Chapter 3 Atm

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Bilingual Air Traffic Management, Doc.

4444 3- 1

Chapter 3 CHAPTER 3.


3.1.1 General 3.1 .1 ge ne r al The capacity of an ATS system depends kapasitas dari sebuah
on many factors, including the ATS route system ATS te rg antung pada
structure, the navigation accuracy of the beb era pa fa ct or , t er ma s uk s t ru k tur
aircraft using the airspace, weather-related A TS r ou t e, ac cu r as i n a vi ga s i d ar i
factors, and controller workload. Every effort pesawat terbang m en g gun a kan
should be made to provide sufficient capacity ai r spa ce, factor y an g b er hubu n gan
to cater to both normal and peak traffic levels; den gan cu a ca d an b eb an k e rja
however, in implementing any measures to con tr ol l ed . Setiap u p a ya
increase capacity, the responsible ATS se har us n ya dibua t untuk
authority shall ensure, in accordance with the men ya di a kan ka pas i ta s yan g cu kup
procedures specified in Chapter 2, that safety unt uk men an gka p k ed uan ya, l e mah
levels are not jeopardized. dan morm al ti n gk a tan tra ffic,
bag ai ma nap un dalam
penyimplementasinya b eb er apa
ukuran untuk me ni n gk a tkan
kapasitas, ta n ggu ng jawap
kek uas aa n A T S ak an di pa s ti kan ,
men unju k d en ga n pr os ed ur yan g
terkandung dalam chapter 2,bahwa
ti n gka t k ea ma na n. The number of aircraft provided with an normal dari p es aw a t

ATC service shall not exceed that which can be terb a n g di s edi ak an d en gan A TS
safely handled by the ATC unit concerned ser vi ce ti d ak aka n m el ebi h i b ah wa
under the prevailing circumstances. In order to dapa t ditangani d en ga n a man
define the maximum number of flights which olehATS unit ur usan dibawah
can be safely accommodated, the appropriate kea daa n. S upa ya m en ega s kan
ATS authority should assess and declare the no mor maks i mu m da r i p en er ba n gan
ATC capacity for control areas, for control di ma n a dapa t di ak o mo d as i kan
sectors within a control area and for se car a a man. Keco cok an k ek uas aan
aerodromes. ATS harus m enak si r dan
men ya tak an k apa si tas A T C un tuk
con tr ol ar ea dan u n tu k a er od r o m e. ATC capacity should be expressed as 3. 1. 1. 3 Ka p as i ta s A T C s e har u s n ya
the maximum number of aircraft which can be ditunjukkan s eb a ga i nomor
accepted over a given period of time within the ma xi mu m ya n g dap a t d i te ri ma l ebi h
airspace or at the aerodrome concerned. di ber i ka n p er io d e wa k tu da l a m
airspa ce a ta u dalam urusan

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aer odr o m e.

Note.— The most appropriate measure of Catatan : U kura n ya n g pa lin g co cok

capacity is likely to be the sustainable hourly dar i k ema mp ua n a dal ah mun gki n
traffic flow. Such hourly capacities can, for di top an g d en gan ar us l a l ul i ntas
example, be converted into daily, monthly or per ja m. S ep er ti da p at k ema mp uan
annual values. perjam,untuk contoh diubah
men j adi ti ap ha ri , ti ap b u l an a tau
hi tun ga n tah un
3.1.2 Capacity assessment 3.1.2 Penilaian kapasitas
In assessing capacity values, factors to be taken Di dalam menaksir nilai-nilai kapasitas
into account should include, inter alia: faktor-faktor yang perlu diperhitungkan
a) the level and type of ATS provided; meliputi inter alia :
a. Tingkatan dan jenis ATS yang tersedia
b) the structural complexity of the control b. Kompleksitas struktural bidangpengawasan,
area, the control sector or the sektor kendali atau bidang terkait.
aerodrome concerned; c. Beban kerja controller, termasuk dan tugas
koordinasi untuk dilakukan.
c) controller workload, including control d. Jenis komunikasi, navigasi dan penggunaan
and coordination tasks to be sistem survailance meningkatkan
performed; ketersediaan dan kemampuan teknis
seperti halnya ketersediaan memback up
d) the types of communications, sistem dan atau prosedur.
navigation and surveillance systems in e. Ketersediaan ATC sistemyang menyediakan
use, their degree of technical reliability pendukungcontroller dan fungsi siaga
and availability as well as the f. Unsur atau faktor lain yang dianggap
availability of backup systems and/or relevan ke beban kerja controller.

e) availability of ATC systems providing

controller support and alert functions;

f) any other factor or element deemed

relevant to controller workload

3.1.3 Regulation of ATC capacity and traffic 3.1.3 peraturan atc kapasitas dan lalu lintas
volumes Where traffic demand varies di mana permintaan lalu lintas
significantly on a daily or periodic basis, bervariasi dengan mantap pada suatu sehari-
facilities and procedures should be hari, prosedur dan fasilitas harus diterapkan
implemented to vary the number of untuk bertukar-tukar banyaknya posisi-kerja
operational sectors or working positions to atau sektor operasional untuk umum dan
meet the prevailing and anticipated demand. mengantisipasi permintaan. prosedur bisa

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Applicable procedures should be contained in diterapkan harus terdapat di lokal intructions.

local instructions. In case of particular events which have dalam hal peristiwa tertentu
a negative impact on the declared capacity of mempunyai suatu hal yang berdampak
an airspace or aerodrome, the capacity of the negative pada kapasitas yang menyangkut
airspace or aerodrome concerned shall be airspace atau lapangan terbang yang terkait
reduced accordingly for the required time akan jadi berkurangi maka untuk periode
period. Whenever waktu yang diperlukan. kapan saja mungkin
possible, the capacity pertaining to such events kapasitas yang menyinggung
should be predetermined. To ensure that safety is not memastikan bahwa keselamatan
compromised whenever the traffic demand in janganlah disepakati kapan saja lalu lintas
an airspace or at an aerodrome is forecast to menuntut di suatu airspace atau pada suatu
exceed the available ATC capacity, measures lapangan terbang adalah perkiraan untuk
shall be implemented to regulate traffic melebihi tersedia kapasitas ATC, ukuran akan
volumes accordingly. diterapkan untuk mengatur lalu lintas volume.
seperti peristiwa yang ditentukan.
3.1.4 Enhancement of ATC capacity 3.1.4 peningkatan atc kapasitas The appropriate ATS authority should: 3.1.4 yang sesuai pada auothoras :
a) periodically review ATS capacities in relation
to traffic demand; and a) pada waktu tertentu meninjau ulang pada
kapasitas dalam hubungan dengan lalu lintas
b) provide for flexible use of airspace in order demand;and
to improve the efficiency of operations and b) menyediakan penggunaan airspace fleksibel
increase capacity. dalam rangka meningkatkan efisiensi operasi In the event that traffic demand dan kapasitas peningkatan
regularly exceeds ATC capacity, resulting in peristiwa bahwa lalu lintas permintaan
continuing and frequent traffic delays, or it secara teratur melebihi kapasitas ATC,
becomes apparent that forecast traffic demand menghasilkan berkelanjutan dan lalu lintas
will exceed capacity values, the appropriate penundaan sering, atau menjadi nyata yang
ATS authority should, as far as practicable: diperkirakan lalu lintas permintaan akan
a) implement steps aimed at maximizing the melebihi nilai-nilai kapasitas, yang sesuai pada
use of the existing system capacity; and otoritas, sejauh ini dapat dipraktekkan:
a) menerapkan langkah-langkah yang yang
b) develop plans to increase capacity to meet diarahkan pada memaksimalkan penggunaan
the actual or forecast demand. kapasitas sistem
b) penambahan rencana untuk meningkatkan
kapasitas untuk memenuhi permintaan yang
telah diperkirakan.
3.1.5 Flexible use of airspace 3.1.5 Kegunaan yang fleksibel dari airspace The appropriate authorities should, Kekuasaan yang layak harus lewat
through the establishment of agreements and pernyataan dari persetujuan dan
procedures, make provision prosedur,membuat penetapan undang-undang
for the flexible use of all airspace in order to untuk kegunaan yang fleksibel dari semua
increase airspace capacity and to improve the airspace digunakan untuk mengurangi

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efficiency and flexibility of aircraft operations. kapasitas airspace dan untuk mengimprove
When applicable, such agreements and efesiensi dan fleksibelitas dari operasi
procedures should be established on the basis pesawat.ketika digunakan,seperti persetujuan
of a regional air dan prosedur disarankan digunakan dalam
navigation agreement. basis dari persetujuan regional navigasi udara. Agreements and procedures providing Persetujuan dan prosedur yang
for a flexible use of airspace should specify, disediakan untuk kegunaan yang fleksibel dari
inter alia: airspace harusspesifik, ;
a) the horizontal and vertical limits of the a)Batasan horizontal dan vertical dari airspace
airspace concerned; diperhatikan
b) the classification of any airspace made b)Klasifikasi dari beberapa airspace disediakan
available for use by civil air traffic; untuk digunukan air traffic sipil
c) units or authorities responsible for transfer c)Unit atau kekuasaan yang bertanggung jawab
of the airspace; untuk transfer dari airspace
d) conditions for transfer of the airspace to the d)Kondisi untuk transfer dari airspace untuk
ATC unit concerned; ATC unit diperhatikan.
e) conditions for transfer of the airspace from e)Kondisi untuk transfer airspace untuk ATC
the ATC unit concerned; unit diperhatikan
f) periods of availability of the airspace; f)Periode dari ketersediaan dari airspace
g) any limitations on the use of the airspace g)Beberapa batasan yang digunakan airspace
concerned; and diperhatikan
h) any other relevant procedures or h)Beberapa prosedur relevan atau informasi
information. yang lain.


3.2.1 General 3.2.1 General An air traffic flow management (ATFM) Suatu layanan manajemen lalu lintas
service shall be implemented for airspace udara harus diterapkan untuk ruang udara jika
where traffic demand at times exceeds the lalu lintas menuntut melebihikapasitas ATC
defined ATC capacity. yang digambarkan ATFM should be implemented on the ATFM diterapkan atas dasar suatu
basis of a regional air navigation agreement or, persetujuan penerbangan regional atau ketika
when appropriate, as a multilateral agreement. sesuai sebagai persetujuan multilatelar The ATFM service within a region or
other defined area, should be developed and Layanan ATFM di dalam suatu daerah
implemented as a centralized ATFM atau lain area yang digambarkan,
organization, supported by flow management dikembangkan dan diterapkan seperti
positions established at each area control dipusatkan pada organisasi ATFM , yang
centre (ACC) within the region or area of didukung oleh posisi manajemen pada puasat
applicability. kendali area control centre (ACC) di dalam
daerah. Certain flights may be exempt from Penerbangan tertentu mungkin
ATFM measures, or be given priority over other mengecualikan ukuran ATFM, atau diberi

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flights. prioritas diatas penerbangan lain. Detailed procedures governing the Prosedur terperinci yang mengatur
provision of the ATFM measures, and service ketetapanukuran ATFM, dan layanan di suatu
within a region or area should be prescribed in daerah harus ditentukan suatu pedoman ATFM
a regional ATFM manual or handbook. manual atau handbook.

3.2.2 Flow management procedures 3.2.2 STRATEGI PERENCANAAN

ATFM should be carried out in three phases: AFTM disarankan pembawa keluar dalam 3
a) strategic planning, if the action is fase:
carried out more than one day before a) Strategi rencana, karna aksi pembawa
the day on which it will take effect. keluar lebih dari 1 hari sebelum hari
Strategic planning is normally carried dalam akan membawa
out well in advance, typically two to six effect.perencanaan strategi normalnya
months ahead; pembawa keluar baik untuk
kemajuan,typicalnya 2 sampai 6 bulan
b) pre-tactical planning, if the action is to kedepan.
be taken on the day before the day on b) Practik rencana karna aksi diambil
which it will take effect; dalam hari sebelum hari mengembil
c) tactical operations, if the action is effect.
taken on the day on which it will take c) Pelaksanaan tactik karna diambil dari
effect. hari yang manan akan memberikan

3.2.3 Strategic planning 3.2.3 Strategi perencanaan Strategic planning should be carried out Strategi perencanaan disarankan
in conjunction with ATC and the aircraft pembawa hubungan ATC dan pelaksanaan
operators. It should consist of examining the pesawat. Disaran consisten dalam menguji
demand for the forthcoming season, assessing permintaan untuk kedatangan bagian
where and when demand is likely to exceed the selanjutnya. Dimana memiliki dan kenapa
available ATC capacity and taking steps to permintaan seoerti melampaui persediaan
resolve the imbalance by: kapasitas ATC dan memberikan bagian-bagian
untuk memutuskan keseimbangan oleh:
a) arranging with the ATC authority to provide a. Mengatur kekuasaan ATC untuk
adequate capacity at the required place and menyediakan mencukupi kapasitas
time; yang membutuhkan tempat dan waktu.
b) re-routing certain traffic flows (traffic b. Beberapa ruote kembali harus traffic
orientation); (traffic operation)
c) scheduling or rescheduling flights as c. Jadwal pulang pergi Harus layak
appropriate; and terbang dan
d) identifying the need for tactical ATFM d. Mengenai kebutuhan traffic oleh AFTM
measures. Where a traffic orientation scheme dimana perencanaan Traffic Oriental
(TOS) is to be introduced, the routes should, as (TOS)akan diperkenalkan, ruote-ruote s
far as practicable, minimize the time and eharusnya sama jauh sama praktisnya

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distance penalties for the flights concerned, meminimalis waktu dan jarak mengenai
and allow some degree of flexibility in the hukuman untuk penerbangan-penerbangan
choice of routes, particularly for long-range dan memperbolehkan suatu tingkat flexsibel
flights. dalam pilihan ruote fakta untuk daerah
penerbangan jauh When a TOS has been agreed, details dimana TOS sudah disetujui seharusnya
should be published by all States concerned in detail-detail di publikasikan oleh semua negara
a common format. mengenai keadaan yang biasa format.

3.2.4 Pre-tactical planning 3.2.4 Pre-tactical planning.

Pre-tactical planning should entail fine-tuning Pre-tactical planning harus memerlukan
of the strategic plan in the light of updated tuning yang baik dari rencana yang strategis
demand data. During this phase: mengingat permintaan data terbaru.selama
menggunakan tahap
a) certain traffic flows may be re-routed; A)Aliran trffic re-routed
b) off-load routes may be coordinated; b)Off load rute mungkin koordinasi
c) tactical measures will be decided upon; and c)ukuran tactical akan menentukan
d) details for the ATFM plan for the following
day should be published and made available to d)Detail untuk rencana ATFM untuk mengikuti
all concerned. hari disarankan disediakan semua perhatian.

3.2.5 Tactical operations 3.2 .5 Pe rg erak an T akti s Tactical ATFM operations should consist Per ger a k an t akti s A T FM t er di r i d ar i
of: :
a) executing the agreed tactical measures in a) melaksanakan ukuran
order to provide a reduced and even flow of per s etu jua n ta k ti s aga r ters edi a
traffic where demand would otherwise have pengurangan dan bahkan flow of
exceeded capacity; tra ffi c dima na p ermin taan a ka n
ji ka ti da k m el a mp aui m uat an.
b) monitoring the evolution of the air traffic b ) Pen ga ma tan p er ub a ha n dari
situation to ensure that the ATFM measures situasi air tr affic untuk
applied are having the desired effect and to menj a mi n ba hwa uk ur a n A TF M
take or initiate remedial action when long di per gu nak an m emp u n ya i
delays are reported, including re-routing of pen gar u h dan men ga mb i l ata u
traffic and flight level allocation, in order to ti ndak a n ca lo n a n gg ota r em edi a l
utilize the available ATC capacity to the keti k a p enud aan pan j an g t el a h
maximum extent. di l ap ork a n, t er ma s uk
pen gulan gan route da ri tra ffi c
dan al ok as i fl i gh t l ev el , ag ar
me man fa a tkan te rs edi a n ya
mu a ta n A T C k e p a er pa nja n ga n
ma xi mu m. When the traffic demand exceeds, or is Ketika permintaan traffic
foreseen to exceed, the capacity of a particular ber l ebi h a ta u d i ra mal k an m el ebi h i

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sector or aerodrome,the responsible ATC unit kema mp uan da ri s ek t or k et el i ti an

shall advise the responsible ATFM unit, where atau a er odr o me, tan ggu n g jawab
such a unit is established, and other ATC units A TC uni t ak a n mena s eha ti tan ggun g
concerned. Flight crews of aircraft planned to jaw ab A T FM u ni t, di ma n a s eb a ga i
fly in the affected area and operators should be uni t ya n g di di r i ka n da n p er ha ti an
advised, as soon as practicable, of the delays A TC u ni t l ai nn ya kr u p en er ba n gan
expected or the restrictions which will be dar i p esa w a t u da ra di r en can a kan
applied. unt uk t er b an g d al a m a ff ect ed ar ea
dan o p er a tor s eha r u sn ya di b er i t ahu
seseg era mu n gki n p en un d a an
di har ap k an a ta u p em bat as an yan g
akan dipergunakan.
Note.— Operators known or believed to be Cat atan : o p er a tor -o p er a tor
concerned will normally be advised by the di ke ta h ui a ta u di p er ca ya un tuk
regional air traffic flow management service, dikenai akan secar a nor ma l
when established. di ma kl u mi ol eh ATFM service
da er ah k eti ka di dr i kan .

3.2.6 Liaison 3.2 .6 H ubu ngan

During all phases of ATFM the responsible units sel a ma s emua fa c e d ar i A T F M u ni t
should liaise closely with ATC and the aircraft penanggung jawab harus
operators in order to ensure an effective and di hubu n gk an seca ra t er tu tup
equitable service. den gan ATC dari opra tor -op era tor
ai r cr af t a gar me nja mi n k eef ek ti fan
dan p el a yan an yan g adi l .
Note.— Attention is drawn to the guidance Cat at an : p er h ati a n ada l a h mel i h a t
material contained in the Air Traffic Services kep emi mpi n an ma teri a l t er kan dun g
Planning Manual (Doc 9426) regarding flow dal a m A T S pl an ni n g ma nual ( d oc
control as well as to procedures contained in 942 6 ) t er ma s uk a ru s kon tr ol s ebai k
the Regional Supplementary Procedures (Doc pr os e dur ya n g te rk an dun g d al a m
7030) and regional ATFM Handbooks. re gi o na l s up pl em enta r y pr o ced ur es
_____________________ (do c 70 30 ) dan r egi o nal ATF M b uku
pega n ga n.

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