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Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Adjective Clause

I. Soal Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Who"

1. Are they scared of the blind man?

He has a frightening face.
Answer : .................................................
Are they scared of the blind man who has a frightening face?

2. Won't your mother help the old man?

He lives alone in proverty.
Answer : .................................................
Won’t your mother help the old man who lives alone in proverty?

3. What did they do to the little boy?

He was drowning in the river.
Answer : .................................................
What did they do to the little boy who was drowning in the river?

4. Have you apologized to the girl?

She was disturbed by your noisy voice.
Answer : .................................................
Have you apologized to the girl who was disturbed by your noisy voice?

5. Did Smith thank to the lady?

She lent him an umbrella when he got rained.
Answer : .................................................
Did Smith thank to the lady who lent him an umbrella when he got rained?

6. The oldman is not working in this company any longer.

He gots fired for not doing his job well.
Answer : .................................................
The oldman who gots fired for not doing his job well is not working in this company any longer.

7. Is the teacher giving some questions to students?

She was not at work yesterday.
Answer : .................................................
Is the teacher who was not at work yesterday giving some questions to students?

8. What have the boys been doing all afternoon?

They are very crowded and noisy in the livingroom.
Answer : .................................................
What have the boys who are very crowded and noisy in the livingroom been doing all afternoon?

9. The patient cannot be recovered soon, can't she?

She is suffering from hunger and dehydration.
Answer : .................................................
The patient who is suffering from hunger and dehydration cannot be recovered soon, can't she?

10. Didn't the doctor check your father's illness?

He is the only doctor in the district.
Answer : .................................................
Didn't the doctor who is the only doctor in the district check your father's illness?

Translate into English !

1. Tina tidak kenal cowok yang duduk di sebelah Jundi, bukan?

Answer : .................................................
Tina doesn’t know the boy who is sitting beside Jundi, does she?

2. Pencuri yang ditangkap tadi malam sedang diinterogasi dengan seksama.

Answer : .................................................
The thief who was caught last night is being interrogated carefully.

3. Apakah aktor Korea yang akan mengunjungi Indonesia Kim So Hyun ?

Answer : .................................................
Is a Korean actor who will visit Indonesia Kim So Hyun?
4. Apakah anak gadis yang sedang berbicara dengan ibumu kelihatan gugup?
Answer : .................................................
Does the girl who is talking to your mother look nervous?

5. Dimanakah penyanyi terkenal yang sedang diwawancarai oleh para wartawan itu tinggal?
Answer : .................................................
Where does the famous singer who is being interviewed by the journalists live?

6. Cowok yang memakai jaket hitam itu adalah sopirku

Answer : ..................................................
The boy who wears the black jacket is my driver.

7. Gadis yang menyiram bunga-bunga itu selalu memakai kerudung merah.

Answer : .................................................
The girl who waters flowers always wears red hijab

8. Wanita yang sedang tidur di kamarku adalah kakakku.

Answer : .................................................
The woman who is sleeping in the my bedroom is my sister.

9. Gadis yang bekerja di toko buku akan memberimu hadiah.

Answer : .................................................
The girl who works in the book store will give you gift.

10. Satu-satunya cowok yang bisa memahami Farah adalah Iqbal.

Answer : .................................................
The only boy who can understad Farah is Iqbal.

II. Soal Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Which"

Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Which" dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu Adjective Clause
dengan Relative Pronoun "Which" sebagai subject non person dan Adjective Clause dengan
Relative Pronoun "Which" sebagai object non person.

A. Relative Pronoun "Which" sebagai subject non person

1. When were the documents missing?

They are the evidence of a series homicide.
Answer : .................................................
When were the documents which are the evidence of a series homicide missing?

2. Was the car repaired by some mechanics?

It was broken down on the way.
Answer : .................................................
Was the car which was broken down on the way repaired by some mechanics?

3. The houses become terrible, don't they?

They were swept away by the ragging storm.
Answer : .................................................
The houses which were swept away by the ragging storm become terrible, don't they?

4. Where did some hunters fine the wounded babybear?

It looked dying and suffering.
Answer : .................................................
Where did some hunters fine the wounded babybear which looked dying and suffering ?

5. The police could not capture the escaped lion.

It attacked some people on the screet.
Answer : .................................................
The police could not capture the escaped lion which attacked some people on the screet.

6. The automobile company is well established, isn't it?

It employs thousands workers from various places.
Answer : .................................................
The automobile company which employs thousands workers from various places is well
established, isn't it?
7. The cat is running out of my room.
It is being chased by a crazy dog.
Answer : .................................................
The cat which is being chased by a crazy dog is running out of my room.

8. The chipmunks are skilled at singing and dancing.

They play in a cartoon movie.
Answer : .................................................
The chipmunks which play in a cartoon movie are skilled at singing and dancing.

9. The casino is well known in South East Java.

It lies on the hill for about 3000 meters from a sealevel.
Answer : .................................................
The casino which lies on the hill for about 3000 meters from a sealevel is well known in South
East Java.

10. Do the wild flowers grow in the forest?

They are protected by the law.
Answer : .................................................
Do the wild flowers which are protected by the law grow in the forest?

Translate into English !

1. Marshanda tidak mampu memecahkan masalah yang berasal dari dirinya sendiri.
Answer : .................................................
Marshanda can’t solve the problem which comes from herself.

2. Lumba-lumba yang biasa hidup dalam kelompok adalah makhluk laut yang cerdas.
Answer : .................................................
The dolphin which usual lives in group is an intelligent sea creature.

3. Apakah buku tulis yang berada di atas meja itu milikmu?

Answer : .................................................
Is notebook which is on the table yours?

4. Siapa yang telah menghias keranjang yang terbuat dari rotan?

Answer : .................................................
Who has decorated the basket which is made of rattan?

5. Apakah novel yang bercerita tentang cinta sejati ditulis oleh William?
Answer : .................................................
Is novel which tells the story of true love written by William?

B. Relative Pronoun "Which" sebagai Object non person

1. Do you want to know the motion?

Children are discussing about it seriously.
Answer : .................................................
Do you want to know the motion about which children are discussing seriously?

2. The Lorena bus 8A goes a head to my school.

Students always make a line to wait for it.
Answer : .................................................
The Lorena bus 8A which students always make a line to wait for goes a head to my school.

3. The birds are chirping on the trees, aren't they?

Mother sometimes feeds them.
Answer : .................................................
The birds which mother sometimes feeds are chirping on the trees, aren't they?

4. The park has beautiful flower collection and a pool over bridge.
The local goverment built it two years ago.
Answer : .................................................
The park which The local goverment built two years ago has beautiful flower collection and a pool
over bridge.
5. Who can operate the shopisticated computer?
The technician has installed many soft wares in it.
Answer : .................................................
Who can operate the shopisticated computer in which the technician has installed many soft

6. Will Joe give you the movie ticket?

He got it from his boss for free.
Answer : .................................................
Will Joe give you the movie ticket which he got it from his boss for free?

7. Are the books sold at school?

Students need them for the reference.
Answer : .................................................
Are the books which students need for the reference sold at school?

8. Nancy said" Who brought the key?"

My father just had renewed it.
Answer : .................................................
Nancy said" Who brought the key which My father just had renewed?

9. The eggplants grow well in the farm, don't they?

Paula is chopping them for her cooking.
Answer : .................................................
The eggplants which Paula is chopping them for her cooking grow well in the farm, don't they?

10. Where did Nino find the cat?

Someone has tried to poison it.
Answer : .................................................
Where did Nino find the cat which Someone has tried to poison?

Translate into English !

1. Tanaman-tanaman jagung yang sudah mulai berbuah sedang diserang hama.

Answer : .................................................
The corn plants which have begun to fruit are attacked by pest.

2. Valentino sedang memandangi foto-foto yang diambil di gunung Kelud kemarin.

Answer : .................................................
Valentino is looking at pictures which I took in Kelud mountain yesterday.

3. Bukankah cincin pernikahan yang Luna pakai sama dengan punyamu?

Answer : .................................................
Isn’t wedding ring which Luna wears the same as yours?

4. Dimanakah gajah-gajah yang para penonton sedang saksikan di arena sirkus dilatih?
Answer : .................................................
Where are elephants which the watchers are watching at the circus arena trained?

5. Siapa yang sedang membaca komik yang saya pinjamkan padamu tadi malam?
Answer : .................................................
Who is reading comic which I lent you last night?

III. Soal Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Whom"

1. Why didn't Amira ask the waiter to help?

She knew him so well.
Answer : .................................................
Why didn't Amira ask the waiter whom she knew him so well to help?

2. Is your car repaired by the mechanic?

The boss is very proud of him.
Answer : .................................................
Is your car repaired by the mechanic of whom the boss is very proud?

3. Where did the hikers get lost?

The rescue team had searched them around the month.
Answer : .................................................
Where did the hikers whom The rescue team had searched around the month get lost?
4. Don't they watch the young player playing soccer?
Journalists call him "a killer in field".
Answer : .................................................
Don't they watch the young player whom Journalists call "a killer in field" playing soccer?

5. The refugees are relocated in a new land, aren't they?

The goverment tries to assist them for a better life.
Answer : .................................................
The refugees whom the goverment tries to assist for a better life are relocated in a new land,
aren't they?

6. I saw the little child crying in the corridor.

Ayu was trying to make her calm.
Answer : .................................................
I saw the little child whom Ayu was trying to make calm crying in the corridor.

7. Isn't Amelia afraid of the man?

I met him on the way just now.
Answer : .................................................
Isn't Amelia afraid of the man whom I met on the way just now?

8. Don't you still remember the girl?

Bill saw her and asked what she was doing.
Answer : .................................................
Don't you still remember the girl whom Bill saw and asked what she was doing?

9. Brandon wants to apologize to the woman.

He made her upset by taking her set.
Answer : .................................................
Brandon wants to apologize to the woman who he made upset by taking her set.

10. What is happening to the famous actress?

The judge is talking to her seriously.
Answer : .................................................
What is happening to the famous actress to whom the judge is talking seriously?

Translate into English !

1. Apakah dia cowok yang Nurma selalu bicarakan?

Answer : .................................................
Is he the boy about whom Nurma always talks?
Is he the boy whom Nurma always talks about?

2. Apa yang sedang kamu tanyakan kepada dokter yang kamu jumpai di rumah sakit kemarin?
Answer : .................................................
What are you asking the doctor whom you met in hospital yesterday?

3. Bukankah kamu kenal lelaki yang ibumu temui di kantornya kemarin?

Answer : .................................................
Don’t you know a man whom your mother met in his office yesterday?

4. Edo ingin mengunjungi penyanyi pop yang para wartawan sedang wawancarai.
Answer : .................................................
Edo wants to visit the pop singer whom the journalists is interviewing?

5. Siswa yang gurunya hukum sedang berdiri dengan satu kaki di depan kelas.
Answer : .................................................
The student whom the teacher punishes is standing on one leg in front of class.

6. Cowok yang aku cintai adalah cowok yang mencintaimu.

Answer : .................................................
The boy whom I love is loves you.

7. Anak-anak yang saya didik menjadi orang-orang sukses.

Answer : .................................................
The children whom I educate become sucessful people.

8. Gadis yang Arman pernah pukul kini menjadi pacarnya.

Answer : .................................................
The girl whom Arman hits now becomes his girl friend.
9. Wanita yang pernah kamu cintai selalu merindukanmu dari jauh.
Answer : .................................................
The lady whom you has loved always misses you from a far.

10. Pak Anton yang kamu takuti itu masih bujangan, kan?
Answer : .................................................
Mr. Anton whom you are scared still single, isn’t it?

IV. Soal Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Whose"

1. Are those the fishermen?

The raging storm has damaged their fishing boat.
Answer : .................................................
Are those the fishermen whose fishing boat the raging storm has damaged?

2. Does Professor Wilson give an afternoon lecture?

Students like his class and lesson.
Answer : .................................................
Does Professor Wilson, whose class and lesson students like, give an afternoon lecture?
( Non-identifying clause, jadi harus menggunakan koma)

3. The truck had been evacuated on time.

Its driver escaped after hitting another car.
Answer : .................................................
The truck whose driver escaped after hitting another car had been evacuated on time.

4. Rina has made the pudding, hasn't she?

Everyone likes its taste and texture.
Answer : .................................................
Rina has made the pudding whose taste and texture everyone likes, hasn't she?

5. When did elephants attack the village again?

The city development destroyed their habitat and food supply.
Answer : .................................................
When did elephants whose habitat and food supply the city development destroyed attack the
village again?

6. The lawyer tried to defend the defendant in the court.

His guilts is hard and unforgivable.
Answer : .................................................
The lawyer tried to defend the defendant whose guilts is hard and unforgivable in the court.

7. Who has written the novel?

Its content is about a moral judgement in society.
Answer : .................................................
Who has written the novel whose content is about a moral judgement in society?

8. Will you thank the bank teller?

Her assistance eases your business.
Answer : .................................................
Will you thank the bank teller whose assistance eases your business?

9. Keep away from the cat !

Its body brings a dangerous virus that can make you sick.
Answer : .................................................
Keep away from the cat whose body brings a dangerous virus that can make you sick !

10. Isn't that Ronald?

Someone has taken his wife away.
Answer : .................................................
Isn't that Ronald whose whose someone has taken away?

Translate into English !

1. Gadis yang bapaknya tentara memiliki 5 pacar.

Answer : .................................................
The girl whose father is an army has five boyfriends.

2. Seorang siswa yang sepedanya dipinjam oleh Andy selalu nampak sedih.
Answer : .................................................
A student whose bike is borrowed by Andy always looks sad.
3. Pria yang istrinya sering jalan-jalan keliling dunia ditangkap KPK.
Answer : .................................................
A man whose wife often takes a trip around the world is caught by Corruption Eradication

4. Bukankah itu gadis yang senyumannya telah melelehkan hatimu?

Answer : .................................................
Isn’t that girl whose smile has melted your heart?

5. Wanita tua yang anak gadis dia satu-satunya diculik oleh para penjahat kelihatan sangat sedih
dan tertekan.
Answer : .................................................
The old woman whose single daughter is abducted by criminals looks so sad and oppressed.

6. Pablo yang apartemen barunya telah disita mulai menjalankan usaha barunya.
Answer : .................................................
Pablo, whose new apartment has been seized, begins to driver new business.
( Non-identifying clause, jadi harus menggunakan koma)

7. Apakah kamu telah menyimpan buku yang sampulnya berwarna biru tua?
Answer : .................................................
Have you kept the book whose cover is dark blue?

8. Monyet yang bulunya berwarna keemasan hampir punah.

Answer : .................................................
Monkey whose feather is golden almost extinct.

9. Siapa menyutradarai film romantis yang ceritanya tentang cinta diantara manusia dan vampir?
Answer : .................................................
Who directed the romance movie whose story is about the love between the human and vampire?

10. Seseorang yang suaranya terdengar sangat bagus akan menjadi seorang penyanyi yang
Answer : .................................................
Someone whose voice sounds very good/nice will be a professional singer.

V. Soal Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "Where"

1. Should we preserve the forests?

Wild animals and rare plants are safe there.
Answer : .................................................
Should we preserve the forests where wild animals and rare plants are safe?

2. Is the city very famous in the world?

Many casinos are established there.
Answer : .................................................
Is the city where many casinos are established very famous in the world?

3. The volcano is going to erupt soon.

Hikers may not go hiking there.
Answer : .................................................
The volcano where hikers may not go hiking is going to erupt soon.

4. Is the public garden completed with a play ground?

People often have fun with their family there.
Answer : .................................................
Is the public garden where people often have fun with their family completed with a play ground?

5. When was the museum open for visitors?

Ancient human fossils are kept there.
Answer : .................................................
When was the museum where ancient human fossils are kept open for visitors?

6. The bunker looks very haunting at night.

Hikers usually take a rest there.
Answer : .................................................
The bunker where hikers usually take a rest looks very haunting at night.
7. The ship wreck has been found after a long search.
Seaweeds and sea grasses grow densely there.
Answer : .................................................
The ship wreck where seaweeds and sea grasses grow densely has been found after a long

8. The beach is dangerous for visitors to swim.

Jelly fish often attack swimmers there.
Answer : .................................................
The beach where jelly fish often attack swimmers is dangerous for visitors to swim.

9. When was the theatre clossed?

Thousands bats live there.
Answer : .................................................
When was the theatre where thousands bats live clossed?

10. The stadium is always crowded every day.

Soccer matches are often carried out there.
Answer : .................................................
The stadium where soccer matches are often carried out is always crowded every day.

Translate into English !

1. Kelas dimana kita selalu belajar bersama terbuat dari bambu.

Answer : .................................................
The class where we always study together is made by bamboo

2. Kota dimana selalu kita kunjungi sangat indah.

Answer : .................................................
The city where we always visit is beautiful.

3. Apakah ini gedung dimana beberapa pertemuan internasional dilakukan masih dimanfaatkan
hari ini?
Answer : .................................................
Is the building where some meetings were conducted still utilized today?

4. Kota dimana puluhan juta orang tinggal mendapat penghargaan tahun lalu.
Answer : .................................................
The city where millions people live got award last year.

5. Taman umum dimana orang-orang sering nongkrong dilengkapi dengan kebun cantik dan
taman bermain, iya kan?
Answer : .................................................
The public garden where people often hanging out is completed with a beautiful garden and a
playground, isn’t it?

6. Sri Ratu, dimana saya dulu biasa berbelanja, berubah menjadi Kediri Mall.
Answer : .................................................
Sri Ratu, where I used to shop, changed to become Kediri Mall.

7. Apakah perusahaan dimana kamu dulu biasa bekerja milik orang asing?
Answer : .................................................
Does company where you used to work belong to foreigner?

8. Ruangan dimana keluarga saya menikmati makan bersama sangat nyaman.

Answer : .................................................
The room where my family enjoy dinner together is very cozy.

9. Inikah tempat dimana kamu selalu bertemu dengan pujaan hatimu?

Answer : .................................................
Is this place where you always meet your darling?

10. Laut dimana para nelayan biasanya mencari ikan menjadi tempat wisata yang indah.
Answer : .................................................
The sea where fishermen usually seek fish becomes beautiful tourist place.
VI. Soal Adjective Clause dengan Relative Pronoun "When"

1. Is July the month?

My little brother was born then.
Answer : .................................................
Is July the month when my little brother was born?

2. Who has told you the day?

You will be engaged then.
Answer : .................................................
Who has told you the day when you will be engaged

3. Does Ronaldo always remember the day?

He was awarded a golden shoe then.
Answer : .................................................
Does Ronaldo always remember the day when he was awarded a golden shoe?

4. Is 2012 the year?

The Doomsday was predicted to happen then.
Answer : .................................................
Is 2012 the year when The Doomsday was predicted to happen?

5. December 22 is the date.

People celebrate Mother Day then.
Answer : .................................................
December 22 is the date when People celebrate Mother Day.

Translate into English !

1. 1965 adalah tahun ketika PKI menculik para jenderal.

Answer : .................................................
1965 is the year when The Commonist Party of Indonesia kidnapped the generals.

2. Tahun ketika kita merdeka adalah 1945.

Answer : .................................................
Year when we are freedom and independence was 1945.

3. Hari ketika Tomy pergi jauh adalah hari Jum'at.

Answer : .................................................
The day when Tomy went away is Friday

4. Apakah Januari adalah bulan ketika orang-orang merayakan tahun baru?

Answer : .................................................
Is January the month when people celebrate a new year?

5. Erlina tidak bisa melupakan hari ketika Thomas memberinya sekuntum mawar merah.
Answer : .................................................
Erlina can’t forget the day when Thomas gave her a red rose.

VII. Soal Adjective Clause by Using Comma (,)

A. Tanda koma digunakan apabila terdapat IT di Sub Clause dan harus diganti dengan relative
pronoun WHICH. (Standard Written English)

1. Who has made the mixed juice?

Reno likes the taste of it.
Answer : .................................................
Who has made the mixed juice, the taste of which Reno likes?

2. The golden shoes were bought in the auction.

The owner of them is the legend football player.
Answer : .................................................
The golden shoes, the owner of which is the legend football player, were bought in the auction,

3. The bag was found in front of the hotel.

Police wanted to know the content of it.
Answer : .................................................
The bag, the content of which Police wanted to know, was found in front of the hotel,.
4. Must the computer be upgraded soon.
The applications of it have been very old.
Answer : .................................................
Must the computer, the applications of which have been very old, be upgraded soon..

5. The novel will be filmed on a movie.

The story of it is the famous figure's biography.
Answer : .................................................
The novel, the story of which is the famous figure's biography, will be filmed on a movie.

6. The summit was carried out in Bali.

The purpose of it is to discuss about the climate change.
Answer : .................................................
The summit, the purpose of which is to discuss about the climate change, was carried out in Bali.

7. Is the trailer being dragged to the garage?

The machine of it stops working suddenly.
Answer : .................................................
Is the trailer, the machine of which stops working suddenly, being dragged to the garage?

8. Will Ninda attend the meeting?

The schedule of it is always changed.
Answer : .................................................
Will Ninda, the schedule of which is always changed, attend the meeting?

9. Are the cars displayed in a showroom?

The designers of them are local engineers.
Answer : .................................................
Are the cars, The designers of which are local engineers, displayed in a showroom?

10. The plants grow along seashores, don't they?

The function of them is to help fish breeding.
Answer : .................................................
The plants, the function of which is to help fish breeding, grow along seashores, don't they?

Translate into English !

1. Iwan baru saja membeli beberapa buah jeruk, dua diantaranya Budi ingin memakannya.
Answer : .................................................
Iwan has just bought, two of which Budi wants to eat.

2. Pria, yang kedua putranya ditangkap polisi, merasa sangat terkejut.

Answer : .................................................
The man, both of whose sons the police capture, feels very shocked.

3. Apakah murid-murid, yang kebanyakan dari mereka mendapat nilai bagus, sangat senang?
Answer : .................................................
Are the students, most of whom got good scores, very glad?

4. Tanaman, yang daun-daunnya bisa digunakan untuk menyembuhkan penyakit, hanya tumbuh
di pegunungan, iya kan?
Answer : .................................................
The palnts, the leaves of which can be used to heal disease, only grow on the mountain, don’t

5. Gedung-gedung tua, yang dinding-dindingnya retak dan kotor, telah ditinggalkan beberapa
Answer : .................................................
The old buildings, the wall of which are cracked and dirty, have been abandoned for many years.

B. Relative pronoun juga bisa digunakan bersama Expression of number. Ketika relative pronoun
digunakan bersama expression of number, Main Clause dan Sub Clause harus dipisahkan dengan
tanda baca koma (Standard Written English)

1. How is the man getting on ?

I heard one of his sons imprisoned for murdering.
Answer : .................................................
How is the man, one of whose sons I heard one of his sons imprisoned for murdering, getting on?
2. Did father want to repair the bike?
Both of this brakes get problem.
Answer : .................................................
Did father, both of whose brakes get problem, want to repair the bike?

3. The applicants are waiting for an interview.

Some of them are high school graduates.
Answer : .................................................
The applicants, some of whom are high school graduates, are waiting for an interview.

4. Will the boys be punished?

None of them behaves so well.
Answer : .................................................
Will the boys, None of whom behaves so well, be punished?

5. What do you think about Indonesian worker?

Malaysian goverment has deported most of them recently.
Answer : .................................................
What do you think about Indonesian worker, most of whom Malaysian goverment has deported

6. The fresh flowers were bought in the market for Julia's mother.
One of them has a unique shape.
Answer : .................................................
The fresh flowers, one of which has a unique shape, were bought in the market for Julia's mother.

7. Where did the girl go shopping last Sunday?

Three of them wore a sexy dress.
Answer : .................................................
Where did the girl, three of whom wore a sexy dress, go shopping last Sunday?

8. Raline is being interviewed in the manager's office, isn't she?

We know all of her interest in sports.
Answer : .................................................
Raline, all of whom interest we know in sports, is being interviewed in the manager's office, isn't

9. When were the passengers rescued from the ruins of the ship?
Most of them couldn't swim.
Answer : .................................................
When were the passengers, most of whom couldn't swim, rescued from the ruins of the ship?.

10. The vampire slayer tries to help people from vampire's attack.
Most of his power is from God's gifts.
Answer : .................................................
The vampire slayer, most of whom power is from God's gifts, tries to help people from vampire's

Translate into English !

1. Apakah pohon-pohon yang beberapa diantaranya tumbang karena badai berada di depan
Answer : .................................................
Are the trees, some of which collapse because of strom, in front of your house?

2. Bis-bis yang beberapa penuh sesak penumpang sedang melaju perlahan-lahan ke terminal
kota. Answer : .................................................
The city buses, some of which are crowded passengers, is moving slowly to city bus station.

3. Dimana anak yang kedua lengannya patah sedang dirawat inap?

Answer : .................................................
Where is the child, both of whose arms are broken, being hospitalized?

4. Itu bukan pemuda yang kedua rekannya ditangkap polisi kemarin.

Answer : .................................................
That is not a young man, both whose friends were caught by the police yesterday.

5. Soal-soal yang sebagian besar pilihan ganda sedang diujikan di ujian tulis ini.
Answer : .................................................
The questions, most of which are multiple choice, are being texted in this written test.

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