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Kupang is the capital city of East Nusa Tenggara Province.

Kupang is the biggest city, which is

located at the west of timor island, especially at Kupang bay. Thera are some tribes live in Kupang,
they are Timorese, Rotenese, Sabunese, Floresnese, Alornese, Chinese, Javanese, and etc. The length
of Kupang region is 180, 27 km2 with the total population is 450.000 people. Kupang has 6 sub
districts and 50 village offices.

1. The History of Kupang

The name of Kupang came from the name of king Nai Kopan or Lai Kopang who governed
Kupang city before Portuguese came to East Nusa Tenggara. In 1436 Timor island was predicted had
12 trader cities but those weren’t mentioned. This estimation was based on that the trade city was
located near the beach and it was strategic as Kupang bay. In 1613, VOC that domiciled in
Batavia/Jakarta began to make the trading in Timor island. VOC sent 3 ships led by Appolinius Scotte
and docked at Kupang bay. The coming of VOC was welcome well by the king of Helong (Nai Kopan)
and offered a plot of land to VOC for their necessity of headquarters. On December, 29th 1645 a
Portuguese by the name Antonio De Sao Jacinto arrived in Kupang. He was well welcome by the king
of Helong too. He was offered a plot of land and built a castle, but finally the castle was left because
of the dispute trading between VOC and Portuguese. Since 1625 to 1663, VOC began to do
resistance to all the regions of Portuguese in Solor and Fort Henricus castle was successfully seized
by VOC. In 1653, VOC led by captain Johan Burger arrived in Kupang and dominated Fort Concordia
as the castle of Portuguese at the estuary of the river of Kupang bay. The domicile of VOC in Kupang
led by Openhoofd J. van Der Heiden and dominated Kupang since 1653 until 1810. The last
openhoofd was Stoopkert who was in power since 1808 until 1810. To secure Kupang city, Resident
Creeve stated the limitation area of city by made the staadsblad no 171 year 1886. So that, on April
23rd is reminded as Kupang anniversary.

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