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Accounting 381- Intermediate Financial Accounting and Reporting I

Syllabus –Fall 2019 –Day Classes

Instructor: Elena N. Redko, CPA, MSA

Email: or (please do NOT email thru D2L)
Course website:
Office hours: To Be Determined/By Appointment

Class Times and Locations:

Sec 002: M/W 12:00–1:50p.m. in KMC 190

Course Materials:
1. Intermediate Accounting, 17th Edition and the WileyPlus Card Set by Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield,
Wiley, 2019 (at PSU Bookstore for $180). This gives you a hard copy of the text and WileyPlus access.
2. Accounting 381 Course Packet by Professor Kathleen Rupley, (PSU Bookstore $20 or print your own
from D2L).
3. WileyPlus -The access code is included with new textbooks purchased through PSU bookstore for $180.
However, if you do not want a hard copy of the textbook, you can purchase WileyPlus alone with access to
the online version of the text for $80 for a single semester or $110 for multiple semesters. See instructions
below under Purchase Instant Access and use promo code PSU24 for this option.
4. I recommend that you have a financial calculator (Texas Instruments BA II Plus is a popular choice).

Course Catalog Description:

Comprehensive study of the principles, conventions, and postulates of accounting. The issues of measurement
and disclosure of financial information are studied in detail. Although the course is taught from the perspective
of the preparer, attention will be paid to the information requirements and expectations of users of financial
statements. International accounting issues are also covered. BA 213 is a prerequisite for this course. ACTG
281 is highly recommended.

Course Objectives:
Technical Knowledge
1. Construct Comprehensive Statement of Income, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows (direct and
indirect method) and Shareholders’ Equity in appropriate form.
2. Demonstrate inter-relationship between financial statements.
3. Identify aspects of the Conceptual Framework supporting aspects of accrual basis accounting.
4. Apply current GAAP for the measurement, recording, and disclosure of revenues.
5. Apply current GAAP for the measurement, recording, disposition and disclosure of receivables.
6. Apply current GAAP for the measurement, recording and disclosure of inventory.
Critical Thinking
7. Research and identify supporting authoritative literature in the FASB Codification related to course
8. Recognize common earnings management techniques and their impact on stakeholders.
9. Prepare a professional resume for your specific career objective to include in your business
These learning objectives, along with the learning objectives in your other core accounting classes, will be
tested in a comprehensive multiple choice exam taken during Actg 495. This Cumulative Knowledge Test is
designed to assess the extent to which you have retained the base accounting knowledge included in our

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Grades will be based on an accumulation of total points allocated as follows:

Pre-requisite Knowledge Assessment 25 6%

WileyPlus Homework 35 8%
WileyPlus Quizzes (3 @ 20 points each, drop lowest) 40 9%
Projects (2 @ 20 points each) 40 9%
Professionalism 10 2%
Midterm 150 33%
Final Exam 150 33%
Total 450 100%

Generally course grades are determined as follows:

A 93-100% B+ 88-89.9% C+ 78-79.9% D 60-69.9%

A- 90-92.9% B 83-87.9% C 73-77.9% F 0-59.9%
B- 80-82.9% C- 70-72.9%

However, I may apply a curve to the final grade depending on the overall class median. Class participation will
be used to resolve borderline grades. If you drop the course or change your grading option, please review the
PSU academic calendar for the relevant deadlines at:

Class structure:
Class sessions will be a combination of lecture, discussions, and problem-solving. It is highly recommended
that students read the assigned chapters and complete their Pre-Lecture homework prior to class in order to
achieve the highest level of comprehension. Please see the detailed lecture schedule attached. Post-Lecture
homework for each chapter should be completed after the material has been covered in class. Successful
accounting students will tell you that the only way to learn accounting at this level is to practice, practice,
practice, and to understand what you are doing rather than going through the motions.

Pre-requisite Knowledge Assessment:

The take home assessment will cover the material from your 200 level financial accounting course including the
mechanics of debits/credits and creating a set of financial statements. This assessment also assumes an
understanding of fundamental Excel skills. Students should examine Chapter 3 as a review. The assessment is
to be completed on an individual basis. Students receiving a score of less than 70% are STRONGLY
encouraged to drop ACTG 381 and instead take ACTG 281 to strengthen their skills before attempting ACTG
381. Deliver the completed Excel file of the entire Pre-requisite Knowledge Assessment to D2L Assignments
by Friday, October 4th at 10p.m. Solutions will be posted to D2L on Saturday, October 5th so that students
can evaluate their results and make an appropriate decision prior to the last day to drop with 100% refund,
which is Sunday, October 6th. Official grades will be posted to D2L within two weeks. If you are unfamiliar
with D2L, please refer to

Homework is very important for developing proficiency, aptitude, and speed. Homework is organized and
administered through WileyPlus. Assignments will be divided between Pre-Lecture homework and Post-
Lecture homework and it will all be graded and have mandatory due dates (see schedule). Pre-Lecture
homework is intended to reinforce your basic understanding of the readings. The Post-Lecture homework is
more complicated and should be done after the material is covered in class. Homework represents 8% of the
class grade (35 points). No late homework assignments will be accepted for any reason. Five attempts will
be allowed for each question. The homework point allocation will be as follows:

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Homework questions answered correctly
by the 5th Attempt by the required due date Homework Points Allotted
> 70% 35 points
> 50% 28 points
> 40% 21 points
> 30% 14 points
> 25% 7 points
< 25% 0 points

The WileyPlus online platform also provides students with additional study resources to strengthen their skills
including interactive tutorials, instructional videos and study guides. Students need to make sure that they
obtain the registration code to access WileyPlus for the course when purchasing the text. The new, custom
printed texts at the PSU Bookstore include a WileyPlus access code. DO NOT THROW THIS AWAY! If you
prefer to use the online version of the text or purchase a used book, you will still need to buy a WileyPLUS
access code at (which includes access to the electronic text –use the promo code
PSU24 following the instructions below under Purchase Instant Access).

To begin with WileyPlus:

To register for your course simply go to

 If this is the first time you are using WileyPlus, you will need to create a new account:
o You will be asked to provide your name as well as an email address and password.
 If you already have a WileyPLUS account:
o Just login and click the yellow ‘Add more courses’ button.
 You will then be asked to enter your course section ID:
 A82474 for Actg 381 003 Lutz Fall 2019
 A82473 for Actg 381 007 Lutz Fall 2019
 A82472 for Actg 381 008 Lutz Fall 2019
 There are then three options of getting into your WileyPlus course:
o Registration Code: If you have purchased your textbook from the bookstore for $180 with a
registration code, please enter your registration code and click Continue
o Purchase Instant Access to WileyPLUS: If you want online access only to the text and
WileyPlus, you will have the option to make your purchase online.
 Select a Single Semester if you only need 6-month access to WileyPlus (shown as $120
before discount and will be $80 after the discount is applied with Promo Code PSU24).
 Select Multiple Semesters if you need 12-month access to WileyPlus (shown as $150
before discount and will be $110 after the discount is applied with Promo Code PSU24).
 To receive the promotional price you must select the WileyPlus online ONLY option and
add to your cart. The discount doesn’t apply to other bundled purchase options.
 Complete the Billing address page
 Add the Promo Code of PSU24 (you will not see the discount applied until you complete
the credit card process).
o 14 day Grace Period: You can choose the Grace Period option where you will be able to
use a fully functioning WileyPLUS for 14 days without a payment. Once this 14-day period
is over, you will be prompted payment.

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Still have questions? Contact Technical Support at the URL below.
Live Chat Support:

Chapter Quizzes:
You will have 3 quizzes throughout the term. WileyPlus will be used to administer the quizzes online. Please
see the attached schedule for topics and due dates. Each quiz will have a strict time limit and be worth 20
points. WileyPlus will not release your scores or the solutions until the quiz closes for the entire class. Your
lowest WileyPlus quiz score will be dropped, so your final quiz score is the sum of your best 2 quiz scores and
constitutes 9% of your final grade. If you miss a quiz deadline, you will receive a zero on that quiz. In fairness
to all students, the quiz will not be reopened and makeup quizzes will not be given.

There will be two exams: a midterm and a final. The final exam will be cumulative. The format of the exams
will be a combination of problems, short answer, and multiple choice questions. Problems on the exam will
resemble the problems from the practice exam, course packet, homework, and quizzes. All exams are closed-
book. You may use one side of an 8x11 sheet of paper for notes (written by hand) on the exam. You may use
a calculator on the exam. No cell phone calculators may be used and sharing calculators on the exam is strictly
prohibited. No makeup exams will be given. If the Midterm is missed due to a valid, documented excuse, the
points will be moved to a different and significantly longer final exam to assure full comprehension of the

Re-grading Policy:
On occasion you may disagree with the scoring of your work, and indeed we do occasionally make mistakes.
But remember that fairness is created above all by consistency; if the grader is equally harsh to all, then there is
not a fairness problem. Should there be a specific grading issue that you wish to have re-examined, use the
following process:
1. You must request the re-grade within one week of the day on which the work was returned.
2. You must submit the re-grade request in writing; re-grading requests will not be processed “live.”

You will be assigned two class projects. Projects turned in later than the scheduled date will receive a maximum of
60% credit, regardless of the reason. The first project will require you to prepare a professional resume, which will
be appropriate to your current career objective following graduation. The second project will entail an
examination of a 10-K report and an application of relevant information covered in this course to the 10-K. The
10-K pdf file is included on D2L.

FASB Codification Access:

You may access the FASB Codification database through the American Accounting Association by logging in
at using the following:

Student Access:
Username - Aaa51686
Password – PD85pAT

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Part of preparing you for business careers entails developing certain skills that are necessary to be an effective
employee/manager. Thus, a portion of your grade will depend on two skills I consider important to your
development – professionalism and participation.

Conducting yourself in a professional manner means behaving in class the way you might in a business
meeting. This includes (but is not limited to) arriving on time, informing your boss (i.e., me) if you will not be
in attendance or will be leaving early, respecting your colleagues, taking turns when speaking, not interrupting
each other, turning off cell phones, limiting side conversations, etc.

The attached course schedule shows the chapters to be covered in each class meeting. Students are expected to
prepare for class by reading the assigned chapters and completing the Pre-Lecture homework before coming
to class. Since classes will not be “straight lecture”, but will include your active participation in discussions and
in-class activities, your preparation is critical to success in this course. Your active involvement in the class
benefits not only yourself but also your fellow students. In evaluating your participation, I consider not just the
quantity but also the quality of your participation. Determination of your professionalism/participation score
will be based on my assessment of your contribution to the class as a whole.

Office Hours:
I encourage you to make full use of my office hours. Office hours are intended to assist you with any questions
you have on the lecture presentations, examples covered in class, or difficulties that you are encountering in
completing your homework.

Fall 2019 tutor hours: BA 211, 213, 303, ACTG 381 - in KMC 490
FREE additional assistance can also be found in the tutoring lab provided by the School of Business. Please
take advantage of this wonderful resource. If you are traveling to campus just for tutoring, you might want to
confirm that tutors are available. Please call #503.725.3712 (Press#4) to confirm.

Monday 12-5pm
Tuesday 8-11:30am & 2-5pm
Wednesday 8-10:30am & 12-5pm
Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday Closed

Beta Alpha Psi: BAP is a national Accounting and Finance Honor Society. The Portland State chapter is the
Epsilon Alpha Chapter. Please visit and subscribe to the BAP listserv to receive notifications on
meetings, professional development events and employment opportunities available to accounting and finance
students. The website also contains an informational video series on the accounting profession. These videos
describe the educational and certification requirements of the profession, the unique road to employment for
those entering public accounting, the resources available at PSU to support your job search and the importance
of Beta Alpha Psi. Please take a moment to review this valuable resource.

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Accounting Professional Development and Career Services:
Accounting Recruiting Specialist: The Accounting Department’s recruiting specialist, Madelyn Parsons, is
available to assist you with any questions you have regarding your future career in accounting, including CPA
eligibility, resume & cover letter reviews, the recruitment process, and career paths in accounting. To book an
appointment, visit

Accounting Recruiting Newsletter: The Accounting Newsletter is a weekly newsletter that guides
accounting majors through all of the professional development tools that they need to be successful in
recruiting for an accounting job/internship. Additionally, the newsletter highlights upcoming accounting
events and opportunities. If you are currently not receiving the newsletter, you can subscribe here.

School of Business Advising & Career Services:

The School of Business provides Career & Academic Advisors to assist students in making the most of their
collegiate experience and to prepare for their career plans. Career & Academic Advisors are trained to provide
counsel in a wide range of issues including selecting a business major, planning out classes, finding resources
on campus, creating a job search strategy, writing resumes and cover letters and so much more. Career &
Academic Advisors are here to help students with all of their academic & career related questions. Business
students are assigned a Career & Academic Advisor who will assist them from orientation to graduation and

Advisors are available by appointment. Students can make a career & academic advising appointment online
by visiting or by visiting their office in suite 220 of the Karl
Miller Center (615 SW Harrison Street) or calling 503-725-3712. Drop-in peer advising hours are available as
well. Drop-in hours are held regularly throughout the week and are designed to help answer routine or simple
questions. The School of Business provides a great deal of job search resources online, to access that
information, please visit the School of Business website at and click on
Undergraduate, then Student Resources.

Career Services for SBA accounting students:

PSU’s Advising & Career Services Office (ACS) provides in person career advising and manages the PSU
career portal, Handshake, which is an online database of jobs and internships. ACS is located in FMH Suite
342 and can be reached at 503-725-4005. You will need to register for a Handshake account to participate
fully in accounting recruiting opportunities. Learn more online at

Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Programs:

The Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs oversees the execution of all undergraduate degrees and
certificates in the School of Business. Appointments are available for students with confidential/sensitive issues
related to their studies at Portland State. Phone: 503-725-3721 or Email:

Access and Inclusion for Students with Disabilities

PSU values diversity and inclusion; we are committed to fostering mutual respect and full participation for all
students. Our goal is to create a learning environment that is equitable, useable, inclusive, and welcoming. If
any aspects of instruction or course design result in barriers to your inclusion or learning, please notify me. The
Disability Resource Center (DRC) provides reasonable accommodations for students who encounter barriers in
the learning environment.

If you have, or think you may have, a disability that may affect your work in this class and feel you need
accommodations, contact the Disability Resource Center to schedule an appointment and initiate a conversation
about reasonable accommodations. The DRC is located in 116 Smith Memorial Student Union, 503-725-
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 If you already have accommodations, please contact me to make sure that I have received a faculty
notification letter and discuss your accommodations.
 Students who need accommodations for tests and quizzes are expected to schedule their tests to overlap with
the time the class is taking the test.
 Please be aware that the accessible tables or chairs in the room should remain available for students who
find that standard classroom seating is not useable.

Academic Honesty:
The Student Conduct Code (SCC), which applies to all students, prohibits all forms of academic cheating, fraud,
and dishonesty. These acts include, but are not limited to: plagiarism, buying and selling of course assignments
and research papers, performing academic assignments (including examinations) for other persons,
unauthorized disclosure and receipt of academic information and other practices commonly understood to be
academically dishonorable. The code of conduct also describes standards of behavior for all student members
of the campus community. Violation of the SCC may lead to disciplinary action. Students may obtain copies
of the SCC by contacting the campus judicial officer at 503-725-4422, or by visiting the office in Room 433,
Smith Memorial Student Union. You can also view the SCC at:

Safe Campus:
Portland State is committed to providing an environment free of all forms of prohibited discrimination and
sexual harassment (sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and gender or sex-based harassment and
stalking). If you have experienced any form of gender or sex-based discrimination or sexual harassment, know
that help and support are available. PSU has staff members trained to support survivors in navigating campus
life, accessing health and counseling services, providing academic and on-housing accommodations, helping
with legal protective orders, and more. Information about PSU’s support services on campus, including
confidential services and reporting options, can be found on PSU’s Sexual Misconduct Prevention and
Response website at: or you may call a confidential IPV Advocate at 503-
725-5672. You may report any incident of discrimination or discriminatory harassment, including sexual
harassment, to either the Office of Equity and Compliance at
or the Office of the Dean of Student Life at

Please be aware that all PSU faculty members and instructors are required to report information of an
incident that may constitute prohibited discrimination, including sexual harassment and sexual violence.
This means that if you tell me about a situation of sexual harassment or sexual violence that may have violated
university policy or student code of conduct, I have to share the information with my supervisor, the
University’s Title IX Coordinator or the Office of the Dean of Student Life. For more information about Title
IX please complete the required student module Creating a Safe Campus in your D2L.

Student Food Assistance and Other Resources:

The Committee for Improving Student Food Security (CISFS) is a group of volunteers comprised of faculty,
staff, students, and alumni who seek to improve PSU students’ ability to access affordable, nutritious, and
culturally relevant food. The Committee’s mission is to foster community partnerships, increase awareness,
address barriers through policy advocacy, and use data to inform and build capacity for action around student
food security. For information on food assistance and other resources please visit:

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ODIN Accounts:
Your Odin account is your PSU computer account. If you have not already done so, please visit to activate your account.

Odin can be used to log in to PSU resources, including the following:

 Wi-Fi - PSU provides campus-wide wireless internet for your laptop and mobile devices.
 Banweb - Banweb is the PSU information system used to register for classes, see your schedule, review your
financial aid, look at your pay stub, and more.
 Odin Account Manager (OAM) - Use OAM to change or reset your Odin password, enroll in Duo Two-Factor
Authentication, and modify other account settings. Employees can also use OAM to update their directory
 Desire2Learn (D2L) - D2L contains online classes and course content.
 Millar Library - You can access a wide variety of information through the library's online resources, including
scholarly articles and journals.
 Computer Labs - You can find computer labs throughout campus, both for general and department-specific use.
 G Suite (Google Apps) - PSU partners with Google to provide university-sponsored access to Gmail, Google
Calendar, Google Drive, Google Sites, Google Groups, Google Sync, and Google+.

Page 8
Week #
Monday’s To Complete before Monday, Wednesday,
Date Monday class In Class In Class Friday Saturday by 10pm
1 Read Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Upload Excel file of Pre3 HW
9/30/19 Including Appendix 3A Pre-requisite Review solutions to
Knowledge Assessment Pre-requisite
to D2L Assignments by Knowledge Assessment
10pm. on D2L
2 Read Chapters 1 & 2 Chapter 1 Chapters 2 Post 3 HW
10/07/19 Pre1 & Pre2 HW
3 Read Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 WileyPlus Quiz #1 Post 2 HW
10/14/19 Pre4 HW (Chapters 3 & 4)
Opens at 10am
Read Chapter 17
(Pgs. 17-1 to 17-14 only)
Pre17 HW
4 Read Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 23 Post 4 HW
10/21/19 Pre5 HW-BS
Pre5 HW-CF Project #1 Due WileyPlus Quiz #1
5 Read Chapter 23 Chapter 23 Chapter 23 Post 5 HW-BS
10/28/19 (Pgs. 23-1 to 23-23 only) Post 5 HW-CF
Pre23 HW Post 23 HW
6 Midterm Exam Chapter 7
7 Read Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Chapter 7 WileyPlus Quiz #2
11/11/19 Including Appendices (Chapter 7)
7A and 7B Opens at 10am
Pre7 HW
8 Read Chapter 18 Chapter 7 & 18 Chapter 18 Post 7 HW
11/18/19 Including 18A
Pre18 HW Project #2 Due WileyPlus Quiz #2
9 Read Chapter 8 Chapter 18 & 8 Chapter 18 & 8 WileyPlus Quiz #3 Post 18 HW
11/25/19 Pre8 HW (Chapter 18)
Opens at 10am
10 Chapter 8 Final Exam Review Post 8 HW
12/2/19 WileyPlus Quiz #3

11 Exact Details TBD Final Exam Final Exam

Accounting 381: Intermediate Accounting
Schedule of Due Dates
Fall 2019 T/TH Day Classes

Done Due Date Assignment

09-30/Monday Read Chapter 3 and Appendix 3A
10-04/Friday Upload Excel file of Pre-requisite Knowledge Assessment to
10-05/Saturday Pre3 Homework
Review Pre-requisite Knowledge Assessment Solutions on D2L
10-07/Monday Read Chapters 1 & 2
Pre1 & Pre2 HW
10-12/Saturday Post 3 HW
10-14/Monday Read Chapter 4 & Pre4 HW
Read Chapter 17 (17-1 to 17-14 only) & Pre17 HW
10-19/Saturday Post 2 HW
10-21/Monday Read Chapter 5
Pre5 HW (Balance Sheet) & Pre5 HW (Cash Flow)

Project #1 (Resume)
10-26/Saturday WileyPlus Quiz #1 & Post 4 HW
10-28/Monday Read Chapter 23 (23-1 to 23-23 only)
Pre23 HW
11-02/Saturday Post 5 HW (Balance Sheet)
Post 5 HW (Cash Flow)
Post 23 HW
11-04/Monday Midterm Exam
11-11/Monday Read Chapter 7 including Appendices 7A & 7B
Pre7 HW
11-18/Monday Read Chapter 18 including Appendix 18A
Pre18 HW

Project #2 (10k Analysis)

11-23/Saturday WileyPlus Quiz #2 & Post 7 HW
11-25/Monday Read Chapter 8
Pre8 HW
11-30/Saturday Post 18 HW
12-07/Saturday WileyPlus Quiz #3 & Post 8 HW
Week of 12/10 Final Exam
Accounting 381: Intermediate Accounting
Introduction Questionnaire
Due Date: Monday, September 30, 2019


Email address:

1. Major: Undergraduates: ______________________

Post-Baccalaureates: ______________________
(undergraduate major: ___________________________) from __________________________
(undergraduate university)

2. Where did you take your 200-level financial accounting:

_______ Portland State University

_______ Portland Community College

_______ Elsewhere

3. Briefly describe any work experience that might be relevant to this course.

4. Please list any extra-curricular activities in which you participate (i.e. work, athletics, volunteer groups).

5. How many hours per week do you dedicate to the above activities? __________

6. What are your career goals?

7. Please tell me anything else that you think I should know that may affect your performance in this class.

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