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JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131


V. Priyatharshini, N. Preethi Bai, R. Revathi, A. S. Selsiga, Dr. B. C. Brightlin*,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sri Shakthi
Nagar, L & T by – Pass, Chinniyampalayam Post,
Coimbatore 641062, Tamilnadu, India.
* Corresponding author: Name: Dr. B. C. Brightlin, Email:

ABSTRACT-Our future generation will have scope for intelligent transport system that is using electric vehicle. As the battery power
in the electric vehicle is limited, the Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) is used to charge the vehicles. The technology and its application
of the electric vehicles and the technical background have been discussed in this paper. The WPT system charge the electronic
vehicles when they are parked or in waiting state at the signals by the charging lanes. WPT transfers limited amount of power over
short distance without physical contact. This system uses induced power transfer (IPT) technique. The technical detail which includes
theoretical principles, practical systems related to various kinds of electric charging piles. It critically assesses the research progress
developed in this field within the last decade. At last it specifies the research on potential direction in future regarding the E-vehicles,
its applications and its charging techniques.

Keywords: Electric vehicles, WPT, IPT.


The smart charging strategy for a plug in electronic network that offers multiple charging options,
DC fast charging and battery swapping facilities at charging stations [1]. This paper reviews recent
advances in stationary and dynamic wireless charging of electric vehicles. A review of charging pad,
power electronics configurations, compensation networks, controls, and standards is presented [2]. The
future upcoming concepts-based WEVCS, such as ‘‘vehicle-to-grid (V2G)” and wireless charging systems
(WCS) are reviewed and examined, with qualitative comparisons with other existing technology [3]. This
review article briefly talks about the various types of electric vehicles. It discusses about the grid, smart
grid and their relationship with the electric vehicle. A review case of emissions from Electric vehicles
have been presented. It outlined some proven smart charging techniques by different authors utilizing
diverse tools for the electric vehicle [4]. This paper presents an overview of current wireless power
transfer (WPT) technologies for the application of electric vehicles (EV) wireless charging. Technologies
such as coupled magnetic resonance and magnetic gear technologies are systematically reviewed [5].
Wireless power transfer (WPT) is the current technology using magnetic resonance which could set error
free from the frustrating wires. In fact, the WPT adopts the same concepts which have already been
developed with the term inductive power transfer [6]. This paper introduces the application progress of the
transmission technology at home and abroad.

Volume VI, Issue II, February/2019 Page No:1859

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

It puts forward the basic problems of WPT technology [7]. It aims to provide feasible development
ideas for the integration of power system and transportation system under the unified energy internet
framework in the future [8]. This study presents results of a survey-based analysis on user acceptance of
wireless electric vehicle charging the main factors influencing of acceptance of wireless electric vehicle
charging are evaluated and analyzed [9]. This paper focuses on vehicle-side control for achieving a
required power and proposes a control method based on road-side voltage estimation using only vehicle-
side information [10]


Commercially available stationary charging

Series –Series (S-S)

The main advantage of the S-S configuration is that the value of primary capacitance does not
depend on the variation of coupling coefficient. This property of series compensation is especially useful
in segmented dynamic wireless power transfer applications, where the coupling coefficient varies with
movement of the EV. The major drawback occurs at light load condition, and when the receiver is not
present and the equivalent impedance seen is zero at the primary resonance frequency. The desired
requirements for a compensation network are high efficiency and high Power Factor.

Series-Parallel (S-P)

It can be concluded that regardless of the load, there will be some impedance transferred to the
primary. If the receiver or load is not present, the primary side will still have a short circuit at the
resonance frequency. In addition, the transferred-impedance to the primary is proportional to the square of
the mutual inductance. Therefore, with variation in mutual inductance, the power factor of the converter
and the dynamics of the system will change. This makes power transfer DWPT more challenging. For
higher load, the efficiency and power factor gets better. Additionally, with an increase in the mutual
inductance the efficiency of the system increases as illustrated. It is evident that value of capacitance
changes with mutual inductance and therefore the resonant frequency also changes.

Parallel-Series (P-S)

The main advantages are high efficiency and high power factor at relatively low mutual inductance
and a relatively large range of variation of load and mutual inductance. The power factor in P-S is not at
unity under low mutual inductance as it appears. This configuration P-S compensating techniques and is
the focus of the some researchers.

Volume VI, Issue II, February/2019 Page No:1860

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

Parallel-Parallel (P-P)

In P-P compensation, the transferred-impedance to primary side is same as in S-P compensation.

This configuration suffers from the low power factor, a high load voltage of the parallel secondary and
large current source requirements of the parallel primary. This is a direct saving in cost for the system.
Previous work done in this field is listed in the Table.

S. Year Authors Studies Carried Observation Ref

No Out
1 2011 Zeinab 1. Smart grid. The smart charging strategy for a [1]
Moghaddam, 2. Key technical plug in electronic network that
Iftekhar issues offers multiple charging options,
Ahmad, 3. Benefit analysis. DC fast charging and battery
Daryoushr swapping facilities at charging
Habibi, stations.
and Quoc Viet
2 2014 Devendra 1. HEVS. This paper reviews recent advances [2]
Patil, Matthew 2. PHEVS. in stationary and dynamic wireless
Mcdonough, 3. Fuel cell vehicles. charging of electric vehicles. A
John Miller, 4. Power electronic review of charging pad, power
BabakFahimi, requirements. electronics configurations,
and Poras T. compensation networks, controls,
Balsara and standards is presented.
3 2018 Chirag 1. Wireless charging The future upcoming concepts- [3]
Panchal, system for EVs. based WEVCS, such as ‘‘vehicle-
Sascha Stegen, 2. Application of to-grid (V2G)” and wireless
and Junwei Lu WEVCS. charging systems (WCS) are
3. Future application reviewed and examined, with
concepts of qualitative comparisons with other
WEVCS. existing technology.
4 2016 Famous O. 1. Types of electric This review article briefly talks [4]
Igbinovi, vehicles. about the various types of electric
GhaethFandi, 2. Types of power vehicles. It discusses about the grid,
Rate converters. smart grid and their relationship

Volume VI, Issue II, February/2019 Page No:1861

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

Mahmoud and 3. Types of motors. with the electric vehicle. A review

Josef Tlusty case of emissions from Electric
vehicles have been presented. It
outlined some proven smart
charging techniques by different
authors utilizing diverse tools for
the electric vehicle.
5 2013 Chun Qiu, 1. Lithium-ion This paper presents an overview of [5]
K.T. Chau, technologies. current wireless power transfer
Chunhua Liu, 2. Aging (WPT) technologies for the
and C.C. Chan phenomena. application of electric vehicles
3. Vehicle to grid (EV) wireless charging.
application. Technologies such as coupled
magnetic resonance and magnetic
gear technologies are
systematically reviewed.
6 2017 R. Anandhi, 1. Block diagram Wireless power transfer (WPT) is [6]
M. Shreensith, and methodology. the current technology using
B. Ramya 2. IPT. magnetic resonance which could set
Devi, A. 3. RFID Systems. error free from the frustrating
Krishnaveni, wires. In fact, the WPT adopts the
D. Sellathambi same concepts which have already
been developed with the term
inductive power transfer.
7 2017 Jianliang Li 1. Technical This paper introduces the [7]
fundamentals. application progress of the
2. State of the art transmission technology at home
research progresses and abroad. It puts forward the
in EV. basic problems of WPT technology.
8 2016 Hui Hou, Jun 1. Current EV It aims to provide feasible [8]
Xie, Ke Meng, development development ideas for the
and Jin Ma situation in China integration of power system and
2. Wired charging transportation system under the
status in China. unified energy internet framework

Volume VI, Issue II, February/2019 Page No:1862

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

3. Wireless charging in the future.

status in China.
4. Challenge and
opportunity under
the (Energy Internet
Development) EID.
9 2018 Daniel Fett, 1. Methodology and This study presents results of a [9]
Axel Ensslen, data. survey-based analysis on user
Patrick Jochem 2. Evaluation. acceptance of wireless electric
and Wolf 3. Limitation. vehicle charging. The main factors
Fichtner influencing of acceptance of
wireless electric vehicle charging
are evaluated and analyzed.
10 2015 Katsuhiro Hat, 1. Wireless power This paper focuses on vehicle-side [10]
Takehiro Imur, transfer via magnetic control for achieving a required
and Yoichi resonant coupling. power and proposes a control
Hori 2. Primary voltage method based on road-side voltage
estimation. estimation using only vehicle-side
3. Power control on information.
vehicle side.


Fig. 1: Figure shows the real time view of charging plug-in electric vehicle

Volume VI, Issue II, February/2019 Page No:1863

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131


AC Input DC to AC
AC to DC filter

HF Primary HF
Side Transformer

Fig. 2: Figure shows the block diagram of the Transmitter section

HF secondary rectification & DC regulator
side filter


Fig. 3: Figure shows the block diagram of the Receiver section


Based on the application WEV charging system has been put into two following sections for
transferring to the battery and to the car from the source.

A. Static wireless electric vehicle charging system

WEVC’s is a user friendly environment for the consumers. It can be easily replaced plug in charger
for E-vehicles. The transmitter coil is installed under the road with some additional power and circuitry.
The receiver coil is installed under the front, back or center of the electric vehicles. The power converter is
used to convert the received energy from AC to DC.

Volume VI, Issue II, February/2019 Page No:1864

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

In order to avoid any safety issues, power control and battery management systems are fitted with a
wireless communication network to receive any feedback from the primary side. The charging time
depends on the source power level, charging pad sizes, and air-gap distance between the two windings.
The average distance between lightweight duty vehicles is approximately 150–300 mm. Static WEVCS
can be installed in parking areas, car parks, homes, commercial buildings, shopping centres, and park ‘n’
ride facilities. Their power levels meet with the recently announced international SAE standards (J2954)
power class for levels 1 (3.3 kW) and 2 (7.7 kW), including frequency ranges81.9–90 kHz. Currently, the
SAE organisation is working on the standards, which are related to allowable misalignment and the
installation location of the receiver pads in the car. A number of prototypes have been presented with
various mounting locations, such as front, rear, and centre of the receiver pads on the underneath of the
car. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is mostly focusing on improving power transfer
efficiency by coil designing while the University of Auckland has proposed some hardware and software
(including charging pad development) to improve plug-in efficiency. Overall, prototypes or lab
experiments of stationary WCS for EVs have been developed from power ranges 1–20 kW, air-gap
distance 100–300 mm with efficiency from 71 to 95%.

B. Dynamic wireless electric vehicle charging system

Plug-in or BEVs are suffering due to two major obstacles-cost and range. In order to increase
range, EVs are required to charge either quite frequently or to install a larger battery pack (which results
additional problems such cost and weight). In addition, it is not economical to charge a vehicle frequently.
The dynamic wireless electric vehicle charging system (D-WEVCS) is a promising technology, which can
reduce the problems associated with range and cost of EVs. It is the only solution for future automation
EV. It is also known as a ‘‘roadway powered”, ‘‘on-line” or ‘‘in motion” WEVCS. The primary coils are
embedded into the road concrete at a certain distance with high voltage, high frequency AC source and
compensation circuits to the micro grid and/or RES.

Like static-WEVCS, the secondary coil is mounted underneath the vehicles. When the (EV) s
passes over the transmitter, it receives a magnetic field through a receiver coil and converts it to DC to
charge the battery bank by utilising the power converter and BMS. A frequent charging facility of EVs
reduces the overall battery requirement by approximately 20% in comparison to the current EVs. For
dynamic-WEVCS, transmitter pads and power supply segments need to be installed on specific locations
and pre-defined routes. The power supply segments are mostly divided into centralised and individual
power frequency schemes in the centralised power supply scheme, a large coil (around 5–10 m) is
installed on the road surface, where multiple small charging pads are utilised. In comparison with the
segmented scheme, the centralised scheme has higher losses, lower efficiency including high installation,

Volume VI, Issue II, February/2019 Page No:1865

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

and higher maintenance costs. Overall, the installation of initial infrastructure for this technology would be
costly. With the help of a self-driving car in future, it will help to create the perfect alignment between the
transmitter and receiver coils which can significantly improve the overall power transfer efficiency.
Dynamic-WEVCS can be easily incorporated in many EV transportation applications, such as light duty
vehicles, bus, rail, and rapid transport. In a development summary of dynamic- WEVCS has been

A. Wireless vehicle to grid (W-V2G)

The express expansion of PEVs has resulted in the need for fast and efficient charging and power
transfer methods. With the increasing number of PEVs, the power requirements from distribution
networks has risen rapidly and created a detrimental impact on it. In order to compensate for the additional
power requirements, renewable energy sources (RES) have been introduced to the micro grid but they
have limited support facilities. The vehicle-to-grid (V2G) concept can offer a solution alongside advanced
scheduling for charging and discharging to the distribution network shows the bi-directional power
transfer application for PEVs with wireless and plug-In modes. In the plug-In V2G, EVs with the on-board
bi-directional charger allow the user to connect to the grid or home during peak times. During Off-peak
times, the vehicle is being charged from an AC wall socket.AC is converted into DC and fed to the
isolated DC/DC converter to provide additional safety to the user. Converted DC is transferred to a battery
through BMS, control and protection, and a bi directional DC/DC converter. This converter operates buck
(step-down mode) when it charges the battery bank, and boosts when it discharges (in order to increase
power level). This is presented. The limitation with this technique is that it requires a physical contact and
manual handling to charge or discharge the EVs, which creates additional risks such as electrics hock and
trip hazards. In order to overcome these problems, a wireless V2G has been introduced, as shown in
demonstrates the comparison between wireless V2G and plug-inV2G. Unlike plug-In V2G, the primary
side of the wireless transformer is embedded on the Power converters. The receiver coil is installed
underneath the vehicle and the remaining bi-directional power converters are mounted in the vehicle’s
body. The design is completely autonomous and provides additional isolation between source and receiver
sides, through the wireless transformer. The design enables surplus energy to be transferred to the PEVs to
reduce stress or receive energy to rectify peak demand energy in static or dynamic modes. In addition, this
technology can be a buffer or a back-up for mobile energy storage in the dynamic V2G operation

Volume VI, Issue II, February/2019 Page No:1866

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

B. In Wheel WCS

a. Configuration of IW-WCS

Stationary WEVCS already present some challenges, such as EMC issues, limited power transfer,
bulky structures and higher efficiency. Furthermore, the power transfer efficiency depends on the coil
alignment and air-gap distance between the source and receiver. The average air-gap distance varies From
150 to 300 mm for small passenger vehicles while it may increase for larger vehicles. The alignment can
be solved by utilising sensing technology or parking assistance, which can guide the Driver to find the
centre of the coil. Dynamic-WEVCS technology has to overcome two main hurdles, large air-gap and coil
misalignment, before it is more widely accepted. It is also less dependent on any standardisation receiving
coil shape and locations. Static and dynamic IW-WCS are future technologies that can be used to charge
EVs or PHEVs while they are stationary or in motion. Due to lower air-gaps and higher coupling
efficiencies between the transmitter and receiver, IWWCS has significant advantages over the exiting
quasi-dynamic or dynamic-WCS. Like other WEVCS, the multiple primary or source coils are normally
installed under the road surface. The main grid source is converted to a high frequency (HF) AC source,
which is connected to primary windings through a compensation circuit. Unlike other WEVCS, the
secondary coils are installed into the tyre structure in the IW-WCS. The air-gap between the source and
receiver coils IW-WCS is smaller in comparison to the current static- or dynamic-WEVCS. The three
main structural components in IW-WCS are the wireless transformer coils, power source, and internal
structure of the tyre, which need to be designed carefully in order to achieve an efficient static- and
dynamic- IW-WCS. Multiple receiver coils are placed in a parallel combination inside the tyre. The
advantages of such an arrangement are transmitter is activated. In some cases, when horizontal
misalignment occurs, multiple receiver coils can be activated. These transfer power to the battery bank or
load. Each receiver coil contains a resonant capacitor, rectifier, and filtering circuitry. The recommended
location for the receiver coils array is between the steel belt and body ply.

VI. Conclusion

This paper presents a basic overview of the WEVCS for stationary and dynamic applications with
current researched technology. In addition, a variety of core and ferrite shapes have been demonstrated,
which have been utilised in current wireless charging pad design. Health and safety issues have been
raised and current developments in international standards are tabled for WEVCS. State-of-the-art
stationary- and dynamic- WEVCS have been studied and tabled, with current research and development
from a variety of public and private organisations.

Volume VI, Issue II, February/2019 Page No:1867

JASC: Journal of Applied Science and Computations ISSN NO: 1076-5131

Finally, upcoming future technologies are investigated and simulated with the utilisation of FEM.
Overall; the latest developments in the area of WEVCS are included in this article.


[1] Moghaddam, Z., Ahmad, I., Habibi, D., and Phung, Q.V.," Smart Charging Strategy for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations".
[2] Patil, D., Mcdonough, M., Miller, J., Fahimi, B., and Balsara, P.T., " Wireless Power Transfer for Vehicular Applications: Overview and Challenges".
[3] Panchal, C., Stegen, S., and Lu, J., (2018), "Review of static and dynamic wireless electric vehicle charging system".
[4] Igbinovia, F.O., Fandi, G., Mahmoud, R., and Tlusty, J., (2016), "A Review of Electric Vehicles Emissions and its Smart Charging Techniques Influence on
Power Distribution Grid".
[5] Qiu, C., Chau, K.T., Lin, C., and Chan, C.C., (2013), "Overview of wireless power transfers for Electric Vehicle charging".
[6] Anandhi, R., Sithara, M.S., Devi, B.R., Krishnaveni, A., and Sellathambi, D., (2017), "Design of Wireless power transfer charge station for electric
[7] Jia Xuping. Wireless charging main stream technology Power Technology, 2013
[8] Hou, H., Xie, J., Zhao, D., Chen, W., Li, Z., Ma, J., Meng, K., and Dong, Z, " Electrical Vehicle Wireless Charging Technology Based on Energy Internet
Application in China".
[9] Fett, D., Ensslen, A., Jochem, P., and Fichtner, W., (2018), "A Survey User Acceptance of Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging".
[10] Hata, K., Imura, T., and Hori, Y., (2015), "Dynamic Wireless Power Transfer System for Electric Vehicle to Simplify Ground Facilities - Power Control
Based on Vehicle-side-Information".

Volume VI, Issue II, February/2019 Page No:1868

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