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ICM 0744

Activit 1

The first process is investigating why customer would choose this company. The
company would investigate the following. Investigate the needs of customer in
the certain area. This does change depending on different areas. For example the
fees and how much people in the certain community are willing to pay and also
see what the other company in the area are charging. Look at the numbers of
customers and quality of other company. Executive meeting are important when
investigating what the company will be able to offer. It is important to develop an
operational plan so that they are aware what we are able to sell to the customer
of the certain area when choosing a company. The Executive will have to do this
regularly as the needs of customer will change. Secondly, the company need to
identify the pros and the cons of private companying and how the company can
continually improve what is offered. The Executive needs to keep asking the
questions and listening the current customers on how they can improve the
company. An exit survey for customers who are leaving the company is always
helpful as well as Year 7survey into Year 8. They have been in company for a year
and now have the opportunity to tell the company what is working and what isn’t.
The surveys are for the parents and the students. Holding meetings with middle
management tasking them how we could improve and what systems we could
implement would be beneficial for customer service and satisfaction. Listening to
concerns or encouragement from current families would also be a beneficial
thing to do for customer improvement. Our company needs to be on top of
providing great information within the community such as advertisement, open
days, carnivals, sporting events so that our company can be properly advertise
and other people in the community can see how good our company is. Answering
all phones enquires promptly with great employees also help with the ongoing
enrolments of the company as a good personal relation is also important for
great customer service. Another thing must look at is the care of the customer
within the company, if we do not look after internal customer and have them feel
safe and secure then we will find our customer withdraw from company.

Reference: BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service (Participant Guide)

Activity 2

ICM 0744

1 Conduct some market research with the customers; for example the quality and
the service expected
Identify the time and the cost expectation by the customers; for example the time
of delivery and their allocated cost to the company
Identify and allocate the right resources to achieve the goal.
Map the customer’s needs against products features and benefits.

2 When planning for the sale of product, I would have to:

Evaluate and identify my potential customers. For example, if I decide to sell a
brand new mobile phone, my potential customers will be considerable and then I
would have to consider some factors such as socio- economic, trends, lifestyle,
perception. Determine how much the potential customer is willing to pay for that
product a mobile phone. For example, price it appropriately, in fact the cost of the
product can be perceive as quality. Make sure that I would be able to provide a
product in what customers consider being a timely manner, this will vary
according to the product being purchased. For a mobile phone, generally
speaking the customers would want the product now, however the delay of
delivery for such a product need to be really quick (no more than a week). A
short delay of delivery can be perceive as a good customer service and then
reduce the likelihood that customers will go elsewhere to purchase their next

Reference: BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service (Participant Guide)

Activity 3

ICM 0744

Business plan need to be flexible and be adapted to meet the changing needs of
customers so the business can continue to support the delivery and the sale of
the product to customers specifications. Customer expectations and needs will
change with the time and will be affected by market trends, fashion and changes
in external environments. Though it is important to do some regular surveys and
questionnaires to evaluate the customer’s satisfaction and expectations. These
methods permit also to identify where the business must improve or change.
Recording the complaints and the resolution adopted are essential. Finally
always be aware of the market, its evolution, trends and communication with
customers are necessary to keep the business informed of customers needs, and
any of changes or opportunities in the marketplace


A business plan is a guide for your business that outlines goals and details and
how you plan to achieve those goals.
Customer focus goes hand-in-hand with customer loyalty. More than customer
satisfaction, customer loyalty extends to all customers in your business, from
those who supply to those who buy. It includes your first customer too, the
employees. A customer-centric company recognizes the only way to add lasting
value to the company is to value the customer. Nothing is as crucial to the success
of your business as the values of your customer, since they are fundamental to
your survival and success.

Guiding principles of customer based organisations

 Focus extensively on delivering value to customers.

 Forgo short-term results and look instead at long-term business value.
 Include senior level buy-in in your customer-based program.
 Share your customer-focused initiatives with employees, partners, and
customers alike.
 Recognize that traditional measurement tools may not adequately track
your customer values, such as emotions and loyalty.
 Incorporate employee (and contractor) training as part of the
customer-centric movement.
 Identify internal stakeholders (owners, employees, partners, suppliers) and
work to build support within this group.

Key questions for customer-centric organisations:

ICM 0744

 Why do you like doing business with this company?

 Why do you return to it?
 How many other potential customers have you told about your positive
experiences with this company?
 What part of this company’s business operation can you emulate and use in
your own business model?
 Are you loyal to this company? Why?
 As a customer, do you feel like an important part of the company’s success?

Reference: BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service (Participant Guide)

ICM 0744

Activity 4

Team will identify and determine goals and objectives that contribute to the
achievement of organizational goals. When setting goals it is important to
determine and agree on the performance standards expected of the team and of
each member. KPI’s will be listed and agreed criteria against which performance
would be evaluated/ each member of the team needs to understand the work
standards expected of them and should accept that the KPI’s selected are
reasonable, relevant and fair. Moreover KPI’s should be directly linked to the
organisation’s vision, mission and goals. It is essential to regularly monitor and
evaluate performance to ensure that the organisation’s quality and delivery
standards are met at all times. If these standards are not reached, some
corrections need to be undertaken. If the standards themselves are not providing
for high level of customer satisfaction, then the standards need to be changed,
increased, imputed and though new KPI’s determine.

Reference: BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service (Participant Guide)

Activity 5

ICM 0744


If employees are having difficulty meeting customer service standards, they

might require training, coaching or mentor. I will help her to enrol a training
course. Training course will give her the basic knowledge of customer service so
that she knows what to do and are able to do it. We know that people will do
their jobs competently when they are carefully selected and well trained.
Coaching and mentoring can be used to help colleagues to achieve required
customer service standards. I will help her to review previous learned skills and
settling into new roles. Also I will let her learning about the culture of the
company and show her how it works.


Coaching can be a useful process for assisting the employee with improvement
because it does not take them away from the workplace and allows for on-the job
demonstration of the required skills. Also it is advisable to determine what each
learner’s individual learning preferences are. Staff has individual learning needs
and preferred learning styles. Learning tools includes books, lectures,
discussions and other methods. I will find particular learning methods suitable to
them and let them get the point easily. I will monitor their task at the same time
to ensure the processing.

Reference: BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service (Participant Guide)

Activity 6

ICM 0744

Monitoring is the process of collecting data that can be analysed to identify

problems and to measure success.

I think encourage self-monitoring and self-management of quality customer

service by employees is the most useful strategy. This is because employees are
receiving the proper training, support and resource to make sure they are doing
the right thing. Therefore, they can deal with different kinds of customers by
their own. In this way, customers will have problems resolved without the need
to wait, while minor issues are passed through the various echelons of the

Reference: BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service (Participant Guide)

Activity 7

ICM 0744

1. What is your favourite products?

2. Why did you purchase this product?
3. How satisfied are you with this product?
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
4. Would you recommend this product tor a friend or family?
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Activity 8

ICM 0744

Resource management procedure: those procedures used to develop, procure

and use resources effectively to provide quality products and/or service, are
intended to ensure continuity of quality resources and timely input so that
operations are not interrupted or disrupted.

Each organisation is a resource dependent system that is a group of

interconnected parts and functions which together makes up the whole of the
organisation. Physical resources and raw materials might be externally or
internally supplied, policies, procedures, direction are management input,
human resources for skilled staff, finance processes provide the money to
purchase inputs to outputs. Each of these interconnected functions becomes part
of the supplier customer chain with the end product being offered to external
customers and end users.

Effective relationships need to be built between each of the components in the

supplier customer chain so that inputs are provided as agreed and optimum
outputs are produced. The people who work within the organisation form the
internal customer supplier chain. Good recruitment, selection and management
processes will maximize efficiency and effectiveness through staff. Quality and
timeliness of supplies from external sources also require the application of
suitable planning and management processes to ensure the provision of the end
product promised to the customer.

Reference: BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service (Participant Guide)

Activity 9

ICM 0744


Every organization in business will face the problems and it is quite common to
everyone. To overcome the problems and still continue with new strategy
company will need to make some decisions based on their problems. When
problems are identified they should be promptly addressed to ensure that
customer service, products and /or service delivery procedures to continue to
meeting customer needs. For example, when we have a project, marketing team
does not collect enough information. We will focus on this part and solve this
problem. Problem-solving are the key activities in any organisation because it
can enable the company move, cope and compete in a rapidly changing
marketplace. It can be consult with employees, customers and other
shareholders to properly identify problem causes and to gather a range of
potential solutions.


Company records will be used to assess past performance, plan future

performance, assess resource uses and needs and identify improvement needs.
They will inform all levels of management about performance throughout the
company. Without records and documented confirmation of both work practise
and financial matters it will not be possible to make realistic plans for future
operation and it will not be possible to make realistic assessment of the ways in
which operations and products and services are meeting customer needs.
Performance and operations records are also used to manage variation. Where
variations outside the acceptable range are discovered, interventions need to
be implemented to solve the problem and to insure integrity and quality of

Reference: BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service (Participant Guide)


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