Bending Reality - Vishan Lakshian

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What to do in segment intending

 Do this as an individual session daily during commute or meditation or showering

 Or do it as phase 5 of 6 phase meditation ‘the perfect day’

- Rather than sticking they change their mind multiple times

- When u change so rapidly u jeopardise that what is coming
- Be clear .. don’t flipflop b/w goals
- There is substantial time gap b/w what u r practising and goal achievement- if u flipflop that
creates a problem

People at level 2 – iam

Creative visualisation-
Basic tool –

- Don’t be super specific

- Rather aim for the energy
- Eg u want a particular house, don’t be super specific about that house  imagine a
spectacular house and watch the feelings u get having that house, may be feeling of joy, may
be a room filled with light, may be a place of being romantic with ur partner, place for the
children, place where u look at the nature’
- Don’t attach to the outcome put yourself in a positive state of expectancy

* the power of expectancy

if u r practicing the creative visualisation and expect things to happened but there is a time gap.
The better at this the time gap gets smaller and smaller.

Level 3

Inspiration leads to

Goals come through you not from you

U get a gut feeling

Level 4 –

Total inner piece

U are motivated to serve the world to a different level

If u want to achieve the level of alpha – u should forgive everyone in your life.

Little grudges , little one stick with u

Happiness – is the super state for productive

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