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Lesson Plan in Music

September 3, 2019

Grade 7 - Mars (7:15- 8:15)

Grade 7 - Venus (8:15- 9:15)

Grade 7 – Mercury (12:10- 1:10)

Grade 7 – Sun (1:10- 2:10)

I. Content Standard
The learners demonstrate understanding of the musical characteristics of representative
music from the lowlands of Luzon.

II. Performance Standard

The learners performs music of the lowlands with appropriate pitch rhythm, expressions
and style.

III. Objectives
 Identify the music of cordillera
 Explore ways of producing sounds our instruments
 Evaluate music using the different musical elements

IV. Subject Matter

Topic: Music of Cordillera
Sub-topic: Vocal music, Instrumental music, Vocal ensemble with instrumental

V. Materials
• Laptop, Monitor and Power point presentation
• Videos of different types of instruments
• Lerner Materials
Pages 60-62

VI. Procedure
Teacher’s Approach Students Response
Good Morning Class Good Morning Ma’am

How are you today? Great!

Well, I’m glad to hear that

Before we start our class lets pray first (One of the Students will lead the prayer)

(A prayer will be played)

Before you take your sits please pick up the

pieces of litters and kindly check the
alignment of the chair.

Okay class you may take your sits. Thank you Ma’am

Is there any absentees for today, (The secretary will check the attendance)
secretary please check the attendance

I. Review
Who among you still remember Ma’am last topic we discussed about
our last topic? Healthful eating Guideliness.

Very Good!

II. Motivation
Find the letters of the code.
1.__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
3 15 18 4 9 10 10 5 18 1

2.__ __ __ __ __
15 23 9 23 9

3.__ __ __
2 21 1

4.__ __ __ __ __ __
7 1 14 7 19 1

5.__ __ __ __ __ __ __
26 15 14 7 1 12 9

III. Activity
Identify the Hudhud chants according to
the elements of music by answering the
table on a manila paper. Draw a star that
corresponds to your group answer.

IV. Analysis
What have you notice on the music of Ma’am music of cordillera is related to
cordillera? different occasions such as life cycle
events and occupational activities and
Fabulous! various rituals.

V. Abstraction
Class Music of Cordillera may be Ma’am those are Vocal Music,
categorized into 3 types. What are those? Instrumental music and Vocal ensemble
with instrumental accompaniment.
Very Good Class!

What have you noticed on the Ma’am characteristics of vocal music

Characteristics of vocal music. have a two types.
 Melismatic- vocal passage with
one syllable
 Free meter- musical meter
without time signature.


What are those Vocal music? Ma’am those are

1. Ibaloi Badiw- One of the vocal
genres considered to be the
signature form for specific cultures
in cordillera is the ibaloi badiw.
2. Owiwi- lullabies
3. Dagdagay- infancy-related song
4. Oppia- infancy related song
5. Langan bata-bata- nfancy related
6. Bua- Infancy related song
7. Kawayanna- infancy related song
Watch the link of “Hudhud ni Aliguyon” 8. Hudhud- chanted epic poetry which is recited and chanted during four
occasions: the harvesting of rice and
wedding, funeral wakes, bone-
washing rituals.

Very well said!

Pls read the next slide Instrumental Music

1. Metal Instrument- Gongs
Watch the video of gangsa toppaya a. Gangsa Toppaya- Gongs
instruments played by striking with the
Watch the video of Gangsa palook b. Gangsa palook—gongs are
instruments. struck or beaten.

2. Bamboo Instruments
Watch the video of Bungkaka or Bilbil a. Bungkaka or Bilbil- played by
Instruments striking against the palm of
one hand.
Watch the video of Tongali instruments b. Tongali- a nose flute played
with the extreme forward
edge of the right and left
Watch the video of Tongatong instruments c. Tongatong- are bamboo
tubes played by stomping
each against the ground
Watch the video of Ulibaw Instruments d. Ulibaw- a mouth-reasonated
bamboo instrument played
with a flexible tongue fixed
at one end to a surrounding
Watch the video of pateteg Instruments e. Pateteg- bamboo of different
sizes for varied timbre that is
split in half and is struck by
awooden stick while rested
f. on the lap.

Please watch the last slide that is the last Vocal Ensemble with instrumental
categorized of Cordillera music. Accompaniment.
1. Antang- Match-making
2. Sindaay,tarasul- greetings and
advicee during wedding
3. Tamuyong,dango,ogayam-
greetings and advice during
kalinga wedding
4. Salidummay and dangdayang-ay

Very Good Class!

VI. Application
How these instrument affect the lives of
people in cordillera.

VII. Assessment
Identify what is being asked in the
following statements. Write your answer
on your activity notebook.
1-3 Give atleast 3 vocal music of
4-8 Give atleast five instrumental music
of Cordillera
9-10 Give at least two vocal ensemble of
VIII. Assignment
Describe Mindoro.

Mr. Jaimelito Sulit Eloisa Jean Briones

Cooperating Teacher Student Teaching

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