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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan

In TLE 8

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. Know the word time, effort, and energy,
b. Planning a time activity schedule and
c. Make a Time, activity, length of time and results in daily routine in our lives.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Family Resources Management
Lesson: Managing Time, Effort, and Energy
Materials: Instructional Materials
Reference: TLE Book, Josephine C. Bernardino and internet
Date: September 9 and 11,2019

III. Procedure
A. Review
 Ask the class about the previous lesson
 What they learned in the previous lesson
 Ask the students if they really understand the past lesson
B. Motivation
 Present a brain Exercise which everybody will read the paragraph in different
C. Abstraction
 Proceed to the next lesson, which is Managing Time, Effort, and Energy
 Ask the learners how life is important.
 Discuss the Managing Time, Effort, and Energy
 Everybody will plan the daily activities
D. Application
 The teacher let the students to create a schedule in everyday living.

IV. Assessment
 The students will answer the given question which is written on the board.

Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan

In TLE 8
V. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
d. Enumerate the Equipment in garments construction,
e. Differentiate the treadle and Industrial Sewing Machine and
f. Draw a sewing machine and put a label.

VI. Subject Matter

Topic: Fundamentals of Sewing
Lesson: Materials and Equipment for Garments Construction
Materials: Instructional Materials
Reference: TLE Book, Josephine C. Bernardino and internet
Date: September 12, 13 and 16,2019

VII. Procedure
E. Review
 Ask the class about the previous lesson
 What they learned in the previous lesson
 Ask the students if they really understand the past lesson
F. Motivation
 Introduce the game “jumbled letters/word” game by giving sample
 Play the jumbled letters/word game
 Let the students arrange the jumbled letters/word
G. Abstraction
 Proceed to the next lesson, which is Materials and Equipment for Garments
 Ask the learners about their ideas in sewing a machine
 Discuss the Materials and Equipment for Garments Construction

H. Application
 The students will draw a sewing machine and they will write a label on it.

VIII. Assessment
 The students will answer the given question which is written on the board.

Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan

In TLE 8

IX. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
g. Differentiate the aspects and changes of adolescent,
h. Identify the different traits and personality and
i. Apply a procedure in developmental changes in puberty.

X. Subject Matter
Topic: Health Care and Support Services
Lesson: Developmental Changes
Materials: Instructional Materials
Reference: TLE Book, Josephine C. Bernardino and internet
Date: September 17 -18,2019

XI. Procedure
I. Review
 Ask the class about the previous lesson
 What they learned in the previous lesson
 Ask the students if they really understand the past lesson
J. Motivation
 Present a four pics one word which is related on the said topic above.
K. Abstraction
 Proceed to the next lesson, which is Developmental Changes.
 Ask the learners to differentiate the aspects and changes of adolescent
 Discuss the Developmental Changes
L. Application
 The teacher let the students to read the definition on the board and let them

XII. Assessment
 The students will answer the given question which is written on the board.

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