EKC 291 - 14 - Solar Power Cycle Unit

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EKC 291 Chemical Engineering Laboratory I



(i) To measure the output and efficiency of the solar collector.
(ii) To study the influence of source intensity on efficiency.
(iii) To study the effect of flow rate on efficiency.
(iv) To show how the tank water can be used as storage medium for solar energy.

Solar energy is the world’s most abundant permanent source of energy. It is also an
important and environmentally compatible source of renewable energy.

The application of solar energy can be broadly classified into two categories: thermal
systems, which convert solar energy into thermal energy and photovoltaic systems, which
convert solar energy into electrical energy. For solar thermal systems, the most important
component is the solar collector. Flat plate collector is the most widely used and
effective means of collecting solar energy for applications that require temperatures
below 80°C. A typical flat plate collector consists of (a) absorber plate (b) transparent
cover (c) thermal insulation (d) heat removal system and (e) the casing.

The performance of a solar collector can be determined by the thermal efficiency. The
thermal efficiency is defined as the ratio of the output or the rate of useful heat gain of the
collector to the heat input to the collector. The rate of useful heat gain from the flat plate
solar collector can be obtained by measuring the flow rate of the fluid (m) through the
collector and the inlet, Tfi and outle, Tfo fluid temperatures as

Q u  m C p Tfo  Tfi  (12.1)

where Cp is the specific heat of the working fluid at constant pressure. If Ac represents
the operative area of the collector and S is the intensity of source then the efficiency of
the collector is

m C p Tfo  Tf i 
 (12.2)
Ac S

1. What are the basic principles of the solar thermal system?
2. Explain about the heat transfer mechanism of the solar power cycle unit. Show the
necessary diagram(s) in your explanation.
3. What are the strategies that could be implemented to improve the performance of
a solar collector?

EKC 291 Chemical Engineering Laboratory I


A schematic of the experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 12.1. It consists of a flat plate
collector with halogen lamps as radiation source. The heat gained by the collector is
calculated by passing cooling water through the collector at a known flow rate and
measuring the temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the collector. The intensity of the
radiation source is detected by Pyranometer.

Fig. 12.1 Schematic of the experimental set-up

EXPERIMENT A: Solar Heating of a Process Fluid

1. Make sure that there is sufficient water in the stainless steel tank (i.e., at least 70%
2. Check and make sure that HV1 and HV5 are fully close, HV2 and HV3 are fully
3. Switch on the switch on the control panel and power light should be illuminated.
4. Switch on the computer and enter into the switch on the pump by pressing the
START button. Let the water run through HV2 for a little while to get rid of the
air bubbles in the system.
5. Closed HV2.

EKC 291 Chemical Engineering Laboratory I

6. Adjust HV1 so the FT1 reads approximately 2 L/min. Fully open the cooling
water line.
7. Turn on the light s by illuminating the potentiometer on control panel fully
clockwise by turning the knob slowly. Make sure the temperature of water in the
tank as well as the inlet flow to the collector is constant.
8. Let the system run for 20 minutes for reading to be stabilized and record the
temperatures and intensity of radiation.
9. Change the source of the intensity to a lower value by adjusting the potentiometer
on the control panel anticlockwise slightly.
10. Let the system run for 20 minutes for reading to be stabilized and record the
11. Repeat the above procedure for two different intensities and two flow rates.

Run PR1 Mass FT1 TT1 TT2 Input, Output, Efficiency,

No. Intensity, Flow Flow rate, Temp. temp. W W %
W/m2 rate, L/min In, 0C out, 0C

Calculation and plots:

1. Calculate the efficiency using equation (12.2).

2. Plot efficiency against flow rate at same intensities.
3. Plot efficiency against intensity at same flow rates.

Useful data:

Dimensions of the collector: L = 185 cm; W = 80cm; H = 10cm.

Operative area of the collector = 1.48 m2.

EXPERIMENT B: Use of Water as Solar Energy Storage Medium

In this experiment, we will see how the tank water is used as an energy storage medium.
This can be achieved by shutting off the cooling water line and let the temperature of the
tank water that is being recirculated to rise steadily.

From the experimental data, plot the temperature of tank water vs time. Imagine how the
energy can be stored in the tank water by only slight decrease in temperature in the night
time when solar energy is not available.

EKC 291 Chemical Engineering Laboratory I


Ac = Operative area of the collector

Cp = Specific heat of fluid
m = Mass flow rate of fluid
Qh = Rate of useful heat gain from the collector
S = Intensity of the source radiation
Tfi = Temperature of the fluid inlet to the collector
Tfo = Temperature of the fluid outlet of the collector

Greek Letters
 = Thermal efficiency of the collector.

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