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DOCUMENT RESUME =D 402 757 FL 024 309 TITLE Kazakh Language Course for Peace Corps Volunteers in Kazakhstan. INSTITUTION Peace Corps, Almaty (Kazakhstan). PUB DATE May 95 NOTE 17ip. PUB TYPE. Guides - Classroom Use ~ Instructional Materials (For Learner) (051) LANGUAGE English; Kazakh EDRS PRICE MFO1/PCO7 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Acculturation; Alphabets: Competency Based Education; Contrastive Linguistics: Conversational Language Courses; *Daily Living Skills: Dialogs (Language); Food; Foreign Countries; Grammar; Health Services; “Interpersonal Communication; Language Patterns; Morphology (Languages); Phonology; Pronuaciation Instruction; Second Language Instruction; *Seconé Language Learning: Telephone Usage Instruction; Transportation; Unconmonly Taught Languages; Vocabulary Development; Voluntary Agencies; *Volunteer Training; Weather IDENTIFIERS "Kazakh; "Kazakhstan; Peace Corps; Shopping ABSTRACT . This guide is designed for Kazakh language training Peace Corps workers in Kazakhstan, and reflects daily communication needs in that context. It consists of an introductory chapter and a series of 10 Lhemebased competency-based Language lessons. The introduction contains background information on the language, its alphabet, the Kazakh people, Kazakh phonology and suorphology, some basic differences between Kazakh and English, and huts on terns of addreas. Each lesson lists the targeted language competencies, targeted grammatical structures, brief dialogues, vocabulary list, cultural notes, and a number of exercises in sente ce completion, pattern drill, and translation. Lesson Topics includer grectinge and introductionss family: food: chopping: clothings invitations and social functions; getting and giving directions; using postal services; weather; and discussing work. (MSE) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made From the original document. Kazakh Language Course for Peace Corps Volunteers in Kazakhstan g ———~ ge "Oley US Peace Corps in Kazakhstan Almaty May 1995 lL 024309 & _pest copy AVAILABLE Compiled by: Bayan Alpysbaeva Bayan Ismagulova Uphilmalik Turguzhanova Supervised by: _ Aiguie Zhakupova f i i i i i t f i i i i i i 5 i 0 i i PREFACE This book is intended to be used in the Kazakh language short-term training program. It was designed and written by a group of highly ‘exporionood instructors who took part in te the Kazakh language to Peace Corps Volunteers in 1993 and 1994, The competency - based education approach and principles of intensive learning form the basis of the curriculum. ‘A competency - based approach focuses on the specific tasks that learners will need to accomplish through language, this approach focuses not only on language, but also on the cultural context and purpose of the communication. The material of the book will help volunteers communicate in every day life in the Kazakh language. The book consists of three parts. The first part has a brief introduction to the Kazakh language. The second part has topics that cover basic living situations. It also includes exercises on phonetics, grammar and vocabulary which will facilitate the acquisition of basic language skills. The third part contains the Kazakh grammar for the students interested in grammatical rules. ‘The authors would appreciate suggestions and additions that might benefit and improve the book. The authors would like to thank Ramziya Kantayeva for her contribution in typing and printing. They also acknowledge the assistance of the US Peace Corps staff in Kazakhstan, especially Mr. Terry Armstrong, Director of Training, and volunteers Erik Giles and Michelle Ostrander in editing the book. KASAK, EIHIH POMISAIEPI BEST COPY AVAILABLE KasaxetTaH Pecny6nukacbiHbly, Memnexettik SH¥paHb! casi xaarannap: Mysabap @nimGaes, Kaabip Mbipsanues, TymaH6ai Mongaranves, >Kappipa Aepi6aesa >Kapanra HaMbicTaH KahapMaH xanbikneis, Asatrpik XONbIHZA XKasIbIHAAN %*KAHbINNEIS. Tarabipain TesideH, TOSakTBIH osineH Amau-cay Kanbinnbia, aMaH-Cay Kanbinnls. KaiibIpmacpl: Epkinajk KbipaHti, wapbikTa, Engikke waktipsin tipaixre! AnbinTeik KYaTbI =~ XANbIKTA, XanbikTeik KyaTel -- Gipnikte! Appakran avacuin, KYpmeTten gaHactil, Baybipra SackaH6bis BapWaHbiK GantactiH, TaTymbik, AOCTEIKTEIH KMeni Beciri ~~ MeiiipGan Yau Grav Kaaaxrit ganacsl! KaiibIpMacel: Epxingik KbipaHe!, WapbikTa, Engikke waksippin tipnixre! Anbintbih KyaTbl -~ XanbiKTa, XanbikTeih KyaTes -- Gipnixte! Tanaige etkepaik, 6TKeHre canayaT, Kenewex raxkalivin, Kenewiek Fanamat! ‘Ap-oxgaH, aXa Tin, eHere-canTEIMI3, Epnix Te, engix Te Ypnakka amaxat! KalbIpMaCbI: Epkinaik KbIpaHbl, WapbIKTa, Ennikke waktipsin Tipnikre! Anbinitei KyaTbl -> XanbikTa, XanbikTeih KyaTbl -- Gipnixte! 6 A Brief Introduction to the Kazakh Language The Kazakh language belongs to the family of Turkic fanguages Together with the Mongolian and Manchu - Tungus languages they form a distinctive language group known as the Altaic languages. Some scholars add Japanese and Korean to this language group. The Turkic languages are divided into Southem, Western, Eastern, Central, and Northern sub-groups. To the Southern sub-group belong Turkish, Turkmen and Azeri. Uzbek and Uighur constitute the major languages of the Eastern sub-group. The Western sub-group is comprised of Tatar, Bashkir, Kardim, Kumuk, and Karachay. The Northern sub-group includes Yakut and Altay. Kazakh, together with Kirohiz, Karakalpak, and Nogay, formes the Central sub-group. The Kazakh Alphabet and Approximate Rules of Pronunciation The Kazakh alphabet contains 42 letters. Until 1929 the Kazakh used the Arabic script, and from 1929 till 1940 a Latin alphabet was used. In 1940 the Kazakhs, like all other Turkic peoples living in the former Soviet Union, were regired to adopt the COyrilic script which is still in use today. For the presentation of sounds non-existing in Russian, Kazakh introduced special letter signs such as / for the palatal i, for u,efor o, ¥ for a short u,@ for a and Fk, x for consonsnts special to Kazakh, The Alphabet, Script, Approximate Rules of Pronunciation Letter Script Pronunciation Aalal fa like a in English “but” aa al 22 like a in English "apple" 56 [b] BE like > in English “best” Be Ml Be like v in English “vase” Tr [ol Tz like g in English “gate” fe gH | FF ilike @ in English “garden”, but pronounced more backwords. This sound is difficult to approximate The student is advised to listen carefully to a native speaker's pronunciation Note: F appears only in words 6 containing back vowels I Aa {d) Dg like d in English “door” Ee [e] ES like e in English “end” E8 [yo] éé like jo in English "younger" ! x fi] 2c we like jin English “journal” 3s [z) 3x like s in English "is" and "was" Min tify) Le represents the si(i] vowels or if] : followed by dty] I a vl ha like y in English "yes" Kx [kK] Rr like ¢ in English “care” 1 KK [al ay x@ ¢ in English “clock”, but pronounced further back An {i At like 1 in English “old” Mu Im] Me like m in English “mother” l He [n] Hn like n in England “no” Hx In] AY like the combination of ng in English hunger I 0 [o] Oo like 0 in English or, hut pronounced shorter Ge [o] Ge ike in German ! Nn [p} Tr like p in English "past Pp fi] B pe like Fin English “arrow” Ce fc} Ge like s in English "summer" i Tr ft} Mire like t in English “top” yy [ul Ye like 00 in English "pool" YW ful ey like English snort “u" i Yy [ul Lye like u in German “uber” oo If] fo like f in English "father", occurs Xx th] FE only in foreian words i hth] ht like fh in English “hat” Un ts} uw like ts in English “its” occurs only in Russian loan words 1 My [8] de pronounced like ch in English “chuch” ww [) Uwe like sh in English "ship" Utuy [5%] Una like sh ch, occurs only in Russian I loan words bit fi) bfoe velar, like in English a (indefinite article) if Jé front i like the i in English “bit” ! 39 fe] a? like e in English ecology, occurs only in initial position of Russian words 1 1010 [yu] tro like yu in English “you” Bs [yal ta like ya in English "yarn" I 8 . i ; 1 THE KAZAKHS: In the early seventeenth century Russians first penetrated into the Kazakh steppes. It took nearly two hundred years to complete their conquest, since the Russians were opposed at every step of their advance by their brave agin (oral poets). After the congest, there were numerous uprisings. One major revolt against Russian rule took place in’ 1816, when the Kazakh were joined by the Kirghiz, Uzbeks and all other Turkic peoples of Russian-occupied Central Asia. Each uprising was met with mass killings and deportations. The Soviet regime, established in 1917, not only continued the colonial policies of the Russian Empire but employed even more brutal methods, depriving the Kazakh nomads of their culture and language. Until 1929, most Kazakhs remained nomadic, although their seasonal movements had been restricted due to land seizures benefitting Russian settlers. Then, in 1930, Stalin enforced his policy of collectivization throuhout the Soviet Union. For the Kazaiche thie policy meant first sedentarization and then collectivization, The harsh measures taken to separate the Kazakhs from their horses and sheep and to move them into re-education camps, resulted in near-genocide. Within two years the Kazakhs lost over half of their population, tneir numbers reduced from four million to less than two million. After the great famine of 1932, only small groups of Kazakhs managed to cross with their herds into Xinjiang, where they continued their way of life, ‘The persecution continued. Between 1937 66,000 Kazakh intellectuals, poets and writers were put to death on Stalin's orders. Again, during World War tl and the years thereafter, Kazakhs perished in large numbers, nat only on the battlefields, but also in prison camps and at home from starvation, The suffering of the Kazakh people was mathed by equally harsh attacks on the environment. The Soviet's systematic exploitation of the natural resources of Kazakhstan led to a depietion of tau and water resources. Large regions of Kazakhstan, such as the Aral Sea region, have become environmental disaster areas. Without regard for the life or health of the population, several regions in Kazakhstan (Semipalatinsk, Sariarqa) were tured into nuclear testing grounds, Despite this history of nearly 300 years of continuous deprivation and suffering, the Kazakhs have not cuccumbed to adversity. On the contrary. they have stood up again and again. On December 16, 1986 Kazakh students demonstrated and openly challenged Moscow's appointment of a Russian to the position of Kazakhstan's First Secretary of the Communist Party. Although the demonstration was brutally crusted, it nevertheless signalled the beginning of similar expressions of national assertiveness in all the republics of the former Soviet Union, leading to its final break-up, In the face of severe adversity, the Kazakhs also preserved their most precious cultural trait: the love of poetry, songs and music. There is hardly a Kazakh, man or woman, who does not love to sing and play the dombira (a two-stringed lute). Despite all hardships they did not lose their fondness for music. If two Kazakhs meat, they sing and challenge each other on the dombira. The ancient tracition of inprovising poetry, sung to improvised melodies, is still practiced in poetry-singing contests called aytis. These contests ‘are now being revived, with contests for accomplished poets (agin), as well as for young children. Another notable characteristic of the Kazakhs is their decorum in greetings and terms af address. They have a saying, ‘in a man's greetings lies his character”. Therefore, anyone who wants to know the Kazakhs well needs to become acquainted with their system of greetings and terms of address. tu mao eee eee ees ee Letters that Might Be Mistaken for English Ones ‘There are certain letters in the Kazakh alphabet which can easily be confused with English letters, because of a similar shape. Remember: Kazakh English B- M Bb - [b] Fe - [gh] Ft Mw - uu - fu) Ha = In] Hh - {h) Pp - fr) Pp - {p) Ce - fs} Co - can be [k] w- bl Yy - fai] i] x fh) X= [ks] Kazakh Vowels Kazakh ts nine vowels: a, 2, €, i, bt, 0, & ¥, ¥: ‘The sounds # and y are called diphthongoids by some linguists. The sound y ieconeidered a semi-consonant hy others. AS such it can appear between vowels, as in “ays” mouth. Kazakh vowels are generally pronounced short. Vowels followed by the consonant # are pronounced long. e.0. va [ull The vowels are divided into back (hard) vowels: a, 9, ¥, bt front (soft) vowels: ...9 8, ¥, i, &. It is impotant to remember this classification as the law ‘of vowel harmony is based o Consonants 25 of the 42 letters of the alphabet are consonants. ‘They are divided into 3 groups: voleeless: KK, 1, 6, T) XM, , Ws Ut voiced: 1, 6,3, 8 sonorants: 2, M, H, B, i, ¥ ‘Some consonants came into Kazakh from the Russion language: 8d, MY, Wh id The consonant x usually occurs in words borrowed from the Arabic, Russian and other languages. Very often x is replaced by the Kazakh k, @.9: Oul-Kow., xan-KaMl, DAXMeT-DaKMeT Vowel Harmony The Law of Vowel Harmony (syngarmonism) is characteristic of all Turkic languages. According to the Law the first vowel of a word determines the character of the remaining vowels. If the first vowel is back, the remaining vowels are back too, as in Gana (child), artim (English), kaiitanay (repeat), 2xymeic (work). All the syllables in these words are hard. if the first vowel is front, the remaining vowels are front, as in exe (father), Trciny (understand). It follows that Kazakh words will either contain back or front vowels. If a word has both back and front vowels, like mvranie (teacher), xitan (book), paxmer (thanks), it is of foreign origin. Consonant Assimilation Assimilation consists of one sound being either totally or partially made simitar to another. The main types of change are the following. 1. When suffixes with the initial consonants 1-, 6-, M-, H-, 2 ~ are added to stems with a final consonant, the initial consonant of the suffix is assimilated to the stem final consonant. For example, after voiceless consonants ( -n, -T, -C, -*, plural suffix + nap/ + nop changes to + Tap /* rep. -k) the arénap “horses” > arrap Kiranrap+nap “books” > xirantap after voiced consonants { -3, =, -A, -M, olural suffix is changed to + 2ap/ + aep: 4) the -xeurtnap “years” > xuinaap swarnap “girls” > kaaap ilar rules of consonant assimilation exist for all other suffixes with the above mentioned initial consonants. These rules will be given in the "Grammar Explanation” chapters. 2, There is a general voicing of K/k to r/F Tapak "comb" Taparum wisi "go out” wbiFy ‘The consonant - 1 voices to 6 between vowels kiran "book" kira6wim “my book” xen ‘many, all” - Ke6imig "most of us” Major Characteristics of Kazakh Agglutination Kazakh, like all other Turkic languages ie an agglutinative language. A characteristic feature of these languages is the large number of so-called “stickers” - suffixes which are added to the unchangeable root of the word. Suffixes can go on being piled on a word one after anotner, each of the suffixes having its definite meaning. Example: Ganatnap+umels+ Fa - Gananapemeisra * to our children” axetneptimistre - axenepimisre "to our Fathers” Agglutination occurs also in the inflectional Indo-European languages. But in contrast to the Turkic languages, the suffixes added are poly-functional. For example, the ending - s in English denotes 3 functions: 1) plural, as in guides; 2) genitive, as in guide's, 3) 3-d person singular in the verb, as guides, The Turkic principle of agglutination is strikingly regular and consistent. For example, only one plural suffix (+ nap/ + nep ) exists to be added to nouns, pronouns or verbs ( in tense or mood formations, as yienep - "houses", Oipey+nep “somebody, some people”, xasbntaap “you all write” (+ nap _ is changed to + ap ) Suffixes are usually arranged in a strictly prescribed order and are eubject to regular phonetic changes, ie. vowel harmony and consonant assimilation. As soon as the students have learned a number of root-words and suffixes, they will be able to form new words. Without the help of a dictionary they will also be able to analyse and understand words and word formations. For example, in tne Kazakh word xyMbicceaabik the students will recognize + ux asa suffix forming abstract nouns comparable to English - ness [-hood or -dom, as in “childiessness”, “childhood”, “freedom”. The preceeding suftix + cua stands for “without”, xxvMeic + the root or base word means “work” therefore xxvMbiccbianbik is to be understood as “state of being without work”, ie. “unemployment” Suffixes in Kazakh, like in all other Turkic languages, consist either of a closed syllable (see examples given above) or an open syllable, as the endings for the locative case (*9@/ tae, + Ta/ Te) and the dative case (+ ra/+re). Suffixes formed by one vowel or consonant are rare. On account of the phonetic rules of vowel harmony and assimilation, each 2 4 ww ‘Accordingly all suffixes in Kazakh can be divided it a) suffixes containing the vowel a or e, as e.g. the negative suffix in verbs -ma/-me (: -na/-ne, -6a/6e): ar “take”, an-ma (dont+take); ep “give, Gep-me (dont+give). Sequence of Sutfixe: ‘A Kazakh word may have several suffixes ,each with its own meaning, the order of these is quite fixed. The first suffix to be added is the plural, as Ganatnap “children”, iHi-nep “younger brothers”. The next suffixes are personal endings, as Gana+m “my child”, init “my younger brother”. If both are employed then Ganatnaptem, ininepim is the result. Case endings are in the third rank and come after plural and possession, thus: Ganatnaptemtnan Ganapbimnan “trom my children” initneptianwen ixinepimnen “trom my jounger brothers” Oposition Between Verbs and Nouns Kazakh like ell Turkic languages, observe a strict separation between verbal iand nominal stems or base words, Le. all words are classified into two opposite groups, verbs and nouns. The opposition between these two word categories can best be characteriged by mathematical signs, verbal stems (Kem - “to come") are designated by ‘a minus sign and nominal stems by a plus sign (xyeict “work"). In order to maintain the rigid division between nouns and verbs Kazakh has two sets of suffixes: a) suffixes which can only be attached to verbal stems (deverbal suffixes); b) suffuxes which can only be added to verbal stems (denominal suffuxes). The deverbal suffixes are divided into: a) deverbal verb suffixes: -bin/-in denoting the passive mood of the verb: Gac - “to press", Gactuu - “to be pressed”; ) deverbal noun sutfixes: -ma+/-me+(=na+/+ne): Gac- “to press", but Gac-ma + > Oac-na + ‘pressure; printing; press. lary, the denominal suffixes are separated into: a) denominal noun suffixes, as e.g., + wa+/+wit denoting a person who does something habitually or prottessionally with the thing or object expressed in the preceding noun erik “boots*, erix+wi “one who makes boots or shocs, shoemaker"; xvMbic "work", xvMBCtutbL “vorker". b) denominal verb suffixes, as e.g. +na-/+ne (also:(+7a-/+Te) , 8 i expressing the idea of doing (making) something with the preceding noun: ic + *work*, ictre “to make" (literally: to make work). ‘As the above examples illustrate, in Kazakh, unlike English which can form verbs (*a find*) and verbs from nouns ("to face” without morphologocal changes, the firmly fixed boundary between verhs and nouns can be crossed by means. of appropriate suffixes. STRESS Kazakh employs different stress rules for noun and verb formations. In noun formations [i.e., stem (+plural ending) + (possessive ending) + case ‘ending] the last syllable (= suffix or ending) is stressed: Tay* ("mountain") + map "mountains Taytmaptra “to the mountains" ‘As a general rule, in verb formations (e., mood and tense) the stress falls on the syllable before the persons! ending which is unstressed: xen+renmin * {have come” If the verb formation contains the negative suffix -ma/-me; -63/-Ge; -na/-ne the stress generally moves to the syllable preceding the negative suffix: kentmesrenmint “Ihave not come” kentme * don't come” xentmenis “please don't come”. MAIN DIFFERENCES BETWEEN KAZAKH AND ENGLISH 1, Kazakh has no gender. 2. Kazakh has neither a definite nor indefinite article. 3. English modal verbs "can, could, may, might, shall, should, must" do not ‘exist in Kazakh. Each of these words roguires a rephrasing in Kazakh. For example "| must go" is rendered as "My going is necessary": Gap-y+um KepeK 4 4, Kazakh has no verb “to have, to not have" Instead it uses the phrase: my s0-and - so cxiste (does not exist): xira6tum ap (xx0K) 9. Instead of prepositions Kazakh uses postpositions. English “after scholl” is rendered as exrenten Keitin 6. Kazakh has no dependent (subordinated) clauses. Neither does it have subordinating conjunctions. An English dependent clause “when he came” is rendered as “at hic coming” xen-rensinsge or xen-rentae English relative clauses correspond in Kazalh to attributive phrases: xxa3-FaH agam... “the man who wrote..." (lit: the having written man). 7. Kazakn has two forms of the second person. familiar cen and polite ciz. This is expressed in the noun and verb personal endings, as GanaH - Gana-Hs your son xagabiqnap - xa9nblHusnAp you wrote xen > Keninia come 8. When a noun is used with numerals or the words xen “many” the noun takes no plural endings, as in on crymext ten students xen Kiran many books 9. A double negative is used in Kazakh when expressing negation. A sentence may have negative words ew7ene “nothing” ewkia “nobody”, oF ewkanaait “never” and the negative sutfix -ma/-me or the negativee word 2xOK Ewin kenmeai Nobody came ( lit.: Nobody not came) Benmene ewkisa xoK. Nobody is in the room 10, in Kazakh the predicate is always at the end of a sentence. Men xian oKyptt like reading a book yHaTamellt (lit book reading like). 1s 16 -— wm we ee oe eee a ee Terms of Address among the Kazakhs Kazkhs, lke oiler Turkic peoples of Central Asia, address each other with kinship terms which differentiate between younger and older persons. ‘These terms of address are used both alone and in addition to a first name or title. For exampie, when a young Kazakh offers his seat on the bus to an older man, ha says, Arai ,oTnipuiina! “Respected elder (lit: respected older brother), please sit down!” An older woman will be addressed by a younger person with anaf “respected lady (lit: respected older sister)” The same terms are used to address a male teacher (arai) and femate teacher (anaii). Addressing younger people Kazakhs use the following kinship terms: iin of Gayman my younger brohter", Kapsinas. cume *my younger sister” (by a man; cit. “my younger sister* (by a woman). If the person being addressed is the same age as the speaker, the terms used are KypGsim. Kypaachi, samangacun “my co-equal” Kazakhs use the above terms primaliry when other Kazakhs or other Turkic peoples. Foreigners who speak Kazakh and demonstrate an understanding of the Kazakh culture will also be addressed with kinship terms, i.e. they will be accepted into the Kazakh family. Kazakh elders, who are demonstratively fond of children, will address the young with Ganan “my son, my Child” Keshia “my caughter"They will use elaborate terms of endearment, such as wsiparbim “my light", kankam “my shield”, Sora “my little camel", Kostim my little lamb” or KyAbiNeine “my little foal”. The most touching term of endearment which Kazakh elders use with children is afmaaiiun “my dearest, my precious onc” (lit | will turn around you in an act of sacrifice, i.e., | will sacrifice myself for you). TOPIC 1 AMAHJACY, TAHBICY, KOLUTACY GREETINGS, ACQUAINTANCE, LEAVING Competencies:: 1. To exchange greetings 2. To introduce yourself and others 3. To depart and say goodbyes Grammar: Personal Pronouns (Singular- 1st, 2nd) in Genitive Case interrogative Pronouns Personal endings (Singular- 1st Person) Cardinal Numers 1-10 It is required to know how the Kazakhs greet one another because in many Kazakh communities you will be measured by your grectings. The young should always speak first. The men always shake hands. The women usually don't shake hands ‘when greeting and being greeted. For Kazakhs, life is changing 80 that these days it is acceptable for some women to shake hands (it a woman doesn't shake your hand, don't worry she is trying to maintain Kazakh traditions). Among the young a short greeting is widely used "Cenem!” “Hil”,"Hello!”. DIALOGUES A - Canamatepis 6a? ~ Canamarcws fal a, 2 ene ~ Kaxcbi. Paxmer! Cis we? = Kakeu. Paxmet! + Cay Gonentis! - Cay Gonbititss! + Awanous 627! - Amanceis 6a! + Mexin artim Bar. > Gigi areas Kina? + Meni aTbim Alexie. - Kammineis Kanai? + Kakcul. Paxmer! Cis we? = Kaman emec. PaxMer. ~ Cay Gonbintia! + Cay Gonbintia! wid - Accanaymaraneiixya! - Ya-Anelikym accanam” + Cigain areineis in? + Meni aria Pow. + Ore xakonl. Cis Kaiinanceis? + Men Amepukananmenm, Cis we? - Xow kenninia! Mew Kasacrannanmem, Kansiiers Kanal? = Paxmer! Kaxcol! cis we? - Kynatiea wivkip. Cay Gonuineia! ~ Cay Conse. D + Asena, cone! - Canen, Laypen! + OMbin att xim? + Onin arei Naren, Common Phrases and Words: Amancoa 6a? Canamarcuis Ga!? greetings (widely used both old young) How do you! Hello! Are you well? >KaKoet Fine, welt Paxmer! thanks, thanks Cay Bonnnnsa! Good bye! bye-bye! Kow Bye-bye! Kow., cay Gon! Good bye! Fare well! Kout, cay Gonbitss! (Polite form) Kou! kenainisnep! Welcome! Ar + Name Arba - my Name Men - | Meni - |, My Cis - You (Polite form) Cisaik - You,your On - he/she One - his/her Kaiinan? where. fram Katinalonis? + (Polite form 2nd Person} Kan kana? - How are You? ~—Kauitists Kanai? - (Polite form) Cex we? = And You? Cis we? - And You? (Polite) Kaman emec - Not bad Kyaavira wrxip - I'm fine (literaly: Thank you God) Note: Omit Kyaatira to sound | formal (literally to not use God's name} 19 Accanaymaranefixym! - traditional greeting among the Muslim (men) it means: (Literally: | wish you peace!) Ya-anevixym accanam! - the answer to this traditional Muslim greeting. Muna, meiway = This Bra Interrogative Pronouns Kim? Ki? Interrogative Kim? refers to human beings and their occupation. He? — Usually refers to things, animals, birds, and plants ete The Kazakh language used the cyrylic alaphabet but, because some sound cannot be made with the regualar 33 cyrylic characters there are 9 additional letters. — Exercise 1. Read these letters and compare them Oo -e6 Ke- Kx bh i Hw + HH Yy - Yy -¥y Xx- on 2 «2h Exercise 2, Read the following words Aa Ava, apa, ara, anma apin, axe, aantep, Kepi, xepnem, ene, ana, carat, AcaH Cayne, anemi, anic, maxinic, Gapi, epnne Qo Ca Or, opra, Kon, OpbiH oceiM, on, xKoCNap pik, egim, Kes, ces, Tep, TepT, Kepy, Ken ere, Genex, Mennip, Orerex, Omipsak bi, wt lea blapic, xin, MbIK, ayBIs 1s, ini, tpi, Kipy, ei, Gini, ceria, haypois, xinbi, KbIC, TaHbICy e3repic, Tic, cia, Gia, Kin, Kinem, ip vy aa YY Ty. cy, Gy, Tary, Ym Ye. TYpy, Yim YA, YAKEN, YH, 279, SIM, Gapy,xyuny, WY KYO, HYMBIC, AYE KS, HEBYs HHH, FrGiMy te FF Fyn, Taynap, Fyacim ara, carat, TOFbIS, MaFaH, FaCbIp, FapbiLuKep KK KK Kipy, Keny, xexrem xviey, kuin, KelineX Kana, Kanam, Kbi3, KaWaH, KACKbIP, KanbIK, KYTTBIKTAAMBIH, KBIDBIK; KBISBIK, KbICKE How HH Haw, He, Hewe, HeWiMuli, xaWa, TaH, TaHepTeH, MAHLISAL, OHbIK, vegix, merisri, Hypnak MeHiK, HAM, OH, ENeH; aH Xx b Xar, xanwik, xa6ap. Taynap, xmas Exercise 3, Read the following words and write them in alphabetical order Apa (bee), ana (older sister), ava (mother), cana ° (quality), Gana (child son) kana (town, city), cape (yellow), aapi (medicine), rapax (hair brush, comb), rvn (lower), Kewe (street), yaxeir (time), ayois (mouth), Kaaioni (dear, respectable), xvfey (husband), esrepic (change); vsinic (break), 21 © rs | <_< — ow me om os me eo oe oo xyenny (wash), KyaHy( to be glad), ymury (to forget), Tanbicy (to meet), orGace: (family), apne (of corse), mvaxin (probably), Gipak (but), GonaeikraH (that's why), ceGen (reason), naTep (apartment), nepae (curtain), caycax (finger), moiium (neck), Twie (camel), rime (button) Exercise 4 Read the following words and divide them into 2 groups, place the words with the soft vowels to the right, and with the hard vowels to the left Model: 1 u >asyuse! mexren xasyus (writer), mexren (school), avicex6i (Monday), oKynbiK (textbook), ordace! (family), xesaecy (to meet), Genme (room), Tame (button), Rapoimaec (sister), Ganeix (fish), TayhK (chicken). okvwiy (student), Ky ttoenter), orepy (to sit), xypy (to go), Kawan (when), TaHy + (to recognize), Taticy (to get acquainted) Exercise 5 Read the fulluwing words and divide them into 3 groups 1) voiceless consonants 2) voiced consonants 3} sonorants cos (word), Kew (evening), 6rriv (today), Kapsmaac (sister), mbicerk (cat) ron (lake), kere (winter), a9 (summer), x3 (autumn), KexTem (spring), prove (hot), Mase (May), mayceim (June), Kenip (bridge). A (house) Capaii (palace), waw (hair), aiir (tell) , Ger (page, face), Nos (eye), enen (song): 23 Grammar Personal Pronouns Singular Plural Ist Men Bis 2nd Cen Cennep Cis Cisaep 3rd On Onap Exercise 6, Read aloud and translate Mounay xine? Motway - Mew. Menin arom Avia, Motway - cen? Cenix aren Cepix, Cisy vay vsiey QD . Personal endin Momay - cis. arbi Bas. Mvinay He? The Predicate in Kazakh will be any wort! to which you add a personal ‘ending (Singular |st,2nd) and it's placed at the end of the sentence e.g: 23 24 —_ — oo a oo on on ot eo oo on oe oe oe “TT nn En ee ne ee Ke Singular Ist Men oxywiortnabin 2nd Cen oKyweltceit Cis okywrt cars 3rd On oxywist Jam a student You are a student You are a student he/she is a student Exercise 7. Read aloud and translate Mex Ganamein Cex Ganacun Cis Ganacuis On Gana Mex myraninein Cex tavraninacin Cis mveanincis (On sveanine Exerciee 8, Write the personal endings On ani @ Cis nopirep. | Men anusl .. [UY On aepiren... IB Cio anu Men nepiren. oni - singer opirep ~ doctor Cex xasyuel.. Cis xasyuel (On xasyutet xasyubl - writer Exercise 9. Read and translate. Find the personal endings. A. Canamarcus Ga! Mew Gmunuui, Men Amepixaaanmol. Men svraninanit Cis we? 2, Amanouis 6a? Mex Jlopa Axkonconmun. Mex Myfanimmin. Men Amepvxa- anmelt, Cay GonbIHb3! B: Canem! Mew Kapnmuix. Mei AmepuxanaHmolt. Men ecenwimin, Kasip (now) oxyuseimein. CeH we? Cay 1 - Gip 6 - anter 2 - exi 7 - xerti ow & cera 4 - repr 9 - ToOFEIs ¢: ie tole 2 253 ral Exercise 10. Read aloud the following words. Pay particular attention to the different sounds. Sip - 6ep vw = yw rept - Tep 6ip - Gap vu - va rept - Top Sip - 6i9 vw - YP yept = Topr exi - ecki yw - ow rept - opr exi = ¥Ki yu - aw tepr - rapt Gec - 6ac antel - yaTel ceris - carsis Ges - 600 antl - aut —Geris - CFs Gec - Kec amtel - xapToi —ceris = KOHbIS Gec - rec xeti - xeT! TOFS ~ TOHFLIS Gec - Ges anu - worl oH - OH OH - OR OK = YH OH - OT OM = OH Exercise 11. Read aloud in Kazakh 10., 5, 4.3.2, 1; 2 noc {friend), 10 raysik (hen), dag a 3 va (flower), Pe 4 Gana (child) Exercise 12. Read aloud and translate the phrases 10 iran 9 vari 8 kus 8 ur 4 noe 3 nepirep 2 mice 7 nmmon 5 okywe! tran 26 25 Exercise 13. Count from 1-10 and back from 10-1 Exercise 14. Read and answer the question In Kazakir What time? Carat Kanwia/ Hewe? carat 6ip carat exi —carar Ge carat ants: —_carar ceri = Kewipinis, carat ewe? - Carat 10. - Paxmer! carat -__ time, clock, watch Kewipinis - excuse me (formal) Cannap. Numeral 11 - on Gip 20 - -«vuipma 1000 - wei 12 = on ex 30 = ores 2000 - oxi taut 13 - on vw 40 + Kbipeik 3000 - ys mei 14 - 8 TopT 50 - eny 4000 - TepT MoH 15 - on Gee 60 - annuc 000 - Gee mein 16 - on ante: 70 - xeric 6000 = ante: mom 17 - on xeri 80 - cexcen 18 - on ceris 90 - ToKcan 1,000, 000 - mannvon 19 - on TOFS 100-03. 1, 000, 000, 000 - mananapa Exercise 15. Count from one to a hundren in Kazakh Exercise 16, Repcat and anewer these math problems in Kavakh.! = Gonaaei + Kooy 90-20 = 100-30 60-45 76-12 44-4 85-35 2 27 The Kazakh Family In the Kazakh Family, the father was the head, surrounded by his many children, married sons and their children, alll living together as a family unit in nearby yurts, During the years of Soviet rule, the Kazakh family suffered many changes. Instead of occupying stately yurts, the Kazakhs have had to move Into crowded houses of poor quality. Young people from the countryside move into the cities for education opportunities and better living conditions, leaving behind their parents and grandparents, breaking family ties. Housing for young couples is not available in Almaty. As in other towns and cities, the housing shortage is so severe that even couples who have been married for many years have only a single room to call home. This housing situation has limited the size of the Kazakh urban family, which now usually consists of the parents and two children. There is seldom raom for grandparents. Since both parents work, they had, until recenty, no choice but to leave their children in kindergartens where the only language of communication was Russian in the countryside a family still includes three or sometimes four generations, and the number of children is between five and ten. These rural children have been growing up in a Kazakh environment, while a whole generation of young urban Kazakhs have been raised without knowing much of their mother tongue - although this is now changing. The humber of Kazakh schools and kindergartens in Almaty and other urban centers is increasing, and the emphasis is on the revival of Kazakn traditions. These traditions include the celebration of holidays. When a child is born a feast called shildehana is held. Forty days after the birth the family invites female guests for the besik salar, marking the day the child is first put in its cradle. On the first day af school the ti! ashar is celebrated Together with all other Central Asians, the Kazakhs are again celebrating their traditional New Year (Nauryz) on Match 22, after being banned for over seventy years. All Kazakh celebrations feature a dombira player to play and sing Kazakh songs. An agin (oral poet) might also be present to improvise songs dedicated to the person honored at the feast. Ad bo a7 TOPIC 2 OTBACbI FAMILY, Competencies: 1. To ask, answer and describe ones family 2, To ask about ones host/counterpart's family Grammar: 1. Possessive endings of Nouns (Singular |) 2. Locative case 3. Interrogative sentences with particle -ma/me? -6a/6e? -na/ne? -we? axe 2- aw, 1 3 hemepe Gananap 4 pm uia6ene f.. * va BR, Fees a ww : A + Cisge or6acei Gap ma? B. = Ciane or6acei Gap ma? = oR, ment Saceim 6oc. c. = Cigne or6ace! Gap wa? = Kok, MeH Gomnaknel o. = Cigne ava 6ap ma? = Ma, Gap. = On Hewene? + On 84-Te (ceKceH TeprTe). = Onpirt ator xi? + Onwi are Axopax. E - Cigge Gana Gap ma? = Ma, mexne 6ip Ya, 6ip Kui3 Gap. = Onap newene? = Koiabim 12-ne, vnbim - 8 Ze oréaces family ini younger brother {Gor a man) ara grandfather 6aysip younger brother (for a woman) axe arand mother kapsinaae younger sister (for a man} one father cinni younger sister (for a woran) wowe,ana mother seven nephew. niece exe-wewe — parents Hara! uncle (for a mother's brother) Gana child xviey husband ya boy, son vey xir'r ‘groom Kosa girl, daughter xen daughter-in-law Memepe _grandson/daughter xeure sister-in-law wo6epe —_greatgrandson Kansinaeik brice ara brother (for a father’s brother) ana sister vey 6ana son in-law Mentae I have. (daughters husband) Cis+ae You have... (younger sister's husband) Hewe tae? How old? xeae brother-in-law ap Yes/ | have {elder sister's husband) Kok no/ | haven't) GoanaK bachelor, unmarried (man) ‘YineHreH xOK single, unmarried (man woman) 30 29 ‘The Kazakhs traditionally didn’t answer when asked about their family and the number of children for religious reasons, 1) they didnt want to anger God, 2) they were afraid of getting the “evil eye.” They usually won't tell you: “I have a big family or | have many children” In some parts of Kazakhstan this tradition remains, but younger people should give you a straight answer. Here are a.few words about the relatives of a husband and wife. “Kalo -Kaitel ara (Kaninara)” 1s usually used for an elder brother of @ husband or a wife, “kaiium cin’ -for a younger sister of a husband, “xaiiele ara" - for fathers of the husband or wife, “xavtem ene” for mothers of the husband or wife, “Kaiibiw xvpr" - close relativies of @ husband or a wite. “oxeHre" - elder brother's wife. Exercise 1. Pay particular attention tothe pronunciation of the following words exe axap wewe Hewe xneH —>XHbIH Khia KbIC wawy awy xesne ana 3 Ke3 ie kvney Kvity ac xa3 kim Kinin Kenin Kasei ava ke cen eH araul waraWie! ara ana wah eit kon kan era ana con can Koo kyity bin SIME! nin anan kokinai xerinaip Ger 6ec aiwex @pHeK xOK aK wen weGepe Exercise 2, Read aloud and transiate into English: Muniay or6ace: Muay axe Mex wee. Meinay Gananap (Gana-Gananap Pltorm). Miimay ara, Onuit ars Onxac. Mbiiay ini, OHbIK are! InAAc: Molay Kapsinnac. Meiay ana. Moay citi, Exercise 3. Look at the picture and answer the questions. 5 Mpinay.... Motay Monay .. MbIHAY KIM? Memay- Muttay Exercise 4. (See Introduction and revise the possessive form.) Read, translate, and pay particular attention to the words in pairs so that you can understand the possessive endings. A axe axem ara ara Kapbinaac KapbiNfaceim Saysip = Gaysipuim cima cinnine ana anam ara aram va vim axe axem wewe wewer KeIs KpIsbiN Hemepe — Hemepem xviey ——_kviteyit B. axe axenis ara araHbs Kapbingac Kapeingacente!s Gaysp —- Gaybipamtsis cixai cinninis ana anaes ara ara va Yawiteis eis KEISBIHbIS, Hemepe — Hemepenis Exercise 5. Name the Kazakh words that match the pictures and repeat the words with the possessive endings. Moniay Men Meni arsim Apman. in, at 32 Exercise 6. Add Possesive endings for the Singular first and second person (polite form) and transiate into English. Meni axe... Meni ara... Meni cisni.. Meni Hewepe... Meni Kpise Menin va... Meni, Kapuinaac... Meni aiien... Menitt xviiey Menin Kameinnsik/. Meni aepirep.. Menin MBicuiK/€. Meni Taybix/e... Meni carat... Cisnin exe... Canin ara... Cisai cin... Ciagid Kapemnnac. Cispix ater. Ciapix xvitey.. Cisni Kanuinaein/€. Cisain aepirep. Cisnit moicuik/F. Cisnin TaysiK/e.. Cisain carar. Exercise 7. Translate into Kazakh using the possesive forms. 4. My husband. 2. Your father. 3. My son. 4. Your little sister (for a man). 5. My younger sister (for 2 woman). 6. My family. 7. My grandson. 8. My doctor. 9. Your teacher, 10. My dog. 11. Your child. 12. My cat, 14. Your wife. 15. Your grandmother. Exercise 8.Change the underlined words and then create and translate sentences with the words. EXAMPLE: — Cigne axe Gap ma? A. Ciane orGachi Gap ma? EXAMPLE: Ara Hewene? B. On newene? axe Gana, Kua, Yn ini, cinni kapermac wewe ara axe ara Kanes, ara axe weue Gana kansiHnbik oxy 323 (example: Hewene?) ‘According to the laws of Vowel Harmony the choise of suffix (given below) depends on the vowels in the word, Usually these suffixes are used for the locative case Vowels or Hard. sexampie: soft example: last letter vowels vowels Vowels -aa anveina Ae ceriane land voiced xmuipwana oreis Oipae lconsonants \Voiceless—-ta annwcta “Te. eny Gecre: lconsonants oIDBIKTA on vurre ‘Anus on Gecte. Aram xeTnic cerisae. exeHis annwic ToFLISaa. aKeHis Koipbik ekine. Wewem oTeis anuina. Acak xvbipmaga. On xmbipma exine. Execise 9. Read, translate, and define the suffixes. Cinnim Kuipuikta. Qocsim xnbipMa TeprTe. Exercise 10. Choose a pronoun from column one with a noun from column two and end with the interogative weweae to make a question? ‘Then answer your question, choosing trom column three using the locative endings (-Aa, -2e, -7a, Te). EXAMPLE:1. Meni oxen wewene? 2. Cisaix anonus newene? axe nemepenia aracel kapeinaaceit, kvheyi amen Kansinabirem anax innit napirepia oKyuil saveaniio Fanuim6ex Mapuax Xanga ann 33 1, Meni axem annuic ering 2. Meni anam ornia TepTre. 3, Onoi Kapbinaace! Hewene? 3. OxbiH KapbiKaace! On Cerisae. “Be annuic xeri vw 8 xmbipma 6ec o7bi3 TepT, Toca exi ok ceria kbp ANTE ey oTb9 6ip Kbipbik TEPT xnipa 6p Orbis er on eri ToKcaH dkiBIPMA TOFS on ceria 3d -aa ora -re Play the crossword “OTBACEI" ACROSS: 1. The girl who is going to marry. 3. Father's father or mother’s father. 4, Elder brother or wife. 5, Sister-in-law (of younger brother) 6. Elder siuter. 7. Son.s or daughter's child (for our parents) 8. Younger sister (of a woman) 9, Father. DOWN: 1, Daughter-i mother. 2. Younger sister (of a men). 5. Husband, 9. Mother's or father's mother. 10, Elder sister's husband. 11. Elder brother's wife. 12. Younger brother (of a man) law's or son-in-law's REVISION Exercise 12. Read, translate and answer the questions. 1. Cisain aruiness Ki? 7. Ontuin ares Kita? 2. Cis kakwanacsia? 8. Cisne Gana Oap ma? 3. Cis Hewenecis? 9, Banas wewene? 4, Cisne or6acei Gap ma? 10. Oxbin arpt Kim? 5. Cisne oxe Gap ma? 11. Ciane carat Gap ma? 6. axekis Hewene? 12. Carat Kanwia/Hewe? In Kazakh interrogative sentences begin with the words Kim? He? KaHwa? Hewe? etc. or by adding the intorrogative particles ma/me? 6a/6e? we? na/ne? Vowels in the words or the Hard examples soft examples last letter a pa | ma | capa ma? me | ra me? - vowels i a5 a Px, 3,M,H Ga | Kbo 6a? xaa 6a? |6e | «vn Ge? oven 6e? aaam 6a? HaH 6a? cos 62? KK, 0, Gt, x) na | Puvapa na? ine_| ut ne? Gec ne? uM, WL .F.6.8 Moicpik na? xar na’ repr ne? SouK ne? Exercise 13. Add the interrogative particles to the following then read and translate. . Cisge Gana Gap ...? Moittay wveanin ...? Cisne orGaces 6ap ...? . Cigne iran 6ap ...? Mointay axe ...? Moitay aranis ...? Mew Kasagcrannannaein? Cis ...? 1 2 3. 4, 5. 6. Moinay KpisbiHbi3 ...? a 8 9, 10. Mainay Spi ...? 11. Cisne ut Gap ...? 12 Cisne ara Gap ...? 13, Muikay Kappingaceines ...? 14. Maway aiieninis .. 15. Methay xviieyinis ...? 16. Maivay Besepna ...? 17. Cisnik, attsiis CoosaH 18. Cioaiit aruntia Keun ...? 19. Oxia are! Tpevicn ...? 20, Cisne mbiceiK Gap ...? Exercise 14. Change to the interrogotive form by adding the interrogative particle and correct pronoun. Kanwa? Kanai? Kaiaan? 1. Metnay rv. 2. Carar win 3, Ciane Hemepe Sap. 4, Cignin atoisia Natpin. 5, Mbixay MBICEIK. 35 6. Cis AmepuKanancess. 7. Cisne nt 6ap. 8. On xnuipma xerine. 9. Ontin asi aypen. 10, Ciani aTeinsis Banopa 36 Mamanawikrap - profession Ecenuii axonor anwi asyut ey MBICWIE! wapya kuramerkep >sevprisytui MeHrepywii Gactaik opei6acap Fanti OxtITYUubI MYFanita Tinwi aynapmaus vinxenep carywiet nepirep cyperuii Myciwi Tirluui ToKbIMaUb acnasuibi Yuukeiu seiinerKep counter, book keeper ecologist singer writer worker farmer clark river manager boss assistant scientist teacher correspondent interpreter translator engineer salesman, shopkeeper doctor painter, artist, architect sewer weaver cook fiyer, pilot pensioner Exercise 15.. Read and translate into English. 9. tha ~ mnoxenep 10. Puvapa - sevHeTKep 11. ynuint ~ Yuskba. 12 Keispim cypeTusi. 13. Aram Tul 14. Snan Gusnecmen. 15. PoGepr xvpriayusi 16. Kapsiiaacum cary Exercise 16. Read and transiate. Pay attention to the personal 1, Momay ecenuit 2. axem Aapirep 3. Wewem mveanim. 4, On aKonor 5. oxeM SHUI. 6, Aram seviHerkep, 7. Banam Tinmow. 8. Onxac ayaapmauns. endings. rs Me Fanbimmein Cen Fanbiaceik Cis Fanbimceis On Fanbim wyraniain — onwimi 9xonornin myranimcin — awicin caryusicun myranincis —— @nwiia Gactenons myFanin enwi senuerkep Be 6 B. Put the personal endings where necessary. Mex YuuKbiu... ayprisyui... On cyperwi... >Kaprei carar Half an hour >Kapret Tayeik Half of chicken) 0s xaprel nrp (500 rp water, milk etc.) 0.5 xr xaprai xeni (500 sugar, rice, meat etc.) wwpek quarter (the fourth part of smth) Genwex small pieces of smth or numeral Genix part, pisce Genin part, department (book, store, office ete.) Exercise 3, Read and translate the following tke er Garou Haw ape! Taybik 10 wvneiprea 0.5 xr KanT 1.5 kr Kypiws 300 r woxonan 2.5 xr mail) 1 cycsts kr Komanr 5 cuipa 1 wapan Kr Keone 42 a1 Exercise 4. Rewrite the following with numbers and abreviations. EXAMPLE: [6ip keni} maxapoH - 1 xr maxapoH peaprus keni) Komnar - [yw xapeine eri] xvpiu - . [6ip xapbim Keni] Ganuik - {6ip Keni] capo mat - . [ip xapbina nueTp] CT - [ox exi keri} vH - [exi xapeim nurp] ecimaik mail - bxaptit Keni] Taysik - .. gaopo ene Exercise 5, Make up sentences and transiate them aloud. 2,8 xr sewniprKa, 40 xr komnwt 7.5 Kr Ganeix TV nawKe 3 2«r on 5 ayrp cycaitt 350 r remexi Sxr va 3.5 «r axapon 0,5 xr kxpius Ynurp main 0.8xr HoH 3 nouKe kavimak 6 xr er 0,5 awrp ecimaix wait eur oan Exercise 6. Replace the underlined word. A. 1 Cisne Kaur Gap ma? vn, Keone, Gansik, cY36e cv, Mai, Woh, XeyMbIPTKA B. 2. Maray kypiw Kepex. coipa, KaamaK, cycbil wxsiK, CipHe C. 3. Aykenne kore 6ap ma? komnur, wapan, newenve, ToKaw. Kobe, Taysik Exercise 7. Substitute the words using the given structure 1) Cisne Gap ma? words: exe, weue, 6ana, UT, MbicBiK, Yi, Kiran, alien, xviey, axe, ara, ana, KaDbINMaC. aFa, HaFaULl, KHeH: KeniH, KeHTe, KEBLE, HOC. Maran xepex this structure can be used also with the verbs in the Infinitive form which express wish (I need to go) Maran Gapy xepex Maran kaiy Kepex Maran avaapy Kepex Maran oxy nepex Maran xagv Kepex {to go) (to come back, to return) (to translate) (to read) (to write) etc, Exercise 8. Substitute the words using the g-iven structure, Maran ... Kepex. words: yaxerr (time), carar (watch, clock) .stawnna (car), kiran (book), kana (paper), 2on (ball), kaiam (pen), Kapsinaaw (pencil) Now make up sentences and translate them. Maran nemany TaHbicy keagecy kairanay viwixTay maunna xiran aemany 6apy ranuicy kepex MBICbIK ut viwiKray xeanecy kaiiranay w_ver to take a rest tortake acquaintance with to meet to revise, to repeat to sleep {to go to bed) 43 new adjectives: eania new xapa black aK white KOHBIP brown capel yellow Kbiasin red KOK blue vp grey acelin green dd Exercise 9. Read and learn these exchanges: 1 = Maran Hay Kepek. 2. = Maral non Keper. ~ Kanaan? - Kanai? = AK HaH + Keiabin »xaHe Kak, - Kanwa? - Exi, 3. = Maran xaHa KanaM Kepex. 4, - Maral KaHT Kepex. = Kannan? ~ Kana? = Keiauin, Kok KaHe Kapa. ~ 5 Keni 5, = Marat alipan, CYT Kepex. 6. - Maran YH Kepex, + Kanuia? + Kanaan? = Alipay xapta! nuTp, ovT Gip mrp. - AK Owmait viel - Kana? = Bxeni, The Imperative Mood (2nd Singular polite form) is formed by adding suffixes “einwia (after hard vowels) - iia (after soft vowels), particles -wi, -wor after the to express request in polite form translated as please Bep + iis + wi Give me, please. ant + sims + ub Teli me, please. Gepivis + wi OKpIHDISWE! aires + wel ag bIHbisuset Gap + pirieis + wet alirenpiowel ken + nis + wi kaliTananbisust kopeer + inia + wi caHaHsisuei Infinitive Imperative Imperative polite Polite request Sepy Sep Gepinis Gepinioul to give janry ait alTetnbis. aaTeieoweL to tell, to say lenwey ewe =—enweiia. enwerisuit to weigh kaitanay Kalirana Kairanamws © Kaltrananbiauibl to repeat lany an ansini3 aNbIHISLubL 10 take Kepcety xepcet —_xepcerinis xepcerinisuul to show ayaapy = aynap = ayAapeiHbis aynapeinbsun —_—to translate easy waa AAI >a3biHb3wht to write loxy oxeI OKBIHEIS OKBIHEISWUB to read lawy aw aus Wb to open canay cana canateis canaHeiswe! to count xaGy xan 2xa6nHv'9 raGuiterowe! to close, “4 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Exercise 10. Express a request using the words in brackets. EXAMPLE: Maran anma Gepidiaui. 1, Maran 10 xxymwiprka (Gepy). 2. Mara ana kiran (Kepcery) 3, Maran xaraa ( Gepy) 4. Cia kagaxwa (oKy) 5. Cis aFbinweinwa (xasy) 6. Cis aFtinubimwa (aynapy) 7. Cis ecix (awy) 8, Maran carat/ yakuir (a”Ty) kasakwa in Kazakh aruinusinwa — in English Muikay, mola, Ova this anay, aia that REMEMBER! Classroom commands c Simple form to stand Trp! to sit oreio! to come xen! to enter kip! to a0 out work! Tellaay to listen Tanga! oxy to read oxi! aay to write aa! airy to tell, tosay arnt kaliranay to repeat xairanal xaiiranay to revice xaiiranal auy to open au! xady to close xan! (xan-*a6y) (A /6) Exercise 11 demonstr, Pronoun. Polite form. Types! oTbIpLIHEs! xeninis! xipinis! UbIFbIHbYS! onaarsis! OkuIMEIS! deaaninbia! aruineia! xaliranants kaiirananes aurea! a6uneis! A.. Change to the Polite Imperative Mood and translate. 1. Tenaa, 45 sa! 43! B. Express requets adding the particles to the verbs (-uiet, -ui) Transtate them Exercise 12. Go to the nearest store to converse with the salesperson to get to know the price. Exercise 13. Read the text and translate it. AawiK-Twnik aYKeHI Agwik-Tynix avkeni vnkew. Aykevae HaH, CYT, eT, Ganbik, Taybik eri, XYMBIDTKa, TY, KANT, Nomnwr, CyCUIE CaTAAbI. AK KaH 25 TeHre TypARBI. KADE hak 12 Tere 50 THIN TYOaABL. 1 Keni KaHT 40-45 TeHre Typansl. Capel Mai 250 rexre , Kavimak 145 Tekre, TY3 14 TeHre Typanbl, Catywe! alfrans "Keninia! Cisre He Kepex? HaH, Karimak caTbin anbikhia. Cys6e mex KalimaK ere wakes” Men avkenre xvHme Gapamem. Han, cyT, cys6e, Cape Mali, CyCHI carbin anamoit epkawan - always wrnpe = everyday Notice the differences in meanings of these words and expressions. caty tosell compare carywis! salesperson carbin any to buy Gatem anywe customer Caryw! catansi Salesperson sells Mex catsin anambin Vbuy .. Carywt avkenne Hah caTanbl Salesperson sells bread of the store. Mex Kay carbin anambilt I buy bread, Cis-crt cataceis 6a? = Do you sail milk? ®Cortgnsens Dywenne ovr caragu/6ap. They sell/have milk... Dynenne cyt, wan caraabi ma? Aven aux ( open) Byxen xa6uK (closed) Ayer aunix na? Ya, aux. Byron xaGeix 11a? a, xaGeIn. The negative form of the verbs is formed by adding negative affixes “ma, -me after vowels sonorants H, H. na, -ne after voiceless consonants -6a, -6e after voiced consonants then personal endings are added (See the Introduction ) 1 Present Negative Gapams Gaptmatai+mein & Past Gapnom — Gap+matauin Exercise 14. Underline the negative affixes. Translate the verbs. Oxbinbim ——OKbiMaabina angum = anmagum, xagnbim — «aaGanbim Gepaim —_Gepmenit aiiTTom aitnaneim enuwenin eanuemenin ToRaauM TeRaManLiN cavanbim — cavamansina kengim —_xenmepim kairapabia Kalirapmagum Kipaim = kipmeaina auwrem = awnagun uBkTUM — wuiknanein cerroim —carnaatim Exercise 15. Give negative answers. EXAMPLE: 1. Men aykerire Gapmanein, Cen arxenre Gapabin 6a? . Cis kiran annbinbis 6a? . Ainkan vitre kengi me? Bana epreri twnnanti wa? . Okyweinap Kiran cavansi ma? Caryuit axwa KaiTapae! ma? Pocnun xitan xa3aei Ma? Tpeiicn oneh avirrat ma? Epmx panno Tenaagsi Ma? 48 a7 1. . Cis kalranaaw... . Cex Kenai |. Cia ipa 5. Men wibikTEl... . Cen alirre. @NOMAON Exercise 16. Fill in the blanks with the personal ending. Meu 2xasab.... Mex Tennant Cis enweyi Proverbs “Ewen Kew KaKce!” “>KaKch! C03 - KapbiM BIpEIC™ “Ioxe yakemr, epmexke carar” 48 9. 10. 1. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. Meu kiran oKeiget... Cex gon Gepai Mex anma anal Cex enex airtel Cis axwa Kaitrap. Meu ecik xxantwl... Men ca6ax ryciKal. Cio Kasaxuwa colineni... “Better late than never”. “if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" “Busin a0 1ess before pleasure” A Central Asian Market (Bazaar) As in all Central Asian republics of the former Soviet Union, In Kazakhstan a private economy existed along side of the planned state economy. Goods not available in state stores could be obtained easily in the bazaars, althoungh at higher prices, The bazaar, an ancient institution in Central Asia, have traditionally been places for buying and selling produce: fruit, vegetables, bread, meat, spices and rice. In a Central Asian bazaar, like those in the Middle East, each type of produce has its special area: spices are sold at one place, vegetables at another. The customer walks by rows of tables loaded with neatly displayed apples, followed by rows of tables stacked with tomatoes or cucumbers. Prices and quality can be easily compared to secure the best deal. In contrast to the poor service at stete stores, the producers and sellers at a bazaar have always been customer oriented, friendly and aware of the competitors standing next to them. Original the bazaar was designed as an open-air place with pathways lined with stalls, To protect customers from the sun, wanings would be spread across the stalls. In some places such bazaars still exist, though many were transformed “for sanitary” reasons into permanent buildings during the Soviet period, The most popular bazaar in Aimaty is the Kok Bazaar ("Green Bazaar”), located in a three-story building in the center of the city. The floors are crowded with produce, especially in autumn, when fruits such as apples, grapes, pears, and meions are all in season, Some of the produce is brought from the neigboring republics, Uzbekistan and Kirghizistan, and the salespeople are mostly Uzbeks, Tajiks, Uyghurs, Dungans and Korean. Traditionally, the Kazakh nomads did not engage in trade and bargaining. Nowdays the prices at the Kok Bazaar reflect the general economy, Whereas two years ago one kilogram of aplles would cost only a few kopecks, in May 1995 the price was over 100 tenghe. TOPIC 4 BA3AP MARKET. BAZAAR Competencies: 1. To buy and choose fruit/vegetables. 2. To ask about prices and to bargain at the bazaar. 3. To pay and to get change. Grammar: 1) The comparative degree of adjectives and Gr. adverbs 2) Negative form of a sentence. Structure: Construction:xepex - xepex emec A 2 = Ana xaniuianan? +801. . - Kumar, Apsanaay 6epinia! + Makya, 751. = 60 Tenreaen 2 xeni Gepiniouiit = Kx, 70 teHre. 8. + WaGnane kanwa Typaats? = 100 T. = Kumar. 80-HeH Gepinis! Kanua anaceis? = Ver. = KOK, 95 7. = B5 TeHrenen 2 xr Gepinis! + Makyn, anbintis! c. + Anuypr xymcak na? Denali me? = Ore nemai, anuinuis. ApsaH Gepemix. Keninia! ~ Kanwanan? = 1207. = 110 texrenen Gepinis. 1 + Opix kanwa Typaay? - 30 Tere. - 25 TeHrenen Gepinis. = Hewe Keni anacus? = 4 xeni. + Makyn (xapoiiai) 25 TeHregen anvitsss, = Mine 100 TeHre. Paxmer. + Tarewna Keriisi 2. Kap6tie Kanwanan? Micxen Ge? Kuauin a? - Via, nicKer, Kbisbin, ote TaTTi, 15 TeHrenen. >Ken xepinis. = Apsanuipak/apsanra/ Gepikis. + Makyn, AnH. > Anay ynxenipen/ti 3. ipex? kap6uian enweris. + Kyaneinait kanwa Typab? - Bip kenici 50 Tenrenen. Anbiitis. ApsaHra Gepem. = 2 xeni Gepixis. 40 TeHrenen. = dKapaiini, xenicrix. = Maran ipiney Kepex. + Tannaneis! > Paxwer! 4 + Matiga Kup Gap ma? - Mine, Taxnanuis! - Kanuwanan? - 65 Texregen. = Mex Ken anamein, 55 TeHrenen Gepixis. - Kanwa anaceis? - 45 Keni. = ake, Mine 5 xeni. Ciggen 275 renre. = Metnay ipi Knsip Kepex emec. Maran YoaK Kepex, AbeipGacranuiswl! > Makya, mine. E - Kewipinia, Kaira cavaxsiaum! Men 1 Kr Takkypali 65 TexreneH veone 0,5 xr wae 55 TeHrenex ange. Cisre 100 Texre Gepaim. Cis Maran 5 reure xaitrapapns Tarui 2,50 7. Kepex. + Kewipinis, mafiga xox. 2 TeHre nuit. ~ Paxmer. a x 51 Basap Market fruit >knnex berry Kexewic vegetable anma apple yaKypai = raspberry KAD ‘cucumber anmypT pear kyanuinali strawberry = nommgop = tomato epix apricot »eyaiM grape caGis carrot anxopst plum wine cherry keisninwa beet wa6nanu peach nave xugex cranberry Gypbils pepper 6anax = banana Kapa kiwi 6ypwiak peas awmon — lemon waHro mango nus ‘onion anenecuk orange asoKano avocado = Kap6ui8 watermelon aap pomegranate Koxoc coconut = Kaysilt melon anaiac pincapple — kapakat eurrant kapron potato Gaxnaxax —egg-plant acka6ak © pumpkin ‘pi big aia small nickex ripe ex green wipiret rotten nema tasty, sweet, delicious nomcis tasteless kuiauin red kbim@aT expensive apsaH cheap aus bitter, salty Koiukein sour maxyn Ok, all right veaxcei well Kaira again TaFu, once more ‘vaFuna once more ciagen from you afispGacransiowu - Will you change, will you give another one yanaatiis ~~ You may choose, choose, please cavaHuia = - Will you count count, please Exercise 1. Read aloud these words and pay attention to the specitic YA Kazakh sounds x Kap6es; Kaybin; Kalira; Kania, KAHWAnaH, KApAKaT; TaHkypait Kyanuinalt, Makyn, Sypwak, AKC, KbISbIN, KOLA, KUAD Tp, Kenic, 90K, wool, ;BeMal, Terri, pemcia, nicKer v | Vi, KVARKINAL, MaKYR, aNMYDT, Ovpbill, GYPLAK. TaHKypan, KaHwa) TYAN 8 [aemal, nawcis, cabis, ToT [xexenic, epix, Kex HE x ‘TanKypad, raynannia,| — ymees, >vsint Tab Tenre Exercise 2. Look at the picture. Answer the question and translate them % % é way ee 2 2 €. @iec- Momay GD MBIHAY HE? B ¢,e~ ye t v > _ #4 SI 2 Exercise 3. Answer the question, using the words from column B. Basapna He Gap? A B c kayein KAD GyowaK cobis nwa Basapna anxopst 6ap anmypt Kbisbinwa wanantt Gopi 53 54 Exercise 4. Answer the questions using the words "ktm6ar” and “apaan” Model: Basapma xapGbia KbiMGar, 50 TeHrenen. A... Basapaa xvgextep KaHwa Typap? Ae ¥®4"2 B. Basapaa xemicrep KanwanaH? @ @ @© ©. Basapaa Kexenicrep KeimOar na? Exercise 5, Read and translate the sentences. Find the antonyms Muay anwa may, > Rey > Tay, - Tey For example: KemGar —xbinGarteipaK, KumOar+ray >KaKCbI oeakcuitpak xakeurtnay ynkeH vyakentipex vakennney epre eptetpex epretney apsan apsan+vipak apaantaay pamai empi+pex aeMaitney In Kazakh a sentence can be formed from a noun and an adjective or adverb without the implied verb. For example: Muay anma tarrioex, anwypr Karmunay ‘The comparative form of an adverb often stands before the verb predicate, For example: Karroipak alireibisuu - Say it louder. Please speak louder apaanaay 6epinis + Sell it cheaper. Exercise 6. Read aloud and translate the following. Find the suffixes of the comparative form. 1. Tiamow kbiukwinaay. 2. Kapakar maimanay (vcakray) 3. Kaybitt TaTripex. 4. Keisuinwa ipiney. 5. Kap6sis KeistinsipaK. 6. Mus ausinay. 7. Taxxypait Grin (today) apsaxnay. 8. Anwa mex apik zomainey. 9. Wa6aane xvmoaK - xevmoarupar ( K / & 10. 2kyaim Kex - Karipex ( K /r) 55 Exercise 7. Change the words in brackets into the Comparative form. 1, Maran (KaTTe)) ana Kepex. 2. (Terri) xvain Gepikiat 3. Maran (xymcak) uia6aanel Gepinisuii. 4. (ipl) apron enweniat : Kal /xannaii/ anvypr (raTTi)? 6. Kai nommpop (nema)? 7. MaraH (kiwi) Kaye enwenis. 8, (Maiiaa) russ Gepiniaui. 9. (Ynex) Kap6eia Gap ma? 10. (Apaal) Kunp Gap ma? Exercise 8. Make up short dialogues between a salesman and customer using the sentences given in exercise 7. ‘Act out the dialogues. ‘The Negative form of a sentence in Kavakh is formed by using 1) the negative word “xoK” 2) the auxiliary word "emec" usually stands after the noun, adjective,numerals. 3) the negative suffixes ma/me, Ga/Ge, na/ne. OK, emec ma/we, 5a/Ge/ na/ne 1) - Kaur Gap ma? 2) Pawapn mvranisa enec. KOK, Kant KOK, Pyiapa - weorenep. Byn Kaybin emec. Byn ackaGax. Acka6iak terti emec. 3) Mex oxvsin anatioein. Mel opuicuia okuiwavimuin. Mei xar xasGavimuH. Man renedon coxnaiinnn For example: After the noun: 1 Person = Mew Gana emecnin - I'm not a child 2Person Cen Gana emeccih - You are not a chil Cis Gana emeccis - You are not a child 3Person OnGanaemec - —He is nota child After the adjective 1 Person Men ynkenemecnix. = - ‘| am noy an adult. 2person Cex xiuskenrat emeccin - You are not a child. Cis kiwxenrat emeccis - You are not a child. 3 person Anmypr Tarti emec - The pear is not sweet. Exercise 9. Read the following and underline the negative words. Transtate them. A. Mex axe emecnin. Cen anuii emeccix. Cis erixuii emeccis. On Axeh emec, B, Muay wr emec. Byn caps mali emec. Avay wa6aanb emec. C. Muinay Kap6uig Kbighin emec. Anxopi! xxYMcaK emec. AIMYpT KaTTb emec. Tatkypait tarti emec. Bypuiu ipi emec. Cabis aemni emec. not me Mex emecni. not you Cex emeccin. Cis emeccis. not he/she On emec. Exercise 10. Read and translate the sentences, put them in the negative form. A. Muay mucbik. MblHay Kbisbinwwa YaKeH, ANay KapObis ynkenipex ‘axe = cypeTuii. Aocuim ( my frend ) - skanor. B. Mex BasHmein. Jeena - aapirep. Cis amepnxaraniKcis. Cen oxyumiew On caryuses. Exercise 11. Answer the following questions using the negative words “KoK, emec” Model: Muay AnMatbi ma? - Kok, Muay AnMarei emec. A. Keisuinwa gemai me? Kaysin TaTTi me? Taybik vnxen 62? Nuns xen ne? B. Wewe - Tirimui me? On Gacruix na? ox - ara wa? Dxxopx By - npeswgent ne? C. Mex ecenwimin Gee Cex setinerxepcin Ge? Cis rinwicis 6e? On Fansint 6a? 57 58 Exercise 12. Crossword puzzle ‘Answer the clues in Kazakh. Across: 1. White, sweet you usually add it to the tea. 2. Sweet, children like them very much. 3. Round, white, inside is yellow you can boil or fry it. 4. Vegetable, you make salad or soup of it's white green leaves 5, Meat, it’s a domestic bird. 6. Drink, It is made of cow's milk. 7. Fish, you can eat it's meat. 8. Vegetable, it's big, round or oval, yellow and sweet. 9. Vegetable, red, used to make salad or soup. 10. i's the most important food for Kazakhstani people. 11. Fruit, red and sweet. 12, Vegatarians don’t eat it. 19. Vegetable, it makes you cry. Down 5 Spice, white, often from the ocean. 14, White, from a cow, you add it to the tea or coffee « 18. Vegetable, deep purple or red mostly used for salads. 15, Fruit, small near stem and wide at base. 17. What you want when when you're not and tired. _ 18. The fruit Almaty is temous for. fl 19. Fruit, large with seeds and rinds. 4 fs 20. Vagatable, green. long. very comon [7 Cr 21. Frit, tropical, grown in bunches. 22. From cocco plant. a 23. Rruit, yellow and sour. oa iB LT Tiel | 4 m7 5 TA jes ele jel z 20] [ Li faq t Bi | See is ale t 4 of | | 58 5a ~ PROVERBS: 1, “Ewen xew saxo" “Better late than never". 2. “KaKeet ces - mapeim wipuic” “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” 3. “Ioxe yakuir, epmexke carar” “Business before pleasure” Ee) TOPIC 5 Kut Clothes Competencies: 1) To buy and choose goods 2) To ask about prices, to pay and to get change Grammer: 1) The Superlative degree of the adjective and the adverb 2) The Plural form of the Noun 3) The Ordinal Numerals: kactom suit kon opaman keine dress ovari xenne shirt wna nonte coat xuicka uvABiK kynakwbh cap onrorin manaxai cap nau wen cap Gnyaxa uan6ap trousers 106Ka wri jacket wapxe Gerinixe boots ypocoonen erik high boots ccnopr (ank Kvitai) >xemnip sweater axWHced rancryx tie raKia opaman neadscart uaa kamaon tong vest (with national ornaments) Garapen battery ‘poroannapar camera nnenKa roll MarnnToox tape recorder naccera easect yenennnap TV set, television Gengik belt mara fabric xi6ex sik mH woo! maKra cotton Guneapet leather kyvipwiak doll cuipra earrings caxwna, 2rsix ring caGein soap cy ca6un shampoo Kon wateip umbrella onuem, size hankerchief towel stockings socks tights raincoat blouse skirt slippers sport shoes jeans scull cap national gawn made of velvet enwen Kepyre Gona ma? May | try it on? kuin aiitipGacrayea Gona ma? anmactuipyra Gona Ma? May | try on another/something else? xex sleeve youn tong Kuicka short nyo, Tre color eH wide, big rap narrow, tight ana particolored kanaaa enwen What size .. Kanai Tvo/T¥ci Kepex? What colot Gacxa TCi another color ‘emueririn xep fitting room xomex help xomexrecixiswi Will you help me A, = Axa wan6apay Kepceriviswi? fi e = Mine, Kopi, % - Backa Troi 6ap ma? ~ Backa Tyoi xok. Tex ocunaai. ES - Muna xelineni xepyre Gona ma? - Ma. + Keicxa/vanin xen e¥ige Gap ma? - KOK, Glade TeK YabIH/KbiCKa >KeH 2xerie Gap. c. - Multa nanTeHin onwemi KaHsaA? - Bigge Gapnsi enwesnepi 6ap. + Cigre kannait Kepex? = Knin kepyre 6ona Ma? = @pmne. Cisre Kanqait Tyci KepeK? = Kex. Paxwer. D. - MaFaH kacrem caTein anyra xemexreciniawi? + epmne, Keninis, ~ Paxmer. /Ken-xen paxwer. 61 62 E. - Marav ava xolinexti xepcerinisuil? + Katicn? Cisre Kalmah enwemi Kepex? = 48-wi Hemece 50-wi enwen. = Mine, xepinis. Anactis 6a? - Kanua Typanu? Hewe rexre? = Temeitt 500 TeHre Typaats. KeimGar emec, anna. = Onuien xopyre Gona ma? = Bonagal. Qnwelitin xepre Gapsittis. ~ Paxmer. = Muna ericri enwayre/cuin xepyre 6ona Ma? = pune, Conan. Onwenis (kuin Kopinis). = Kewipikis, tapnay .Ynxenipex enwemi Gap ma? = Bap, 6ipak Toi Sacka. > Maya. Kaxcu exer. Bvn kana Tyan? = 4 oil 200 Texre. Mranwanan, canacel xoFapbI. - Kakesl, paxmer. G. + Aimunuaue, ca6bil, cy ca6uin Kalina cavane:? - Ava Gonimne. + Paxwer. H. - Maran Garapen xepex eni, Kali xepae catam? = “Sanrap” avkeninne. > Paxmer. Exercise 1. Look at the picture and answer the question: MBIHAY HE? Munay xKelinex. MelHay Munay 62 Exercise 2. Make up sentences. Use the endings -sipak, -ipex, -paK, “Pex, “Nay, -ney, -Aay, ~Aey. Answer the question. Model: Bvn KtickapaK/ kbickanay Keiinex. Bya kangaa xeinen? ecki xehae aKa vi, Ganme KeH Gasap, avKeH rap erik, KypTKi Fe kbicka, wan6ap Yauin nente anaca araw Gui xemnip anemi wanan TaKue kana ye 3. Make up your own sentences with the words: keicKa, YauH, @neMi, Onik, anaca Degrees of Comparison of the Adjectives and the Adverbs. The Superlative form denotes the highest degree of a quality. ‘The superlative adjective is formed by the repetition of the first syllable with the connective consonant-n an-enemi — (nice, beautiful) —_kan-kapa But: man-xapax (light) KUN-KUOLA KOK - KoRneH6ex. an-aweiK (light clear) an-xacein ak - annak kan-Kapaneu (dark) can-cape yn-vabtH KOn-KOHBIP KbIM-KBICKa cyn-cybik xpin-xbines (Warm) wean-KaHa uin-sicTeiK (hot) Ton-TeTTi ‘The Superlative form of some adjectives and adverbs is formed by adding some words like ex, ere, Tei which often mean * the most” oro en Tam fast unnam ere xbingaM = eH KDINAM =——TIM >xbINaM fast Tes ere Tes ex Tes Tei Tea hard Katte! ere KaTTet eH KaTTHs ToIM KaTTB! long sak ere Yaak ex vaaK TeM YsaK Rear xaKbiH eTe aKEH eH 2xaKuiH ThIM 2KaKLIH slow xa ere xort en ait Tem xeH tall Guix ore Guix ex Grix Tam Gri low anaca ere anaca eH anaca Tem anaca 63 Exercise 4, Put the following underlined adjectives and adverbs in the ‘Superlative degree. 1, anemi kus. 2. Keun rvn. 3: Bais va. 4. Kennan novus. 5. Gupits oy. 6: bleak woi. 7. Kapaient 1H. 8. Tarti ana. 9: Kex acnax. 10. yabin Keiinex. Exercise 5. Put the adjectives in the Superlative form using the words @7e, aca, Tel, eH. Model: Byn Kbin-Kbighin anma. Byn ex Kbisbin anma, . Byn xan-wana Kiran, . Kapa xan-xakeL! CTYAeHT. |. Mapna cyn-cvny Kea. Munay xan-makbiH MexTeD. Inusc Kin-kiwkenTait Gana. waene Exercise 6, Put these adjectives into the Comparative and the Superlative forms | Model: xaKew! veaxcbipak |e xaKCEt waxeuinay are 2KaKCb! ebanb cysik bicTEiK (K/F) keiabin ‘anemi (nice, bautiful) cvay ( beautiful, pretty) Ken Plural forms of the Noun ‘The plural ending of the noun is nap/nep. rap/tep, nap/aep. + nap ‘rap aap + nep rep +nep after vowels after voiceless after voiced | andp, iy consonants consonants Ganatnap MbICLIK+TaD myranimtgep aratnap arawtrap kustaap axetnen olinext rep yntnap yay#nap astobyctrap kayentaap aiitnap kapenac+rap aeaietaep initnep YwnkeiutTap kap6ustrap okywiLi+nap oxemic+Tep GwaHecmeH+aep nopireptnep ——_| xiran+rap cabisénep Gasap+nap kasak+Tap nwaotnap Kwaptnap amepnkaHpbiK+Tap enex+nep iene ne Exercise 7. Practice changing these words into plural. axe, wewe, KacTeM, xeline, XeMnip, OpaMan, TAKMA, waraH, Kamson, AMMOK, pik, TA, anMa, aHap, GenMe, CTYAeHTKa, KeWe, Khim, aSbIK-TYnIK, ‘avkex, taveanim, oxonor, iran, Kbi3, vn, Aepirep, KapiHnAC, ciKni, Gayeip, ana, ara, TeHre, xeane. KaribiH. Exercise 8. Make up sentences using the words in plural form from exercise 7. Model: Mexne aranap 6ap. Cigge kirantap 6ap. Basapna anmanap caTani. Cal Ayeenne xeiinexrep caran.. etc. oh eS The Ordinal Numeral is formed by adding suffixes ~inwi, -Husi, -bHuses, -HUE! or Example: 1 Gip - Giptinwi 6 anrel ~ anter+Hubt 40 KBIpbIK - KbIpbIK+SIHUb 10 OH = OH+bIHUUEE 65 6 a Exercise 9. Change the following Cardinal Numeials to the Ordinal ‘Numerals. Read aloud. A. + 1 Gip - 6 ante - 2 ext - 7 meri - 3 yw - B ceria - 4 vepr- 9 Torus - 5 Gec - 100H - B. on xeri - ToKcaH - >xnbipea ~ ToKeaH 6ec - orsis exi - exis - eny - Gip west - uipuik ~ cexeen - Exercise 10. Read aloud. 1-inuil opsit (place) 40-muses vi (house) 2-inwii Ka6ar (floor) 217-inwi Genme (room) ‘S-inuwil Karap (row) 89-winuues xein (year) 4-inwi Tepese (window) 1995-inul ein ‘S-inwii per (times) 10-bit asnnama(bus stop Gipinusi - first coHFE - last kenecl - next Kazakh Dishes Meat Is the basis for the majority of Kazakh dishes, and it is obligatory to serve meat dishes to guests. The abundance of meat on the table is a sign of a host’s generosity. The way Kazakhs prepare meat reflects their heritage. For a nomadic people, the easiest and most economical method ‘of cooking meat is to boil it in huge kettles over open pit fires, and even today preference is always given to boiling meat. Great importance is also placed on the long-term preservation of meat. When livestock is slaughtered a portion of the meat is salted, dired and sometimes smoked. From horse meat, for example, come such delicacies as gazi, shujuk, jaya, jal and garta. Among drinks gimiz and shubat are always popular. Gimiz Is a lightly sour, astringent drink of fermented mare's milk with a high Vitamin C content. The Kazakh nomads waited impatiently for the warm spring days when the mares begin to produce milk. The milk was poured into special leather bags (torsiq), which are essential to the fermentation process. Today qimiz is produced industirally, but the Kazakhs prefer the gimiz made in the traditional way. The Kazakhs claim that gimiz is adrink not only for merry making, but also to increase longevity. Information about the healing properties of gimiz and the ways ot preparing it are handed down from generation to generation. Shubat is fermented camel's milk with a preparation process much like that for gimiz. It is of snow-white color, thicker and fattier than gimiz. Both drinks are said to cure tuberculosis. In addition, shubat is known for its capacity to clear up gastric and intestinal problems. Always prepared for special guests, the most famous Kazakh dish besbarmag (lit.: “five fingers"), This dish is made by boiling mutton, horse meat or beef in a broth which is later served in large bowls. The meat itself is thinly sliced and accompanied by square noodies and rings oF ‘onions. For formal affairs and calebrations besbarmag is served together with the boiled head of sheep or lamb, which is ritually placed ini front of the honored or oldest quest. On Kazakh Hospitality Deeply rooted in their nomadio past, Kazakh hospitality differs significanty - from that of other Turkic peoples. Not so long ago a traveller unable to reach his desitination would enter the nearest yurt and introduce himself ‘as quday qonagpin, “| am a guest sent by God". The owner of the yurt would invite him to be his guest witout even asking who he was. To honor a guest, Kazakhs would slaugter a sheep. This custom is still practiced in villages whenever a friend or relative has been invited for a visit. In cities, where slaghtering sheep is less convenient, the host buys a sheep's head, has it boiled and then ceremonially places it in front of the honored guest, who occupies the seat of honor (rap) opposite the door. In traditional yurts, as in Kazakh homes in the villages, quests sit on quilts (korpese) around a spread-out tablectoth (dastancan) on which the food is placed. The floor itself is covered with carpets and cushions (jastiq) are placed for guests to lean on. The guest is expected to play an active role at a Kazakhstan feast. According to ancient custom, the honored guest cuts choice from the sheep's head and, with eloquent words of well-wishing, he distributes them to the other guests and members of the host family. For example, the guest might cut off an ear and present it to the youngest member of the family, saying “This ear is for you, my son (my daughter), may you always have an ear for the words of your eldars*. The ears are usually given to the youngest member of the host family. The entire ceremony is usually officiated by the male head of a household. if the fether of the honored guest is present, he should politely pass the sheep's head to the eldest among the guests. At the end of the party the honoured guest gives Gara (his blessings) to the family. At a Kazakh dastarxan plenty of meat is served. Necessary dishes are besbarmag (lit: five fingers), horsemeat sausage (gazi) and other dishes made from horse meat (qarta, jal, jaya). Although meat is usully boiled, a dish with fried meat, potatoes, onions and tomatoes, called quirdag, might also be served. Fermented mare's milk (qimiz), camel's milk (subat). and tea with cream or milk are typical beverages. Traditionally Kazakhs did not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, but these habits have been introduced by the Russians. When alcohol Is offered, guests usually say toasts. ea 70 TOPIC 6 TAMAK. KOHAKTA FOOD AT A PARTY Culture note: Kazakh national dishes and celebrations Competencies: _ 1) To identify typical host country foods. 2)To respond to invitations. To accept or refuse an invitation politely. 3} To render good wishes, to propose a toast Tamak food jeram meal amex. iy to have lunch/meal any = ensnia tate, helo yourselt wey = xen tone, help yoursel ity tus rink roo = Toma rm full an enough Boted meat xaoul Kapra fausage anc horse.meat xan aa meat Kybipuian fried meat (with onion & pepper) name theat ane caross and mee with rice worn meat wranped in dough Saysipcak, fried dough KYpT salted, dried cheese cons sour mare's ik veer Sour camel's, ik A Tamak anuons! Be, Be Panwer. Ore nama Bp BP“ ase snes! Caner anon! 1 Xerent 8 Piao iis = Maxyn, 6ip Kee cyTCIs KYibiNtss! = Topr ansinbia! ~ Paxmer, Tomaeel Exercise 1. Read aloud and practice. Pay particular attention SA to the pronunciation of the vowels and consonants ramaK Temexi Monti mambip varam tyren nanay coliney Kati Keai KypT KVaK kapra xapron KeiMbIs—_KMRD kysipaak —Kevipaex uv6ar weit Gaywnrax api ore oTeip Kvity Kviny Kyles xvii Exercise 2. Read aloud the sentences. Underline the verbs in the Present Proper Tense (Hak cou w2k) vamak iwy Men Tamak iwin OTbipMBIN/>kaTbipMblH war iy Met wali iwin oTbipMeil/ KaTBIOMbIK Sapy oon Men Gapa xaTbipmeiH - & Oxbin oTbIpMBIK - /-am reading 6apa 2xaTbIpMBIH - I’m going oxbin xvpMiH =~ / study. Gapin xypmix = - / go n Auxilarry verbs >xvpMin, OTbIDMuH, XaTbIpMelN show actions in progress. Hak och wak yp Mbit orp cunt xaTEIp CHIH xp lt, cit, (Cyr ansin TYpMBIH cyt anbin xaTbipMbiH Tamak iuin oTpipiuin Tamak iwin xaTipweiH. Wott iin orbipraesi Wait iwin xaTeipmen. Kiran okbin OTbIpMeIH. Kiran okpin xaTLIpMetl. Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences by adding the verbs given below Words: IWIN OTBIp, TeIHAAN CTLIPMBM, Gapa marDIp, xen OTE enwen KaTBIp. 2. Bana mextenke. 3. Caryn er .. 4. Kea wai... 5. D>KOH Taysik .. 6. Pamama ayKenre .. Exercise 5, Answer the questions. First give a positive answer, then a negative one. EXEHCISE - Cire kypr vitaliyt ma? 1) = Ma, maran vHatiaul 2) = Kok, Maran KYpT YHamaiiabl Ciare Kuimeia vHaiiae! ma? Giare GecGapmax YHaviaei ma? Gigre manri viarint ma? Ciore Kame! vHainst Ma? Giore nanay vwahast ma? Ciare kybipaek vHaiiae! a? Ciare Gaysipcak Ynavine: ma? Pay attention to the difference of the verb yuaviqui - YHaasi - Simple Present Tense with the suffix 4 - after vowel vwanet - Simple Past Tense Simple Prosent Tense Past yams tke: yHaatt liked yramaiigs! dislike/don't like yHamanp! didn't ike 7 7 Exercise 6. Answer the questions using the words in the column + Cisre He yHalnaei? 6ecGapmax + Glare He visu? = Maral... YHaviabt Kasei - Maran ... Han. nanay + Cisre we vHamaiian? —_Kybipaak = Cisre He ywawanes? Maran... yamaha. — Kecne + Maran ... vuamaste. kypT Gaysipcax KuMbis uyGar Exercise 7, Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to the conjunction *an"(Gipak) - but in complex sentences Maran Kouein KemicTeD YiaMaliaK, an Mea anXopN YANG Maran Kaysinnap YHaMaliael, an MbiNa KaybiH YHA Maray eT TaFamaap YHaMaligqsi, an M@HTi YHA! Maran Kexenic YHaliabi, an mbida KbISeIAWA YHAMAAEt Maran Taxkypait YHaiiael. Oipak MeiMa TaHKypaA YHamano Mara Kuimoi3 Yraiigs, Gipak Maina KIMBO YHAMaaS Exercise 8. Read the sentences. underline the comparative form of the adjective and adverbs. Translate them Grinewin, maray a3nipaK cansimbiswe!! Lsiial KoSiper Kyineieiowel! Mulha KapOsId TOTHipeR, neninis! Moma Kanu xyMcareIpak, Tare anbinNal bicrbirsipaKwor 6ap ma? bicrbIFupaK Wor Sepiniswi! Kaiice anwe aermcarsipak? Kaltes! uiaSaansi gompiney? Kiwipex anwa Gepixiswit xeny - Kenixia come . come in (invitation) Top the place of honor repre wbiFy come, take the place of honor meripam, MepeKe holiday Tyran KvH birthday KYTTBI GOnceIH! congratilations! GaxeirTe! Gonbitbis! be happy! (wish you happiness) Konak guest mexeHxai address colinbik gift, present cex6i Saturday ceding On Saturday Goce bm free 60. wecnit V'm not free, I'm busy exiniwKe opal I'm sorry. ac Goncein! Good appetite! 420 c. Ke - Kenikia! Tepre whirbittia! * Tyran iri KYTTH! Goncuik! BaKbiTTat Gonbiksis! Mumay cuifinu care. = Paxwer! Kawai xaxcn!! Taax anbinbis! + Bopi ere neni! = Ac Goncein! D. ~ Epred mara KoHaKka Keninia! - Paxwer! Hewene? + Carar 5-re. - MexeH-xaiibinbis Kannan? + Mine cxemacts + Makyn, Kenemin. F. - Mefipamaa marat Keninia! + Kawan? - Cen6ine carat 2-ne. - Oxiniuixe opait, 6c emecnin. Paxmer. G. - Kewipinia, exile opal marak xery Kepex. Cisre Ken paxmet! Taram ore naMai. = Paxmer! YaxbiT Gonca Kenia! ~ Cay Gonwinei! + Cay Gonvintis! Exercise 9 Pronounce the following words and word cambinations out loud. Top, Tepre wulry - Tepre WLIFLIHbIS; TYFAH KYH; Me/DaM; KYTTEI Goncuin - KyTTuiKraliein; GaKeiT, CaKpirTe! Bonuikbis - Sakwir TineMimin; MeKeH-Kalh, MEKEH-KAMIHEIS ~ MEKEH-xaMibIMb's; ACHCAYNEIK: XBNEIK, xanuikapanbik; alien, aliengep; xanuikapansik arenaep KvHi; Bipiswi mai, AHA KuIN, HaypEIS. Tekantap Kala kein B-naypsis —--Xanbikapanbik eviennep Kul 22-Haypss —- Haypis t-wameip —- Xannikapanbik exGexuwineD KYHi S-mameip ——-XKeHic KYHI 25-kaaay —--Peony6nunxa Kyi Greetings Menpam HTysan KvH kyrtbi Gonceih! Tom Kyrreixraiinei! 75 26 Wishes toasts [BaKerrrer SOn(wIREISyE Baku Tinevain! Sop nencaynuik Mon Ta6sic Tineiimin, yaa, omip BATA: Factapxan mon Gonceix, Yaibim-Kalies!_xoK_Gonces! Exercise 10.Read alooud and compare the following sentences. Pay particular attention to the adjectives. Translate them into English. CXAMPLE: Avery good doctor. The datar is very good. >Kakce! napirep Dapirep xaKcei >Kakeht KbiMBi3 Keimprs KaKCb! Demat rakyoan Tarmypait nemai Torti wabaaret Wa6nane Terri Kesabin KapOsi3 Kap6sis Kpiabin. Give compliments to the hosts: waxes! Clare xapacanuil - You look nice (lit. It suits you). Bepi = aaMai More emotionally xomnerixis kangah xaKcul! Gananbia kKavmai Tamawa! viiinis Exercise 11. Change the following expressions by adding the word “ere” very EXAMPLE: Damai Gec6apwa BecGapmax ere nemai >kaKebt MBHTI >Kymeak xaabt Torti anwa Domai nanay 8. ‘anemi rvngep >Kakce! ceilinsk >Kakest tinex (wish) Exercise 12. Read the following sentences looking at the pictures Guess the meaning of the word “Boo” - “Boc emec” (negative form) 5oc - free, empty, vacant 5oc emec - not free oc opeinabik Opuinabik 6oc emeo Boe knace Knace 600 emec Exercise 13. Read, translate the following find and underline the personal endings Mex Gocnen - Mex 6oc emecnit Cen Goccet = Cex Soc eueccin Cis Goccuis - Cis Go emeccis On Goc - On oc emcee Ceioaen 6oc = Cpioaen 6oc emec. Exercise 14. Answer tne question affirmatively and negatively, add the personal ending where it is. necessary. Kim Goc? Eptex men Goc..., axem 6o¢ Kewxe mapirep Guc.... Mex 6c Kagip wewem Goc ..., ini 600 Cis Gos ..., mer Goce, Fxercise 15. Answer the invitaton affirmatively and negatively. Make up sentences! EXAMPLE! Epten maran keninis. A... Paxmer, Kenemit, 8. Kewipixis, eprex 60¢ emecnin. 7 Brin Gisgin wire Keniis! Cen6ine meni viime xeninia! Menpamna Tearpra Keninis! Kewxe aran xerikist Carar 5-re Kapngpik TyFaH KvHIHE “sninia! oKvmnioray Kein TyoKe aeirin In Kazakh as in English Time and tense is indicated 1) by adverbial words (6rrivr - today, eprex - tomorrow) cocel - then, Kasip - now, xerill - after etc. 2) By the Nouns and the Numerals in Locative case with endings “fa, “Ae, -Ta, -Te 3) By the Noun in Ablative case -AaH, -neH, -TaH, -ren and with Postposition. 4) By the noun in Dative case -Fa, -re, -ka, -xe with Postposition “aor” Kawan? - When ? Byrn Tanepren AvAcenOiae Toren Foxe Epren Kewke | maMeipna © >XYMbICTaH Keli” xKYMBIOKa Ait Kye. cara 4-re___cenbigew. conGire Exercise 16. Transiate and answer the questions. Cis AMepvKanay Kawak Kenaikis? Cig xyMbIcKa Kawan Gapacss? Cis TyeKi Tamakre! KawaH iwecis? Cis Konakka Kawan Gapactia? Cis ayxenre xawan Gapacei? Cis xvMicran Kawan Kenainis? Docwieis vire kawaH Gapanei? Exercice17. Make up short dialagues based on the following situations You are invited You are at the wedding party by your friend of your new friend. a) Respone to an Congratuiate invitation. Set the time Express your wishes b) Refuse, state the reason for being busy You've come to your You are the guest host family with a) Express your gratitude flowers, to the host family. What will you say? b) Say the compliments. c) You have to leave earlier, What will you say? PROVERBS: 1. “Tas rapanranua, Tol TapKaiine” 2. "Apax iuxen = a3ap, Kapra ofinaran rosap" 3. “EnGex ercen epin6et Tonabi kapHein TineHOe! “While the grass grows the horse starves". * Cards are the devil's books” “Nothing seek, nothing ting Almaty Almaty, the largest city and capital of Kazakhstan, is located 750 to 1100 meters above sea level in the foothills of the Alatay mountains in southeastern Kazakhstan. The city and its environs have a Continental climate, with temperatures verying greatly throughout the year. The summer season lasts from May to September with an average temperature of 22 C in July. The winters are cold with an average of - 8 C in January, Almaty receives almost the same amount of rain as Moscow. The city has airline connections to all major cities in the former Soviet Union, A recently established Kazakh airline and a Turkish airline now provide service berween Almaty and Istanbul. Other direct connections with Western European cities will soon be in place. A railroad now connects Almaty with Urimchi, the capital of Xinjiang, People’s Republic of China. This railroad will eventually extend to Turkey and Europe through the use of already existing lines and the laying of new tracks. Surrounded on three sides by snow-capped mountains, Almaty has a strikingly beautiful natural setting. The city layout and the architecture of its museums, hotels and government buildings are quite impressive. Tree- lined avenues lead to parks or squares with fountains set within bright flower beds. But like other urban centers in the former Soviet Union, Almaty suffers from pollution which is particulary severe during the winter. The capital city has numerous industrial plants pouring large amuunts of pollutants into the air. During the 1970s one could still enjoy the beautiful panorama of Almaty from the top of Kok Tobe (“green hil"), located at the outskirts of the city. For many years now the view has been marred by polluted air which has made the nearby majestic mountains invisible. Polution and other related problems have also affected the quality of the famous Almaty apples which gave the city its name: Almaty “city of apples". Once widely available, this large and flavorful fruit has become rare and expensive, In 1992 there have been a number of significant changes in Almaty. Streets, places and bulldings, which with @ few exceptions had Russian names like Lenin-Square or Dzerzhinsky Street, have all been re- christened with Kazakh names. Streets with the names of Russian/Socialist “celebrities” are being renamed honoring outstanding Kazakhs who served the Kazakh people. Similar changes are now taking place throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan as historical Kazakh names of regions and towns are revived. Competencies: Culture note: TOPIC 7 Kanaga. In the Town. to ask for and give the location of buildings to ask for and give thedirections to a place. to ask and give the information at the bus/ train station and airport Almaty SQ Gra - Konak vA es Munay - Meaey 53 ep D6 strana ~ Ma, 6vn Anmares. ~ Anatol YnkeH kana Ma? + Via, Anmatel ynKen Kana, B. - Cis Kaiinancus? + Mex TyconnaHmein. - TycoH ynkew kana ma? = Xo, Tycon yaxew Kana emec. ae Ca eR — ~ Kewege Mawnuanap xypeni Muay - Tpamaak Answer the question: Tare He xypeni? Tare He? - What else? acraHaces Exercise 1. Match the CIS country with its capital. TawxeHr Peces Kes Os6exctan Biuxex yepanna Mackey Tpyann T6unnch Kupruiseran Epeaan Apmenin 83 84 aa meme me meee eee eee eee Exercise 2. Look at the words in the box. Check the meaning of the following words in your dictionary. Which words are associated with the town, put them into alpnabetical order. Kana, actana, Mauna, ronneii6yc, napK. UMDK, My3ei, TeaTD, KMHOTeaTP, CTBAMOH, BAEMI, MHCTHTYT, XYDY, METPO, ETE, KOWE, KoHaK Yi, AYKEM, eCKePTKILI Exercise 3. Read aloud the text. Anmaret ‘Anwarul - Kasakcran PecnyGninactinwy acraWacsi. On - ete enemi xoHe ynkeH Kana. Kanana Ken Kewe Gap. Kewenepae mawnvanap, asroGycTap, TponneiiGycrap, Tpamsaiinap xypeai. Metpo Anmaraina «OK. ‘Anmaruina Kola Vinep, Tearpnap, kumorearpnap. mysefinen. ayxerep ere xen. Kiranxananap , uHcTuTyrTap , CraqMoHaap Gap. Bisre Anmare! vHanan. ‘Answer the questions. Anmarel HeHi acTanace:? . Animated Kanna Kana? 3. Kowenepae He «vpeni? . Anmareiga He Kon? Anmarewa Kiranxahanap, wicTaTyTTap, craqMoHnan Gap Ma? . Clare AnMate vaaiiay ma? pga Pairwork Exercise 4. Ask your partner about the town or the capital of the country theyre from. Write down the answers in Kazakh. Cia kalinaneus? . On Kanna Kana? Onna He Gap? AKLU-Tbid acranacei Kali Kana? Bawnnrron yaxen Kana ma? . Baumnrrouna merpo Gap Ma? . Kewenepne Tpameaiinap, Tponnei6yctap xrpe me? Knnorearpnap, Myseinep xon Ge? Ciare AKU-reit actanacts yHait Ma? panguseona Exercise 5. Tell the group about your home town. Kewenep Streets . Study the map and, remember the streets shown there. : (Carnaes xeweci Sot SAGan panFunA to iy | | a el ie| |SIKvpéanrase: Kewec 2 eR | 5 6.“ plumeana veneer & & B & [RamGenn Koueci KaSansai Garnp rewedl ‘The nauns “xewe" and “aaxrbist" “avenue” are placed after the name of the street and the possesive suffix of the 3-d person sigular +cu//ci, tu is added. kewe xeweei Covipynnun xoweci AaHFLin — aHFbinb A€ait MaHFInE In the Locutive Case the ending +4ga/Hae must be added, as Ceripynnnn Kewecinne, ADaa AaHFENbINaa. Exercise 6. Read the dialogue aloud - Meinay XKam6win Keweci me? = KOK. + Bya kai (kanaaii) kewe? - Byn Kypmanrasbl Keweci. 86 85 Exercise 7. Name the streets you know in Almaty; and in your home town, - Kanga? - Kail xepge? - Kati xewene? = Celidynnun xowecline Exercise 8. Read the dialogues, translate them: A. - Meni viim KenroKcan Koweciine. = Ciaait viinis Kai xewene? = Menin vii XXiGex xxone: kowecinne. B.- Anal, aliroiipswiei, AGaM ecxeprkiwi Kai xepae? = Aait eckeprxiwi Slenwh aaHrEinbinna. = Tenn aavruines ancic na? + KOK, anbic emec, xaKLIH. - Paxmer. anc - far okaKuiH + close, near Exercise 9, Ask about the location of the following: Exampl apr, Mapx kat xewege? or Map Kali xepne? Opranuix avKen, cranHoH, uMDK, Kagak, APaMa TeaTpH, KiranxaHa, 6asap, opbic apama TeaTpul, “Orpap” KoHak vii, “KasaKcran” kwHoTearpsl, “Anmatei” KOHAK Viti. x10. Write your questions and write the answers consulting the following schemes: Example: - Mapx Kali xepae? + Mapx Torone kewecinne MAPK Toron Kewect 5 vaTTek oprarink 1,| kitanxana cTagMon uypK AGai ganruinet optic Apama TeaTDe | kagak Apama rearpsi| 8? 86 Exercise 13. Answer the following questions. 4. ‘Danrap” aveeni kai Gypuura?/Kaiiaa? (Ki6ex wonb Kane ASuinait Xan AaHFLinbs) 2. *Kagakcran" KoHaK vii Kai Gypeusra?/Kaiiaa? (AGai aaHFbinbs, Jleunn aarreints). 3. “BeiiGirwinix ToOw" Kan OvpeiTa?/Kaipa? (WesvenKe neweci, Ceiibynnnn xeweci). 4, Kex 6a3ap Kait Gypuuura?/Kaiina? ( XiGex xonsi xeweci, Pyuncian kane). Location of buildings. Postpositions. YA mexrentik apranna ya mextentiq xaHuHpa YH ayxennin Kapoucunaa maumia KOHaX Yai anasHaa Kazakli uses postpositions, itthas no prepositions. The postpositions govern certain cases. se & 2.|onepa Tearpet Ka6an6oA Barup xowecl “Anmara® KOHAK Yi 3.| napx Torons Kewecl “Orpap” KoHaK Viti 4. %iGex «ons Keweci |_Kex Gasap “Sakrap" opraniik AvKeHi Cerynnun Keweci *KasaKoran” kMMoTeaTpel| BeiGirwinix ro6es Exercise 11. Write , what buildings are in the streets: AGait panruinwinna He Gap? 7 KaGanGaii Bareip xewecinge He Gap? Toront xewecinne He Gap? >ki6ex xontt Kowecinae He 6ap? Cefidynnun xowecinae He 6ap? Exercise 12. Practise saying the phrases: Hype Catnaes Keweci men Ceriynniy KoweciHin Bypbiuibs Foronp xeweci men XenroKcan Kewecinin GypLiUubt Tene-Gu xoweci mex Mandunos xewecivin Gypeiwel AGpinaii-XaH paHFbinsi MeH KamGwin Keweciniy Gypeuel 3 f i t i a A f i i a i t t 4 q I i i i The postpositions, which follow the noun in the Genitive case, are anon next to, beside kacunna anaenna in front of apremaa behind opracuinna in the middle of orpanuirtinaa in the centre of yerinne ‘on acreiaa under wie in Yerenald acTsnga yerenaia vorinae Exercise 14. Form possible phrases and traniate them | xxanunna peony | anata TeatTpabit } apTbinaa Mextentin | kacuinaa | kaposicninna Exercise 15. Guess if the following statements are true about Allmaty or ‘ask your teacher if they are true, adding the question particle “a”. Kasak apama rearpel uMpKTik KapCEicbIHAa “Typkicran” KoHaK Yiii Gasapabin KaceiHga. @xep myseiii (Art Museum) umpxtid aprenaa. Hexe capaiier The Wedding Palace) xasax apama TeaTpunbl KaoLIIAa. Cragnon uMpxrid kaHbNAA. A6aii eckeprxiwi “ApMaH” KnHoTeaTpLINEK anablaa. “Qreipap” Konak viii MaHdwnos napxiniy KapcHicHiaa. Exercise 16. Draw the map of the vicinity of the house you live in or of the school (institute) you go to. Exercise 17. Make up questions. Ask the students in the group to answer them, consulting the map they have drawn ‘Yaain saree acxana Mexrentin |(kaceaa) | 6asap Macraryrran| apremaa napK 6ap ma? Janaeinoa Teatp yaelt xwHoTeaTp 89 30 Exercise 18. Complete the sentences Men ... min. On Kana... Meni vim ... kewecinae. Yiain Kacunaa w+ Gap, Kanavbit opranbiroiga ... Ken. ... Kana YHAiiAbL Exercise 19. Describe the form, say the location of things, using verinae, acranaa, opTaceinaa, XanbiHAa, CAnMeHiN Oypousinad. xKon cypay - Asking the way. Barur any - Directions Basapra kana ha t | Gapyra Sonanss? 6 e “ % zx Typa Gappiibis >Korapst Gapeineis Tomen xvpinis ay ee VOT Conta GypsviLinss OnFa Gypelients — AyKeH OH xKaKTa TeaTp Con akTa Structure: Kanai Gapyra 6onaqu? How to get .. Exercise 20. Read and translate the sentences. Yorrek kitanxakara Kanai Gapyra Gonanel? Basapra Kanai Gapyra Gonagi'? Kasak apama Tearpuita Kanai Gapyra Oonanpi? Pecny6nnka ananuHa Kanai Gapyra Gonagu? Cnopt capaieia Kanait Gapyra Conanel? Monoyre kana Gapyra Gonanel? anan square Typa ‘straight capai palace xoFapsi up, Upwards Meney Temen down on right con lett aK side Exercise 21. Ask how to get to some places, adding the Dative ending to the ~ noun, Wacranyr... Oprantik cranuoH... Kana... kanai Gapyra Conan? Mexren... Acxatia... Exercise 22. Read the dialogues, show the places mentioned in them on the map of Almaty. Act out the dialogues. A. ~ Kewipikis, meiway Kat xowe? ~ Bn - KiGex xonb Kowecl. + Opranuik avkekre Kanal Gapyra Gonaas? + Oct Kewemex Typa Gapbinbis. OH Kaka OPTANbIK AYKEHAI xepecis, + Paxmer. B. - Airrompisuisi, Gis kat xepae TypMbis? - KaGan6ai Batwip koweci Mex AGwinali-XaH maHrbinbinbik Gyosuinca. = Opranuk avkenre Kanai Gapyra Gonaay? ~ Awinait-Xan AanFinuiMen TeMmeH Gapsilbis. Tepriktul kowene opranuik AvKeHai KepecisiO ~ Yarroik kiranxana Kaiiga? + A6uinaii-Xa RaHFLNwIMeH xOFApH Gapuiibis. YnTTuiK Kiranxana AGai Kowecinne. (Xin phrases ocw xewemen, AGinaii Xax aanruinuimen - the noun is Fe — used in the Instrumental (Kamexrec cenrix) case. It takes the ending + mex, if the stem ends in a vowel or -p, 7, 4, M, 4, Hj FER + new, if the stem ends in a voiceless consonant or 6, 8, r. a. Exercise 23, Student A: Think of a place near your school. Give your partner directions, but don't say where you are? ‘Student B: Listen to the directions, Where are you? 1 92 Transportation In Kazakhstan Nearly everyone in Kazakinstan uses publlc transportation, although there are still many villages (aul) not connected by bus routes. Even the few who own cars often use buses because of the lack of fuel or spare parts. ‘Almaty has no subway service, though one is under construction. The capital has buses, trolleys, trams and taxis. Eleven-seat minibuses are also occasionaly available on the streets. Ticket prices for all types of public traneportation have risen drastically in the past year. Because of the high prices not everyone is able to take taxis. Thrifty city residents buy universal monthly tickets for the buses, trolleys and trams. ‘Almaty has over 200 bus lines, more than 20 trolley lines and over 10 tram lines. They serve major sections of the city, as well as the surrounding area. Buses also connect iowns in rural areas, but because of the vast territory of Kazakhstan, most people prefer to use trains or planes, which have also become fairly expensive, Buses, trolleys and trams are usually crowded, with little space to stand or breathe. Though expensive, taxi cabs are convenient at night when other transportation lines are shut down which nowadays may be early as 10:00 pm. When ordering a taxi by telephone, it is best to call ahead of time, 1ce it may take several hours before it arrives. It is also possible to stop a passing taxi on the street. The fare should be agrood upon before the trip begins, Realizing that the Volunteer is a foreigner, a taxi driver will try to negotiate a fare in hard currency. Do not be surprised if the taxi driver stops along the way until he has a cab full of other passengers; he will not feel it necessary to ask your permission go Byn - annaama At a Busstop Asto6ycra Ina Bus AsroGyc Kene xaTup. Klcinep asro6ycre: xvtin typ Kene >xaTeip, xvtin 1p, - the words are in the present proper tense (Hak ocy! wak) + Afrouisuues, Keneci kanaaii anngama? = Keneci asiaama - optanbix craqnor. - Paxmer. wry to wait wairy get out xvtin Typ are waiting rey get off, descent keneci next ery pass Tpameaiira OTsIpLin KATBID. Exercise 24, Read the dialogue, Translate it. + Keneci anngamanan uibirackis 6a? + KOK. - Gyre Gona wa? + Orinis 03 94 Asnnamana At a Busstop aot Basapra nein ne Gapagu? Aetiin upto, til The postpositions geiin, weitin follow the nouns in the Dative case. Exercise 25. Read the dialogue. + Basapra peliin we 6apan? - 66-wi asTo6yc, 19-u Tponneli6yc. - Basapra aekin newe aangama Gap? + Tepr. - Kanai asngamana Tycemin? - anqwnos napri aannamacsinan TYcecis. - Paxwer! Exercise 26. Change the dialogue, using the phrases from: crapmonra Teatpra elie napKKe (wetiin) mexrenke Exercise 27. ‘You have just arrived in Almaty for the first time. You meet someone who seems friendly, so you ask for information about the city, hotels, shops and the way there. Exercise 28. You live in Almaty and know it quite well. You meet a foreigner who seems to have problems. Temipmon soxsans The Railway Station ‘Aaponopt The Airport Buner xaccace: T Kaparanae 6.15 - 7.15 | Axwona __ 17.40-19.00 | pa >Kypy KecTeci. Sy anlt oe Pe == “i Cae) Tloiius xene xarsp Ot ywak(camoner) Exercise 29. Look at the pictures and say what belongs to the railway station and what to the airport, or to the both. Exercise 30. Read the dialogue and transiate it. > AnmaTuaan KamOunra aeiid ewe wakeipbiM? ~ 500 waxtipoim. - KaMOunra HeMeH Gapyra Gonanbi? = Camonernen, noviua6en Hemece asrobycnen? - Noes Hewe carat xvpeni? + 10 carar. - Camoner Kanwa yakeT Ywanbi? + 1 carat. - MaFaH camonerke Guner any Kepex, BuneT xaccace! Kaliga? = Torone Koweci men Kenroxcan xewecikin Oyprutanna EX wakpipeim — kilometre Gunet ticket & xecre timetable nemece or yuy to fly 95 96 | (mmm nm ae ee ee eee eee Exercise 31. Ask the teacher how you can get to other cities. Kaparannura Ocxemenre LWuiaxentxe vemex 6apyra Gonany? Tanapikopranra AxroGere Opanra Add the names of other cities which you knaw. Exercise 32. Ask the teacher how much time it takes somone to get there by train, by plane Kaparanaural nomws kanwa yaker | >«vpeni? @ckemenre | camoner ewe carat | Yuranel? Exercise 33. Tell the group what information you have got. At the Inquiry office Avuiktama 6iopocuHna Exercise 34. Read and translate it. + Aiironiawe, KamOunra camonerrep Kan KrHgepi Ywanb!? - Kane Yuan. - Eprenre 6uner Gap ma? - Va, Bap. - Camoner carat Hewene Ywanti? - Carar onna. - XamOoura kawak xeneai (Kowane!)? - Carat of Gipae. ~ Paxwer. mH day Kvnae every day epren tomorrow Grrits today a The numeral indicating the appointed time of some action is used ‘7 the Locative case, as carat ontaa “ge Exercise 35, Form questions, add words denoting other days of the week Byrinre Eprenre Becinwi Tamesra Guner Gap ma? Tamusabt Gecine Copcensire Exercise 36.. Match the words of the columns: novus Capamesa? camoner kenegi Carat Hewene| rearpra yuan? konakrap | iweni? Tamak xxypeai? ca6ax awsinapsi? AyxeH Gacranaau? Exercise 37. Answer the questions, translating the following phrases. Example: at eight o'clock - carar cerisge , at 12:30 - on exi xapuimaa at 7 o'clock, at 11 o'clock, at § o'clock, at half past two, at 1 o'clock, at 9 o'clock, at 8 o'clock Buner kaccacuinga At the Booking office Exercise 38. Read the dialogue and transiate it. = Marat Wnimkentxe aeiin Gip Gnner Gepiniswi, + Kai xvare?, - Brrinre, - Katy Gnseria anacuo Ga? - Wa, Buner Kakwa TYpaaiN? = 2500 (exi abi Gee x3) TeHre. - Nacnopraitbis Gap Ma? + Ma. = Bunerinisai ansnuis. Konibss Concer! + Paxmer. kaiiry Guneri return ticket Kait KvHre for what day >Konbittd Gonceu! Happy journey! 7 88 Exercise 39. Ask and answer the questions. ‘Axrayra: + 3200 rexre Cemaiire = 2800 texre Hoio-oprxe qeiin Guner Kanwa Trpaabi? + 600 nonnap ‘Auxa6aTKa = 4000 Terre Mocxeyre = 5300 renre. Exercise 40. Choose the right word to complete sentences. 1. Mackeyre Gapacuis 6a? 2. Macxeyre nofieis >xvpeni xoHe camoneT YwagnitO 3. AnbikTama Gininis. 4: 6uner OK. 5. Maran neitin Guner xepex. 6. Keneci kalirap Guner Gepiniswi. 7. Mloes eprex carat reneni. 8. Bis TaKcnmen Gapambis. 9. pectopan Gap ma? 10. ApKanuKxka noes exi KvH xypedi. (Anmaruinal, asponoprKa, camonemnen, 6ropocsital, KocTanaiira, om exine, soxsanaa, avicenSire, eprexre, Aeitin) Taxcure orbipy Taking a taxi raxou = Meni craguonra Gapysim Kepex + O1apanes. - Kawa typany = 100 rexre. = Gre Kon, 80 rexre. + Maxyn, Gapysim Kepex I must go GSapaun the verbal noun Gapy takes the possesive personal ending Gapyuin Kepex you must go Gapyumus KepeK we must go oO 98 Exercise 41 Answer the question: Cisnin kaitaa Gapyuiuo KepcK? - Where must you go? ayKenre Gasapra ‘oar 9) MexHix: Meneyre Gapybim Kepex? {| lh a0. G myseiire a woe Axmonara Exercise 42, Read and translate the sentences7 Pay attention to the endings of the verbal nouns. Cenin mextene Gapybit Kepex. OxbiK HaH anyei KeDeK. Gisail Tamak iwiyimia Kepex. MexiH xvMbic icreyim xepex. MbiHa xiranta Myranivre Gepyinis xepex. Carat anruiga cranwonra Gapyeiniia Kepex. EpTeH qOCkiMMeH kegnecyim Kepex: Keneci anraga Kaparanabira Gapyuinbis xepex. Bip antanai Keiiin KaiirysiHbis Kepex. Exercise 43. You are to go to another town. Find out how you can get there, the time of departure , how jong it will take you to get there. Exercise 44, You've just arrived in Almaty. Find out where @ hotel is, how you can get there, you choose to take a taxi. town, city KeWwe street monumont Ronak vA otal car TponneiSyc trolleybus: bus TaFeiga what else actana capital capaa palace anan savere mana andand Kramxata brary craawon———taclum ape oreus aawesin avenue npcenext avenue aneic: far >kaKbIH close, near Gypew corner okaHbih@a,KaceiHga next, beside anabinaa in front of ar ema behind epracsiiga in the midale of dL on acTbinga under iwinae in Kapeuicuha opposite Typa straight >KOF ADEE up 8 100 a ee el TemeH down con left keneci next asunmama, (bus) stop >on way, road agponopt airport Guner ticket nolibis train ywak plane “Konuimus 6oncwn! Happy journey! Tames august Taxon taxi «ry wait ery pass yuy fly apy go py 90 (asro6ycxa, novuaFa) oTHIpy, Milly aK romp xon Temip soxsan aneikrama, kacca ‘BaroH waKuipsm Hemece kaiiry Guneri anva wry rey xairy easy >«YDY kaiitein Keny raKcn any get on a bus right side railway iron station inquiry office booking office carrige kilometre or return ticket week get out descent, get off to return walk return take a taxi Communication In Kazakhstan: The Telephone In Kazakhstan, as in the other Sovict republice, few people have a telephone in their homes. Many have waited for years to have a telephone installed, even those who are privileged (e,g., war veterans, invalids, and retirees). The telephone lines throughout Kazakhstan are outdated and in disrepair, and as a result, local connections are of very poor quality. Many urban dwellers share party lines with neighbors. The situation is not likely to improve in the near future, though telephone companies from countries such as Turkey, Singapore and South Korea have expressed an interest in installing an efficient telephone network in Kazakhstan. Public telephone booths on the street are often broken, for they are a favorite target of vandals. One cannot make long-distance calls from public telephone booths on the street. People in villages (au) must go to the “trunk-calling” offices - sometimes dozents of kilometers away - in order to make telephone calls to neigboring vilages. In towns, long-distance calls can be made on a home telephone by dialing 8 + area code + the party’s number. All international long-distance calls are operatot-assisted. Dialing 07 to reach the international operator, the caller requests an international line, giving number to be called. The ‘operator then calls back when the connection has been made, which may be several hours later or not at all. Long-distance calls are expensive, and the prices are rising steadily. TOPIC 8 Nowra Post Office Competencies: 1) To make a phone call to the international telephone exchange 2) To converse with one’s friend /collegue over the telephone or to | 2) To send/to get a nail or parcel, buy stamps leave a message. at the post office Grammar: ‘The Optative Mood TABBIC CENTIK after after voiced after voiceless vowels sonorant consonants consonants Aifines ~ He ~ Abt “Tet Hi ai ati question Kimi? Hexi? xambikapantik international renedon telephone Gazinaneic communication ne station, exchange Genin department opranuik central cory to call, to phone Koc;KocHIMbIsweI to contact Homip number Kon, code vt nriinis to wait vii Tenedosi home phone XxYMBIC Tene@oHs! work phone kanapanuik Tene@ox Gaiinateicel caiinen TvpFakt Ki? Hemip Goc emec koueneri tenecboH-asTomat Tendon aHbikTaMacb! pusa Gony pugamein trunk exchange who's speaking? Line is busy public phone, cali-box telephone directory, to be satisfied I'm satisfied yo2 103 xenen Tenerpamma —_—_express/urgent telegram ka6unnay 10 accept xat anbicy/xaasicy _—to correspond. i6epy, cany to drop, to send, to post TonTupy to fill in, to fill up canrtun to drop >«iGepria to send celineckia xenepi I would like to speak carein anim to buy TenedoH COKKLM to phone A. - Kewipiiia, waran opransik nourranel Kepcerin xi6epintswii? = ABsinali-Xat xaHFtintiMeH TemeH xypinia. XKiGex xonbHna conra Gypeincakiis OpTanuik “Sakrap” avKeHiNeH antic emec. - Paxwer. - Konsepr (xat Kanra) Kaviaa caTeinag? + Ana Ganiane. - Kon paxmer. ©. - Cignen xcusepr, mapka cavin anyra 6ona ma? ~ Cig xarmet Kalina xiGepecis/canacera? ~ Amepuxara. = Mine, 12 Texrenik mapKa anbines. + Maran xenen Tenerpamma canyra Gona ma? Bip ces Kanwa Trpaan? = Bip cos 30 TeHre Typany. Anguimer mbiia GnaHkini TonTeipsiibis, - Paxmer. Infinitive form of verb + possessive endings and model verbs: THE OPTATIVE MOOD (Kanay pai) in Kazakh expresses wish. suggestion,supposition with the help of the kepex - need, ought, should kaxer- must, mvwxiw - may. ae Singilar Plural 41. Bapytuim kepex 1. Bapytuimis 2. Capytu kaxer 2. Gapynapten Gapy!eirss9 apynapseinuis 3. Gapyter ymin 3. Capytnape 103 Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences: 1, Mex nowrara Gapysim Kepex. 2. Cenin xaT xa3ybik KepeK. 3. Tpeiicn Tenedor. coryes mrs. 4. Bisnin ca6aKx okybimbis KaxKeT. 5: Cisneppik kasaxwa vApexynepiis KaxKeT. 6. Onapauin ire Kenyi MvNeKin Exercise 2. Make up your own sentences: Men keay tina, hin Cerin, apy HHH, Hee kepex Cisairt airy tinio, tenuis KaKeT On,onbin —xaay +imia, viMbia— MYMKiH Bisain kaiity +i #o Cisnepnin —osiinecy +napeiteis, Gengepaik Tene@ox cory *nepinis Onapasih = enwey Banopnai oKy Suunapik — ayaap Exercise 3, Add the possesive endings to the verbs 1. Smunuais Gyn xirantel ayaaoy ... MMi. 2. Cenin nowrara Oapy ... Kepek. 3. Mepvanteit xaT Ka3y ... KAKET. 4. Ceximepaix ca6aKrs Oky ... Kepex. 5. Koniunt TencGort Cory... MYMIKIM 6. Bignit Amepnkara Kaliry ... MraKi. 7. Cisnin mapxa caTbin any ... Kepek. 8. MeH noceinkalt! enwey ... Kepek. 9. Bignlt KasaKkwia Coliney ... KaxeT 10. Kapnabin KoHaKKa Kemy ... MYMKIM Exercise 4, Find the noun in the Accusative case. Put the question Kimiai? Hei? Men Akan: wakeipybin Kepex. . Acat meni xirabimai oxenyi Kepex. . Mavipa MySbikaHe! TeIKnaAbI. . Asnnen Komnbiorepal xsHmeyi KepeK. Murep nockinkauei canyei Kepex. . Ana DeHncti KOHaKKa WaKbIpybI MYMKIH. . ApMal KoHakTapAb! cypeTKe TYCIpAl. . Bis KOHYePTT! KEpAIK. 9. Onap ken xar anasi. 10. Bia Gasapasi apanansiK. erogaens A = Canamarcsis 6a? = Va, Tingan TYPMBIM. Almont. ~ Amepuxara tenedon coryra Gona ma? ~ Bonagbl. Mexex-xarbinbiagel alirsiabis. = Apnunrron Kanacel, Koa __, Tenachou Hamini 6176347243 Cuntaus BarHepal wakeipsiteis. = Kyrinis, - Paxwer. = Bnney! Canamarcus 6a? Optansik Galinanwic Genii me? > Va, Tegan TYPMBIH. = Awepuxara Tene@ox coryra Gona ma? - Kewipinia, 6vrin Gatinanuic KOK. EpTeH Tenedon COFLIKEI. - Paxmer. Cay Gomis. - Cay Consiavis! © - Bnno! Canawarobs 6a? Meni Anmarbimen KocBILIsWL, TenedoH womipi 69 29 85. Mywkix Gonca, Tesipex orient = Kepaiini, KvTkis. = Paxmer, cisre pusamein, o. = Annoy! Caniamaresis 6a? Amepnkara Tenedou coryra Gona ma? + Ma, arenes - Mex Texac wari Octik Kanachimen epTex carat 10-na carinecyre Oona ma? = OPMHE, MEKEH-KAUibINBISABL, ATHIMBISAB! AlATBIMBID. ~ Epix Yaiit, Tene@ox Hemipia 21 63 78. Paxmer. Cay Sonbiteis! xaT mail nowra post, post-office KonBepT envelope mapea stamps Gnami form xenen xat registered mail/letter Gangeoons printed matter, parcel nocunka.cenempeme parcel Tenerpawma telegram 108 106 Exercise 5. Add the Accusative case endings to the nouns: 1, Cen kiran ... okw 2. Mex ecik ... xanToim. 3. Cig rager .., anbine. 4. On Tepese ... auye! Kepex. 5. Bis Gananap ... xaKCbI KopeMis 6. Cis anwa ... Gasapaal anbitbts 7. 8 9. 1 Mew Had ... caTbin anybiM KepeK. On mapea ... Kancbipysi KePEK. Marpix akuia ... GaHKe caKTayo! KexeT. 0. PaiiimGex Manna... KOKDeY! KepeK. (to repair, fix) Exercise 6, Learn and act out the dialogues: A = Annoy! Canawarois Ga? TYPCHHAD! WaKswemoisitsl, Gyn Keon + Makyn, Kasip, Kyte TYPBIKDIS 8. = @nnoy! Canem, Typcuie! = Canamarcnit 6a, Kes? Kanbin Kanai? - re xaKCHI, BiH We? = >Kakebi. KeBHM, epren caFar 9-aa xunansic Gonaau, Ken! = Kakcbl, Paxmer, xenemin. Cay on. ~ Cay Bon! c. ~ Annoy. Gyn Maik, Nopani TenepoxFa wakipairsauso. 7 Kewipinia, Jlopa xunanbicra oTnip. He alrraceis (we Tancuipactis)? Kvmianie 20 manityrrar CoM BireRi ~ Onna Mopera aiiTuiibis, marax TenedoH COKGHIK, MeH KyTeMiH = Cay Gonsitss Exercise 7. Translate the sentences. Make up dialogues usiny Ue following sentences. Mani arsine Kou. Tpelicumen xeanecy Kepex. Mex Tenedon coramoit OxiniuKe opah, Tpeticn Yugicranra xerri. Byrint Epuk «OK Mawent Kasip xianbicra OTBIP. Xarwara aiitbin/rancpsin xeriis Octinna xar xagbin xeri4is, Mex xat Kanavipysima 6ona ma? 10, Eptex Tenedou coKcnin. 11. Keuxxe teneox cokcon. 12, Bisuit Wire KonaKka Kencit!. Orrounena 107 s08 2? | 13, Epren koueprxe Guner anabin. 14, Cisre Ken paxmer. 15, Cay Gonbiia. Canem alraisis. (tell my Hello to ...) ~ Mex noceinka canyeim KepeK. + Kalina? - Awepunara, Kanuia Teneyin Kepex? ~ lunge He Cap? Kasip enwerix. - Kiran nex cysexupnep. - Mata Gnalkini TonTbIpEIeIS 200 TeHre Tenens, ~ Paxwer! B. -Onno!BynGnneH Xoymen.Marak Mypat Opaiixanosruri wakbipeiqeisuues = On xici Kagip nexunaa. 15 munyrran Keltin Taeui xabapnachHeis = Kakeul, paxmer! c = Snnoy. Npodeccop Amar esusi ToreyGaewn Gap ma? ~ Tonaan TypMEtH = Canamarceis 6a, npodeccop!. Byn Teppn Yunuam.Cis6ek Kesnecyre ona ma? - Kawa xenmexci3? - Mv akin Gonca, epTeH, TroKe aettin. - Makya. Eptex oH 6ipae Kenikis, - Paxuer! Kenentin - Cay Gonwitiis! Kesneckenwe! (See you later) Exercise 8, Read aloud and translate the following words. Underline the suffixes of the Future Intentional Tense. 1, xeggecnexnis 6. kaitmnakceinaap 2. xasGaKcoi 7. enwemex 3. xenmex 8. avuipdacramak 4, aemanmaxnbit 9. Bapmaxneis 5. ceiinecnexcis Exercise 9, Make up sentences with the following words, match them. with the verbs of Ex.8. Example: Bis xesqecnexnia, Aoceim, mex, cer, Ci3, on, Aapirep, Myranim, cismep, CeHaep. 107 108 Exercise 10. Read and translate into Kazakh: 1, She intends to help. 2. He intends to have a rest. 3. We intend to work. 4, Lintenc to read. 5. They intend to write. i0y 108 Current Economic Situation In Kazakhstan In September 1991 the parlament of Kazakhstan issued a law on the privatization of state property, which aims to retum to the people at least part of the wealth produced by them. The law is being implemented step by step. First, small enterprises of trade, communical services, transport, construction and agriculture are being transferred to private ownershiy After sufficient experience in the mechanics ui the market economy has been gained, Kazakhstan will then privatize its larger industrial and trade complexes. The transfer of state property into the hands of the people is being carried out through a system of coupons. Based on their work record and other factors, individual citizens receive an amount of coupons which can be used to purchase state-owned small businesses at auctions. Larger state enterprises will be privatized through leasing and the establishment of joint stock companies. Of great signifinance is the transter ot ownership in nousing. For every citizen of the Republic a certain number of housing coupons are being deposited into special bank accounts. An assigned number of coupons will be sufficient to transfer ownership of apartments to their present tenants. Home ownership will be a major test for the implementation of a market economy in Kazakhstan, Not every reform measure has been popular with all citizens, In Kazakhstan, but there is no thought of going back to the old, centralized economy, Most people understand that in the iong run a stable economy can only be achieved through private ownership. Now every citizen is responsible for his/her own welfare and living standards. The state encourages competition and the full realization of the rights of individuals. Tax reforms, including tax inspection services, are being implemented, and monopolistic activities are being curbed. Unlike other republics of the former Soviet Union, Kazakhstan is not requesting aid in the form of capital and food from foreign countries. It considers such assistance both immoral and ineffective. Rather, Kazakstan invitives constructive and mutually beneficial economic assistance - not charitable support - from other countries, including the United States 109 110 Competencie: PROVERBS: 1. *Haypois afita: TvoKe ACHiN ravitia 2. *Kyn Typranna aii KepinGec” 3. Kagna Manaaiiel Tepnemerentit, Keicra kasanes kainamartabs” TOPIC 9 Aya pain. Kumar. Weather. The Climate. wearher with your colleague. 1) To exchange remarks, forecast about the 2) To converse about your favorite seasons. 3) To ask for and give information about the climate of your home country. “March comes in like a lian rycrex KeiiiH Kis” and goes out like a lamb” Alinap Kaxrap Axe kein Mesrini season Haypeis, keKrem spring Cayip, Kexex aa summer Mameip ¥3 autumn, fall Mayoum Keic. winter Winge Tames aya-paie weather Kpipxviex aya-paii! Gonxamti weather forecast © Kaga Gonxay (eprenri) weather report Kapawa for tomorrow >KenToKcaH aya air kaumar Gyat cloud wen TymaH fog, mist 6vpwak wahaaran lightning, thunder, storm ‘The moon is not seen, where the sun’ shines" They must hunger in winter that will not work in summer” Months January February March April May June July August September October November December climate wind hail -xaHObip rain bICTbIK hot, heat Hecep shower eines warm acnaw sky awk clear, fine Kap snow KvH wyaKrel sunny Sopan storm cipxipen xayy _to drizzle rH sun CybikTaH KaTy to freeze xowxin snow-slip epy to malt, to thaw Mya: ice exen river 53 frost Ken lake xewnip Kocak rainbow renia sea perweak, ems mild Myxer ocean Gip Kanunrss moderate opman forest Garnak muddy ‘ToFait wood KoxTaiiFaK slippery, vay mountain Kanbipeik ‘sultry YH night wnranget wet WH day cankeit, wisFapns chilly rpanye degree oyu cold Teuneparypa —_ temperature ain the moon Heb zero ain month anra week xen year >xaH6up xayuin TYp it is raining oxaH6bip xayage it rains Kap xayuin Typ itis snowing Kap wayanbs it snows conrverix (YH CybiTagbi it is going to be cold yH XbinbIHaRe! it will be warm Gateic irs. xenne ‘sometimes bINFM, apKawaH always anga-caxna —trom time to time xn frequently, often ourverix cupex seldom A a, 3S a + Aya pata Kanna? = OF; Gyrin Kvn cymik/xeines ~ Byrik aya pai Kanaan? + Byrin kya Tamawa. KyH xbinbi, aca aWeiK, + Epren aya-paitu: kanaaii Gonaau? + Epren KvH xeinbi ona, + WhimGvnakka wart! Te6yre Gapaiibik, erep yakbiTbik Conca. + Kepaitai, mew Gocnain, Kenicrix. me res 4 = 2Kar, CoM okbINb KnIM Kat, KYH CANKLAH. = KaH6uip Gona Ma? Mexne KONWATLIP xOK. + Mymixin xaHGbip xxayanbi. Kyw 6yaT. + Menage kon wareip 6ap, con xeTeai, a6uipxeima. D. = Berl xv epoxwe Kanwpuik, Kenre womsinyra 6apaciih 6a? = OF; men 2cray Ginmeyimin, Gipak wombunrsim Kenepl. MapK, cis xvay Ginecis Ge? = Va, Mex xvay Ginem, KopuKnakbis. = Cyfa wombinein, AeManbin KeneiiK. Xun mesringepl Koxrom Kaa Haypsis (3) Mayouin (6) Cayip (4) Winge (7) Mamuip (5) Tameis (8) Keic Kye enroxcan (12) Keipavitex (9) Kanrap (1) Kasab (10) Agnan (2) Kapewa (11) Exercise 1. Read aloud the text. Transtate it. Bip xbinaa 4 mearin Gap. Onap: KoKTeM, a3, Kv3, KbIC. Kextem afinapu: — Hayp, 2ka3 afinapel: mayo, Kya alinapet: Kuipiviiex, ... Keic alinape: xenToKcaH, ... Bip >xuinga 12 alt, 365 vu Gap. LEARN Tongue-twister “Byn Kap - cvp Kap; ‘Cvp Kap - kip Kap, Yerine aynaia, Yerinai 6uunap™ Exercise 2. Answer the question. Give an affirmative or negative answer. Clare Kal mesrin vain? - What season do you like? Maran koxtem —_| viavigsi or YHamalinyi nas wera Kec Exercise 3. Answer the question. Model: Cis kaii aiina TyabiHbis? ~— When were you born? (in what month were you born?) 1. Men mayoumtna tTyAKM. 2. Men cayipne Tyabie. 3. Men Tyabim, Kyn weTaK/oyiK Kyn Kanipesk ‘Aya paiita lp Kanunty Dana xexrafirax ana Garnox Exercise 4, Answer the question. Speak about the weather in yc country, region, state. 1. Amepnkana — aya paiib! Kavinaii? 2. Cisnid wirarra 3. Cisain kanana Make up sentences using the following vocabulary Awepncena | aya pai | cyLik Bisaik wrarra YH >KbIIbE Kanuopanana| «aa siereik Mewuranaa Kbic CankhlH Vanwonina | Ke ip Kantinte: Texacta | kerrem | binranaet 113, It is hot/cold It is humid ‘The weather is the same Itis slipery + itis muddy Jrefine — [ran6up xayen | xayane: ene kap epkawax |Gopan Gonanps cvpex —_|Hacep anna-canna xt a i 8 a a a a a a a a Q a a i a ' a ’ @nopunana Aana koxralirax AnscKana wyH wyaK KanbipoiK, Garnak Exercise 5. Describe your country, your state to each other. Exchange information about the climate and geography of your home town. (See the vocabulary) A Biggin wrarra ken Gap ‘Amepwxana. e3eH (there is .. have) Unkarotna Tenis Menik kanatm rorait opman Tay MvxuT 8. Animal Plant Bianik wrarra ao 6ap makra eceni xepae xon6apuc Conant = -xvrepi ecipeai Toraiaa Kackbip ak Kalb opmanaa Trak weipwa rayna KoRH nanowa kenge maimein ananac esenne twin anenbcht ein we Gives epix Gansix Gypwak kayein nommnop kameic anwa Exercise 6. Answer the questions, using the active vocabulary: 1, Kasakcranna He 6ap? Kasaxcrakna ao Gap Ma? 2, Kagaxcranga He eceni? Kaaacerauna nanoma eceal Me? 3. Kagakcranna kangaii esexaep 6p? 4, Kagaxcranna xannail xennep Gap? 5. Kannai rexisnep Gap? 6. Kanai raynap 6ap? 415 114 ‘Ask questions and answer them... Onrrerinre kana Gap? Conrvcrixre xanga | ray Werucra esex Barucra xen Exercise 7. Read aloud the text. Translate it. Koicra KYH cybik Gonaabl, Kap 2xayaabl. KYH KbICKa, TYH Y3aK Gonaabl. Koxrempe kap epngi, xanSuip xayansl. KycTap Keneal. Kn ysapanis, xbinbI- Hagel. Kemic, Kexonictep, rep eceni. dKagaa KH bicTbiK GonanHl. Tynaep auinagDi/rrnaeiial. Kemic-xnaer, kexexictep niceni. Kyane KYH Keickapapsl, Cybik Gonaqb. Kasak alibiina xeMic-«uneK, kexevicrepal xnHaliqLi/xMMan anan.. KYCTap KanTany, Exercise 8 Fill in the necessary words. Answer the questions. Kasip kaa wearin? . aa? Kencei aii kanaai Goran? sree Mearin.. 2 Tampisabit anabikna Kal ali Gonane? >Kaaapit ceweeesrin .Gonas? >Kasaan xeiiin kannaii/Kaii wearin Gonanix? Kyaaen Kein. Tamesaan xelin Kanaai/Kai af Gonagus? PUZZLES: 1. *Konti KOK, cyper canaael, Tici xox, Ticren anagti.” 2. “Acnannarel anbin gon >Kapkeipaiiael xapeik Gon.” 3. “si rayna eceni, kaka kenga Yiire Keweni” oS Present Life in Kazakhstan Since the attempted coup of August 1991, which brought about the final break-up of the Soviet Union, life has been changing rapidly in Kazakhstan, President Nazarbayev immediately disbanded the Communist Party in Kazakhstan, and the country changed from a one-party to a mutti- party system. As new parties and movements appeared, new newapapers and journals have sprung up to open the “secret files” of the past. For the first time, the policies and actions leading to the loss of over half of the Kazakh population between 1931-1992 were openly discussed. A paitiamentary commission was appointed to identify those responsible for the brutal suppression of the peaceful student demonstrations of December 17-18, 1986. It was on the fifth anniversary of those demonstrations, constitution was adopted, and international recognition of Kazakhstan's independence followed. ‘As in all regions of the former Soviet Union, Kazakhstan faces enormous problems. High inflation has combined with insufficient supplies of food, medicine, and affordably priced consumer goods. The wide-spread destruction of the environment has affected the health of a large segment of the population. While trying to deal with these immediate problems, Kazakhstan is also trying to rid itself of the Soviet-style planned economy and to introduce a market economy. The greatest need, however, is for the training and education of young people who will be able to function in a market oriented society. As a resul, Kazakhstan is establishing a new nation wants to free itself as rapidly as possible of all vestiges of seventy- five years of Communist rul In times of such enormous change, the dayly life of the average citizen of Kazkhstan has become very difficult, particularly for women. Finding food for children and other family members consumes all of their time and energy, So very few women have been Involved direcily in the decisions determining the future of Kazakhstan, TOPIC 10 XKvmpicta. At Work. Competencies: 1) To introduce yourself, to ask and tell about your education/employment. YMC. 2evMole Kv Mexeme. office mexren school Geni department xnace classroom Gacraysus xnace junior-forms >orapti Knace senior forms skoFaptt Ginim higher education mamanaeik specialist minaer(rep) responsibility anak salary KOpwarah oprani caK aFLMWULIM TiniH OKLITY Gitipy komexrecy 2) To converse with collegues, and describe Peace Corps’ function. job ‘working day mexeme aMpextopsi director Mexren jupextops! director aUpeXTOp OpsHGAcapy director's assistant yansepenteT university negarorrix pedagogical wnctaTyT institute GeiiGirwinix rob Peace Corps GenGirwinix peace TOGLINEIH MvWeCi volunteer opinrec collegue maxcar(rap) aim, goal aiinbik monthly allowence ‘ray environment to teach English to finish, to graduate to help, to support KYH Kepyre xereriH FaHa for our living expenses Exercise 1. Read the words on the walls and on the doors: Kopwaran opTattt kopray KOMUTeT Waren Granec Gonimi Kasax memnexerTi ‘an-@apa6n arbinnarts YnrTeik yausepoureri Kasax memnexerrix Kbignap nenarortix WHCTMTYTE ix A. . + Canamarcuis 63? Men - BefiGinuinix roGunun mrwcoitin. z ‘Dypekrop Gap ma? - On kici Goc emec. OpsinGacaps! Gap. = On xici kali xepae? Are Kim? = 208-binwu Ganmene. Ati Paywan CemBexxsiaul. + Paxwer, cay Gonna! 8. = Kewipinia, meni minnerrepim kaxinali? He ierayia xepex? = 5-6 KnacTapra aFLinWH TiniH OKLTACH. In spoken Kazakh, the word *xic? (nan, woman) is often used with personal pronouns Or (he/she) On xici He/she. Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with Personal endings. Read. I A Mex 6usHecmen. B. Cen GusHecwen. Men GeAGirwinix ToObNbK Mvueci.. Cia 6usHecmer Con BeiGirwinix TobuHEH MYweCi ‘On Gusnecmen. Cis BenGirwinix ToGuinBH MyweC!. Bis 6usvecme: On BeiiGirwinix Tou MyweCi, Bis BeAiGirwinik roOunbn mrweci Con aFbinubin Tint myranimi... Cia artinusein Tint mvFanioi.. On afbinwein Tini MvFanini... Big arbinuiein Tini wvFani Exercise 9. Read and translate the following A. Men arunwan Tini Mveanimimin, BeAGirwinix ToGwnbIK MyweciMin. Meu xonneax xaHe Kannbopnna yunsepcurerin Giripaim. Mara 1-3 knacc Gananape vHaiinw = BeiGinwinix roGt Typanti arabicus! Obi MakcaTtape! KaHaait? - Kasakcranra kemexrecyre xenj\iK. - Kai canana? + Warbin Gnanecre, Kopwiaran oprahet caxray wxeNe aFoinustin Tinih OkbITAM9, ~ XanaKeinbia eakcn Ma? + Oprausa. + Kanwa yakurxa xengikis? = Exi xuinra. 119 120 amu Sea ee eee eee lle eee - Kewipinis, mex ne icreyin Kepex? Meni Mixgerrepiag) aiiremeaus. = 8-wil knacrapna aFbinwbiH TiniH OKEITaCk3. = CaGax xectecih xepyre 6ona ma? - Mine, Kepitis. - Xymbic carat Hewene Gacranaas? - Carar 8-ne. - Fyncapa, KeKcenOine He icreiicis? Goccus 68? = Mia, Gocnesr. - Kenre 6apaiitik! = akon. = Beepni, mara mbinta xirantei 2 kure Gepecis 6e? Ore Kepek. ~ OpMHe, anbilbis. - Kamu, GiaGex Tayra Gapacuis 6a? ~ Kawan? + Epren. ~ Paxwer, Gapa anmaiimeit. Kyabic xen In Kazakh, geographical names, cities, streets, and universities have the possessive endings +ci, +cb1, +i, , when following proper nouns. Kasaxeran Pecny6nnxatcut Annatel Kanatcbl AGwinalt-Xaw Kewe+ci ‘Tyecon ynnsepeuter+i Mnanecora wrartst >Kepopra TeHissi Banka xenti Exercise 4. Translate into Kazakh, 1. Harvard University. _2. Florida State. 3. Alabama State. 4.Tole bi street. 5. The Peace Corps. 6. The town of Aktau. 7. The town of Karaganda. 8. The Irtysh river, 9. Tie Mississippi river. 10. The Pacific Ocean. Exercise 5. Answer the question: Kim Gonain ictericis? Model: Myeania 6onein icrefimin. 1. Tiwi 6. Cyperwi 2. Sonor 7. Xybicuues 3. Tinwout 8. Caryuist Gonsin icreiimin, 4, BusHeomen 9. XXyprigyti 5. Kagyust 10. Xarwei Exercise 6, Answer the question. A, Mamanqueviniis Kanaan? Mamanqpirtim B, oKanakbim 1) eTe >xaKebI 2) oprawa 8) xamaH (bad) Teen (low) agranraii (little) c. Kanuim .... ere AKCst oprawia ake xamaH eMec 121 D. Kanna xece? In Kazakh, to express something you can do or you are able to do, the modal verb “any” is used. for example: to be able to, a (after consonants} and a,0,y.b4Y) Verb + ¢-(after consonants and 2,9,¥,4,e,)) Moi, MIS ana + obit, cBINaep Present Positive Negative Men kasakwa >asa anaMotl ~ kasa anmalien Cex Kagakwa xaga anaceit -kaga anmaiiouit Cis kagakuia Kaga anacea - xaga anaficns On kasakwa aga ana + xa3a anmaliab Mex Gvrix nowrara 6apa ... 600 Cen Grrin avxenre Gapa .. oo Cis 6yrin aoounuiora apa ... a On 6yrin apinrecine Gapa . ee Led Grammar Notes pa mU mew eee eee eee eee eee [aT nS El Parts of Speech ( Coa TanTapy) Noun + sarecia Verb + ericTix Adjectioe | - cun ecim Pronoun + ecimaix Numeral - caw eciw Advero = yorey Interjection - ogarait NOUN ‘The Kazakh noun has the following grammatical categories: number, case, possession and predication. Each category has a definite set of endings. ‘The plural ‘The basic ending of the plural is + nap /+nep, its variants are + aap/+ Aep, + Tap/+ Tep. + nap/+ nep is used after vowels anatnap “mothers” and puny vittnep “houses” Taytnap “mountains” + aap/ taep is used atter the vioced ——_ke/a#aap “girls” 9a and sonorants n.Mk,H etien¢ep “women” + rap/+ rep is used after voiceless —_xirir+rep “dzigits, "young men” consonants and voiced 6,8,1,.4 kagak+rap “Kazakhs" way6+Tap “clubs” mexren+rep * Declension of nouns Nouns in Kazakh are declined in seven cases. They are Nominative, Genitive, Dative or Directive, Accusative, Locative, Ablative, Instrumental. The cases are formed by adding case suffixes to noun stems (cee +"word") or derived noun formations (cas¢geptia "my words”). ‘The Nominative Case ( Aray cenik ) has no distinct markers or special endings. In all other cases suffixes have initial consonants, therefore rules of consonant assimilation have to be observed. The Genitive Case ( nix cenrix) is uesd for the “of” relationship and it expresses definite ownership. It always occurs before the noun possessed, @.9, English "my Grandfather's garden” is rendered in Kazakh as aTam+ni: Gare! (grandfather - my - of garden his). The basic ending is + nan/ Soin with variants + abiK/+ sic; +rey/rin, + now/+ Hin occurs after vowels Kanatues “ot the city” and MH aArxentuin “of the shop” agam+Hel “of a person” + auty tain is used after the vioced Kus aim “of the girl” consonants and sonorants Aigaptasn “ot Aidar, Aidar’s ecix+riy_ “of the door” xnactTaH “of the class” witain “of the house” ‘The Dative Case ( Bapuic cenrix ) indicates direction towards or the verbal functions of “to, for”. It has the ending + Fa/tre, +Ka/+xe the former is used everywhere except after preceeding voiceless consonants, including ( 6,8,r,a) which devoice at the end of syllables. +ra/re - Ganatra to the child oxyuartra to the people vranintre to the teacher enwitre tithe singer areentre to the shop +Ka/exe — asro6yctKa to the bus cite to the door ‘The Accusative Case ( Ta6wic centix) states the definite direct object and has three shapes: + u/+ Hi after vowels anatne “mother” axe+ni “grandmothers” +an/tni after sonorants kavetmis “bread” voiced consonants and #y —waliva/ “tea” + Tw/+7i after voiceless consonants kanrtret “sugar” evr+ri “milk” The Locative Case ( Xarwec centix) indicates location, rendered in English by the prepositions “in, at, on”, it has the endings +aa/+2e everywnere acxavataa in the canteen Genme+ne in the room except arxentze in the shop +79/+ Te _ after volceless xnacta_ in the class consonants sasog+Ta at the plant ecix+re in the door The Ablative Case ( Witvewe cenrix) is the case of “from”. away from" meanings and is also used in comparisions. It has the following ending: 125 122 following ending: + naH/+ nen after vowels, kanataan “irom a city” voiced consonants Gasaptaan “trom a bazaar" (except+ 6,2,7,4) and Bani +naH/+ Hex after MMH apam+nan “from a person” + ran/+ Tex after voiceless wacrryr+ran "from the institute” consonants and 68,7, crynent+ren “from a student” The Instrumental Case ( Kemexrec cenrix ) conveys the meaning of “with” or shows the means or instrument used, i/e "by means of, through". Its ending does not follow the rules of vowel harmony and is subject only to consonant assimilation: + MeH after vowels and Ganatmen “with a child” ‘sonorants, Konmen “by hand” + Gen ater 3 Kos+6eH "with eyes” nofibls+6en — “by train” + nex after voiceless crygentnex “with a student” ‘consonants. camonertnen “by plane” TABLE [Cases ‘Questions, Endings English Kazakh {Nominative who? Ki? - Aray centix what Ke? : 2. Genitive whose? ximain? +Hih/i Ini: ceri: of what? neni? Fauvaint 3. Dative towhom? —ximre? tra/re Bapwic cenrix to what? Here? +Ka/Ke 14. Accusative whom? ximpi? ees TaOwic centix wnat? HeHi? +aoval trey/ti Locative where ximae? +na/ne 2Xaraic cenrix wene? +1a/Te ‘Ablative from whom? ximHen? —+zah/nen Weireic centix from what? Henan? +Han/HeH +TaH/reH Instrumental with wham? xiMMen? tae Kemextec cenvix with what? Kemen? +6eH nen 126 Possession ‘The basic means to indicate possesion is the addition of possessive endings indicating person to the noun being possessed, hence, oxetm oxen “my father” exetH 9KeH “your father” oxesnia oxenia “your father, exerci oxeci “his father oxetuis axemis “our father ‘The corresponding possessive pronoun can be used with a oun, as Menin aKeM, CeniH aKeH, CiaaiN BKeHis; OMEN aKeci, Cisnin axemis. ‘The second person has two distinct forms to differentiate between familiar, informal and polite, formal address. The ending + indicates the familiar form’ for persons with whom we would use first name. The ending + kus is used in regard to persons alder than the speaker, persons in position of authority or to anyone who the person doen't know very well. The endings vary according to vowel or consonant stem and by front and back vowels. The endings added to a stem, ending in a vowel are: Singular Plural 1 person +M + Miia 2 person +H +H + nwig/ris + nua/nis 3 person + co/el +ou/ci ‘The endings added to a stem, ending in a consonant, are Singular Plural 1 person + om + banaesa/imis 2 person + min + Hin + wnbis/lats + panos 3 person + wicei/ici +o ‘A possessive ending may be added to a plural: moctraptunns “our friends” Ganatnapten "your children” oxetnepti “their fathers” 127 £29 The case endings are added directly to the possessed noun, consequently one can bulld up ratlier long words which must be translated by a whole phrase: ocrepumesaan “from our friends” ‘exenepiis6en “with your fathers” In the Dative Case the ending + Ka/ Ke, +ra/re_loses K/k .F/r in a singilar possessive and shows only +a/e hence Aocum+a — “to my friend” ‘axem+e “to my father” In the 3-d person the Dative ending is + 4a/ He aocetva — to his friend” execitne —* to her father" Further in the Locative Case the + ga/ae ending takes w before it after the 3-d person, hence axecitwtae oxecinge “at his father” Predication In the Kazakh language when nouns (also, pronouns, adjectives and ordinal numerals) function as the predicate of a sontence, they take the personal ending very similar to those of the verb. Singular Men acreeicuser tonne “tam a worker” Men KagaK+nein “1am Kazakh" Cen xveeicub+cuH "You are a worker” Cen KasaK+cun “You are Kazakh” Cis xvmucumtcHs “You are a worker” (polite form) Cis KasaK+cus “You are Kazakh” On xveeicubs “He is a worker" On KasaK “He is Kazakh” [The 3-d person does not take any ending} Plural Bis sxvebicunenap+mess "We are workers” Bis Kasaxtness "We are Kazakh” Cenep -xrmecuouap tcomaap "You are workers” Cisgep xvmucweinaprceisaap Cennep Kasaxcemnap "You are Kazakh” 128 «= £30 Cisnep xasaxcunnap Onap xrmecusviap They are workers” Onap Kasax “They are Kazakh” According to the Law of Vowel Harmony there are variants of endings with front vowels. Negation is expressed with the help of the word emec . and the Personal ending is added to the word emec not to the noun. ‘Meu crynent emecnin “lam not a student” Cen erygexr emeccin * You are not a student” ‘On cryneuT emec "He is not a student THE ADJECTIVE (CBIH ECIM) Most adjectives have degrees of comparison: the comparative degree - camuicrsipmany weipali the superlative degree = - xyweitmeni wepait 1. The comparative degree in Kazakh is formed in two ways: a) by adding the suffix - -pak/-pex after vowels or -bipaK/-ipex after consonants. Examples: anaca low anacatpak lower terri sweet Territpex sweeter ap3an cheap ——apzan+epax cheaper KeH wide xextipex wider b) by adding the sutfix --nay/-ney, -aay/-ney, -Tay/-Tey in accordance with the vowel harmony rule and consonant assimilation as Kbicka - short KbicKatnay - shorter -nay/-ney after vowels xeineitnay warmer and kiwitney ‘smaller pay aysiptnay heavier ~aay/-ney after voiced apsan+aay cheaper ‘consonants xxerineney easier and M.4..7 -Tay/-Tey after voiceless. werk +Tay hotter consonants Gnix+rey higher ‘The first way of forming the Kazakh comparative degree is more frequent in comparison with the second one. 129 134 ) the hundreds and higher numerals as follows: 23, 100 Me 1000 d) the compound numbers are simple combinations of the base forms with a highest number first: on Gip " on exi 12 on 13 on Tepr 14 aria 249 ceria v3 eny ceria v3 eny 2«eTi MBH TOFEIS 2573 MBI TORBIS ars 1OKCaH Ges sonuipaa 20 xwwipma Geo 25 ores Yu 30 kwpaix ceria 48 800 850 857 900 1995 The noun which follows the cardinal numeral in Kazakh is used in the singular as exi Gana OH cryneHT enbipma Gec Kiran Ordinal numerals ‘two children ten student twenty five books. The ordinal numbers are formed by the suffix -(o1)Musb1/-(i)Husi yu-inwi TOFbIS-bIMULL On-biHUIEE On Topr-inui OTeis-biMUE! eny Geo-iMui Remember: 2KMBIPMA-C-LIHLLLL first second third sixth ninth, tenth fourteenth thirtietn fifty fifth twentieth ‘There are also collective numerals, indicating groups of that figure, as Bipey, exey, vuiey, If the ordinal numeral functions as the predicate, the ending of predication must be added. It must be bore in mind that the suffix - nay/-ney denotes lessening of the quality, as in English *yellow-yellowish” 2. The Kazakh superiative degree is also formed in two ways: a) using the words ere ‘very. too, aca "extremely", eH = “most, Tia - “too” ere xaKcl! ‘reine Ort en Kuan ere kumOar very good too high most difficult very expensive the quality is intensified by the repetition of the first syllable of ‘the words with the connective consonant - 1 kapa keswn cysik Terni ‘The numerals in Kazakh fur other languages, indicating number or the order of persons and things In a series and ordinals. black kan-Kapa —_very black red Kwin-Keigbit too red cold orn-cysik too cold sweet Ten-rarti_ too sweet THE NUMERAL (CAH ECIM) in a manner similar to those of Cardinal numerals: a) from 1 to 10 Gio uw rept 6ec arene b) the decades are xaeipma 20 ori 30 keipK = 40 eny 50 annuc 60 xeric 70 cexcen 80 Toxcax 90 ants 6 xeri 7 cers 8B rors 9 on 1 131 Singular wit Lam the first cen Gipinwit cin You are the first cia Gipinwitcis You are the first ‘on GipinwitO He is the first Plural Bis Gipinwitmis We are the first Cennep Gipinwitcinnep You are the first Cisnep Gipinwitcisnep Onap GipimwitO They are the first THE PRONOUN. (ECIMAIK) Personal pronouns. ‘The Kazakh pronouns of person are wen “I” Gis “we" ceH “you. cenep “you” cia cisneo on “he" ~—onap_“they* ‘Their declensions strongly remind those af nouns. There are howerer some differences between nominal and pronominal declention and the student should learn them very well. Declention of personal pronouns Singular os [Cases men cen cis on INom wen cen cis on Gen. menin = cenit cianin ont Dat. = mara = caran ciare oFaH lace. meni ceni cisai one Loc. menne —cenne cisne onaa lab. = meHen = ceHeH cisnen onan lust. _Menimen _cenimen cio6en onuMen, Plural Cases 6s cennep cisnep onap Nom Gis cennep cisnep nap Gen. Gisain ‘cennepalk cisnepain —onapabii Dat. bre cexnepre cisnepre == onapra Acc. isa} cennepai cisnepai onapats Loc. Cisne cenaepne cisnepae napa Abl. Gisnen cennepnen cisnepgeH —onappaH lustr. Gis6en cenpapmeh ——cignepmen —oniapmen. Declention of demonstrative pronouns. Kazakih has the following demonstrative pronouns: mena this ana that on this, it voce this (one) con that (one) Cases una ana vn octet con Nom Meine ana vn oct con Gen. MeiMaHBin — aHaMbiH Gv OceiHEM —COHBIK Dat. MolaraH = aHaFaH 6vran ocuraH — coraH Acc. Monat wanes Orne Octine! — COHB Loc. Mowaga anana 6vnna ocuinaa comma Ab. Memanan = ananaH Gvaax ocuinaH conan lust. MuiNaMeH = aHameHt OvHEMeH = OCIMEH ConIMEH Declention of reflexive pronouns ‘The reflexive pronoun is aa - *self" and its forms will be recognized at once due to its personal ending: esis | myself, esi - you youself, esnepinia - you yourselves, o3i - he himself, eaqepimis ~ we ourselves, ‘eanepi - they themselves. ww a 133 = es ee Declention of indefinite pronouns ite pronouns inoude these: ‘someone: Gipneme something GipHewe some, few Cases Gipey Gipneme Giprewe Nom Gipey Gipneme Giprewe Gen. Gigemenin, Gipnemenin Gipuewenin, Dat. Gipeyre Gipaemere GipHewere Acc. Gipeyai Gipnemexi Gipreweni Loc. Gipeyne Gipnemene Giprewene Abl. Gipeynen Gipnememen GipHewemen lustr. Gipeymen Sipnememen GipHewemen Declention of definite pronouns ‘The definite pronouns are 6opi all (of i¥them) Gapnux all, everything Cases Gopi apni Nom, epi Gapneix . Gen. oapinik Capnbirbnein Dat. Gapine Gapnereina Acc. 6epin Gapnuirein Loc. Gopinge - Capnurunna Al Gepinen Gapnuirenan Instr. Gapneirsimen 134 Singular Cases ‘esi ‘ea eainis Nom ain eainis Gen. 23 innit eainiaaitt eainin Dat. 3 ine eainisre esine ‘Acc. esha) esivisa) ein Loe. eainae eainigne: sainne Abl. eaimnen ‘einen esivignen —aainen esimmen eainmen esinisben___eaimen. Plural esimis eanepin eanepinis _esnepi Nom ‘egimis eanepin eanepinis _eaney Gen. eaimisnin eopepiinin —eanepikiaald eanepinily Dat. eaimisre eanepine eanepinisre — eanepine Acc. eaimisai eanepinal eanepiniani —eanepin Loc. eaimiane esnepinne —eanepitisne —eanepinne esimisnen = eanepinwen © eanepinianen sanepinen evimia6en ___eanepinven _eanepiniaben_aanepimen. Declention of negative pronouns Negative pronouns include these ewxim nobody ewrene nothing ewnepce nothing ewxanaah ——no sort of ewkawan never neneme nothing eunepce aoHeme _ ewKanaan Cases euKim ewreme Nom euxim — ewreme ewrepce = porieme = euikanat Gen. ewximvin euremenin ewHapcerid AeHeMeHid ewkannaliabil| Dat. euwximre ewremere © ewiHepcere feHemere = ewikanaaiiFa Acc. euximal ewremene © ewnapcexi aeHemeni ewukaknaliay Loc. ewkimge euremene © ewHapcege feKemene ewKanaaliaa ewximHen ewremenen © ewnapceneH AdHeMeneH euKannaiaaH| ewximmeH_ewrememen evememex_ewkannalimen 138 137 The Interrogative pronouns The interrogative pronouns are the following: ina who we what kai what kind of kanait how kanwa how many, how much xanga to where, where Kawa when ewe how many, how much vewinui which Here why Declention of Interrogative pronouns Cases Kim He Kanaan kanwa ewe Nom xia He wanna Kana wewe Gen. ximnit, Henin KaNavMe = KaHWaRH —_Henteni Dat. ximre Here kaunaira = Kanwiara = Hewere Acc. imal = Meni kanal = KaMwae! «= HeWEH Loc. ximme Heme = Kannaiima = Kanwana = Hewene Abl. KIMHEH HeWeN — Kangaian = KanwanaH — HewercH lust. Kime _HeMeH__Kanaiimen __Kanwamen _NewemeH THE VERB ‘The Kazakh verb Is a mixture of simplicity and complexity: simple in ‘that there are not a lot of endings, and that formations are quite transparent (ie, the parts are evident), but complex in that there are many morphemes of fixed meaning and sequence. At first the students will be analytical and concentrate on discovering the formative elements; later, to master the language they can become creative and agglutinative freely. ‘The dictionaries give the verb in the initial form which is considered to be a deverbal noun but it corresponds to the English Infinitive form. Examples: apy togo airy to say keny to come cerney —_to speak icrey todo Gepy to awe aay to write any to take kaiiranay to repeat kemexrecy to help 136 Grammatical categories of tense, mood, voice, number and person ure expressed through different suffixes which arc added to the root which is obtained through dropping the ending - y of the initial form. The root of the verbs corresponds to the familiar form of imperative mood, all other forms require suffixes or endings. Examples: >kaSbIHbIS write (polite form) xxasamuH | write, | shall write asapim I wrote xagranme — | have written seaanpt wrote xasbinn! was written weaaGaKnbi am going to write Of course, theae examples do not snow the whole paradigm of the verb. Negative form ‘Tne negative form of the verb In Kazakit is furrmed by adding the suffixes -ma/-Me, -68/-Ge, -na/-ne to the root af the verb according to the following rules: -ma/me after vowels. = Gapwa don't go and p.niiy anma don't take icteme don't do -6a/-6e atter voiced consonants 3.x xa96a dont write and 4H -na/-ne after voiceless aitrna don't say (tell) coneonants For other forms the suffixes ané endings are added to the negative stem: Gapmavels, 6apmansim - don't go (polite form), | didn't go. Imperative Mood For rending requests Kazakh has several possibilities: 1) Command-like requests are rendered with the simple imperative form, identical with the bare stem of the verb, as Gap “go”, Ken “come*, icre "do". Gep “give. an "take", xa3 “write” This form is to be used in requests directed to a person younger than the speaker. 137 If the request is addressed to many people the suffix -awyiy and the plural ending -aap/-aep are auded. Gapuinnap "you all go keninaep “you all come. 2) For polite requests the suffix -wHei9/-inis after consonants and -Huia/-Hia after vowels is added to the verb stem Gapnus "90" (sing, polite) "90" (pl. polite) "come" (sing, polite) Keninisnep “come” (pl. polite) A plea or the English “please” is rendered by adding the particle -uui/-wi to the above imperative forms: Gapu “please,do go” (sing, familiar form) Gapanisuses “please, do go" (sing, polite form) xen “please, do come") xeninisus “please, do come" 3) The imperative for the first person singular has the ending -aiiuny/-eltin after consonants, -biin/-win after vowels and is used in expressions like “Let me do”. Examples: Gapatisn(we) Let me go (piease) xenevinu Let me come (please) The imperative for the first person plural has the ending visk/-tix with a preceeding -a/-e connective vowel and is used in expressions like “Let us do”: Gapaiiex (Gap-a-finik Let us go xeneflix (xenevix) Let us come icrettix (icre-nix) Let us do ‘The negative form includes the negative suffix: Gap-ma-viux Let's not go lcre-me-wik Let's not do 4) The 3-rd person singular and plural imperative has the ending ~cuil/-cin and means “let him (ner) (them) do. 138 i40 Gapesin go kencin let him (her, them) come icrecia do It is frequently used to express blessings, good wishes, as >xonbinsis Goncun may your road be blessed Mepeke KvTTH Gonchin —_may the holiday be blessed (happy) The negative form has the negative sutfix -sa/-Me, -63/-Ge, -rma/-ne: Gapmactis Let him not go xenmecin —_Let them not come aiimmace ——_ILt her not say (tell) TENSES: ‘The Kazakh verb has three tenses: oce wax, present tense eTkeH wak —_past tense kenep wak future tense ‘There are two forms of the present tense: ayeicnane! oct! wiak, which corresponds to the English Present Indefinite Tense bak ce! wak, which corresponds to the English Present Continuous Tense. The Present Indefinite Tense Ayscnanss Ocx Wak ‘The form, which is called the simple present tense or the present future tense, denotes an action which either takes place in the present or will definity take place in the future depending on the context. The present form is used in statements that are generally true. It is formed by adding the suffix -a or -e or i to the root of the verb and then adding the personal endings, familiar, already trom the endings of predication (-mbiH/min, -cbun/cld; -cbi9/cis; Mei9/Mis,...) -@ is added to the root that ends in a consonant and has a back vowel -e is added after the consonant if the root has a front vowel -ft ig added to the root that ends in a vowel 139 Singular 1 person 2 person 3 person 1 person 2 person 3 person Gap-a-moin Ken-e-mi icre-ti-mitt Gap-a-col ken-e-cin icre-Fecint Gap-a-cors xen-e-cis icre-A-cis Gap-a-ab Ken-e-n) icte-H-al Plural Gap-a-mes ken-e-mis, creas 6ap-a-cunnap ken-e-cinnep lere-f-ciknep 6ap-a-cussnan ken-e-cis ep icre-f-cisnep 6ap-e-an Ken-e-ai icre-f-ai Sapanon kenemin lereiimin Gapacuin keneci lerevcin apaceis xenecia icrencis Sapane kenepi icremai Sapamss kenemis icremois Gapacuinap kenecinnep icretcinnep Gapacuianap xenecisnep icrescisnep Gepaau keneni creat () go (come do (You) go (You) come (You) do (You) go (You come (You) do (He) go (He) come (He) do (We) go. (We) come (We) do (You) go (You) come (You) do (Youl) ¢o (You come (You) do (They) go. (They) come (They) do. Negation is expressed by the regular -ma/-me sitfix Gapmafian () don't ao. kenmencin (You) don't come icremericin (He) does not come ‘The Present - Proper Tense (The Present Continuous Tense) Hak Ocul Wax ‘The Present - Proper Tense refers to actions in progress. It's about the only tense form which is analytical: the main action verb is coupled with 1a kind of auxiliary indicating the state of the action. The main verb stands in the form of the participle (kecemuie) with the ending -tn/-in as oKuin, xasun, icren. The main verb is followed by one of the auxiliary verbs o7sp, Typ, xaTup, >yp, which have meanings of their own: ‘oTsip sit wp stand acaTp lie =p walk In the combinations like xasein oTup is writing icren xarup —_is doing oxein TypMi am reading the auxiliary verbs lose their main lexical meaning. The personal endings are added to the auxiliary verbs peaatin oTSipMeiH Lam writing peasuin oTepowil, You are writing (sing) familar) 2kaabiN OTEIPCEIS You are writing (sing, polite) eatin oni He is writing wxaabin OTBipMes we are writing xkabin oTbipceHaap —-—-You are writing (pl. familar) oxaabin OTWPCbISAap You are wriying (pl. polite) The auxiliary verb may sometimes indicate the manner of doing something (sitting, standing). The auxilarry verbs xaTsp, xvp usually indicate doing something over a period of time. ‘When verbe 6ap “go" and xen “come” are used as main verbs they add the suffix -a/-e (not -uin/in) and take auxilarry Gapa xaTupmen am going KeNe KaTbIpMEIH Is (are) coming ‘The Past Tense Grew Wax Kazakh has three forms of the past tense: xxegen eTKeH Wak recent past tense Gvpniwew orken wak distant past tense aybicnanbi erken wak transitory past tense 141 143 The Recent Past Tense 2Kegen Orxen Wax ‘This form denotes actions which took place recently and were witnessed by the speaker, 28 xaaabim “wrote”, alr “said, told”. It's formed by adding -au/ai after vowels, colinenl “spoke sonorants, kalranagu ‘repeated voiced consonants Sapa "went -Ta i after voiceless ant “said” ‘consonants xemexrecti “helped* plus possessive endings, except first person plural which has an irregular “KK Gap-nw-m = Lwent Gap-nb-k We went ken-pi-m 1 come xen-pi-k We camr Gap-asi-e = You went You went Ken-ni-# You came You came Gap-ay-nis You wont You went xen-pi-tis You came ren-ai-ris-nep You came Gap-ai-0 He went 6ap-ay They went ken-nj-0 He came Kenai They came Negation is expressed with the help of the suffix -ma/-me, -6a/-6e, -na/-ne, after which the tense suffix and personal ending are added, Gap-ma-abi-m | didn't go. ken-me-pix-His-nep You didn't come (polite form) Distant Past Tense Bypunru Oren Wak It corresponds to the English present perfect tense >xasraHMiH “I have written” and it renders an action which took place some time ago. ‘The emplasis is not so much on the action itself but on its results. Examples: weasraH6eis ‘We have written alirkan6ua We have said Its form with the suffix -FaH/-reM, -KaH/-ken is important and widespread in Kazakh, In terms of Western usage it might be called a “past participle”, which can occur as an attribute, as enreH kici ‘The person who came aneaH Kici taken book 12 dd ‘When this form is used at the end of the sentence it functions ae a predicate in the past tense. Personal endings must be added after the suffix -Fan/-reH, -KaH/-KeH: Singular Plural 1 alircanmei Ihave said alirkan6uis We have said kenrenmin Ihave come —xenrex6ia ‘We have come alirKancuin You have said alirkancuinnap You have said 1 Kenrencin You have come xenrenciinep You have come alirkancus You have said aiirkancbignap You have said xenrencia You have come xenrencianep You have come Me atirkan He has said = atrkaw They have said xenren He has come —xenren They have come ‘The form may be negated In three ways. First, one may use the -ma/-me (-Ga/-Ge, -na/-ne) negative suffix, as xen-me-reH “has not come", xa3-6a-ran-cbi-A3p * you have written". Second, one may use the negative verb emec with personal endings. xxagraH emecnin Thave not written xxaarah emeccit You have not written xasray emeccisneD We have not written Third, one may use the negative word xox with personal endings: >xasran xoKneiH | have not written a9FaH OKCHIH You have not written xagFaH OK He has not written >xagFaH oKCHaAAP You have not written {polte) £45 143 ay The Transitory Past Tense Ayoicnans OrKen Wak This tense form with the suffix -arwu/-erin after consonants and -Hinan/-iri_after vawels denotes an action which corresponds to the English “used to do*. In a sentense personal endings must be added, as Singular Gap-arsitt-mustt | used to go ken-eriti-min used to come Gap-arait-cut You used to go ken-eriti-cik You used to come Gap-arein-ceis You used to go ken-eritt-cia You used to come Gap-ateit-0 He used to go xen-erit-0 He used to come Plural Gap-arein-Guis We used to go xen-eTit-6is We used to come Gap-arnn-cun-nap You used to go ken-eriv-cit-nep You used to come Gap-areil-ctss-nap You used to go xen-eril-cis-nep You used to come Gap-aron-6 They used to go ken-erin-0 They used to come Negation is expressed by the sutfix -ma/-me, -6a/-6e, -na/ne: Gap-Ma-Viet-Oui3, Ken-Me-iiTiH-Ci9, The Future Tense Kenep Wax aybicnanbt Kenep wak transitory present-future tense Makearru Kenep wax future intentional tense Gomxanas Kenep wax future suppositional tense 144 The Transiitory Present Future Tense It has the same verb form as the simple present tense and anly context the use of adverbs makes it clear that the action refers to the future suffix -a/-e/-4 and personal ending: Gapamen 1 shall go xenecilt You will go codneiint He will speak Words that denote the future are: epren tomorrow epTex Tanepren tomorrow morning epreH KeuKe tomorrow evening keneci ait next month xeneci anra next week keneci xuin next year The Future Intentional Tense MakcaTTH Kenep wax The future intentional tense has two forms: a) with the suffix -wak/-mex plus personal endings Gap-mak-nbit | intend to go ken-mex-cit | intend to come Gap-max-chik you intend to go ken-MeK-ciH you intend to come Sap-mak He intends to go ken-mek He intends to come Gap-maxreis We intend to go ken-mex-nis We intend to come Gap-mak-cbis We intend to go xen-mex-cis We intend to come The suffix -mak/-mex is added after vowels and p.n,tiy , -OaK/-Gex - after MMK,3, x as >xaa6aKnbiH “nak/-nex = after voiceless consonants aiirnaxntn_| intend to say. This form relates an action which will definity be executed. The speaker has no doubt that the action will be carried out, ) with the suffix -akimn/-mexui, -GaKusei/-Gexw plus personal endings akusei/-neKwi 6ap-wak-Ubl-MeH en-menwi-mis 2xa9-Gakius!-Co3nap aifr-nakwibl 145 ie Q Negative: Gapmak emecninetc. | dont intend to go Kenmex emecnin,etc. | dont intend to come ‘The Suppositional Future Tense Bonxanas! Kenep Wak ‘This tense is formed by adding the suffix -ap/-ep to the root or the stem and personal endings. Gap-ap-mun Perhaps, I'll go ken-ep-Milt Perhaps, I'll come It denotes an action which is probable. Negation is expressed by the suffixes -matc/-metc, -6a*c/-6etc, -natc/-ne+c, a& bap-Mac-nuit Perhaps, | shan't go ken-mec-nin Perhaps, i'll not come Gap-mac-cuis Perhaps, you won't go xen-mec-cis Perhaps, you won't come VOICE ETIC Kazakh has five voices: Heriari eric active voice bipeicuis eric passive voice @anix eric reflexive voice Oprak eric reciprocal voice (mutual) @arenik etic causative voice ‘The verb forms cited in previous chapters have been active indicative forms, which show that the person or thing denoted by the subject is the doer of the action expressed by the precicate. Men xasamen write On airran He has said Bis Gepaix We gave 143 yap The active forms are the initial roots or stems. These may be used in derivative modes when called for by the meaning of the particular sentence, as in the following examples: awy to open active 1) auiny to be opened passive awreipy to make open causative 2) e110 to dress active xniny to dress oneself reflexive xwingipy to dress somebody causative. 3) aay to write active pasbiny to be wtitten passive peaabicy to write to each other reciprocal The Passive Voice Bipuixcsis eric ‘The passive voice shows that the person or thing denoted by the subject is acted upon, i.e. the subject is not the doer of the action. It is formed in Kazakh by adding the suffix a afler vowels -w/-in after consonants plus - the suffix of the reguired tense. Examples: Gacray - to begin Cafak 6ac-ran-all_ The lesson “was begun” Gepy - toghe Kiran Gep-in-ren The bonk "has been given" wasy > towrite Xar xas-nin-e-abi The letter “will be written” Negative is expressed through the suffix -ma/me added after the suffix of the passive -1/-bin/-in. 2@3-bUn-Ma-Abl was not written xag-oin-Ma-FaH has not been written 147 lig The Reflexive Voice @aaik Eric ‘The reflexive voice shows that the action expressed by the predicate passes on the subject (on the speaker or doer) xyeiy ‘to wash oneself TamakTaHy to be fed kniny to dress oneself Tapany to comb oneself It is formed with the help of the suffix -H/-biN/IN. ‘When the reflexive verb is used as a predicate the required tense and personal endings are added after the voice suffix. Mex xninnina I dressed myself Cen kninnin, You dressed yourself Bia kninemis We shall dress ourselves Onap xviren ‘They have dressed themselves Mutual - Reclprocal Voice Oprak Eric ‘The mutual - reciprocal ending is -¢/si/-ic_and refers to actions in which more than one person participate, or perform to one another, either jointly or back-forth. Compare coliney to speak celinecy —_—to converse tany — torecognize —taHbicy to get acquainted axrimeney tonarrate —axrimenecy to discuss with one another For the required tense or mood form the necessary suffix should he added. as TaHbIC-bIME:S get acquainted ceiinec-eriix let's converse aurimeneo-Tik we duscussed Causative Voice ‘@arenik Eric ‘The causative voice is also of high frequency and has the meaning “to make (cause) somebody do something” It is formed with ..2 help of one of the following suffixes: tap +50 1) -pup/-aip 6iny to know 6in-pip-y Kany to stay, remain ‘Kan-gbip-y xasy to write »a3-nbiD-Y yineny to mary vanen-aip-y -Teip/-tip, rapry to dray rapr-reip-y xecy to cut xec-tip-y 2) -t/-wr/-ir oiHay to play ovina-T-y Kopky _to fear KOPK-biT-y yYiipeny to learn,study yYiipe-t-y YiieiKTay to sleep YibikTa-T-y_ icrey to do icte-t-y 3) -KbIa/-Kis- airy to say, totell = aitr-Kuia-y iwy to drink iuxia-y wary to lie kaT-KbIS-¥ any to take an-ruis-y orapy to sit oTnip-Fbis-y Tpy to stand TYP-Fbi3-y to be located 4) -ap/-wip/-ip Kaiity to come back Kaiit-ap-y to return xouy to move xou-ip-y to inform to leave to make write to marry off (a son) to make drag to make cut to let play to frighten to teach to put to sleep, let sleep to make do to make say to make drink to let drink to make lie to let take to let sit to erect, set up to send back to make move Ina sentence the causative verbs are used in a required tense/mood form adding the necessary endings. Examples: Meni vaperinisusi Teach me, please Bis ovr anrusabiK ‘We made them take (bring) milk On Ganacum vinenaipeai He will marry off his son On Gisai vipetnea) He did not teach us 149 KR a e The Subjunctive Mood Kazakh has waprre! pat which corresponds to the English real or unreal condition and xanay which is used to express wish (optative mode) ‘The conditional waprre paa in Kazakh employs the suffix ca/-ce plus the short-form predicative endings, note particularly the first person plural in K/e Mex Gap-ca-m Ft go Cex Gap-ca-n If you go Cis Gap-ca-Hus It you go On 6ap-ca-0 ithe go Bis 6ap-ca-k It we go Cennep Gap-ca-naan if you go Cignep 6ap-ca-viwanap Hf you go nap Gap-ca-0 Ht they go Negative is formed by adding -ma/-me, -6a/-6e, -na/-ne to the root or the stem, then the conditional suffix -ca/-ce and the personal ending: Gap-ma-ca-m M1 don't go Gap-ma-cak HH we don't go The forms of waprrl pai express a real or unreal condition in the subordinate clause and the consequence is expressed in the principal clause. Examples: Cex aiircan, men Gapamein If you tell me, | shall go Bis onus Kopoek, aframiie It we see him, we'll tall (him) Kap xayca, vine kanamss It it snows, we'll stay-at home Kap xaymaca, Tayra Gapambia If it does not snow, we'll go to the mountains 3) The word eai is used in the principal clause to express an unreal consequence, the main verb has the suffix -ap/-ep. Cen Kencex, xnwora Gapap enik Hf you came, we'd go to to the cinema Epre wtikcansis; Kewixnelt if you left earlier, you would come in xenep eniis time (not late) Kap xaymaca: rayra Gapap {fit did not snow, we would go to the enix ‘mountains. 4) Sometimes the suffix -wts/-wi may be added in the first person which ronders the meaning “I wish | did...” as Gapcamuiss twish twent aiTcamue Twish told... 150 152 Optative Mood Kanay par Kanai pai in Kazakh expresses wish, intention of the speaker to do something. I is formal by adding the suffix -ruy/ri, -kuy/ki to the root or stem of the main verb followed by the personal ending and the auxilary verb xeneni for the present-future tense, xenni - for the past tense and xenin rvp for the presant-proper tense. Menin tearpra Gaprum xenepi I want to go to the theatre Ont tearpra Gapruict Kenepi He wants to go Menin tearpra Gapruim kengi Cenin Tearpra Gapruin Kenai I wanted to go to the theatre. You wanted to go to the theatre. Onapaun Tearpra Gaproice Kenai ‘They wanted to go to the theatre Bianix Tearpra Gaproimers nes! We wanted to go Bignin tearpra Gaproimeia Kenin typ We wanted to go to the theatre Table Singular 1) Menin 6apriim xeneni kenrim (cenmerai) 2) Cenin Capea; Kenrin Cisnin Gaproiitia, xenrinia nel Gaprbices, Kenrici = Kenai (xenmeai) Plural 1) Bisnik Gapruimesa, Kenrimis — xenin 1p (xenin TypraH »x0K) 2) Cennepalt Gaprunapsin, Kenrinepin, Cisnepain Gapreinapsr, xenrinepi 3) Onapasin Gapreices, xenrici 151 153 “wantwish (*not want") “wanted,wished” (did not want) “be wanting” (be not wanting) 4 I t i ! i I i 5 I a i i t i i i i The_Participle Ecimwe ‘The Kazakh verb has the following non-finite forms of the verb: ecimue “participle” and xecesue ‘verbal adverh’. ‘The participle in Kazakh is divided into three groups: 1. the participle of the past tense, which is formed by adding the suffix -fai/-ren, -kax/-xeH t0 the root or stem of the verb, as aiir+xait (cea) “said (word)* xentren (anaM) “come” (person) [or a person wno came] 2. the participle of the future tense, which is formed by adding the suffix -ap/-ep/-p to the root or stem of the verb, as Kip-ep (ecix) entering (door) kaiir-ap (Guner) returning (ticket) 3, the participle of the transitory past tense, which is formed by adding the suffix -arsi/-erin (after consonants) and -sfrbin/-iirin (after vowels) to the root or stem of the verb, 2s kapa-Hirbin looking Kyn-erin laughing In a sentence the participle can function as 1. the subject Adrkanuin aypbIC “The said (by you) is correct” Airrapun ocwt: “What I'l say is this” AisraTelHbin OK “I have nothing to say” 2. the predicate Men curan aiiisaumen, "ve told you" Epren on aiirap. “Tomorrow he will say” On caran afrarun “He used to say to you" 3. the object Cen alirkansimau TyciHAlk 62? ‘Did you understand what I've said” Men alirapoiman: alirrsim, | said what | had to say” Men airarawnas aarrim. | said | had to say" 4, the attribute MyHo alirkak anam ocuinga “The person who said this is sitting here" Airap coin oe. “These are the words I'll say" AiTaTa agamblt ocki ma? —_—“Is this the person who will Say” 152 54 ‘The participle of the past tense and the transitory past tense are negated by the regular suffix ~ -ma/ -mv, -Ga/-Ge, -na/-ne, as coline-me-ren “not spoken® pxas-6a-ran “not written* aiit-na-ra “not said” When the participle of the future tense is negated the suffix -ap/-ep/-p is changed into -c ken-ep - Ken-me-c “not coming® (in future) air-ap - aifr-na-c “not said” ( in future) The Verbal adverb. Kecemue When two actions are closely linked in Kazakh, both verbs will occur together, the first one usually has a specific suffix and the second one presents a finite form, as in cre Gacranu “began working (¢oing)” Icren Giripai finished working (doing)" icrereni xenai ‘have come to work (to do)" ‘A.Krippes) or the converb (by John R.Krueger). As the above examples show there are three ways of forming Kecemue in Kazalt 1. by adding the suffix -a, -¢, -#. acuiF-a Kyremis “Wait impatiently Jook forward to” xene Gacransi “began coming” oxymuic icre’ Gepal “keeps working” 2. by adding the suttix -n/-bin/-in xacan Gepeat will create oxein Giripal finished reading 3. by adding the suffix -Fansi/-reni, -Kanuy/-Kenl Gapranet OTuIpMbiH am going (to 90) kapreni xenpia have come to see 153 i a i i a i a i The form of the first verb is considired to be verbal adverb (by Kar! a a i a 8 i a i a Modality 1. Modality in Kazakh may be expressed by the word any when it is preceded by a verbal adverb ending in -a, -2, ~ verb "can” It correspons to the English modal Men xa3-a anamuln I can write Connep cofinec-e anacuunap You can speak Tayra Gap-a anacuik 6a? Can you go to the mountains? Tayra Gap -a anuarimun T can’t go to the mountains you see that negation is by the regular -aa/-me suffix. 2. The meaning *must” is rendered in Kazakh by the word xepex , which is preceded by the verbal noun, ending in -y with personal endings Examples: Gapy-nim Kepex L must qo Gapy-ni xepex You must go Gapy-si kepex He must go Gapy-bimus —_epex ‘We must go Gapy-uiwis apex You must go (polite form) Gepy-inia xepex You must give ‘The negation Is formed with -ma/-me. Gep-me-y-ikis Kepex You must/should not give Gap-Ma-y-ninbis KepeK You must/shouid not go Auxillary Words Kemerwl cespep Kazakh has no prepositions, it has postpositions corresponding to English prepositions, which are set after nouns or pronouns and govern their cases: 1. Postpositions govering the Nominative case are: Typane about Anare! typantt about Almaty yu for cen Yuin for you crygenrrep Ywin for students ony vusil for studying Gombe according to alitysi Gofimua according to his saying apkwines through kiran apKein through a book by means of, via tenedon apxbinsi. by means of a telophane 2. Postpositions with the Dative case are: ean unt wncraryixa amin, up to the Institute Tawkentxe nenin up to Tashkent kapai towards, in the pyxenre xapait towards the store direction 3, Postpositions with the Ablative case are: xedin, con after Gip anranan xenin after one week ca6aKran Kein after the lesson ypu before Ganagar 6ypuH before the boy ceHeH Gypein before you Gepi since _xagqan 6epi since summer Gacka besides, except Gisnen 6acka besides us 4, Postpositions with the Genitive Case. Postpositions of this group differ trom the postpositions given above, as the third person possesive endings are added -bi/-i,-cbi/-ci followed by case endings. The initial forms are: A genitive noun —_Postposition anas infront of abl (kacts) at (near) apts behind yer! on acxaHaHbih acre! under the canteen iwi in (the house) kapesicst opposite opracu in the centre Declention of postpositions Nom. Yin anes Gen. YAH xaHbI-HOIH Dat, Yai ane Acc. iain wares Loc. vival xaHel-4na Abi. vival xaHbi-HaH Instr. vita xaHbi-meH 155 Examples: viain iwine xipeitix viain Kacuinga Kesgectix ‘iain xavuaMen oTinis ‘Yiigin aprenan Kene xaTeIp vital iin enna “Let's go into the house” "We met at the house” “Pass along the house” “They are coming from behind the house "I cleaned the (inside) house” The Conjunction >kanrayasik Conjunctions connect parts of the sentence, clauses and sentences. Kazakh has the following classes of conjunctions: 1. Copulative conjunctions ove, 6eH, nex, and, both ..and mex, na/ne, ra/te 2, Disjunctive conjunctions Meu xaHe ceH Vand you Ana Mei oxo The Mother and father Ca6is ne, Knap 2a Both the carrot and cucumber He, Hemece, or, either...or >kenus ma, ange anne, , an, oypik na? ‘Warm or hot aittnece, 6ipece 6onmaca 3, Adversative conjunctions Gipak, anaaga but Gipax ra, aiirce we, whereas caittce ae, however 4, Causarive conjunctions enrKeni because cebe6i as He men, He ceH Either me or you Korine >xaKce!, 6ipak Y3bIH ‘The dress is good, but lang Bapmatinbin, ceGeGi ayeipein TYpMbIH. I shall not go, because | am ill 156 15S 5. Consecutive conjunctions conabikran therefore On aysipuin xartip,- con ceGenren 80 coMmuKTaH Kene anMaitabs. He is ill, therefore he can’t come 6. Conditional conjunctions erep, ona erep,...oHa Erep on Gapmaca, men Gapamun If he doesn't go, I'll go The Particle Aemeynlk Particles give modal or emotional emphasis to other words or groups of words, Kazakh has the following groups of particles: 1. Limitting and intensifying particles Fana (Kawa) only, just Oct nantep Foii! Just this notebook Foi (kom) simply Meu xemictepai xaKcu acipece especially kepemin.acipece anmanei ike fruit, especially apples Yane Gananap tana Gap “aK, -ay There are only children at home 2. Interrogative particles ‘The questions exprecting yes/no answers are asked with the help of a question particle /ma/me, 02/6e, na/ne and we. 1. Cis Gapaceis Ga? will you go? On we? ‘And he? 2. Bananap woi iui me? Have children had (drunk) tea? Cis we? ‘And you? ‘The vowel harmony rule and consonant assimiliation determine the use of ma/me, 62/62, na/n Examples: ma/me is used if the last vowel Ansa xaKeb! a? Is the apple good? word ends in or np veanae wax 6ap ma? Is there bread in tne 157 159 Konakrap xenaj me? 62/60 is used if the last M.H.H.9 Byn Koimeis 6a? word ends in ‘Treinain Ge? rayne is used if the last voiceless yxew anc na? word ends in consonants Oct sagan na? or 6.4 The Modal Words Monanbas cesnep store? Didtheguests come? Is this qumyz ? Did you understand? Is the store far? Is it this plant? ‘The Modal words express the attitude of the speaker to the reality, possibility or probability of the action. There are the following modal words in Kazakh: kepex cusicths cusKTE. kanaga weep, Gonap pac epnne Ginecit ‘exext appear(s) be in need of, Lam in need of help have need of similar, lke Marat is like a child possible ‘They are probably probable in the town true, right correct my friend certainly, Of course, you know of course him It appears to be an seem(s) intetresting book. 158 160 Maran xemex KepeK Mapat Gana (Mymxin) Onan wsitap (Gonap). Pac, cen mexin, OcEIMCEIH apnne.cen on yn Kuan kiran THE WORD ORDER ‘The basic order of words in a Kazakh sentence is subject object _ predicate. ‘The predicate, either noun or verb predicate, stands at the end of the sentence. The predicate always includes the person indication Kenai you came €AKCDIMEIH Tam well. Direct and indirect objects precede the predicate. Men kiran OKbigbiM 1 a book read Iread a book Mex jocummes kiran OkbinBIM. 1 with my fiend a book read | read a book with my friend Mex nocbimmen KbistiK Kiran OKbidbiM I read an interesting book with my friend. Expressions of time and locality can be placed hefare the objects. or in their absence before the predicate. Mex kewe Kbisbik Kiran oKbiabIM | read an interesting book yesterday. Mex kewe xiranxavaga Kbisbik Kiran OKbIAbIM Tread an interesting book in the library yesterday 159 161 English to be to get up to stand up to sit to go to walk to get, to reach to come to come back to return torun to fly to swim to jump to move to read to teach to write to copy to translate to say, to tell to speak to talk to ask to get to know to meet to introduce to... to listen to hear to feel to want to bring to choose to make todo to prepare to cook to boil to fry to cut to add to clean to wash to shave to brush VERBS Kazakh English Sony to love Wey to ki Toy to like orupy to look py to watch xany xYPY to dream Gapy; xeTy to sieep reny to hate kaiity to paint kaimun xeny to draw xerripy to sing wy to dance pevay, wombiny to laugh cexipy to smile xeimny, Keuly —to.cry ony to put oxerry to lay aay to take xouipy; xasy to give aynapy 10 sell airy to buy corney to be angry aurinenecy to help cvpay to understand Tanwicy 40 explane Keanecy to respect yanbicrspy to open reinnay to close ecry to think cesy to be tired xanay to have a rest axeny to eat yannay to drink icrey, macay to break ietey, opsiKnay 10 fall aaiiwnnay to feed nicipy to forgive kaitnary to fight Kybipy to forget kecy to recognize kocy to dig evpry: raaanay ayy KyBIKY to hide kupeny to hold Taganay, Tapany to catch 160 162 Kazakh oniy criy >eaKoe! KOPY Kepy; Kapay Kepy; Kapay VC Kepy; apmansay vinwkray 2xeK KOpY Gory cyper cany aH cany; ened ality 6uney kvny xem xuinay OW; cany Kow; cany any 6epy cary caruin any awynany, -bisanany komextecy veiny ryeinaipy cuianay ay wxa6y ovinay wapuiay nemany ey iy cbHAMPY xynay Tamak 6epy,ToRaupy kewipy wpecy ymury ranuiy kagy ThFy vyeray yeran any to finish to graduate to grow to breed to turn on, to burn to turn off to be born to begin to continue to repeat to call, to invite to phone to sow to knit to repair to travel Gy Sitipy ecipy ecy nary ewipy; canipy 3 Gacray xanracTuipy xairanay wakeipy Tenedbos cory sity ToKy >enney ‘caxarrey, cepyenney, KuAbPY, en-xep apanay 161 to keep to know to leave to lie tolose to meet to pay to ride to see to seek, to look to send to shine to shoot to spend to spit to steal to wake to weave to win 163 cakray suy yactan Kery wary xoramy xeanecy Toney arka miny: xepy isney xxi6epy apkupay ary wmcay, Yoray ripy yonay ony xin vipy vy, xeHy G9 vs HINYeNDUMeD —detnioveuHeD —ejaLeD fMMaYHED eUYED HINHANYED AaUYOD yeacs O} 1z, wenweuive detfisoeive = eevee §=— ROBIE «= HMWELYER = Ae AES 01 OZ ales WmnMendetiie detinoedetthe ermwedetke mttedetike wmoedette HieWedetthe AdetAe -ueN Ol GL Hmyandimex —dattiyoadimox —ewadimex tadmex —Woadimax Hwadymiex Admex Adoo 0} Bt wawerex — fe@Xx YM O} JL HRWELIAO —AuIaO YORE} OF OL HawHWo ——ANO- peal OF SE Hwemex Amex anou o1 pL Heaven Axa BnOW! O} EL Hwad@o — Adpi@d Junfo} 21 HIDE — KEK WINS OF Lf, wrawema AMA Alp OF OL Huwadiix —AduaK und 01 waweiwex —Kive umes 01 g wawmegcex dettimokcex —eIMWeEEX —attecex = MRE WaNYeULI¥O detMINDELAYO —ERWELIAYO FeLIENO —-HRORLIGNO waeeniano —deteoWI0 = eAWHYO MO —HIROHNO Hwnaumex —datamex —ewamox—ftfamox —Hoamen. HenYeNIOAOX detROMANOX eRNINKIOE eto HROIKUAX Hinyandpeo — datjoadpse0 © eqwadyia9—ftfadys@0Woadyx80 wymyagesx —datrijoeenx = eyeRAK = MDEAK HORE haneumA —detaoemA —eIRWEMA eA —_HInEMA HuyeRduax —_datpadupx —_eqwadiinx —ftfeduiaK —_atoadt 9x WaWWeULNeX detfusgeIMe —eWvELMEN AfeLEN —HROeLEN wunyonuex —datyoavex nian awa = Hgauax = KIWaIaX UX BWOD OL, HaAYeNUE dettsoeue emweve = ifeve = HRoeUE wveue = Aue yoeo}g Miyeulex — datfoaLex —eMeLex «= Mexex = Higalex = HILO = Ktax 4a 0G vinyewdex —dattoadax «= eqwadix = fed = Hpadax = HINA «Ad = OBO HmWiWeNdeLo detMINedULO © eRWedeUO AVfedia1o -HDEdUO —HMWedU40 Admu0 oe wen-yen-dat — detynoedAL «= emWecAL «= fedAL_—sOedAL «= HNedaL = Adan dn ya 0} Z eR ‘eR HRD 'HEW-HEW-VOg —_deUNROBNOg —eWeWOg —AtfeNOg —HNDEVOD —HIMWEYOg AVON OL | weg ‘yes ‘vau'yeU ‘Yon ‘MeN datfers'dattHaa 19 devo-wo |} _ep'HEO | uosiad | uyezey ysIOua sOurpue enneten tesnid idvuis seineug anu sesus} eunjny pue quoseid eys SWIO} Quan wanyeules swwayonidag wanyenue newyenyor WanyeRneURX wraragewnisx auwyonuat Hyeyowouny WRWyeRUeD 12 wawento? HrnyeuLeH HaNYENeL NAIA wyender HmnyeULEHA HINHOUDIWD HeaMyeuoNaHe iwnewedo detmmoeieo datmyoadag demmowue detnowo» detimoveniax dettinounninx detour davaroyaung demnusoeves He detmreauwog dettsoe1eHa Getrsayenneyn dettyoaden detusoe.eHA dammjoao1s0 demimoeomner dettaoved,o emweieo —nttero eqwedag —tfadag crneve — rtfeve EINKON ALON ernHevex yee SMUAR MIRAI eyW@WN ROUTAN ewyoung — fMyaung emWave He tfeVeD HE emwssog —rity¥409 emWeLeHA rAeLeHA eRWeLIRHA RUVEDIRUA ewadox trade eRWELEHA UCLEHA ewanusa — pfaowaa emweosHer RteoRneL emnyedas — RUyedAD woeses woedag wmoeue wsaoHC% wrroyeurex WRROBMHIK wos woweuNg waoeveo We wsoH409 Wse1eHA waoye LWA woadan ROBLEIA, wa@oIWAo weoeonHeL wssomedso newexeo Aseo 198 0} ge wiwedag dag an of 2 waweue fue aye) 0} oF Hanwox ox and o} Go Henge AENIEK — AID O} PE (AWBMWIDK OWWNIK OS O} EE MWA — Aux YBne} 04 25 lwyauMg — Aaung eouep OF 1S Wmwesed He Aveo He Buls oj Og wisusog — £09 wed OF 62 WANELEHA ABUICHA 912U 0} 82 HRWMEDIRUA AeMMRUA 499/8 01 12 wwodex —Adex 400) 01 9g, WaNeLeHA —ALEHA BM) 01 GZ HIWOYAD OKADA} O1 Hz, WeaneoRNeL KOMHeL Jaw O} EZ wranyedso edad se O1 zz 163 Shori list of source materials on the Kazakh language. Ayapova, T. T. Models. Maryland: Dunwoody Press. 1994. Krueger, John. Introduction to Kazakh. Bloomington: Indiana University. 1980. Laude-Cirtautas, lise. Kazakh: Language Competencies for Peace Coros Volunteers in Kazakhstan. Bexrypos LW. & Bexryposa A. Kasax rinl ana Nauniaiowux. AnMaru, 1994. Dictionary. Krippes, Karl A.. Kazakh (Qasaq) - Enalish Dictionary. Maryland: Dunwoody Prees. 1904. Table of Contents Preface... . au A Brief Introduction to the Kazakh Language. ....... + 1. To exchange greetings 2. To introduce yourself and others 3. To depart and say good-bye Tople 2... . Family. Competenci 1. To ask, answer and describe one’s family. 2. To ask about one's host/counterpart’s family. Topic 3......-.-- At the Store (Shop). Competencies: 1. To ask about food and its price. 2. To converse at the store. Tople 4... 0... ee eee e eee Shiopping at the Bazaar. Competencies: 1. To buy and choose fruit/vegetables. 2. To ask about prices & to bargain at the bazaar. 3. To pay and to get change. if d-bopsocopocopocoood Clothes. Competencies: 1. To buy and choose goods. 2. To ask about prices, to pay and get change. 18 28 38 50 60 opis 6 ee Oo) Food. At a party. Compatencies: 4. To identity typical host country foods. 2. To express food preferences (likes/dislikes). 3. To respond to an invitation. To accent ar refuse an invitation politely. 4, To express good wishes. Topic 7. ee ee 82 In Town, Directions. Competencies: 1. To ask for and give the location of bulldings. 2. To ask for and give the directions to a place. 3. To get information at the train/bus station and at the airport. Topic 8... 26.2002 00 cecceneeeceee 4 102 ‘The Post Office. Competencies: 1. To make a phone call to the international telephone exchange. 2. To converse with one’s friend/eolleague over the telephone or to leave a message. 3. To send or to get mail or a package. To buy stamps at the post office. Tople 9 cere 110 Weather. Competencies: 4. To exchange remarks, forecast about the weather with your colleague. 2. To converse about your favorite season. about the climate, Topic 10. . . ee 118 At work. Competencies: 1. To introduce yourself, to ask and give information abor* vour education/ employment. 2. To converse . “ch colleagues, to describe Peace Corps’ function. 170 Pages Grammar Notes... 6.0 ee eee eee 124 Vere 160 Vorbs forms oes eee eee eee seen ee | 162 Short list of source materials ‘on the Kazakh language... ...-. eee ee eee 104 Table of Contents... 6... eee eee 165

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