Chapter I-Research Paper

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League of Legends: A Proposal in Making a Sport

Benigno “Ninoy” S. Aquino High School

Submitted To:

Mr. Romeo Bigtas

English Teacher

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the subject English 10


Bautista, Alysson Hailey M.

Jusayan, Charlene C.

De Guzman, Chen Abriel

Mores, Amiel Japheth

Wayco, Joemaire Rizle

Gacayan, David Carl (No Participation)


Approval Sheet

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in English 10, this term paper entitled League of
Legends: A Proposal in Making a Sport prepared and submitted by AMIEL JAPHETH MORES,
ALYSSON BAUTISTA has been examined and is recommended for approval and acceptance.


English 10 Teacher

Date: March 2019



This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our beloved parents, who have been our source of
inspiration and gave us strength when we thought of giving up, who continually provide their moral,
spiritual, emotional, and financial support.

To our brother, sisters, relatives, friends, and classmates who shared their works of advice
and encouragement to finish this study.

And lastly, we dedicated this book of the Almighty God, thank you for the guidance, strength,
power of mind, protection and skills and for giving us a healthy life. All of these, we offer to you.


We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to our English Teacher Sir
Romeo Bigtas, as well as our readers who gave us the golden opportunity to do this
wonderful research about League of Legends: A Proposal in Making a Sport. We came
up with different ideas and merge them into one. We also learned how to work
together and we are thankful because of this research.

Secondly, We want to thank our researchers for doing a great job in this term paper.
Their hardworks and efforts kept us active making this research.

The Researchers

Table of Contents

Title Page……………………………………………………………………..i

Approval Sheet……………………………………………………………….ii



Table of Contents……………………………………………………………..v

Chapter 1


Statement of the Problem……………………………………………

Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………..vii

Importance of the Study……………………………………...……….vii

Definition of Terms Used……………………………………………...vii

Research of Method Used……………………………………………...vii

Chapter 2

Presentation and Interpretation of Data……………………………...viii

Chapter 3






Chapter I


League of Legends is an internationally renowned online video game. The game

was released a year later and was announced in 2008. It was produced back in 2009 by
Riot Games. The first Legends E-Sports League tournament took place in 2011 in
Jonkoping, Sweden and has gained popularity so far in 2012. The League of Legends
E-sports scene is so huge, there are countless games going on around the world.

In fact, South East Asia's E-sports scene is very active, particularly in the
Philippines. Many are inspired in this game to be better, they are somehow
mesmerized by how players in the Professional League of Legends carry different and
unique strategies while playing the game. Some Filipinos aim to be part of the game's
championship round. They must continue to play with passion and determination to
achieve their dreams.

Statement of the Problem

1. Do you play League of Legends? ( ) Yes ( )No

2. How many hours do you play League of Legends?

( )1-3 Hours ( )2-5 Hours ( )6-8 Hours ( )12 Hours

3. Does playing League of Legends affect your studies? ( ) Yes ( )No

4. What do you gain from playing League of Legends?

( ) Fast Reflexes ( )Leadership skill

( ) Better communication skill ( )Strategy Skill

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focused on the League of Legends: A Proposal in Making a Sport in

academic performances of Grade 10 Students in Benigno “Ninoy” S. Aquino High
School, School Year 2018-2019. The Assessment was limited only to High School
Students. The respondents were chosen regardless of their age and gender. This study
was conducted for the period of March 18, 2019

Importance of the Study

The result of the study would be a great benefit to:

1. Students – The students will have knowledge in this proposal. At the end of
this study students will know that playing League of Legends will benefit them.

2. Teachers – This research will give reliable information and can be guidelines
for them to support their students in playing League of Legends.

3. Parents – It will be big help for parents to open their eyes in this proposal.
The parents have the biggest part in motivating their children.

4. School – School is the second home of every students. Most of the students
spend their half of their days, 10 months in a year in this place. Many things can be
learned here that is why it does affect the way how a student adapt the learnings from
their teacher.

Definitions of Terms Used

1. E-sports (Electronic Sport) - form of competition using video games

2. MOBA – Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
3. Octuple - make or become eight times as numerous or as large.
4. SuperData - world's leading provider of digital games and playable media market
5. Intercollegiate - existing or conducted between colleges or universities.
6. NCCA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) - is a member-led organization
dedicated to providing a pathway to opportunity for college athletes.

Research Method Used

The data was conducted to distinguish the affected in selected students from
different Grade Levels in High School who plays League of Legends in their leisure
time to gather descriptive methods. Here, the surveyed students are selected from
where the research tools are used for data gathering.

The students from different levels who have been chosen in this research
answered a survey questionnaire to be conscious about why is League of Legends
considered as a Sport.

Chapter 2

Presentation and Interpretation of Data

In this chapter, interprets and analyzes the findings of the study using the
data accumulated by the researcher. The entire data are taken from the standardized
survey forms.

Table 1: Profile of Respondents

Respondents Population Sample Percentage

Grade 7 3 3 10%
Grade 8 2 2 6.67%
Grade 9 3 3 10%
Grade 10 11 11 36.67%
Grade 11 6 6 20%
Grade 12 5 5 16.67%
Total 30 30 100%

Data Gathering

The materials and instruments to be used for gathering data is the

Survey forms. The interview and documentary techniques scattered.

Table 2: Gender Profile of the Respondents

Sex Frequency Percentage %

Male 25 83.34%
Female 5 16.67%
Total 30 100%

As the last years have shown a massive growth within the field of electronic
sports (E-sports), several questions emerge, such as how much is it growing, and will
it continue to grow?

To further enhance the growth, the benefits and disbenefits of implementing

Information Technology Management tools is appraised, which additionally gives an
understanding of the future of E-sports. Through observation of the data collection,
the themes games played, games genre, and single-player or team-player was deemed
most important. A statistical analysis was additionally done on the numerical data,
which showed significant correlation between the themes prize pool, participants and
participating countries towards live audience. This indicates that the mentioned
themes affect how many people attends live E-sport event. The analysis also consists
of a trend analysis, which presents that nearly every theme analyzed will continue to
grow in a five-year period. The trend analysis further expects a 305.51% growth in
the live audience from 2014-2019, while the virtual streaming audience is expected to
experience a growth of 140.61%. To enhance this growth, the research thesis
recommends using the presented trends and patterns found in the short-term, to
conduct successful eSport events. However, in the long-term an implementation of a
Data-driven Decision Support System can be done, which will periodically gather
data to know the best possible way to deliver eSport events to the eSport community.

The literature discussion, analysis and interpretation, which is the fourth step,
will use the valid literature that were previously gathered and evaluated to answer the
research questions. This is done to give a clearer understanding of the various
literature’s importance in this project paper, and further how well the research
questions can be answered by the existing literature. The discussion will be used to
see what literature is sufficient, what literature is lacking, and what can be done
better. The analysis of the discussion will give a final indication the reviewed
literature, making it possible to answer what this research thesis should further focus
on to answer the research questions in the best possible way.

The popularity and growth of E-sports is evident. The revenue surrounding

the industry, number of participants, tournament size, media coverage, and
appearance in intercollegiate athletic departments all reinforce the strength of the E-
sports industry. In the actual realm of “sport” however, there is still a lack of clarity

whether E-sports should be considered a sport. A greater consideration should be how

E-sports may benefit intercollegiate athletic programs. In 2014 it was reported by the
NCAA that expenses exceeded revenue in all but 20 member institutions (Kirk,
2014). Many schools utilize subsidies pro-vided by their institution as an attempt to
close the gap between spending and revenue generation. All schools that reported a
revenue were Division I institutions and members of the Football Bowl Subdivision.
Considering the fact that no Division II or Division III institution generates more
revenue than they spend on athletics, the addition of E-sports could be an answer for
intercollegiate athletic departments as a way to increase revenue generation, diversify
its sporting population, and comply with Title IX. In conclusion, there are many
future routes to be considered in reference to E-sports. Future research should
surround the addition of E-sports in intercollegiate athletic departments. Moreover,
emphasis should be placed on the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats
the addition of E-sports has at the current schools whom have adopted it. With over
500 U.S. collegiate institutions already having E-sports teams, it seems as though
there is an untapped market and resources present to support its implementation on
many collegiate campuses today.

Potential positive implications of adding E-sports to intercollegiate


With two collegiate athletic departments adopting E-sports in 2014–2015 coupled

with the substantial growth in popularity, it is expected more athletic departments may add
or consider adding E-sports to their athletic department sport roster. Indisputably there are
potential negative implications of adding E-sports into the athletic realm. Namely, most
negative implications surround the sedentary nature of the activity. However, the authors
believe the addition of E-sports could potentially bring some positive impacts to athletic
departments as well. Revenue generation, Title IX compliance, and diversity are three areas
which may be beneficial.

Global viewership

In 2010 where there were an estimated 8.4 million viewers watching E-sports
(“INFOGRAPHIC: The 50 Million-strong market” 2013). Fast forward to
four years later in 2014 where the same research firm, SuperData, reported

viewership to be over 71 million worldwide in online E-sports and competitive

gaming (LLamas & Barberie, 2014). To put that number in perspective, the
viewership from 2010 to 2014 octupled in size, as it doubled itself year after

Yearly the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport reports the “Racial and
Gender Report Card” for NCAA athletics. Data is collected via the Student-
Athlete Data in the Search Database from the NCAA (Lapchick, Agusta,
Kinkopf, & McPhee, 2012, p. 16). The report highlighted that, essentially, the
NCAA, across all divisions, was very diverse in reference to the student body.
Conclusively, the NCAA received an A+ grade in both male and female sports
based on the following diversity breakdown for 2011–2012. For males, the fol-
lowing was reported: 69.4% Caucasian, 16.2% African-American, 4.5% Latino,
1.7% Asian,.4% Native American and 7.8% identified as “Two or more”,
“Other”, o r “non-resident aliens”. Similarly, for women’s sports 76.2% identified
as Caucasian, 8.6% African-American, 4.2% Latino, 2.2% Asian,.4% Native
American, and 8.2% identified as “Two or more”, “Other”, o r “non-resident
aliens” (Lapchick et al., 2012).

It was reported that “the institute issues the grades in relation to overall
patterns in society” (Lapchick et al., 2012, p .27). However, in reality the population

breakdown in the U. S. by race was 77.7% white, 13.2% African American, 1.2%
American Indian, 5.3% Asian, 17.1% were Hispanic or Latino, and 2.6%
reported Native Hawaiian or “Two or more Races”. Thus, it the report demon-
strated that the Hispanic, Asian, and American Indian populations are all under
represented within the NCAA.

Media Coverage
Individuals who consider themselves to be “traditionalist sports fans” may scoff

at the idea of eSports as a sport. However, large swaths of participants, fans,

intrigued individuals, and/or a potential revenue streams may sway those skep-
tical individuals to see a similarity between eSports and more traditional collegi-

ate sport such as the NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball Tournament. To the
individuals who question the validity of the eSports market reconsider the 27
million players who play League of Legends daily, a number that is higher
than many traditional sports total participation numbers. Or consider the 511
teams that compete in the Collegiate Star League (CSL) — a number of teams
that is far beyond that of many other active collegiate sport teams.
It could be argued that eSports officially became recognized as a mainstream
sport in June of 2014 when ESPN partnered with Major League Gaming. The
2014 Summer X-Games added eSports to their roster of extreme sports. Tele-
casts on ESPN, ABC, and various X-Games digital channels have televised
eSports as part of the X-Games (Gaudiosi, 2015). The following section delves
into media coverage eSports has received in recent years and also compares
the coverage of events such as poker and the spelling bee to that of E-sports.

Chapter 3
High School students who play League of Legends with passion and
determination is admiring to be one of the E-sports athletes. The purpose of this
Research is to seize the abilities of the students who play League of Legends and how
it affects their lifestyle.
This research also shows how E-sports is successful internationally. Many
Filipinos are playing this game, the fact that this game means a whole lot to them
because it inspires them to do something not just gaming. People who play League of
Legends boosts their confidence and has a positive effect on their mental health.
E-sports helps people to have a career and encourage young people like us, High
school students to achieve our dream.
Some people don’t take E-sports seriously though it’s only “ playing a Video
Game” but in this research, it is not about just playing. It is all about the leadership and

The League of Legends and E-sports is growing rapidly as time goes by. More
players hooked by this addictive and challenging video game. This research shows
why League of Legends are essential components of the new era, also known as the
technology era.

Here in the Philippines, The E-sport scene in League of Legends is very active.
Filipinos do love gaming especially this kind of game called “MOBA”. These strategy
games are addicting because it is challenging and fun
The researchers would like to recommend playing League of Legends in your
leisure time to have fun and experience the beauty of MOBA.

Keiper, M.C., Manning D.R., Jenny S., Olrich (2014). No Reason to LoL at LoL.
Retrieved from :
Jones, T. (2016). History of Worlds. Retrieved from:
Estes, H. (2016). Positive Effects | League of Legends. Retrieved from :

Name: Chen Abriel D. De Guzman
Birthdate: April 18, 2001
Birthplace: Manila
Nationality: Filipino Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single Religion:Catholic

Address: Blk 81 Lot 40 Blueberry St. brgy. Rizal Makati City
Contact No: 09177128169

Mother:Rowena D. De Guzman
Occupation: Housewife
Father: Richard John T. De Guzman
Occupation: Salesman

Grade and Section: 10-Jacinto
Specialization: Programming

Name: Joemaire Rizle T Wayco
Birthdate: January 3 2003
Birthplace: Makati City
Nationality:Filipino Sex: Male
Marital Status : Single Religion: Catholic

Address: 672 Centurion st Armor Vill Southside Makati
Contact No: 09164907045
Email Address:

Mother: Mother:Marissa T Wayco
Occupation: Housewife
Father: Joelito B Wayco
Occupation: Technician

Grade and Section: 10-Jacinto
Specialization: Programming

Name: Amiel Japheth R. Mores
Birthdate: January 10, 2003
Birthplace: Manila
Nationality:Filipino Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single Religion: Born Again Christian

Address: 165-B 21st Avenue East Rembo, Makati City
Contact No: 09173801989
Email Address:

Mother: Marie Cris R. Mores
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Father: Leonardi R. Mores
Occupation: Seafarer

Grade and Section: 10-Jacinto
Specialization: Programming

Name: Alysson Hailey Bautista
Birthdate: December 8,2002
Birthplace: makati
Nationality: Filipino Sex: female
Marital Status: Single Religion: Catholic

Address: Blk 19 3lot 6 Orkidia st pembo makati city
Contact No: 09284771082
Email Address:

Mother: Anna Marie Bautista
Occupation: Housewife
Father: Adrian O.Bautista
Occupation: Cameraman(abs-cbn)

Grade and Section: 10-Jacinto
Specialization: Dressmaking

Name: Charlene Jusayan
Birthdate: April 17 2002
Birthplace: Palawa
Nationality: Filipino Sex: female
Marital Status: Single Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo

Address: Blk 70 lot 10 milflores street Rizal
Contact No: 09121726119
Email Address:
Mother: Lucy Jusayan
Occupation: Sales Agent
Father: Pablito Jusayan
Occupation: (Deceased)

Grade and Section: 10-Jacinto
Specialization: Dressmaking

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