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Bakat Membawa Berkat

Day : Saturday
Date : 30-Mar-2019
Time : 09.15-11.15
Place : Gym Merlion School

No. Time Duration Activity Place PIC Note

1 09.15 - 09.30 15' Re-registration In front of Gym's entrance Ms Ika and Ms Nisa Snack (200) and coffee
2 09.30 - 09.45 15' Ice breaker Merlion School Gym Ms Erlin Oleh Ms.Erlin
3 09.45 - 09.50 5' Perkenalan Pembicara Merlion School Gym Icha and Lisa (MC) Akan di perkenalkan oleh Pak Elbert
4 09.50 - 11.00 70' Session and training Merlion School Gym Icha and Lisa (MC) Introduce the speaker
5 11.00 - 11.30 30' Q&A Merlion School Gym Icha and Lisa (MC) Up to 5 questions
6 11.30 - 11.45 15' Evaluation Merlion School Gym Icha and Lisa (MC) Fill up the Google form Link Form evaluasi

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