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NPM 1601882030007

Approved by

Head of English Language Education Denpasar, 5th September 2018

Study Program Lecturer

I Gde Putu Agus Pramerta, S.Pd., M.Pd. Nengah Dwi Handayani, S.Pd., M.Pd.
NPK 82 8813 400 NPK. 82 8410 315


First of all, I would like to express a big gratitude to the Almighty God,
Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, for blessing and giving me a chance to accomplish
this report of Comparative Study Program of English Language Education Study
Program on time. And also I would like to say thanks to all my friends and all the
committees who have given their helps and supports in accomplishing this report.
In this report contains the result of the comparative study program that was
held on 26th August 2018 until 30th August 2018 in University of Sebelas Maret
Surakarta and University PGRI Yogyakarta. The aims of this program are
developing knowledge and experience though student and lecturer in academic or
non – academic. The main purpose of this report is to gather the important
informations on both universities which can be used to compare with
Mahasaraswati Denpasar University in some aspects. This report also aims to
complete one of the requirements in following thesis examination. Hopefully, this
report will give a positive contribution to the educational development or those
who want to carry out further research.
I am realize that this report is far away from the completeness; therefore, I
do hope some criticisms and suggestions that useful for the further improvement
of this report.

Denpasar, 5th September 2018

Made Arya Wira Nugraha


ACKNOLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................... iv
LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS ................................................................... v

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 1

1.1 Background .......................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose of the Program ........................................ 2
1.3 Significance of the Program ................................. 2


2.1 Diary ..................................................................... 4
2.2 Academic Atmosphere ......................................... 8


3.1 Conclusion ........................................................... 10
3.2 Suggestion ............................................................ 10

APPENDICES ....................................................................................... 11


1.1 Background
As students, they are required to be able to understand and apply
knowledge gained during college into the world of work. With theoretical
debriefing and the knowledge gained in class is not enough to equip students to
have other abilities. Therefore, college students need to follow the program called
Comparative Study Program or KKL (Kuliah Kerja Lapangan). In this program
students will observe other university, which can be comparating with their
university in many aspects. The aspects can be the facilities, learning application,
and student organization. The purpose of this program is students can apply the
results obtained while studying in campus to be implemented in the future,
especially in the world of work.
Comparative Study Program (KKL) is one of mandatory program of
English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) in Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education (FTTE) Mahasaraswati Denpasar University. This
program held by each year and followed by student who had finished the fourth
semester. Therefore, this program holds the fun and interesting program that are
able to develop the students’ knowledge and experience. The program is a visit
program to the other university which is should be followed by all students except
the students who are getting sick or having other important businesses. For this
year, ELESP students and lecturer visited Java Island with the route Blambangan-
Solo-Yogyakarta and organized by Nusa Devata Bali Holiday Tour (NDBH). It
was held on 26th August 2018 until 30th August 2018. For the comparative study,
ELESP choosed University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta and University of PGRI
Yogyakarta as the place to observing. Also, the tours were visited historical place
such as Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple. The aims of this program are
to gather some information about the universities and places which have been
At the end of this program, all students are obligated to collect the result of
the study in a report. It will be one of the requirements for gaining the certificate

which is used for following the thesis examination. For the students who cannot
follow the program, they also are obligated to collect the report by interviewing
three students who follow the program.
1.2 Purpose of the Program
Comparative Study Program (KKL) aims to increase the knowledge of
students to gather information about the outside world during the five-days in this
program. There are another purposes of Student Comparative Study Program, they
1.2.1 To compare each universities from some aspects.
1.2.2 To know about historical tourism object in Yogyakarta, Solo and
1.2.3 To complete one of requirements in following thesis examination.
1.3 Significance of the Program
The significances obtained by the student in following this activity:
1.3.1 Students obtain some important information from the places that
they visited.
1.3.2 Students could enchaced togetherness among the students.
1.3.3 Students acquire valuable experience during a journey


2.1 Diary
2.1.1 Sunday, 26th August 2018
On this day, we were going to the Java Island. At 5 A.M.,
all students and lecturer of ELESP FTTE Unmas Denpasar gathered in
Central Campus Unmas Denpasar for praying and allocating the
buses. My Class got the 1st bus with four lecturers; Mrs. Mitha, Ms
Joni, Mrs. Gungwir, and Mrs. Dwi. I myself sat with Gungde
Krisnawan on the bus. Then, we went to Luhur Rambutsiwi Temple at
6 A.M. That was our first destination. Mostly of us were sleepy on the
way because it spent two hours in the bus and also we have to get up
early in the morning. However, we mostly sleep on the bus. Then,
after we arrived in the Luhur Rambutsiwi Temple at 8 A.M., students
and lecturer who were the hinduis and did not have obstruction prayed
on that temple, hoped that God blessing us for this trip to Java Island.
Next, after prayed, we were back to the bus and continue the journey
to the Gilimanuk Harbour. It spent 1 hour on the way. We left Bali by
using ship. On the ship we got a simple breakfast like nasi jinggo.
Futhermore, we arrived at Ketapang Harbour one hour later. Mr Edi
told us to change our time on the clock because the time in Java Island
forward around one hour. We continued our journey to the Agung
Blambangan Temple. We spent around one half hours and our tour
leader, Mr Edi, already told us it would be spent a long time so he
decided to fill the free time to tell us the history of Agung
Blambangan Temple. For hinduis students and lecturer and did not
have obstruction were praying on that temple. After that we continued
the trip to Chen Chen Ceria Restaurant in Banyuwangi for having
lunch. Actually, I felt dissapointed on this restaurant because when my
turn to got the food, the chicken was out of stocked. Next journey
would go to Bromo Sari Restaurant. We should be arrived at 7 P.M.

However, we got traffic around two hours because there was a
carnaval. My friends and I decided to sing together and watching a
movie entitled Insidious: The Last Key to fill the bored time. I felt so
happy when my friend Niken sang Javanese Song. On the other hand,
the traffic made our schedule mess. Consequently, we have to pay a
patrol car to escort us to pass the traffic. Well, we already arrived in
Bromo Asri Restaurant at 9 P.M. On that place we got dinner and also
we have to prepared ourselves because the next trip would spent long
time. Then, after all done, we continued the tour to the Solo at 10 P.M.
2.1.2 Monday, 27th August 2018
The 2nd day started from Taman Sari Restaurant. We took a
bath and change the clothes to the formal clothes because we would
visit University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta (UNS). After we prepared
ourselves, we were going to breakfast in that restaurant before went to
the UNS. Then we continued the trip. While on the way to UNS, we
spent our time to listen songs and sang together. Incidentally, we went
to the wrong campus. We were going to the Institut Seni Indonesia
Surakarta because both are near. Then, when we arrived at UNS, we
welcomed by their students association. We directed to the UNS’s
halls to get a greeting from UNS’s lecturer and dean of FTTE. After
that we were going to observ UNS FTTE’s buildings. Also we did
some disccusion about their student associations. After we did the
comparative study in the UNS, we were back to the Taman Sari
Restaurant. On that restaurant we got lunch and also change our
clothes because the next trip would go to the historical place. Then,
after all prepared, we continued our trip to the Prambanan Temple.
From restaurant to the Prambanan Temple would spent until one half
hours so we did some games and sang to release bored. Our tour
leader Mr. Edi also told us the information about Prambanan Temple.
Then, after we arrived, we were going to take pictures together for A
Class. I was so happy because this is the first time going to the
Prambanan Temple. We were listened the guide who told us the

information about Prambanan Temple. Also we took pictures on that
temple. I was so amazed when the guide told that the total of the
temples around two hundreds and it made from human hand.
However, it was not same like folklore which was I read from a book
that told the temples made from human who had a magic and he could
made one thousand temples at one night. After we spent around two
hours at Prambanan Temple, we were going to Royal Darmo Hotel.
When we arrived at 6 P.M., my tour leader divided us into a group
consist of three students for a room. I grouped with Gungde and
Ayustiandana. Then, after we prepared ourselves in the room, we
continued our trip to the famous road on Yogyakarta, Malioboro. We
just walked to go to that place because Mr Edi said that the hotel and
Malioboro were near. I was amazed when arrived on that place. There
was some seller sold many items such as clothes, bags, sandals, food
ands many more which was typical Yogyakarta. After we explored the
Malioboro, we were tired so we went back to our hotel to rest.
2.1.3 Tuesday, 28th August 2018
The third day was started from Royal Darmo Hotel. Before
we continued our trip, we had breakfast in the restaurant. Then, we
went to the Borobudur Temple at 7.30 A.M. This trip would spend
around one half hours so we fill that time to play a game and sang the
songs. We arrived on Borobudur Temple at 10 A.M. Then, we have to
wait to get a ticket; thus, we can entire inside. Bus one or A Class took
a pictures by bringing banner then we directed by the guide. He told
about the historical of Borobudur temple. We followed him; however,
on the way many students split up. My friends and I always followed
him. After I walked around, my friends and I took some pictures.
Then, after spent around two hours on that place, we were lunch at
Orang Utan Restaurant. When we lunch, we talked about the trip and
sometimes my friend Gungde gave a joke. After we finished lunch at
the restaurant, we continued our trip to Merapi Lava Tour. From the
restaurant to Merapi Lava Tour spent around two hours. We arrived

on that place at 1 P.M. It was so hot day but it doesn’t make our spirit
down. I saw there were many jeeps to pick us getting the adventures.
Firstly we gathered by Guide Leader to pray and took a picture. Then,
we should choose a group consists four members. I grouped with
Gungde, Ayus and Gusrah choose a medium jeep. On the way, our
driver, Mr. Yanto told us the history of eruption Mount Merapi on
2006. The first tour in Merapi visited Sisa Harta Museum. On that
place we could see many historical object that burn by hot cloud.
Next, we were going to Batu Alien. Our tour leader told us that the big
stone looks like human face. We took a picture together with that
stone. Then, we continued to the Bunker Kaliadem. First time looking
that bunker, I felt scared and sad because on that bunker, people
around there were protect themselves when the eruption happened.
After the tour leader told us some information of that place, we took a
picture together. And the last adventure would visit Kali Kuning
Offroad. We did offroad on that river. I was so happy because that
was the first time doing offroad. After finished the offroad, my friends
and I change the clothes because our clothes were wet. Then, we went
back to the hotel for dinner. However, we were tired on the way so
most of us were sleep. We arrived on the Royal Darmo Hotel at 6
P.M. Our tour leader told us to go to third floor because the event for
got a doorprize would helt. Before that, we were dinner together and
talking about our trip. Then, the tour leader announced that the
doorprize would helt. Some gifts shared by the tour leader and
committees. And the main doorprize got by my classmate, Cahyani.
At night, we were going to our room to take a rest. I myself could not
rest anymore because I already rest on the bus. So I went to my
friend’s room to do some games. Well, my friend named Dwi Utari
felt sick so I tried to help her by a massage. However, other friends
saw me and they wanted too. So I continued massage my friends
Desak, Diana, Elisa and also Niken. After that, we played werewolf
game until midnight. Then, Gungde and I back to our room. However,

the room was locked by my friend Ayus. So we went to the
receptionist to help opened the door. After the door opened, we were
going to rest.
2.1.4 Wednesday, 29th August 2018
The fourth day was started from the Royal Darmo Hotel.
We had to check out on that hotel. So my roommates and I decided to
get up early. We got up at 5 A.M. to prepare our packages. After that
we got a breakfast from the hotel. Then, we were going to the bus and
continued the trip at 7.30 A.M. The next destination was University of
PGRI Yogyakarta (UPY). It spent around one hour on the way. When
we arrived on that campus, we welcomed by the Vice Dean of FTTE
UPY. We served by a traditional dance of Yogyakarta named Golek
Ayun-Ayun dance. After the welcome ceremony was done, we took a
picture together in front of UPY’s hall. Then, we divided to two
groups. I myself got the group whose were going to another building.
On that building we did some observasion about Micro Teaching
program. We also joined on the class who leaded by student in
seventh semester. After that we continued our trip to the Bakpia
Pathok around thirty minutes from UPY. I bought two boxes of bakpia
and cowhide crackers. In the evening, at 15.00 pm, we arrived at Pusat
Grosir Solo. That was my first time visited Solo. It was a beautiful
city with all the pedestrians and many street vendors. I walked with
my friends and bought some clothes for my family. Mostly I bought
clothes with batik models typical Solo. After that, I have spent my last
time with my friend by eating traditional food. To close the fourth trip,
we arrived at Surya Madiun Restaurant for dinner after spended two
hours on the way. Then, we were going to bus and continued our trip
to the Bali.
2.1.5 Thursday, 30th August 2018
After we spent around eight hours in the bus we arrived in
Ketapang Harbour at 6 A.M. We continued our trip by a ship around
one hour to pass the sea. I was amazed because I could see the sunrise

from the sea. Then, we arrived at Gilimanuk Harbour and continued to
breakfast at Ayam Betutu Men Tempeh Restaurant. This restaurant
had a special menu from Bali, Ayam Betutu. Ayam Betutu was made
from chicken and secret seasoning. When the food was served, my
friend named Gungde did not want to eat the chicken. He was afraid to
eat that because it looked so spicy. So he decided to eat rice and nuts,
without Plecing and Betutu. After we already breakfast on that
restaurant, we continued our last trip to the Denpasar.
2.2 Academic Atmosphere
2.2.1 University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta (27th August 2018)
The academic atmosphere on University of Sebelas Maret
was good. From the facilities, UNS had the complete one. They had a
big hall for FTTE UNS, big library, classroom and many more. From
the student organization, FTTE UNS especially English department
had an organization to develop student’s creativity. The name of their
organization was English Student Association (ESA). In ESA, there
were seven divisions such as: Secretary, Treasury, TNI, SdaPE,
HRDe, SoServ, and Raesa. Each division had work planning. The
members were all students of English Department and the core
administrator was 82 students.
2.2.2 University of PGRI Yogyakarta (29th August 2018)
The academic atmosphere on University of PGRI
Yogyakarta was also good. Same as UNS, UPY had good facilities to
develop student in learning proccess. UPY had a big hall which could
accommodate student until 2.000. Moreover, they have two buildings
which is near, around 100 metres from main buildings. On the second
building, they have many class and wide parking areas. From the
academic, the program of micro teaching was interesting. They had a
room to do it before practice on the real school. So students can
prepare themselves before teaching a real student by practicing with
their friends. The interested thing is they had four students which

came from another country. And also they had a student who
practicing in Australia.


3.1 Conclusion
In conclusion this comparative study program is useful for every
students, it can expand our knowledge and knowing the place out of Bali. We
also can know a lot of destination, such as: Agung Blambangan Temple,
Prambanan Temple, Merapi, Borobudur Temple, bought some souvenirs in
Malioboro and PGS, bought some cakes, and tasted the spicy chicken in Men
Tempeh. Also visiting University of Sebelas Maret and University of PGRI
Yogyakarta which have a good qualification and good to compare with our
university so we can increase our quality based from the result of this
program. All of those things can give a good experience for my self and the
other student.
3.2 Suggestion
From this program that I already followed, I realize this program is
succesful and very well. I just want to give my little suggestion on the
comparizing the universities, because honestly, I felt dissapointed because the
time was very limit so I could not get more information about each
universities. Hopefully, the time to observation on the universities will adding
so we can learn and comparing with our university.



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