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Dear Parents,

I am pleased to give you an update about our week 1 lessons and activities in Term 2.

Language & Literacy: In our first week of learning, children were introduced to the new theme: Extinct
and Endangered Animals. Unlocking of new vocabulary was done on the first meeting:

 Extinct Animals - when there are no more individuals of that species alive anywhere in the world
- the species has died out.
 Endangered Animals - animals that are at the risk of extinction. There are so few of them that
they might soon be wiped out altogether.
 Over Hunting, pollution, and loss of habitat leads to extinction.

They were introduced to 2 extinct animals: The Dodo Bird and The Tasmanian Tiger. During the group
discussion, children were showing a high interest in learning about those animals. They watched the
videos and studied about the fact of Dodo Bird and Tasmanian Tiger. After the video showing, the teacher
asked them questions “Why they became extinct?” They said that it is caused by human. The children
were also able to explain that to avoid further loss, we must take care of the animals and their habitat.
Coloring the Dodo Bird using the color pencils and paint the Tasmanian Tiger with the oil pastel was done
as children’ art activity.

These are the facts that were shared in class:

Dodo Bird

1. Dodo bird is extinct.

2. Dodo bird is a flightless bird.
3. They became extinct because they were hunted by the hungry hunters.

Tasmanian Tiger

1. Tasmanian tiger is extinct.

2. It looked like a cross between a tiger and dog.
3. It became extinct because of over hunting.

Numeracy: The focus of this week is subtraction within 10. All children are able to solve simple
subtraction sums using concrete counting materials. The act of doing makes learning extremely personal
for the children; it is more like “real”. All children are able to understand that to subtract means to take
away and count backwards.
Bahasa Indonesia: The topic is about reading the words that is ended by letter “p”; kecap, sedap, cakap,
opsi, kopral, and etc. They are asked to spell those words by playing “run to the whiteboard”. They had so
much fun in learning by playing games. (Topiknya adalah membaca kata-kata yang diakhiri dengan huruf
"p"; kecap, sedap, cakap, opsi, kopral, dan lain-lain. Mereka diminta mengeja kata-kata itu dengan
bermain "runt o the whiteboard". Mereka sangat senang belajar sambil bermain).

On top of these, the learning journey will not be complete without having fun outside the classroom; outdoor
play, water play, and dramatic play class.


Ms. Mia

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