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MECH 6111/461 Sec.

XX Gas Dynamics Fall 2019


Instructor: Dr. Pierre Q. Gauthier, Room EV 003.276, Tel.: 848-2424, x3462


Office Hours: By appointment

Laboratory: The lab manual is available at the Copy Center (Library Building).

Course Description:
Review of one-dimensional compressible flow. Normal and oblique shock waves; Prandtl-Meyer flow;
combined effects in one-dimensional flow; non-ideal gas effects; multi-dimensional flow; linearized flow;
method of characteristics. Selected experiments in supersonic flow, convergent-divergent nozzles,
hydraulic analogue and Fanno tube. Lectures: three hours per week. Laboratory: two hours per week,
alternate weeks. Prerequisite: MECH 351, 361.

Course Aim:
This course is an introductory course to the subject of Gas Dynamics where the effect of compressibility
on fluid flow is introduced. It starts with some basic notions of fluid flow and thermodynamics followed
by one dimensional compressible flow typically in internal flow. It then treats the problem of shock
waves, moving and stationary, in internal and external flow. Some methods for solving some of these
flows are also presented and used in computer assignments.

Design soft skill:

Engineers often have to quantify real life problems by translating them into an engineering problem, they
then have to make the appropriate assumptions then devise a solution approach using the proper tools.
Therefore, the following Design soft skill will be included in this course:
Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research and solve complex engineering problems
reaching substantiated conclusions.
Practice: The sample problems are there for you to practice. Please go beyond these problems by
consulting other texts and even the internet! Also, please do not rely on the solutions, try each problem on
your own until you reach an impass…then try again; form study groups to discuss and work through
problems with your fellow students…that’s how Engineers do it!
Evaluation: Comprehension and application of ‘problem analysis’ will be evaluated based on the Midterm
and the Final Exam.

Please see list of suggested texts below. Sample Problems will be posted regularly on your MOODLE site

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MECH 6111/461 Sec. XX Gas Dynamics Fall 2019


1. Introduction
a. Basic equations of compressible flow
b. Wave propagation in compressible media

2. Internal 1D compressible flow and applications

a. Isentropic flow of a perfect gas
b. Normal shock waves
c. Flow with friction: Fanno flow
d. Flow with heat exchange: Rayleigh flow

3. External 1D compressible flow and applications

a. Oblique shock waves
b. Prandtl-Meyer flow
c. Applications
d. Measurements in compressible flow


1. J.D. Anderson, Modern Compressible Fluid Flow with Historical Perspective, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 2003.
2. J. Saad, Compressible Fluid Flow, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 1993.
3. Liepmann and Roshko, Elements of Gasdynamics, Wiley, 1957
4. A. Shapiro, The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid Flow, Wiley, 1953
5. John and Keith, Gas Dynamics, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall, 2006.

6. Maurice J. Zucrow and Joe D. Hoffman, Gas Dynamics Volume , Wiley, 1976

Grading Scheme:

Graduate Undergraduate

Midterm 30% 30%

Project 10% Labs 10%
Final Exam 60% 60%

The passing grade is 60 % overall average and 60 % on the final exam.

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MECH 6111/461 Sec. XX Gas Dynamics Fall 2019

General notes:

• Sample Problems will be posted on the MOODLE site for this course. They do not carry any weight
in the grade, however it is imperative that you solve these problems to pass the course.
• Absence: If you miss a lecture, make sure that you get informed from a friend or colleague of the
material given in that lecture.
• Graduate students will do a project to account for the difference in credit value between the
undergraduate and graduate credit hours.
• Midterm and final exam: All tests are closed book; you are allowed a standard ENCS calculator and
you will be provided with the Gas Dynamics tables.
• Grade review: Students wishing to review their final grade, for a valid reason, can do so in the 2nd
week of the winter term. A sign-up sheet will be posted on my door during the 1st week of the winter
term for those who wish to review their grade.

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