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Teachers undergo RPMS Training

-Haneca Rabec

With the aim of ensuring that work efforts focus towards achieving the
DepEd’s vision, mission, values and strategic priorities toward the delivery of
quality educational services to Filipino learners, 55 teachers from both Junior High
and Senior High of Quezon National High School were required to join the School-
based Roll-out of the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS)
2018 last July 26-27, 2018.
The said program is anchored with the policy by the Department of
Education through the DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2017, otherwise known as the
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, the alignment of the DepEd Order
No. 2, s. 2015 — “Guidelines on the Establishment and Implementation of the
Results-based Performance Management System in the Department of Education.
Prior to the said seminar, three raters, in the person of Mrs. Maria Lourdes
C. Orolaza, Assistant Principal; Mrs. Maximina C. Cuaresma, Head Teacher; and
Mrs. Marietta C. Regino, Master Teacher in English attended the the Division Roll-
out on July 13-14. As an upshot, they were the ones who cascaded the information
needed to assess teacher performance and orient them of the tools and the
different phases of assessment within the various cycles of RPMS.
Mr. Joel R. Antipolo, in his message, reechoed our SDS, Sir Jessie L. Amin’s
sharing of the 15 steps to master one’s discipline, which were enlightening. He also
reminded the teachers to take good care of their health for it is with good health
that they perform their duties as teachers better and make the most out of their
In addition, Sir Joel also discussed the DepEd Order No 42, s. 2017 otherwise
known as the National Adoption and Implementation of Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers which shall be used as basis for all learning and
development programs for teachers to ensure that teachers are properly equipped
to effectively implement the K-12 Program.
In the afternoon session, Mrs. Maria Lourdes C. Orolaza gave an overview of
the core of the seminar, The Results-based Performance Management System.
According to her, it is not true that the RPMS is an added burden for teachers.
Rather, it is an effective tool for their development as teachers and align their roles
and targets with DepEd’s direction.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Marietta C. Regino discussed the Preparation of Portfolio
and Annotation, including the different Key Result Areas and the Mode of
Verification required under each KRA.
Teachers of the different subject areas were grouped together after the
discussion and they were tasked to prepare a mock-up of the portfolios they are
going to prepare.
According to them, teachers are really resilient for they were able to do the
task, despite that it is challenging, within the allotted time. During the presentation
of outputs, they shared the challenges they have faced and the ways of how they
had overcome them.
“With the RPMS at hand, the Quezon National High School Administration
and teaching force are now equipped and ready to perform their duties with much
confidence and dedication,” remarked Mr. Antipolo in his parting message.
The activity was capped with awarding of certificates to the participants and
resource speakers in the said training.

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