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Dear Respondent,

The following questions are designed to get your valuable opinion regarding the Training and Development
Program of your organization. Kindly noted that this is an academic study and the findings will remain confined
within academic interests. No part of this study will be disclosed. Your kind cooperation will be highly

Personal Information:

Name of the Respondent :

Name of the Department :

Designation in the Organization :

Contact Number :

The questionnaire is prepared with five points Likert scale. Where:

1 = Strongly disagree (SD),

2 = Disagree (D),
3 = Neither agree nor disagree (N),
4 = Agree (A),
5 = Strongly agree (SA).

Please read carefully the questions and just put a tick (√ ) in the respective box.

Serial No. Statements SA A N D SD

01. Training needs assessment is properly done to provide the training facility
02. The training programs are arranged within the scheduled time
The resource personnel are really specialists for conducting the training
program of Janata Bank Limited
The sufficient materials are provided at the training program of Janata
Bank Limited are up-to-date
05. The objectives of training are met at the end of the training program
06. The training environment is conductive for the learner
The training programs of Janata Bank Limited are important to deal with
08. The training can bring change in quality of performance
09. The availability of feedback system is found in the Janata Bank Limited
JB appraises performance of the employees before and after training
Overall I am satisfied with the training and development program of Janata
Bank Limited

***Thanks a lot for your pleasant cooperation***

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