Incentives Table

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Investment Incentives under the Omnibus Investment Code of 1987 or Executive Order (EO) No.


The Omnibus Investment Code which is being implemented by the Board of Investments (BOI) provides for the comprehensive investment
incentives both for the local and foreign enterprises engaged in activities listed in the Preferred Areas of Investment under the government’s
Investment Priorities Plan (IPP). To qualify for the incentives such enterprise must be registered with the Board of Investments (BOI).

Qualification of a Registered Preferred Areas of Investment Incentives to Registered Basic Rights and Guarantees
Enterprise that may be entitled to Enterprise
To be entitled to registration I. Preferred activities I. Tax Incentives
under the IPP, an applicant must  Right to repatriate the
satisfy the Board with the 1. All Qualified Manufacturing a) Income tax holiday entire proceeds of the
following requirements: Activities including Agro- liquidation of the
Processing  Pioneer Firms- income investment
1. If the applicant is a;  Manufacture of industrial tax exemption for six  Right to remit earnings
goods and processing of years from the start of from the investment
Natural Person agricultural and fishery commercial operations  Right to remit at the
 He is a citizen of the products  Non-pioneer firms- four exchange rate prevailing
Philippines  Manufacture of modular years from the start of to meet principal and
housing components and commercial operations interest
Partnership machinery and  Expanding firms - income payments on foreign
or any other association equipment taxes exemption obligations
 It is organized under proportionate to their  Freedom from
Philippine laws and that 2. Agriculture, Fishery and expansion for a period of expropriation without
at least sixty percent Forestry three years from the just compensation
(60%) of its capital is start of commercial
owned and controlled by 3. Strategic Services operations of the
citizens of the Philippines  Integrated Circuits expansion.
Corporation/Cooperative  Creative The income tax holiday may be
 It is organized under Industries/Knowledge- extended for not more than eight
Philippine laws; and Based Services years.
 At least sixty per cent  Maintenance, Repair,
(60%) of the capital stock and Overhaul (MRO) of
outstanding and entitled Aircraft
to vote is owned and  Charging/Refueling b) Tax exemption
held by Philippine Stations for Alternative
nationals; and Energy Vehicles  Exemption from taxes
 At least sixty per cent  Industrial Waste and duties on spare parts
(60%) of the members of Treatment and consumable supplies
the Board of Directors  Telecommunications imported by a registered
are citizens of the  State-of-the-art enterprise
Philippines. Engineering,  Exemption from taxes
Procurement, and and duties on machinery,
Foreign Enterprise Construction equipment, spare parts
 If it does not possess the and accessories imported
required degree of 4. Healthcare Services including by new and expanding
ownership as mentioned Drug Rehabilitation Centers registered enterprises
above by Philippine  Exemptions from taxes
nationals, the following 5. Mass Housing (Development and duties on the
circumstances must be of mass housing units based importation of breeding
satisfactorily established: on a price ceiling of stocks and genetic
PhP2,000,000) materials within 10 years
a) That it proposes to from the date of
engage in a pioneer  Except for in-city low- registration or
projects1 as defined in cost housing projects for commercial operation
Article 17 of this Code, lease, only mass housing  Exemption from
which, considering the projects outside Metro wharfage duties and any

"Pioneer enterprise" shall mean a registered enterprise (1) engaged in the manufacture, processing or production, and not merely in the assembly or
packaging of goods, products, commodities or raw materials that have not been or are not being produced in the Philippines on a commercial scale or (2)
which uses a design, formula, scheme, method, process, or system of production or transformation of any element, substance or raw materials into another
raw material or finished goods which is new and untried in the Philippines or (3) engaged in the pursuit of agricultural, forestry and mining activities and/or
services including the industrial aspects of food processing whenever appropriate, pre-determined by the Board, in consultation with the appropriate
Department, to be feasible and highly essential to the attainment of the national goal, in relation to a declared specific national food and agricultural program
for self-sufficiency and other social benefits of the project or (4) which produces non-conventional fuels or manufactures equipment which utilize non-
conventional sources of energy or uses or converts to coal or other non-conventional fuels or sources of energy in its production, manufacturing or processing
operations. Provided, That the final product in any of the foregoing instances, involves or will involve substantial use and processing of domestic raw materials,
whenever available; taking into account the risks and magnitude of investment: Provided, further, That the foregoing definitions shall not in any way limit the
rights and incentives granted to less-developed area enterprises provided under Title V, Book I, hereof.
nature and extent of Manila may qualify for export tax, duty, impost
capital requirements, registration. and fees on exports by a
processes, technical skills registered enterprise of
and relative business 6. Infrastructure and Logistics, its non-traditional export
risks involved, is in the including Local Government products
opinion of the Board of Unit Public-Private  Exemption from local
such a nature that the Partnership (LGU-PPP) taxes for six years from
available measured Projects the date of registration
capacity thereof cannot  Airports and seaports for pioneer enterprises,
be readily and  Air, land and water and four years for non-
adequately filled by transport pioneer enterprises
Philippine nationals; or, if  Liquefied natural gas
the applicant is exporting (LNG) storage and
at least seventy per cent regasification facilities
(70%) of is total  Pipeline projects for oil
production, the export and gas
requirement herein  Bulk water treatment
provided may be reduced and supply
in meritorious cases  Training facilities
under such conditions  Testing laboratories
and/or limited incentives  Domestic Industrial
as the Board may Zones
determine;  PPP projects
b) That it obligates itself to 7. Innovation Drivers
attain the status of a
 Research and
Philippine national, as
development (R&D)
defined in Article 15,
within thirty (30) years
 Conduct of clinical trials
from the date of
 Establishment of Centers
registration or with such
of Excellence, innovation
longer period as the
centers, business
Board may require taking
incubation hubs and
into account the export
potential of the project: laboratories/co-working
Provided, That a spaces
registered enterprise  Commercialization of
which exports one new and emerging
hundred percent (100%) technologies and
of its total production products of the
need not comply with Department of Science
this requirement; and Technology (DOST)
or government-funded
c) That the pioneer it will R&D
engage in is one that is
not within the activities 8. Inclusive Business Models
reserved by the  Business activities of
Constitution or other medium and large
laws of the Philippines to enterprises (MLEs) in
the Philippine citizens or agribusiness and tourism
corporations owned and sectors that provide
controlled by Philippine business opportunities to
citizens; micro and small
enterprises (MSEs) as
2. The applicant is part of their value chains.
proposing to engage in a
preferred project listed 9. Environment or Climate
or authorized in the Change-Related Projects
current Investment  Manufacture/assembly
Priorities Plan within a of goods and
reasonable time to be establishment of energy
fixed by the Board or, efficiency-related
if not so listed, at least facilities
fifty percent (50%) of its  Green ship recycling
total production is for based on international
export or it is an existing standards
producer which will  Establishment of
export part of production privately-owned
under such conditions materials recovery
and/or limited incentives facility
as the Board may
determine; or that the 10. Energy
enterprise is engaged or  Power generation
proposing to engage in projects utilizing
the sale abroad of export conventional fuels
products bought by it
from one or more export II. Export activities
producers; or the
enterprise in engaged or 1. Production and manufacture
proposing to engage in of export products
rendering technical, 2. Services exports
professional or other 3. Activities in Support of
services or in exporting Exporters
television and motion
pictures and musical III. Special laws
recordings made or
produced in the 1. Industrial Tree Plantation
Philippines, either (Presidential Decree (PD) No.
directly or through a 705 – Revised Forestry Code
registered trader. of the Philippines)
2. Mining (Republic Act (RA) No.
3. The applicant is capable 7942 – Philippine Mining Act
of operating on a sound of 1995) - limited to capital
and efficient basis of equipment incentive
contributing to the 3. Publication or Printing of
national development of Books/Textbooks (RA No.
the preferred area in 8047 - Book Publishing
particular and of the Industry Development Act)
national economy in 4. Refining, Storage, Marketing
general; and and Distribution of
Petroleum Products (RA No.
8479 - Downstream Oil
4. If the applicant is Industry Deregulation Act of
engaged or proposes to 1998)
engage in undertakings 5. Rehabilitation, Self-
or activities other than Development and Self-
preferred projects, it has Reliance of Persons with
installed or undertakes to Disability (RA No.7277-
install an accounting Magna Carta for Persons with
system adequate to Disability)
identify the investments, 6. Renewable Energy (RA No.
revenues, costs, and 9513 – Renewable Energy Act
profits or losses of each of 2008)
preferred project 7. Tourism (RA No. 9593 –
undertaken by the Tourism Act of 2009)
enterprise separately
from the aggregate
investment, revenues, IV. ARMM list
costs and profits or
losses of the whole The 2017-2019 ARMM List
enterprise or to establish contains the following
a separate corporation priority investment areas:
for each preferred
project if the Board 1. Export Activities
should so require to 2. Agriculture, Agri-
facilitate proper business/Aquaculture and
implementation of this Fishery
Code. 3. Basic Industries
4. Infrastructure and Services
5. Industrial Service Facilities
6. Engineering Industries
7. Logistics
8. BIMP-EAGA Trade and
Investment Enterprises
9. Tourism
10. Health and Education
Services and Facilities
11. Halal Industry
12. Banking, Non-Bank Financial
Institutions and Facilities
13. Energy

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