (Children & Adolescent Literature) 17

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