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Best Practices Series






an IBM Company

Eight Steps to Building a
Modern Data Architecture
Best Practices Series

Modern data architecture doesn’t just and what needs to be done to capture and occurs when every business unit or
happen by accident, springing up as harness that information. department sets out to buy its own
enterprises progress into new realms of One thing is clear: The old models solutions.
information delivery. Nor is the act of of data architecture aren’t enough for Here are the essential components that
planning modern data architectures a today’s data-driven business demands. An need to go into building a modern data
technical exercise, subject to the purchase architecture designed a decade ago, that architecture:
and installation of the latest and greatest rapidly and seamlessly moves data from
shiny new technologies. Rather, the design production systems into data warehouses, WORK WITH BUSINESS USERS
and creation of modern data architectures for example, may not be capable of TO IDENTIFY THE TYPES OF DATA
is an uplifting process that brings in the meeting the needs of today’s real-time, THAT ARE THE MOST VALUABLE
whole enterprise, stimulating new ways data-driven enterprises. The purpose of good data architecture
of thinking, collaborating, and planning Architecture is more important than is to bring together the business and
for data and information requirements. ever because it provides a road map for technology sides of enterprises to ensure
It’s an opportunity for business decision the enterprise to follow. Without a well- they are working to a common purpose.
makers to sit down with IT colleagues planned, careful, deliberate approach To be of value, information needs to
and figure out what kind of business they to data architecture, another type of have a high business impact. This data
want to be in, what kinds of information architecture rises to take its place—a may have been within enterprise data
they seek to propel that business forward, “spaghetti architecture” approach that environments for some time, but the

means and technologies to surface Data may be coming from transactional POSITION DATA AS A SERVICE
such data, and draw insights, have applications, as well as devices and Many enterprises have a range of
been prohibitively expensive. Today’s sensors across the Internet of Things databases and legacy environments,
open source and cloud offerings enable and mobile devices. A modern data making it challenging to pull information
enterprises to pull and work with such architecture needs to support data from various sources. Access is enabled
data in a cost-effective way. movement at all speed—whether it’s sub- through a virtualized data services layer
second speeds, or with 24-hour latency. that standardizes all data sources—
MAKE DATA GOVERNANCE regardless of device, applicator,
A FIRST PRIORITY or systems. Data as a service is by
Working closely with the business side One thing is clear: definition a form of internal cloud, in
requires guarantees that data not only be The old models that data—along with accompanying
of value, but that it is also well-vetted. data management platforms, tools, and
The process of identifying, ingesting, of data architecture applications—are made available to
and building models for data needs aren’t enough for the enterprise as reusable, standardized
to assure quality and relevance for the services. The potential advantage of data
business. Responsibility for data must today’s data-driven as a service is that processes and assets
be established—whether it’s individual demands. can be prepackaged based on corporate or
data owners, committees, or centers compliance standards and made readily
of excellence. available within the enterprise cloud.
NOT TO LAST A modern data architecture recognizes ENVIRONMENTS
A key rule for any data architecture that threats are constantly emerging With self-service, business users can
these days it is not wedded in any way to data security, both externally and configure their own queries and get
to a particular technology or solution. internally. These threats are constantly the information or analyses they want,
If a new solution comes on the market evolving—they may be coming through or conduct their own data discovery,
—the way NoSQL arose a few years email one month, and through flash without having to wait for their IT or
back—the architecture should be able drives the next. Data managers and data management departments to deliver
to accommodate it. The types of data architects are in the best and most the information. In the process, data
coming into enterprises can change, as knowledgeable position to understand application can reach and serve a larger
do the tools and platforms that are put what is required for data security in audience than previous generations of
into place to handle them. The key is today’s environments. more limited data applications. The
to design a data environment that can route to self-service is providing front-
accommodate such change. DEVELOP A MASTER DATA end interfaces that are simply laid out
MANAGEMENT STRATEGY and easy to use for business owners. In
DEVELOP A REAL-TIME With a master data management the process, a logical service layer can
FOUNDATION repository, enterprises have a single be developed that can be re-used across
A modern data architecture needs to “gold copy” that synchronizes data to various projects, departments, and
be built to support the movement and applications accessing that data. The business units. IT still has an important
analysis of data to decision makers and need for an MDM-based architecture is role to play in a self-service-enabled
at the right time it is needed. Also, it’s critical—organizations are consistently architecture—providing for security,
important to focus on real-time from going through changes, including growth, monitoring, and data governance.
two perspectives. There is the need realignments, mergers, and acquisitions. There is a new generation of tools and
to facilitate real-time access to data, Often, enterprises end up with data templates now available from vendors
which could be historical; and there is systems running in parallel, and often, that enable users to explore datasets with
the requirement to support data from critical records and information may be highly visual, even 3D views, that can be
events as they are occurring. For the first duplicated and overlap across these silos. adjusted, re-adjusted, and manipulated to
category, existing infrastructure such as MDM also assures that applications and look for outliers and trends. n
data warehouses have a critical role to systems across the enterprise have the
play. For the second, new approaches same view of a customer, versus disparate 
such as streaming analytics are critical. or conflicting pieces of data.  —Joe McKendrick
14 DECEMBER 2014/JANUARY 2015 | DBTA Sponsored Content

Powering the
Data-Centered Data Center
Modern enterprises face increasing consistent data governance, enables followed. You would begin by designing
pressure to deliver business value through flexibility in application development, the application, figuring out all the data
technological innovations that leverage scales up and down to match demand, that would be involved from start to
all available data. Unfortunately, the and manages data securely and finish. Requirements would be developed
relational databases that enterprises cost-effectively. up front and you would figure out all the
have relied on for the last 40 years MarkLogic enables the data- queries you would need to run. Next, you
are now too limiting and inflexible. centered data center, having the only would design the schema and indexes,
Relational databases drive application- NoSQL database that is powerful, agile, and then you would build the database.
centric architectures that require pre- and trusted enough to act as a single You could then perform the process of
defined schemas and ETL processes platform for all of an organization’s data. extracting, transforming, and loading the
that eventually lead to complex and MarkLogic employs a flexible shared- data into your new database. After that,
expensive architectures that are difficult nothing architecture, runs on commodity you could build the application, write the
to maintain. Successful organizations are hardware in any environment, handles queries, develop the business logic, and
embracing a better approach: the data- both operational and analytical design the user interface.
centered data center. workloads, and secures your data with But, what if the data or requirements
The data-centered approach focuses certified, government-grade security. changed?
on the data, its use, and its governance New data or requirements meant
through its lifecycle. It is architected YESTERDAY’S ARCHITECTURE: beginning the process all over again. It
to allow a single management and LOTS OF ETL would mean developing a new schema,
governance model, and to bring the The world used to be simple. a new database, and a new application.
applications to the data, rather than Technology limitations meant less data If there was a required change, resources
copying data to the applications. With was stored, and there were fewer choices were consumed very quickly—and each
the right technology, organizations can in terms of how to store and manage data. time the process became slower, schemas
build a data-centered data center that If you needed to build an application, grew more complex, and ETL more
minimizes data duplication, provides there was a basic recipe that could be brittle. Perhaps a data warehouse, data
mart, or a Master Data Management
system would solve the problem—but
only briefly. Soon, new requirements
to tie data sources together or new
data flowing in from outside of the
organization would quickly multiply the
problem out of proportion.
With big data, the problem gets worse.
It is often impossible to determine in
advance what might be useful to the
business. Multiple types of structured
and unstructured data are being created
and streaming in—from new sources as
well—from various new lines of business,
mergers and acquisitions, social media,
connected devices, and more. Before long,
copies upon copies of data are floating
around the organization.
What is the security model? How do
you manage backup and availability for
various systems? How do you apply data
Sponsored Content DECEMBER 2014/JANUARY 2015 | DBTA 15

retention and disposal policies? Where is

the master? Who is editing the data? Soon,
control is lost.
Organizations find themselves in
this scenario frequently, and it’s easy
to understand why. From a business
perspective, applications are the visible
face of the data and applications appear
to hold the value. Application by
application, our data centers have become
more and more complex and expensive,
and the architecture becomes a barrier
to success.

Today’s modern architecture is
refocusing on the most important asset:
data. By focusing on the data, you are able
to make smarter choices about how to
store and manage it. Rather than copying
the data all around and maintaining MarkLogic is the only database that can expensive than the “big iron” required
multiple disparate systems, you can store and rapidly query XML, JSON, to scale relational databases. If you have
manage the data in one place, in its most RDF, and geospatial data—providing a more data coming in, you can just add
useful form, and make the application single powerful platform for all of your another node to the cluster. And, it’s very
come to the data. After all, the data will data. MarkLogic can ingest the two most easy to scale back down and redistribute
surely outlive the application. popular forms of document data—XML the workload as necessary. MarkLogic
To adopt a data-centered data and JSON—and can also ingest other runs production applications with over
center, you have to start with the right sorts of data, from RDF relationships a hundred nodes, billions of documents,
technology. With MarkLogic, you get to text, geospatial data, binary video and hundreds of gigabytes of data. But, it
a single database platform that can files, and PDFs—without the need for is also easy to start small with a three node
store and manage massive volumes conversion. With MarkLogic, you start cluster that can be spun up on Amazon
of heterogeneous data, perform both with more answers available because you Web Services—using MarkLogic’s pre-
transactions and analytics on that data, start with better data. configured AMIs—in just a few minutes.
and still maintain the security and
reliability of a trusted legacy database— MASSIVE SCALABILITY MIX OPERATIONAL AND
all the critical elements that you need to AND ELASTICITY ANALYTICAL WORKLOADS
have a data-centered data center. MarkLogic addresses the problem In a data-centered data center, the
of volume by employing a flexible, database should be able to handle any
FLEXIBLE DATA MODEL shared-nothing, scale-out architecture type of workload, whether operational
FOR ALL YOUR DATA to handle data across the information or analytical. But traditionally, databases
The first problem that needs to be lifecycle—without breaking the bank. were optimized for one or the other, not
solved is the proliferation of various Unlike relational databases that scale both. Gartner even has two different
data types. MarkLogic is designed to up with larger infrastructure purchases, quadrants for each type—one for
handle today’s data variety—including MarkLogic is designed to cluster across operational databases and one for data
documents, relationships, and metadata. commodity hardware that is much less warehouses. With search built-in as a
16 DECEMBER 2014/JANUARY 2015 | DBTA Sponsored Content

core component, MarkLogic is designed “move faster and break things” mantra of dollars. Furthermore, the bank’s new
to handle both operational workloads that is often embraced by young startups system had incredible performance,
and analytic queries. ACID transactions, does not apply to MarkLogic. MarkLogic handling over 1,600 requests per second
memory-buffered writes, and distributed has been hardened by over a decade of while still being available to run ad-hoc
architecture make MarkLogic a fast development. And, MarkLogic has been analytics as necessary.
transactional database. Complex proven in some of the most demanding,
transactions are not a problem, and mission-critical applications, by some of CHANGING ECONOMICS,
production applications regularly clock the most demanding customers in the NEW OPPORTUNITIES
tens of thousands of transactions per world. MarkLogic runs at the heart of The economics of the data center
second. But it’s not just speed—it’s also large investment banks, major healthcare are changing. Today, we have cheaper
about complexity—and MarkLogic’s organizations, and classified government hardware, cheaper disk storage, and cloud
composable indexes can serve results to systems. providers that are lowering prices every
complex queries with tens of thousands day. The biggest cost of information
of operators across huge amounts of data LEADING ORGANIZATIONS technology is no longer with storage,
in sub-second time. WITH REAL RESULTS compute power, or data transfer speeds—
The data-centered data center is not a it is in the time and development effort
MANAGE THE INFORMATION future aspiration—leading organizations of building new applications and the
LIFECYCLE WITH TIERED have already implemented it and they opportunity cost of not moving at the
STORAGE are achieving real results. One example speed of the business. The data-centered
Data is not static. It must be moved is with a Top Five Investment Bank that data center makes organizations more
around as its usefulness changes over faced complexity, performance, and cost agile. It makes it easier to find new
time. This means the database must be problems with their operational trade applications for available data and helps
flexible enough to move the data from store at the heart of their $87 trillion deliver applications more quickly. It
an operational tier where it’s available for derivatives business. They had an army lowers the overall IT cost and provides a
low-latency transactions on down to an of DBAs to maintain 20 Sybase databases competitive advantage.
archive tier where it may only be used later that were showing poor performance and MarkLogic truly stands alone in its
for batch analytics. Traditional databases instability, and were expensive to maintain. capability to power the data-centered
are not designed to efficiently move data They could not analyze their total market data center, as shown by the fact that it
between storage tiers, and data older than exposure and launch new products in an is the only technology to appear in three
90 days is often stored on tape archives aggressive marketplace, causing them to be different Gartner Magic Quadrants.
never to be seen again. But, MarkLogic’s at risk and lag behind competitors. MarkLogic is in the Gartner Magic
tiered storage solves this problem by After implementing MarkLogic, the Quadrant for Operational DBMS,
efficiently storing and managing data bank had a simplified, unified platform Enterprise Search, and Data Warehouse
across the information lifecycle. You can to power a data-centered data center. DBMS. In the Magic Quadrant for
cost-effectively meet SLAs using expensive MarkLogic’s schema-agnostic data model Operational DBMS, MarkLogic was
fast storage such as SSDs for your most allowed the bank to store data from positioned as a Leader—the only
recent operational data, and move older multiple front-office systems in a single NoSQL database with this distinction.
data to less expensive storage such as unified system, eliminating data silos. Furthermore, in the Gartner report,
Amazon S3 or the Hadoop Distributed The bank was able to achieve more agility Critical Capabilities for Data Warehouse
File System for archival purposes. and better risk management because they Database Management Systems (August
could develop applications faster. They 2014), MarkLogic was rated as the
MOVE FASTER WITHOUT could easily ingest new data sources and number-one operational data warehouse
SACRIFICING DATA still maintain an integrated, unified view by customers, beating out leaders such
GOVERNANCE of trade data in order to monitor exposure as Teradata, Microsoft, and Oracle. With
MarkLogic was designed from the start in real-time. The bank also achieved a MarkLogic, organizations are able to
to be an enterprise database, and includes massively reduced cost of ownership. reimagine their applications because they
all of the enterprise features necessary Instead of using 20 Sybase databases, they start by reimagining their data. n
to run at the heart of the data-centered used one single MarkLogic database. And,
data center, including government-grade subsequently, they were able to reduce the
security, high availability and disaster number of DBAs required from about MARKLOGIC
recovery, and ACID transactions. The 10 to one, helping them save millions
Sponsored Content DECEMBER 2014/JANUARY 2015 | DBTA 17

Information Governance
Making the Most of Modern Data Architectures

In the world of IT, there is a never-

ending stream of intricate steps to access,
combine, update, visualize and overall
massage business data as it flows in from
remote, legacy or transactional systems
and out through analytics and reporting.
These steps are necessary to correctly
return the right data to the right person
at the right time. With the advent of
non-structured data, these tasks become
more complex and time-consuming, even
with the amount of automation available
to handle them. Just the size of datasets
are becoming too large to handle in ways
past—new storage pools, new integration
styles and new methods for determining management. A platform connects all the
data’s value now add significant learning information critical to data management, A DATA STEWARDSHIP PLATFORM
curves to the IT world. and enables IT to understand and manage • Makes complex data issues simple
for both business users and IT
In order to take advantage of new complex data issues with simplified views
• Reduces the number of steps
data systems, modern architectures and of any data activity. It provides on-the-fly and tools to achieve data
analytic platforms available, and still reporting configurability, saving hours quality or governance
return correct data at the right time, and days of reporting management. • Provides an easy, intuitive
it is imperative that businesses take an Data stewardship is a difficult task and collaborative workspace
with built-in process
“Information Governance” approach and requires underlying knowledge
• Reduces reporting workload
to their data. When engaging both of data value across domains in an
• Provides full visibility across
business users and IT in the activity of organization, plus expertise in managing global activities and projects
determining data value, remediating data data remediation across many business with metrics and dashboards
errors and establishing solid processes applications as well as source data
around data quality through the use of systems. A myriad of tools are available systems and data, divestiture of identified
automation, a number of key milestones for each step in stewardship tasks to data due to merger/acquisition activity
are achieved: remediate data errors, but independent and commonality of systems and process
1. Knowledge about data and its value is tools require IT to install, integrate and across a distributed workforce, using
collaboratively shared and managed. update as necessary. A data stewardship methodology that accommodates the
2. Time and effort to identify and platform reduces that number of greatest number of users with the most
remediate data errors is reduced. tools into one system with automated efficiency, while enabling fast updates that
3. Programs and projects that depend activities such as mapping and project mirror the speed of business. This can
on clean data achieve faster management, standard integration to only happen through Cloud systems. A
time-to-value. modern data platforms and architectures, data stewardship platform with content
common access to data design for both available and collaborated on through the
An Information Governance approach, business users and IT, ongoing reusability Cloud is the answer.
using a data stewardship platform as the of data designs and system types, and
underlying coordination and connective an intuitive web interface that is easily POWERED BY THE DATA
tissue for data and activities, enables managed by any stakeholder across the STEWARDSHIP PLATFORM
both business users and IT to unlock the organization. The Data Stewardship Platform delivers
power of their data. A data stewardship With technology becoming more and a cohesive way to optimize data quality,
platform delivers both the process and more pervasive and available through migration and governance initiatives. n
automation to help business users quickly the Cloud, organizations need to address
and easily see and dissect data errors, and business issues such as global access to BACKOFFICE ASSOCIATES
provides click-through rules editing and information, consolidation of remote
18 DECEMBER 2014/JANUARY 2015 | DBTA Sponsored Content

The Tenants of
Modern Data Architecture
What is a modern data architecture? Regardless of the physical deployment, A modern data architecture is
It’s a data architecture created to support business units consume databases as a elastic. In a global economy within
future requirements. It’s flexible, but it’s service, not as infrastructure. the information age, enterprises may
powerful. A modern data architecture enables experience immediate hyper-growth
A modern data architecture leverages a flow of data. There is data at rest: or sustained long-term growth. An
polyglot persistence. Today, a single the data stored in an operational or online retailer may experience increased
database can no longer meet enterprise analytical database. There is data in requirements before, during, and after
requirements. The requirements of motion: the data moving through Black Friday. A video game developer
interactive applications, enterprise, messaging systems, the data moving may experience explosive growth when a
mobile, and web are met by operational through stream processing systems. A game goes viral. A payment process may
databases. The requirements of business modern data architecture must enable experience sustained growth as the service
intelligence applications are met by and understand the flow of data. The is made available in more and more
analytical databases and/or Apache data may pass through a message queue markets. As the enterprise moves away
Hadoop distributions. Finally, off-the- and a stream processor before it is stored from mainframes, it is not moving away
shelf and legacy application requirements in an operational database. Next, it may from large databases engineered to scale
are met by relational databases. While a be imported, incremental or batch, into up. It is adopting distributed databases
NoSQL database like Couchbase Server is an analytical database and/or Apache running on commodity hardware.
a general-purpose database, it works well Hadoop distribution. However, the flow In conclusion, a modern data
with Apache Hadoop distributions for may not be linear. It may be circular. architecture leverages polyglot
analysis and Apache Lucene distributions The data may be refined in an analytical persistence, supports agile development,
for full text search. database in order to update the data in is provided as a service, enables a flow
A modern data architecture supports an operational database. The analytical data, is adaptive, and is elastic. By doing
agile development. Today, interactive database may extract data and import it so, it enables enterprises to meet future
applications are developed by reading into the operational database to improve requirements with less overhead, less cost,
from and writing to NoSQL databases operational efficiency. The data will and less time.
like Couchbase Server. These databases pass through more than one system, Couchbase Server is a scalable,
support flexible data models, enabling and it may pass through a system more enterprise-grade NoSQL database.
developers to define the data model than once. It may be processed, filtered, It supports a flexible data model via
on the fly and without delay. They are transformed, and more as it flows from documents and JSON. It integrates
no longer constrained by schemas and the producer to the analyst and back. with Apache Hadoop distributions, and
change requests. A modern data architecture is is certified by Cloudera for Cloudera
A modern data architecture is adaptive. The data no longer defines the Enterprise. It integrates with LucidWorks
provided as a service. Today, enterprises applications. The applications define the and Elasticsearch products. It can be
expect IT to provide database-as-a- data. While relational databases support integrated with Apache Storm. It is a
service. The consumers are no longer the off-the-shelf and legacy applications, key component of real-time big data
applications. They are the business units. NoSQL databases like Couchbase Server architectures at eBay, PayPal, LivePerson,
The database infrastructure is abstracted enable new applications and new features LinkedIn, and more. It’s the foundation
away from the consumers. The database to define new types of data: social, of a modern data architecture. n
can be deployed to bare-metal servers, scientific, energy, telemetry, sensor,
virtual machines, or cloud infrastructure. geo-location, and more. The data may
The database can be deployed to multiple evolve without having to make changes COUCHBASE
regions via multiple data centers. to the data architecture.
Sponsored Content DECEMBER 2014/JANUARY 2015 | DBTA 19

Moving to a Modern
Data Architecture
The explosion and rapid evolution in data, handle all their reporting and and querying, because every user
data and analytics is forcing businesses analytics workloads, and support all of and workload can have exactly the
to reexamine their data warehousing their users in a single solution. resources needed, without contention.
solutions to determine what is needed That requires a system that can • Single service for all business data.
to manage and leverage their data to natively handle both structured and Snowflake brings native storage of
strategic advantage. semi-structured data such as weblogs, semi-structured data into a relational
XML and JSON; scale up and down on the database that understands and fully
THE CHANGING fly to support any number and intensity optimizes querying of that data. Query
NATURE OF DATA of workloads; make that data accessible structured and semi-structured data in
It used to be the case that most through SQL so that they can leverage a single system.
data you wanted to analyze came from their current skills and tools; and do so at a
sources in your data center: transactional fraction of the cost of traditional systems. Importantly, because Snowflake was
systems, enterprise resource planning built for standard SQL, it delivers these
(ERP) applications, customer relationship SNOWFLAKE TAKES A capabilities in a way that takes advantage
management (CRM) applications, and FRESH APPROACH of the tools and skills companies
the like. The structure, volume, and rate Snowflake was founded by a team of already have.
of the data were all fairly predictable and veteran experts in database technology
well known. who saw the opportunity to reinvent THE CLOUD AS THE
Today a significant and growing the data warehouse to meet these needs. FOUNDATION
share of data—application logs, web They shared a vision to leverage new Cloud infrastructure is the perfect
applications, mobile devices, and social and disruptive technology including platform for constructing the ideal data
media—comes from outside your data cloud infrastructure to bring together warehouse. It delivers near-unlimited
center, even outside your control. That all users, data and workloads in a single resources, on demand, in minutes, and
data constantly evolves and as a result data warehouse without compromising you only pay for what you use.
frequently uses newer, more flexible data performance, flexibility or ease of use. A data warehouse built for the cloud
formats such as JSON and Avro. That The result: the Snowflake Elastic Data eliminates the obstacles and pains of
increases demands on both the systems Warehouse, a new SQL data warehouse deploying and managing infrastructure
themselves and on the people who built from the ground up for the cloud to so that companies can focus on using
manage and use them. deliver the power of data warehousing, their data rather than on dealing with
the flexibility of big data platforms and infrastructure. In addition, the cloud is
THE NEED FOR A NEW the elasticity of the cloud—at 90% less the natural integration point for data
DATA WAREHOUSE than on-premises data warehouses. because a rapidly increasing share of the
As companies seek solutions that can What makes Snowflake’s data comes from applications and systems
accommodate the changes in data and solution unique? outside the datacenter—cloud applications
how it is used, they’re frustrated to find • Data warehousing as a service. like Salesforce, web applications, mobile
that most current solutions simply can’t Snowflake eliminates the pains devices, sensors, and more.
keep up. For example, traditional data associated with managing and tuning
warehousing solutions were designed a database. That enables self-service A NEW STANDARD IN
for structured, predictable data. Yet access to data so that analysts can DATA WAREHOUSING
companies today also see opportunity focus on getting value from data The Snowflake Elastic Data Warehouse
to gain insight from machine-generated rather than on managing hardware brings sorely-needed innovation to data
data, i.e., data generated by web servers, and software. warehousing. Its unique architecture
cloud applications, sensors and more. At • Multidimensional elasticity. and capabilities offer a highly efficient,
the same time, newer “big data” platforms Snowflake’s elastic scaling technology cost-effective, and easily manageable data
like Hadoop are not data warehouses and makes it possible to independently warehouse service designed for today’s
require specialized expertise that is in very scale users, data and workloads, business needs. n
short supply. delivering optimal performance at any
As a result, companies are demanding scale. Run any number of workloads SNOWFLAKE
a solution that can work with all business concurrently, including both loading @snowflakeDB
20 DECEMBER 2014/JANUARY 2015 | DBTA Sponsored Content

Data Management
in the Big Mobile and
Internet of Things Era
DATA MANAGEMENT IN • U sers read and write the closest location-based (geospatial) services, full-
THE BIG MOBILE AND available data source. text search, and real-time analytics.
INTERNET OF THINGS ERA • Synchronizes data continuously via
Today’s applications are expected filtered, multi-master replication. SAYING GOODBYE
to manage a variety of structured and • Stores data of any structure as self- TO MESSY DATA
unstructured data, accessed by massive describing JSON documents. At Cloudant, our aim is to help you
networks of users, devices, and business • Integrates via a RESTful API. get more from your live data. Data in
locations, or even sensors, vehicles and • Provides full-text search, geo-location Cloudant is highly durable and fault-
Internet-enabled goods. services, and flexible, real-time tolerant. Every write is immediately
indexing. committed to disk, and Cloudant’s
As the need for data access expands • Is monitored and managed for distributed architecture stores multiple
to the network edge, most databases are you 24x7 by the big data experts at copies of data across different physical
still grounded in a central data center. Cloudant. infrastructure. All copies do reads and
DBAs continue to toil, as they have for • Built on open source. API-Compatible writes. It is flexible and scalable and
decades, moving databases to more with Apache CouchDB™. has many different APIs for finding and
powerful hardware, or bigger clusters, and managing data.
constantly re-designing them in order to IDEAL USE CASES
accommodate your business growth. FOR CLOUDANT 
 We are excited to announce the
Companies of all sizes use Cloudant integration between Cloudant and the
IBM Cloudant is different. It enables to manage data for many types of IBM dashDB beta. dashDB is IBM’s fully
applications to operate at this scale, non- large or fast- growing web and mobile managed data warehouse service in the
stop, by distributing database read/write apps in ecommerce, online education, cloud. Now, you can easily replicate data
access out to the edge—like a CDN for gaming, financial services, networking, from Cloudant to dashDB for deeper offline
your data. and other industries. Cloudant is best reporting and context. dashDB enables
suited for applications that require predictive analytics across all data. n
CLOUDANT—THE INDUSTRY’S an operational data store to handle a
FIRST GLOBAL DATA massively concurrent mix of low-latency Cloudant is the first data source
DELIVERY NETWORK reads and writes. Its data replication and to integrate with dashDB.
Cloudant is the first data management synchronization technology also enables To try both products, sign up at
platform to leverage the availability, continuous data availability, as well as off-
elasticity, and reach of the Cloud to create line app usage for mobile or remote users.

a global data delivery network (DDN) that
enables applications to scale larger and As a JSON document store, Cloudant
remain available to users wherever they are. is ideal for managing multi- or
• Distributes readable, writable copies of un-structured data. Advanced indexing CLOUDANT, AN IBM COMPANY
data to multiple locations or devices. makes it easy to enrich applications with

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