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Hi!!! Im Angelica Jane Salipdan Balin,im from Palawan.I'm 16 years old turning 17 in November 25.In our
family we have 7 members ,my father name is Bernard C.Balin,my mother name is Josephine S.Balin,i
have 4 siblings and im only girl ,and im the oldest the next of me my first brother name Bernard James
S.Balin his age is 15 years old and he stop study when he is grade 7 and he stop for almost 2 years but
now he continue his study but he still grade 7 .the next is my second brother name Christian James
S.Balin his age is 13 years old and his grade 8 ,the next is my third brother his name is Daniel James.S
Balin his age is 5 years old,the last but not the least my fourth brother his name Ethan James S. Balin he
is our youngest in our family and he died already when my mother give here birth he die we did't no why
he die? And me and my 3 sibling and my father we dont know what his face ,because my mother give
here birth for my last brother she in Laguna and me ,my 3 siblings and my father in Palawan so we so
don't know what his face or even touch him and hug him before he enter the caffin ,but my grandmother
the mother of my mother she see our brother and she said my brother face is very handsome .It hurts
for us to loss one members of our family ,but we accept it because we know god have purpose why he
died early .But now we miss him ,we always said what if he did not died hs age now is 2 years old
.Almost 2 years but still hurt for us ,its difficult to move on what happen 2 years ago.I always cry when im

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