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SF6-IR Leak
(GIR-10 2000ppm)

1. Switch-on
Press the switch on the front part of the console for 1-2 seconds.
The device is turned on if the “Power on” progress bar on the
screen of the console has reached the end. After an initialisation
time, whose end will be indicated by showing the start
concentration (mostly 0) on the screen of the console, the SF 6-IR-
Leak is ready for operation. During the initialisation time
information about the device like firmware version, calibration
and ... are shown on the display.


The sensor reaches his full specifications, stability and accuracy after a warm up time of 10 min. Therefore if highest
accuracy is needed it is recommended to turn on the device 10 min before the first measurement (for example during
the way to the first measuring point) and carry out a zero adjustment (press the switch on the console shortly two times
/ see 3.) after this period. To remind the operator the announcement "Zero adjustment!" appears on both displays.

In case of a positive value after turning on, due to internal temperature stabilization wait 10 min and carry out a zero
adjustment (press the switch on the console shortly two times / see 3.). Positive values are sometimes possible, even if
the atmosphere is free of SF6.

2. Operation
Carrying the device with the belt over the shoulder and using its handgun like
shown in the picture every point of SF6-filled equipment indoor and outdoor can be
reached. For Leak detection the nozzle has to be passed to the points to be

The reaction time of the sensor is 1 second. Do not move with
the handgun too fast. Otherwise smallest leakages might not
be detected or difficult to be pinpointed

Different visible and audible display levels are integrated inside the equipment in correlation to the SF 6 concentration.

Concentration of
Visible Indication Audible Indication
SF6 / ppmv
Displays: exact value
0 – 30 Non.
LED: green LED, < 100 ppmv
Displays: exact value Increasing of the tone sequence in correlation
30 – 100
LED: green LED, < 100 ppmv to the SF6-concentration.
Displays: exact value Acceleration of the tone sequence in
100 – 1,000
LED: yellow LED, > 100 ppmv correlation to the SF6-concentration.
Displays: exact value
1000 – 2,000 Constant fast tone sequence.
LED: red LED, > 1000 ppmv
Displays: > 2000
> 2,000 Continuous tone.
LED: red LED, > 1000 ppmv
Quickstart - SF6-IR-Leak

3. Zero Adjustment
After an internal warm up time and temperature stabilization of 10 min. the operator should carry out a zero adjustment. To perform a new
zero adjustment press the switch on the console shortly two times (like a double-click with the computer mouse). At extreme outside
temperatures (approx. ≤ 10 °C and. ≥ 40°C) the initial zero adjustment is not valid anymore. This is noticeable if the sensor indicates an
amount of SF6 in definite SF6-FREE areas.

For higher precision of the SF6-IR-Leak a zero adjustment should be carried out regulary. In order to remind the
operator the message “Zero ?” appears on both displays (“Zero ?”on the display of the handgun and “Zero Adjustment
?” on the display of the console) every 30 minutes. The reminder disappears after carrying out the zero adjustment.

4. Changing of displayed unit (Optional)

In order to change the displayed unit, press the button on the back of the device (see picture). Pressing on the

button once will switch to the next unit. Switching the button several times the unit changes in a loop from ppmv to

g/y, than to cc/s and afterwards it will start with ppmv again. The unit will be indicated on the screen of the console.

After the Start of the device the last selected unit will be used.

5. Switch-off
To switch off the SF6-IR-Leak press the switch on the front part of the console for 1-2 seconds until the progress bar on the display of the
console reaches the end and the displays turn off.

6. Recharging battery:
1. Turn off the SF6-IR-Leak (see 5.)

2. Connect the power plug connector of the delivered battery charger to the power socket.

3. Plug the instrument’s connector to the socket on the rear part of the SF 6-IR-Leak console

(like shown).

4. Wait until the charge lamp of the battery charger is extinguished. The battery is charged with a
charge current of 1,5 A with a voltage of 25,2V. The maximum charge time of an empty battery is
2-3 hours.

5. Disconnect the plug-ins.

6. SF6-IR-Leak is again ready for operation

If the user tries to charge SF6-IR-Leak while it’s turned on, the device turns off automatically for protection
purpose of the internal battery when the charger has been connected and the charging process started.

WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG

c/o G.A.S. mbH, Otto-Hahn-Straße 15, 44227 Dortmund, Germany

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