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Tytana Celebrates 43 Years of Excellence

Manila Tytana Colleges (Tytana) concluded its week-long founding anniversary celebration by honoring the
accomplishments of its non-teaching employees, faculty members, and administrators, through the annual
Parangal held last February 26, 2019 at the G.T. Foundation Auditorium, Manila Tytana Colleges, Pasay City.
Parangal is an institutional recognition program that recognizes employees and faculty achievements. It
highlights one of the College’s core thrusts in the past 43 years, its source of pride – excellence.

A total of 103 employees received recognitions for their achievements. Ninety-seven (97) employees received
Tytana Pride and Special Citation Awards for their success in the local, national, and international arena such as
publishing / presenting research paper, being a resource person and speaker, being elected as board member,
officer, or consultant of a national/international organization, winning competition and receiving national
awards or recognition, coaching a winning team of students and being an author of a book, modules and writing
a screenplay. Seventeen (17) employees were also given Service Awards – 13 awardees of 10-year service, 2 for
15-year service, 1 for 20-year service and 1 for 25-year of service. Six (6) non-teaching employees and 18 faculty
members were given individual recognition for continuously demonstrating the six core values of Tytana with
Ms. Chriscel S. Valiente, Administrative Assistant of the Directorate for Student Affairs as the Employee of the
Year and Prof. Eliezer V. David, faculty member of the College of Arts and Sciences as the 2019 MTC Teacher of
the Year.

In her response on behalf of the non-teaching employees, Ms. Valiente shared that in her five-year stay in
Tytana, she learned to say yes to new challenges, to push herself and get out of her comfort zone, to be bigger
than herself, to appreciate and increase the significance of her insignificance and to never stop learning. “Since I
became an employee of Tytana, I have driven my motivation from the six core values, to be a silent supporter in
providing a caring community, competent scholars and professionals that empowers creative thinking and
expression within an environment that is so fertile of ideas, dynamic and proactive change-agents”, she said.
Ms. Valiente closed her speech quoting one of the principles of Tytana’s President and Chief Academic Officer,
Dr. Sergio S. Cao, that “the award should not give honor to you, you should give honor to the award”.

Prof. David on the other hand, expressed his gratitude to Tytana for opening its gate for someone who has failed
but decided to start all over again. He said that the new beginning, trust, and hope given to him by Tytana made
him feel that he is in good hands. Prof. David further stressed the importance of having a heart to teach. “We
teachers are not merely disseminators of knowledge; we are drivers of their success and molders of their future.
We can be the vehicle to their dreams and aspirations and agent of hope. Our service to the students does not
end in the four corners of the classroom, it continues through their lives. Yes it may seem too much, [but] that is
teaching, that is the nobility of this profession,” he said.

Meanwhile, Pres. Cao in his message reminded the Tytana community of the importance of consistency and
continuous improvement. He explained that that there could be no validation or manifestation of the qualities
embodied by the awards had there been no consistency in performing their duties and responsibilities. To him it
is a high level of quality service maintained with regularity and dedication. He also encouraged everyone to
always be better than before and to commit to being better versions of themselves everyday. “Your stories of
achievements are what give Tytana a good image, or reputation, or brand. This is the very idea of Tytana Pride.
Your accomplishments, especially those that are recognized by the external public, contribute to the objective of
putting Tytana in the map of respected and reputable education institutions. So while we honor you today, the
fact is you have first given us honor through your achievements and accomplishment”, the President said.

Tytana, the educational arm of the Metrobank Group , employs more than 200 employees, teaching and non-
teaching, who are committed to producing scholars and professionals for national and global endeavors through
values-driven progressive education founded on the culture of excellence and nurturance.

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