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LASC 397A: Advanced Preceptorship

1-3 Units

Teaching Teams Supervising Instructors

Dr. Steve Kortenkamp

Teaching Teams Coordinator Office: Kuiper Space Sciences 353 Office hours: TThF by appointment

Course Description

LASC 397A is split into two parts:

1) Working as a preceptor in your “home course” with your home course instructor
and their team (TAs and other preceptors) (49% of final grade)
2) Developing an independent study project of your choice (51% of final grade).

Course Pre-requisites

In order to continue with LASC 397A students must have demonstrated strong
performance in LASC 197A or 297A and have the approval of a Teaching Teams

Independent Study Requirements

1) Initial Meeting (Required before Enrollment)

Email Dr. Kortenkamp at the beginning of the semester to arrange a meeting time to
turn in your Preceptor Contract and submit/discuss your Preceptor Prospectus (see
#2 below).

Deadline: Before the end of third week of class (deadline to enroll)

2) Preceptor Contract & Prospectus (Required before Enrollment)

Complete the preceptor contract and write a detailed 1-page description of your
planned independent preceptor project for LASC397A. Your prospectus should

 Title of your project

 Estimated hours per week you will spend on the project and as a preceptor
involved with your home course. (Note: The university expects students to
spend 3 hours per week for each unit of credit.)
 A brief description of your project and your anticipated end product (e.g., paper,
presentation, portfolio, etc).
 A timeline for development and completion of your project.

Deadline: Before the end of third week of class (deadline to enroll)

3) Preceptor Activity Journal

Begin immediately after enrolling in LASC397A.

Due: Last week of classes

Keep a weekly chronological journal of your preceptor activities in your home

course. Provide this information in your journal:

 Date and time of activity.

 Description of activity you acted as a preceptor for.
 Number of students who were involved or were impacted.
 Preceptor skills you utilized to complete the activity.
 What did you gain from this experience?

4) Preceptor Project Progress Report

Email your LASC397A instructor to arrange a meeting time to submit and discuss
your Preceptor Project Progress Report.

Due: Fall Semester: Around October 20-30

Spring Semester: Around March 20-30

Write a 1-2 page report detailing:

 What you have accomplished so far.

 What you still plan to do.
 An updated timeline for completion of the project.
 Areas where you may need assistance from the Teaching Teams Program.

5) Final Project Submission

Email your LASC397A instructor to arrange a meeting time to submit and discuss
your completed project.

Due: Last week of classes

Your final submission should include the following:

 Your Preceptor Activity Journal

 Your completed project (if hardcopy submission is applicable).
 A 2-3 page summary report describing what you accomplished and learned as a
preceptor and while completing your project. You may include information
about how your preceptorship was incorporated into your project.

Academic Integrity

Integrity is expected of every student in all academic work. The guiding principle of academic
integrity is that a student's submitted work must be the student's own. For the complete Code of
Academic Integrity, go to: Students
who plagiarize will receive a failing grade for the course and be reported to the Dean of Students.

Students with Disabilities

If you anticipate barriers related to the format or requirements of this course, please meet with
your instructor to discuss ways to ensure your full participation in the course. If you determine that
disability-related accommodations are necessary, please register with Disability Resources (621-
3268; and notify your instructor of your eligibility for reasonable
accommodations. We can then plan how best to coordinate your accommodations.

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