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Flexibility, multi tasking, Goal digger, creativity, innovative.

characteristics that entrepreneurs must have. In order to start business you have
to bare in your mind that it takes time to be successful.

As part of our activity, we conducted an interview hear in Rosario, Batangas. We

asked the permission of the owner if it's okay to ask some questions about their
business. Mr. Norbertho M. Decastro, the owner of CDC general merchandise located
at Barangay E Poblacion Rosario Batangas Public Market. This store was officially
start on October 10, 2003. The first question we asked was the history of the
business. Mr. Decastro told us that someone transfer this store for some reason. He
also said that in order to start business you must have your own capital. In their
16 years in operating this merchandise, they encountered lot of problems. Many
customers borrowed or credit some items from them, problems in the delivery items.
They also encountered that there are people who steal items like foods. We also
asked if they experienced expiration of foods due to overy supply.
Mr Decastro said that no matter how hard the situation is, there's always a
solution for all the problems. When it comes to the debts of customers, you should
talk to them and told them that they must pay at the exact due date. Always check
the delivery items and give punishments to those people who steal on their
business. He have six workers who are very hospitable to the customer. We asked Mr
DeCastro if the Location of their store become a hindrance for them to become
successful but he said that No,it is not a hindrance because they already gathered
the trust of the customers. Through this, I realize that it is not easy and it
takes time to gain the trust of the customers and people around you. Customers
mean everything to the company or business. Their business is a way for them to
have house and lot. They also have apartments. While my classmates still talking to
Mr Decastro, I observed that the store compiled to all the requirements needed for
the legal business. They have Bir permit, mayors permit, Dtis permit, Payment
forms, Bir payment slips and certificate of registration (taxes). He gave us tips
that might help us when be became entrepreneurs. In order to start business, you
must have capital, money really matters. Think positive and just believe in

Mr Norbertho DeCastro is a living Testimony that in order to succeed you have to

believe that all impossible are possible. For me, he's an inspiration for all
beginners because he have the qualities that entrepreneurs must have. He is very
hands on and he trust his workers. Through this interview, I learned that it was
not easy to handle business. You must be hardworking and it is important to devote
time and effort. I already realized that solving problems may result to the
entrepreneurs to become more strategic, more innovative and more creative. Success
only belongs to those who believe in their selves.
Venturing to a new business is a difficult decision to Mr. Norberto De Castro.
Almost a couple of decade passed, he acquired a small grocery store at the vicinity
of Barangay Poblacion E, Rosario, Batangas. On almost twenty years running his
business, he encountered a lot of problems. In this kind of business it is normal
to face several difficulty in order gain more lesson in running his own grocery
store. Debtors, Larceny, Improper deliveries are some of his problems. If we are
going to start a new business, it is normally composed of few workers. Like the CDC
Grocery store, they started to operate with the help of only six workers residing
from the same municipality.

I can say that Mr. De castro successfully run the business for the past few years.
with the hardships and sacrifices he rendered to his tidy business, he was
privileged to sent his child to a prestigious university, their house was also

Mr. De castro enlightened us that we need to be cautious in dealing with other

people and the willingness to sacrifice leisure in order to grow your business. He
also stated that we need to be tough in dealing some problems because problems are
part of growing a business.

Hardworking is the key to success. Taking up a business is also taking at risk

because you need sacrifice everything and need to plan everything. Some people
become successful because of their hardworking skills and creative thinking.
As part of our task in Entrepreneurship, we took an interview in one
business hear in Rosario Batangas , the CDC General Merchandise located near at
Rosario, Batangas Public Market. First we ask a permission to the owner to take an
interview and luckly they allowed us to conduct some interview about their
business. The owner of this business is Mr. Norbertho De Castfo. According to the
owner the CDC general merchandise officially start on October 10 2003 and the owner
said that someone transfer this business to them because of some reason. It is
normal that in one business there's always a problem and according to sir in their
almost 16 years of having this business they faced a lots of problems like too much
of consumer's who borrowed or credit some item's from them, problem in the deliver
of item's, someone is stealing their items and many more and the owner said that
behind of all those problems there's always a solution from that like don't
allowing consumer's to borrowed a lot of their items, checking the delivered items
and give the right punishment for those people who steal their items. Because of
their business they have some achievements im their life like building their own
house and lot and they also have a small apartment house. This business of Mr. De
Castro is a product based business and they are in small type of business and they
have 6 workers and they don't have any branch.
Mr. Norbertho De Castro is one of the best example and also a believer
that being hardworker can result to success and he give some advice or tips to us
on how to reach the success like having a savings first before having a business
and also being patient is important in conducting a business. Based on that
interview I've learned a lot of lessons and get some tips in taking a business.
Only thing to think while taking a business is you can be a successful because if
you think that you can down may be it can be happen. From the very first of our we
need to do our best because we live in just one time that's why enjoy our life, do
whatever we want and just believe in our self because we are the only one who can
bring us to success.

- Vanessa M. Ramos

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