Hostel Rules

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i IIMS oredta mie dears weit RANCHI INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RANCHI tom Nor]i4e.| Sood theefo 0g Date: 28:98) 4 From To Board Office JIM Ranchi Director, IIM Ranchi \VP-Administration All Faculty SFC Committee Accounts Department Hostel Warden oe reas JOM ‘Subject: Extract of minutes of 17" BOG Meeting regarding Revised Hostel Rules / Conduct & Disciplinary Rules The Board in its 17" BOG Meeting, the Board approved the attached Hostel Rules and recommended the following changes in the Conduct and Disciplinary Rules: ‘The Conduct & Disciplinary rules will be in consonance with the hostel rules. Para 1.3.4 For “Submitting dubious medical certificates” Read “Submitting False Medical Certificates”. Para 1.3.20 For “Non Payment of Fees is a misconduct” should be deleted. The corrected copy of the Conduct and Disciplinary rules is attached. "= = (Col BK Nair) \VP-Administration-cum-Secretary to the Board 1M Ranchi 1|Page I ITM credit water tices thet RANCH INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RANCHI HOSTEL RULES HosTeL ROOMS 1, Students should not change their officially allotted hostel rooms without prior approval of the Administrative Officer (Hostels) or Hostel-In-Charge. 2. Students are required to take adequate care of their personal belongings and should not keep their living rooms unlocked at any point of time. They may do so at their own risk and the hostel administration will have no responsibility for any losses, if so causes. No Complaints in this regard will be entertained, 3. If any student does not require any item provided to his/her room, he/she should request the Hostel In-Charge to take back the same. 4, Shifting of existing furniture from one room to another can only be done with the prior Permission of the Hostel authorities. 5. Students should not share their rooms with any person without approval of the competent authority. 6. As and when students are away from their rooms, they must put off the lights and fans for the purpose of conserving electrical energy. 7. Proper care is to be taken of the immersion heaters, if provided, so that there is no wastage of electrical energy and no damage to the equipment. 8. Guests, visiting students in the hostel rooms will sign the Check-in and Check-out registers specially provided for this purpose. The registers will be with the Security Guard-on-Duty. 9. It is the student’s responsibility to take proper care of any equipment/ furniture allotted to him/her by the Institute. The damage or destruction of Institute’s property will be treated as a serious breach of discipline and full charges for repair or replacement with penalty, if imposed, will be recovered from individual students or the students committee/ club as the case may be. 2|Page fl de a gil My undta weiet dear tet RANCHI | INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RANCHI 10. ea the hostel rooms should be vacated by the students during summer vacation for maintenance as per the notification before summer vacation every year. 11, Students should obtain hostel clearance certificate from the hostel in-charge on completion of the programme and hand over Possession of the room to the authorities. 12. Complaints of any nature regarding the maintenance of the hostels should be submitted to the Hostel In-Charge. Complaints of a Serious nature may be brought also to the notice of the Vice President-Administration and the Director. 13. Cooking is not permitted in the Hostel Room. 14. No pets are permitted in the Hostel Complex. MESS 1. Food will not be served outside the dining room except in the case of illness. For Such cases the Mess In-Charge should be informed at least four hours before the meal service time. 2. All students must have their meals in the dining room at the hours stipulated by the Mess Committee. These hours must be adhered to strictly, 3. Students are not allowed to take items of Crockery & Cutlery from the mess/ di i hall to their rooms. 4. Mess Charges for any time should be paid along with term fees. No student will be allowed to attend classes or appear at any mid-term/end term examination, fee is not paid. DISCIPLINE 1, Ragging and gambling in any form and consumption of any narcotic drugs is strictly Prohibited in the campus. Smoking and consumption of alcohol are strictly prohibited inside the class rooms, office areas and the hostel rooms. 2. Ifa student is found to be disturbing peace and tranquility in hosteV/campus, under the influence of alcohol or otherwise, appropriate action will be taken against him/her. 3. The students will not carry firearms of any kind with them in the campus. if found, appropriate action will be taken against him/her. r 3[Page i IIMS credit weer ican tet BARCHE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RANCHI 4. When a student finds it necessary, due to special circumstances, to spend one night or more outside the campus, within or outside the city, he/she should seek permission from Vice President (Admii tration) well in advance. The VP-Administration Office will provide a form which should be filled up in triplicate and all the copies should be signed by the Vice President (Administration) signifying his assent. One copy should be retained in the VP -Administration Office, the second with the Hostel Office and the student should return the third copy to the \VP-Administration Office on his/her return. 5. Common room chairs, furt ire, newspapers and magazines are not to be removed/ displaced under any circumstances. If anyone is found to engage in such activities, appropriate action will be taken. 6. Playing cricket/hockey/football etc in the corridors must be avoided to safeguard the glass panes around. 7. Glass panes and walls of the dining hall and other places at the hostel premises must not be used for display 1g notices/posters (for which separate notice boards are available in the hostels) without prior permission of the hostel superintendent / hostel representative. In case posters are put after such permission is obtained, care must be taken not to damage the walls and they must be removed promptly after the event. 8. Students must not litter the campus and must use the dustbins provided around the campus to dispose of refuse. 9. The students will be responsible individually or collectively, as the case may be for littering, breakages and damages of any property of the Institute, for which appropriate fine will be imposed. 10. Hacking in any form and sending spam emails inside or outside the Institute is strictly prohibited. 11. Students are expected to maintain proper decorum in the matter of dress and conduct both inside and outside the Institute campus. 12. No loud music will be played after 09.30 p.m. rn 4|Page : IIMS areita wien sears tet een INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RANCHI 13. The terms and conditions of offer of Admission is absolutely clear. The campus rules clearly states that “Students are NOT allowed to bring their Motor Vehicles (Cars and Motorcycles) inside the Campus. Violation of Campus rules will invite disciplinary action. Further Para 1 of offer of Admission clearly mentions that “All admissions to the Institute are treated as provisional in the sense that a candidate who is admitted on the basis of this offer must satisfy all the eligibility conditions, otherwise, his/her candidature would automatically stand cancelled and he/she would be required to withdraw from the programme forthwith.” 14. Boys’ are strictly prohibited from entering the Girls’ Hostel and similarly Girls are strictly prohibited from entering the Boys’ rooms. Any violation of this instruction will be viewed seriously & respective parents will be informed immediately. ANTI RAGGING POLICY “Causing, inducing, compelling or forcing a student, whether by way of practical joke or otherwise, to do any act which detracts from human dignity or violates his/her person or exposes him/her to ridicule from doing any lawful act. By intimidating, wrongfully restraining, wrongfully confining, or injuring him or by using criminal force on him/her or by holding out to him/her any threat of intimidation, wrongful confinement, injury or the use of criminal force.” “Ragging in all its forms is totally banned in this institution including in its departments, constituent units, all its premises (academic, resident sports, kiosks, cafeteria and the like) whether located within the campus or outside and in all means of transportation of students whether public or private. The institution shall take strict action including but not limited to criminal proceeding and/or cancellation of admission against those found guilty of ragging and/or of abetting ragging and the burden of proof shall hereby lie on the perpetrator of alleged ragging and not on the victim. An offence of Ragging may be charged either on a written complaint by the affected or on independent finding of the Anti Ragging Squad. Punishable Ingredients of Ragging: = Abetment / Instigation to ragging = Criminal conspiracy to rag + Unlawful assembly to plan for ragging and rioting while ragging * Violation of decency and morals through ragging 5|Page fa 2 IMS andta wie dears tet y Ee INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RANCHI * Injury to body, causing hurt/mental trauma or grievous hurt = Wrongful restraint * Wrongful confinement * Use of criminal force * Assault as well as sexual offences or unnatural offences. + Extortion * Criminal trespass * Offences against property * Criminal intimidation * Attempt to commit any or all of the above mentioned offences against the victim * Physical or psychological humiliation rat ee Complaints Committee against Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination. It is behavior that is not welcome, is personally offensive, destroys morale and interferes with Institutional effectiveness, Sexual harassment is an unlawful employment practice as per the directive of the Supreme Court. Sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behavior (whether directly or by implication) as: (a) Physically contact and advances (b) A demand or request for sexual favours; (0) Sexually coloured remarks; (d) Showing pornography; (e) Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature. Itis the policy of the Indian Institute of Management Ranchi to provide and maintain a working, environment free from sexual harassment for its participants, faculty, employees, vendors, contractors, citizens and all other programme Participants and employees. In compliance with the Supreme Court Directive, the Institute has constituted a Complaints Committee against Sexual Harassment (CCASH) consisting of senior Faculty members, social activists and staff. The Committee against Sexual Harassment shall address discriminatory behavior, including sexual harassment that they observe or of which they become aware. ‘The Committee will also advise the remedial actions in case of any Complaint including punishment to the offender. 6|Page y y INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RANCHI Conduct and Discipline Rules i IIMS areata wie deer thet RANCHI 1. Discipline This conduct and discipline rules will be applicable in consonance with the Hostel Rules, Academic Administration Rules and for any student related activities. 1.1. Conduct: TIM Ranchi attaches great importance to integrity, good conduct and disciplined life. A sense of responsibility accompanied by a high degree of maturity is expected of all the students. 1.2. Students being the future managers, discipline is of paramount importance. They are expected to be respectful to their batch mates, seniors, faculty members and staff of the Institute. They should refrain from indulging in any act, which may bring disrepute to any person/ community/ sex/ race or the Institute. ‘They are expected to undergo a great transformation during their tenure in IIM Ranchi. Their behaviour should aim for establishment of peace in the environment. At all times they are expected to direct themselves to become better managers; better citizens and above all good human beings continuously striving for community development and growth of the socio-economic conditions of the society. 1.3. Misconduct: The following acts shall be considered misconduct and will invite immediate temporary/ permanent expulsion from the Institute, imposition of fine, suspension/ expulsion depending on the gravity of the misconduct and its consequences. The nature and extent of punishment will be based on the recommendation of the disciplinary committee. 1.3.1. Indulging or inciting or provoking physical violence; riotous or disorderly behaviour; ragging; sexual harassment; making threats in person or over telephone, mobile phones, mail, e-mail or intemet; acts of fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement of funds; illegal/ immoral activities; any other activity directed at any student or staff or faculty/ guests of IM Ranchi or any ‘community deemed to be prejudicial to their interests or person. 1.3.2. Posting of slanderous or libellous or any other objectionable material in e-mail or internet which may likely to provoke or injure the reputation of any person, the institution or the state. 1.3.3. Misuse of Internet facilities as per the IT act. It may also be noted that sending CC to various people to garner support for any issue will also be treated as misuse of internet facilities. 1.3.4. Submitting false medical certificates in lieu of absence from classes. (It may be noted that medical certificates issued by the Institute doctor is only valid. The student must therefore visit the Institute doctor for any medical ailment and enter his/her name in the register maintained by the doctor. Medical certificates issued by the Institute doctor within one week of the ailment having been cured is only valid. The medical certificate issued by the Institute doctor F wilbace he ele MS aredta weer dears thet RANC q AL INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RANCHI garter wx 135, 1.3.6. 13.7. 1.3.8. 13.9. 13.10. 13.11 13.12, 13.13. 13.14. 13.15. 13.16 13.17 13.18. 13.19. must be submitted within a week of the ailment having being cured to the PGP office to condone any absence from class. Medical certificates submitted after one week of the ailment being cured will not be accepted) Removing /tampering or destroying information displayed on IIM Ranchi Notice Boards or giving misleading information of any kind to the stakeholders of IIM Ranchi with an intention to defraud/defame. Possession and /or use of illegal materials like narcotics, firearms and weapons of any kind and description or any article to be used as weapon etc. ‘Smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages and narcotic drugs. ‘Coming to the Institute being in an inebriated condition Engaged in any firm/ organization under any authority or studying in another institute without written permission from the competent authority. Engaged in Ragging Any other activity, including behavioural aberrations outside premises, involving ‘moral turpitude and/ or activities prejudicial to the interest of the Institute or likely to bring disrepute to the Institute or against the interest of the public in general. Habitual absence or late coming to the class/ Seminars/ Talks and programmes organized by the Institute. Use of Mobile Phones in the class rooms is strictly prohibited. Students are not expected to carry mobile phones to classrooms or use them in the classrooms. If any student is found to be in possession of mobile phone in a classroom, the student shall be removed from the class and his/ her mobile phone seized for one month, Further a fine up to Rs.1,000/- would be levied. Indulging in activities and/ or inciting or provoking physical violence, riotous or disorderly behaviour in the class room or any other acts of indiscipline when a session is in progress. The concemed faculty may award temporary suspension of the student from his/ her class, not exceeding one week, and mark the student absent during the period of such suspension. Punishment may include fine of Rs.1,000/- in addition to the suspension as aforesaid. ‘Absence from the Institute without prior permission. Destroying/ damaging/ disfiguring/ pilfering the property of IIM Ranchi. Such action would attract fine equivalent to two times the value of the property damaged/destroyed/pilfered including immediate suspension from the Institute. Misbehaviour with other students’ staff of the Institute/ Faculty/ Visiting Faculty/ Guests. Slander, Libel of any kind intended against the Institute. ‘Any misconduct under the residential rules as described under Hostel Rules. r 8| Page h~ pe IIMS setter woier ears ateft us INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RANCHI 1.3.20. Any other act(s) against the interest of the Institute and acts considered inj objectionable and not in conformity with the law of the land in letter and spi ny a 7 us, 1.3.21. Absence from the hostel without prior permission, including un-authorized week- end absence from hostel 1.3.22, Absence from hostel beyond permissible time of 9.30 pm 1.3.23. Destroying/ damaging the property of the hostel. 1.3.24. Misbehaviour with other students and staff of the mess/ hostel. 1.3.25. Disfiguring walls and furniture etc. of the hostel. 1.3.26. Creating any kind of parochial feelings leading to disharmony among students and staff of IIM Rane 1.3.27. Any breach of hostel and IIM Ranchi rules. 1.3.28. Physical Violence. 1.3.29. Possession/ use of drugs, alcoholic beverages & obscene literature and indulging in obscene acts/gestures. 1.3.30. Keeping/ using two/four wheelers inside hostel or IIM Ranchi premises 1.3.31. Noise through music systems in the hostel. 1.3.32. Any other act against the interest of students in general and prejudicial to the reputation of IIM Ranchi. NOTE:- A. The disciplinary Committee shall decide the nature of punishment, for each misconduct. B. The above list of misconduct is illustrative and not exhaustive. Cases of misconduct and indiscipline pertaining to academics/hostel may be referred to the Disciplinary Committee constituted by the Director for the purpose. Punishments ‘The disciplinary committee may award one or more of the following punishments depending on the nature of violation of rules and instructions. |. Grade drop. A maximum of 3 grade drop may be given by the disciplinary committee. 2. Suspension for a minimum period of two weeks and a maximum period of 4 weeks. During the suspension period, the student will not be permitted to attend classes and will not get attendance. 3. Written warning. After the first warning, a letter will be sent to the parents/guardians indicating the misconduct of the student. If more than three written warnings are given to a student, he/she may be suspended for a period as decided by the disciplinary committee or may be rusticated from the rolls of IIM Ranchi. 4. A maximum fine of Rs 5000/- may b 5. Rustication from the rolls of IIM Ranchi posed by the disciplinary committee. 9[Page RANCHI INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RANCHI 2. Appeal and Process of Redressal of Grievances concerning Academics In case a student has any grievance or feels otherwise aggrieved or intends to make an appeal on application of any of the academic rules, he /she can petition to the Dean within 10 days of application of such rules. The decision of the Dean shall be final and binding on all concerned. Interpretation of the Above Rules ‘These rules are made and shall be construed with an intention to serve in the best interest of the students as well as the Institute as a whole, Whenever the rules are not clear, or there is no specific mention of responsibilities and obligations by the students or by the Institute, the matter will be decided by the competent authority and such decision is final and binding. The Director will be the competent authority for such cases. ‘The Institute reserves the right to delete, substitute or amend any of the rules, procedures without prejudice, which would be brought to the notice of the students through the notice board of the school. Jurisdiction ‘Any disputes or differences present and/ or future arising between the concerned parties ‘hall be referred to the Disciplinary Committee. If any dispute or difference between the concerned parties still subsists or could not be solved as aforesaid, shall be referred to and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Ranchi. Protection of Action taken in Good Faith No suit or prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the Director, any faculty, Vice President Administration, Administrative Officer, Hostel Superintendent and Staff appointed by the Management for anything which is done in good faith or intended to be done under the provision of these instructions in the best interest of the students and the Institute. Approval ‘These rules and regulations have been approved by appropriate authorities of ITM Ranchi upon the recommendation of the ‘Academic Council of Indian Institute of Management. r 10|Page k= = RANCHI INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RANCHI Ly Indian Institute of Management, Ranchi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | the Rules & Regulations of the Indian Institute of Management Ranchi, and have gone through it with utmost care and have understood its contents. | also hereby state and declare that after knowing and understanding the contents of the same clearly and fully, | hereby undertake that | will abide and adhere to the provisions mentioned in the said manual in letter and spirit and will do nothing, which would amount to contravention of any such provision that will bring disrepute to this institute and the profession. have received 1 also undertake to keep IIM Ranchi authority informed about any change of my residential address and telephone number and also my local guardian. | also acknowledge the rights of the IIM Ranchi to change the existing rules & regulations in the interest of the Indian Institute of Management Ranchi. Date: Place: Signature of the Student 11|Page be —— redta weer tears tet i Ramen! INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT RANCHI Li Personal Information Name L RollNo Mobile No: = =e Father’s Name with email Id & contact No: Mother's Name with email Id & contact No: Local Guardian’s Name with email Id & Contact No : 12|Page

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