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You are on page 1of 3 Code : 021102 B.Tech Ist Semester Exam., 2013 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS Time | 3 hours ull Morks Instructions (9 The marks are indicated in dhe righchand margin. (9) There are TINE questions in this paper, Gi) Attoryp! FIVE questions vt all tu) Question No, 2 ts comptsory Answer any seven of tie following as directed pels [e)_-What do you mean by single steolse testers? _D} Two systems of pine dimensions on a raving work are —- and — syateena “fasckiow! gS (rtt in the blanks) US Apotyaon is a plane figure having more than ~~ sides m2 a ay 4 ys (FAL ns the saa t4an—2500/60 (tum over) 14a MP A solid having four equal equilater cay GB When a tine is contained by a profie plane, the suum of the angles of the inclination with the HP and VP is equal to ih 90" i) 1g0° sip 270 fiey 360° [Choose the correct option) fo} What is the trace of a plane? ‘triangular faces is called “lutcheh=* (ill in the ban) (9! Toe projection obtained on @ VP of a cut sold is called sectional 1) top view 4) Gont view (i) tefeside view (iv) right-side view (Choose the correct option) fy Radial ne method is used for developing — and — objects (Fin the bani) 2500/60 ( Continued } 148K 2500/60 3 ‘ ) The intersection beeen a ed sesting & on HP and 2 plane inclined to HP is a arked— in the front view. Nie b (fl inthe blank) @ An ‘sometrie projection is pictorial crowing of 19 four views (tree views (i) wo views fiw) one view (Choose the correct option} 2. Draw an cllipse when the minor axis is 80mm and the distance between the foei 8 30 mm 3. The view of a straight line AM from above is 60mm long and it mekes an angle of 45° with the XY line. The end 4 is in the VP and 25mm fom the HP, The end Bis 70 mm from the HP. Drav: the projections of the line AB snd determine— fa) the true length of the line; Pi) the traces; (6) inclinations with the reference plane. 4 4 aleubiharccom (rn Over) 4 14AK~2500/60 (4) A regular pentagonal lamina ABCDE 90 mum side rests on HP on one of its si ‘such that itis inclined to the HP at 45° and the side on which it rests is inclined at 30" to the VP. Draw its projections. 4 ‘A hexogonal pyramid of base of sides 30 nim Jong and altitude 60 mm is resting on one ef ts base edges on the ground. This wipe makes 30° to the VP and the face containing, this edge makes 45° to the HP, Draw the projections, 4 Acylinder, 40 mm diameter and 70 mea lone, hhas its axis perpendicular to the VP. ft ts cut by a section plane inclined at 30° 10 the Vit and 60° to the HP and passing through the midpoint on the axis. Draw 2 sectional view fron: above, the sectional view from the frunt and the true shape of the section rn A ight circular cone, diameter of base 50mm ane height 60mm, rests on its Ine kL HPA section plane perpendicular to tn VP and inchined to the HP at 30" cut the eo: bisecting sts axis. Draw the projcetions of the wuncated cone and develop its. tatesa) surface, “ F Continent) 63) sseasthar-com A cube of 30 mm side is placed centrally on the top of a cylindrical block of 52 mm radiue and 20mm eight. Draw the sometric projection of the solids. 4 . The figure below shows the pictorial views of the object Draw the principal views and dimension them, 4 }AK—2500/60 Code - 021102

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