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Blog #5 :

Today, July 2, 2019, getting into the third week of my internship and it’s honestly going
so well. I feel like I am quite productive considering there isn’t very much for me to do
anyway. The drive from my house to the school isn’t terrible either, I can get here in
about 20 minutes. But today I found out that the program ends next Friday instead of two
weeks from now. So now Mrs. Austin and I have to find ways for me to make up the rest
of my hours. We already have a few ideas, like 6th grade registration. I also have
Thursda (fourth of July) off. We aren’t doing very much in class today, just finishing up
“The Mission”.

What I learned/observed? :
- Mrs. Austin was telling me *in her opinion* that kids nowadays lack visual when
you ask them to imagine/visualize something, so when she reads with them she
likes to put up photos/videos that correlate to what they are reading. She does
this to help bring two and two together (visuals & speech).
- When reading students like to use notecards to track their reading
- Poignant​ : happy/sad (emotion)
- The​me​ ——> the ​message
- “This is a 12, you are at a 10, I want you to be at a 6.” Is what Mrs. Austin would
say to the really energetic and loud child.

For homework I have to finish what I hadn’t from last week, complete the card game with
a cheat sheet and rules, Blog #5, and the question of why do we go to school.

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