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‘An expansion to Tiny Epic Kingdoms by Scott Almes 2-5 Players + 30 Min, Tiny Epic Kingdoms Heroes’ Call is NOT a standalone expansion. You will need the rules and components of Tiny Epic Kingdoms to play. For Tiny Epic Kingdoms Heroes’ Call you will need the following components: + A complete copy of TEK + TEK HC Rulebook + 5 Big Meeples (1 big meeple in each of the player colors) +30 War Towers (6 cubes in each player color) + 5 Hero Tokens (5 gold cubes) + 5 Silver Tokens (5 silver cubes) 4 5 6 7 8 9 Py Magic Research Gain +1 [VP] for each [meeple] in the BIRDFOLK 5 crags. (Max 3VP) you sein war, you may spends 4 Tes [odo reat * 2 Torney 3B | caer neon House in war, you may spend 1 2 less (ood to rteat 1 1 You may move two [meeples] [I Start when questing 4 5 6 7 8 9 y Magic Research 5 | coma vette oayershavetess LIONFOLK population thon You. 4 | Pe Nanteur apparent 2 C 2” 3 [when you reach this level, gain 4 food: 2. not ied) atthe end ofthe round, gain arescsof your dts 1 1 When you reach this level, gain2 jf Start ood) ©2015 Gamelyn Gomes, LLC all rights reserved BARON RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple with a standard-sized meeple. This card is worth 3VP. Collects two resources instead of one. -1 War Cost is granted to any of your {meeples] in regions adjacent to the Baron, QUEEN jee RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple with a standard-sized meeple. This card is worth 3VP. ‘When the Queen loses a battle} by Zorless, she doesn't have to pay her War Cost. Ifa player defeats the Queen, they must lose all their [food] after the war is resolved Magic Research Gain +2 [VP] ial of your meeples ao} DRACONIAN ‘ona border region en ant yolne nt aaa eras apne ES asa SN te tha standard sed meee ena ay ne eae caer Wepnoanitey mance that opponent must discard one ‘When the action card is cleared, iff Fesource. ‘the Wizard is in a Forest gain 1 \When the action cardis dlesred, you gain a mana, ‘The Wizard can move anywhere when Patrolling or Questing, EXPLORER Magic Research youve no rescues at he ond af PIGFOLK eh game, gan VP) Ifyou lose a war by 3 or more, then RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple you collect resources 2s per your with a standard-sized meeple. eae This card is worth 3VP. You can spend [food] for war. Every two [foad} counts as Sin war. When you move into an empty | region, gain any resource. When the action cardis cleared, you (supersedes v. 1) gain a food) When you move into an empty If you Patrol nto the plains, you gain a| region, gain that region's ood resource. DIPLOMAT Magic Research Ifyou win a war AFTER you've reached POLARKIN is level, gine 2 [VP Move the research {oken ove this ext you sucoed, When you ae defending, theatacker mus RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple show the wer ttl before you set yous with a standard-sized meeple. This card is worth 3VP, When you attack the defender must shou ‘hel war total beter you set yous, If the Diplomat bids for peace, the| war is not resolved and the “1 War Cost when defending inthe attacker returns to their region. mountains, you form an alliance, you gain 4 War Cost when defending next to ‘two resources of your choice. the crags. Your ally gains one. ©2015 Gamelyn Gomes, LLC all rights reserved ©2015 Gamelyn Gomes, LLC all rights reserved RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple with a standard-size meeple. This card is worth 3VP. You may collect two food instead of one ore in the mountains, ‘When you Patrol into the plains, ‘you may instantly expand for one less food than the cost. RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple with a standard-sized meeple, This card is worth 3VP. ‘When you Patralinta the mountains, {you may instantly bulld for 1 [ess fore ‘than the cost When collecting resources, you may gain an [ore] forthe Engineer regardless of the region type. TEACHER Vaan am RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple with a standard-sized meeple. This card is worth 3VP. Start es 18 see eee food. (supersedes Iv. 1) ‘You may expand into the same Start | Region as the Teacher for one less food. KNIGHT 9 J RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple ‘with a standard-sized meeple. This card is worth 3VP. RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple with a standard-sized meeple, This card is worth 3VP. ‘When you Patol into the forest, you ‘may instantly research for one less mana} \When collecting resources, you may gain [mana] for the Shaman regardless of the region type, RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple with a standard-sized meeple, This card is worth 3VP. When you Quest into a region ‘adjacent to an opponent, you steal 1 resource of your choice from them, ‘When you Patrol into a region Start | adjacent to an opponent, you steal resource of your choice from ther, WARRIOR PRINCE ey RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple with a standard-sized meeple, This card is worth 3VP. RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple with a standard-sized meeple. This card is worth 3VP. ~ -2 War Cost when defending. -1 War Cost when attacking. -2warcontwneninne | yg [Meher csimiaie se mountains x (supersedes i. 1) You may collect mana instead of ore in the mountains. If this hero is eliminated, gain Start four food. ©2015 Gamelyn Gomes, LLC all rights reserved ADVENTURER < RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple| with a standard-sized meeple. This card is worth 3VP. x v 1 War Cost when Patrolling You may always Patrol instead of| Start | taking another action RANGER A\ RETIRE: Replace the hero meeple with a standard-sized meeple. This card is worth 3VP. When you Patrol, you may stata war} in an adjacent region Pay 1 less War Cost for this wa. When you Quest, you may start a war} in an adjacent region Pay 1 less War Cost for this war, ©2015 Gamelyn Gomes, LLC all rights reserved TinvEPICxincnows: HEROES’ CALL ‘An Expansion to Tiny Epi By Scott Almes Kingdoms Story: ‘The war continues. New factions have arrived from the north igniting more epic battles than before. Heroes rise over the fallen bodies of their enemies. Kingdoms spread across the frozen wastelands in search of resources. War towers grow taller than the trees. Who will be victorious in the end? Contents: 5 Factions 5 Territories 15 Hero Cards 5 Hero Meeples (1 big meeple each in the original colors) 30 War Towers 5 Hero Tokens 5 silver Cubes Overview: Tiny Epic Kingdoms: Heroes’ Call includes more epic mechanics that enhance the base game. Setup Setup for this expansion are the same as the base game, with the following changes. At the beginning of ‘the game, players are given: © The war towers in their color © The hero meeple in their color. © Tworandomly dealt hero cards, select one and shuffle the other back into the deck. © Onehero level token © One Silver Cube During setup, your starting territory should include one regular meeple and one hero meeple. Your hero card should be kept face-up, and the hero level token starts on the lowest level on the ‘Start’ space. The silver cube starts off to the side of a players research track. ‘The faction cards are simply mixed in with the others. ©2015 Gamelyn Games, LLC all rights reserved Heroes The player’s hero card keeps track of the player's hero meeple, detailing their special abilities. The hero will progress through the game, and eventually retire for points. Leveling a Hero: You level up a hero in four ways, and they are noted on the card, By | Wen faking a research action instead of upgrading our research Xx track you can spend X mana to raise your hero's level by one. + When taking an expand action, instead of increasing your population x you can spend X food to raise your hero's level by one. BD | When taking a bute action, instead of upgrading your tower you can x spend X ore to raise your hero's level by one, K ‘When you win a war with this hero, you upgrade your hero’s level by Hero’s Abilities: ‘The Hero card gives that big meeple a special ability. This can be bonuses to war, resource collection, or much more. What abilities are gained are based on the hero's current level. The hero has the abilities of its current level, and the ones previous to it, unless stated otherwise on the card, Retiring a Hero: When a hero reaches the top level, it retires. Replace the hero meeple with a regular-sized meeple. Remove the level token from the hero card, and place the card beside your faction card. This will show that you will earn three additional VPs at the end of the game. Dead Heroes/Expanding: When a hero is killed in battle, both the meeple and its hero card are removed from the board. The hero card is discarded from the game. When the player expands, the hero meeple is the first one brought back into play. When this happens, draw a new hero card from the deck and place the level token on the ‘start’ space. End Game Trigger: ‘The end of the game still triggers at 7 meeples, including the hero meeple in that number. ‘Additionally, the end game can NOW also be triggered if somebody retires 3 heroes. War Towers When a player builds a tower, they must place a tower token in a space that they occupy, and must still raise their tower level by one onthe central board. These tower tokens now represent the building of the tower track, and can be destroyed by other players. The war towers will stay in that space, and will remain there even if your meeple leaves the space. You may only have one tower per space. ©2015 Gamelyn Games, LLC all rights reserved Ifa region with a tower is invaded and defeated, then the tower there Is destroyed. You may defend the ‘tower whether or not you have a meeple there, towers have a war benefit of -1 to War Cost. but a tower cannot collect resources. The tower track should always reflect how many tower tokens are on the board. Ifa player invades a region with only a tower, than that may result in an alliance. The enemy meeple will cohabit with the tower. A tower does not count as a meeple towards the region limit, but there can only be TWO COLORS in a region. Meaning a third player cannot enter a region where two different players already exist. War Tower Bonus Points: Gain +1 VP at the end of the game for each territory card, other than your home territory card, that you have more war towers on than any other player. Frozen Territories The new territories include two new features: Peaks: / Silver You collect Silver here, a new resource. This resource can be used as a ‘wild’ and substituted for any resource type when building, expanding or researching. When paying for an action, you may substitute silver in for the original resource. For instance, if your next research level requires four mana, you may spend two mana and two silver. Silver has no value in war. You may not Trade for Silver and you may collect Silver from the Tundra, Ruins, or any “gain a resource of your choice” abilities. Tundra. Only one meeple can be in the Tundra at a time, so no war or creating of alliances can occur in the Tundra, When in the Tundra, you collect a resource of your choice. However, when a Patrol or Quest you are able to, including i action is available, you must move your meeple out of the Tundr: the region of an enemy. Retreat Retreat is a now an option for ANY war. After war costs are paid, the losing player may pay food equal to the number of meeples they have- to retreat their meeple to an adjacent region if it does not result in ©2015 Gamelyn Games, LLC all rights reserved

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