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Landscape Ecol (2007) 22:7–13

DOI 10.1007/s10980-006-9010-5


Effects of thematic resolution on landscape pattern analysis

Alexander Buyantuyev Æ Jianguo Wu

Received: 25 March 2006 / Accepted: 24 April 2006 / Published online: 5 August 2006
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2006

Abstract The thematic resolution of mapped landscape pattern using thematic maps classified
data determines the amount of detail of geospa- mostly from remote sensing data. Two related
tial information, and influences various aspects of problems must be considered in classifying geo-
landscape classification and the relevance of de- spatial data for landscape characterization: the
rived pattern attributes to particular ecological multiplicity of classification schemes and the level
questions. Here we show that changing thematic of detail of a particular classification. To deal with
resolution may significantly affect landscape these problems, efforts for developing a standard
metrics and in turn their ability to detect land- system of categories by the remote sensing com-
scape changes. The effects of thematic resolution munity have produced some widely accepted
on many landscape metrics tend to show consis- LULC classification schemes (e.g. Anderson et al.
tent general patterns, but the details of these 1976). The United States GAP Analysis Program
patterns are likely to be dependent on specific lead by the U.S. Geological Survey is another
landscape patterns and classification criteria. example of a standard system for characterizing
Thus, the effects of thematic resolution, like those biological diversity across heterogeneous land-
with regard to grain and extent, must be consid- scapes (Scott and Jennings 1998). Also, a standard
ered in landscape pattern analysis. vegetation classification system has been adopted
by the Federal Geographic Data Committee
Keywords Landscape characterization Æ Image (FGDC 1997). Such standard classification
classification Æ Thematic resolution Æ Landscape schemes have greatly facilitated the applications of
metrics Æ Landscape pattern analysis remote sensing data across natural and social dis-
ciplines, and enhanced the comparability of the-
matic maps from different geographic areas and
Introduction time periods. However, modifications to standard
schemes or the adoption of entirely different clas-
The study of Land Use And Land Cover (LULC) sification criteria often are necessary to satisfy
change inevitably involves characterization of specific research objectives of particular projects.
Whenever this happens, one must determine the
A. Buyantuyev (&) Æ J. Wu appropriate level of thematic detail, i.e., the the-
School of Life Sciences and Global Institute of
matic or categorical resolution of a map.
Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe,
AZ 85287-4501, USA Thematic maps derived from remote sensing
e-mail: data have routinely been used to compute land-

8 Landscape Ecol (2007) 22:7–13

scape metrics to quantify the spatial pattern and effects on landscape metrics and thus landscape
temporal changes of landscapes. It is imperative characterization. However, few studies have sys-
to properly understand what these metrics really tematically examined the problem of thematic
measure before appropriate interpretation of resolution for its general patterns and conse-
their results is possible. Thus, the past two dec- quence for detecting landscape changes. There-
ades have evidenced a flurry of studies on the fore, as part of the series of investigations of the
‘‘behavior’’ of landscape metrics, including their behavior of landscape metrics conducted by our
statistical relationships (Riitters et al. 1995; Har- research group (Wu and Jelinski 1995; Jelinski
gis et al. 1998; Neel et al. 2004), responses to and Wu 1996; Wu et al. 2000, 2002; Shen et al.
changing grain size and extent (Turner et al. 1989; 2004; Wu 2004), we have systematically studied
Wickham and Riitters 1995; Wu and Jelinski the effects of thematic resolution on landscape
1995; Jelinski and Wu 1996; Wu et al. 2000, 2002; pattern analysis using a suite of common land-
Saura 2004; Wu 2006), and, to a much lesser ex- scape metrics (Buyantuyev and Wu 2006). The
tent, response patterns to changing thematic res- main purpose of this paper is to report on the
olutions of mapped data (e.g. Li and Reynolds major findings of this research.
1993; Baldwin et al. 2004; Li and Wu 2004; Buy-
antuyev and Wu 2006). It is well known now,
therefore, that landscape metrics are influenced Methods
not only by landscape pattern attributes of inter-
est but also by the ways in which data are Our study area is the Central Arizona–Phoenix
manipulated and analyzed (Wu 2006). In fact, Long Term Ecological Research (CAP-LTER)
effects of changing scale on spatial analysis have site which is located in the Phoenix metropolitan
been studied for more than 70 years in human region (Arizona, USA). The analysis was con-
geography under the term, modifiable areal unit ducted using 15-year time series data of LULC in
problem or MAUP (Openshaw 1984; Jelinski and the region, produced from Landsat Thematic
Wu 1996) and ‘‘ecological fallacy’’ (Wu 2006). Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper
While the general scaling relations of land- (ETM+) imagery using an expert system ap-
scape metrics are fairly well understood (Wu proach (Stefanov 2000; Stefanov et al. 2001).
et al. 2002; Saura 2004; Shen et al. 2004; Wu LULC maps with 12 classes were first created for
2004), the problem of thematic resolution has five different years between 1985 and 2000, with
received much less attention. Changing the the- an overall accuracy of 85% assessed for 1998.
matic resolution of categorical maps may often These maps were then progressively reclassified
alter the number of classes and their spatial pat- into 9-, 6-, 4-, and 2-class maps following the same
tern, thus resulting in differences in landscape set of rules (Fig. 1). The resulting 25 LULC maps
metrics. Li and Reynolds (1993) showed that the were used to calculate a series of landscape met-
number of patch types in contrived maps, directly rics using the FRAGSTATS software (McGarigal
related to thematic resolution, had significant ef- and Marks 1995). We computed 15 landscape le-
fects on contagion. Li and Wu (2004) illustrated vel indices, which were selected according to our
how the level of classification detail could affect previous studies, for the purpose of comparison
several landscape indices. Shen et al. (2004) (Wu et al. 2000; Wu et al. 2002; Wu 2004). They
incorporated three levels of categorical detail in included 8 compositional metrics: Patch Density
simulated landscapes following a factorial design (PD), Edge Density (ED), Diversity (SHDI),
to test scaling relations developed earlier from Evenness (SHEI), Largest Patch Index (LPI),
real landscapes by Wu et al. (2002) and Wu Mean Patch Size (MPS), Patch Size Standard
(2004). These authors showed that the number of Deviation (PSSD), and Patch Size Coefficient of
classes influenced the scaling relations of land- Variation (PSCV), and 7 configurational metrics:
scape metrics. Landscape Shape Index (LSI), Mean Patch Shape
These previous studies clearly suggest that the Index (MPSI), Area-Weighted Mean Shape In-
thematic resolution of maps may have various dex (AWMPSI), Perimeter–Area Fractal

Landscape Ecol (2007) 22:7–13 9

Level 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Level 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Level 3 1 2 3 4 5 6

Level 4 1 2 3 4

in cities

Level 5
1 2

Fig. 1 Illustration of map reclassification rules. Class (2) Cultivated grass, (3) Fluvial, (4) Riparian and Dense
definitions at Level 1 were adopted from Stefanov et al. Urban vegetation, (5) Impervious, (6) Desert vegetation,
(2001): Level 1: (1) Cultivated vegetation (active), (2) (7) Mesic residential, (8) Xeric residential, (9) Water;
Cultivated grass, (3) Fluvial and Lacustrine, (4) Com- Level 3: (1) Agriculture, (2) Grass and Riparian and
pacted soil (prior agricultural use), (5) Vegetation, (6) Dense Urban vegetation, (3) Desert, (4) Impervious, (5)
Disturbed (commercial/industrial), (7) Disturbed (As- Residential, (9) Water; Level 4: (1) Agriculture, (2) Grass
phalt/Concrete), (8) Undisturbed (Desert), (9) Compacted and Riparian and Dense Urban vegetation, (3) Desert, (4)
soil, (10) Disturbed (Mesic residential), (11) Disturbed Urban; Level 5: (1) Anthropogenic, (2) Natural
(Xeric residential), (12) Water; Level 2: (1) Agriculture,

Dimension (PAFD), Mean Patch Fractal Are the general patterns of thematic resolu-
Dimension (MPFD), Area-Weighted Mean tion effects robust when landscape data of dif-
Fractal Dimension (AWMFD), and Contagion ferent times used? Or, how do they vary in
(CONTAG). response to different stages of landscape trans-
formation (urbanization in this case)? Answers
to these questions can be found by examining
Results the distances between lines and the relative
positions of individual lines in Fig. 2. Evidently,
Our study showed that thematic resolution had the general response patterns of most landscape
significant effects on most of the 15 landscape metrics to changing thematic resolution seemed
metrics (Fig. 2). Specifically, the values of 12 out similar among different years, with a few
of the 15 landscape metrics changed considerably exceptions (e.g. PAFD and AWMPSI).
with increasing thematic resolution represented Can these observed effects of thematic reso-
by the number of classes. Three general response lution significantly influence the ability of land-
patterns emerged: increase, decrease, and little scape metrics in detecting temporal changes of
change. Most of the changes appear either linear landscapes? Is there an ‘‘optimal’’ thematic
or similar to a power-law. With increasing the- resolution for detecting landscape changes? We
matic resolutions, PD, ED, SHDI, LSI, and found that, for most metrics (except for MPFD
CONTAG showed a monotonically increasing and MPSI), the thematic resolution effects
trend, while MPS, SHEI, PSSD, AWMPSI, LPI, could lead to significantly different landscape
and AWMFD showed a consistently declining change patterns as depicted by these metrics
trend (Fig. 2). Three metrics (PAFD, MPSI, and (see examples in Fig. 3). The differences include
MPFD) showed little change with thematic reso- both quantitative discrepancies (e.g. metric val-
lution. The only metric that did not show a clear ues) and qualitative divergence (e.g. direction of
directional change pattern was PSCV (Fig. 2). changes).

10 Landscape Ecol (2007) 22:7–13

140 4 1.5
1985 1.45
120 3.5
3 1993
100 1.35

2.5 1.3
80 2000


2 1.25
60 1985 1990
1.5 1.2
1990 1993
40 1.15
1993 1 1998
1.1 2000
20 1998 0.5
2000 1.05
0 0 1

180 1 1.5
160 0.9
140 0.8
120 0.7 1.4


1985 0.5
80 1985 1985
1990 0.4 1990
60 1.3 1990
1993 0.3 1993 1993
40 1998 0.2 1998 1.25 1998
20 2000 0.1 2000 2000
0 0 1.2

2 1.2
1.8 1200 1985
1990 1.1
1.6 1000 1993

1998 1
1.2 800


2000 1985
1 0.9
1985 600 1990
1990 1993
0.6 400 0.8
1993 1998
0.4 1998 2000
200 0.7
0.2 2000
0 0 0.6

400 90 1.1
350 80 1985
70 1.08 1990
300 1993
60 1998



50 2000
1985 40 1985
150 1.04
1990 30 1990
100 1993 1993
20 1.02
1998 1998
50 10
2000 2000
0 0 1

70 50000
91 1985 45000
60 1990
81 40000
50 71 1993

61 1998

40 30000

1985 25000
30 1990 41 1985
20 1993 31 15000
1998 1993
21 10000
10 2000 1998
11 5000
0 1 0
2 4 6 9 12 2 4 6 9 12 2 4 6 9 12
# classes # classes # classes

Fig. 2 The effects of thematic resolution of categorical (representing different stages of urbanization between
maps on landscape metrics with multiple-year land use and 1985 and 2000). Landscape metrics are described in the
land cover data for the Phoenix, USA metropolitan region text

Landscape Ecol (2007) 22:7–13 11

45000 1.4
4 40000 1.35
120 6 35000 1.3

100 1.25


80 2 1.2 2
20000 4
60 1.15 4
15000 6 6
40 1.1
10000 9 9
20 5000 12 1.05 12

0 0 1

2 60
4 1.025
2 50

9 CONTAG 1.02
1.5 40

2 1.015 2
1 4 4
1.01 6
20 6
0.5 9 9
10 1.005
0 0 1
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Year Year Year

Fig. 3 Selected examples showing how landscape metrics the results of detecting changes in land use and land cover
computed at different thematic resolutions change with pattern using landscape metrics
time, and how the effects of thematic resolution may affect

Discussion and conclusions correspondence of the general direction and trend

of change, however, the details of the response
As we noted earlier in this paper, several previous patterns to thematic resolution may differ signif-
studies have indicated that changing the thematic icantly from those to changing grain size. A main
resolution or the number of classes of a categor- reason for this is the difference in spatial aggre-
ical map may affect different measures of land- gation between increasing grain size and
scape attributes and mapping accuracy. But in- decreasing thematic resolution: the former always
depth studies are lacking to answer questions of aggregates neighboring grid cells (following the
how and why. Our previous studies on the scaling majority rule in many cases), whereas the latter
behavior of landscape metrics led us to a combines cells of similar patch types that may be
hypothesis that the general response patterns of far apart.
landscape metrics to changing thematic resolution Several important conclusions can be drawn
could be inferred from scaling relations with re- from the results of our systematic investigation.
gard to grain size. Our hypothesis was based on First, different thematic resolutions can lead to
the observation that systematically increasing considerable differences in the values of most
grain size results in a progressive reduction in the compositional and configurational landscape
number of classes, while increasing thematic res- metrics. Second, the effects of thematic resolu-
olution leads to a consistent increase in the tion tend to exhibit a few general patterns:
number of classes. Thus, the general response monotonic increase, monotonic decrease, no
patterns of landscape metrics to increasing grain change, or erratic. Inferred from our previous
size should resemble those to decreasing thematic studies of changing grain size, the general pat-
resolution. A direct comparison between these terns for most of the landscape metrics exam-
results on thematic resolution and those on scal- ined here should be robust to different types of
ing relations in Wu et al. (2000, 2002) and Wu landscapes, but some metrics may show com-
(2004) corroborates our hypothesis. Beyond the pletely different trends with different landscapes

12 Landscape Ecol (2007) 22:7–13

(e.g. CONTAG and PSCV). Third, the effects Proceedings of 8th Annual Symposium Central Ari-
of thematic resolution can significantly affect zona-Phoenix LTER, Global Institute of Sustainabil-
ity, Arizona State University, Tempe, pp 11
the ability and consistency of landscape metrics Federal Geographic Data Committee (1997) Vegetation
in characterizing spatial and temporal patterns Classification Standard.
of landscapes. We realize that these results are dards/projects/FGDC-standards-projects/vegetation/
from only one urban landscape although five vegclass.pdf. Cited 11 Apr 2006
Hargis CD, Bissonette JA, David JL (1998) The behavior
different time periods were considered in the of landscape metrics commonly used in the study of
analysis. More research is needed to confirm habitat fragmentation. Landscape Ecol 13:167–186
and refine these findings. Jelinski DE, Wu J (1996) The modifiable areal unit
The effects of thematic resolution on landscape problem and implications for landscape ecology.
Landscape Ecol 11:129–140
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the modifiable areal unit problem which focuses quantify spatial patterns of landscapes. Landscape
on the effects of scale and zoning (see Openshaw Ecol 8:155–162
1984; Jelinski and Wu 1996; and Wu 2006 for re- Li H, Wu J (2004) Use and misuse of landscape indices.
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the same time period. For a given research pro- aggregation and area. Landscape Ecol 19:435–455
ject, there may not be the single optimal thematic Openshaw S (1984) The modifiable areal unit problem.
resolution or level of detail, but there must be Geo Books, Norwich, England
Riitters KH, O’Neill RV, Hunsaker CT, Wickham JD,
some thematic resolutions that are better bal- Yankee DH, Timmins KBJ, Jackson BL (1995). A
anced between the amount of detail and the de- factor analysis of landscape pattern and structure
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Stefanov WL (2000) 1985, 1990, 1993, 1998 Land cover
Acknowledgements This research was supported in part maps of the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area.
by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. Geologic Remote Sensing Laboratory, Department of
BCS-0508002 (Biocomplexity/CNH) and DEB 9714833 Geological Sciences, Arizona State University,
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