Junior National English 2017

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আল আরাফাহ্ ইসলামী ব্াাংক

৩য় বাাংলাদেশ জুনিয়র সাদয়ন্স অনলনিয়াড

জাতীয় পবব
Objective Part
Category: Junior (6th-8th Class) Time: 1 Hour 30 Minute
িাম (বাাংলায়): Class: National Registration No.:
[All the questions carry equal number. Write down the answers in respective spaces given. You can
use loose sheets for rough. Submit the loos sheets with your answer script.]
No. Questions Answer
1 Characteristics Rabishankar George One evening, Ravi
of the note Harrison Shankar was playing his
Velocity 350 ms-1 350 ms-1 sitar and George
Frequency 742 Hz 418 Hz Harrison was playing his
Wavelength 0.4717 m 0.8373 m guitar. Assume that each
Amplitude 0.5 mm 0.2 mm of them were playing a
particular note. The
table presents the characteristics of the notes they were playing.
George observed that Ravi Shankar’s note is sharper than his one. If George
wants to make his note as sharp as Ravi Shankar’s note, which
characteristic(s) he should change and how much?
Each inner side of the cube is made with
mirrors. A light ray reaches point Q from
point Q. Let time t=0s when the ray started
from point P. If the speed of light is a ms-1,
what is the time required before the ray
reaches point R?

3 Bhumika was sitting on a table. Assume

that her charge is 15C and mass 30kg. You
started adding positive charge to the
table, so Bhumika was getting a lift
upwards. When she was 20m up from the
table, she had electric potential energy of
What is the potential of the point (20m
from the table) where Bhumika was?

4 Esha went to an exoplanet of Alpha Centauri to travel. There she found only
glucose (C6H12O6) to eat. Normally glucose are made of 12C isotope in the
earth, but the glucose of that planet is made of 14C isotope. If the glucose of
the earth gives 3.75 Kcal energy per gram, how much glucose of that planet
need to be eaten by Esha. She needs 2200 Kcal per day.
আল আরাফাহ্ ইসলামী ব্াাংক
৩য় বাাংলাদেশ জুনিয়র সাদয়ন্স অনলনিয়াড
জাতীয় পবব
5 Shafin was preparing 100 mL saturated solution of AxBy and water. As AxBy
breaks down at higher temperature that’s why he has to prepare the solution
in cold water. To do so, Shafin took 50 mL of water in a beaker and added 50
ice cubes of 1 gram each. By mistake, he added 2.743 g AxBy.
Help Shafin to calculate the additional amount of AxBy and the number of ice
cubes to make the desired saturated solution. Keep in mind that Shafin
desires to add AxBy at the least amount.
You know, Shafin has only ice cubes having 1gm of mass. And the solubility
of AxBy is 26 g/L. Shafin has a measuring cylinder of 100 mL, so it is not a
problem if there are solution more than 100 mL.
6 Rafid writes a reaction on his copy. But his teacher tells him that there were
two mistakes. If Rafid wrote down the following reaction on his copy what
are the mistakes?
FeSO4(aq) + 3NaOH(aq) ⇌ Fe(OH)2(s) + Na2SO4(aq)
7 Consumption of antibiotics causes the death of some good bacteria of the
body along with the bad ones. This is why doctors advise to eat curd after
having antibiotics, because curd contains the good bacteria.
Due to consumption of antibiotics, some good bacteria died in Bithi’s
stomach. Let Bithi’s stomach contains 3 good bacteria and 5 bad bacteria.
Bithi had 1 gram of curd as the doctor advised. The doctor said that if the ratio
of bad and good bacteria is greater than one, Bithi would suffer from diarrhea.
If bacteria can reproduce in 2 minutes, then state what would be the ratio of
bad : good bacteria in Bithi’s stomach after 6 minutes, and comment if she
would suffer from diarrhea or not? (Assume that 1 gram of curd contains 5
8 Many types of pyramids are spoken about in Ecology – number pyramid,
biomass pyramid, energy pyramid etc. Another important thing about
ecology is that during the transition from one level to another, total energy
gets decreased by 80%. Let algae, deer and carnivorous monkey be present
as food in an ecosystem. Deer eats algae. Carnivorous monkey eats deer. Tiger
eats deer and monkey. According to an energy pyramid, if the tiger eats the
required food, how much energy will it gain? (Assume algae contains x
amount of energy.)
9 In the Photosynthesis reaction, the ratio of consumption of CO2 : Production
of O2 = 6 : 6 = 1, and due to respiration, the ratio of O2 used up: CO2 produced
= 6 : 6 = 1. One day, a plant used up 60% of the O2 it produced by
photosynthesis, in respiration. If photosynthesis occurs 80 times in a day,
how many times would respiration occur?

১২ আগস্ট ২০১৭, শনিবার, ইউনিভানসবনি অব এনশয়া প্ানসনফক, গ্রীিদরাড, ঢাকা

আল আরাফাহ্ ইসলামী ব্াাংক
৩য় বাাংলাদেশ জুনিয়র সাদয়ন্স অনলনিয়াড
জাতীয় পবব
Subjective Part
[Write down the answer of following questions in the main answer sheet. Use the main answer script
to do rough calculations of this part. All of three questions carry same mark.]
No. Questions
10 Suppose we have arrived in such a universe where Gravitational Force is proportional to the
square of the product of masses and inversely proportional to distance. Though value
of Gravitational Constant G’ is equal to that of our G. Everything else is identical to our
(1) Write down Kewton’s Law of Gravitational Force. ( Kewton is a scientist of this
Universe like our Newton and orange had fallen on his head)
(2) Kalileo (another scientist like our Galileo) is letting go one ball each of 1kg and 5kg
from top of the leaning tower of Pisa. Which ball would reach ground earlier? Explain.
11 Any gas can be described under the following equation:
Where, P= Pressure of the gas
V= volume
n= amount of gas in mole
R= a constant (known as ideal gas constant) of value 0.821
T= Temperature in Kelvin
You need to know some more definition, which is Concentration, 𝐶 = .
Chemical reactions are mainly reversible. In a reversible reaction, reactants react to make
products and products react to make reactants. As the reaction progresses, at some point the
rate of both reactions become equal. The amounts of reactants and products reach a fixed
value. These values can be formed into a constant called equilibrium constant. Suppose a

xA (g) + yB (g) ⇌ mC (g) + nD (g)

If at equilibrium the concentraitions of A, B, C ও D are CA, CB, CC ও CD respectively, then

equilibrium constant 𝐾 = 𝑦
𝐶𝑎𝑥 𝐶𝑏
At laboratory, Kaniz takes 0.3 amount (n) of Phosgene (COCl2) gas in a cylinder of 1.50 L
volume and put that in an oven of 800K. Some Phosgene quickly decomposed to make
Chlorine and Carbon monoxide. After the reaction reaches equilibrium, Kaniz measures the
pressure of CO to be 0.497 atm. Then she writes down the following reaction

COCl2 (g) ⇌ CO (g) + Cl2 (g)

(1) Write the equation of equilibrium constant of the reaction Kaniz performs.
(2) What is the amount of Chlorine in the cylinder after the reaction reaches the
(3) Calculate the equilibrium constant of the reaction of Kaniz.

১২ আগস্ট ২০১৭, শনিবার, ইউনিভানসবনি অব এনশয়া প্ানসনফক, গ্রীিদরাড, ঢাকা

আল আরাফাহ্ ইসলামী ব্াাংক
৩য় বাাংলাদেশ জুনিয়র সাদয়ন্স অনলনিয়াড
জাতীয় পবব
12 The building block of kidney is called nephron. We need to have a certain concentration of
glucose and other salts in our blood. The process of maintaining this concentration is called
homeostasis. The kidney filters out the impurities present in blood. If the kidney fails, the
tasks of the kidney are done by a machine outside of the body, in a process called
(1) Our brain sends signals to many parts of our body in the form of electrical signals by
the help of neuron cells. If there is excess water in blood, the water is removed by
filtration in the kidney. The signal for this filtration is sent by the brain by the
secretion of a protein, rather than a neuron cell. The blood carries this protein to the
kidney. If the amount of protein secreted increases, then which part of nephron will
have greater water permeability?
(2) Many semi-permeable fibers exist in a dialyzer, around which dialysate solution is
given. The density of some constituents of blood are given below, determine the
density of the dialysate. Briefly justify your reason.
Na+ Cl- Urea Albumin
140mEq/L 140mEq/L 80mg/dL 4g/dL
(3) The process of production of urine begins in the nephrons of the kidney. The urine
gets completely produced in the receiver tube and then gets temporarily collected in
the bladder, by passing through a tube called ureter. The capacity of the bladder is
10 liters. Assume that the kidney contains 1200 nephron. In each nephron, 125mL of
glomerular filtrate is produced per hour. Later 99% of that is absorbed into different
parts of nephron and in a distant tube, 1.75mL of unnecessary materials are secreted.
Urine is made up of 95% water. If you drink 2 glasses of water (400ml), then after
how many minutes would you need to urinate?

১২ আগস্ট ২০১৭, শনিবার, ইউনিভানসবনি অব এনশয়া প্ানসনফক, গ্রীিদরাড, ঢাকা

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