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Course Code: AE 51 (51.1) / ABE051

Course Title: Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer for Agricultural Engineers Lecture (Lab)
Course Description: Basic laws of thermodynamics; characteristics of gases, vapor and mixtures; power cycles; refrigeration
cycles; laws governing heat transfer and their applications to insulators and heat exchangers such as condensers, cooling coils
and evaporators
Credit: 4 (1) unit/s/ 5 units
Instructor: Engr. Ysmael Alongan B. Mangorsi

Topic No. of Hours

I. Introduction to the course and class regulations 1.5
II. Basic Concepts and Definitions 4.5
- SI and English units
- What are system, state, state postulate, equilibrium, process, and cycle?
- Properties of system and define density, specific gravity, and specific weight
- Temperature, temperature scales, pressure, and absolute and gage pressure
III. Properties of Pure Substances 15
- concept of a pure substance.
- phase changes, P-v-T diagrams
- pure substances and table of properties
- ideal gas vs real gas behavior
IV. Work, Energy and 1 Law of Thermodynamics 20
- forms of energy
- internal energy, heat and work
- 1st law of thermodynamics and energy balance
Vxdcxcxcvvvbb nmV. 1 Law Analysis of Closed Systems (control mass) 20
VI. 1 Law Analysis of Open Systems (control volume) 15
VII. 2 Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy 20
VIII. Gas Power Cycles 10
IX. Vapor Power Cycles 5
X. Refrigerators and Heat Pumps 10
XI. Heat Transfer 10

Course Requirements:
- Exams
- Computation Exercises (for lab)
- Attendance
Grading Policies:

Criteria Percentage
Exams ---------------------------- 60%
Quizzes ---------------------------- 30%
Attendance ---------------------------- 10%
Total ---------------------------- 100%

Criteria Percentage
Computation Exercises --------------- 90%
Attendance --------------- 10%
Total --------------- 100%

Passing rate is 55% (2.75). A grade below 55% but equal or above 50% will be given a grade of INC (take removal exam).
Passing the removal exam will entitle the student to a grade of 3.0.

Grading policies are subject to change as deemed fit by the instructor.

Classroom Policies:

Attendance Policies:
1. Attendance is mandatory. Short quizzes will be given unnanounced and can be a basis for attendance. (75%-100%: Present;
55%-74%: Tardy; below 55% is considered absent).
2. Three tardy records will equal to one unexcused absence. Students will be dropped from the course after incurring three
unexcused absences.
3. Acceptable reasons for excused absences: serious illness, death of family members, university-related trips and other
circumstances you find to be an acceptable reason for

Laboratory/Class Requirement Policies:

1. Incidents of plagiarism will result to a failing grade. Discussing the interpretations and solutions of problems and laboratory
results is encouraged. However, students are expected to construct and write up their own solutions for any activities that they
had to submit except for group activities. The students work will be checked against other students to compare for similarities.
If students are found to have collaborated excessively or to have blatantly cheated, all involve will receive a grade of zero (0).
2. Laboratory output should be submitted personally. Laboratory output handed by a classmate or friend and those placed in the
instructor’s table when the instructor is not present will not be accepted,
3. Late laboratory activities and other requirement will not be accepted. For make-up activities due to excused absences output
should be submitted two days after the absence was incurred.
4. Laboratory output should be submitted in hard copies (printed or hand written in a letter size bond paper). Laboratory output
should be submitted in the format a shown in by the instructor.

Examination Policies:
1. No special exams will be given to students who failed to take the test unless an acceptable reason is presented to the
2. Bring your own calculators, tables and charts during examinations. (Calculators with conversion capability are not allowed.
Tables and Charts should be free from any form of markings)
3. Students who came late during major examinations are not allowed to take

Suggested Textbooks/Readings:

Cengel and Boles, Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach. 8th ed

Sonntag and Van Wylen, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics. 8th ed.
Shapiro and Moran, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics. 7th ed.
Potter and Sommerton. Schaum’s Thermodynamics for Engineers. 2nd ed.
Cengel and Boles. Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Application. 3 rd ed.
Stoecker and Jones. Refrigeration.

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