Entrep Reviewer Periodic Exam

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- In this stage, it is important to come up with a list of a - Opportunities requiring fewer resources from the
few very promising opportunities, which could be entrepreneur may be more favored that those requiring
scrutinizing in detail. more resources. The lower the number of resources
required the better.
Personal Screen •Risks
- it is considering the preferences and capabilities of an - Some opportunities carry more risks that others, such as
entrepreneur by asking whether he/she is willing to those with high technological market, financial, and
undergo circumstances and sacrifice for his/her business. people risks. The lower the risk the better.
Through this the entrepreneur will know when to pursue
an opportunity. Pre-Feasibility Study
- To ascertain the viability of the opportunity. Factors that
Risk-Return Grid - simplest way to know if the business are contained in a pre-feasibility study:
opportunity is worth pursuing for.
•Market Potential and Prospects
- It is based on the estimated number of possible customer
who might avail of the product or service.
- It would help narrow down your estimation to the
relevant population or target customers in the area where
12Rs of Opportunity Screening you want to operate your business.
•Relevance (vision, mission & objectives) >Factors in making the final choice in what to buy:
- The opportunity must be aligned with what you have as 1. Purchasing power or disposable income
your personal vision, mission, and objectives for the 2. Proximity or accessibility to goods or services
enterprise you want to set up. 3. Individual desires and preferences a
•Resonance 4. Age or generational grouping
- The opportunity must match the values and desired 5. Social, cultural, or ethnic background
virtues that you have or wish to impart. Reinforcement of 6. Peer group preferences
Entrepreneurial Interest - How does the opportunity 7. Gender
resonate with the entrepreneur's personal interests, talents, 8. Season of the year
and skills. 9. Personal identification with trend setters
•Revenues 10. Educational attainment
- In any entrepreneurial, it is important to determine the 11. Technical proficiency and product of expertise
sales potential of the products or services you want to 12. Motivational impetus
offer. 13. Lifestyle preferences
•Responsiveness 14. Susceptibility to certain advertising and promotional
- If the opportunity that you want to pursue addresses the appeals, and many others.
unfulfilled or underserved needs and wants of customers. >Segmenting the Market
•Reach - It is determining the target market using a set if
- Opportunities that have good chances of expanding demographics (e.g., gender, age, place of residence,
through branches, distributorships, dealerships, or income class, etc.)
franchise outlets in order to attain rapid growth are better >Assessing competition
opportunities. - This process would determine how saturated the market
•Range is in the give area of coverage.
- Opportunities can potentially lead to a wide range - There must be a comparison made with closest
possible product or service offerings, thus tapping many competitors in order to assess one's strengths and
market segments of the industry. weaknesses
•Revolutionary Impact >Estimated Market Share and Sales
- The opportunity will most likely be the "next big thing" - The entrepreneur should assess is the potential market
or game-changer that will revolutionize the industry. share he/she can attract.
•Returns - This should determine what slice or share of the targeted
- Low cost production but sold at higher prices will market segment he/she wants to carve out. Without a very
definitely yield the highest returns in investment and the definite product formulation or service proposition, this
high profile recognition in the industry. requires some "educated guessing" or intuitive
•Relative Ease of Implementation insightfulness.
- Will the opportunity be relatively easy to implement for
the entrepreneur or will there be a lot of obstacles and
competency gaps to overcome.

•Technology Assessment and Operations Viability -It calls for the creation of the FOUR CRITICAL
- Through this process, the entrepreneur would be able to FINANCIAL STATEMENTS:
determine whether the product or service offering will 1. Income Statements - it measures an entrepreneur's
meet customer demand or not. performance in terms of revenue and expenses over a
4 target customer expectations affecting the scale and certain period.
complexity of an enterprise's operations: -the entrepreneur must subtract the estimated cost of
1. Quantities demanded - this would determine the goods sold corresponding to the forecast sale.
needed capacity of operations. Cost of goods sold - refers to materials, labor costs, and
2. Quality specifications demanded - this would dictate overhead of making a product.
the following: Formulas:
a.) quality of input or raw materials Revenues – Expenses = Income or Profit (or Loss— if
b.) quality assurance process in transforming input to the expenses is higher than the revenue. The value is
output always negative)
c.) quality output meet the operations, standards set
d.) quality outcomes for the customers who will be Gross Sales — Cost of Good Sales = Gross Profit/Margin
looking for specific results.
3. Delivery Expectations - knowing how much, how Gross Profit/Margin — Operating Expense = Operating
frequent, and when to deliver to customers. Profit/Margin
4.Price expectations - The selling price of the product or
service would evaluated by the customers according to the Operating Profit/Margin — Taxes = Net profit after taxes
value they would receive (in terms of quality, delivery,
and quantity) and this value added should be matched 2. Balance sheet
against competitors. -This has to look at three things:
•Assets - represent all the investments in the enterprise
•Investment Requirements and Production/Servicing including the initial investments that you considered the
Costs pre-feasibility study.
-The entrepreneur needs to determine how much money •Liabilities - represent the enterprise’s debts to suppliers,
is needed. to banks, to government, to employees, and other
3 Investments that need to be funded: financiers.
1. Pre-Operating Cost - it refers to the cost related to the •Equity - represents the investors’ investments in the
preparation for the launch of the business or the expenses stock of the business.
before the business operates. Formula:
Ex: Pre-Feasibility study, Market Research, Feasibility ASSETS = LIABILITIES + EQUITY
study, product and operational development, and initial
promotional cost.
2. Production/Service Facilities Investment - it refers to
the long-term investments for the actual business
Ex: Land, buildings, machinery, equipment, computers,
software, furnitures, vehicles, renovation, and rent

3. Working Capital Investments 3.Financial Ratios and Measurements

-it refers to the operating expenses including: Formula:
a. Employee salaries, wages, and benefits In getting the payback period:
b. Rent and lease expenses
c. Utilities
d. Transportation
In getting the return on sales:
e. Fees and licenses
f. Commissions
g. Office Supplies
In getting the return on assets or return on investment:
•Financial Forecast and Determination of Financial
-the entrepreneur should now be able to proceed in
constructing his/her enterprise's financial forecast for the
-it is an analysis of a proposed project to determine if it is
feasible or not.
Financial forecasts- refer to the monetary transactions
-It is done for bigger project that entail millions of pesos
that the business is expected to engage in.
worth of investment
-it is more comprehensive compared to pre-feasibility

The entrepreneurs should consider the ff.: 4th: Conceptualize a product that would change the way
-More in-depth study of market potential to ensure that customers think, behave, and buy, thus making existing
the business proposal will reach the forecasted sales products “obsolete” and “old fashioned.”
-proof that the product or service being offered has the DESIGNING, PROTOTYPING, AND TESTING
right design, attributes, specifications, and preferred THE PRODUCT
features. a.) Designing means that the entrepreneur must render
-proof that the entrepreneur and his/her team have the and translate the concept into an actual product/service.
necessary experience, skills, and capabilities to maximize (Physical & real dimensions or measurements) This
the venture’s chances of success. entails building a prototype or sample of the product
-legal visibility b.) There is an actual testing of the product or service by
-more detailed costing on the different assets and more potential customers through surveys, focus group
justification for the production and operating expenses. discussions etc.
-more thorough analysis of the technology and its c.) In this process, the product/service must be ‘perfect’
sustainability. as it goes through the process mentioned above while the
product/service is continuously subjected to testing and
-In this stage, the entrepreneur must determine the critical d.) The entrepreneur must assess how much resources are
success factors that enable other players in the same available in order to seize the opportunity and what kind
industry to succeed while, at the same time, be vigilant of organizational set-up will work best for this kind of
about the factors that cause other businesses to fail. opportunity


a.) Analyzing the products or services from possible FINANCING
competitors in the market place is the goal of this part. a.) The entrepreneur must begin with the end in mind, or
b.) It is advised to look at other competitors in the his or her desired end results, for the chosen
marketplace to get details such as major buyer attributes entrepreneurship.
that make the competitors’ products attractive that should End results - refers to the final outcomes of the business,
give the entrepreneur an idea. such as highly satisfied customers, huge sales realized,
c.) Customer profiling will come to the picture—their large profit generated, etc.
characteristics and traits, behavior and usage pattern,
b.) Important choices must make by the entrepreneur to
preferences and dislikes.
achieve desired end results:
d.) The entrepreneur will be able to come up with each of
1st: Choose the correct technology, the one that would
the competing products’ Main Value Proposition [MVP]
produce the output that would meet the quality
and work on his own positioning through the process of
specifications of the customer.
questioning the ff.:
2nd: Choose the right people who can perform the
1.) What are the main customer segments?
technical and the managerial functions necessary to
2.) What are the different product attributes and features
realize the desired end results.
of each of the competitors?
3rd: Design the operating workflow that would assure the
3.) What are the existing marketing practices of the
effective, economical, and efficient production of the
various competitors?
4.) What are the market where preferences of the
4th: Specify the systems and procedures that would
consumers when it comes to the products being offered?
govern the enterprise, motivate and discipline the work
Best example of this is when we were tasked to interview force, and satisfy the customers
or observe our store’s possible competitors and list down 5th: Design the organizational architecture that would
their Sales, packaging, marketing, weakness, strengths allow the people to function at their best.
etc. c.) The entrepreneur must be diligent in taking the
necessary steps toward determining the required
CONCEPTUALIZING THE PRODUCT OR resources which includes people resources, physical
SERVICE OFFERING resources, and peso or money resources.
-A concept is an idealized abstraction of the product or
service to he offered to the preferred market of the MARKET RESEARCH
entrepreneur. - Entrepreneur should exert all the efforts to know the
-The ff. options or directions may be considered to come market he/she wants to exploit to be able to determine
up with the product or service concept: the customer needs and wants.
1st: Create a concept similar to winning products in the
marketplace and ride the obvious market trends.
2nd: Fine a market niche that has not been filled by the
3rd: Conceptualize a product in a positioning category
where the participants are rather weak.
BASIC QUESTIONS IN MARKET RESEARCH: e.) Interpretation of data does not end with the table and graphs
•WHY: Purpose and objective for conducting the market mentioned above. Cross-tabulation is highly recommended
research for the data will be more useful to the entrepreneur
•WHAT: Determines the scope and the limitations of the because it will explain why some data fall at one end of
market research to be conducted. the distribution while others at the opposite end.
•WHICH: Determines which segment of the market must Example: Cross-Tabulation
be studied; thus must be the market segment that the
entrepreneur is eyeing
•WHO: Identifies who among the members of the
selected market segment will participate in the market
•WHEN: Determines the tine and timing of the research.
•WHERE: Pinpoints the relevant location of the market
•HOW: Determines the methodology to be used for the
-it is an interview by a facilitator of a small group of
market research
people that normally last for an hour and a half up to three
MARKET RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES: - It is effective in extracting consumer and non-consumer
• Sales Data Mining
experiences regarding products, places, or programs.
-It is an analytical methodology that helps targeting
Marketing efforts, using the knowledge of who are the - It can be used to address substantive issues such as:
Customers; which products and services they buy; when, • Understanding consumers' perceptions, preferences, and
how and why these products are acquired. behavior concerning a product category.
{mindsource.pt} • Obtaining impressions on new product concepts
- Identify Customers who consider certain product • Generating new ideas about older products
attractive and capable of fulfilling their needs and • Developing creative concepts and copy material for
expectations. {mindsource.pt} advertisements
a.) The data recorded from observing can logically be • Securing price impressions
arranged chronologically otherwise known as data array • Obtaining primary consumer reaction to specific
and can be further grouped into intervals of two, three, or marketing program.
four. (Using time) -There are four decisions to be made in conducting a
Example: data array FGD:
a.) Respondents selection:
• Definition of the respondents
• Classification of the respondents
• Screening of respondents
b.) Sample size
- The number of respondents per group should range from
6 to 8, depending on the skill of the facilitator and the
b.) The customers can also can be further classified topic being discussed.
(Ex: male & female) and sub-classified (Ex: Age) c.) Data gathering
according to their characteristics. • Selection and preparation of the venue and equipment
c.) After arraying and classifying data, the researcher can • Formulation of the discussion agenda
now do a frequency distribution and construct a frequency • Facilitator who is skilled in moderating and has the
table. ability to draw out significant insights from the
Example: Frequency distributions and relative participants.
frequency distributions. d.) Data analysis
• Integration of the information gathered
• Some observations on respondent behavior
• Listing of recommendations and report writing

- It is gathering data about customers in their natural
setting without having to interact or talk to them.
- The researcher has to simply observe people as they go
about their usual activity such as buying and using
d.) The table above can be translated into graphs: products and services and assess how they behave.
histogram (bar graph), frequency polygon (dots), and pie

Advantage of Observation Research: The Formula if the population is known:
• It allows the researcher to see what customers actually
do rather that rely on what they say they do.
• It allows the researcher to observe customers in their
natural setting.
• It does not subject the researcher to the unwillingness of The Formula if the population in unknown:
customers or their inability to reply to certain questions.
• Some information are better gathered quickly and
accurately through observation.
Disadvantages of Observation Research:
• The researcher cannot get the reasons behind the
Z = confidence level
p = proportion of getting a good sample
• The researcher can only focus in the "here and now". It
1 – p = proportion or getting a bad sample
cannot cover the past nor the future.
d = margin of error in decimal
• The observation technique may border in the unethical
n = sample size
because the respondents have not agreed to be observed.
DIY Survey: Steps in Conducting a Survey Research
1.) Develop the research objectives
-It is the most preferred instrument for in-depth
2.) Determine you sample
quantitative research.
3.) Choose the interviewing methodology
-In this method, the respondents are asked variety of
4.) Create your questionnaire
questions which are often about their personal
5.) Pre-test questionnaire
information, motivations, and their behavior.
6.) Conduct interviews and enter data
- It can be conducted via telephone, personal (face-to-face
7.) Analyze the data
interview), and mail interview (printed or electronic mail)
Usage, Attitude, and Image (UIA) Survey
- It is to understand the customer through profiling.
- most popular type of survey research in which is
intended to derive market awareness, market size and
share, product usage and preference, customer interest,
and customer image.
In demographic classification, the customers were
THREE CONCERNS IN PLANNING A SURVEY: categorize into the ff.:
1.) Questionnaire Design 1.) Age
- It should be able to elicit all the necessary information 2.) Income Classes
required in the research. - Class A, high income class
- Each question should be clear and definite - Class B, upper middle income class
- Each question should cover one topic at a time. - Class C, middle income class
- Each question should be presented in a neutral manner. - Class D, lower middle income class
- Each question should be translated into the dialect that - Class E, low income class
the target respondents are familiar with. 3.) Social Classes/ Reference Group - it often dictates
2.) Sampling Technique what is acceptable or unacceptable behavior
- It is classified into probability and non-probability 4.) Ethnic Backgrounds - it determines what they eat,
sampling. how they save and spend, and their level of conservatism
Probability sampling - is where respondents are or progressiveness
randomly selected from a population such as in the lottery 5.) Religious Beliefs - same with ethnic backgrounds
method. 6.) Occupations - it determine what kind of products or
Non-probability sampling - this renders the services these people would buy
characteristic or the profile of a group that is difficult to 7.) Domiciles (habitat) - it is the area of residence and
generalize. environmental surroundings, oftentimes, define and likit
3.) Sample size the choices available to customers.
The 3 basic sample size determinants:
a.)Data variability of a proportion - dispersion of the data PSYCHOGRAPHICS
or how widely spread the data is from a central point. -It defines the customer's motivation, perceptions,
b.)Confidence level in the estimation process - the higher preferences, and lifestyle.
the confidence level desired, the bigger the sample size •Motivation - roots of customer's wants and needs. It is
needed; the current industry standard has 95% confidence what makes or encourage them acquire or buy the product
level. or services. It provides drive for action
c.) Error in the result of the estimation process - the less •Perceptions - the way a person chooses to receive or
error margin desired the bigger is the required sample interpret information (comes from our 5 senses) from the
size. external world. It defines exactly what a person will do.
•Preference - It is what a customer prefers or the set of
likes and dislikes. It shape the customer's decisions.
•Lifestyle - it talks about what a people value most in their

-It classifies people according to their level of expertise in
using a product or service.
-Products and service can range from general purpose to
highly specialized, customized, and technological goods.
Sport beginners might just want basic products.
Sports regulars may be looking for more sophisticated
Sport professional would want the best of the best for
competition purposes.


Two ways:
1st way: to develop a product or service to test out in a
market place.
a.) The customers most attracted to service or product can
then be profiled.
b.) after profiling, the next step is to find out how huge
this market is for exploitation purposes.
2nd way: to profile the different types of customers in a
given industry or areas as to their needs and wants.
a.) the entrepreneur could choose the customer group with
the best potentials.
b.) Products and services can be developed by the
entrepreneur to match this chosen group of customer

Market segmentation
- Customers with similar needs and wants, and similar
willingness and ability to pay can be group into one
customer segments.

Market Aggregation
- The entrepreneur prefer to deals in commodities like
rice, beard, and water to appeal to broader market.

Market Mapping
- It refers to grouping customers and products according
to certain market variables.
- The entrepreneur can use one or a combination of
demographics, psychographics and technographics to
create a market map.
- Products or services can be mapped according to their
relative positioning in the market based on certain
customer position.

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