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Knife Edge

Malorie Blackman


Jude and Morgan are members of the Freedom Fighters organization that are being
persecuted by the police. Jude was thinking of Andrew Dorn, who betrayed them and was
responsible for the capture of the other members. Morgan got a contact to help them escape
but Jude did not trust him since he was a Cross but they had no choice, after escaping, Jude
and Morgan decide to separate to avoid being caught. On the other hand, Sephy held her
daughter Callie Rose in her arms but she didn't feel anything, but then she comes to realize
that she is her daughter and that she is responsible for her, however she kept seeing Callie's
father, Callum, on her face and as she missed him after her death.

Jude went to see his mother and then went to a bar when suddenly a Cross woman appeared
to him, Cara was his name, Jude lied and his name was Steve; then they were talking until Jude
noticed the presence of police and had to kiss her to go unnoticed. At the end of the day she
wanted to see him again and Jude accepted since she would be useful in the future for her
money. Meanwhile Sephy made plans for the future of his daughter Callie Rose.

Jude goes out with Cara all day to get money for Freedom Fighters, although he wants to hide
it and deny it in the end he liked spending time with Cara. On the other hand, Sephy received a
visit from her sister Minerva to the hospital, later in the afternoon she would start making
friends with her roommate Roxie and her brother, Jaxon. After leaving the hospital, Sephy
chose to move with Callum's mother instead of her mother Jasmine.

Jude met with Cara regularly until she wanted to be closer to him but Jude did not and felt
loved but as he could not stand it he hit Cara wildly until he left her unconscious and then
went to cash the blank check he had previously given her. In contrast to that, Sephy was
visited by Callum's cellmate, Jack, who handed him a letter that was written by Callum. Sephy
went to read it but what he would see would not like.

Sephy would try to accept that Callum hated her but Meggie told her that what the letter said
was not true and that he was forced to write it, in that Sephy would accept Jaxon's offer and
belong to his band. While Jude would hear bad news, including the death of Cara Imega.

While living in Meggie's house, Sephy had changed her attitude and this also due to the letter
written by Callum and Meggie was worried about both Callie Rose and Sephy.

Meggie would talk to Sephy again and while watching the news that Jude is being arrested,
which affected Meggie. Meggie and Sephy went to the police station to visit Jude, Meggie
went to talk to him while Sephy would wait for her outside.

His sister Minerva in a restaurant summoned Sephy, but his plan was to gather information on
Jude's case for the Daily Shouter. However, this helped Sephy get information about Jude and
help him despite all the hate they have. Sephy decided to help Jude only for Meggie, because
he is the only son that she has; Sephy visits Jude to his cell to offer his help and Jude accepts
having no choice, after the visit Jude confesses to Sephy that he killed Cara Imega.

Minerva went to Meggie's house to get an interview for the Daily Shouter with her while Sephy
went to the newspapers to confess her room to help Jude but they ignored him. After this Jude
would speak on television everything Sephy told him and he also accused the death of Cara
Imega to Andrew Dorn; Everything went as Jude expected. Andrew Dorn was found dead and
Crosses and Noughts repudiate Sephy, and after going free he would go for Sephy and his

Sephy was comforted by her mother for all the insults she received, so much so that her
bandmates took her out of the group for the news. Sephy in a moment of madness began to
sing to her daughter and hugged her tight that the baby stopped breathing, Sephy froze
without being able to do something, then Meggie took it from her arms and tried to make her
breathe again but the Baby did not react.

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