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a MADE EASY MADE EASY India's Best Institute for IES, GATE & PSUs > Test Series Online Test Series Classroom Test Series 5 GATE A SU [og on to SSE > | Course Content 2 Classeoom Teaching » Postal Course Separately for TES, GATE & PSUS » Classroom Course + RegulorClessroom Course * Weekend Classroom Course | Courses Steams 2 Regula Casstoom Course 2 Weekend Cassoom Course 2 Postal Study Couse fr, 2 Classroom & Postal Test Series 2 Chl Engineeing 4 leewoniesEngnecting 2 Hlewcal Engineering 1 Mechanical Engineering 2 Computer Science IT 5 Intrusion Engg.” 2 suet 2 PD,GD& Intervw Guidance Online Tet Series = Interview Guleance PD Enamasenchcoracr MADE EASY CENTRES Emit esanaynonegmalon =. | = ce cons Inetsnantgralc ke oo Ho Sa ons Por eee ce rr RE [MADEEASY Publications Corporat Ofice 4-4/4 Kalu Sarai Non Deo 110016 da Ofce:0-2, eco, Nol, tar Pradesh Webstersnrwmacecaspubicationsorg. | Ph:O1-45124612, 9956995590, 860576007 Emallifoneptenadesiso ‘GATE-2015 :Engincering Engineering Topicuise Previous GATE Solved Papers (2002-2014) Copyright 2014, by MADE EASY Pubscators ‘igh are reserved, No part oie publication may bereproduced stron or naduced into 2 reieval sytem, or rarsmtted in ary form or by any means (electrons, mechaical, proto ‘copying. racorting oaerwise), without the psi writen permission of he above maniionsd ubisher of tis book Fst Eon: 2009, Second Eton: 2010 ‘hid Eton: 2017, Fourth Eston 2012 Eon: 2013 ‘Sheth Eton: 2014 seniors 95.0605532 MADE EASY PUBLICATIONS fas aen dw cv alecig the dat nd prong te slvr. bre biting ns book spe hi any macy pang et occ thn MADE EASY PUBLICATIONS ‘ones oregonstity eile peste joucoupantoutany suherexYuraunpeaionsibe apiece. << Preface (Over the period of time the GATE examination has become more challenging due to increasing number of candidates. Though every ‘candidate has ably to succeed but competitive ewionment in-depth knowledge, quality guidance and good source of study is required to achieve high level goals, “Engineetieg Mathematics for GATE" Is @ textbook wich covers exactly the sylabus required for GATE examination. This text book covers the enti syllabus of Engineering "Mathematics compulsory portion of GATE forthe seams CE EC, EE, ME, CSVIT ete... The Unique featur ofthis text book is that each concept i ilustrated thoroughly by solved ‘examples taken fram past GATE Papers, The contents ofthe book are: Linear Algebra, CCaleulus, ferential Equations, Complex Functions, Prebabilly an Statistics, Numerical Methods and Laplace Transforms. thas beennaticed thatthe currently available text books for engineering mathematics ‘are too detalled whereas the GATE syllabus is limited in comparison, In this textbook we have tried our best to focus exsctly on wha is requied for students in their successful proparator for the GATE examination. Since GATE questions from past 10 years are ine Cluded ater each topic, the readers can ealy decide how much ime to spend on each ‘ofthese top, based on the number as well as diffcuty level of the questions asked ‘n pact exame. Only those proofs are included, which wil lp the student to develop a ‘beter conooptual idea ofthe topic. Ihave true desist Serve student community by way f proving good source of study and ‘quality guidance. [hope his book wil proved an importattool to succeed in GATE exam. Ary suggestions fam the readers forthe Impravement of his book are most welcome. Singh (Ex. IES) (Chalrman and Managing Diector MADE EASY Group GATE: ClvilEngineering Linear Algebra: Watialgeb, Syste of lines equtons, gen values and Eigen vectors ‘Caleaus: Functions of singe vale, Lit, continuity and dflerentaity, Mean value theorems, Fvaluxionf define an prope integrals, Part derivates, Total drain, Mama and minima, Goat, Degence and Ga Vector Metis, Dectonal devas, Line, Surface and Volume Ings Stokes, Gaus and Gren teres. Differential equations: Fist rer eustions (hear and nor-line) Higher order lines eretil ‘equatns wth canton coefiens, Cauchy and Elers equation, Ina and boundary vale robls, Laplace tanstorms, Solutions of one dimersianat eat 2rd wave equations and Laplace equatn, Comps vartabes: Analytic anton Cavey itera theore, Tor and Levent serie Probability andStatstics:Deinsionsf ebay andsagingthesensCnatienapabcity Meo, eda, mode and tnd deviation, Random variables Psa, Namal ander ibutons ‘Numerical Methods: Numeral sluts of ner and non-nearalgerale equations Iteration by trapezoidal and Simpson ue, single and mult-step methods fo erential equations GATE: Mechanical Engineering near Algebra: Manialgeba, Systems oflnearequaons, igen volves and gen vcs. Cates Functions of single vaabl, Lint, cominuity and deena, Mean value sheers, lutons of definite and improper integra, Parl derivatives, fatal detvave, Maxima and mini, Gadler, Dversence and Cr eco dente, Directonal devas, Line, Surface and Yun megs, Stokes, Gauss and Gee's theres. Differential equations: st ore uations linear and nonin) Higher ore near detent equatns with constant coeficets, Cauchy’ and ules equations, ntl and toundaty value ‘oblens. Laplace tansfams,Slaions of on dimensional heat and wave equations and Lapalce equtin (Complex Variables: Aly untns, Cauchy natal tener, Tayor and Lauren series Probability and Statistics: Defnions of probably and sampling theorems, Condon robabity, Mear, median, mode and standard deviation, Random vats, Posor, Norma and Biol dsb, [Numetical Methods: uml sins of near 2nd nonlinear algebra equations Ietgiation| by apeodal and Simpson, single and mult-step methods fo areal equations GATE: Electrical Engineering i GATE: Computer Science &IT Engineering Linear Agere: Mai age, Sens cts elton Egen abies and gee \ Mathematical og Ropetonl ot ner. 2 ‘alalus Meanie eens Therenst regal aks luni ete and moa ea ios Probaily Condo Poti, Mex, Medan Mode and tac eae une od re, Mee’ ove see Ver Went Dona | Someusns cm nowopsenst ton Bm Tun non ae PEs Line Safe an lane eas Sls ssa ers OS, | hathan thintaeenncnnt ory & lg: ects Gn Parl Oc tie Bok Aer Difereatlal equations: Fist ace equator (net and rane). phe ae new eet comb ins aa aces cote, Met! of arte of pretend Eder un, | Cambie Porat otra, Soman: rc ts ens Caan aryl pes Paral Deena Eto nd abe spatle metho Complex erables: Anycool teem anteyal omdaTeran ent i Graph ea Gn: sannng es Ca verses 8s coven: matching dependent ‘Sie ese ese sion nega Chur; nay bap rohan and stats: Sapirg teens Cot poiy Mean ean, node and Lear Algebra: Agee of abies, determinants, systems of erations, gen voles a gen prover devon, Rando vaablesOacet an continuous dst, Piss, Normal ang ioral econ. fitibten, Cretton ad greson nays america Methods: LU decompastan fr systems of ner equations meal sons of not ‘umerical Methods: Solutions of nonlinear algerac equations, single and mtsep methods of ‘near dgebrac equations by Secant, isetion and Newton-Raphson Methods: Numerical Integration by eee ‘penal and Sinoson es, eee rere Gaels: Lint Coinaty & étfeennably, Mean value Theor, Thetens of lag cles, ‘flat of finite &npoper tral Paral demas Tt dente, maxima & ina GATE: Electronics Engineering Linear Algebra: Matix lb, Systems of ea equations, lgen ales and eres Coteus: bean value theorer, Theorems of nega cleus, Evaluation of ete and Improper ‘Rls Paral Derwaties, Mima nd rina, Muti Inga, Four series, ecto ents, Drectonal dates Line Surface and Yolen Stokes Gauss and Gens Theres Diflerential equations: Fst oferequatons (nea and naniinea). Higher over eat etal tuntons ith constant cece, Method ofvaraton ofFarameters, Cauchy sandEersequntions, nal and boundary value pce, antl Dera Equations ang varablesearble ethos ‘Complex variables Aral function, Cauchy inte theorem an integral fom, ayer and Laurent, ste theater, sou ite Probability and Statistes: Samgling theres, Condtona probability, Mean, median, se 2nd pune devison, Random vals, Discrete and continuous sribtions, POSS, Normal and finoial strut, Corelaon and reqeson ana ‘Numerical Methods: Solutions of non-linear algebraic equations single and muti-step metods for eentalequtons “Transform Theory Foe tnsorm, Laplace anf, Z-ro System of Linear EqUatINS umn 18 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors nm 22 Contin nnn 23. Diferentiabilty... 24 MeanValue Theorems. 25 Computing the Derivative. 26 Applications of Derivatives. 27 Partial Derivatives. 28 Total Derivatives nna — 7 ‘Mair & Minima (f Function of Two Independent Variables). 210 20 212 Anplications of integration. : 2.13. Multiple Integrals and Their Application. 214 Vectors. Differential EqUuatlons (2x9) 9x9) 9 x2) 2"2 (PRP PY 242 2 Tororo too matixes PU x2), O42 x4) era R(t). Theminimum of mtipaton eased to compute the matix POR ICE, GATE-2018, 1 Merk) Solution: It we muitiply OR fist then 0.4% Fe having multiplication number 8 Thoreors By ay til have minim number of mation = @.8 Mutiptcaton of maces € and Fis G. Matrices E and G are feos sina 0) 109 | sina cosa of andG=|0 1 0 o 0 ft 00 4, Wit i the matic F? feose sino 0) @ |sine ocs9 0} (848) 16. cost cxs8 0] (ey |-cos8 sino 0 0 o o 4 ot ‘cos sind 0] sind -c0s8 0) © |-sn0 cos0 0 to [oe sno 9 o o 1 o Oa IME, GATE-2006, 2 marks] souton: ) Nottod 1: cos =o 0 e = lane cose 0 00 ti 100 ws a-jord oo ccordngtopotien EXE (MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 17, cot oro o] [1.0.0 a [5h exe ofxe = [0 1 0 cEOR Bee lotoks sere wen tagrosete (Enka. us tbe he se cod so 0 136 [Fe ono ol aac Mottod 2: ‘An easier method fo finding Fis by muitipying E with each ofthe choicas (a. (0). (0) and (a) ‘and incing out which one ives the product a identty matrix G Again the answer (). ~ ot entree Sh mu pct order of metric = 3 Frank « dmansion of ull space of A= 3-2 = t 1.28 Traceofa Matrix Terabe squematco ern Thesunct elon hing Aenea agra is caed the trace of A denoted by Ti(A). 7 aa Thus (lpn ton, TA) = Let ‘Then, trace (A)=tiA) = 14(-8) +5 = 3 Propertios of Tace of a Matrix: Let A and B be two square matrices of ordern and be a scalar Then, 1. trGAye aera 2 WATB)=UArHB 8. tr(AB)=ir(@A) 48. | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 1.29. TransposeofaMatrix Let A= [aly Ten thon x meat otaned Tom AY chang tH into columns and its Caiumns ho vows is clld te tanspose ofA ands denoted by 8’ by sew eft 2° tota=|2 4)manaten =|) 4 5 6 6 WB =(129}then wep 2 a Properties of Transpose of a Matrix: Ths’ and B be tansposes ofA and B respectively ther SKY =A 2 (ae oy =A 8 F fea «keg any complex nba (By © 8 5 (ancy =C BK . 1.2.10 ConjugateofaMatrix She mau oblaned ron gen at er number scaled te conjugate of Aandi denoted YK. pea 4-8 paamplest=[ 6” oni _ [2-a aen 8 A-[ a 6 9-1 Properties of Conjugate of a Mate: | 1B & B be the conjugates of A.B respectively. Ten, ix Aon rplacingits elements by the coresnonding conugate 1. Wea 2 eB} = AB 2. Bay = KR. king any capex ser AB) = AB. AB Being conforabietoutiicalon 5. Kx Ait is roa matic K =-Aift Als purely imaginary matric 1.2.11 Transposed Conjugate of Matrix “Te tranepoe othe conjugate of e matrix is cafedWersposed conjugate ofA ands deneted by Wor Ata (Rts socalled conigate transpose of A examples [?2! a (MADE EASY Totind we st fad A [ Tron A? = (A) Linear Algebra | 19 2-1 +i 4144 fa aad ‘Some properties: I! AP& BY bo tho transposed conjugates of A and B respectively then, 1 2 a 4 ic (+B = ats 8° (6A) = FAP, k-> complex number (ABP = BAP 1.2.12 Classification of Real Matrices Roaimaet can beclaefadote olowrg tee typebasodonne retention A 4 2 3 i Symmic Wats (A=) Show Syeetic Nations 3 =A) rtogorl Natio (= "er A= Symmotic Ma Asqare ans [alssaato be eynehic (arenas sts Poona ie. a, =a a8 : =m Inasyrmente mati ATA Example: f ° i sos e aE Note: for any matric A, (@) Ais aays a eymmatric mats Asa 2 Note: (and 8 an symmeti, thon (@) Av Band A~ Bare also symmetic, (b) AB, BA may or may not be symmetric. ‘Skew Symmetric Matt: square matrix A= [&]is sac tobe skew symmetric), )eleme is Of Aisthe nogative ofthe (iP elements of if ay =~2) Yi | Ina show syretvc matric AT =— A. Askew symmetic matix must have al O's inthe agonal © Is always symmatic matrix. Example: ong J-h 0 | lea skew-symmetric mar, -9 FO) Is always skew symmetric, MADE EASY 20 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE 1.2.13 Classification of ComplexMatrices '3. Onhogonal Matix: A square matrix Ais sald be orthogonal Hearne AAT = Ad =. Thus Awl bean orthogonal mai AT = Example: Te Wentity mats ortrogonal sine = F< Note: Since for an orthogonal matic, 1 aK - Jaa] = hilt 3 tal iath = 4 5 abe = Bo ATA lal = st the determinant ofan orthogonal matrix always as. a modius of 1 ‘Comlexmatrioes can be classified! iro tne folowing hres types based on etatonstip betweon At on = att = Sov 9 Scramets cone Acca camo [yg Uk] nate Ic 12. Skew-Hermitan Matix: necessary and sufciet conaion focamatiitobe skew-Hemiion cough [2 “y']nton tein ~~ a. unr nonon cA ane swcyng von iby Awe pte trate estuary marcas hen 8 Fee srwen tenants condition for @ matrix A to be Hermitian is thet fate aA xanotes-|,Z, 2, |nenerarelet sua ic 2 - ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES FROM GATE a. almanicee Aye Bhu(Cher (Olan lou t0¢ Fs steer Matas 61 —rcE] axe syemot Folloning tatrmens are made with respect to these mations. {1 Metri proguct FY [CT [21IC} Fs a scalar. 2. Mat product[D} [1 [Ds abvays syrmetro. ‘tayaference above seterts, whch of he flowing ePpes? {@) Statoment 1 Is tue but 2 fl69 {@) Stotoment 1 i false BA 21s ue {© Bomhine statements ae tue {@) Both he stators re flee : OE, GATE-2004, 1 mark] MADE Easy Linear Algebra | 21 Soluton: (0) ‘Saleen is tue as shown belo, (Ftapa size x5 (CF wsaszo5x3 [Bltesaszeaxs (Climeaszea.s [Fitasasize 5x1 So(FT CFB) (Cl Fas ase 1 x. Metre So, Satmont tue ohieasea Conse Stoment2:D"F Dis aay emetic. Now” coos oto noe Dy Fy, and Ds 2 nt mut F ee Foes 6 Df nt compa for mtipation ee a So, Saran! 1 fe 0.6 A-cquare matrix Bis skowayrnmaticit (@ st =-8 @es sotto ICE, GATE-2000, 1 mark] ‘Asauae mati Bis defined as skew-symmetric if end only I BT = -B, by dfinton. 127 {Alix equarematrxuhich nether syrmetcnor skew-symmetric ans (4 cow eymmetic ang [list torspose. {hess otecnncroore marco seeder (eA oY 1 - WTA respactvely Which ofthe follwing statements TRUE? , {@) Both{5] and D]aresymmetic (0) Boh{S] and D}areskew-syrmetic {6} [8] skowaymmetcand (0) symmetic {6) [Sis symmetric and [0] is skew-symmetric ICE, GATE-2007, 1 mark Solution: (4) Since Sa (ASA = AAT AeASS ie. eee 2 Sis symmetric . Sica DiS (AAW = A(R te Ded SoDis Skow-Synmetic, QB Match List with List and select the correct answer using the codes given below thelist 4 ems a a aes os ae see La : og as monte ST git pe ocr ee oti ‘h Singular matix > Determinants 26° B.Non-square mai» Daterminant snot defined (Real eymmetic —» Eigen values ere aways rea 1D Onhogonal mar» Determinantisalways ne 1 1 1 1 9. Glvenan orthogonal matric A= | | 0 Loe o 8 i w[lLooo @}7 00 0 2 : ofoo ofoo : cote ojo 1 oood ood pecs [food dio ° poe ofoe aor : Jooje : oood : {EC, GATE-2005, 2 marks) scion (0) i : wares caro. Fenavesoteare dines Ward sere cn ent ese pepe DOESNOT “ALWAYS hold? . fa) (wy {b) (omy! = 0M nee Nn=n (@) (Ws NTE MT a a [EC, 2014 1 Mark, Set-t] ‘Solution : (d) tes uptcation rot cometh MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 23 Q.11 Which one ofthe fotowing statements is NOT true fora square matrix A? {@) Ais uppar triangular, te eigervalues of Aare the agonal elements oft {0} WAisreal symmatc, the eigenvalues ofA are always eal and postive {) Ais real, the eigenvalues of And AT are always the same {@) Hallthe prneipal minors of Aare postive, athe eigenvalues ofA are also postive TEC, 2014 : 2 Marks, Set-3] Solution : (b] 0.12 Which one of the folowing statements is rue fr aleeal syrmetic matices? {@)_Althe eigenvalues areal (©). Allthe elgenvalues are postive. (0) Altho eigenvalues are ditint (6) Sumotal he eigenvalues is zero. couten-(0) IBE, 2014 : 1 Mark, Set-2] Q.12. Whichone ofthe folowing equations a corect deny for arbitrary 9x9 real matrices P,Q and R? (@ FQ+R)=PO+AP (©) (P-GP =Pe-2P0 + (6) cotlP +O)=dotP + det @ (@) (P+ OF =P2+PO +P +P 2014: 1 Mar, Sa ‘Solution = (d) ™ Sect) (P+0y = Pes POLO + oF PP+PO+OP+00 = Py PO4 OP + E 2.14 Gventhematicas J = clever Ice, 2014 Mark, Se] Solution ea 24 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY Q.15 The sum of Eigen values of matrix (MT ie 215 660 725) where (i) =|655 150. 835 [485 355. 560 15, : (o) 1988 6 0 @ 200 ICE, 2014 1 Mark, Set] Solution: (2) ‘Sum of eigen values = trace of matic 2215+ 150+ 850= 915 0.16 Win referencetethe corwenional Cartesian (3) the flowing coordinates; x, ys) = (1, O: a) = (2:2) O99) = coordinate system, the vetoes ofavenaieheve 13), The roa ofthe tangle eeaele 3 3 wo 5 ot o8 (oe 2011 Mak sete: . Area viangies MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 25 a (p-a)(p-b)(P—0) arbse when p. stpte ae (aoe eP ave b= (ae eP-a8 fo=WF @F -v8 B+ V5 +32 3 Se 8 1.3. DETERMINANTS. 1.3.1, Definition lay lear az 22,7 called determinants of order 2. The number ay, jy dy dave called elements ofthe eta 8 apy Be Be any four rumbars. Tho symbol [gt 3 | represents the number a. elerminant and the number 8 :2,.— 2, 1.32 Minorsand Cofactors .iscalled the value af determinant. ae ot 2S — 4 Example: The Minor of elermantay, = May lars ar orient 2 23 ty ice EASY 26 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE maot 3 Cofactors 135 canary rtp by (ica te cotter forty fan element by coresponding capita iter Example: Cotactor of = Ay =(-1)*! My 2 a ee ‘We shall donate the cofactor by edacoroteometag= Au EN We define for any mati, the sum ofthe products ofthe elements of any row or column wth Nrresponding ootactors fe equa tothe determinant ofthe max, 120) eee Example: ee 12 4 12 cota = |-4 2 4 then, ea Jal = (1 12) (24) (0x12) 2 Cts) +16 x2) + (18) (avez) + 0x1) +28) D 1.34. Determinantofordern ‘A determinant of ordorn has NOW paotorminant of oder n is asquere array ofn x n quantities nt lary Ata A ae ba eal lags Aan Sn sn i equalto ("ties the determinants of cxder (0-1) obIainad ment caus ase nee sor slosed between vertical bars. actor of Af laments coe mr ects pasa oh Sore : S agoote.)= Ba cons Ba corte) Bareete -Theraore, deternant can be expanded using ary a fa ae 1 ao interchanged. Serer of dterminnt dove net change wnen rows and cons ara merchant Tale al 2 Hayron(rctirn) tarnish ace 200 tel Alo 0 a ow oreakann) sealed a 210 om (or cok) ‘ve donical,hon| Al = st any two rows (ecu) ofa mac Aare ° a oan ae tve col ola seminar a rrcanged evo emia mulled by = WAisa3x3 matic then | row oF cohsmn. aces Linear Algebra | 27 4. all dements of the one aw (or one column) ofa determinant are mukiptd by same number k the vue of determinant isk ties the value of given determinant. 5. IFAbenrowed square matrix, and kbe any scala, then Al = K'AL {6 (@) Ira determinant tne sum of the products a the elements of any row (or column) withthe” cofactors of carespanding elements of ary row or colun is equal tothe determinant value (b) IF determinant the sum ofthe praducis ofthe elements of any row (or column) with the cetactors of some other ow ox column is 26. Example: lay by ze las ba Ten aA, +b, 46,0, = 4 aA, biB, +610, = 0 A+B, +00 = 0 aA + bD,+o,0, = 4 2A +bB, +00, = Oete here A, B,C, be cotactor of he element a,b, 6 in 7. tote elements of ow or column) ofa determinant are added m tres the corresponding ements of anche row or clu) the vale ol determinant ns obtained sequal ioe feral deteninant Ae te. AB2 8 thon LA and A292 45 then La Al*|6| and based on tie we can prove the following a Proof of a: lan] = |A*A*A... 0 times] lal Lal al nines = daly Prootot lanl = lil at Now since, lansl = [al lanl * lal lan] = = latl = al 9. Usingthe fact that A. cA = [A] 1, the fofowing can be proved for A @ [Aci Al = JAle=1 (0) ao} yy = Lalio-? 28 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 1A INVERSEOF MATRIX ee erser a mat A, exes it Ais eonringul (ve. [Al #0) en 9Ne" bythe formula et = AS ial inverse of Ahn ites 6 urieue. 4.4.1 Adjointofa Square Matrix et Ana be any nx math. To ranepene Bo Ne meta [loanshore Ay donates the eae cae ie aot of mati Aandi once OY STS gl (ol (ANT Propertos of Adjoint: ide any sowed square matt then (AG) A) A ere I isthe nr oar mat (aaj Ab=LAL 1.42 Propertiesof inverse 1, ARTA ASA 2 Rand @ av inverse of each other AB = BA =| 8. (Ay = BI At 4 (anoy = TA 6 1 1A an Su racer P wave ann ror sng amas rvowe argon esp 1 fe 3] E+ weal «! ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 1 Vg a Q.17 The inverse of tre 2x 2mati | y7 2] aft 2 @ iG =) i) is ‘| (7 = [7 =] of 0 i a CE, GATE-2007, 2 marks} solution: (a) invoroer [2 al MADE EASY 0.18 Treprcietotmatices POr"Pe wes ; wb) : oe (a) PAP ‘Solution: (0) ICE, GATE-2006, 1 mark] (par' = (orp ta (o"y(l) & 2:19 theivenectinomarn tg! La s-ajs oy ort 4 @ aL i al 7 @ aft ©) yal i 7 t +3 vena {CE, GATE 2010, 2mare] E oye db) a)" Gemmle fea iy i [s+23@-a+ a 3] (2.20 Forwhich value of wile matrix given wrbecome singular? 8 xo) 402 1260, @s 6 os be Solution (@) IME, GATE-2004, 2 marks] For singuanty of mat > af0-12)- x(0-2 12) Sa MADE EASY 30. | Engineering Mathematics for GATE the transpose ofthe mali is equal othe inverse ofthe mats, 7 0.21 Foramatix (m= |® 4 5 3 5 (ur = mre vausotxis en by 5 © -3 ot {Me, GATE:2000, 1 mal ‘=> Compare both sides ae ae 10 = 2 [2 1 AN gan top row of tis azine\2 ) 2 © 5-91 to (S64) (@ (2-112) © Bo) [EE, GATE-2006, 2 marks] Solution: (0) 10 -f ae|2i- 232 (A) _ foofactor (RYT wo gp eget i a Linear Algebra | 31 = 12+9)-04 + 2)- 16-2) = 5-404 Sinze we need only the top row of F, we need to fine only frst column of cot (which alter transpose wilbecome fst row of ad) |AG}(A) = feof (A Divaling by IRI = 1 gives “Ey top row of = (5-3 1) hx | 2.23 Wnchone othefaloning does NOT eaual | y y2f2 2 2 1 i+ x44] xe 4 1 yen y+ (ot yet yet] ys aee9 2a tae 244 lo x-y 2-7 2 xy Hy @ lo v2 ¥-2| (9 |2 yor ya? +2 2 12 2 ICS, GATE-2013, 1 Mark] Solution: (a) Concept @) Ina matrix we add or subtract any constant to any row or column then determinant of matrix remains same, @ Ina matric f apply any row or column transformation thon also daterminant of marie remains sare. 32 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY (@) a matin it we interchange two rows or columns then determinant fresutant maxis matted by ~ 1 $0 by concep (i) andi) matriin option (b),(c) and (d) ges the same result as our given 8y concept i) atria option a given diferent resut Hx 2) hy v= hz 2 woe x4) yy y+ see) 2a ‘So.ption(a)is correct. 0.24 Aismxnfullrankmaticth >nand is anidentity mai. Letmarbc A’ = (ATA AT, Then, 1 following statements FALSE? @) Gare (ANAS! (0) ANA IEE, GATE-2008, 2 marks] Solution: (a) Choice a) AAA = Als corect Shee, ABA = AURTAP ATTA= AUATAY*ATA] Let AA =P Tren APP} A Q.25 Let A be an mxn matrix and B an nxm matrix. It is given that determinant (iy AB) = determinant (+ BA), whore ithe kxkicently atx, Using the above propery, {he determinant of the matrix gen below is zai it 1244 y424 laa @e ws os @ 6 (EC, GATE-2019, 2 Marks} Solution: &) Take the determinant of gven matic Bae 9-12 Ve tt-2)- He 9-12- De THB] = BANA He 11-2401 eZee PARE 9-2-8 A= 2)-7-]4 1-9] . 2E)AD AB 5 2-04) a 0.26 tet. a=[5 5" | and & ,2 Oo 1a og @ [EC, GATE-2005, 2 marks} MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 33 i ‘Solution: (@) | a} = 5 2 -0ffe a) ft o} 3 flo »] = lo 4) 1 22-08) [1 0 - o a» |*lo1 | = 2a-0.1b = 0-9a=0.102 0 & = tebe d | "Now subettuteb in equation (), we get 1 aa) 1 tL eo atl? 0, atbetvle a. ws" 0 "Oa 27 Let A,B,C, Dben xn matices, each wih non-zero determinant, HABCD = | then Bis @ DIC4n (©) GDA (© aoc (@) dose not necossarly exist ICS, GATE-2004, 1 mark] Solution: (8) A.B, 0, Dien x amatix Given ABCD = ~ ABCD" C > AB > At AB = 8 & wy 0.28 Consider the maroc 0000 \Woich is dbained by reversing the ocdor ofthe columas ofthe Identity mate fy LatP = ly +O, ‘here ais@ non-negative real number. The value of fr which dat) = Os TEC, 2014: 2 Marks, Set-1} Solution 0.99 t0 101 MADE EASY 24 | tngnering athena fr GATE | ampeeasy PEPE | 10000 0 | x= 0 = 0) prooog ve Al» e-beam wenshn( obo weeoseee nea eames ra pocore jooooot 30) Q.31 Given fhat the determinant of the matrix | 2 © 4] ig - 42, the determinant of the matic foe ener fotcceo 289 aefootece 42 el, Brae loo a1 00 oO aooro @ -% to) -24 peooo tl ba Oe (014: 1a St sein: Tg + ong) = [F-11100] Let D =~12 for the given matrix [PONTO fo)(-7eexO-0°)] . ( 2 6 0} te ato) =0 tae oe 1-0 = 0 20 4 0.23 Thedeterminant of matrix is Sand the determinant of mati is 40. The determinant of matric Ais TEC, 2014: 1 Mark, Sot-2] Solution DeterminantofA = 5 DeterminantotB = 40 Osteminantof AB = [Al |B! = 5x40 20 (2.20 The maximum value of the determinant arnong all? x 2 real symmetic matrices with trace 14 is [EC, 2014: 2 Marks, Set2] Solution afl Let(a) and (6) are the elemento principal agonal " [Al = ab-? (okng 2common rom each ra) (exo Bx-12=-95 forzs 1030 0.32 The determinant of mati ie 32 Thedolorminantofmatix| 2 9 2.9) is lao 2 (08, 2014: 1 Mark, Se Solution 0123 1030 as|2s01 ao12 S=loa 01 ane ee rs ° = -1<(1-60432}420-90), 4-28 ~ 60) = 88 2 Az|-4|t19 5) 5 a 2.33 tho matt Ais such that then the determinant of Ais equalto_. . [es, 2014 (Sot2) : 1 Mark] Solution: MADE EASY (MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 37 1s RANKOFAMATRIX: FRankis defined for any mati A, (ne8d not be square) ‘Some important concepts: 1 2 ‘Submatrx of @ Matrix: Suppose Ais any mat'k ofthe type m xn, Then & matt Obtained by Jeavng some rows and some columns ftom As called sub-matixof A Faank of @ Matrix: A number is said to bo the rank a a matric, tit possesses the folowing rapes: (@) Therois atleast one square sub-metviot Af order r whose determinant isnot quate zero. (©) thematic contains any square sub-matvixo order (+ T)and above, then te determinant cfeuch a matix should be 20°. ut ogother property (a) and (b} give the definition ofthe rank ofa matt as th “ze ofthe largest non-zero minor. Note: (@) The rank ofa matixis x n,n 1, andim x1 matrices respectively. The above equations can be writen in he frm of a single matt equation A "Any sot ofvalues off, x... X, which simultaneously satis ll these ‘ ul equation is called a solutions othe system. When the system of equations has ane ot more solutions, the equation ‘are said tobe consistent otherwise thoy aro sald to be Inconkistent’. By Rady by The matics a}=| "B= Am Be Bet Arann Dp, is called aupmented matrix of the given system of equations. Condition for Consistency: The system of equations AX = Bis consisentle., possess @ saluton iff the coeticient mat A and tne augmented matrix (A Bare ofthe eame rank. i (A) = (A,B). Case 1:inconsistency: i) # (A|B) the system A x = B, has no solllen. We say that such a system Is inconsistent. Cases 2 and 8: Consistent systems: Now, when (A) = 412) has solution. We say, tal the rank of the syst sr Now two cases arise, (Case 2: Consistent Unique Solution: i (A) = (1B) = «1 Ga Kou = Fa n (where nis the numberof Ua ‘variables ofthe system), then the system isnot only consistent ut alsohas a unique soution. (Case 3: Consistent infinite solution: I1(A) = (AB) =<, then the system is consistent, buthas The system is consistent and 52. | Engineering Mathomatics for GATE (MADE EASY Intrite numberof solutions In summary we can say te Following 4. 1{A)#1(A] 8) inconsistent anc hence, no solution) 2. Ii) = 1418) =r (consistent and unique solution) 3. Ii(A) = (AB) «] are (9 2asese oe) sseends0s8 ) a7ben (a esomn9sD came ICE, GATE-2012, 2 marks} MADE EASY Solution:(b) Weneed genvauesot A i 3] 5 | ‘Thecharacteristc equations cay 8 (9-2)(8-2)-25 = Whe aT Sosigen values ar, a= 948, 1959 2.68. The system of near equations 24 alfa] [5] 3-0 4}/b|=| ~4)nas 12 site} [14 (@) aunique solution (©) efintely many solutions () nosolution (@) exactly two solutions (EC, 2014: 2 Marks, Set-2} Solution : (0) 0.69. Given a systom of equations: x42 422, Sx+y4S2= by nin ofthe folowing is rus regarcing is sokton? (@ Tho system has a unique solution for any givanb and by (@) The eyetom wil ave infinitely many solutions for any given b, end by (©) Whether or nota soluton exists depends onthe gan b, anda, (@) The system would have no solution for any values of, an by TEE, 2014 1 Mark, So-1) Solution : (0) 2.70. Consderthe folowing system of equations aen2y=1 dee Te=t eyered x-2ytIz=0 The numberof solutions fortis system is [e, 2014 (Set-1) : 1 Mark} 64 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY Solution Given ae42y = 4eeTz = reysze en2y Te = aye a By + Te aye = yom = = py-4z ay tae = are 72 acre u = feet = 1 (Pats=2) Tha number of soltions fortis system is one. a= 2, y =-5/2 andz «tithe only solution 1.8 EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS Let A=[2,_qbe any rowed square matrix and’ is @ scalar, The equation AX=AXis called igen value problom. We visho find non zore solutions to Xsatitying the lgen vale problem, and these nn 2670 sation to X ere calle as the eigen vactore ofA, The cortesponding values are called elgen values of A. o 1.8.1 Definitions The marx A~N! is called charabteristic malrix ofA, whee is the unt mat of or determinant sea = = | Bat Brg en ‘ahich Is ordinary poynamialin2.ofdegreen's called “characteristic polynomial of A. The oquation |A-Al| =0le calc “charactoristic equation of A" CCharacteretic Roots: The ats ol the characterstic equation are called "characteristic roots oF characteristic values o latent roots or proper values or eigen values" ofthe matix A, The set of eigenvaluse of As callod the “spectrum of A” (MADE EASY Linear Algebr IF1is characteristic oot ofthe matrix A, then it 1A ail =0, thon the ‘Tereforethere exist non-zero vector X uch that (A ~AllX probiom, Characteristic Vectors: kis achar that X= iis calle characteris matrix A Alls singular, = 00° AX = AX, which she eigen value acteristic rotol ann x nmatrix A, then a non-zero vector X such > elgenvector ofA conaspencing ta characteristic rot? ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE ‘| 0.71 Thasigen values o he matrix (@ wet anda () ero-tand2 (©) weOands (2) canet be deserined (CE, GATE-2004, 2 ma sonton (CE, GATE-2004, 2 marks) Cader equaonie aa aa e[E* Bf ] ae 2 (@ Tenda (© sends © Sanda (6) Vand ICE, GATE-2 ark ora ICE, GATE-2008, 2 marks} jaa 2 (4-2)(-5-2)-2%5 = 2 +a-30 = 0 A= 5-6 0.79 Fertemaiis| | gon value are (@) Senda (b) sands (@ sends (6) Sango IME, GATE-2008, 1 mark] 66 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 67 Solution: (c). 0] Tx 0 lege 2-8 i {|x| "Jo : eH ‘eyo “def | eaEARA-1) = 0 3y+K = 0 of, (8-2) (3-2) = 0 3x 4x, 0 arewenwestnotemnpesevensn sree # *) fi BE my { ‘| ‘corresponding to 2. oO @l, © 0 |. Li] 75 Theau cline depen oigmvctect [2 ] a IME, GATE-2006, 2 marks] 8 2 First solve for eigen values by solving characteristie equation [A —2I oz aan 0 o oO ‘Solution: (t) = (6-2) (G-A) [2-H (1-4) -Fa0 (-2)-A)GF—Sh-1) x0 3B 2 puta=5in[A-alX =0 Now, consider the eigen value problem IA-w1X = 0 Po’ IE) - Bl Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY fo ays. fo babel - Gl ia ® Sco ® Tho sions ete 5a nem af] ‘Since theres onty ane paraméterin te infinite solution, there is only one ineasty independent al") ores! ae nedgnecunavorati [tt] seweannatm|']ae[{] aesso7 @o © 2 or we IME, GATE-2008, 2 marks) Solution (b) i-a) 2 | 0 a) = (1-922) = 0 hate Now since the eigen value problem is [a-ang=0 Hk 2 dp [ot aap putting he value of A= 1 and g = X ={ 1] S “ puting the value. “4 yp o ole] - 1420 and ° = b @ From‘) ana i) aed (MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 65 0.77 onedtta igen vectors of o {} Solution: (a IME, GATE-2010, 2 marks] Characteristic equation of Ais feel + aa}? (2-2) @-0)-2 = 0 P4420 et ‘The eigen value problem is [A FP Sie] belle) - cee ° Sokution is x, = k, x = 2k ® : “1 Cchee (ais anelgen vectx 22) 2 1 o 4 is anegen vector? 70 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE 3 @ |2 aq “A Solution: (d) MADE EASY 3} w |2 ] 2] || 0 IEE, GATE-2008, 2 marks} ‘Since matric i trangulay, the elgen values aro the diagonal elements themselves namely [A-mx = 0 (AEE Putting = -2In above equation we got, (824 0 0 ° i 04 Since eq, (i) and i) are same we have joo 8 Which gives tre equations, 5 x,-2% 42% = 0 ° % %. 5x,-2%+2% = 0 Putting % Sxj-2k+2x0= 0 " x = 25K z, Figen vectors are ofthe orm af le. Ky = 2BKSK 085 1 % ra] lo) ‘and 1. Corresponding to eigen value, at us find the eigen vector @ @ @. 0 ® tinea, () we got 2:5:0 MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 71 2.79 Thetinear operation L(x) s dined bythe cross product Lo) = x X, where b=[0 1 of" and i Xp] ae toe dimensional ecters, Tho 3 x3 mavixM ofthis operation satisfies Lot = Ml xe %, Then the eigenvalues of Mare ©) O+1,-4 ot @uad @ iso IEE, GATE-2007, 2 marks} Solution: (4) Thocrosaproductolb = [01 of andX [x Xe of canbe writen as bxx = = Pe 0 -x) where Mis a9 matic ot o tet Males 6 a oe % x Now mee] = bx for ce es] Pa] fxs = fae 0 lor ce cof be} Lx, By netching LHS and AHS we got 00 aya ro 2 odl|x|-|o 0 o}i%) L«, So, | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY = 0 = © -MIF=0)+ 110-2) = 0 = Ber= 0 = ap2+1) = 0 = d= Oh=8i So, the eigen values of M are i, and 0 Correct cn000 is (4. 0 @ i 1 wn 20 @t 4 @ 21 =r IEE, GATE-2010, 2 marks} Solution: (0) 110 Gren, palo 22] loo P is angular So igen values ee the diagonal elements themselves. Eigenvalues ae therefore, hy = 2 Now. the eigen value problems (A~2i [ 1 al: [| oa 2 fe]-fa De GLE Pang =| wgatedpn er conmganangtoe ena O1 Of). fo : 3 ax] .[o 0 allel le ih ges estos “The solution is xy = 0, x5 = 0,% K So, srs B MADE EASY asi Linear Algebra | 73 ‘Since, none tthe sigen vectors given in choices matches with tis, raliowe need te proceed ‘urther and tind he oer eigen vectors corresponding tothe other Eigen values. Now, corresponding to y= 2, we gat by substituting = 2 nthe eigen value problem, the follwing sotot equations, - 0 = |o ° 4 Ox 0 0 2l|x, oo als, Wich gives the equations, tH =O oa Soluton ej = 0, =k = Kk Be = || beam 23% 0, Since none ofthe eigen vectors gvenin the cholces isa hisrato, we need te proceed further 1nd find 3 eigen vector aso. By outing 2. 3in the eigen vahe problem, we get C2 2El-8 24% w+ 2h uting xy =k, e got X= 2K and Hy = 2 = Kg] test crmeomacnr snr cnt tr rename ee eee ee o LL) © [IE] off] oft LIN, GATE-2013 : 2 marks} 74 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 75 Solution: (a, d) = 3842-2020 igen vas are = +504) = 0 la-al =0 2 . bar ph ol Conesponding toh, = Se needto nd igen vector alt sl Ineelgnvaue poem sth a =i Y als° wd Bat 2 hea toting eigen vector, desl cary, hed clearly, Ph of] off pone ate soon 4 2 Fiat find the oig vahes ot A= | Au ta 2 2 aa -8 = 4-9 ies 21.6 4 3-2) [1 2) Pay. ye woget, [i ‘ fa [ Ky + iy = 0 o 4%, + 8% = 0 ® Since () and () are the same equation we tke +2 0 X= 2 Kim = 251 Nou rom the answers given, we look or any vector this aio and we find choice) B J s 2 itis rato Sochoice ) isan eigen vector coresponding 10 =-6. Since we already got an answer, there sno need to find he second elgen vecter corresponding a8 Fornorani{£ 2] nolgonat carespnagto he ogorvect |] 2 wa os os TEC, GATE-2008, 2 marks} Solution: (e) 6 sor [1" ven eigen vector | Ot Mak = 0 76 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE 4-4 2 ]pror 2 4-al [ror ° = 4-2 (101) +2«101 = 0 Aa 0.84 Whatae the eigenvalues ofthe following 2x 2 matix? (S3] (@) stands (© 2ands Solution: (6) (@) tends (0) 4and—1 a-[a Inch ann i aie gen la-ail = 0 fa sal = e-n6-0-« Since h 1.8 2. The elgen valuse of Awe 1 and 6 2.85 Howmany othe folowing matross have an eigenvalue 1? - 1 1 0 [o 1 0 o} lo 0 @ oe ©) three Solution: (a) i +f 10) Eigen values of |) 9 [ igen values of comm 1 mf MADE EASY [CS, GATE-2005, 2 marks] [e8, GATE-2008, 2 marks] MADE EASY Linear Algebra [77 la 1] ° (ante = 0 cae 1a de telortei fa oppca 0 tigen vaion ot | 7 9] [1 G-ne-ay (sas 0 ie Carrect choice is (a), - (a) 1024. and- 1024 (b) t024V2 and —1024y3 (©) 4B and -4, (©) sta and -s1y2 [CS, GATE-2012, 1 marks) Big = yy # + 1 and pg = ~ 1. Then the Solution: (2) 14 bial igen (A) arethe ros othe charactecstio polynomial given below: a=W igen values of Aare 2 and ~VB respectively. So.igen valuee of A™ = (V2) and (-y)"® = Pina P2eend-22% = 512¥2 and -512¥8. 1.8.2 SomeResults Regarding Characteristic Roots and Characteristic Vectors. 1. ls acharacteristc roa ofa atric if there exist a non-zero vector X such that AX = AX 2. 7 Xica charactor vector of mati A coresponcing to charactors vabie than We aso a charetersic vecorofAcatesponding othe same horace vale heres nn-Ze0 vec. 3. Xie characterat vector of amatrxA, then Xcannctcorespendto more than one charactors values of. 78 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 4. Ifa matix Ais of size n x n, and it has 0 dletint eigon values, then there will bon linearly independent eigen vectors, However, Ftheneigen values ae notlstne, then there may ormay not be lingary independent eigen vectors, 5, The characteristic ros (Elgen values) of a Hermitian matrix are rel 6. The characteristic roots (Elgon valuee) ota eal symmetric matrix are areal, since every such matrixis Hermitian, 1. Characteristic roi (Eigen valves) ofa show Hermitian matrix are iter pure imaginary oF 2870, 8. Thocheractrstic roots (Eigen values) of real skew syrmatrc matrixare ether pure imaginary cor 2010, for every uch mati is skew Herman 9, Tho cheracteriste roots (Egan values) of@ unitary matric are of unit modus. L®.. l= 1 10, The cheracterste roots (Eigea values) of an orthogonal matrix is also of unit modulus, since ‘every euch matrix is unitary 1.8.3. Process of Finding the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of a Matrix Jinn BO a sare ratio oer, frst wo should wrt the characteristic equaion ofthe matrix A. Le, the equation 6-2 I'= 0, This equation wil be of degree n in 2. So twillhave rots. These n roots wil be the n eigenvalues of the mati A. IP ie anelgoavaive of, re corresponding eiganvectors ofA wilbe given bythe non-zero vectors X= 2x] stistying the equations AX, = A,X; or [A~AyIK; = 0 1.8.4 Propertiesof Eigen Values 111 ye nnn, ar tha elganvalves OFA, then Ky Wy on-Ky aF@ eigenvalues OF KA, 2. tho eigenvalues of A ae the reciprocal of the eigenvalues ofA Athen gegeege arth ue ofA et Ay AgynnJh ate eo agen value ofA. then 5-5... are the eigen value UW Ags Ayaec, ae the eigenvalues oA. then 2, A%,..% ae the eigen values of Ak 411 dg ty hate ean vue of @nonsinguir matic A tan 2, igen values of Ad A : igen vlues of A= Eigen value o Maximum no. of dstinet eigen values = size of ‘Sum of eigen values = Tace 6A = Sum of ciagcnal elements Product of eigenvalues = [A (8 Atleast oe eigen values zero if is singe, Inattanguar and diagonal maf, eigen values are diegoral element herssehes. ‘Similar maces have same eigen values. Two matrices A and B arose to be simtar Hthere texte nonsingular matrix such that 8 = PAP. 1. Rand Bare maticestserserdr than he mixB and BA vi have sche es, ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 0.87 Consider the system of equations An Xj = Ann Where, Isa seal Lot Gy x) De an cigar pair of an eigen valve and is corespanding eigen vector for real marx A Lot| be a (1x 1) unit matrix. Which one o the fallowing statemantis NOT correct? MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 79 (@) Fora homegenscus n x n system of near equations, (A ~ x= O having @ nontrivial ‘solution, te rank of(4~2i) sls than a (b) For matrix A", m being @ postive integer," x) willbe the eigon pal for al (@war (oa ICE, GATE-2008, 2 marks] Solutlon:(b) [though 2" il be the eoresponding elgen values of A, x need not be corresponding eigenvectors, (2.88 Fora giver matrix 223 a-|2 16 120 cone ofthe eigenvalues is 2. he cther to eigenvalues are @ 25 ©) 3-5 2s 35 ICE, GATE-2006, 2 marks) SSolution:(b) 32, = Tace(a) Now (Ony choice (b) satis iniscondiion. jr 3] 2.89 Therrinimumansthemaxmumelgen values ofthematix|1 51] are-2ande, respectively rat isthe other eigen value? s1 4. @s we ot @- ICE, GATE-2007, 1 mark] ‘Solution: (b) 2, = Taco) Aye hpsdy = 145+ 90 The minimum eigen vale of the folowing matrxis, 38 2) 5127 27 5 @o 1 2 @s (EC, GATE-2013, 1 Mark] 80 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 81 0.89 asquare maticA eal and mmc ten he eigenvalues Solution @ (© woawaysreal (0) aeavaysreaiand postive eae (© woaivaystelardnoncwgatve _(@)ocourincamplexcerugaepars IME, GATE-2007, 1 mark) pa 8? Solution) 2 7 5A GW |(12-2)(6-2)-49]-5f 15-9) —14]+2}95-212-2I]} 0 (e-ns[e0-t7a at =40]-25—Sh-14)42105-24..24)=0 (8-208 tY-)(11- 8 411-0 SA? 5143325 + 17A? 1h 55+ 2A + 22+ dA? =I 84 208-37, 78-28 + 37h ige-20 +37) 2 a= 2 0 2 5 1 s | : IME, GATE-2004, 1 mark) 1 peamatcosammatronn gare 5 (7 @s (9 8 Solution: (6) ‘Sum of eigen values of gen matrix» sum of dagor selomentof given matic= 1+5+1=7, 2.92 Eigenvalues of a matix of HI ‘are 5 and 4, What ae the eigervalues of the matric st=ss? (@ tandas () ana () Sandt (@) 2ana10 IME, GATE-2006, 2 marks] ‘Solution: (a) TWA, py» ya te eigen values of A. Then the eigen values of AP are PAB AT Hore, $ matichas aigen values t and. ‘80, matrix has elgon values 12& 68. 1 and 25. The igen values of any symmetric mabixis aways rel (0.94 Thecigon values ofa symmetric matro area {a compiex with non-zero postive imaginary part (©) compiex wth non-zeronegatve imaginary part (© reat @) pure imaginary IME, GATE-2013, 1 Mark] Solute ) (0 The Eigenvalues of symmetric matic {AT = A ae purely ea (9) Te Egon value of skow-oymmetrc matix[A = -A]are ether purl maginryo 208. 124 Q.95 Thematrix [ © 6 | has one eigenvalue equal to 3, The sum of the other two eigenvalues is 14 P| @e © pat Ope Ops (ME, GATE-2008, 1 mark) Solution) ‘Sumot the eigen valuas of matics = trace of mati = eum of diagonal values present nthe atx 1404p = 34,4, = Pit = Oeherhy = hy, = pel -S=p-2 0.96 Eigenvalues of area symmetic matrix are always @) postive () rogaine ow (2) complex IME, GATE-2011, 1 mark) Solution: f) ‘igen vues of symmotic max are aays rel 0.97 The trace and determinant of @ 2 x 2 malix are known to bo -2 and ~36 respectively It ‘igenvalues are (@) -S0and-5 (©) -37 and—1 (6) Tands () 175and-2 IEE, GATE-2000, 1 mark) ‘Solution: fe) y= Trace (A) =-2 9 2, +2 =-2 o Al =-95 = 242, 2-85 “i Sotvng (i) and} we got and = 6.7 82. | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ———e—e———eee Ee Oe (0.98 The eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors ofa 2x 2matrxare avon by Bgenvaive Eigewector {i = of] ad Te rati @ le ‘J tb) ii si Of2¢ Ola 8) Ea [2] (eo OAT 208, 2 mat sett ay logan sel ogee oer sade opine eee es hreaetsiae tae Onyyin chee (a), Trace (A) Pi Pa Pay Pz is ze10, Which ofthe following statements ie tue? (©) ByPee~PraPas 0.99 siete erin at 02 x2max? = [P"_ B2] aenonzeo. endentis kevin (0) PyiPoo~ Pi (A) PysPee + PraPay =O ee EC, GATE-2008, 1 mark] ‘Solution: (¢) Since, th, = SA adi one ofthe eigen vals 2, hon ma, = lAl so = Pr Pal. Now tal = Bt Pel so = Ps: Pas Prg Pay = 0 7 Which s choice). 4 a wo Ans sgowasat-ecnagg sarees or J czech Tati ef] are) © le 4 ° ie a] [FE, GATE-20%9, 2 Marka} Solan: ) R R Gal}- ob) MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 83 o i iy (iy) Fron eauetion(i) and (iv), ¢=-2and d= 3 t »-[5 1 calle 43 8 0.101 The sigan values ofthe fotowing matixare |-8 ~1 6 003, ©) 845.94) 9-5 (9 34).9-15+) (9 3.143, -1.3) EO, GATE-2008, 2 marks} A ‘Solution: (4) ‘Sumofelgenvalues = THA) =-14-143=4 6, rhe 1 (Only choloo (ah (8, ~1 +3). -1 a) gles 2, = 1 0.102 The eigenvalues of skew-symmetric matrix ae (@) always 20r0 (©) ways pure imaginary (©) either zeroor pure imaginary (©) aways eat , GATE-2010, Brrr) rec, 10, 1 mark] Eigen vats of a sew synmetic matrix are ether 260 or Bure imaginary 2.108 Consider hefoowing matix 2 4 Ik y. Ihe eigonvalues ofA are 4 and 8, then (@ r=4.y=10 © x=By-9 y= 10 ICS, GATE-2010, 2 marks] Solution: (8) Sumot eigen values = Trace (A) Productofeiganvalues = [Al = 2y-9« 408 = Day 0 4x8 = 2-3 o 2ey= 2 3 aya = B ia 2. Sohing (Nand (i) we gtx =-4 andy = 10. ‘84 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY (2.104 Consider thomatibcas given below: 429 O47 loo3 ‘hich one of the folowing options provides the CORRECT values of the eigenvalues of he mati? @ 143 wars ) (1.2.3 Oe) [C8, GATE-2011, 2 marks) Solton: (a) ‘Since the given matxis uopertidngul ks eigen values are he dlagonaloloments themselves; Which are 1,4 and 3, 1.8.5. TheCayley-Hamilton Theorem “This theorem is an interesting one that provides an atteratve method for facing the inverse of orem, 9 a near Inatix A Also any postive integral power ofA can be exorested, using this trem, 28 ‘Combination o thaee of lower degree. We give below the stlemento the theorem without pro Satement ofthe Theorem: Every square mati satisfies ts own characteristic equation {hie moans thf Gy 2? 46, 27+. # 0,42 Oy = Oi to Characteristic equation of a square ravi of der ten » CAP EAM us HCpug AG Note nhon Aietoplaced by Ain the characteristic equation, the constant tec, shouldbe replaced bye; [to get te result ot Cayley-Hamiton theorem, where isthe uit mati of arden ‘Aso inthe LHS. of) fs nll mati of err Finding Inverse off a Matrix by using Cayley-Hamilton Theorem ‘Example: Find "by Cayly-Hamiton theorem, ala Te characteristic equation of Ais la-all = 0 : fa 3 = 4 ann? = (R22 % = 92 -Sh— 1 ‘By Cayley-Hamtton theorem are Pro-mutipling by A“ we get Bs (MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 85 132 Foti Hghe Por Matic em ois Lone Poe exapts= [|] eo esis characteristic equationisx? ~32—10 = 0 by Cayley Hamitan tocar, AP-3A-101 = 0 #2 = 3A+101 WA's n xn matrix, ary power of A can be tien as a polynomial of maximum degteen~ 1. Here, since A is 2 x 2, we can wre any power of A as a polmomia of degree 1, Le, a lnear polynomisi ofA, as shown below Ae B+ 101 0 A = BARS TOA, @ substiutrg ), again in i, we get AS = (BA 101) + 108 = 19A +901 New AS = 19APSSOA ww, again we substtute equation (in equation (il) to get, AS = 19(8 + 101) + 30A = 67 A 1901 Now AS = B7A24 1008, cy ‘again substituting equation (in equation (iv) we get, AS w= 878+ 10))+ 1908 = 4514+ 8701 Which is the deste resut Expressing Any Matrix Polynomial in A of size n x n as a Polynomial of Degree ‘1-1 in A by using Cayley-Hamilton Theorem Example: Process io express a polynomial of a2 x 2 Matix as a near polyno nA i ‘Step 1: Fist of all wie the characterise equation of A. Example: Let ; a Inti cave. a4 lacal = PPL] ; = G-e1 ver Ths he characteristic equation of is Ai lee SkeT 0 0 ‘Step: 8yCayoyHamiten therm, mat sass the equation). These, puting An ‘weget i A-SA47 = 0 ! eT 2 = SA-7 © Bop 3: Find tho A, A, A th the lp of. nti ease a = Sat—7A es Be 6 SATE = At = SAS 789 86 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY en ee 2f6At— 780) - 384 + APA Tat = 1488 + APA : = TISAS = 782) — 1488 4 R41 21AS— 4882-4 21(SA®=7A)~498?~ 4 = STAP-147~41 715A ~TH]- 14TA- 41 = 1988-4031 ‘=which sa linear polynorialin A 2AE BAS AE ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE Statement for Linked Anewer Question 106 and 108. Cayley Hamilton Theorem sates that a equare matrix satis is oun characteristic equation, Consicer amatric 32 a-(36 (0.105 A satis the relation (@ As31+ 287 20 (b) AZ+ 2A + at=0 © + Dara @ optAleo (EE, GATE-2007, 2 marks} Solution: (a) “32 fal pM =0 Hen 2 [es ond -® (a-nyeaye2 =0 Weahe2 = 0 : Awa sty tis equetonse2ordng to Cayoy-Hamiton theorem ie edAs21= 9 mtpving by Aon bot sides we get RI 4 SRR | Asal ant = 0 Q.106 A® equals: (@) S11A+ 5101 {&) 209+ 1081 (©) 1544+ 1551 (©) o*p(@a) IEE, GATE-2007, 2marks] Solution: (2) Tocaiulate a? stat for A + 9A +21 «Ovhich hasbeen derived above ~ a -BA~21 A = BPxAP SA-2N-3A-20) (MADE EASY Linear Algebra = ORs 12ALaL ABA-21) + 12A+41 A18A—141 Bem Abate (ISA~ 14 150-14) = 225A AOA 158 205 (-BA-21)+ 4204 1961 = 255 A 2561 Ae Axa AG-255 A254) = 255.0? = 254.8 “255-3 A-2 1)-254 = SITA45101 2.107 The charactosate equation ofa (3 x 3) matrix Pls tines as ‘@) == PL=2943P 4 2h 120 IV denotes identy matrix, then the inverse of matrix P will bo (a) (PR 4P +20) (b) +P +1) (0) (PHP et (@) (+P +2) IEE, GATE-2008, 1 mark] Solution:(¢) dharacterstc equation is Bei2+ het = 0 ‘hen by cayley-hamiton theorem, P44 2P 41 = 0 1a PoP Mutipying by Pon both sides, Pe Pep -21=4PP4P + 2I) 2.108 Gventhat (a) 15A+121 () 194301 (@ A+ 181 ( 7Ae2 EC, EE, IN GATE.2012, 2 marks) Solution:(b) [Pao CCharactristic oquation of Ais (MADE EASY Linear Algebra | 69 88 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY (s-ny+s - Washoe So, Aa SA +6 (by Cayley Hamiton theorem) = A = Sh-61 ‘Mustilying by A on both sides, we have, AB = 589 -6A = 48 = 854-664 = 194+ 201 1.8.6 SimilarMatrices ‘Two matioes A and B are said to be similar, if there exists a non-singular matrix P such that Ba PAP, Properties of Similar Matrices 1. Ais always similar to A. Proof: Since A= HAI and is alvays non singulay, therefore As similar to A 2, Iie sina to B thon B's also similar to A Proof: is similar 108 then & = P'AP (where P is non-singular) Premultiaying above equation by P and postmulilying by P we get PBP-*=PP-1 APP“ = A Le, A= PB 308 is also similar to A Ais similar to B and Bis simiar to C thon Ais similar oC. Proof: As smart B= 8 = P-IAP o Bissimiler 00-3 C = O80 o Substituting 64 () and (i) we get C=O"PAPO Now puting PO = 0, we get © = D~AD, which proves that is simiar tC. 44, Combining ropartee 1, 2and 3 above we cen say thalthe simian relation between matices isrefiexve, symmetric and vansiive and hence an equvalonce relation, '5, Similar mabicos have the sae cigenvalues. 1.8.7 Diagonalisation of a Matrix Finding the a matx D which|s a dlagonal matrix and which is similar to Als caled Gagonalisaton, ie., we wish to fin a non-singular mavix M such that A= MOM ‘where Dis @ diagonal matrix Condition fora Matrix to be Diagonalisable: 1. Anocassary and sufficient condition for a mati A, dlagonalsabla is thatthe matx ‘must haven linearly independant eigen vectors. 2. Auifcient (bu not necessary) condition fora matrix, ., be diagonalisableis thatthe matic ‘must haven nearly independent eigen values, This is because ita matrichasnfineariy independent eigen values then ft surely hasnlineary Independent eigen vectors (although the converse ofthis isnot tue). When Aig iagonalsable A = MIDM, whore the mati Dis & lagona matrix constructed using the ‘elgen values of A ae its dlagonal elements. Also the corrasponcing matric M can be obtained! by ‘constiuoing an x matrix whose columns ao to eigen vectors of A. Practical application of Diagonalisation ne of tre uses of aiagonalsation is for computing higher powers of max ecient. 1 A='MIDM thon AY = MIO M ‘The above property makes it easy io compute higher powers ofa malt A, since computing Dis much mee easy compared wih computing A 2.109 A roa (44) max A satisfies the equation A postive eigen value of Ais ore Tis the (4 x 4) entity matx, The TEC, 2014: 1 Mark, Set-1] Solution : 1000 lo 100 Let aa|e 38 Slee Joo ot Proper of eigenvalues Dytigthgthy = tet 4tat 0 yal hy = 1 Ai) So 7-= 1 satisly these above equations. 2.110 A system matixis given as follows, oot ale 11 6 611 5. “The abate value othe ratio ofthe maxcmum sigervalueto the minimum sigenval i GE, 2014: 2 Marks, Seti] Solutio ‘Characteriste equation is |A~2l| = 0 aA 1 oa 6 -1-A 6 6 TBA ASS + 11h 52 +2? + 66]-t1-30 + 6 +98) [66-66-26] ARE R411) 16-46) +82 -82— 112-6 Wear seines G4 H+ 2)043) a vuanug ‘The absolute values of Aare [A 90 | Engin ing Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY Linear Algebra | sidor a8 x 91a symetic atic S such that woo Rs igervales ae 0,8 0% os snati® 2] Se eee Sacha ects beam 0.111 Onoothe ogervecton at ate] 4] aa o {i} w (3 lbs @s @ b 2) , fi © (0 © | oy IME, 2014 4 Mark, Set soltion Mark, Set rama $3 bal emetic mati uch that wo ois eigan value ae #0 #0 wth respective eden sottion (4) “ho charactri equation AH a [s-a 2 vector [22] |¥] ita eb inen te 2 6-7? EI El « G.-8)045)118 = 0 sof te # rfp O Bacau they are oregon or 2-4 5A -3OHI8 = 0 ae (oheoaey cr w-A-12 = 0 ve « i a2 ml [Ye bys 118 ‘Te vo of he dot roduc ofthe egervectors corsponding ary pak life ekg rrepondingtok 4, weave vals ofa by-4 symmttio pete deft rate Conespensne {S,2014 (Set) 1 Many sa 2 I) Solan wore [5 eal The valscthe dt procuctotne eigenvectors conesponding any pit ferent igen Valigg +0 ta 4-4 syrmotic postive dfnte maxi 0. [2 2] a abl-o Seats een econ nner hich gives ony one independent equaton, +2 10004 i oii ay 5 2 Ee ges eign vector 8 2) oii a 01110 ccoresoncng 10% 10001 0S, 2014 (Set2) : 2 Marcy) wien gves-x + =0 (any oneingependen equation) sotaton 10007 a ae wen aves.) nOo08 zl eft 1 29] cyl r sare {el ane {1 =lo 1110) Xs sa sooner {| af hi ofr [e MADE EASY 92 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE reo oy, eee W ko = Eigen value k= 0 ‘There are 9 stnct eigen valves: 0.23 Product of nonzero eigen values: 2x 1Q.116 Whichone ofthe fofowing slatementsis TRUE about every 'xnmatixwitn only real elgenvaies? {a} I the trace ol the matin is postive and the determinant ofthe matric negative, atleast one ofits elgenvales is negative {b) the trace ofthe matrixis postive, alts eigenvalues are {6) Ifthe determinant ofthe matixis postive alts egenvalues are postive. (6) Ifthe product of the trace and determinant ofthe mati is postive, a ts eigenvalues are ane, * [CS, 2014 (Set-3) : 1 Mark] solution (8) ter he race cr detour pave, here tas on ponte gn a Table mative ed oder othe maxx regsve 8 posable cry ree js seaa rebar negate igen vas Hence eastor ign va egath= 2009 ae a ————— cnapTer Calculus Defini ‘Anumber Ais sei tobe limit of function f(x) at x= ail for any rbiatly choosen postive intogor «however small ut not zero there exist a corresponding numer 8 greater than zero such tha: liq Al <€ for all values of x for which O-< | x--a | (MADE EASY Calculus | 97 of) 22 me in ow os Qe @e sein: sf} 2onl2x wt]... 18) - 3 7 23 UST isequalto (0 we 1 ae Solution: (a) sit ‘sinx’ Leger rr Pie ie 22-799 OA Hate BERS an im witeo @ -18 wy 518 @o 25 Solution: (6) Benoa) HE) ANS taco) Hare to i of tne fom of (2) So, agpying Lee Hospitas rule 5 eee) - $ ICE, GATE-2010, 1 mark IME, GATE-2003, + mark) IME, GATE-2006, 2 marks} 98 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY os @o tb) 18 © 4 ot oe IME, GATE-2007, 2 mats} Solution: (0) 4 ( x05] he (0) Thisis of the form of {5} [we J Applyng Hosptatwe Ly ==) Bre é Hoes 2.6 The Vavect lin 4 a Oe OB 1 a3 o} {ME, GATE: 2008, 1 mark Solution: (6) : {x-8) = h{(say) = Ben ‘Above fom in the (2) ay puting the vatueh = 0 Applying hospital ue Jeunfe) ez * a MADE EASY 7 wnatis tn $8 equa to? 50 6 @ ( ) Solution:(d) 28 im S102), oe @ os @e Solution) Calculus | 99 ©) sino or IME, GATE-2011, 1 mark] wt @ sine (EO, GATE-2007, 1 mark 28 ie ener oa oy @- Solution: @) aro naomevonet fn @c @ ew ICS, GATE-2008, + mark} ti (t= sine) = im (cone) @ o wt [CS, GATE-2010, 1 mark) 100. | Engineering Mathematics for GATE Solution: (0) uin(i-d)" = at taf FS) 6 ow ve ot 2 (Me, GATE-2012, 1 mat) ston: (0) ee Souse Lhospitals ule fp IS2EN) py SNX Re Se ax Souse Lhospitals ul agaln holds to within 10% errors 10.12 The maximum valve of @ until whien the approximation sin @o © © sr om [EO, GATE-2013, 1 Mark] Solution: (b) 10% wo = Bears into? = 0.1798 $0, for 10° + sin #0 holds within 10% eror sxe = B&R -o31 we = BER oar4e “enter = 0.3080 elds within 1% ert $0, for 18° sn soxn SOR g gre7 F208 nso" = 0768) So, for 80° sind = @ doesnot hold within 10% error ap = ORB 574 ror = 4 60, for 90°-+ sin #0 does not hld within 10% ero. ‘So, the mairnum value o for he approximation sin holds to within 10% errors MADE EASY Calculus | 101 13 theses in (ts2) 6 fre wv Ge aoe 0, 2014: 1 Man Solution :(c) [E6, 201 2, Sot2] tim [14 ee (bo) 1 We (d)_ notdefined IME 2016: 1 Mak, Se Solution : (a) IME, 2014 :1 Mark, Set-1] opr gL Hosp do a ROT Sosa 7S -cosx) stot ® (nie sito S tomy ‘Again applying Hospi le Su-cosx) & Senn fee—1 as Ul Saay) 6 ecualto ee ) 05 © @2 IME, 2014 1 Mark, Set-2} 102 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY Solution: (6) (F-9 igcr (2) 1S nea (ton Applying L! Hospitals rule, ae Hedeoste = G4" 2 [CE, 2014: 1 Mark, Set] Solution: (c) ra xe basemen 0.17 Theerpcession i=" is equalton @ box : 0 (@) xlog* @ « Sane Ce, 2014: 2 Marks, See] Solution: (a) in, 2A Use {Hospital Rule im sine sins BS Calculus | 103 2.2 CONTINUITY 2.2.1 Definition ‘A tuncton (is defined for x= ais said to be continuous atx = ait 4. fla), the value off) atx as a definite number and 2. the limit of the function as x» a exes and ie equal to the value of ie) at x= 8 Note: On comparing the defntons of initanc continuity we nd that a function fs continuous at xeat Limit fe) = Ka) Thus) is continous atx = af wo have fa + 0) = a0) = Ka, etherwioa tie césccntinuoue 2.2.2 Continuity from Leftand Continuity from Right Letbaa ction defined onan open interval andeta be any pont in We say thats continuous from thelet ata. Lit, 3) ests and is equal to (a). Similarly is sido be continuous tom the fighat FL exists andi equa to). Auction fis contirucus at If itis continuous ftom tas wel as continuous for ight. 2.2.3 Continuityinan Openinterval ‘function is sald to be continuous in open interval (a,b) itis continuous at each point of en inva 2.24 ContinuityinaClosedinterval Let {be a unction defined on the closed intoral (a,b) fl sald to be continous onthe closed interval a,b its: 1. continuous frm the right at aand 2. continuous rom the left at b and 3, contiuouson the open intorvat (a, 2.3 DIFFERENTIABILITY Derivative at @ point: Let denote the open inerval (2 b) in Rand let xy ¢ 1, Then a function {51+ Rigid to be dferentiabia at XI: ogee t=] ‘exit finitely) and is denoted byt): 23.1 Progressiveand Regressive Derivatives Tho progressive derivative of (right derivative of) a= is given by sin te =H) yin Hie #1100) 5 ana is dence by RK) or by x +0) By #0 Tho regressive derivate off orl davatve of atx = xis gen by , a= = 05) fh > Oand is denoted by Lt) or by fh ~0) or by Fx 104 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 2.3.2 Differentiabilityin an Open interval ‘Afunction fis sao be differentiable in an open interval (a,b) itt diferentiabe at each point ot the open interval, 2.3.3 Differentiabilityin a Closed interval ‘function: 2,6] >is sak tobe cifcentabo in closed interval fb} tis 4, dileeiabie fom right at [.. Ff) exsts] and 2. aifreniabietrom bt at fie (a) exits and 3. aifrerable inte open terval (80). 2.3.4 Relationship between Differentiability and Continuity “Theorem: Ifa function is diffeeniable at ary point, then tis necessaly continuous at thal pain toot o ths theorem folows from definitions of aifereniabily and continuity. Note: Te converse of his theorem notre, |e. Continuity is 2 necessary but nt a suficient conditon forthe existence of @ finite derivative (iferennaolty) ie ifeentiaity = contnty Bt continuity Se cffererbilty ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 0.18 The function y= 2-3 (@) iscontinuous W xe Rand oiferentable V xe R (b) is contnuous ¥ x= Rand erenlable V xe R except atx= 32 is continuous ¥ xe A and diferentableV xe R except at x= 2/8 (@) is continuous ¥ xe Rexcept x= and difrentiable ¥ = A [DWE GATE-2010, t mark] Solution: () yu [2a] = 2-32-9020 Sx-2 2-3xe0 2. Tharto, y= 2a x58 2 ae? x3 Since 23x end 3x2 are polynamale, these are continous at all points. The only concen 2 watxe 2 3 Lett amit Fight mit atx (MADE EASY Calculus | 105 Since, Left iit «Fight eit = (2) (3) 2 Funtion i continuous at 3 vinuousat 2 y isthoretore continuous ¥ xe F New sincs 2 Sx and 3x ~2 ae polynomial, thy are difreriable, ony concer is atx 2 LD = Lett derivative =-3 FD = Right dorivative = +3 D+ FO * 2 me function y is not aiferensable atx = = ition y isnot frentable atx = F (2.19 What shouldbe the value of such that he function defined below s continuous atx = n/2? i008x | itxe 2 [04 theme @o ©) am @t (@) ne ICE, GATE-2011, 2 marks} Solution: () 111 is continuous at 0 MADE EASY 106 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE {2.20 Which one of tho following functions is continuous at x= 37 2 i it xe y moni | ©) HgafX-t x8 © Bex x43, it x23 Vs ; fea, H x83 {08, GATE-2019, 1 Mark} Solution: (@) if x3 if 08 43 [32. x O for ax in, b). then 9s strictly increasing function nf.) Proof, Let x, be any two members of [a b] such that a x, <0 then satisfied oth the conditions of Lagrange’ mean value theorem in [xX] therefore, thee exists atleast one real number ¢ in, %) such hat tre) = Sada) ot a 0 — FO) = eg) fx) But (x) > O for al xin (a,b) =» F(6) > for al in %). AD; < Hees =H > 0 = aX) (0) > 0 = fe) fim) > 0 > 0) for al x ch hak a

0. On ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES: oi Example: hon Difsrentite the folowing functions (by sutable substiutions) wx a to swt (2) 0 ce (SS ) Soliton: ote ik wt 1. ( we ms tan — ea ser (6in (20) = 20 2 an, iforentiing wrt. x. we ost te then B88 Tat 3-8-2 Jian "x, dforentiting wt x. We got Yo 1 4 1 H 94 1 me O8 ae y= 00 x= tmnole.0=tar'x, vate y= oor ( = 005" (00s 28) = cos~(cos (x -28)) = r= 26= m2 x, lforeniaing Wel, x. We get a Be oat, y= ta(FiF ox) v= one. 0= coh" 9 = a8) = tar (conn ct) Sa) 120 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EAST ere Re 25.2 ImplicitDifferentiation Brample:2 ify be a funcon of x defined by an equation such as 11394 y= a, fing y= TA-58 + IEF Ee-3 0 Solution a vis ssid tobe detined explety in toms of x and we witey = 9) whore Sion 204 28 2 gat o eee tener eee iereniisting both sides of) wx, regsrng yas a function of x we got However, xandy ave connected by an equation of tho form Zyl oo Wij) Ox + TP 82 +9 = 0 ® {e-th y) 0, thon y cannot be expressed expletin terme of Bu, tithe vaue of y depends = & ‘Upon that of and thete may exist one or more functions connecting y wh x s0 as to say ‘oe ‘eauaton (it) or there may not eit any ofthe functions sash enuaton Gi. a Forexampl,ceraldethe equations = ao wry = 0 w and ryte25 = 0 o Examples In equation i), y maybe expressed explcity terms of x butyis not afunction ofx. Here wa have two functions of x (or two functions of yy wore considered tobe independent variable) and fy Aetna by (0) = BE=R® and 00 = VRB wie ststy equation im aquaton (nthe are no real values fx hat can att treases (i) if and), we say that yis an imp fancbon ox (or xs an impli function oy and inal euch cases, wo tind the decal fy wit regard tox or the deat oth regara toy) bythe process caled plication dfereniaton. Of courte, wherever we aferenate ply an ‘equation that doin one variable as an impli function of another variabe, we shal assure tat thetunetnis diferente ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example:1 Find B wnen xf ny + y? = 100 Soliton: Gwen, Ray ty = 10 ‘Keeping in mind that ys a function of x ifeentating both sides wit x, we get aeons} «0 = txsang = we ak * ~xr2y Net econy= ina Solution: Gen, sinty + cos xy = # Diforeniatng both sides of () wrt x regarding y as. as functional, we get Bey) cosy. -sinoy(x8Le1) <0 anyeory-xann tls yong = (sin2y-xsinayy® = y sin tenay-xsinn = y sinay > oy , _ysnny oe * Bay Key Example tty = fovsxe yoosxt yoo cr tom prove tat (1-29) = sin soutin | Gin, v= amy - = conxey = vay = cobs Stenting wrt x, wo gt oy, dr XM 2 an - (2% = sinx i a EAs 122 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY aE) Caleulus | 123, 2.5.3 Logarithmic Differentiation = yerylogx = x in order to snl the dferentaton of ere functions, we rstake ogaritims and then differentiate = (ieboaay =x ‘Gach a pracoss i called logarithmic cifferertition, This is usually done intwotypes of probe. . 7 + Winen the given funation isa product of some functions, nen the loarthm converts the product Y= Flags ifereniating wrt x, we get intoa sum and this facstates ne ferentiation. \ rc the variable occurs in the expenent ie. th given function is ofthe form 10] #3) ( 0. 2 Wnen the vaiabl the exponent. the given function fof Lio #60, a _ reo 2 seer _ woe Derivative of ut where uv ae dferentiabie functions of ‘= Ut taking logarithm of bath sides, we get lst ¥ logy = vlog dleaniatna wrt x we gt iyo 2 - Zeon # (logy) = ut Liviogy - D2 yStrogy =u Sivoa) ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES Example: 1 itera tho flowing cone wt»: ta (©) cose Soition: (0) Lat vex Taxa lgarte ofboth ses, we get foo = X19 % Diteretaing wr. We gt iy yt EY. xteooes - 8 yr stogn) 800039 (tet Y= 08 eh tering mat. x we vt 5 sins Zoey 2B = comer gory Now 6) nas beon obtained preiousy pat % & 2 snoop ett +099) Examples? = 087, prove that = OO (CBSE 2000: =O BOO MA 8 Toga G be Solon Geen x = 0°. tang iar of toh ides, wo gt ylog x = (= yologe = (ye T= x= ca (logy Glog ~ (Trop? 2.5.4 Derivatives of Functionsin Parametricforms ‘oxand y re wo variables sec tha both are oxpictyexpressedintoms ofa thd variable, a ie. fi} andy = then such unction recalled paramatic unczons and he thi variables calodtheparameter Inatdertofind the derivative o function in parametic orm, we use chain ue. oY , at” ke at wy ys x on re (prove % +0) a ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES: Example xe at + sind, y= alt ~c0s 0. tng Matt» F Solution: co X= at+slngandy=a(t cos!) Diflxertating both wt. we got de & = a1 +c08) we) Me ao-Centnasnt ‘that a We cow tat fa » a (2 ce 124 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY MADE EASY Caleulus | 125 Example: 2 Solution:(a) 2 Ushg RH orterion Diforomiate 2 wrt. 98 Solution: é oy Let y= Ba andz= soar Ff iswantec. Diflerertianng both wat. x, we get gy _ (A) S2-80-34) __ 9 oe xP -(reP ws faa 4 Weloow het 2% x wy _ 8 1 it 2” (ae ert ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 0.28 Ix a(0+sin6) andy = (1 ~c0s 8, thon dy wil be equal to a (3) w eof3) o #9) @ eo(3) fue, ax 204,1 rat ceed = aloes ye a(t e2e) = areca, M aso dy | ayia ___asina x ~ ax/ae ~ Bits cos6) ou(Son’ wa an0/2 (0.29 Apohnomi x)= 2» a8 1032 +a, wih al cootintsposive Mas (a) norealroots (0) no agave rel root {0} oa numbor of earoots least one postive and one negative real oot oe EO, GATE-2018, 1 Mark} So, trom the above table ts clear that theres atleast one sgn changein the fst clumn. Se, atleast ono positive and one negative real ost om ty-tieresanna ft wi bain condo «ata SE 2a 0,15) =. [Eo 2014: 2 Marks, Sot-2) Solution ° =o, = =2 Gxt0; at o y = 5=0, yn Bes a . (9) = 2x 15 +5295 2.6 APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES: ‘There aretwo areas whor9 derivates are.used 4. Increasing and Decreaeing Functions 2 Maxina and Minima (a) Relative maxima and erinena (b) Aasolste maxima and minima ‘3. Taylors and Maclauins Sories Expansion of Functions 2.6.1. Increasingand Decreasing Functions Let be eal vaived function defined in an interval D(a subset of), hen fis called an increasing function in an interval D(a subsot of) forall Ky %e € Dy, 5) 59 1) 126 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY natin caled a tit noreaing ict (or monctoncalyineroasingfuncon nD it fora ots € Dy eg 9) ‘sretnomsnna0, © Analogously is called a decreasing funcon in an itera D, (a subst ) if focal 6 Dy woe He) 2) arcifs called astict decroasing function (or montoncally decreasing uretion in, fora Fe © Dp 2m fq) >He) a a a —A ooraing nd ‘suit deoresng indy @ © Conditions for an Increasing or a Decreasing Function "Now wo shall seshow io use derivative ofa function to determine where tis increasing and whereit ‘sdecreasing. ‘We know thatthe derivative (fitexsts) ala point Pof a curverepresentsthe stope ofthe tangent to the ourve atP. oH o Intuitively, rom above fig.) we 6ee that fis astict increasing function in D (a subset ofD), then the tangent to the curve y = fx) at every point of D, makes an acute angle w wit the postive direction of x-axis, therefore tan y > O = F(x) » 0 fr allxe D, Analogously ram above figure (i) we ses that ifs srct decreasing tunetion nD, (a subset of), then the tangent tothe curve y =f) at every point of D, makes obtuse angle w wih the postive MADE EASY Calculus | 127 rector of sats thereore, tan y <0= Fy) ‘Conversely, common sense tolls us that function's ineeasing whenits rata of change (derivative) Is past and decreasing when its ate of change is negative. We stato these results as fons: ‘Theorem; fa function fis continuous is [a,b], and derivate in a,b) and 1. f(9)2Dfor alle (ab), then is increasing in [a,b] 2. thx) > Oforallx= (a,b, then fis strict increasing i 2,6) ‘Theorem 2: fa function lis contmucus inf, bj. and darivabe i (a, 8) and 1 £60) oral x in (a,b, then x) is decreasing in fa, ©] 2. fx) O forall xin (a,b) except for a To number af points wmere F(x) = 0, then I(x i erie increasingin a, bh. 2. F(X) 0 Solution: Gian fe) = ax+b,0)=7, Now that i continuous and ctrentable fr al x= A, Dilorentiating the given function wrt x, we get PD Now the given function is strcty increasing F(x) > Oe. a> 0 Hence, the given function sstretyinereasing for alle Fifa > 0, Example: reve thatthe function oe tly incraasing on R. ‘Solution: Lat 128 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY Calculus | 129 Diforenating wat x. we get 19) = 6% 2> Oforallxe R = fis strict increasing on R. bargin peorin Otrane hee eon = test acing (3) teeotalne Rxeaiarcraes > the ven function i sity decreasing. (0) Given, fe) = 8-128 +960417, 0,0. Diterentating wrt x, we get Lisa fey om 2A 4 Prove that the function f(x} = x3 ~ 6x? + 15x - 18 is strictly increasing on R. ) = ae an fa ac = 8x2) x6), ayy. ~ oe Oe ener eee eer Now FG) > 01 atx 2) -€) > 0 Stee Seen eon “ ° (x-2% + 1]23 (-(x- 22 Oforallxe A) : : ceeomar to . ae een eer rad ‘Solution: Differentiating w.rt x, we get Diforetiting itwet. x, we get = 608 +342) ; = 6+ 2) (K+ 1) Now, F(9) > Oi 8+ 2) (x41) 20 = br2een so = Bexct = xe (2-1) ‘Naw, is tity increasing in [-2, 1). Abo Ms) < Of B+ 241) <0 7 = 2041) 20 ” x ~2orKe=4 . “ xe Fe,-2)0 Ce) fis tictly decreasing in =, -2) U1, =) 130 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE {0.81 The derivative of he symmetric function drawn in ven figure willook tke @ A ot oo | o [EC, GATE-2005, 2 marks] ae ectentas reste sopein seh and ve sopein-ehat Sts tein curve is sated by (c) e 0.82 As xinerased from-to, he uncon) = 5 (2) monctoricalyinroases (0) moncoricaly decreases {©} Increase toa rmaxinum vlue anton decreases jecreases toa minum value andten increases (0 creme * {EC, GATE-2006, 2 marks} Sotution: (a) . Moe eee” eeP ‘since e* is 4ve for all values of x, f(x) is +ve for all values of x and hence f(x) monotonically 2.6.2 Relative or Local Maxima and Minima (of function of a singleindependent variable) Definitions: A function xs ead tobe afcal oc rolave maximum atx= thee ext a postive rumbor 8 such that (a+ 8) < (a) forall values of other than zero inthe interval (-8 8) ‘Atuncton [is said tobe a local o relative minimum atx» a there exists a postive number & (MADE EASY Calculus | 131 such that(a + 8) > (a) forall values of, oer than zero, inthe interval -8, 8) ‘Maxienum and Minimum valuos ofa function are together aleo caked extreme values or turing values ard the points at which they ave attained ae called points of maxima and minima, ‘Te points al which auction has extreme values ere called Turing Ponts. Properties of Relative Maxima and Minima 1. Atleast one maximum or ane minimum must le between two equal values ofa function. 2. Maximum and minimum values must occutatecnatvey, 3, Theremay be several maximum or irimum values of same function, 4. ATunaton y = fx) Is maxdmum at x= a if dy/ax changes sign from +e to -ve as x passes through ‘5. Atuncton y = i is minimum at x= a f dy changes sign from -ve and +ve as x passes through, 6. the sgn of dydx does not change while x passes tough 3, then yIsnether maximum nor minim at 2.6.22 Conditions for Maximum or Minimum Values ‘The necessary condition that fx) should have a maximum or a minimum at x= ais that f( Definition of Stationary Values ‘A function is sei to be stationary atx = ail fa) = 0. ‘Thus for afunction f(x) to be a maximum or minimum at x= ait must be stationary atx 2.6.24 Sufficient Conditions of Maximum or Minimum Values There is amaximam of fo) al x = ail Fla) = O and Ma) is negative, Siniarly tora a minum offs) atx = aif f(a) = O and (a) is postive, ‘Note: i (ais also equal to zero, then we can show that for a maxdmum or @ minimum of fr) at x=a, we rust have (a) =0. Then, fa) is negative, thera willbe amaximum at x= a anc i (a) 's postive there will be minimum atx» a In general, 7) = Pa) = F(a) = a) = 0 and fa) # 0 then must an even integer for ‘maximum or minimum. Also fora maximum Pa) must be negative and fora minimum Fa) must be pesttva, 2.6.25 Working rule for Maxima and Minima of fix) 1. Find) and equate to zero. 2. Solve the esuting equation for x Letts roots boa, a. Thon) stationary ax = 2, a Tru yn rete any pons at hich an be maximum or @ minimum 3, Find Px) and subsite in by terms x = 8, auherever PO) Is x we nave a ‘maximum and wherevor (se, we haves inum 4 F(a) = 0, tnd 9 px a ni (a) #0 there is neher a maxim nora ini ate ty Ha,» 0, find PG) and putx = a ni iP) ive, weave maximum atx =a, itis postive hares aminimum x= a, 1a, 26; we must ina), and 30 0n, Repeat the above process foreach root of ts auton Fs) = 0 | MADE EASY 132 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 0.39 Givon a function fx, y) = 4? + Oy? 8x—4y + 8. The optimal value offs. y) . (@) leaminimum equal to 10 (6) isamavirrum equal to 10/8 (© isa minimum ecu to 8 (@) leamaximumequalto8/S ICE, GATE-2010, 2 marks} Solution: (a) hey) = 4B + OP Bx 4 48 A. x8 2y-4y win 2 at a Puting, Fe Oand 5 =0 8x-8 = Cand 12y—4y 0 Given, x= Vand is the only stationary port. Since see, : 1 weave thera marine nei st(13] (2 cin (12) ina point of mina also since, + (Hl. 20.10 pont (12) ie ap Treminmum value is (id) -aeserd freed 0 So the optimal value o fx, Is @ minimum equal “= MADE EASY Calculus | 133 (2.84 The cistance betweon tho origin and the point neareet toiton the surface = 1 + xy is @1 8 ® oF Ow 92 IME, GATE-2000, 2 marks] Solution: (a) Lettne point be (xy, 2).0nsurtace 22 = 1 + xy = Vo OF y-OF (2-07 Dietance tram exgin = Rae 1s Raraoy [soce 2° = 1 +39 hen ‘This itance i shortest when emi We nee to fd mira oh + 2-1 Hy Let Ua eye tay u, Be ey we Be ayer a» au Boo ms Boo = aesy = 0 anday+x=0 ‘Soling simutancousty, we get x=0 and y=0 Js the ont solution and so (0, 0) the only statanary point. Now ra Bae ‘Sees meat We nave case 1, |, ether a maximum or minimum exes at (0, 0) Now since (= 2>0,s01ti¢aminea at (0,0) Newat x20 y=0 z= finy = FO = So, fhe point naarest othe origin on surface 2” = 1 + xy8(0,0,1) Thesietance \+ ara 1 So, eorractanswer is choice a) 134 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY See ee (2.35 The function fe) = 2x98 + 3has (@) amavina atx andamininaatx=5 (6) amaimaatx= 1 andaminimaatx=-5 a fratee (owarnin axe! © cavemanmess (EE, GATE-2011, 2 marks) sation ) fix) = xe +3 oo 2c _ Tithe eo set ron 2 r= 2<0 So atx 1 we have a relative maxima, 8 suse and side is kept @.98 Fora right angled tangle, the cum ofthe lengths of the hypote constr, in ord to have maximum area ofthe tangle, teengle between te hypotenuse and roune oi oo o = oe ° (EC, 2014 : 2 Marks, Set-4] ‘Solution : (c) | Ne | Leta, b and h be the sides of& such that We = ata be Given, ah = constant (K) pay Areata = 3 eae Calculus | 135, Mapes ft 2.6.3 Working Rules for Finding (Absolute) Maximum and Minimumin Range|a,b] ‘ta functions ferontitvo in [a,b] except (cass) a fnitey any pons, then ond (absokte) "maximum and minimum values adopt the folowing procedure: 1. Evaluate (x) at he points where f(x) = 0 2. Evaluate fx) a the points where derivative fais to exit, 3. Fina fa)ana i) ‘Thon the maximum of hese values fs the absolute maximum othe ven function nthe minimum lof hese vais is the absolute inimum ofthe given function ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: 1 Find the absolut maximum and minimum values of (@) fx) = 28-992 + 12e-5 in, 3} (0) fh) = 1248 ~ 6009, x6 [+4 1] ‘Also ind pons of maxima and rinima, Solution: (@) Given fx) = 28-9? + 124-5 o Its diferentabl for allxia [0,3 since itis a polynomial Lrtlerentiating ( ert x we get 1%) BE -9.2¢ 4 12 = Ob 3% +2) Now ‘Aso 1, 2 both ae in [0,3], therefore 1 and 2 both are stalonary point ortuming points. Fur, WG) = 2199.17 + 121-5 22-94 12-5 00 1@) = 228-9224 122-5= 16-96 + 24-5 40) = -s end {) = 259-0574 129-5~54-01496-5=4 Therolore, the absolute manimam value = 4 and the absolute minimum valve = ~5. The Pit of maxima is 8 and the point of minimis 0. (b) Given, 1) = 12-60% xe 4,1) Diferentating (wert. x, we get ths) = 12850, a Now fo = 0 4 * xt 1 4 As Le L111 isacrtica point, 136 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY Algo we note thats not dferentable at. Wet) = 1298961) = 121-8 = 18 M1) = 2188-1" = 121-6, 2 “Thoroire the absolute maximum value = 18 and the absolute minimum value = ~The 1 point of maxima is—1 and the point of minima is Example: 2 Its given that atx = 4 the function x46? +x + 8 atta is maximum valve in he interval [0, 2} Find the value of (NceRT) Solution: at fe) = 62 parte 0 Its ifereniabe fo all xin (0,2) Ditferertiaing (Dwi. x, we get fy) = 49- 120c+8 2 11) = 41-1241 4a= Given that at x= 1, the function (has maximum value, therefore, x = 18a point of maxims 1 isacitical pont gous ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES FROM GATE Q.37 The function {x)= 24° 3x? 36x + 2 has its maxima at @ x=-2ony () x= only (@) x=Sony, (@) bothx=-2 and ICE, GATE-2004, 2 marks) Solution: (a) Putting Hx) = 68 -6x-38 = = wox-6 = 0 = X= Sor? Now 1) = 12-6 ancl (3) = 90> 0 (minima) and (2) = -30<0(maxma) Hence maxima is at x =2 ony MADE EASY Calculus | 137 2.88 The rignt circular cone of argest volume that canbe enclosed by asphere oft mractushssa reoneot Ssh 20m © 22m (9 40m IME, GATE-2005, 2 marks] Answer: (c) 2.0 Tera abe outer y= tein (5s @o ot es (8 tv (ME, GATE-2007, 1 mark] Solution (b) ren yee = oS & - soars : aman owe have a local minima atx = 0 at + x=, yao bussinge x= 08 (1,5) ‘tisnota eangidate for minima or aia in that ange ‘Ate end point xet yer atsecond end point x25 y= So absolute minimum value of function in, §] 381 (2.40 Forthe function fx) = «6% the maximum ocours when xis equal to (2 4 @o + TEE, GATE-2006, 2 marks} Solution: (a) f= Pex P00) = 95-69) 4 62a Oe) Puting 1) =0 er(ex-x) = 0 er x2-0) = 0 (or x= 2 are the stationary points (x) = (2-20) + (x ~92) (0) = © (2-2e~(2x—x) = oe — Ax + 2} 10) = 690-042 Since P's) = 2's > Oatx = O we have a minima Now at (2) = 224x242) = e2 4-842) = 2e%0 (ominima atx = 2) 12) = 12-27 16=32>0 {60 mivima atx =-2) ‘Thate is only one maxima and only two minima fortis function, (Q.42 Acubic polynomial wih eal coefficients {@) can possibly nave ro extrema and no zero crossings {b) may nave up thee extrema and upto 2 zero erssings {@) cannot have more than two extrema and more than tee 20 crossings (6) will aways have an equal number of extrema and zero crossings IEE, GATE-2009, 2 marks] ‘Solution: (€) ‘An a degree polynomial bends exactly n— 1 tines and therfore can have a maximum of 1-1 exremas, Alsoan a degree polynorial has at most nroats (zero crossings). $0 cubic polynomial (degree 8) cannot have more than 2 extrema and cannot have more than @zer0 trees. 49 Ait, tuncton = nas (0 arinieun () adiconinty (9 aportetfecon (© aman (EE, GATE 2010, 2 mars] soto: : 9 ate0 Let int = (MADE EASY Calculus | 139 Soe, Left eit = Fight iit = 1 © £0) =e funeton is contruaus att =0 Loos t=sint ry = foest=sint iy = Sts pat ro Lcost=siot 4 = toost « sint = fant t = {= Dis astationary pnt Now, irq = Pitsints cost— cost (teoet— sin) at e sint=2" cost s2tsint = sint2tcos 4 2sint Lm er) ws SE] by hosptas rte + auger ten) ae tele = 142 i Heese ‘nin gives & So, again applying L’ hospitals rule, = to augers sy] ich gives © rich gives 2 ‘So, again applying L’ hospitals rule, MADE EASY 140 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE Sine, ro ny whichis choles (a), {Q.44 Which one o the following functions strictly boundes? @) tHe oe o# (@ o TEC, GATE-2007, 1 mark Solution: (4) From the graphs below, we can see thet only @*s stctly beundes a y po, yee y ye yee G45 Atunctiony = 5x2+ 10.xis etined over an open interval x= (1,2) Atleastatone point inthis interval, 2 is exact itera G Boxacly 2 os 88 3% {EE, GATE-2013, 2 Marks] soon % «xo MADE EASY Calculus | 141 oy a <2 xb defined opon interval x= (1,2) Toca te wm < Sea 0.48 cone: te nton 9) =32-x-2.Themeximumvatie inte ced 44] oe to (9 22s (8 biome [EC, GArE-2007, 2m] solution) (0) = #-x-2= 06 96-2 fy 5 bic - =i xa Hw = 2 my fa) =2 > Soat xed z wet alaclminna oth iro carte formar inerge 4.4 woe a) tea = 10 ‘co maximum vai in ange [-4, 4] 18 0.47 If =9% en yas a (@) maxirum atx = 6 (@) maximum at. (6) miniram at x= * (6) minimum etx=0" TEC, GATE-2010, 2 marks] Solution: (a) Taking log on bath sides, = 1-098) putting 142. | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 442_|_Enginearing Mathomariss fora CC = og x= 1 = . X= @ls a stationary point hich s negative $0, alx=@, wa have a maximum, (0.48 A poi on a curve is sad to be an extremum tite focal minimum or @ local maximum. The 460-252 + 37 is 2 3 ‘ oe ICS, GATE-2008, 2 marks} ‘Solution: (d) y = St 108-268 + 97 8 5 toe tbe-t-0 28a) «0 ° o 0800-48 = 0 weed = 0 42 Jv 42 Boer 2 LY 962 961-48 oe 7 ® 2 . 400 a : at 12.43 aeo SF +0 (using calculate) .. There are 3 extrema in this function. (0.49 The maxirum valuo of f(x) =39— 992 + 26¢ 4 5 inthe interval (1, 6] on 32 oe TEC, EE, IN, GATE-2012, 2 marks] scion 0) lotond about marnanot fe) =98 8 + 244 4 Sin tho interval (1. 6} Fst find local manlmum if any by puting fs) = 0 te 169) = SE 18x + 240 ie P04 4 8=0 Kee MADE EASY - Now 1) = ox-18 §@) » 12-18=-6<0 (S0x= 2isapoint of cal maximum) ond Fd) = 24-18 48>. (Boxe 4 18a pont of local minimum) Now tabulate the valves off at end point of interval and at local maximum point, 1 find = absolute maximumin glen range, a8 shown below: xe) apa 2) 25 ela Cleary te absolute maxima is atx =6 ‘and absolute maximum valve is 41. (0.50 Consider the function te) = sn (xin the interval [m4, 7a]. The number and location(s) ot thelocal minima ofthis function are {) One, ara (b) One, at 32 (6) Two, atav2andoel2 (@) Two, atm andane ICS, GATE-2012, 1 mark ‘Solation:(b) From the plot of sinx given above, we canoasly seo that inthe range [xl 7/8), hore i only ‘one local minima, at 2 Q.51 ALx=0, the function fy) = + t has (@) ameemum value (©) aminimum vaie (©) asinguieiy (@) apontof nection IME, GATE-2012, 1 mark] Solution:(@) th) = 41 Pus 5) =0 = ae =0 = X = Ois he only ential point atthe erica paint 0) = & 0) = 6x0=0 Now 0) = 6 and so (0) = 6 whichis non zero. ‘Sint the frstron zero cetvaive value occurs at the third darivatve which an add ervatve, thistunction has @ point inflection at x= 0, 144 nginuaring Mathai for GATE soe easy mae easy coleaus | 145 264, ToylorsandMadaurins Series Expansionof Functions ‘o 26At Taplrs Svs ou eatr iat») duhabeatecormuusint +4 ad Peano whe ro. ip no see eres tn prawn cb 22 ; r and = Ge ©)= Gan fern eta ernins Bridenetiriacey 00 io ow x eS iP, \ihichs called Taylor’ heorem wih Lagranges erm oemainde the eraindor being 35 (2+ Oh Consider the funtion vy eta shat» GHA HG « where Kis defined by ¥, ¥, a Hash) = Karen Retest @ 4. Since 0), Fs), ue"! (4) are contiqous in (a, 2+ hy, terefore a(x) is eso continuous in fae anol ir) 3. Also a= west) eye) Hence 0) stsis al he conte of Ro’ theorem, and thao, thre ass at east one ruber 00 <0 <1), suc that ¢(a+ 0h) = Ole. K= F(a +08) 0-<0< 1) Substituting thi val of Kin (2), we ott) 2. oly) exists and = (ot Tekingn= 1), Tar’ theorem educosto Lagrange’ Mean-vae theorem. Cor. 2. Puting a= Dang = xin (1), we get : {9} = 10) + Fe FAO. MOD wo “nhichis known 2s Maclaur' theorem wih Lagtange's form of remainder, ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES. Example: Tif) =log(t +). x 0, using Taylors theorem, show that for0 <8 < 1, 0 4,8 batten = x Seg Solution: foro, 22 2°38 By Maciauri' theorem with remainder Ry, weave Deduce that og (1 +) < x Lpos®. 5 0) + 2€(0)+ FPO ZMH) 0 iolt +0, 0) 0 0) Hoe 109 Substtutng in (), wo gotlog (1 +x) ~ 2" Rive? D ‘toe x> 0and0>0,0x>0 aor <1 Fa +00 > tis, a Hence: eyo 2642 Macautin’s Series canbe expended es an nts, thon 19) = 40) + (0) « SAO) +20) oe 0 111 possesses derivatives of ll orders and the remainder Rin (9) 0n page 154 tends to 2era as n>, then the Mactaurn’s theorem becomes the Maclautns series). ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example Using Maclauzins series, expand tan x upto the term containing Solution Let fhe) = tanx Ko)=0 F(x) = soche= 1 + tant HO)=1 fx) = 2tanx 00? x 2tan «(1 + tan? x) tan x + 2 tar? x ro) =0 (7 (0) = 2800?x + 8 tar? x00? x (1+ tans) + Btan® x(t + tar?x) 4 Bar? x= Gtante (0) =2 (0) = tBtanx soe? x +24 tan? x soc? tan x (1 + tan?) + 24 tan® x1 + tana) tan x + 40 tan? x + 24 tan? x POl=0 m(O) = 18 $00? x + 120:an?x soc? x + 120%an* x sec») (0) = 16 Sutettutng the values of (0), (0), et. inthe Maclaurn setae, we get 146 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE me ee 2.6443 Expansion by Use of Known Series coment ‘Vinon te expansion ofa function is required only upto fist few terms, itis often corverient to ‘employ he fotowng well-known series ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES a eae eterenemss) Solon: con? one. Wenave, etm = tr signe S34 arene SE 28 otnerwise, et to) = oe aay fa) = "008 x40). 608% for=1 . fla) = F(a o08 x0) sin fo=1 FE) Ledeen zr op amx—tenersx, §——FO)=0 MADE EASY Calculus | 147 4 Fx) = P(e) cos x~ 3F64) sin x BPH) 608 x Ke) sin x FO) = 0 substituting the values of (0), 1(0) otc, nthe Maciaurin’s saris, we obtain eee Tete 04 Gaye tex 28 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE {2.52 Inthe Taylor sees expansion of &* about x = 2, he cosfcient of (x 2} Is (a) vat {b) 2441 © em 9 em (Me, GATE-2008, 1 mark ‘Solution: (0) {ore neighbousood ofa fi) = daar vere fe = aT Ho) = ek Me)= 0? 4 Cootclentof 2 = (0.54 For tho function ete linear approximation around: (@) G-ne* () 1-x (©) B+ NB —(14 Vp Oe IEC, GATE-2007, 1 mare Solution: (a) The Taylor's series expansion of f(x allowed x= 216 fo) = t+ -a1tey« Ste s MADE EASY 148, | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY Caleulus | 149 For inear approximation we take only the first wo terms and get - fe) = 12)+ Oc 292) The coefficient of (x—n}*is S™ Here, fe) = o%and ft) =-2* 2 fi) = e829 =0-2e? Here 100 = oF sine 55 Which of tefolowing functions woulshave ony odd powers oxi Teyor seis expansion (rete about te point = 0? renin @) sng) © sing) ne (©) e002) (3) cos) ae {EC, GATE-2008, 1 mark Tho coin of (c-?atharefore S = 05 exptn) Solution: (a) 7 The “ayorsotosexpatonct 2% atx nie ghenby Fremths, Solution: (0) Taylor's series expansion off) around x = is 40) = #0) + *SF rears & foe my = an ‘Simla by using L hospitals re we can show that con = fla) = 0 wa fn) = 16 ‘50, erly sin) has al odd powers of x So,theexpansionis, fix) = 14-8) (xn eon hele (8). {a.56 in the Taylor series exoansion of exp(x) + sin (8) about the point x = x, the coefiient of * ft) (x-aF is (@) exp(r) . (b) OS exp(n) ‘So, correct answar is choice (b). © ewi+t @ eet 50 Thoin sores TEC, GATE-2008, 2 marks} Sotton: (8) 10) = of + aie Wewishioemend about X= (@) sex we Taylors sores expansion about (@ cox ate fo) = fa eo-artters © Solution: () TOE, GATE-2012, 1 mark] 00 xen Nowabout (@yMoLauin’ ste expansion) fa) = fa) + (A FR) + 150 Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 2.7 PARTIAL DERIVATIVES 2.7.1 Definition of Partial Derivative ta derivative ofa function of several independent variables be found with respect to any one oF thom, keeping the ohare as constens, tis sad fo be a partial dervatve. The operation of tncing the partial dervave of @ function of mora than one independent variables is called Partial Differentiation. he symbols 2/0, diy etc, are used to denete such ciferetiatons and the expressions Aud, aupey ot. are wspectively called paral ferential coefcenis of v wih respectto x and y ifu = thy, 2) he partial cilerenial coflcent of u with respect to x ie. ux is obtained by iffreriatng v with respect tox keeping y nd 2 as consti 2.7.2 Second order partial differential coefficients Tu = f(xy then duax of, and duly rf, are themselves function of x and y and can be again ieroilatod partiay ) afa).af2) afa) ) af) aCe) a) a fu eu Au ‘ag * bray aye Note: fu = (and its partial derivatives are continuous, the order of ferentiation is imatera as second order pata drivatives of wandnese a0 wocar 2(% respectively denoted by fu, 2 ay * ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES FROM GATE an ee arse etyen? aso tett=yivmatis Be atx-2y=t @o me wt IME, GATE-2008, 2 mars] Solution: (6) : a “eating xs constant. we get ges few Now we weaty a8 a constant and get Ht. Byac BLL Big) ayeteeyttioy aay 7) u hose value at = 2 andy 2 Tis = 12-9(1 +2.Int}=4 MADE EASY Calculus | 151 0.60 tz=xy hy), then (EC, 2014: 1 Mark, Sot} Solution: & = vies Soy % « ypromed 0 g. in) +5 xx = inixy) + 4) He 2.7.3 Homogenous Functions ‘An expressonin which ovary tom of the same degree called bornogenous function. Thus, x" anh y +ageFy'+. +a, pop" + ay ea homogenous function of xand y of dagroe n. Ths FeaGe) eT oC] Note: To ost whether a given function fx ) is homogenous or not we put for x and ty ory Iwo got t,t) = 0 Hx.) the function fx, ys homogenous of degree n otherwise fx, y) is nota horogerous functon Not: fu 8 ahomogenous function ofxand of degrean then ld and duly are also homagenous functon ef xand y each being af degre (nt) 2.74 Euler’sTheorem on homogenous functions ifuts a homogenous function ofx andy of degre 0, then, au, au eM ayZt Note: Euer'sthoorem can be extended to ahemogeneus function of any number ol vaables. Thus 1%. 9) Be Romogenous faction oF, Ha Xf degrae m than, AE + ty ax, 152 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES Sane: Pe atu 8&. Further, 9) Is yabica 2.10 THEOREMS OF INTEGRAL CALCULUS 1. Theitegraof the product ofa constant and a funcionis equa tobe productof the constant and he inogralt function. Thus is constant, then [ex = A ted 2, Theirlegtal ofa sum of or diferance of ante numberof functions equato sum or ciference of integral. Symbotcaly Jls00# 1.09 #1500. oe Jrenaes fegmdes frgoddes 8 onde 2.10.1 Fundamental Formulae 1 pea 3. foinxdx cos 5 foactxe tan x 6, foosect xd = -c0t x MADE EASY 154 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE 8, [ooeee x cat =-coseex 1, fosoxtanx = se0 x 2.10.2 Useful Trignometric Identities l= Kel =| |éafor— fous {al 1 Let six) = sine 1 2. cost-x) = cosx 3. sin(e + y) = six cosy + 08x sing 4. sinfx~y) = sin cosy — 608% say 5. 009(¢ + y) = sx cosy ~sinx siny 6 1% ooay + sin siny a 0 on(§+) (3) sx) = sic (0) sie +) = ie (vi) si2r-») =-2r (sn caste) stan % Tnx MADE EASY cola 1 155 ts, wm(f—) = ; oan v4 cote ASL oaeaay 6. con = SHY 16. sin2x= 2ein x cosx = —20* 7. cos(2x) = cos? x sin?x = 2c08 2tanx 18. tan 2c 9. sink 20. cos? 2h elm cost+isint 1 sin? ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE ndtocrl ame, eet 0.81 Assuming i= cotstainT? 2 6] ae @ 2 lea 4 (EC, GATE-2006, 2 mari Solution: c) 1 Jarrow Jf--costa)sinacs, Letcoso = + 156 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 156 | Engineering MathematiesforGaTE sina do = at, at =0,t= c080=1 aban t=cosne—1 80, 160 #5 « fra, thon Shas the value ab ww ote ot fica [ET =f] Ff (11a 6 eyaantes ea i Grtany™ ° o1 ce eine IEE, GATE-2005, 1 mark} ‘Solution: (0) [€8, GATE-2009, 2 marks} Solution: () Method 1: since, the requied intra is i tae Motnod 2 : shes Gena » [a-noae sietotanx, =o Fetane tan Aton sce, ten (AB) = Tan Aton MADE EASY Galeulus | 157 _ pots (tttenn) (tad) = Io Cteiny mtam) L = locrseo> 2 (sec) - seco = In(y2) -in(1) = In 2'2)-0 1 = fina 0.65 Given jx Ji. what willbe the evaluaton of he tint integral f° SEIS» Ia cosx=isinx @ o me @ 4 oi [e, GATE-2011, 2 marks} Solution (¢) *P coax isinx, id Fete. Pia 2.10.3 Methods of Integration ‘Tere are various methods of integration by wich we ca reduce the given integral to one of the koown standard integrals. There ae fou principal methods of integration, 1. Integration by substitution: change nthe variable of integration often reduces anintagralto neef fundamental intograls Lott [Gade then by diferenaton wtoxwe have SE =f). Now put 0, sothat F — 9 158 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY (MADE EASY Calculus | 159 158 | Engineering Mathematiesfor APE Oe ree a a0 ET HD Tie gee 1 free eto ‘alot Reenter ‘Tooveuate {100-00 na font mn hese ere) sthe ferential ooticient of 6 wh respect tox Tree Forms of Integral: 108 64 = tog toy @ J Fy % = 9109 Put {09 = Lerentating we got) ck = at fo - Fen “Thus the nepal of acon whose numeraais the exact derivative of denominstor is equalto he logarithmic fits denerinatr. de = {2 atoste ep 9 amp J tora = ttt 1x9 © ocao, He ot (1 439 = t 5 Woe a ‘ petconto= | tegtas tt += Sone Inpartan Fomulae Bes onthe Azo Fam 0 finn = | Bo = log oe x + = lealooss) = log 800 @ Jootxc = log sinx « Jee = log 600% + tan) oy focecex'= ta (tan 5) 0 Jers = HE wen ne ite tesa consis ofthe rsuctot a consant power of function ix) and the derivative F(x) of), to obtain the integral we increase tho index by unity and then divide by increased index. Thsis known as power formula. o Jax + bye = SJeeeo = sm (2) «oles ae] w ro) lee - coam(2) oo [x4 (Fe) o [VERE ox = SAP? + Son() ce ERE + Seale ire} wo INE R ac = EER « Sa () 2. Integral ofthe product of we functions Integration pans: Let and veto nets ot Then we havefrom iret eau 4 ov Siwy =u Bay 0 Integrating bot ies of (1) wih respect tx, we have de es ars fur Hace fv. Lae ov ea a Suge = Jue God @ le. udu = wv Ju-de This can also be writen as fuvde = uf ved ffdul vee The choice of which funtion willbe wand which funtion willbe dis very imertantin solving by Integration by parts. ‘The ILATE method helps to decide this. ILATE etands for |:Inve'8 tigonemeti functions (sits, c05- x eto) Ls Loganienic funtion (og xn x te) AA: Algobrale functions (x2 38 +32 +2, ete.) T: Tigonemetic functions sinx, cos kets) EE: Exponential uncon e% atc.) \whichever ofthe two functlns comes stn ILATE, get designated as uand cher function gts designated as ov MADE EASY 160. | Engineering Mathematics for GATE Formulae Based Upon Above Method: (a) fem sn bxdx= £ stasinbx-b cos be cos bx de = 2 (acon bx + sin be (0) fortconbs d= = (a conbx+ bon bx Intogration by Paria Fractions: 1 1s fgtgee moar" aca es) me gig ox(eea) o be faye Inti ate fp pate Lieg 82% nce ‘he olonng i asunmaylsomect he ett dares sofa sgt teemathos ot ‘ogrion ‘MADE EASY Calculus | 161 ty JB 32a 0 Pe = EER + Zinn) ‘ew ane sell ntegraton formule: Peet xcot cc = ane ‘where F(X) scaled the gamma function which sats the fllonng properties Tine) = ara Tine 1) = a iin is 2 postive integer r= (D) Walle’s formula p 2 O-2O- A092 wpenniso Pos = Poors = | n-2e-3 cae oe Win=2\in=a} 4B Bi Nnenniseven ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 2.68 evento j ST @s ot og ot "CE, GATE-2007, 2 marks) ‘Solution: (b) Let ‘ I oO A _ Tuner { Sime * HE = fovea = fom nee 162. | Engineering Mathematics for GATE a Integrating, Buttrom equation(), HO) FAK gee E fad {0.67 Which of te following integrals is unbounded ? a ae 9 © ox Pree igh es 14 e) fro% ox @ fae ° IME, GATE-2008, 2 marks} Solution: (8) owen fumes Cheicete) iga-4 Creica(e) fuoree Integrating by pars, taking u = x and dy = 6% dx we get du = dx and v = -<* so, Jrotax = 60%) ford moter eee Now Jrock = Lorie Choice) fe = no-int=-== ‘Since, only () fs unbounded, (isthe answer ms Calculus | 163 o 080 neabed te enna [8 oe (b) -i2 oie {dx ee (Me, cATE-2010 1 war 2.69 Tho vue ofthe quantity P where P= | xo'd, is equalto ate 1 @e ee Soliton: IE, GATE-2010, 1 mark Integrating by parts Lo us x, oy = otek cu 5 ox, ve forcea ee a Joa = w- fvdu Pretax = xer- fora = xet-e40 free = mere = (1.609 -(0. 020) a1 4) @.70For0 —1) occur a Q.71Themasinum valu of the function x)= In +9) Darter Solution toy gtgeteo ‘fe have maximum value l= 0 (0) = nat +0)~ -0 72 Termini , Maat be + ec-shbeltnaosasai onan ae [EC, 2014 : 2 Marks, Set-3] soliton: top = 28-086 14-9 ti sorte tro otis se Br beze0 roe Hence erica pons are (, {fs} ating ta maximum value at one ofthese points, = 3 i) 2 11 19) = 6 0.78 Let x)= x6". The maximum value ofthe funtion in the itorval (0) i we @ 8 ee tet (EE, 2014: 1 Mark, Set] MADE EASY Calculus | 165. Solution: (a) A : wet + xe = etK2] oreo <0 fa) = 22 =na4youtat? at eyed 2.74 Minimum of the ral valved function 1) = (e—1)*¥ ocours at x equal to @= 0 ot = IEE, 2014: 1 Mark, St.2} Solution: (¢) 10) = (e129 = GHP ‘4 8 issquare of Y= hence its minimum value be O where atx 0.75 The mhimum value ofthe function x) = $32 24x + 100% the interval 2,3] is @ = ai © 6 ates IE, 2014: 2 Maks, Set-2} Solution : (0) fo) = ax 26 + 100 xet3.5) fo) » 82-624 10) = 0 ax=4-2 13) = -27-27-+72+ 100-118 2) = 8-124 484 100~ 128 1G) = 27-27-1724 100» 28 Hen fe) has minimum valuo atx = S whichis 2, 2.11 DEFINITEINTEGRALS 1 fond = Fo) Flic he dng fe) beeen nk nd bs uporint 9-swer it 166 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY ateutus | 167 2.11.1 Fundamental Properties of Definite integrals 1 1) = fh +a), [periodic function with period al 7 1. Wohave ["iax= finatio the vave ofa deine integral does notchangowih he change 8 aim = HHO] FH} ©) cf vaabioofetegraton provide tos otntgraton mainte same Let fftnige = Fopand Jit) = FeO ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES * Example 1 i Suse = FooP,=#0)-10 ‘reo eofowr doo ogra ° § Fl Shaya = FOP, =FO)-Fle) (a) f [xr be (0) Jdi+h-s)e« . Solon: 2, [Praia = [2 etercnangiag the nts of @ site rial dows net change inthe (@) Shoo for-Ssxs-2,x4250 . = ma = ta42) strotievaobutcringe sin ctnga eee 3. Wehave Pron = fiona + (rove = ea = x42, Note 1: This property also holds true even ifthe point c is exterior tothe interval (a. b) 4 2 5 Note 2: In place of ane additonal point c, we can take several pons. Thus several points. foxezide = Fieeades [iced (Propery3) _ Sac ote «Phere + (2 = eee) Thus, Povo + (Bundes Stead Prod +.« forse 0, -f. i #5) fe 4.) Wotave tina = (Pfarb-xde + eae Jovaae[- Sof, fE-=f, ) Wohave foe » foram = (219) (Baio (Sra) eae Proot Let be fen (0) Sco tor 1 6x:59,x20,%-950-9 4 =x R-31=— (4-3) Aso ord ex's 4x80, x-20-1= x =31=¥-3 Putxwa-tode=-dlvnerex=0,t=a.andwhen x= 3,t=0 3 3 = Le ene) = fant = [aoe Sie te—a)e = [ds x-a)eee fds apa (Proporty3) 8. foes 002 [enc acacng a can od een neton (Od and Even function + {) Anode function of i f-29 = 8) (@) Aneven function off (3) =H) 6 freak = 2 foods, Fea - x) = fo) a Pino = 0, Hi@a-0=-t69 Corot: PPro = [Sera (tea x00 1 Prova = afte oe Tota) ferns «= fascefier-oee - stat s[ae-o = 33-1) +(18~12)- (0-9) = 16+4-0= 10. Example: 2 Evaluate the following doit integrate: @ Jo wre 1 [2 2 MADE EASY Caleulus | 169 168 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY j e © fe o) [Sentace © {feds 0 Fone mie ‘Solution: {n) Fist nt tht he given icons sconinuous a= ati) cartve ka) cate ene) : + sacs us “ Joc = fooyaee fron (Property) . sit xc 2 2 sic es a = [er tarefoc-sioe - weds] = (9-9 0-10+( = 20-84 3 278 ¢9 mute noe Mae 2 cx |Eoe (o1eKeO-spi=-xand Oss 1 oh =x) dc foetot, 14120, (e) First note that (5x is ciscontinuous at x= yo * sere Toide [iso = [lodaes [lon + J Ic . Too fro j noc= ont a be 2 = (3) Example: "By using properties of definite integral, evaluete the folowing: ne eh Paetece ae = Bf r-2eooes tet ei BI Aoosexs coven sindx , sina ‘ oe (©) Let i) = 9 sin x 2 9) = (sina) = 98 sin x = 0) = (9) is an odd function; therefore, by propery 5, Teaetaae 0 (©) Lot0) = eos = 2x) = one x = os =), etre, by srpery 6 Troxac - eso 0 Again, f(x ~ x) = Joos (~ x}| = 00s x| = Joos xf = f(x), therefore, by property 6, Jomo - lento w _ From (ane), we get Protos - 22f cootae=4f omc 170 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY cuca | 17 2 es = Fsinax ioottanx)ee O x} (Biol cas} i= f Snax gl tans) }ae (rtorosxs $,cos12 05408 = 608%) ‘Then, by using property ab, we get es Peseta Example: 4 i 2 = fn = fs? = [sn si} = (1-0) = 4 satatotetonen fo ee F = Panaxctyogtenr)axe f sna og(anx)ax lt . a 5 3 tesing (i) “Thon, by sing propery 4b, meget : 10 @ Sxampi:6 Ela evn erent fogs ome) Conta andi. we ot souton 3 \ Ie footage a rd Tren, by using property 4b, we get 5 " : Example: 5 I flea (i+coe(e-x)ae= Jea(-cosxide w alate he olovng aati gral: eee flog 1 eof =a} ; F ° fos } 21 [{oalt+-c0sx) +iog(t~cosx}}ak= flag 000? }e 2 J i wf sn2ebogtannjce . ° ; sation,” = floo(sr?xjei = fica sinx x ' Awa 3 i ott vue Jorfoe= fio 5 0 i ° = 1 Peasixae ‘Tren, by sng propery 4, we get feaf $8) nef i) =o sn x= =») = fg fen) 1 ve fe ce id) Leet s- wgen(e9)= eg san eo by ug een) aac [and ganda = MADE EASY 172 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLESFROM GATE are vnatiste veer ne ceetenepat | 5g? wo ee wa (a) 2a [65 GATE.011, 2m sour: ta ® shneo @ OM 0.77 I(x) fs an even function and ais a postive rel number, then {°, (x)dx quale @o oe oa aga . IME, GATE-2011, 1 marks), sohuton:() IF) ie even function then, Irae «dine 70 Tevetedl'f cst so at? oot 1 @o oz 8 4 OF ICE, GATE-2019, 2 Mark) MADE EASY Calculus | 173 Solutior: (0) Joostaosi?eoas = ef coe*sosin*9ncosse do at soe = 1 = Soasi0c@ = ot Shae = v= $ft-eyea = Yle-2rvaeyear Sfle-P-a sara ‘Alernative Method: te 3 5 oso f aah. ainPatt ‘costar 2t- St 3 Ucn Content coe Sft"*c0s!-snt-cosPtat = al tein at to Pe © ©) 20 8 @ NO-2 IME, GATE-2019, 2 Mar ‘Answer: (e) rks) 174 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 0.80 Thovalue ofthe inegrsl feast ae T= Pecos ® @ 8 @ 0 @- @2 IME, 2014: 1 Mark, Set] Solution: (0) jected ae ier ooste Taking «= forza 0,291 ands 02.291 it ta = FE 1 = Front f(2) = ~f)uneton is 000. 120 81-1 [>esinsce wf, tron te value of ks eal to_— [0S, 2014 (Sets): 1 Markl Solution: = Fsinalée — Kp Jlesinsjdcs flesialde = Kp 4 Jesnedee ftesinsdde = Kp ce Casine sina -xsinet snl = Ke s 4p = Kaa 4 MADE EASY Calculus | 175 0.82 Tevakecttneinegl gen baw is (fcosud f) -2 ® = oor (a) > {08,2044 (seta): 2 Mats] ‘Solution : (a) Joosede «2 tanai-2eCons asin #04 2H 1)-0 Es 2.12 APPLICATIONS OF INTEGRATION We study three areas where integration is applied 1, Areasof curves 2 Lenghot curves 3, Volurrescfrevotion 2.12.1 Preliminary: Curve Tracing In oder tefind area under curves, as wel as fer evaluating double and tpl integrals, tie used to know howe trace some cortmon curves trom their equations, Circo: Cartosian Form: 1. x24 y8=2®: Ole mth can (0, 0) and radius a 2 hPa y-KFa a? Dre with canta (rk) and ras a. 176 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY Polar Form: 1 Circle wit ire (0,0) and radi ®@ 8 o} andradius $ 0} andradus 5 3. r=a.c068 : Circle with centre ( a Porabola: Le ay Parabola with vortex at (0,0) and focus at (0,2) and latus rectum = 4a. \ low / joo ay Parable with vertex at (0, 0) and focus at (0, -@) an las rect 0 . oa 2,8 = 4ax: Parable with vertex at (0, 0) and focus a (a, 0} and lus rectizm = 4a. oo ~ MADE EASY E _ eatcutus 377 ~ax: Parabola with vorox at (9, 0) and focus at (-2, 0) and ats rectum aN By fom 5. (xh daly Ie? Pavabola with centre at (1, focus at (0+ h, +k) and atu rectum = 4a, Elipse: Gon, Ke 2, GONE OE = 1 etlose wih cone at (hk) and major axis = 2a and nor axl » 25, Hyperbota: xy a. Ee =1yperola wth vertex at (a, 0)and (2,0) and centve at (0,0), MADE EASY MADE EAS) Calculus | 179 we | ring Mathematics for GATE SY map oo Yoo 2 Hyperboa wit vertex at (9,5) and (0,~) and cenit at (0,0). low loo. Joe) 2.122 Areasof Cartesian Curves Theorem: Area bounded by the cuve y= 0), tho xaxis and the ordinates x Bye = fftvose y re ax=bis 2, Intetchanging x andy in hg above formula, we se thatthe ares bounded by the curve x= fy), {210 a stom nous the wars and te absoissaey =a y= bis [xc Note, 1 : The atea bounded by @ curve, the x-axis and two ordinates called the area under the curve. Tae process of fincing the area of plane cures is often called quadrature. Note. 2: Sign ofan area. an atoa whose boundery’s described in the anticlockwise direction (is. tes cbove xaxs) is considered positive (Fig. a) area whose boundary is desorbed inthe clockwise drecton (=. les below x-axis) i taken as negative (Fig. b). nF (above ears ghenby fy di wrotconstotne sunotheaea ABC anctnoee COE (= yc) bt er Thusto nd the total area in such cases the numerical value ofthe area ofeach portion mustbe ‘evalunted soparatly by aking modulus ans tet reauts added afterwards, ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: Find the area ofthe segment cut off from the parabola»? = By by the line x-2y + 8 = 0, Solution: Given parabola is ay 0 anc the straight ne ia xy 48 xe . ye Se » Substituting the value ay for in), we get 22 = M48) o v2 ax-92 = 0 o 6-44) =0 x= 8-4 hus () and (i) intersect at P and Q where x = 8 and x =~ 4 Required area POO (Le. dotted area) = [area bounded by et. no (i) and x-axis rom x = 4 tox 6] ~ [area bounded by parabola () and x-axis fom x =~ 410 x= 8] MADE EASY 2.12.3 Areas ofPolarCurves ‘Theorem: Area bounded by the curve ‘phe ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: Fd the area commen tothe cicles r= aJ3 and = 28.0090 Solution: ‘The equations ofthe cies are r= afBand = 2ac0s8 o @ (presents a circle wit conte t(0, 0) and rads a2 (i) represents a ciele symmetrical about OX, wh centre at (a 0) end radius. The otcles are chown Fig. below their pintof intersection F aiminatng trom (and (0, Paces dle.,c088 = « os ma Reguiredarea = 2x area QAPO (by symmetry) MADE EASY Calculus | 181 «tan 04+ 960 0F0) ~ Apso" Pentora 3 Iieen era] = [Sev BY co [3712 cosoyFos = oat 4st - 2ahala-0) 20° 1 2.12.4 DerivativeofarcLengthS Theorem: For the curve y =f), we have Prot LA y+) Ho mghoug sen ce AB gb a ‘arc AP =, arc PO = és. (owenson tet Dron Linen xx cosPNLOM since, ut 8 182 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY Vsneeases wi xen Fit above yo posto Lif) os other.) ws & « [s(2)] sera post sont rata. Cor the eqatonefinecuvetsx =) then 3- (al . Cor. 2. If the equation of the curve is in parametric form x =f(t), y = a(t) then ae. (-@)]s (eal «.(F-8 “ 2.12.5 Lengths of Curves ‘Theorem: The length ofthe arc of the curve y = (9) between the points where x= and x= Bis nf-@ ‘The length ofthe arc ofthe curve x = fy) between the points where y= and y=, fs Telenghal he acotthecunex =, y= Between the pits whet = and = Bis roxy (ey m-@TF The length ote ar ofthe caver =), between te poe whore = and tir ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES en a puis Example Frc the length ofthe arc othe parabola? = day measured from the verlex fo one extremity ofthe latusectum. [MADE EASY Calculus | 183 Solution: ‘Let A be he vertex and Lan extremity of he ltus-rectum go that at A, x= O and at, x= 2a, 48 chown in four, 7 Nom ve x so at 2 awaL = A err 1 ie ga? +52) cay, wal 2 2 ag = of\B + seer] = af. sooo 8)] [sar atonee fe] = 2 aE sae 2.12.6 Volumes of Revolution 1 Revolution abou ans: Th volume af he sol gnarled bythe revolon about hex, ofthe ea bounded bythe curvy =f) he xis nd th ordinates x= x= bis (PV Let ABI the cure y = (9) Bemieen ne orcas LA (= ) and MB =). 184 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 0) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: 1 the volume ofa sphere of radius Solution Let the sphere be generated by the revolution of the semi-cicle ABC, of radus a about is clameter CA, (Figure) Taking CA as the x-axis and ts micspont © as the origin, the equation of he cle ABC is eyes \Volumectthe sphere = 2 (volume af the sole generated by the revolution ‘about x-axis ol he quacrant OAB) «Ande » 25f%(e? 28 2. Revolution about the y-axis. interchanging x end y in the above formula, we see that tho volume ofthe sold generated by the revolsion, about y-2s, ofthe area, bounced bythe curve (yh the y-axis and the absciesee y yabis[Peray Cd Cateulus | 185 i ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example Find te volume of the reel-shaped sold formed bythe revolution about the y-axis, ofthe pat ofthe parabola y# = 4ax cutoff by thalatus-rectu, Solution Ghon parabola is x= ya. Let be the vertex and Lone extremity ofthe latus-rectum. For the arc AL. y varies rom to PaFigue) Roquired volume = 2 (volume generated by the revolution about the ihe area ALC) ie of 2 ney = arf ef ee qa -0) - 2 3 oie 186 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE andy =2acos8? 0.83 What ithe area common tothe circles (@) osate® (6) t0a7at ICE, GATE-2006, 2 mars] Solution: (d) ‘Areacommantocicles, t= & ws 1 = 2a cosdis 12282! (2.84 A parabolic cable ished between to supportsal the same level. Tneherzontal span between the supports is L. The sag a the mid-gpan ih, Tho equation ofthe parabolaisy = ahi, where xis the horizontal coorcnate andy isthe vertical coordinate wit the origin atthe cents ‘ofthe cable. The expression for the total engi ofthe cave is + Eee, Le [rie vote af fre [froth wf foot © F freoet a (2 {eer [CE, GATE-2010, 2 marks} Solution: (6) Lngth of curve y= fh between x= a andx=B is alien by rere, ye 0 Pa . a sinc, cys \ ond ye hat {As can be eaen rom equation () by substituting x= Oand x = L2} 1 Jecongnctcaey =f Lengthofcable é ae & MADE EASY Calculus | 187 285 The ang ofthe curvey = 2:87 potween x = Oandx = 1's (@ oar () 087 1 122 IME, GATE-2008, 2 marks] Solution:(a) po ¥ Es length of the cuve is given by [e(Bfen ~ [virmac- [Foon 8.86 A path ABin te form of one quarter of acre of unit radius fs shown in ol (+ yon path AB traversed in a counterclockwise cance is jue. tegration es wo Bet of 1 IME, GATE.2009, 2 mars] Solution) Plt AB yo ene org pat AB 0 varles tam G1 90" (00m) get F100 = Tease sino? 100 "Feet costes 2sne conn = Pas saeco a 188 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY .87 The area enclosed between the curves 16 @ a 2 @ IME, GATE-2009, 2 marks] Sohn: @) Sune Cuno? Inrsecon pois of ouve 1 erd2 Pa be A = BY yi = BxByeryy?68)=0 sation yn sanay=0 tx: Tresor rersectonpot aro A) and) ‘wares encksedoatwoan cues end? re gen by nea = frat frre wot 16 axa "3 ‘Altemately. the sare answer could hava been obiaines by aking double integral as follows: Suave = dap Se #), 16 afte roma hon » ff» 2 2.88 The parabolic arc y= VR, 15x$2/s revolved around the x-axis. The volume ofthe sold of revolution ie . (@) ne (b) ne © avs (@) 392 IME, GATE-2010, 1 mare] Solution: (4) ‘The volume ofa sod generated by revolution about the avs ofthe area bounded by cue Y= M00), te xaxde and the ordinates x= a, y= D Voume = Jv Here, and y= fe oye x vere = fra MADE EASY Calculus | 189 2.80 Tw xcression = fa? (1M dhterthe votre of cone ie euato Go fae? =n > [taba en (©) [2m m(r—iRjen IEE, GATE-2006, 2 marks} Solution: (6) We consider optons(a)and(¢) on By inegrating (d) we get 113:xaFH, whichis volume ofacone, ain variable as variable of integration, 2.90 The folowing plot shows a function y which vares linearly with x The value othe integral IEC, GATE-2007, + mar ‘Solution: (b) queen fre wth dope 1 andy—ircapot Pea yan Forna wot 7 a 5 Je-ga2s MADE EASY 190 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE 0.91 The value ofthe integral of the function a(x) = 4° + 10y! along the straight line segment from the point (,0}t0 te point (1,2) 9 3 © (EC, GATE:2008, 2 marks] Sout: () Equation of straight ine fom pon (.0)20(1.258 2-0) v=o» Fhte-0) « y= 2 aby) = 48+ 1094 14+ 1o(eat= sts 60.8 I ast 1008 flo +reodan = (S el = e200 {2.92 The area enclose botwoon to sight ine y= xand the parabola y= in the xy plane is fa) 16 ) as © 18 oie IME, GATE-2012, 1 mark Solutio: (0) The area enclosed ie shown below as shaded: 20.0) The coordinates of point P and Qs obtained by solving yox 7 and ¥ = x? cimutaneously, aes Calculus | 191 asa ‘The volume under the suriaoe z(x,y) = + y an above te blanglein the xy piane defined by (Osysxend0y &¢ dy andhence evaluate the same slution: 1h ede tom Pen be ete nega it wrt. eog aver tp Pw tetode yee toGontwiney-2-1 Susvastpaes iam x= 010% 1 abe TSponolayeton esbecrre ange OA (shod) ngs (MADE EASY Calculus | 195 ‘On shanaing the order fntegration, wofirstintegrata wrt. along a horizontal stip PY and ‘hatroquites the spiting up ofthe region OAB into two pats by the li AC {ye i. tho ccurviineartiangle OAC and the rangle ABC. Fer 2at0j0n 030, ens apa exam ox fF andthe yee tony=0ty=1.Soe omtuten ol tone oper oncra t= Wargioree For he region ABC the mts of tegration forxare rom O10x.=2-y and those fory are lorry = 1 toy = 2 So ne contribution to fam the region ABC is ee [oleae Fe fof cee ay) aya aeons « Lalfol sola = Hivod verry S28 oe) 2.13.3 Double Integralsin Polar Co-ordinates Toevaluato f°" [*X,0}dr 68, we rst integrate wt between imitsr =r, andr = keeping @fhved and the resating expression i integrated wt 8 fom 8 00, Ins integral, , ae futons of @ and, , 0, are constants. tustrates the process geometrically Here AB nd CD are the cues, = (0) and, = 0) bounded by he ins 0 «8, and = FO Js wedge of angular thickness 50. Then [0 inden hte ntograon erg PO tom P 2G hie tan we. @ ‘comesponds to the tuming of PA fram AC to BO. ‘Thus the whole region of integration Is the area ACDB, Tho oder of ntegration maybe changed with ‘appropriate shangesin theirs, 196 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES amp Calcuate ff 6" d0 over the area nuded between the cles r= sin Band = 48 @ Solution: Given cectes r= 2998.00 and r= 4sing-() seston onan Ohas the drecon of & and withc-0. panddare rhage on cabo panda. <00" nF beaten. eS Racnle soo e520 on W <0 hears atin he paceman oe aso do work against he force, Wa sone by atrce ‘Vector Projection: Pris the vector projection ofa on another vector b "eter camonerol ain drectan ott) (auntvectern decton st) P Prokt = (alecer\(®) -(2(4) ( E}e = (pi )hibi) a ‘jypical application of projection is tnaing component requitedinmecnanics. of force in a gen sitecton as is often ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: Vector projection of on another vector b. - Find te veeta projection of a vector a = 2)—3)orb = i+ 4) sous: (B)e-(Gasea) e+ MADE EAST Cateulus | 215 2.14.10 Vector Product(CrossProduct) ‘Tho dot arecuct isa scalar We shal se that some sppications, for Instance, in connection wth rotations requ @ product of two vector whichis again a vector, This scaled Vector product of 0 vectors the croes product Definition. Vector product (Cross product) ‘The vector product (cross product) ax b of two vectors a voctox Y= ax>=falfblsinyf such that &, & and A from aright handed system, wih & being a unit ‘ona! vector perpendicular o plane ofa and b, {8y 8a and = [by bp Beisa Inco trae ‘In any other case, v= a x b has the length, lsiny “Tiss the area of the parallelogram in Figure above with & and B as adjacent sides, (is the {angle between a and). The drecton of =a xb is perpendicular to both aand band such that 2, bn Bis order, forma right handod tiple as shown in figure above. In components, v=, vp ¥3] = axis 2 Weeds Bada, Ve asby~Apby. va=a.~add, }@. asin diction of ight han) thumb, b sin rection of index igure, than v= ax bw be ‘a voctorin dracon ofthe mid igure In terms of determinants: las oy _% a f a bal sb) bs oy {1 +¥_ + ¥jkisthe expansion ofthe symbolical third-order determinant Hence v= [ve val lik by by the fist row, (We calle *symbolcal" because the fret row consists of vectors rather ‘han aumbere,) Finding a Unit Vector Perpendicular to two Given Vectors a and b ‘A whit vector perpencicularto wo glven vectors a and bi given by axb___axb- = Taubieiny ~ jaxtj 216 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: 1 With respect to a right hande b=L2,1.3} Solution: ale system, let @ = [4, 0, ~f] and 10,4) Example: 2 Find aunt vector perpendicularto bolhe =3i +] + 2k and b= 2i=2)+ 4, Solution: ‘Aunit vector perpendicular to both a ana is, axd > fod “Thete are uit vectors perpe Example: 3 “Te vectors om ocgint the pons Aand B are Find the area! (@) the tiangie ORB 6) + and 6 = 21 +] 2% respectvay. (©) the paralelagram formed by OK and OB as accent sides, Solution: Given OK ~ d= Gi-6}+2% and = (12-21 --6-4)) 4+ 12K = 10h sof = ere (@) sea AOAB = MADE EASY Caleulus | 217 (©) Area of parallelogram formed by GX and ZB as adjacont sides, = Fed = 57 sa unis Brample:4 Usig vector, nthe area othe tangle wih veies Lt Sotto ).B (2,3. 5)and C11, 5,5) Lethe vectors @ and 6 ropresants the sides AB and AC of ABC, then = BB=PMoB-PuotA é te axb = - axl = Treareact ange = 2.14.102 Vector Products of the Standard Bi Sines kare orthogonal (mutual perpenciculat) unt vectors, the defen of vector produc gives some usefl formulas for simpltying vector products: inrighthanded coordinates these are Ix kx) = General Properties of Vector Products Vector Product has the property that or every scalar . (ia)xb = Haxb) = ab). Its cstibutve wih respect fo vector ado, thats, axe (a4 b)x8 (axb)4 (a8), (axe) 4 (6 x6), 218 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY It is not commutative but anticommtativ, tha is, xa = -(axb) Ie ie not associative, thats, ‘ax(bxo) # (axb)xe Angerera) ‘0 thatthe parentheses cannot be omitted. 2.14.11 ScalarTriple Product “The scalar triple produc mixed triple product of tree vectors a=[2,, 2a) B=[Dy De Dy C= [0 Cy 63) ‘nated by fab ¢) ands dated by (a s)and dnd by(a b o)= a0 x6) ‘We can ite this a a titc-order determinant. For his we set bx = v= [yy ¥p Yah Then from the {do productincomponents we obtain Eee “The expression on the rightiathe expansion of third-order determinant by is rst row. Thus f@ oo) = abxo= Geometric interpretation of Scalar Triple Products ‘Tne aheoute vale of the scalar tiple products tho volume ofthe parallelepiped witha, b,cas edge ‘veers (Fig below, fafOxc) = [alloxcfoos® where [a cosh is the height hand, by (1), the ‘ase, to paallogtem wih sides b and c, has area. xd. Naturally, if oct a and ¢ aro conta hen this volume is er, afb xc) = if, band cae coplanar Lf LS ‘Geomnaealenratatn ‘aes ators! wo also have for any scalar k (kab )=Ka bo) because the multiplication ofa raw ola determinant kmlipes the velve of the determinant by, Furthermore, we prove that (exe) = (axb)e lar a» Proof: LnSatabove = [by b> ba) C2 | MADE EASY Calculus | 219 & ol AHS ofabove = (axb}-e~ c-(axb)s|a, ap a, bs & ba By ropatis of determinants it can be seen tha the LHS and FHS detrminants ae indeed bah caval So, a.(0x0) = (axt).¢ inact ‘ab xo) = Bloxs)=e.(axb) je. the vate ote product depends upon the cyte order othe vectors, butis independent of he positon dot and cass. However ne orerisnon-yel, hen value changes. te. ‘afox0) + blaxc) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES. Example: ‘etrahedron is determined by three edge vectors a,b, cas incicatd in Fig. below. Find ts volume with respect lorghthanded Cartesian cordnates, = [2,0, 3], =[0,8,2), c= 18,3.0). Terbaaon © Solution: ‘The volume V ofthe paralitopiped wih these vectors as edge vectors isthe absolute value ot ‘he scalar tiple product. eed pegs ae == 12- ‘Tnatls, V=66. The minus sgn ncicates that, bc, inthis exer, erm alt handed tiple, The ‘volume ofthe tshedron is ofthat of he paraleleciped, nonce 11 Testing Linear Independence of 8 Vectors using Scalar Triple roduc: near independence ofthe vectors can be tased by scalar pe products, a flows, We calla ive eto vectors cy, 8 ieaty independent ihe ony salar... efor hich he vector equation 8189 * Oe +--+ Gy = is salsied ae o, =, ¢) = 0, Gy = 0. otherwise, rat i, tat equation also holds for an rrtupl cf salar rl Zero, we cal ha! et of vetors nearly ependors. Now to vectors, we lt her ital point coined, forma inestyindapendent sot it and ony t they do rate inthe sara plano (or onthe sami) Le These vectors arenes independent, ‘and oi thay ae notco-planat Thoiserproain of scale ile prouet as avolume hus gives the folowing terion 220 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY (MADE EASY Calculus | 221 ‘Teorem: 4 (Linear Indepondonos of Tree Vectors) Treo vectors fmm inary independent tif and othr scalp proc i not 2a, “Te scalartriple products he most important "repealed produc "Other repeatog producti but ‘aresed only occasionally 21442 VectorTriple Product fa band oro tvoe vectors hen tho vector tpl produce wn as (036) eanbe roves hat ax (bc) (aco=(able ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: Letazisi-k bsi-j+k e=i-I-k Find thevoctarax (x) Solution: Since, ax(oxe) = (acjo-(abje ac=1-1ti=t abe 1-1-1= 50, axibxe) = 1.b-E1)-6=! = iF j-We -2) “Thies the endo vector algebra (n3-space andi to plane), Vector calcu (ie. ferentiation ‘ot vectors) begins in the next section. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 0.105 11P, Qand Rare three points having coorsinates (3, -2,~1) (1,3. 4), (2, ,-2)inXYZ space, then the distance trom point Pt plane COR (0 being the crign ofthe coordinate system) is ‘ven by @s os oT oo CE, GATE-2009, 1 mark] Solution: (8) 7 Solution by Coordinate Geometry: ‘This problam can be done rrough coordinate geometry formula through vectors. Given, Pa 041,3.4) Re) 0(0,0,0) Equation of plans OOR is, KYW 2% Pe-% Ye-Vi 22-2} Pe-% YanMy 3-24 k-O yO hs all eel 2 =o ie. m-2y42 0 Now L distance of yy, 2) fom ax + by + ez +d = 0 is given by lax, rye cay Vee Theretor, 1 distance of 8,-2.1) rom plane 2x-2y +2 = Oiegiven by 2x9-2x-D+e9) Becae ‘Solution by Vectors: ion, P@.-2.-1) 0(1,3.4) RE.1,-2) 000,0,0) Wo wish to find the cistence of pont Ptoheplane OOR, O being he origin. See figure below, P23) Qi.s9 o'ao Rena Las crop a perpencicular ftom ptP, 2,1) to plane OOR. Letitmeeta pt tx, y, 2), Now we wish fo ind length of PS, For his we must frst find x,y and z values. Finly, Se on the plane OR, 08 is coplanar with OO OR. Ths gives us OS, (Ox OR) She the postion vector of OS is x + yl + 2k, the posiion vector of 00s +31 + 4k and Poston vector of OR i 2 +i ~ 2k 4 Ky os.c. «f 3 1 & = 10x + 10y-52 = 0 0 ‘Alto PS is romalo plane OR and so normal io OG and OF A vector normal to OG and OF is Oi x OF ii Wx oF fs 1 Now ine vector FS Is gven by (3 xi + C2~ yj + (1 ~ 2). Now PS must have samo dscton ratios asa vector normal to OG and OFi since PS teal ienormalto OG and OF. So 3-x:-2-yitaz = -10:10:-6 This esuts in 2 equations 222 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE ‘MADE EASY ‘MADE EASY Calculus | 223 - xeyed ® 10 oe az = yeret iy Noro haemo nd eno wincan bosses SatungrardsmimectymbenatenO wet! 101-9) + 10y~9(AZ¥) = sot) -10/-9(452) = 0 2 yao temeaatn (x= tenon oon pose arty ten once? sey PS = (9-14 (2-0) +142 la-aek Pa = \PSCaPVT <2 2.106 Tho ime (do) product of ho non Ze vets and Zi eo. The angle eee) betvoonthe wo yestsis fa o ©) 0 © % 0% [CE, GATE 200, 2 marks} solu: (6) P.O FQ = IPI lal cose i Po : = IP| lal cose = 0 Sinco,Pandaaferonzye vets SI 0 = a 2.107 # & and & are two arbirary vectors wth magnitudes a and b respectively, EF wl be onal f@ a (asf ©) ab-a6 ( ates (asf (© abea-s ICE, GATE-2011, 2 marks) ‘Answer: (@) 2.108 The angle between two unit-agnitude coplanar vectors P(0.866, 0.500, 0) end (0.259, 0.966, 0)wilbe : ae (o) or oe (oar IME, GATE-2004, 1 mark] Solution: (e) B = 0.886! + 0.500} + 0% = 02501 + 0966] +08 PQ = [AlClcose Her, Ms lde1 (unit magnitude) $0, (08681 + 05] +089 (0.256 «0.966 + 0 = (0.886) = (05? x (02597 + (09657 cose cosy = 080020259 +050 966 =0707 one Q.109 The area of a triangle formed by the tips of vectors Band is @ Je-Ba-9 ©) Sla-B)<@-a] (o Bpxbxq @ Hexdje IME, GATE-2007, 2 marks} Solution:(b) POMC, dawN LAB. om ight eng ACAN, sina = No Jong = ac sina Kaien ag Aeaot ax8c » 3A} 1 = Prep aciana ce xy Nn 8 From above figure, AB= 6-4 and AC: @xG-a) = Ha-Byx-2] 80, Areal AABC = Chalea(b)is coc. 224 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY {110 et xandy be wo votes ina 3 dmensonal pce and dence he dt wet aniel 27 27) Then he deterinant S222 SY? (@ iszmowenxand yee inet ndependet () is postive when xaney re near ncependet (6 enonzaroter arene xan ‘sane on wen ears" oo ° " ” (EE, GATE-2007, 2 marks) Solution: (6) wey ut = Nyx yy = = m1) ye vit yl one Rtene yoy eyetye oy 694 Ve win? xretvnyd o- eee biXetvee ve ty! = 2 +H ES IA= 0% 4 IF SAYER E Bh 7a Ye © Gye MF Now, o=0 reve HYe = 0 Mea he be We = Votan || end y+ ol af near dependent = ‘Unear dopendenca = D=0 So, Unearndependenca =» D#0 te. is negative or postive Homever [noice nat her sce D = fy,» Ye Reannet be negate) So, Linea ndeperionce = D i posive 1 111 Metwovecioe[t 1 tana, 2 a7, wae a=( ZF (0) otonarat (2) exogerl (eases © pales ° IEE, GATE-2011, 2 marks} ‘Solution: (b) ven, Janda a8 oe ti rene anon dS 5 eee Sothe vectors we Calculus | 225 ve thag oa v= tow Now uy 2 Le tas tor = T+o+u?=0 $0. &vareorthogonal (2.112 Forthe paralelogramOPOR showninthe sketch, OP = af +b} ind OR=ci+dj. Theareact the parallelogram a of (@ ad-be (©) ec bd (© abe (@) av-cd CE, GATE-2012, 2 marke] Solution: () of ‘Tha e1ea of paaletogram OPOR in figure shown above, ie the magnitude ofthe vector product OF oR| OF = aivbj OR - ole OF xO = ii ab lod = OO) +(ed-box [OB ‘itetin! In gevecal, ithe direction is given by a vector ao any fen then Bsa unt vectoris direction ofa) grant (wnere ig] ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: (Gradient. Directional Derivative Fine the directional devi offs, 2) = 22 + 9y? + 2 atthe point (2, 1, 3) in the titection ofthe vector a= i= 2k. Solution: ‘We obtain grad f= 4xi + 6) + 22k, and at P (2 1.3). ora = 8+ 6) + 8 PF Tai 1 (26 (84 6468) y2-26 4, ope a a 1700 “The minus sign Indicate that f decreases at Pin the direction of. 2.14.16 Gradient Characterizes Maximum Increase ‘Theorem. + (Gradient, Maximum Increase) Let (P) =e y.2) be a Scalar function having continuous fi fad ts length and drsetion are independent of the parti cana ace. ata point? the gradient olf ienot he 210 vector thas ne direction of lat P Poot. From (6) and he definition of ner product we have ist partial derivatives, Then grad {existe lar choice of Cartesian coordina in MADE EASY Calculus | 231 7 Df = [grad cosy =[orad cosy wherey isthe angle betwoen b and grad f. Now tie a scalarunction. Hence its value at poi P depends on P but ot on the particular choice of eocedinates. The same olds forthe arc length sof he ray C(e9e hance ‘also fr 0, Now (7) shows that Oe maximum when 08 y= 1,16. 0, and the Dy Graken 8 era rama vaeor grad) I fotowe thatthe length and aecton of grad f are independent ofthe coordinates. Since y = Oif and only #b has the direction of gradi, the ater Ite erection of maximum Inotease off at Provided grad #0 at Gradient as Surface Normal Vector: Another basic use ofthe gracfent results in connection ‘wth suriaces Sn space given by 8 105,912) = ¢ = const 28 follows. We recall that a curve Gin space can be given by 8 A) = xt + 960) + 200K Now ie want © to ls on 8, te components must sats (8); thus 10 fo) 0.20) = © Atangont vectorof Cig FO) = (0! + YC) + 210 YC tes on, this vector is tangent io S. Ate Fixed point Pon 8, these tangent vectors ofall ‘curves on $ through P wal generally form a plane, called the tangent pane of Sat P (Figure above) ts normal (the straight ne through Pan perpendicular to the tangent plane) s call ihe suface normal ofS at. A vector parallel tits called a surface nermal vacor ofa? Now Iwo cffremtiate (10) with respectto t, we got by the chain rue Het, at 1 Dee + Bz = (grad yr <0 This means orthogonality of grad f and all the vectors in he tangent plane This resutn shown Pictorial in tho figure above, where grads shown as normal to tangent plane of vactrs ‘So, wehave the theorem 2 given below. ‘Theorem. 2 (Gradient as Surface Normal Vector) Letf bea aiferoniable scalar function that represents a eurace Sy. 2) agracient off at pois P of Ss nat tho 2670 vecta, is @ normal vctor ofS at P Comment. The surfaces givan by (8) with various values ofc are called te level surlaces of the scala function ‘cons. Thon if the ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: Gracient as Surtace Normal Vector Find uit normal vector n of the cone of revolution 2° = 4+ 2) a the pont FF, 0.2). 232 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY pREEASY) Caleulus | 233, ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example it v= Sai + yl -y0%, then divy = 3242-22 cone ana tora vector Solution: “The cone isthe love surface f= Off y.2) = Abe + 92) 2% thas rad i= Bx + Byi~ 22k and al PCT, 0, 2), grad t= Bi Ak aan tla aut arenalvetr ate cae atport. Now aurea vector at point P willbe, a = Bi bk paag™ "BE anv cer one i-n (2.14.17 Vector Fields that are Gradients of a Scalar Field ("Potentiat”) Save vector ets have the edvarago te hey ca be clan fom salar ek, which can be ramets ensy, Such avet fliegen by averorhrcton (which sabre a he aan aacanr uncon ony?) = edt), Tetoneion Pe calodapatertaltincton oe cael afuty guch 2 vP) and te carespondr voc et arecated conserva beaut aor toe lds energy eorerved: at rooney oe aid) in isplacing eee the cane ofan loctical et) tom a porto anaher pointe eld ane backtoP. gence ofaVector Field 2418 ieee g ene aren egraa pnb gd den CEng accinedtne acon ve tanned cregence, Thc oors nest. Caer itrontage vecruncion, here, 2ar@Cartesan coon, anc Ye vba he components Then the uncon as, , vy = MyBB le caled the dvergenceotv ortho divergence ofthe vector fd defined by Aether comenen rotation forthe divergence of avy 34,24, 2p)ovpargevan = Mia Mee = (Bedrge ping = Bia Be Se vane understanding tte" poai (on nf dt xedctoans te paral eatie reais leaconnesenetaon tt ohingree Noo at V means the sel “Wereas, st meaneteveetr a. \We shal soe below thatthe divergence has an important physical meaning. Clearly the values ‘of function that characterize a physical or geometical propery must. independent ofthe paticular choice of coordinates hati, those values muse invariant wih respect io coornate uansformations, ‘Theorem. 1 (Invariance of The Divergence) “The values of dv v depend only on the points in space (and, of use, on) butnot on theparticular ‘choice othe coordinates, Now, et us tun to the more immedkate practical ask of gating a fel for the significance of the divergence, 1H, 28 ice fertile scalar function then at at and av(gaat) = 2.25, (area) = Sees ate 2. Tho expression on therightis the Laplacian off. Thus ‘dv (gradt) = V4, ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES. Example: 1 Gravitational force “The gravitational force, Is the gradient ofthe scalar function x 2) = cr, which sass Laplace's equation ¥2t=0, According to (3), this meane that dv p = Of > 0) “The folowing example, taken ftom hydrodynamics, shows the physical significance ofthe vergence of vector fel (andmarewilbe addedtin next section when he so-caled vergance ‘neocem of Gause willbe avallable). Example: 2 [ction ofa comptessiblefuid. Physical meaning ofthe divergence \We consider tho mation of fina region Raving no saurces or sinks in, thts. na points at which fuid is produced or disappears. The concept offic state ts moant to Cover also ‘gases and vapors. Fluids in the resticted sense, or Foulds (water or ol fr instance), have very small compressibility, which can be neglected in may problems. Gasses and vapors hhave large compressbilily; thats, their density r(= mass por unit volume} depends on the ‘conrinatos x, yz in space (and may depend on time t). We assume that our fluid is compressive We consider the flow through a small rectangular box W af dimansions ax, Ay, Az with ‘ges, parallel to the coordinate axes (Fig. boiow). W has the volume AV = Ax ay Az. Let v= lv. v4) =¥41 + J. vex be the valocty vector ofthe motion. We set 234 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 2. us pw=[uy Up u) = uy 4 uy + uykand assume that u and v are continuously 6ifeveniable vecto functions of X y.2, and (that, they have fist parla derivatives, which are continuous) Let us calculate the change in a ‘the mass inched in W by considerlg the fux across exal ‘the boundary, thats, the total loss of mass leaving W » er unit ime. Corsi the lw through the let face of 3 ‘or whose areas x Az. The components, ¥, and v3 of are paral o thet face anc contrbute nothing to tis flow. Hence the mass of fluid entering through that face Pra tspaton ofthe vergence during a short timo terval atis qvan approximately by (vp AKAZAL = (Ugh AX AZ A, \inere the subscript y ndioates that tis expression refers tothe lat face. The mass of id leaving the box W through the opposite face during the same time interval is approximately (pay XAZ At, where the subscript + Ay Indicates that his expression refers totheright face (ich snot visible a Fig. above figure). The clerence au, axazat = 22a at [ue = eyaay (ey ] is th approxmato os of mass Two smiar expressions are obtained by corsideing the cot {we pate of paral faces Wwe add theee toe expresion, we fd tht the ol os tras in ding the ee tral tis approxi (sez )ora aay ae veer, fh = (Wesne™ Ue ore 2 = (Weer We “Tis ioe of mas in Wis cause bythe re ato change fhe density and itu eualto AV at te equate bath expressions, vide the rsutingtequation by AV At, we get creer ax ays az ar Now we lot Ax. ay, Az and At approach zero & get. alvu = avon) ae ave <0 ‘This important relation is called the condlion forthe conservation of mass o* the continuity equation of a compressible fd fw. uptewiesnsy tno ot hn 3 «Dante sony enon 4 divion = 0 Ifthe density ris constant, so that he fu is incompressible, then equation (6) bacomes 6 dv =a ‘This elation ie known as the conatton of incompressilityItexoresses the facthatthe balance “ ‘of outlaw andinflow fora given volume elements 280 at any tie. Cleary, the assumption that the low has no source or sinks in Fis essential o ur argument From his scussion you should conclude anc remember that, roughly speaking, the vergence measures outfow minus inflow, IF denotos the velocity ofa in & madium and if civ)» 0, then te fd is sed to be incompressible. n electromagnetic theor. i vs) = 0, then the vector lel vis said to be solencidal 2.14.19 CurlofaVectorField ‘Gracor, vergence and cu are sie in connection wt lds. We now defi and discuss the out Lot%.y 2 rghhanded Cartesian coordina, and let WH 2) = YY + Wk be aciferenabovectorureon. Then hatungton iodok cuty = vxv= lax dy ax] yi (® 4) Ba wr EEE 'sccaled re cur of the vector function vor the curl of the vacor id defined by v Instead of cu v, the notation rot vis also usad, (since ene appiicatlon of eur ist sgnty rotation of ‘gid bocy) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES. Example: ‘wltnrespect to right-nanded Cartesian coorinates let V = yale 309) + 26 Then(t) gee uly = vxv i ik 222 lx ay a] bye Sx z <8 + y) ¥(Be~2K “ial + y+ 22k ‘Te cur pays animoorant olen many application, Lot us usta this with atypical basic ‘example. (We shall say more about he ole and nature ofthe cur innext section, 236 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY Bxample: 2 Rotation of rigld body. Relation to the curt Folation of a rigid body B about a fied axis in space can be described by a vector w of ‘magnitude @ nthe direction ofthe ae of rotation, where a(> 0} the angular speed ofthe rotation, and ais cractad so that he rotation appears clockwisetwe lookin the direction ofw. ‘Te velocity fed ofthe ration can be represented inthe form where isthe postion vector of raving point wth respect toa Cartesian coordinate system raving the origin on the e¢ of rotation. Let us choose right-handed Cartesian coordinates such nat w= akands=9i+ yi 42k that, the axis of otaon isthe z-as. Then ik 8 8) 6 wy +o yt ik aaa end therore, tu = |S Bf atk ox 0 shee we ok 2 cuty = 24 Hence, in the case of a rotation of a igi body, the cur ofthe velcty tld has the direction of the acs ofoialion, ands magritude equals twice the angular spew ofthe rotation Note tat out esult oes not depen onthe particular choice ofthe Carosian coordinate system inspece. Forany twice contnucusly cferentiable scalar function a ‘ourl(grad) = 0, as can easly be verted by direct calculation, as shown below: % gis ele = she 2-2) (2-2 ‘dyaz avez Beaz” Bude, ay ey, wong m0 scot avecorhncton ena graders oan cuit 0 vosbeSnoe ho Te oan eos nr nya rae at Seb hac et aoa llsorcus nearer orectonrtar avec fo, tenia ecad creer Teac aks bn rte ed MADE EASY Caleulus | 237 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES xample: Tae gravitational felt hes cur p =O. The flan the rotation ofigld body example this section * Is ot irotational since we saw that cul v = 2w #0. A similar velocity field is obtained by ‘hig cote in a cup, ‘Otter han (3), another key formula for any twice continuously cferenable scalar function is 4 div(cur'y) = 0 It pltusble because ofthe interpretation ofthe curiae rotabon andthe divergence as 2 fx A pros of (4 folows reacly fromthe defiitons of curl and ay; the ab terms cancelin pas. let v= yleul tu aga w-/222 oe ox ay % divouty) =? ae ae \F ®| SIE, als ee ae i 32 ql gy -0 “Thocartis detinod in tems of coorinates, bt Hits syppoced io have physical or geometrical sonifzance, il shoul not depend onthe choice ofthese coordinates, This s tue, as flows. ‘Theorem. 1 (Invariance of The Cur!) “The length and ciection of curv are independant of the particular choice of Cartesian coordinate systems in space Important Repeated Operations by Nable Operator (V) a = youn F-81078 238 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE Q.118 The directional derivative of x y.2) = 2x? + 372+ 2a the poinlP(2, 1,3) in he direction of aoe 9 24s Ootke oie ICE, GATE-2006, 2 marks} ‘Solution: (c) rotring but the component of ord inthe decton of vector a andi given by jaja (ina (Frc (+ 6] + 64) 4 bs = Fitsr08+¢-28) =! 4.789 Bo 2.114 Aveloy votre gon as V= Saf +c. Tho cvergence otis veocy wet at. De we © ou os [GE, GATE-2007, 2 mart] Ssluton:() 7 = Bolt afisaete wits we i) 2 M482 Mo Sy 5 ay coe ol) = Gray ae "49 at.) div(¥) = St 44tsedr=16 2.1165 Potential function ¢ Is given as 6 = 32 —y2. What wil be the stteam function (y) with the ‘conkition w= Oat x= y = 0? @ 29 wes ¥ @x-¥ @ 208 ICE, GATE-2007, 2 marke} ‘Solution: (a) Sirgem function, y= 2x7 (MADE EASY Calculus | 239 0.116 Fora scalar function ty. 2) +3y# + 222 the gradient atthe point P(1,2,~ 1)is @ sajsak (©) at+12)-a8 (©) 2s t2f ak © ICE, GATE-2008, 1 mark Solution: (b) wea eae 20) = Koy) + Maz) The jet at PC, 2,1) is = 1x 1)4)(6x2}+k(4x=1) = 214 12)-4k 2.117 Function fis known athe fling ports x [0 [oa]o8 [oa] 12] 15] re] 21] 24]27| 30 tea [0 [ocefo seoai|t ale nals zal a. ais. rel7 fo co Trevaua of [40d computed using the continuous atx 37 (@) 8.989 ae © 9017 epee le, GaTE-2013, 1 Mark] Solution:(¢) Area region ais, Area o region is fi fi } xhoight (ease +basea) = 4 03x (0090.96) 2 a [iter = $03)x@09)+ (0.8) x (009 + 0.96) + +5 (08) (7.20 +90) = 2.045 2 ‘option ()is comect. 240 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 0.118 The cur ofthe gracient of te scaler field defines by Dey +9772 + ais (a) ya, +6728, + 82x a, (@) 4a, + 6a, + 83, (0) (ry riche, +@e vOn)e,+(9F+EeI0, () 0 Solution: (d) MADE EASY Calculus | 241 IEE, GATE:2013, 1 Mark] Curl gradient of scalar ils always zero. vxvV = 0 0.119 For a scalar function fx, y, 2) = x2 + 9yf + 22%, the directional derivative atthe point P(t, 2-1) in the drocton of a vector j+2k is @-18 ©) 6 © 38 ow [CE, GATE-2009, 2 marks) Solution: (0) wa yal ae Darn ere fa x4 are2e 5 AL = 2x) +i(6y) + 142) atp(t,2.—1) (Bf = 12x 1) +) (62) + k(4 x1) = 214 12) —4k “The Girectional cervative n dection of vector =~) + 2k given by a nik & gradi ial | + 12)-4%) Foon ee 8 = Fpl ercaen acd) « Bo 6 .120 Equation of the line normal to function f(x) = (x-8)°% + 1 at P(O, 5) is © y=oe-5 ye 45 @ 9yax+18 (6) 572-15 IME, GATE 2008, 2 marks} Solution: (o) v Given (19) = 0-841 2 egagy 10) = Bee Slope oftangert at point (0,8) ‘Slope of nom at paint (0.5) Equation of nomal at paint (0,5) y-5 = 3K-0) = ye bed G.121 The divergence of the vector field (x—y)i + y= x)] +O +y 4 OR Is fo (1 2 os Solution: () IME, GATE-2008, 1 mark) Wve] #2 Gry ZR 2 (x-yr2ty-njr 2x = KOM Ewe Zee yaz)as (0.122 Thetectonal dorvave ofthe salar uncon Kix. 2) = +2724 atthe point? = (1, 2) inne croton ote vector aaai-4 i 4 2 4 ot IME, @Are-2008, 2 mara] Soluton: 0) a, ata reat = Bietis Mk waa ay ek atpdrt PUL 4.2). grad» 214 4) + Now drecfonal dervave fat P13, 2) drecton of vector a= 41s ven by a 8-4) xs Spot « (S58) arson 5 4s2-44+0 2.123 The divergence ofthe vacto:tleld Sx2i + xy] ye% at @ point (1.1.1) equal to far wa 3 @o IME, GATE-2000, 1 ma ‘Solution: (c) " ios octet, Tn Sai eDyj-yhk = viewievec Divergence of vector is Div (fh = vit Ble Be a ay * ae 2 ecle2 foo 2 pe Sal+Fleal+ Slee] az + 2x - 2zy OW Dy 0) #20) 2090.23 0.124 The divergence of he voctr old A =a, +8, + 28s @0 © 16 1 os (EC, GATE-2013, 1 Mark} 242 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY Caleutus | 243 Solution: (d) Ata). gradu = (i{23)) ey ok = Be Be (2) me oy Be loady = VF as a vk = Roe Roprg eet 2.127 Diergencesfthe three 21.9. MADE EASY Calculus | 247 1, Choice of representation: Does the value of line integral wi given F and C depend on the Particular choice ofa representation of ©? The anew sno; see theorem 1 below. 2, Cholee of path : Doss this value change we itagrata rom te old point Ato the old point butalong another path The anew is yes, I general geo example Example: Dependence ofa lne integral on path (same endpoints) Evauate the line integral (3) with Fe = Sz, xy 22] » al + xy + x2zk along two siforet paths ‘wiht sare nttalpoint (0,0, 0) andthe same terminal pont, 1, 1), namely (Fg. blow tied example 3) (@) 0 :the staightsine segment (0) = [ltt] =ti +114 tk Ost, and (©) Cy:the parabolic ae et) = I 2] =8 + + Ph oztet Solution: (@)_3y substituting r, into F we aban F1()) = [6 ] = St + +k We also need ry = [Adleleitk ‘fence te integral over C, is {Foe = [Reco = [oteFis to Geisioat [fore see ee = Sede (0) Simian, by subsisting eto F and caluiting we oblaintor tne integral overthe path & Jo.FO-8 = [JRtetonctnat= [562 +? +28) = Sete ata “ha two resus ee ferent, although the enccints are the same, This shows thatthe ‘le of aine integral (6) win general depend not only on Fandon the endpoints A, Bo! ‘he path but also on the path along witch we intgrate fom Ato 8 ‘Canwefné conditions thal quaanes independence? Thisis abasic questonin connection wih physical aoplications. Te answer i yes, a8 we show in next section, 248 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 2.14203 General Properties of the Line Integral (3) From mil propa a htegras in calelate we obtain corespanding fomulas fore wtogas [ete wife tkeonsant) Ju = .Far+)ar [yf = [oforr|,,ae “where in thir formula above the path C is subdlvied ino two ares Cand C that have the came ‘orientation as (Fig. below). In (second formala above) the exertion of Cis the same in both Integrate the senoe af ntagraion along Ci versed, the value othe integrals muti by 2 6 ry 2.14.20 Line Integrals independent of Path 1 [Fide = fyfide+Fedr+Fteh 1s befor. In (1) we integrate fom a point A toa point B over a path C. The value of such an integral generally depend nat only on Aand 8, but also on he path C along vnich we integrate. This was shown in example 9 ofthe last section. It raises the question of concitions for independence of path, s0 that we gat the earnevaluo in intsgrating rom Ato B along any path . This sof great practcalimportance. Fo instanoo, In mechanics, independence of path may mean that we have todo the sama amaunt of work egardlss ofthe path to the mountaintop, be |tshort and steep 0 long and gentle, or hat we gaindack te work done in extending an olastio ‘spring when we release it, Not all foces are ofthis type - think of summing in a big whirpoo. ‘fe define aline integral (1) tobe independent of path ina domain D in space fox every pair of encipoints A, Bin D the ntégral (1) has the same value for al path in D that begin at Agnd and as. ‘Avery practical ertorion fo path independence is the folowing ‘Theorem. 1 (Independence of Path) Aline intogral (1) wth caninuous F, FF ina domain Din space’ independent of pathin Dit and only F= [FF Fi the grdint of soe uncon fn. 2 Fe gaat ‘components a & me MADE EASY Calculus | 249 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: 1 Independence of path, Show than integral JoFede = Jp(exc + 2yay +4202) is independent of path in any domain in space and tnd ts value #'C has the intial point ‘4:0, 0,0) and terminal point B: (2, 2,2}. Solutor: By inspection wo find that F = Raya vere fa eyee a (1FF is more complicated, proceed by Integration, as in Example 2, below.) Theorem 1 now implies independence of path. To ing the value ofthe integral, we can choose the converiont staight path Dil 2yi 4 dak » grad © = RideWsien, aster ard get f= 1+) + ks thus Pe = 21-4 2¢+ at = Bt an from this J.(2xde+ 2ycy 442d) = fF-vct= dt etc 16 Proof of Theorem 1: 1, stl) hldfer some unetn fin. Let be any path nD tom at point Ato any pont gen oy £1) = 201+ 0+ 20% Osten bycrainule, we get = Fda sFady Fe) w f5( Lars Mays Mae Jira Fed + Fe) ize Soy ie) ide aay a de iz ty at a9) = [$ea-n0s0.20]7 = 1@)-a) ‘This shows that the value of the Integrals simply the florence ofthe values off at he two lendgoins of Candis, therfore, independent ofthe path C. 2 The conwerse roof ofthis nore, thatindependenco of path implies that Fis gradlentof some function fis more complicated and not given her. ‘The above example t can, now be solved more easly as [668 = 18)~14)=12,2,2)-10.000) = (2+ 2842.29-(0F 08+ 202) = 16 250 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ‘hn easy way of sling ts probiem follows fom prot of haar, shown below: “ho ast musa in pat) othe poo, FSracemor eres) = 181-"A) Faoaath isthe analog of he usual formula or deft irtegraisinealcuhis Spc = ex], = Grb)-Cta) [6'0) = ob 5, Potemal theory ‘lates to cur preset cscussion, Iwo eras that is aed poetic Pen gradt Thus the ogra (1) independent of pth in D and only Fis tre gradient ofa potential in. Example: 2 Independence opal. Determination oa pont Evaluate the integral 1 = [eras 2yecy + yee) fom (1.2108: (17) shoving at Fase and appa ie tere terme solution iF has a potenti we should have eek =e Feo thay We show that we can satsly these conditions. By integration and aifrentiation. fexeoie = a2 gayeehte) fex8ro(.2) = ange ey ye Recut =0(69) “This gives iy, 2) = 2 + ye and the require integral | = 8) ~ A) Ve 9,1, M0, 1,2) = O47-0+2)26 “Theorem. 2 (Independence of path) “The mtogral (1) independentol path ine domain D i andonly its value around every closed path inDie 200, A roo: we have independence of path ntegraton irom A to 6 along O, and along Can Fig. 208, ‘ivesthe seme valve. Now, and, together make up a clased cuve G,andit we Integrate om A Sing ©, to B as belo, but then in the oposite sense along C, back to A (so that he ntoral s Truliped by 1), he sum cf he tao integrals 2eo, baths theintegral round the cosad curve. oe oat heoon2 (MADE EASY Caleulus | 251 Conversely, assume thatthe integral aroun any closed path Cin Dis zero. Given any ins A and Band ary wo cuvasC, and, fem Ato Bin, we see that wit tha riontaton reversed and, togotver fora closed path C. By assumption, the integral over Cis zero. Hence the integrals ore, C, and C,. Both taken rom A to B, must be equal. This proves the theerem, Work. Conservative and Nonconservative (Dissipative) Physical Systems: Recal rom the last sectan atin mich, he integra [FO represents the nok one by afore Fine cisplacenet of body lng. Then thee 2a tat wokisndependentt pata ony itis ao or deplcomensroind ay Sozed path. Puchomore, Theorem tere us het ie happens tandontiFisthe grado potent nth case, Fa the vet el defined by Fare calc conserve, becavein the ease mechanical energy le cnseved, ais ao Work 8 Owilbe St + ply = at in > 0 wit ov x = (1 +0) (Xa trenpr ) % e(1-meveci ema © Me(enpe @ Se (enpv=(1494 ICE, GATE-2005, 2 marks} MADE EASY Differential Equations | 281 Solution: (@) al Ea Gen, & tPOY = ay sn>0 puting veyee » ny ot 1 dv tora ‘Substituting in the given diferential equation, we get eerie Taye at POY = 07 Mutipying by (1-n) 7, we get av FTP =a? = Q(y(t =n) yinn = y.weget Zero ih the condition thaty = 1 at 1 a & 3 (CE, GATE-2011, 2 mark] gration factor Soliton ie 282. | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY (MADE EASY Differential Equations | 263 Solution (0) Nonna t hon equation Baay = ot ‘Thsie elon + z near equation (ots order near ciferential equation) Integrating factor IF = oat a oe ‘Sclution is YF) = JOU +6 2.26 The maximum vaio ofthe solution x) ofthe erential equation y+) =O with inal yet = foretacee conditions o)=1 and (0) «1, fort2 01 eo @4 we a X= 0, y=1 (given) nr oe * 1 nore IHN, GATE-2013 : 2 marks} = e-t ‘Solution: (4) Sate sokiionis ye = xo OHIO = 0 - y= eee) 14D? =0 a A Des 2.90 Te sotionot «Shy =x with ne conaton 1) = £ is Q y = C084 0,9 aot = Arcos +B sinx @ y=Sod ye8 yo = 1 1S Ax1+Bx0 y-Sat @ y=%at ae) IME, GATE-2009, 2 marks} ¥ = Asin + Bose ‘Solution: (a) woot ‘Ghen diferent equation is te AxO+Bxt wLayew Bet em é jaa eee : ‘emeine y’ = -sine + c08K= 9 ‘Stadard form of eb near equations Beye ~@) 20 estan cnt einen Yay =0° why) (o) (tespor* e) (tere (2 (tre @ (1-%e* IME, GATE-2006, 1 mark] wero P and funcon of x only and slion is gen by MUR) = JO0F)d+e where, integrating facta (LF) = ol" Honineausten(), Pe Sond aus? Un = cobra Solon ye) = fptxaxse xe we Zee 5 284 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY : gman ave rm ny- 8 - ae or - ae ae : ee — en #1 - Yo etx 0.31 Which ONE fhe falloningisalinearron-nomageneous differential equation, where candy are theindependent and dependent variabes respectively? eye Be @ Boos © Yee 6 Bowne Boor © few @ yrerne (e0, 20141 Mar, Sot 3} Seton te lores inerrant enutn ‘& + py = awhen P and @ can be function of x 2 sy «owen Pandan bo fieten ny ten (in iso, 1.82 Thokdontr te ei equton oe oy fa ey win clconatrexo)« 18 S| 1 1 scste? @ erie to sats toosate? Co) Haiarcona ( coxstet EE, 2014: 1 Mark, Set) Solution: (6) (MADE EASY Differential Equations | 205 ‘Ausliy equation ie mé-+ 9=0 m= 23) x = C, cosat +, sinat 0, HO) = 1 he. x Twhent—+0 . = 30, sina +30, e033 “ a (0) = 1 ie.x 44 whent-+0 1-30, [Ce 1 x= cosats Jeinat 038 Te nsticomotetns saa o Shi-E sith © abl Sih} o SHB alt} o ath SI} (Me, 2014 1 Mark, Set-1] cn oy and Hw aes Bye Solution : (a) 0.36 The general soliton ofthe dforentia equation Em cos(e+y), who as a constant f@ yesniesyexse © coo( Harve & =(2)er0 @ (arse (IME, 2014 2 Marks, Set-2} 296 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY | 287 oe 323.5, Bemoull's Equation = i 3 let | Treequaion Sry = a7 0 | whore P,Q are functions oi reduce tothe Lentz near and is usually called he Bemouts squat “eine dn sites by eta y*EL AY wo ® eer a Pay =zsoma(ian) y* St = comes Ey py 7 Ea.tbecomes Lepr = @ oe Faroe = Q(1-n), viichis etd near 2 and can be solved easy v ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 0.6 The soktlonaf menial vale problem oo | owe Ms ye Sha ony, yo)=2 is eet eee | Saluton @ We" 2% Diving throughout by 7 , OY ye (©) We 20" yitliy? a4 0 IME, 2014 1 Mark, Se-1] G Solution (6) | Puty?=2,sothat Baoy a0 Ee ()bmcomes Mating LE to bo side of equation (1) ‘hich s Lobes sneering w [oy a #[Shr20]-0 ‘rom the given boundary condition, C= 2 ety = 2 Le = fA 2 ge The solution of iis 20) = f(-OMF aK © 26% = [ioe %axec = yte® = deme zed = YF = 44 co = pcotpte Exact Differential Equations 1. Delf. Acitterential equation ofthe form M(x, y) dx + Nix, y) dy = Os sald tobe exact its et hand member is the exact cliferential of sore function UX, y) ke. du = Mee + Ndy = 0s soltor, therfore is ute, 9) = ©. 288 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY alg _ 2. Theorem. Thenecessary andsuflen condition ote iterental equations Mak Nay = 010 = be enacts ISTRATIVE EXAMPLES aM SN Exam ym '3. Method of solution. t can be shown that, the equation Mdx + Ndy = 0 becomes Solve 2sin (9) dx + xy 008 y? dy = 0, vay= fF ofus fir] = 0 Solution: Stop 1: He = Bin ‘Integrating ut fiyidy = 0. 1: Here, M = 2sin (y2) and N= xy 008 (9?) aut = Mx and fy) « toms oft conting x separateness BY acer 8a yes «The sluton of Max + Noy =018 7 c+ terms of Nc ontaining x dy = © 5 ce aM _ aw (Provides of cure that tne equation is exact ie. SF = sho ston Smt aya hort Note: Whe fang [Mey is teatetas constant since we are integrating wih r=pect to Sap eee ree awa SUUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Hor ae cosy? 8 W a 08 x exam Phas y78/-0 ee ee Solution: a, Stop I Test for exacnoss a te = alt game Mo 84307 ardN= OY Peseta MS oy Be sin 2) ax + a8 c08 7 dy =O a % “This equation wil surely be an exact aquaton, No naed to check hat. ‘Stop 4: Gonecl soluion: ‘Thus the equations exact ands olson s JMoc+ terms of Nnot conaning iy = 6 ichis {0° +34} fytay = = 4,98 oe z a2 4 ae fod sete ee Equations Reducible To Exact Equations ‘Sometimes a differential equation whichis not exact, can factorcaledan integrating factor. The rules for fincingintea = 0.276 a8 given inthoorem 1 and 2 betow: bemade coon multiplication by a sutable ating factors ofthe equation Mx + Ney Inthe equation Max + Nay = 0 Ma treo 1 2102 beat bso =f. of aninoang oe aa “Theorem 2:1 2. ea function ofy only = fy) say, then ef” isan integrating factor. [Mex ferme of N containing xy Wien is [2X sind + Jody =e 1 Jxtany?) = 6 Stop 5: Nw tothe particular solution of than vali probes ‘Since aft w= - dotent avenge = one ‘So particular solutions oa siniy*) = 8 « ony) = 16 Example: 2 Sov (g? + yd 282+ x+y!) 6p #0 290 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY Differential Equations | 291 3.3 LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (OF n™ ORDER) ore a ty N= abe exey" “i Hee ane eae 3.3.1 Definitions | az =) (day +2-Sx= 1) Unear alferential equations are hose in which the dependent varable its dervatves occur only in| ile) * ware thelist degre and arent mulipies ogee. The goneralinearcilerrtial equation ofthe oder ‘i isotherm 4 whichis tinction of y lone y BY FV PY, Meer Saree tear tet = x irbocomes ey! + vk + (DAP + Day + 29 =O, which’ an hor y:Pe --Pyand X ar uncon of x nly asta ela Linear Diferenia! Equations with Constant Coefients ae of the form ‘evactequaton PY SY, 2 Thesalutonis Axty* sn? +43" ae Narr Me gett = wher ky i yf constants and Xs auction af any. Such equalans ae ost inpeiatn 3.24 Clalraut’sEquation* the study feloctromecharcal vibrations and one engnenng prcbems. o 1. Theorem: fy, ¥ 2 ony wo sluons of te equations An equaton ofthoform = =px+ tp) where p= 2, jeknownas Clarauts equation.) ! “ DL TEs ty = 0 0 Differentiating with respect to x, we have p = prx Bern coe s Thon o,v, + cap (+ u) i ao its solution, 0 « lxortengy = 0 since canbe easly shown by iterentiaing is tat Lek EY. rkas =0 so orxettpy=0 2. ‘Sincethe gona soliton fa erentalequalloncfthe nh order canta n arbiter constants, ox It follows, from above, that ify, Yo. Yay «os Yqp AFB N independent solutions of (1), then © . o.guspee a S4fe #6 + 6,2 us Complete olen, « 4. fy = 780 any parecer soluion of ts w “Thus eliminating p tom (1) and} we goty =o +o) 2 Hence the eluion of he Claus equations cotained on replacing p by © hy EX eathyy =X Oy ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES pen ea thy =x (i) Poe athe co) =p weget, = tan (yx) « = erp) =, e+ tap) This iin the form of = px fo) - Which ithe cliraus equation. General solutions obtained by replacing p by. ie. (eorane] ing i and (v). we have LUM gy PUI), wey Adng (ard (i) wehave SUE, SW om This stows thal y = u+ vis the completo solston at (i), ‘The part uis called the complementary function (C.F) and the pat vis called the petioular Intogral(P.) oi. + Thecomplete solution (2..)o (i) isy = C.F + Pl Thus i order to so} the equation (i), wa have to tat a the C.F. the complementary function of), and then the PI. L@. a particular solution of (i), 292 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE [MADE EASY oe é@ ‘ rae 0 Dering 2, te, votat Operator 0 oertna 2.8. 6 oy « 0% =0% vec, he euaon i) above cen bo wtan inthe abo om x ce (rh De ety # x 1s ty =x tier) =D" + k,O™ +k 1-8 pyran. Thun ha eynbo! sands othe aeration of ilerentision and canbe tested mich te same aloof quanityie (0) canbe factorad by orinay ls. geben the facorimay be taken many order Fristance FY oY ay _ Py 420-2 = (0420-39 = © +3)(0-tyor(D~ 910 +3 3.3.2. Rules for Finding The Complementary Function Ly Se We the hy To-salve the equation £ (i) ‘where k's are constants “The equation () in symbotc fxm is (DP +k,0"!+ 0°24. +Ky =O wo ht eymbolicco-eiclent equated to zero’ DI KO + DME + oo thy = 0 Is callod the autiary aquation (AE), Let ,, my. be its roots. Now 4 cases arse Case | all the roots be real and afferent, then (iis equivalent (O-m)(0-m)..O-my = 0 i Now i wb sts th sotion of (Om, =e. by my 20 “This isa Lefont’ near and LF = &™ -: ts slton i ye™ = clays gem Srila, since tho factors i (i) ean be taken in any order, it wil be saisted by te solusons of (O-mjy =0,(D =m) =Oste, Le. byy= o@™. = Gye eto ‘Thus the complet souten of ()isy = o@™* 46,07 +0 o Case I. two roots are equal ¢.m, = then (v) becomes Y= (oy 4 oo 40,074. 0 Y= Ca ROE Fe {0,4 6) onoarbitary constant] [MADE EASY Differential Equations | 293 {has only n~1 arbitrary constants andi, therefore, not the complete sokton of (). In this case. wo procaodas follows: ‘The partot the complete solution corresponding ta the repeated root is the complete solution of O-m)O-m)y=0 . Ping 0-m)y=2.teacones(O-m)z=oer S-me «0 ‘This is Letnita’ linear inz and LE = 0°" tis eoltionie 20°" =c, orz = oy™ Ts O-m)y = oe oY my = @™ W 2 oF my = op ” Its LF beng 6°, the solution of () yor" = foe™eMe+0. = Y= (onto) Thus te somlete solion of (Dis y = (C+ oclO™ Heel 4.26, H.noweve the AE. has three equal oot (..m, = my =m), then the complete solution is Y= (on? teaxre)e™ +010 +. 50 Case Il. one pair of roots be imaginary. ie +B, =i, ‘hen the complete sou is Y= cee 40,0 cP s, 40,0" eco Hope P4004. 0™ [os (conc sielnp) + olcospe—isinpel] +6 + eo {+ by rs Teor. = coe +] (0, 08 B+ nf) + M4. where ©, = O40 and © = Koy~¢3) ‘Case IV. two pair of imaginary roots be equal ic. m= maar iB my = m= a-ip, then by ess il, the complete solution is =o [(epct ephooaBe + (eat exlln Bx. 6™™ 294 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 0.30 thesoutonot £Y 2% « 11y=0:y0)=1, Sf] «ommeranqen 0, when te fecing function is) andthe na ‘Conation is 0) one wishos to mocty the ystem so thatthe solution becomes 231 for te 0,woneedta {@) change the initia conan to -y(0) andthe oring function to 2) (0) change the initial condition to 2y(0) and the forcing function to—x(t} {€) change the initial conettion to j/254(0) and the forcing function to jv2xt) {6) change trial conden to -23(0) and the forcing function oD) TEC, GATE-2013, 2 Maks] Solution: (8) ott AD sry = x “Taking Laplace transform ofboth sides, we have s¥(s)~ (0) + KY(8) = X(9) Yeas +) = Xe) + (0) 2), 40) ark sek = Ye “aking inverse Laplace ransform, we have yt) = ea() + 0)e* ‘Soifwe want -2y() asa solution bath (and yo) has to be multiple by ~2: hence change 2) by -2x) anc yO) by 2410), MADE EASY Differential Equations | 299 2.47 Consier tho siforontial equation vow 1 ©0. Which ofthe folowing is soon to this ciferential equation for x > 0? @e 2 @ % ® mx IEE, 2014 1 Mark, So-2] Solution :(¢} 20 = (2 D2430- ty [0-0-1 = (40-1) = ty = ‘Axiizy equation sm 1 = 0 m=at Fig e+ C0 Solutions y= Cot + 0,0 y= Oye! + Ox y Cneintpanrtsktonis + Anat independent soluionis 3.33. Inverse Operator 1. Detintion, i X Is that function of x, not containing arbitrary constants, which when operated uponby HO) gives x le. 10) asx] «x 4) 1h hy stn agin By =Xord ee patos Obviously.) and 11(D) ae inverse operators. 300 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY Differential Equations | 301 1 1 2 were 4 a on = toe" Operating by. bys) 1 1 i le By * HM Povostareo o | Ifa) = 0, above re fat and we proced furor iegatng wet Incan bo proved hatin that cee, Tus aye = pie D FO = *Fay® ° 3 7 . 1 1 Ifa) 0,then apeing 2) again, we get he = x2 to, provided Fad a ‘6 rlvng again, we get aye =X LOM, provided rtadeo (i) Let @ ‘and s0 on, Ope _ ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example 1 Save a « X= Sayin May ae ax Ge Fe eeM say = set Le eeM say = 5em \which i @ Leitz linear equations. UF boing &% its solutions yor = fxoP de, no contant being added 2s (i) doesn contain any constant 1 free Thus wt a 3.3.4 Rules For Finding The Particular Integral tro equation LY sc, FAY oie, Poy Consider the equation SY TY +e SY woh in symbolic frm is (OP + KP +O? 4 a hy = K . 1 tot — Pls DT ny |. When X= om Sree Dew = act Orem = atom Dom = ae (EKO ok em = (a+ Ka thom ie. Ope" = Haye Operating on both sides by Solution: (0 +6D49y = 59 Alpdlany equation's OF +60+9 = DorD=~3,-3, cr = Pi. Te complete solution is y Example 2. SoWve = Gai Solution: (0260+ 9y = 66% AB (02-60 +9) = Dor(D-3P = 0,0rD = 3,3 cr (6,40, 302 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY = oom Complete solution is y= (0,40, e+ BP Case Il. When X = sin(ax + b) or cos(ax +b). - 1 1 he sinfax +h) = tp sinfax +) provided f-24) #0 ™) TayAMeh) = Fyapenen sb) prowcost-2) “ It (a8) = 0, the above rule fais and we ean prove that, ate sin(ax tb) = * infax +b) provided fat) #0 wo io Pea =0 Ee sine) = arp sil@x sb), proce F-# # and 2 on ry 1 ica) Simiery, we _cos(ax +b), provided f-at) + 0, 1 Peay 1 980, costar) = x- zt costax +b) prowded fa #0. K-98) =. ys contont b) Hh t¢98) = 0, costax+b) = 2? cos (ax +b) provided M(-2° #0 andl 80 on. om Peat ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example 1. Soho (Obed = ainde ston: (0% ay = onde Aviiayequatons OF 44 = OorD = ah GF = Aeos de Bain 2x 1 onde Pw ante = Sn Me Deeg" Capea 5mm con stent y= Aessac+ Bana, Example 2.Sove FL Bay = cosa ae a oes MADE EASY Differential Equations | 303 Solution: (PHD 4 Ny = cosa Auiliayoquationis OF +D+1 = 0 ev 2 <1 ng Beepsi 1 ape D 0 «6 @/neoe Pi. 108 2x Complete solution's 1 = 2p sn] Example. Sove (0+ 4yy = cos 2x Solution: Orsay = cose ‘ucliayequatonis D+ 4 D = £2,CR=ACoe 2x +852 1 Phe & a eon rae «xt Ayoosex . ysr2x] = Sinan Completasotionis Y = Aco 2x48 sn 2x+Esin2x Case Ill, When X = x", Here Phe hx” = HOT, Foy Expand {fD)]" in ascending powers of D as far asthe term n D” and operate on x term by term ‘Since the im + 1th and higher derivates ofx"are zero, we need not conside terms beyond D” ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example 1. Solve Find the Fl of £4.48F = 8 6 4 4 304 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY Solution Given equation in symbole fom ie (DE + Dy = #8 + 2x +4 1 Pm gh taxed) a Oy 2x = RD ed Wie 42K) Fite or'o? +e) God otc s a4 2)42] oan Jot+4e = 2 Case IV. When X = 6, V being a function of x Yue. fuetion of x, thon (er) = eMDU+ actu =eD + alu Dyers) = aPDU+ 20°Du eat eMU= OND 4a u andin general Die) = ener sDKey) = HHO aN Spang bony 60) we ou = Nowput (Oran = ie ce sothat ata ea Tey = ot tov 's wey - “ora ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example 1. ove : (4D 'ay = so Solton: (08-404 4y = 8a Ae. O8AD 44 = 0,(0-27 w00rD=2.2 OF = (y+ ne m e yr One MADE EASY Differential Equations | 305 Example2,SoWve (08-5 + By = e*c0s 2x Solution: (0-80 + 6y « et cos 2x DE-5046 = 0 (0-2)(0-3) = ord =23 CR = Cc 40,0" 1 Plo ® Berapyet ome 1 __c0s 2x D+F -a0r 746 1 Pane era On © aa = et tgp = Git. coett of (0) wat. xt) xolt) (0) = dif. coeff. of F(D) wrt D, etc. we) = Joe) det) 2 Whon k= snfax +b) orcos fax +b). ad 1 Ph = Es ein (ax +b) cos (ax + cost sn ww ) (ox+ alanine eRe) [orcos a+ by] 3.3.5 Summary: Working Procedure to Solve The Equation . a 3 Li [9(-27) = 0, (2) 40] le sinfax +b) for cos (ax b) of which te symbote form wy CAD tke Dt Pe coon eae (9-29 =0, ¢-a4 x0. fo Find the Complemontary Function . Ea ts aaa ceenaTINS wore it. coat. cf OP wet B eee : 8D) = ait. coat. of #0} wrt. Do ae 3. When X = x", mbelng a postive reaper. roast ch PL Pe =HOre Hi. rm mgimy..tealand diferent roots) oe™ +6,6" +0,6°0" +. poset one {f(0)}* in ascencing powers of D by Binomial theorem as far as D™ and ieee opotatzon xterm by em: PF matma(toresanserial ho peaigm ye + 4. whan =o whee Vis a acton of as mamma (lve@reand |e tum gay Pl oquaro0t) J: wBa-iBm.(aparot ——demesconpcs og sinfe) +6" + andthe evauats EY an (0 imagiers rots) ee eee | _ andthe raha Az asin (0. (sand Ci ‘tif. my..(2 pairs of equal eller +eqensBx+ +e} [manera sat ‘Step Il To Find the Particular Integral From symoot form a Task DK 1 ort x. Ow when Kee 1 ; hernia wwareo) om fta)201 Fay4o} 5. When Xie any function of x 1 Fecolve pj into para rations and operate each partial action on X remembering that 1 oh ak = exe Setp Il. Tors tho completa soliton: Then the OS. isy = CF + Pi 3.4 TWOOTHER METHODS OF FINDINGP: 3.4.1 Method of Variation of Parameters This methodis quite general and applies to equations ofthe from ¥'+ by +ay = X o where p,q, and X are functions of x t gives 310 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 2 x Pi. =, Panryaf'tac @ where y, and yp are the solutions of "+ py’ + ay = 0 i uLUsrRATVEEXAMPLES sar Seopa haba emi? ty eemee wean is ie Joos sin we Ee ene can seo se 2 x, Tha pu =, Peer afi sink 806 XC yy (08% 990% = cor] SESE yf OEE = ~cosx fanxccinx [te = coo xin oo8x#x8inx Hence hee isy ey 606 x + opin x +008 xIn cos x+ x8Inx = (4 Inc0s ) co8 x +(e, +1) sinx 2009 —_ = cnapter | — Complex Functions 4.1 INTRODUCTION Many engineering problems may be teste and solved by methads ining complex rumbors and ‘complex tunctions. There are two kinds of such problems. The Fst of them consists of “lomentary problems" for which some acquaintance with complex numbers is sufcfnt. This includes many pplication to elects circuits or mechanical ating systems. ‘The sacord kind consists of more advanced problems for which we must be familar withthe thoory ‘of compi analytic uetions— “complex function theory” ot “eamplex analyse,"forshort—andt wih ts powerful and elegant methods. Interesting problems in heat conduction fd flow, anc octrostc belong otis category. We shal ss that te importance of complex analy functions in engineering mathematics has the following womain roots, 1, The real and imaginary parts of an analytic function aro solutions of Laplaco’s equation in wo Independent variables. Consequently, twe-dimensional pototal problems can be treated by ‘metheds developed for analytic functions. 2. Most ligher functions is engineering mathematics are analytic functions, and thei study for comple values ofthe Indapondent variable leads to @ much deeper understanding of tor properties. Furthermore, complexintegrtion can help evaluating complicated complex and real Integrals of practical interest. 4.2 COMPLEXFUNCTIONS IHforeach vai of the complex variable (=> + iy) na given region R, we have one ormore values of w (=U +), then wis sad @ complex function of and we write w = ute, 9) +My} ‘here u, vare real functions of xand y. Ito each value of, thare coresponds one and only one value of, then wis sald to be a single valued uration of otherwise a mus-valuefuneton. Far example w = /2!easingievaived function ‘andw = «& is amuli-valued function oz. The former Is defined at al points of the z-plane except ‘a2 =O ad the latter assumes two values for each value of 2 except at z= 0, 312. | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY Complex Functions | 313 4.2.1 Exponential Function ofa Complex Variable Thus, ‘sin ‘Aenea wo are aoa aia the exconertl uncon ees enh Aisowe detne, tanh Sirary, we tne he exponent uncon ol te complex variable z= «+9. 88 2.2, 2 rf sec corm) = +b +5 e 1B ene 0 wa Gor si 0=0, cosh 0= 1 and tho Putingx =O, we eo z =v ane 2. Raion beteenhyperbole and cular non. : OF OF OI, eo ee ° 2r 3 4r Since for ail values of 8, sin @ = and cos: 2 AL.) -Ee-) ee cosy +n fy heehee Tas eS eter =o (con +1sny) ns Foose sine) =o alan Export format 2 (=) =P 422. CircularFunction of a ComplexVariable one Shoe, Se” = cosy +isny Te a on oy = eosy-iany coax o The cul functons lel angls canbe weit as ana ante = tanh w Ff Cor anni = sn ™ ee” ae any = 252 cosy 242 ae soo ceehix = cosx o ii, tere, natural dino the cular enetons of he como variable by he equations: eae 8 88 oy SHE ange SME 4.2.4 InverseHyperbolicFunctions snz = Ge aa 008 Z Det. If sinh u = 2, is called the hyperbolic sine inverse of 2 and is written as u = sinh! z, with cosec z, sez and cotz a thelr respective reciprocals, Cor, 1. Euler's Theorem. By detnion were 2 =x 1¥ cosztisnz = © Also we have shown thal eY = cosy + isin, where yi ee : ‘Thus a” = cos 8 + sin 8, whet @ i eal or complex. Thi is called the Euler's theorem Cor. 2. De Moivre’ theorem for complex numbers. ‘Wether 0s teal or complex, we have 1086+ isin OY) = (o%/'= "= cos nO + isin n@ Thus De Meive's theorem ie tue fr al (eal or complex). 4.2.3 HyperbolicFunctions 1. Def, Ix be real ox complex sine of x and fe writen as sinh 's defined as hyperba o ££ ie cefinad as hyperbolic cosine of x andis writen as cosh x ‘Similarly we define cosh 2, ta! z, oc Tne inves hyperbolic unctons lke other inverse functions aremany-valued, but we shall cancer only thoi principal values, 4.2.5 Logarithmic Function of a Complex Variable 1. Dot. #2f=x + iy) and w(=-+ iv) be 80 related that o¥ = 2, then w ie galt be logarithm of z {othe base o andis written as w = log, 2. 0 Aso Oreo = oF ethaz fe oma ay logz = we 2ine @ ic. the logaitm of a complex numbor hasan infirite umber of values ands, therefore, a mult \valuad function. The goneral value ofthe logarithm of is written as Log 2 (beginning wth capital 1 s0asto distinguish rom ts principal value which Is writen as og 2. Ti principal value Is obtained by taking n = 0in Log 2 Thustrom () and), Log (x + iy) = 2inn + foot + Wy. Ob. (@) My =O, then Log x = 2ine + fog x . is showe thatthe logarithm of areal quantity i also mul valved. Its principal val eral ‘while all othr values are imaginary 314 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY (6) Weknow thatthe ogerhm ofa negative quantity has no real valve, Bui we can now evaluate ns 29. Jog, (-2) = log, 2-1) , hog, 2 00,9 Tengen cos isin 21 = o6tat +1(6.1416) 2, Real and imaginary pars o Logbe + iy) Logtc+ iy) = 2ine + log (x +”) 2inn + 10g [r(c08 0+ isin @}} —sothatr= Yor+ A) = Aim ag re") and 8 = tar (yb) = 2inn + loge + 8 tog ay iar + ta fa) 3, Real and imaginary parts of (a+ BY“ Puy x=ro0s8.y=r3n8 feet = ET and = tar Brea. (orig = eb intege oi co eet 90 ee tintanes boro 2 gtr intear iam we eXcos 8 + sin B) whore A= xlog ¢=y(2ne-+ €) and B= yloge + x(n + 4,3 LIMITOF ACOMPLEXFUNCTION ‘A function w = (2) fs said to tend to init as approaches a point zy for rel e, we.ean find & postive real such that ltey-tl ane Mo) Untotcle 2) umavee a AE y (GE, GATE-2011, 1 marks) ‘Solution:(d) Lat Z=asbl ‘Since Zs shown nsido tho unit crcl in quadrant, a & ave both +e and O< Jey HP ot bh» eae GEa) + Ge -e 318 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ‘Sno o< Wert 1 ew >" so} wae to untcnle ast 2 Ananalytc tinction of a complex variable 2 =x +i is expressed as 2) = UO ¥) +1¥0K here | = Ji. fu =, the expression for v should be Get wo hax @ +k |IME, GATE-2000, 2 mari} Solution: (0) (2) = w+ vis enaiyie (given) « tmust sately the Cauey-Reimana equations 4 Y 0 one we w Here since, o - ay = yandy,=x Now substituting u, au (and (i) we est wey w ‘and wae w tngeaing (i and (we caf now gat vas flows = wy, = Jou = fr ¥ . wp = ve Ss 6 from (wwenave, ve = FO “ Since tem (Wwehave, "vy = “x Subatitatng tis) wo go tte = x a - 2. ~ fot = [cox = tapek Now suet tha we ot , # vor, Bei | vegies MADE EASY ‘Complex Functions | 319 3 The complex unction tanh) is analytic over argon ofthe imaginary axis ofthe complex s+ pleno'f the flloning is TAUE averywhere in the rogion for lintegersn (a) Res) =0 (b) Im(s)# nm (0) ise (2) sy 2 UN, GATE-2019: 1 mas Solution: (4) tame = Soe Ils ana tot +o #0 " geet at5 oo Wane 2 . ens, wry) « Q.4 The modulus ofthe complex number fs (0) WB (es IME, GATE-2010, 1 mark Solution: (6) 72 St4i, @44042) | 54101 1-8" Geanieay “5 (2 = (CPG = 6 5 Forananalpic function, +i) = ue.) +), vis given by ux Se? 3y2, The expression ‘ory, considering K tobe a constants (@) 97-34 +K © &-8+k ©) 6-84 K (8) Oxy +k 421 ICE, GATE-2011, 2 mark] Solution:(4) for tobe analysis, we have Cauchy-Riemann conditions, yw my 0 ww ey Ke ai) Fron wehave x my 320. | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ve 9 lo v= Oe « Nw appving eauton wt wu ym 2 a a 5 xa «oy a Es 6-0 Deter, sana #7 981K a sananesmenaen ty 5 Vr Baek 0.6 x2 J. then the valve of is or © ox or [€C, EE, IN, GATE-2012, 1 mark] ‘Solution. (8) x = Lthenin polar coordinates, cosh rlsnZ=e' Now, a = He (ott 20 7 Square rots ot, whore’ = VA, ae @is oy om seme) IEE, GATE-2018, 1 Mark] taba Complex Functions | 321 ‘Solution: (b) i= cos{-2)-+Isin(-2) = ‘Sn ‘ae co-3}em-2) - nf 3) +0(3) (a fo) sn( 8) = 006-2) + sin{ —2] Se oe =o} G) oof) -e(2) 28 Hesapetdanmtehcnlener zen yckotere) Maina : een 9 erae9 (6) -2¥sin(x) (@) -esin(xy IEC, 2014: 2 Marks, Set-2) soon: 9 Latsbe ett poten ne conpoclinecontpndng toe wie Tal, Ste isle Cais tohnclons)sar wher abs te conser crete map te thoret ote con pe oy ome © trea srs tomo 1.0) © teariahrtonocs (EE, 2014: 1 Mark, Set-1) Solution : (c) % Bet eet fo g “y ality Br YK aay Which sequel tb (1) aye as given let (9) 322 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY @.10 All the values of the mult-valued complex function *, where i= Ji, are (@) purely imacinary (0) reaandron-negatve (0) ontnavritercla (6) equainroa'and imaginary pars (EE, 2014: 1 Mark, Set2] Solution: (0) Let ey = 1 ubichis purty ea an non negative. ti 0.11 Theargumentotthecomploxnumber 14, where )= JF.l6 = o = oF an [2014 : 1 Mark, Sot-1} Solution: () tsi Let # Geikten Fe OK) tte “ee 2 zexeyet 20, reo yet (0.12. _An analyte function of a complex variable 2 = x-+ Ly is expressed as (2) = Ur. 9) + 4M. where i= JA. fuls y) = 223% then vx, y) must be (@) 32+ ¥°+ constant @) -y2 + constant (©) = +¥%+ constant (8) == ¥2 + constant IME, 2014: 2Marks, Set2] MADE EASY Complex Functions | 323 Solution : (0) ‘As per Caucty-Riemann aqustion Q.13 An analytic tunetion of a complex variable 2 = x + iyis expressed as fz) = als, y) + Mr yh, Where i= JCj, ut y) = 2 y, then expression for vs, ¥) in terms of x,y and a general ‘constant would be @ veo o * Pre © aye 14 2 Mar eel (ME, 2014 : 2 Marks, Set} ‘Asper Cauchy-Riemann equations: du | au_av By and 324 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY w aye ; % oy tt 2.14 2628 canbe exoressed a8 (@ ~05-081 to) 08 908 7 os (© 98-08 ° ICE, 2014 + Mar, Set} Sotuton (0) (ea) | 2-3) 5-9 GS - Gated =t0a14 51-3 a wiser e = -05 +051 4.6 COMPLEXINTEGRATION 4.6.1 Lineintegralinthecomplexplane ‘sincacuke ve deingun bemeen donterexrabandindeeektegrlor antidotes. An Indie imegr! ins uncten whose dara equa agen aaj rion na region. ‘noun eterno ome womay td may ypesct rie mess Complex dents neg areca (corples Integr Thy ao wen as fee Hore he integrand (28 meget oe gon cure Cine compas lane calle the path of InlopratonNomeytepreseteich acu Gbyaparanetie reports, aT EATEN fests) “Tho sens ctnreasn cae postive snes onC, and we a hatin is wy.) \esssume Cts be asmoath curve hats, Chee a contruns ancnorzare detvatve 2 = dat ateecn pont Gonataly he means at ha unique and corte turing ange. Definition of the complex line integral ‘Tiss simiarto the method in calcul, Let Cbe a smooth cuve inthe complexplane given by (1), ‘ang let (2) be a continuous function given (st leas) at each point of C. We now subdivide (wo "partion" the intoval ats in (1) by points ta By BD MADE EASY Complex Functions | 325 href Keds Me) = Gailez—a" Consider function {2}k2-a) whichis analyst pens within Coxcaptatz= a Wh he point a as conte and radu daw a ema ce, ving enrol within C Naw (22a) Being ane in th regon eneesed by C andC, wehaveby Cauchy's theorem, [hee For any point nC, legal z-anre? and rete irsPae = if, taste 8. 0 Inthe ting form, asthe circle C, shrinks othe point, 2, 381» 0, th integral () will approach to Yf,fers0 = He) foo = ata, Tus [M2 ae » 2nita) \e 0 whch te ested Cavey sinegrlomee Cor iret bts of 2). tea) = feof ee oe i) sim, wi) = BagSBh oo teva gone, ro = Btn rm (MADE EASY Complex Functions | 331 am Functtons | 88 Thus flows fom the results (2) to (5) tat funtion 2 is known tobe analytic onthe simple ‘lobed carve C then the values ofthe function and alts darvatives can be found ten point of C Incidemy we have estabishes' a cemarkable fact tal an analytic funation possesses dervalves. ‘ofall orders and these are themselves all analytic. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE (Q.48 Usng Cauchy's integral theorem, the value of the integral integration being taken in ceanterctookwisearecton) § £8 ie @ Ba (0) 3 on © on @t (OE, GATE-2006, 2 ma Solution: (a) ane Cavchys integral theoramis ‘Applying Cauchy's integral theorem, using 2) «29-6, vats) ef) 0.16 The value ofthe integral feee5® (where Cis a closed curve gan by 121= 1) is ie a os oF oa (OF, GaTE-2009, Soltuon: («) Cereal Here 332, | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ‘Since, z = 1/2 is a point within |z| = 1 (the closed curve C) we can use Cauchy's integral ‘worm ar say that ay 2 = oralexz) were f= Bee [Notice that f(z) is analytic on all pts inside |z| = 1] 17 $2442 eveuatedanilookrse around the cole = 2, where i= VA ie Fra (@ an wo @ 28 240 TEE, GATE-2013, 2 Marks} ‘Solution: (a) From figure of [ZI] « 2, we see that pot, incide C, ‘Whe pole, 2s outside C. [MADE EASY Complex Functions | 333 0.18 The valuo of f= winere Cis the contour teh = 1 is fiz} (@) 28 x (tart (6) mitartz IEE, GATE-2007, 2 marks} ‘Solution: (b) Pos atiand-t.i.e.(0, and (0,~1) From figureot [2/2] = 1 below we see that plo (0,1) Le. lisinsige while pole (0, -1) Ais outside c. | = Pri Roe Ki) = 2nd o_o He H.'s counterclockwise pain inthe zplane such that z+ 11 1, the value of efi e}ele @ -2 (o)-t or ' 2 TFC, EE, IN, GATE-2012, 4 marl Solan: 6) en fey = 2 9 HD AeeD zed ZT 43 Eee ~ +H E+9) Polos are att and-8 ie (-1,)and(-3, 0). From gure below ot |20 11 = 1, we se that (-1, 0s inside the circle and (-3, 0) outside the circle. 334 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY Residue theorem sys, afta ‘= Residue of those poles which are inside C, ‘Sothe required integral afte: is given by the residue ot function atpole(-1,0) (which e 'sinsige the cect) 20 magasns econpeccinte# 2, nteconacecase dnc acid ?= tate a oo, = (3 aur ° (EE, 2014 : 2 Marks, Set-3} sotaton (6) to» fF oefe henckcle lz-thet => [&r-1] <1 + (x-1Pryet Kad Poles ofa) ‘MADE EASY Complex Functions | 335 iso eval s, -1 + Ouisidecroie #1 Insidectele -fL., For poe (z= =1 «8 ities ouside trom counter. Faz 221 ebacris ans evenee [5 to -0511-160 (9 ost «usa 3 osttian @ osteian ME, 2014: 2 Marks, Set-2) ‘Solution ; (b) ‘4.9 SERIES OF COMPLEXTERMS 1. Taylors sori. 2) analy inside a cicie win con at, tan for zinsde ©, £2) =H) Flake) + oP et OE aP tian 2. Laurent series" I (2 is analic in the ring-shaped region A bounded by two concentric, ‘icles C ane, of air andr, (r> r,) and with conte ata then fora 2'n We) = 89+ O20) + a2 aP ruta Near! ag (e-ay'+ ale ay%s fa a+ dhete Penresranen) enema sneee one. ttos aac 6 nay sf aa However i 2)s anette inside G, then a, = 0:8, = afqine 2 ‘and Laurent series ratuces to Taylor's svios, Obs. 2. To obsinTayors or Laurent series, simply expand (2) by binomial treorem, instead af fining a, by complex integration which s qu complicated, (Obs. 3. Laurent series ofa given anakic function (2) nits annulus of envergence is unique. There ‘may be diferent Laurent series o (2)in two annut with tho same cen. 336 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY Complex Functions | 337 4.10 ZEROS AND SINGULARITES OR POLES OF AN ANALYTIC FUNCTION ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 4.10.1, Zerosofan Analytic Function Example Det A zero oan analytic function fz) stat vaue of zfor which fiz) = 0 Poles and Essential singularities It (2) is analytic in the neighbourhood of a pore z = a then by Taylor's theorem he function fi @) = — telea ee safe-aP eas eoa ena, ABD wot & {hope 0, wa, =... #8, = Ob 2, £0, thn sid tohave a zero of oer matz has asimple pole at: = and a pole of th oder tz « 2. Examples of functions having an sites ven m= 1, te 2a aio be sire. Inthe neighbourhood of er (z= ae erderm. escent singularity a2 = O are 12) = 42-07 + (2-2) 4s ere) o : ete, 4 = 8 By (8A + Then &@)is ana and non-eroin nenighbouroodof2 =a ; ows wt. For 4.10.2 Singularities ofan Analytic Function 2° meme Wehave dready dined sigur pont a function asthe penta which re funcion ceases tobe enaiyic tas 1. Isolate singular, 2 = asa singularity f 2) such that (2) ana at each point in ts Pastas neighourhood (. thee exists a cle wih cen a which has no oer singly) thon Note: The clasiicaion of singular ino poles and esses sng ates isnot merely a formal 2 = als called an isolated singular. matter, because the behaviour ofan analytic function ina neighborhood af an essential singularity is a) =a + O21) + afe-a #00 (E=9) 40,(2-a7"+ 0 cuampie2 — SiMe Fe nur of singers flowing functions ite atthe points ni = rx oF @ t2 For example. f(2) = cot (2) s nat analyte where tan (nz) Za th{n=3,2,3..) ‘Thus z = 4, 12. 13, are all isolated singularities as there Is no other singularity in their 3 neighourhood oa Butwhenn is large. 2~ O's such a sngulery thet there are init number of thr singulalies 1 In ts neighbourhood. Thus 2 = Gis the non-solatodsinguiaty of), @ snd 2, Removable singularity al henegave powerscf(2~a)in()are zero, then la)= aa)? Examples Find the nature ana lotion of singulartos othe following functions: Hote the singularty can be removed by defining f(2) a = & in such a way that it becomes a @ analytic tz =a. Such a singuaniy i called a removable singulrty Trust tena ey ttn» aia emovebe sgn G+ sing 8. Poles: al tne negative powers (c—a) (ater the mth ae mang, thon the ry at = Z=als caled apole of order 1 4, Eosential singularity te nurte of egatve powers ofi2— ain (is infin, ten = as — called an essential singular, nthe ease, "2 does a ovs Sotuon: (@) Hie 2= 01s a singuaiy. (MADE EAS Complex Functions | 339 338 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY ‘aso zesnz 4 2 Fl as © ‘Since thete ae infinite number of tere in the negative powers of (22), = 2is an ‘essential singularity (©) Pos of ke) = eT aas are avan by equating the denominator to 22, |. by [08 2~ sin = Oortanz = 1 o¢z=n/4, Cicely 2 = wits a simple pole of 2) Example: 4 Taha ype ct snganty have te ohoing funtns: @ me a CF (@) 20 . souton: (Pol of te) = At ~e ae font easing 9 ate 1-ok< Dore 1 wp = Br n= 0,41, 42...) Goat fe) nas@eplepo a2 = 2x © . peer ats , Sines there ae inte (4 number fers contain regatve powers of"). 2 = Tis pole of ah order @ fa) = z0ie? 5 orgbaetget} Since there ae infinite numberof toms inthe negative powers of z,thereforez = O's an ‘essential singuirty off) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 0.22 The nai tuncton tz) = 2" hes singuaries at (0) tand—1 @) tandi © tand-1 @ land {cE, GATE: 2009, t mak] ‘Solution: (4) ast a1 Ma) = yi = FoF eed 4. Thosingatiosaroatz = tend ace .23 The ah of th integral faa a5 2 wher cs he ccell « 1 ghen by fo ©) 110 4s @s (EC GATE-2011, 1 mark} ‘Solution: (2) noua is cle =ansu fess $a ) ares Potent Zt a ny Peter5=0 As MBB _ 423 2 2 = 241 SSncethe pes bo ose the ole |2 x1 S01(8 analy nid the ole [zl = 1. Honce $ayde = 2nK0)=0 340 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE Le MADE EASY Complex Functions | 341 ae __ te Q.24 The Taylor series expansion of Ssinx + 2008 x is —__- 4.11 RESIDUES Bede wy) 2an2-Be ‘The coatcientof 2 -a}inthe expansion of around an isolated singular is called the rescue (@ 2 z ff) at tat pot Thus the Laurent series expansion of) around za ie fi) aa, * ) 2eser2eEe @ 28-8 EH 2 Beare a ear vas Goaferctonmadneltoateotia 2014 : 2 Marks, Set-1] nce, @ (ec, Since, ae alee art Solution : (2) 1 “The Taylors series oxpansion for 2 a= Rosttay= sf tense wmenee 2 Lefer = anneste) 0 and 4.11.1 ResidueTheorem 1) sera na cose cuve C except ata te ramber of singular ots whe C, then [ple = 20x (sun oe resides a the sngulr pois win) Lotus sureund each of te singusr points 2y, a. dy by a eal circle such tht it encloses no ‘ther singular point. Then these circles C,.C,....C, together with C, form a mutiply connected region in which (2) 's analy, 0.25 thaseres 3+ convergesto f 202 oe ©) 2 de = Applying Cauchy's theorem, we have. , 2014 1 Mark, Set] ec. oleic = fence, fone. nase byol Solution (6) += 2a Restle) + Res hag oo.eRes fe, ven ‘wich she desired est Let wy = $4 4.11.2 Calculationof Residues 2a. 1 4 (2yRasasirpi pleat z Res a) = Life ay 0 7 ‘Laurent sores in this ase Is ‘Aso we know that expression oe 12) = 044 60-2) + 02 aP ot Mutiptyagtvoughout by 2—a, we have (2-a) (2) = ofz-a) +ofz—aP + 40, hw correo Tokng tints as 2-2, we get an lee!) = 6, Ros tay Sa MET aT 2. Anathortoemula fo Rest: let 2) = eetivie), were lz) = (2-a) Fl), Fla) #0. ote = py 2 aa) (2a) Then Efle-adetey/ le Ay vale GraWviale 342 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY oa) (2-2 > Livercnawte+ =, since ra) = Thus, 8. IHfl2)has a pole of ordarn az 1 [oe apuall esta) = Gg gene} Ob, many cies, the resue of pol (z= a) canbe found by puting z= a +n) and Sepang In powor of twnere tT cue sri ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 0.28 Consider tkely applicablty of Cauchy’ Intogral Theorem to evaluat the fofowing integral ‘counter clockwie arcund the unitcircec I= gee 2dz, being a complex variable, The value of Iwi be (@ 120: singularties set = ¢ (0) 1-0: snguanios sat = {224 is enat2on| GENE NEO AZo} () \=ni2: singuaritos cet (@) None otabove {CE, GATE-2005, 2 marks} Solution: () Jooede = [tae Tne pote reat ay = (tps 22m 2, +S None of hese pole le side the rit cc 2 Hence, sum ofresiduoe at poles = * Singur et = gand = Sprtoumotrosides of) atthe pol F aixor0 0.27 Traktagal fete enatecerunstruntceleonte compe paneer) = P= (a) 28 (b) 4 © 2 ‘ao IME, GATE-2006, 2 marks] Solution: (a) (a) = SE has eimple pole at z= O.and2 = Os nse unt crete on complex lane osidue oft) atz = 0 (MADE EASY Complex Functions | 343, Lyfehe = Lyoose= i= 2m) [fore = anes 1 2 in poslve sense is Zea ‘ 0.28 Thevalveotthe contouritegral @m (6) 92 (© we one on IEC, GATE-2008, 2 marks) 14 FH GHR-B oe (0, 2)!les inside the ele [2-i| = 2 wile poe (0, -2) is cutsde the cxcie [2 ~i| = 2.8 can be seen fom figure below: os 4 0-25 Jpllz)dz = 2ai{Residue atthose poles which are inside C} aaiRes (29 @lr ©) -In Onn @ [Ec GaTe-2007, 2 marks] 344 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY Complex Functions | 345 Solution: a) 2 () 031 HH) =oy40;21,th0n § LE a ip given by 1 ae le os Se sey @) 0, () 2146) © aK, (0) arise) 1 {€0, GATE-2009, 1 ma = Sepa x omens ‘Solution: (d) “i pole 5 = 1 isnot inside the contour 0, but = 1 i inside D ene ‘i residue at poise = tis ftir = 7 BS ze tn OD ot Iason polaris hich eine ui ce ees 2 so, $e = a Mesiove of f2)at2 = 0] 4 . eee = 2 [1 Ho 7 old Since, He) = Cy+0,2'=30)=C, 290 rect tnsints) = ght 1 1 @ -3 Oe 1 of ‘a £0, GATE-2008, 2 marks) Solution: (a) Since Lt [(2-2F tal] i ite and non-zero (2)has a pole of oer two al 2=2 The residue atz = sgn fora pole of xder nas w [Salie-areel} Here n= 2 (pole of order 2) anda = 2 o 4 estia) = e Pest(2) « -eler,., [ees], a2. @s2P 32 Answer = 29)(1+C,) ae reese acinpicon x)= 7-12 stapes re teat o hdew (9 ptand -3 rc) Fo, OAT: 200, mr ‘Solution: (0) " J 2" a E-B oles ate z=0, z= 1 andz = Rosiaue atz = 0 Residue atz = 1 Residue at2 = 2 “Therese posure, tan -2 2000 CHAPTER Probability and Statistics 5.1 PROBABILITY FUNDAMENTALS. 5.1.1 Definitions ‘Sample Space and Event: Consider an experiment whase outcome snot predictable with certainty. Such an experment called random experiment, However, though theoutoore ofthe experiment vill not be known in advance, lt us suppose that the sel ofall possible outcomes Is known. This set ofall possible autcemas of an experiment is known as the sample space of experiment and is ‘donated by 8. Some examples follow. 1. tfthe outcome ofan experiment conse inthe determination ofthe sex of newborn child, then g,b] where the outeome g means that te cil sa grand bis the boy. 2, tthe outcome ofan experiment consist of what comes up ona single dice, then S 5,6) 3, the outcome of an experimentis the order offrish ina race among the 7 horses having post positone 1, 2,2, 45,6, 7: than S = [all7! permutatone of tho (1, 2,3, 4.6.6, 7) “The outcome(2, 3, 16.5, 4, 7} means, for nstances, thal tenumber 2horse comes fst, then the number 3 horse, then thenumber 1 horse, and so on Any subset E of the sample space is known as Event” Thats, an event is set consisting of some or all ofthe possibe outcomes of tho experiment. For exami, inthe throw ofa single dice S=[1,2,3,4,5,6} and some possible events are E, = (1.2.9) B= B4) E, = (1.4, 6)etc. tthe outcome of the experiment is contained in, then we say that Ehas occurred. Aways cS. Since E& Sare sets, theorems of eet theory may be effectively used to represent & solve probabiliy probleme which are more complicated Example: bythrsving a dee, the outcomes 3, then events E, and E, are sald to hare occured. Inthe child example -()t E, = (g, then Eis the event that te chids agi Similan fE, = 0], then Eis the event thatthe cid ea boy. Those are examples of Simple events. ‘Compound events may consitof more than ane outcome. Such as E = [1,3, 5 for en experiment of traning a dice. We say event E has happened ifthe ice comes 2 1 or ar 8. MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 347 For any two events E and F of a sample space S, we define the new event E UF to consis of all outcames that ae either In E or nF or in both E and F That s, the event E UF will occur tether E or F or both occurs. For instances, nthe dice example (event E= [12] andF = (3,4), thon EUF =[1,2, 3,4 Thal is ELF anather event consisting or 2or3 or 4. The event EU Fs calles union of levont E and tha evant F. Simiary, for any two events E and F we may also define the new event E”vF called intersection of € and Fo consis of ll outcomes that are commen to both E and F (a) Sistas on EOF (Stated agar eer 5.1.2 TypesofEvents 5.12.1 Complementary Event The event E° is called complerrantaryavent forthe event E. It consists of all outcomes notin E, but In. Forexample, na dice throw, 1 nos) = 2,4 6) then E® = (Os nos) = 11, 3,5 Equally Likely Events Two events € and F ave equally fkaly It 6) = per) Forexanple, B= (1.23) Fs (45.6) ‘are equal key, since BIE) = iF) = 12 Mutually Exclusive Events “Two events E and Fare mutualy exousive, FEAF = 91.0. ENF) F cannotoce Inother words, f Eoceus, and i Foceurs, then E cannot occur (ie bath cannot occur together) 5.1.24 Collectively Exhaustive Events “Two events € and Fare colectvoly exhaustive, UF = Si, together ‘outcomes, (E UF) = p(S) = 1 nd Finlude al possible 348 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE [MADE EASY 5.1.25 Independent Events “Two events Eand Fare independent it PIEMF) = plE}+ 94) Also PAE | F) = p(E) and piF | €)= oF) ‘Whenever E and ere independent, when two events E and Fare independent, the conditional probability becemas samo a8 marginal probably. rebabily Eis not affected by whether has happened or not and viceversae, whn Eis independent of F, ton Fis iso independent of 5.13 DeMorgan’sLaw Example: (E,UEDE = EES (Eng? = ESUES Note that €,° EPs the event neither Ey nor E,, E, UE, isthe event either E, o E, (or bot DDemergan’s aw iscften used to find the probabily of nitherE, or E>. ie. PE ENE) =PLE, UEP] = 1-plE, UE) 5.1.4 Approachesto Probability There are 2 approaches to quartiingprobabily of an Event 41. Classical Approach: 1. ne) Le thao frac ways en tet ch happen febrero can happen ste rbaniy soe cvert Oanfcalepproah smite tall) rey ° Pe) ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES Example: 4 Houtall possi jumbles ofthe word “BID”, a random word picked, whatis the probabiiy, that this word wil stat with a3. Solution: Inthis problem MADE EASY Probability and Stat ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES FROM GATE 2.1. Suppose we unitrmiy and randomly select a permutation rom the 201 permutations of 1,2,3 ~~ 20. What isthe probabilty at 2 appeers at an eelier position that any other evens numnborinthe selected permutation? 4 1 a5 oF of (@) None ofthese 68, GATE-2007, 2 marks} Solution (d) ‘Number of permutations with2'in the fst postion = 10! "Nurber of permutations with inthe second poston = 10x 18! (tthe frst space with any ofthe 10 dé numbers and the 18 spacos after the 2 with 78 ofthe renaining numbers in 18! ways) [Number of permutations wit2'in 2" poston = 109 x 171 (the frst 2 places wit 2 ofthe 10 odd numbers and then the remaining 17 places with ranaining 17 numbers) ‘and soon unl’ isin 11" place. After that Its not possible to satisty he given condktion, Sinoo there are only 10 ode numbers avaiable toil belore the 2, So the desited number of Permutations which satisfies the given condton WBle 10. 181 + 109 171+ 109% 8 161+ + 101 91 "Now the probably of tis happenings given by 1914 10.1814 10x9«171...¢10!x91 2 \Wrichis clearly not choices (a) (b)or(c. ». Answer i (2) none of those. Q.2 A deck ofS cards (each carrying a distinct number trom + 10 ) is uted thoroughiy. Two. cards are then emaved one at atime trom the deck. Whats the probably thatthe wo cards lareselected with the number onthe frst carding one higher than the number on the socond = 6 (b) 4725 ona 0 28 ICS, GATE-2011, 2 marks} soitioni) alec remiss cocesaiae ee own = ma. neaayena, ta) ghzod 2. Frequency Approach: Since sometimes all outceres may aot be equal tkly amore general ‘approaches isthe frequency approach, where probabil is defined asthe eative frequency of ‘occurence of, me = nth? set nena ero ene ASE exh cose 350 | Engineering Mathemates or GATE MADE EASY ADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 351 MPLES i.e. th condnal babies taco sre a he marginal rcondon) obebiies mus ITIVEEXA (@) I A.and B are independent, then so are A and BS; AC and 6 and AS and 8°. ample (©) Conon rte evens tonoaperdet Fem the folowing able find the probably of obtaining “AT grade inthis exam. Grade | A|B|C/D Roof Stuaeats [10] 20780 [40 sovuten: N= total noo tents = 100 By frequency approach, grade) 10 piAgrade) = TR = 39g = 97 5.1.5 Axiomsof Probability _ ‘Consider an experiment whose sample space is 8. For each event E ofthe sample space S we ‘assume that a number P(E) is defined and sates the following tee axioms. ‘Axlorn-1:05P(E)S 1 ‘Axiom-2: PS) = 1 ‘Axion-3: For any sequence of mutually exclusive events E,, Ep, .ufhat is, events for which Ene =¢uheni¢} (Ys) = Se Example: PE, UE) = PCE, + P(E) where Ere mutual exe) 5.1.6 Rulesof Probability “Theta are sixrues of probably using which probabily of any compound eventinvolvng arbitrary ‘events and B, can be computed ule t: (AUB) = PIA) + p(B) IAN 8) ‘This re is ao calla the inclusion-excluson principe of probably ‘Thistormula reduces to 5 PIAUB) = PIA) + PAB) if A and are mutually exclusive, since P(A MB) = Gin sucha case ule 2: PIANB) = IA) pIBIA) = PCS) = PAB) where (AB) represents the conditional probably of glen Bens p(B/A)represers the concn probably of given A {@) pla) and p(B) are called the marginal probebillles of and B respectively, This rules also ‘allac as the mukipicaton rule of probability. i ©) PLAN B) is cated ine joint probability ofA and B. (©) {fAand 8 are independent evens, his formula reduces to PAB) = PIA) EX6) singe when Aand Bareindependent - (AB) = BIA) ad PIBIA) = (8) Evonts A, Band C are independent it (ABC) = (A) (8) (0) and PIAS) = LA) PLS) end IAC) = A) pC) A.B, Catepalnwise independent and IBC) = 8) IC} Note: I! A.8, Care ndapendent, then A wil be Independent of any event formed fern B and C. For instance, Ais indepondent of BUC, ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 3. Thetearetwocortaners, wih ane contairing 4red and 3 green balls and theater containing 3 bueand 4 green bale. One bas craum at random fam each container The probebity that one ofthe ballsis red ard the others blve willbe @w () 949 (@ 1280 ow ICE, GATE-2011, 1 mark] Solution: i) (ore bal is Rea & another is biue) = pst is Red and second is Blue) 43.12 PT 9 Q.4 An examination consists oftwo papers, Papert and Paper 2. The probably of flingin Paper + I0.3and that ln Paper 21s 0.2. Given that a studonthas failed in Paper 2, the probability of faling in Paper 1 is 0.6. Te probability ofa student fling in both the papers is @ 5 (0) 0.18 (@ 312 {@) 0.06 IE, GATE-2007, 2 marks} Solution: ) (A danate the event of faiing i paper 1) (6 danate the event of fling n paper 2) Given, P(A) 03 P(e) =02 P(NB)=08 Probability of fang in both PAM B) = P(B)* piA | 8) = 0206012 5. 1tPand Q are two random evens, then the following Is TRUE (@) Independence of P and @ implies that probabilty (PQ) =0 (©) Probability (PU @)2 Probabilty (P) + Probably (2) (©) FP and Q are mutually exclusive, then they must be independent (@) Probabitty (PQ) < Probability () IEE, GATE-2006, 1 mark] 352 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ‘MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 353 Solution: (4) (@) Ie fae since of P and Q are independent APO) = (Ph PQ) which need nat be zero. (0) Isfalso since p{PUQ) = xP) + pra)-prP Aa) prPU) = pHP) + pr) (6) is fase since independence and mutually exclusion are unrelated properties. (© iste since Pnace = iPAQ) $ nie) = PANO) pr) Q6 Aloades dice has following probabity dstibution of occurences Desvaue| 7] 213 [4] Sy 6 Probaiy | 74/18] 08 | 08 | 8 | Ta thre identical dice as the above ato thrown, the probabiliy of occurrence of valuss 1,5 ‘and Bon the three dice is (@) thet of courence ofS, (©) thatof occurrence of 1, (@ 128 () 5 5 EE, GATE:2007, 2 marks] ‘Since the doe ae independent, 01.5.6) 243.4, 8) 01.2.8) 2 cheice(e) p(t, Sand) = 75 is comect Q.7 Air ices rolled twice. The probabil that an odd number wil follow an even number is ® » ° @ IEC, GATE-2006, 1 mark} Solution: a) Pe 2 Since both events are independent ofeach other Q.8 Aa coins tossed 10 times. What s tne probably that ONLY the fst wo tassas wil ile eds? of © *o(2) © yx @ off)" TFC, GATE:2009, 1 mark Solution: (0) lor frst wo tosses are heads) = pH, H, 7.7... ‘Now each tossisindependent Sorequired probability = Bll) 1oMP.. “0-0 2 Atecete esos Woes The otal ht he scons essn ave ‘higher than the first toss is (@) 368 {) 26 e) wi2 (@) We TEC, GATE-2011, 1 mark] ‘Solution: (2) Inthe fst oss, results can be 1, 2,3, 4,5 For 1, the second toss results can be 2, 3,4 5,6 For the second toss results canbe 3,4 5,6 For the sacond css resus oan be 4, 5,6 For 4 the second toss resuts can be 5,6 For the second tos results oan be 6 Therequred peobabilty 1,8 “ee ea as B02 (0.10 Aah cin tnsed tia ped appeas fr he et tne. Te probe hat he umber ot recited ee od 16 Ww @ a8 IEC, EE, IN, GATE-2012, 2 marks] 354 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY (MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 355 Solution: (c) ‘ino. of tosses ie add) = plno.oF tosses 61,5, 5,7...) bin. of toss 1 cond toss and head in third toss) {No.of toss is 5) = pT, 7, () -a~ t,t Sopito.ottossesis oud) = L+i+ t+. ‘Sumofinnite geomet serios with 0.11 Suppose atair six-sided dot oled ono. the value onthe cis is 1, 2or3the de is rolled a second time. Wha isthe probably thatthe sum total of values that tun up at least 67 (@ 1021 (@) siz (© 28 \ @ \ [CS, GATE-2012, 2 marks) Solution: (b) PxGUM 26) =p(6on tetow) 10005) «6 2. 8) + 1,9) #486) + 1,9) #84) 9, 5)+ 9,8) 1,9 188 ae ee ule 3: Complernentary Probabity PA) = 1-RIA) '(A°) is cated the complementary probability ofA and PAC) represents th probably that the ‘event A wil not happen, A) = 10149) (A®) is alco writen as pt) Notice that PAA)+ DIA) = 1 ‘Aand A’ are mutually exclusion as well as colectvely exreustve ‘Also notice that by Domorgan’ law since AP BE =(AUBIE PIAP B®) = pIAUBI'=1-pIAUB) ie. ppineither Anor) = 1—p(either A or B) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE Q.12 A single ci is thrown twice. Wha isthe probabilty thatthe gum is neither 8 nor 9? @19 (0) 985 © va @ 34 IME, GATE-2006, 2 marks) Solution:(4) Semplespace = (6)?=26 Tote ways in which sumis ether 8 or 913 (2,6). 9,5). 8.6), (44), (4.5). (6,3), (5,4), (6,2), (6.3 a3 = Frebabiiy of coming eum 8or9 = = + ‘So probability of not coming sum Bor 9 = 18 ule 4: Conditional Probabiliy Rule ‘Starting rom the mutiftcation rule PAN 8) = p(B) +ptvB) by eross multiplying we got the conditional probability forma _ PAD) ora) = BA! By interchanging A and B inthis formula we get ANB) oveua) = BE ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE (0.49 Ahysreuicstucture nas four gates which operate independent, The probabity of falre of ‘ach gate is 0.2. Given that gate 1 has fale, the probably that both gates and 3 vl fas (@ 0240 (@) 0200 (© 0040 @ 0008 ICE, GATE-2004, 2 marks) Solution: (2) Mettod 1: Since alee gates are independent pigate 2 and gate 3 fall | gate 1 failed) == (gate 2and gate tal) = plgate 2) prgate 3} 02x02=004 Igate2 and fallindependenty) etroa 2: plas 2 and gate al | gate + faes) {gate 2and gate 9 fall andgate fa) 02x02%02 ‘Pigate fal) oe 7004 0.14 A poton on ati has a choice between private car and public anspor. The probabity of sing a private caris 045. While using the pul anspor utes choices avaliable are bus andre, cutot rich he probably of eammuting by a bus 0.5. neuen astuaton, the robebity(ounded up owe decimals) o sing a car, bus anda, spectral woud be (@ 045, 030and0.25 (©) 0.45,0.28 and0.30, (© 045,055 and0.00 {@) 048,035 an0-20 {GE, GATE-2008, 2 marks} 356 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ‘Solution: (a) ‘The information givenin the problem can be represented bythe tree lagram given below: a "Now completing the blanks in the above diagram we have te final diagram as shown below: neon No ——— : set cee 2.15 A box contains 2 washers, ruts and 4 bolts. tems are drawn from the box at random one at ‘atime without replacement, The probabiliy of drawing 2 washers frst followed by 3 ruts and subsequent the 4 belts is @ 2215 (620 (@ wie80 (a) 12520 IME, GATE-2010, 2 marks] Solution: (e) ox contains 2 washers, $ ruts and 4 bolts ‘p(2washers, then 3 nuts, then 4 bots) = (2x Def 8x2 a( 43x22) = = (e%a)*(76"%5)( a" 3°27) * 1260 0.18 Afar con is tossed toe times in suocession. Ifthe frst loss prockices ahead, then he probably ot geting exaety two heads in three tosses is ow oe a ae IEE, GATE-2005, 2 marks) sous) pare) = AS een sen i ie adn ts | tts aha = HESS sd 1 pfrstioss is head) = 3 ee Probability and Statistics | 357 i2head in tosses and st tose ie hoad) = pH) + PATH) atatad waa We"? (2.17 Twotair dice are roled andthe sum ofthe numbers tamed up is considered (@) Pr(r> 6) = (V6) (©) Pr(08' aninteger) = (6) 81/4 isan integer) = (50) (8) Pr(r=615is aninteger) = (118) IEE, GATE-2006, 2 marks} Requited probably two far dices are oles he probabil dstibution ofr whe ‘each dis given by yl21314|s6|7] 8/9 Jwjnje T]2 0) 36 [3 [36 [36 136 | 36 | 36 | 36 | 35 | 36 [35 The above able has been obtained by aking al aforent ways of obtaining apartcuar cum. Forexample, a sum of 5 can be blained by (1,4), 2,3), (3,2) and (4 1}. “ Pies 8) = 408 ‘Nowletus consider choie (a) Prt>9) = pare 7) 1s the sumot the numbers on a7 an 36 * 35772 choice (a) pr(r> 6) = 16 is wrong, Coreider choice) Pr(q3isaninteger) = pr(r=3) +pr(r=6) + pr(¢=9)+ pr(r= 12), ice (0) pr 8 isan integers: Consier chelee (e) r(r=8 | aisan integer) = Nom pr(itisaninteger) = Pr('=B andri4iean integer) = pr + Cholea (ee correc. @.18 A box contains 4 white als ard 3 red bal, In succession, two babs are randomly selected ‘and remeved trom the box. Give that th fist removed bas white, the probably tet the second removed all is eis 358 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 19 a7 ie a (EE, QATE-2010,2 maka} souton: (6) sflisredendliswite) _ pills vite ended) listed | isis) = SS lle wha 4,8 68.4 4 i 7 2.19 Let P (denote the probebilty of the event E, Given P(A) = 1, PIB) = 12, the values of PIA) and P(BIA) spectively ae (@) 14,12 Tata @ 121 (1.92 ICS, GATE-2003, 1 mark] ‘Solution: (d) Given, Pay = 4 Pe) = 12 oth evens are Independent So, PAnB) PAIS) = “RB PLA) 2.20 Aishwarya studios ether computer science ot mathematics everyday she studios compuior science on a day then te probably tha she studies mathematics the nextday is 0.6. she studies mathemati ona day, then tha proba that she stucies computer sclence the nex day 0.4, Given thet aishwarya studies computer science on Monday, whats the probabity that she studies computer sclence on Wednesday (@) 024 (@) 098 © 04 @ 06 . [eS, GATE-2008, 2 marks} ‘Solution: (¢) Let C denote computes science etudy and M denotes maths study. The re diagram for the problem can bereproserted as shown below Nonsey Tesday Wesoseay le ae MADE EASY jobability and Statistics | 359 Now by ule of total probabiliy we total up the desired branches and get the answer as shown below (Con monday and Con wednesday) = p(Con monday, Con tuesday and C on wocnesdiy) + p(C.on monday, Mon tuesday and Con wednesday) = 1x06x04+1x04x04 2440.16 40 2.21 An unbalanced cice (uth 8 faces, numbered trom 1 to 6)/s thrown. The prebabilly thatthe {ace vale is odd is 90% of the probably that the face value is even, The probability of ‘ottng any even numbered face is the same, the probability thatthe face is even given that is greater than 3 i 0.75, which one ofthe folowing options i closest tothe probabitty that the fave value exceeds 3? (@ 0483 ©) 0468 (@ 0486 @ 0482 [CS, GATE-2009, 2 marks} Solution: ib) Itis ven that Plodd) = 0:9pfover) Nowsince, 20) = 1 Plodd) + (even) = + > 0.9p (even) +p (even) = 1 fever) = 1.205 = Pleven) = TL =05e6s Now tls gen that p any even face) fs ame ie-pl2) = pts) =P(6) Nowsinee, (even) = pl2)0r 38) o ple) =p) + A) +16) PI) » pla) = p(0)= + eleven) = £ (05263)=0.1754 $ (08283) 0.175 Its gen that leven | face > 3) = 075 > Pleven face> 3) _ wiace> 3) = O78 = pifecon 46) wtiace>3) * 7° . __ ace = 46) Pltace ng) = PUSTER _ Pla)+0(8) 075 0.1754-+0.1764 = SATS DITO gy 4677 0.068 1360 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 0.22 Iftwotaircoins are fippec and atleast one ofthe autcomasIsknown tobe ahead, whatisthe probably that both outcomes are heads? @ 18 & 1 @ Ww © 28 [€8, GATE-2009, 1 marks] Solution: (2) Let Abe he event of headin one coin. be tha event of hand In cond coin. The required probebity is Arai Ae) = HAcpio(e 2 _ ANB) HACE) AB) pfoctocnesd) pttH)=3 A) = pfetleastone ac) ecw = 3 ee 3 Fue 5: uo of Total Probably Consider an evert E wich occurs via two diferent events A and 8. Further more, lat A & 8 be mutualy exclusive & collectively exhaustive evens. This situation may be represented by fling tree diagram oe one : "Now, the probabilty of Eis very value of otal probabilty as PE = PANE) + PME) = PA)" LEIA) + PB) (EI8) ‘This scaled rule of otal probably Sometimes however, we may wish to know tat, given ths the event E has acady occured, whats the probability thait occurred with A? In ths case we can use Bayes Theorem given below, File 6: Bayes Theorem ne a C le» RES = aaatross (Ayre) : Sr TA) P(e)" PER) MADE EASY Probability and Statistes | 361 ‘This formas called Bayes Theorem, Notes that the daneminator of Bayes theorem or formulas obtained by using the rule of total probabity "the tte cagram forthe probleme more simply represented as a Ss Tren me sbeve Boyes omagives we wala = 22 to ws pele) = ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES. Example: ‘Suppose we have 2 bags. Bag 1 contains 2 red § green maibles. Bag 2coniains 2red and 8 goon marbles. A person tosses a coin &if tis haads goes to bag * and drawe amarbl, It itstal, he goes to bag 2 and draws @ marble. In this situation {@) Whats the probability thatthe marble drawn this is Reg? (©) Given thatthe marble deawis red, what is probabily that t came from bag *. Solution: ‘Thetree diagram ox above problam, Is shown below 2291 2 mea i oe PP) = Vex 27+ 12x28 _ Ploagtred) waxaiT © owas ec) = StRegy—~ TERRITS VEXETS wr * eee = 8 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 0.28 Three comperies X.Y and Z supply computers toa university. The percentage of computers supplies by them and the probabily of those being defective ae tabulated below: Company ‘%of computer Probability of being supplied fective x 0% oot y 20% oe Zz 10% 0.03 Given that a computers defective, the probabity that twas supplied by Vis @ or (@) 02 @ 03 (04 TEC, GATE-2008, 2 marks} 362 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY Solution: (d) ‘S-+svoply by y, d-» defective Probabitty that ne computer was supplied by the product is detective Psod) Fe PiSAd) = 03 «0.02 = 0008 Pic) = 060.1 +03 x 002 + 0.1 «0.08 0.006 Pia) = SFP = 04 isi) 015 (2.24 Consider a company that assembles comouters. The probabiliy ofa fauty assembly of any ‘computer is. The company therefore subjects each computer toa testing process. This testing process ives the correct result for any computer wth a probabilty of, Whats the probabity ofa computer being decleredfauty? (@) pq + (1~p)(1=a) (©) (1-q)p 6 ee Oo [CS, GATE-2010, 2 marks) sotto: _ => Be cect ratty Ace > D> niet ‘The tree clagram of probaoitisIs shown above From above toe, by rule of total probabilty, Picectaredtauy) » pq.+(1~p)(1~a) 0.25 ina housing society, ha ofthe fami havea single child por famiy, wile the remaining half have two chien oer amily. The probably tha a child picked at andom, has sibling (EC, 2014: 1 Mark, Set-t] Solution 5 ecured probably 2st a%s 0.26 An unbiased cain Is tossed an infinite numberof times. The probabiity that the fourth head ‘appears athe tenth toss i (@) 0087 ©) 0073 () 9082 @ 2001 “ (EC, 2014: 1 Mark, Set] (MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 363 Solution: (0) Itmeans 3-head appearsin 19 tals. Probability of geting exactly 3 head in 1" wale = Cooffcient pin 44918 YC, 482 probably f occure ofhead probability of coure of tal a andin 10h tiathead must appears. ‘Sprequred probably = he Hoan "0% Q.27 Alaircoinistossed repeated tilboth head and tall appear at east once. The average number ‘of tossos required is (EC, 2014: 2 Marks, Set] Solution: ‘To get toth head and Tl ateast once. ‘We have to toss minimum two tes. ‘The random variable x presents fst toss starting with Head. x2] 3] aps Pol al sla ls 364 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY (MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 365 G.29 A faircon is tossed n times. The probably that he dferance between the numberof heads angie is (n= 3) § @e wo . Jaye? © O22" (208 = 2-9 : 2014: Marks, Set] ‘represents ft toss starting with Ta Solution : (0) = ayn = Breet Po “ wen 1 = probably of occurence othead y = probably ofoccunence otal Letrunber of aad is Numer oft Peaen -)eainumbr ots ‘ven Ip-al = n-3 [P-(0-P)l a n-3 1 = n-Suwhichisrotpossile Here required probabiyis zoo. 2.30 Consider a dice wit te prover thatthe probebity of aface withn dots showing up is propertonal ton. The probabity ofthe face wih tree dots showing Up is TEE, 2014: 1 Mark, Set2) Soliton Lt prebabiy of occurence atone dats 0, ring tal probabity + The averagerumberoftoses required Pi 2P¢ SP dP o SPs 6Pat = E60 +9) 238 eed ates (2.28 Parcels from sendes Sto recelverR pass sequentially trough wo postotices. Each post-office ‘has a probability 1/5 of losing an incoming parcel, independently of all other parcels. Given that = 0.142 2 perce isos, the probaly that itwas os bythe second postotc is EO, 2014 2 Mark, Sot-4} 31 Aboreontaine 2 parts of hich TOare defective Two parts ae being drawn snutaneousy in Solution: : ‘fandom manaer ran the box. The probably of bath the parts boing gods is 1 z 45 Probably lost atporotice 1 = 2 Z cc y port Fi (a) 35 © 44 2% 5 Probably ilostatpotofice 2 = 4x2 0% 5 1.4.9 IME, 2014: 1 Mark, Set2] Total probebittyiotost = 2446 Solution: () "Cp sax15 7 4 requted prob = ig, = Fert" Required probability & 3 366 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 0.82 Consideran unbiasad cub ce with opposite faces coloured identically and each face coloured ‘ed, blue er green such that each colour appears only wo mes onthe dice. the ccs isthrown thrice, the probability of obisning ed coleur ontop face of the ice at leat twice i. IME, 2014 : 2 Marks, Set2) ‘Solution 0250027 zp RTS] e 2722 ro] 2 |e Le x: red colour Prob of geting redcalou on tp face atleast ce > POr=2)+Phe=9) = Op pe Car rol} (2) 10.33 A group consists of equal numberof en and women, Oiths grup 20% ofthe man and 50% of the women ae unemployed. Ha personis elected etrandom rom tis group, the probabitty of the selected parson being empioyed s__. IME, 2014 : 1 Mark, Set-3} Solution: ‘Teta % of employed person roawspn » 8-085 (MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 367 2.34 A fair(unbiased) coin was tossed our times in succession and resitedn the folowing outcomes (0) Hoes, () Head, (i) Head, (W) Head. The probability of obtaining Tai when the coin is ‘esd again @> wo 4 oF os ICE, 2014 + Mar, Se. Solon (0 rs) = I) =2 6) = A) oat 2.35. Four‘alrsix-sided ice arerolled. The probably thatthe sum of thereuits being 22 X1206, “The value of Xis__ [C8, 2014 (Set) : 2 Marks) Solution: (10) 68,64 + Aways = Swaye 2.98. The security system at an IT offce is composed of 10 computers of which exact four are workag, To check whether the system is functional, the officials Inspect four ofthe computers bicked atrandom (witioutreplacerent). The syslom's deemed functanalifatiaast hee of the four computers inspected are working, Lotte probabily that the system is deemed lunetional bbe denoted by p. Then 100p ’ [e, 2014 (Set2) : 1 Mark] Solution: (11.90) ‘Aeast3 computers are working in 4 computers, “otal 4 computers ae working and 6 avo net working $0590), #0, B= Retr agt Be 210" 20” BO p= 01100) - top = 1190 368 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 2.37 The pcobabilty that a givon positive integer ving Between 1 and 100 (both inclusive) is NOT dhisibie by 2,3 or 58. 68, 2014 (Set-2): 2 Marks] aa tseersnpmpce momaih neon AmdbinnannahVEaSiH Sere tsar ane cwr-homann seo rA°@) _ ICS, 2014 (Set-3) : 2 Marks} Solution: (0.26) PIAUB)=PIS) = = POA) + PB) -PIAMB) = 1 > PA) + PB) = 9 Lot P(A) = x, PCB) = 1 PIA)PIB) = (1-3) = sayye at ow ae 1 1-2=0— 423 «Se 2a(S) -20 | yas maximum at =1/2 5.2. STATISTICS 5.2.1 Introduction pans ens ntti Sa aoe ee rete eer cra eae ee easben scores Sree erase sae ieee 4 i aemntoaemne rn ee neon eet eee teen oe trannies eee ane ates Se derma ee ey Senn eae te gee MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 369 5.2.2 ArithmeticMean 52.2.1 Arthmatic Mean for Raw Data ‘Thoform fr clelting the rthmiomean orcas: = 2 R sitmatomaan X= refers the vali ofan cervaton n= numberefobsoratons ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: ‘Thanumber of visits made by ten mothers toa clinic were; 86557 4597 4 Calculate the average number of visits Solution: {Ex total of ll these numbers of vst, that i the total numberof visits made by all ethers, 846+545474445494744=60 Numberof mothers = 10 Ex _ 60 = BBs 52.2.2 The Arithmatic Mean for Grouped Data (Frequency Distribution) ‘Th forma forthe arithmetic mean calculated from a frequency distribution has o be amended to include ths frequency. Itbecomes (6) a St ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: “Tostow how we can calculate the artymeticmean ofa grouped frequency distrouton. theres 8 erample of weights of 75 pias. ‘Theclasses anc frequencies ae given in folowing table: Weighi(Ka) | Midpoint of class [Number ofpigs | ix x ‘(requency) Oa wider ao 5 7 15 208 under 30 7 Ws 308 under 40 3% 8 280 40g under a0 4 if 295 08 under 60 5 19 1048) 1808 under 70 10 650 To& under 60 75 7 525 ‘BO & under 90 3 5 a5 908 under 100) EF 4 30 7008 under 110 105. 3 215 Total 75 [4306 370 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY ‘Solution: th sucha frequency cstbuson we have arango of vas ofthe variable comprising each oun IRsour values forxin he forma forthe aethmatic mean we use the mégpaints ofthe casoes. E(t) _ 08 inthis case eo Bp = Sp sortie. 5.2.3 Median “pitmetic meanis the contra valu ofthe itbutonin the senes tha postive endnegative devtions ‘rom he arthmetic mean balance each othe. It's a quanttative average, Onto other hang, median is the central value ofthe citibuton inthe sense that the sumer of lugs tese than the median is equal othe numer of values greater than the median. So, median i |p positonel average. Median fs the cantal valve in a sense eran trom the artmetic mean. br ae ot tho arinmaticmeanitisthe numerical magnitude” ol the deviations that balances, BU for the median iis the ‘number of vaives greater than the maclan which balances against the number of values o less than the median. 5.23.1 Median for Raw Data Wiper tse vues ls bey canbe arangedlin acon ode es = te 32 occ nisocsnen Medan = he £59 yoke Howeve ins even, we have two middle points 1) vate +B. 9)" value vote « 8) 228") ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES. Example hgh (n en 2 stds n class are 160, 157 86, 16%, 19, 162 Wate median her : solution iaraning the heights In ascending order 156, 187, 169,160,161, 162 “wo middle mest values are the 9 and 4”. vsan = 9+ 190)<1695 5232 Medion fo Groupe Dat «ey temas wens aid cman (321) cxenton ikcn veceneycxeninge aes wiht condsan equ oauloarma en Mer jg 8B enables mani EASY Probability and Statistics | 371 2, Calculate Modian as folows: i i © Lower titotmedian class “otal numberof data toms = 3° Curmuatveequency othe cass immediatly receding the median clase Frequenoy of median class icth of mecian class ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES Example: Consider tne folowing table giving tho marks abtained by students in an exarn NarkRange | fNoaf Students [ Cumulative Frequenoy 0-20 2 2 20-40 3 5 40-60 10 5 60-80 18 0 50-100 20 so Solution: Net Here, : sass “Theclass€0-80/s the median class since cumulative requency is 3025.5 ” 206906697 + Neckan marks of he class is approximately 697 ‘e, tat east haf the students got sss than 68.7 and (alos! hal gat more than 69.7 marks 5.24 Mode [Node s defined asthe vauo ofthe variable which oocurs mast equenty. 524.1 Mode for Raw Data Inrowla re net ecient cig obeevaon's to node, Taio dla wih ght emveroy tn 'smore than one data with highest frequency, nen gach ol hems amoge. Thus we ve Unioal (single mode), modal (two modes) and Timodal (ree madoa) dataset, 372 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ae eee ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Examle: Find tne mode ofthe dataset: 60, 60, 70, 50, 80, 70, 60, Solution: 1. Arrange in ascending order 60, $0, 60, 60,60, 70, 70 2. Make a ciserete data frequency lable: Data | Frequency Since, 50's he data with maximum frequency mode i 60. Thiss a unimodal data st 52.42 Mode for Grouped Data ‘Mode is that value of for which the frequency Is iaximum. te values of are grouped ito the lasses (such natthey are uniflormy csributed within any class) and we have afrequency dstibution ‘ten: +L. Identity the class which has the largest equency (modal lass) 2 Calculate themade as : Mode = b+ oF xn Where, L = Lower tint ofthe modal class f= Laxgaetraquenoy (requency of Modal less) ff = Frequency nthe clas preceding the modal lass {= Frequanoy nthe class next to he modal class ‘Wath ofthe modal cts ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES Example ‘Data relating tothe height of 52 school students are given inthe fllowing Frequency distin. Calculate the mode height 5 EIgh (in feet) [Naber of students ~ 30-35 7% 35-40 7 40-45 79 45-50 182 50-55 6 55-60 7 Total 2 Solution: ‘Since, 152s the largest requency, the modal clas i (45-6). Thus, L= 4.5. f,= 152, ,= 79,f,= 65,h=08, Mode = 45 + x05 =473 approx) 1 ibo)-73-6 Probability and Statistics | 373 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 2.39 Which one ofthe folowing statemonts is NOT rus? (@) Temeasure of skewness s dependent uzon the amount ot deparsion (©) Ina symmetric dstroton the values of mean, mode and median are the same (6) Inaposivety skewed cistibution: mean > medien > mode (6) Ina negatively skewed cistiouion: mode > mean > median ICE, GATE-2008, 1 mark) Solution: fd) 4, B.c are tue but (ds not tue since ina negatively skewed distribution, made > median > 5.2.5 Properties Relating Mean, Median and Mode 1. Empircal mede = 3 median~2mean when an appronmate vale of made is equited above empirical forma for mode may be used. 2, Thereare tee types of frequency cstrbutons Postively skewed, syrmotic and negatively skewed dtrbuton, NRA LA (a) Peavy Stoves (@) Serma (a) Neat Seams (@) Inposiivety skewed distibuton: Mode Medians Mean (©) nsynmeticdstbuton Moan = Median = Made (6) tnnegatvely skewed aisriauton: Moan MedianssMode 5.2.6 Standard Deviation ‘Standard Deviation isa measure of dispersion or variation amongst data, Instead oftaking absolute deviation trom tne arthmetlc man, wa may square each deviation and ‘obtain th arthmetc mean of squared deviations. Ths gives us the variance othe values. ‘The postive square oot othe variance is called tho ‘Standard Deviation’ of the given values, 52.6.1 Standard Deviation for Raw Data 'SURB060 %, Xn a7 values ofthe x thet arithmetic mean is 1 Be _Biand x) Foxy Rooke “R are the deviations ofthe values ofx om x. Then 2+ 384- wsevaineocte tombe some = HE Aye ge _ mExE xy 374 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY Iie conventional to represents the variance by he symbol 62. infact, is smal sigma and 2 is ‘captal sigma, Squafe root ofthe variance is the standard deviation c= faux « Eee oe ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: ‘Consider three tudes in clase, and thelr marks in exam was 50,60 and 70. Wha isthe standard deviaon ofthis data set? sous » |? sure |r m | [2D 8 | @ [sem &_| m | ao ‘aa [row sioctboiton(s) = EE GAT . fin TBO +65 verre © oaeoer Standard Deviation for Grouped Data Calculation for standara dovation tor grouped data can be shown by tis example: ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: ‘The keqvenoy dstibuton for neigh of 150 young acies n'a beauly contests given below for which we have to cal standard deviation, Height (inches) [Mid values x [Frequency t[ xx | fax gene | ge | | zoe Sm 7 ‘ 89804.6875 MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 375 Ts, x = Bit = O08 core whe, N=3, Therefore, the standard deviation of xis a = 00 PRE INSbe - (E64) fee ia? 50 6OSOBSTS (OTA ¢ 08 Variance = 6,2 = Goay x70 5.27 Variance ‘The squate of standard deviation (0's called as the valance (). Soif= 10, then variance = 0? = 100. ‘Alsrnatvl i variance = 6% = 100 then standard deviation = Waianée = ¥700 = 10 ‘The argerthe standard deviation, larger wil be te valance. 5.2.8 Coefficient ofVariation ‘The standard deviation is an absolute measure of isperion and hanes can note usod for comparing varabity of 2 data sets with diferent moans. “Thetefre such comparisonsaredone by using aeatve measure of dspersion caled cootcientat vaiaton (2¥). wed \whare isthe standard deviation nc jis the mean of the dataset. (Vis often represented as.a percentage, vm £5100 © ‘When comparing data sts, the data sot with largor value of CV% is more variable less consistent) 35 compared io a dataset with lesser value of CV. For example: Bove Daasstt] S| tT] 2% Dataset? 20]2 | 10% [Athough « = 2 fr dataset 2 i more than 6 = 1 for data st 1, data sot 2 is actually lose variable ‘compares datasot 1, as can be soen by the fact thal data sol 2has a CV % of 10%, whi data set ‘thas @ C7 % of 20%, ‘So comparison ofvarisbilty between 2or more data sos (with diferent means) should be done by ‘comparing CV % and not by comparing standard deviations, 376 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE (2.40 ifthe standard deviation of he spot speedtof vehicles ina highway is 8 8kmph and the mean ‘peed ofthe vehicles is 33 mph, the coaticient of variation n speed is @ o1si7 (©) 01867 (02006 (6) 0966 (CE, GATE-2007, 2 marks] Solution: (6) «88 Ov = 2+ 33 2008 0.41 Consider the nit sequence of random values = fy XA: Loti be te meen and, be the slandard deviation of X Let anothe finite sequonceY of equal length be derived romthis as y,=a%x+D, where a and b are postive constant. Let i be the mean and a, be the Standard devation ofthis sequence, Which one of te fellowig statements INCORRECT? {@) Index poston of mode of Xin Xi the same a the index poston of mode oY in¥ (0) Index postion of mechan o Xin Xi the same as the nox positon of mann of Yin ¥ © wy=aarb © o,=00,+6 [e8, GATE-2011, 2 marks} Solution: (6) Standard deviaton ie affect by scale but nt by shit of eign So yn axed = = 3, andnot 9, = a0,+b G42 Amachine produces 0, 1 or2 defective pleoes na day with associated probability of 1/8, 2 ‘ane 16, tespectivay, he mean vale andthe variance ofthe numberof defective pisces produces by the machine in a day, respectively, are @ tana ©) Bend (©) tana4s (8) Wana IME, 2014; 2 Marks, Set) Solaton (8) : =o 7 ao] § moan = 3x. pty Variance = te) (EG = $~ (MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 377 5.3 PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS 5.3.1 RandomVariables . tis eqsenty the case when an experiment is performed that we are mainly interested in some’ unto of the outcome as opposed othe actual outcome sel. Forinsenoes, ntossng sice we ee often ntarestedin te sumof wo doe and ao natrealy concerned _aboutthe separate value ofeach le. Thatis, we may beintrestadinknowing thatthe sun's 7 and pot be concemed over whether the actual outcome was (1,6) or (2,8) ar (3,4 oF (6,3) 0F(6, 2) 06,9) Also, in coin fipping we may ba inerested inthe otal rumor ol heads that coeur and not care atl ‘bout he actual head tal sequence that results. These quanies of terest, or more formal, tesa ‘eal valued functions defined onthe sample space, are known as random variables, Because he value of @rancom variable is determined by the outcome of te experiment, we may assign probabis othe possible values ofthe random variable, ‘Types of Ranciom Variable: Ranciom variable may be cierat or continuous, Discrete Random Variable: A variable that can take one vaive ram a discrete set of values. Example: Lotx denotes sum of 20 [6S, GATE-2011, 1 marks} Solution: (e) Vo) = Eb) (E00)? = R were Wns the variance of, Since variances of and hence never negative, R=. 12.45 Consider a random variable X that takes values +1 and 4 wih probabitly 0.5 eech, The values ofthe cumulative distouton function FQ) atx == and +1 are (@) Oandos (b) Oana (© oSand1 (6) 0.25anc0.75 (68, GATE-2012, 1 mark] Solution: (0) . ‘Thep.d.t ofthe random verable is x Jaya Poy [85 OS: ‘The cumulative dstibution function F(x) ste probabilty upto xas given below x [41 Foo [o5]r0 Socorrect opionis(c) (MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 381 {Q.46 inan experiment, positve and negative values are equal likly to occur The prababily of ‘oblaining at most one nogative value n ve tas ie 1 2 @ a Og F 2 ee og ICE, GATE2012, 2 marks] Solutio: (6) ‘Since negative and postive are equally key, the disributon of number of negative values is binomial with n= 5 and 2 Le) represent numberof negative values In als, Pletmost 1 negative value) = pest) 5.33.2 Binomial Distribution Suppasethat a val or an experiment, whose outcome can be classifed as ether a success or a fares pertorned. ‘Supoasenon that independent as, each of whch resus in success with probably pand in ‘flue uth probability 1~p, areto be pertomed. If X epresents the numberof successes tha occur inthe nial, then X i sald 0 be binomial random viable wih parametor (0) The Binovialdistbuton occurs when experiment pevlormed satisfies the three assumptions of enous, which ara 1. Only2outoomes are possibie, success and failure 2, Probably of succes (p) an fale (1p) remains same from lt ial 3, Thetials te siasicly independent |e eoutcomeo enetia dos nt etusnee subsequent tals. e. Nomemory. These assumptions ae sate in following types of problems (@) doe problems. (6) cointoss problems, {6) samping with replacement ram afte population. {8) sampling wit or without replacement from an infinite (arge) population. ‘The probabiy of obtaining x successes fom nals is given by the bincmilcstrbuton formula, Pok=x) = 0,58 (1-p)—* \Wmere ps the probability of succes in any rial and (1-p)= qs the probabilly of faire, 382 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ‘MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 383 ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES = plaetectia)= & example: oy ue XO dice are hrown. Whats the probably o geting exact 2 ses. ss pte-0) = wef 2) (1-2) ‘Solution: iL i = 049 49% ist Poxn2) = 100416) (6P <0.2007 (2.48 A ot has 10% defective items, Ten tems are chosen randomiy fom hi kt. The, probity that exacty 2 ofthe chosen Heme as defotve la Examole:2 (a) oon (b) o7s7 Tctroun hat stows producod by acetan company wb detective wih probebity 0.01 (©) 02204 (© overs inscpondenty ofeach ches. The company sls he stews in packages of 10 and oes a Meee er resacarat guarerioe hat aro one 1Oseaus edo Wrst poparan packages ee sold must the company replace? Solution: WX isthe number of defective screws In a packages, then X isa binomial variable wth parameters (10,0.01), Hence, the probabil that a package wil have tobe replaced i: P(X22)=1-{P (XS 1)] = 1-[P K=O} + PIK= 1 «1 [[2)eoireoer + (Josviesr] = 0008 Hence ony 0.4% of packages willhave tobe replaced. For Binomial Distribution: ‘Mean = EDX] aiance = VOX) Example:3 "00 cice are throw, How many a expected to fall 6. What the variance inthe number of 6s, Solution: E69 = np = 100% 8-167 So, 16,7 out of 100 are expected to fall6 Vix) = 9p (1p) = 100% 6x (118) So, variance is number of 6's = 18:8, 139 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE (2.47 A box contains 10 screws, 3 of which are dofectve. Two sorews are drawn at random with replacement. The probability thatrone ofthe two screws is detective willbe f@) 100% ©) 0% (40% (6) Noneot those CE, GATE-2009, 1 mark] Solution: (6) “Tis problem is to be solved by binomial cistibution, since sthough population i Fite, sampling 's done wth replacement and so probabilty doesnot change for trial to ri Here, nae x = O(nodetective) ‘This problem can be done using binomial distribution since population i ifn, Probability of defective tern, pear Probability ofron-defecive itm, 1-p=1-01~09 Probobity tht exactly 2 ofthe chosen ms are dofectve = %uprap . "040.1 (0.9) =0.1997 {2.49 A coinis cssod 4 tes. Whats the probabisy of going haa exacly 3 tines? @ © 38 ow a4 (MME, @ATE-2008, 1 mark} ‘Solution: (a) Boma dstibuon suse, noe tis problem inotes coins. P= pt) =05 Probabity of geting head exact tas fs POK=8) = AO,(05}(05)'= 14 ‘Q.50 I tree coins are tossed simutanscusy, the probabiltyof geting at east one head is @ we () 98 1 (@) 78 IME, GATE-2000, 1 mark] Solution:(@) Binomial distribution is used since this problem involves coins. Here, nas P= p= 12 xed Now, pix) 384 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY 384 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY G51 An unbiased coins tossed five tims. Tho outcome of each toss either ahead oratal. The probabily of geting atleast one head's 3 os © o8 3 IME, GATE-2011, 2 mark) Solution: (d) pix=0) - (leg! {0.52 A fair coin is tossed independenty four mes. The probability of the event the number of times heads show up is more than the numberof nes tals show ups 1 4 0) OF 5 1 Li OF O46 [EC, GATE-2010, 2 marks} Soltion:() ‘nis tossed 4 mes. ploumber of heads > number fs) pteH& OT ors & IT) plExacty 4 Heads) + p(Exacty Heads) =F (a) oll (-3) 1.4.5 “ee 6, 150i ae eoin toss four times. Wat she probably tet to heads ard we als wi result? ; 38 ©) 12 Om Oa {08, GATE:2004, mark] solution: (2) “Melsondion geting 2heade and ass same as going exacty 2heads cut ose. Gien, parti) = Ve ete arralonteen meee rotea = opet(1-4] 4o(1¥ ae 6 = 103) 02h = =i MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 385 een ra a rae ree 54 Twon biteinay strings, S,and'S re chosen randomly th unform probabil. The probably ‘atthe Hamming distance betweon these strings (ne number af bit positons where the two strings cfr is equal od is fa) “Ce fo) "C2 oon @ ICS, GATE-2004, 2 marks] Solution: (a) "hamming distance between two a bit strings isd, we are asking that d out of a tals to be ‘suesees (Success here mans that he bits are difort).Soths isa binomial dsiroution wth tls and c successes and probabilly of success po 24e te (Shee cutctibe poste (0,030,103. onytwocthen and, Oeresucess) — oy BS 8, Pe =6) = ncgcvarvep-o= 8S Coroet choice is therefore). (Q.85 For sach element in sel of size 2n, an unbiased coin ig tossed. The 2n con tossed are Indapencent An element is chosen f tho corresponding con tose were head, The probability ‘that exactly n eleronts are chosen is (2n o Se © [ar eS : @ (7) ot ICS, GATE-2006, 2 marks) ‘Solution: (a) The probity a exact nlamentsarechasen “Tho probably o! geting nheads out ofan tosses anc, ep arae= ‘Grom fom) = anchavercver = BG_AG,_ me, “Br > ey cy 3. Hypergeometric Distribution Whe roby changes tom Wa to talon fhe assure of inal bution gee violated an hence binomial distibuton cant be used, n sh ates hypergeometric tution is ued Th is parler ved is cases samping without eptaceron om ante population. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES defletve 19 are randomly taken ftom above fot, what i the probability aie: Ther are 10 matron ata, of when 6 ate dle andar ot P= tate ome ac? 386 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ‘Solution: “The above problem is tackied by hypergeometric disbibuion as follows, is defective and ND is non detective. 60340, pace = SSE “The above problem can be generalised ino a cstibuton f we make X 95 the number of dafective markers. 03 Xan now take the vase 01, 20r8 SOHC 5 pax=x) = Sar “Thisis the hypergeometticcistution or above problem, from above formula, we can calculate the folowing: eral pox 1) “0G, spat, S04 seen) = pueoyenie = SE tee x =0) = 1-| 80x05 ponte 1-ncno= [8 ‘Tnehypergeometrccistibuion can be wien is a more genera way as flows, ConciderN objects of whiohr ara of type 1 and N- are of type ‘tom thisnobjects are drawn without replacement. What ste probabil that xobjects dram are of ype 1? “The diagram forabove problem is ‘isn egnentoms te nposene erie Ms Teswesedrau dvs darn shone a0 = (5) ONS ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES FROM GATE 0.56 Therware25caleuletors inbox. Two af hem are detective. Suppose 6 calustors are randomly pickod for inspection (each has the same chance o bang selected), whats the probably that only one ofthe detective caleuator willbe included in the inspection? 4 1 3 3 ° @ ICE, GATE-2008, 2 marks] (MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 367 Solution:(0) Since poputtionis inte, rypergeometric distribution 's applicable scanseors nance | Zsnondeectve scatters Plt detectivein S calculators) = Q57 A box conians§ black and 5 red bal. Two ball are randomly picked ane ater another rom the 20%, wihout replacement. The probabil for both balls being redis @ © ala + © @ Solution: 6) Oe eee aera Probability of draing twored balls = pists red) x plsecond ie red given that rete rea) ‘Altemativey tis problem can be done as hypergeometric dlevibuton, since itis samping wihoutrepiacement (rom ite population Fromabove degram, pox=2) = 52%5C2 e 100; SNe _ S42 / = 0x9 SY 2.58 From pack ofregular playing cards, wo cards are crawn at random, Whatsthe probability {hat both cards wil be Kings, first card in NOT replaced? @ 2 4 © © @ 1 a) @ 3 IME, GATE-2004, 2 marks) 228 |_sineing MatemasrGAE noe est court A Te Sscntennesrmnauqoraicaatumation —— LN eel PX =2) = “se” BA Kk tw 0.59 A bax contains 20 detective ts and 89 non-defective tams. if two tems are selected at ‘random without replacement, what wil be the probabil that both toms are defective? 1 » 2 5 Os 2 2 oF Om IME, GATE-2006, 1 mark] ‘Solution: (4) Problem can be soved by hypergecmetic istibuton b wo 18005 _ 19 Oke 2) = 202% 200 1000, ~ 405 & Ywo 0.60 Abox contains 4 ed balls and 6 black balls. Three bals ar selected random rom the box ‘ono etter ances, wthout replacement, The probability thatthe selected set contains one red ball and two black bats is (@ 10 w) we ©) ani oa © a0 IME, GATE-2012, 2 marks] 10 Solution: (6) “ye ‘The problem canbe representedby the following iagram, AC, x0C; _ 601 (IR and 28) = 4 0c, 102 a A Distribution CConsiser repeated trails ofa Bemnaul experiment e with probabily Pof suocess and q = Pol failure. Let x danole the numberof mes € rust be repeated unt finaly obtaining a suocese, The Cstroution of random variable xs given as flows: kKj2a4 58 PIK)[P GP aP GP oP “The experiment willbe repeated k times only inthe case that there isa sequence ofk~ 1 falures followed by a success PEK) = Px-K) = MP “The goomatic dletibutonis characterized bya single parameter P MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 389 Points toRemember: Lette < geomaric random variable wth detibuton GEOKP). Then 1. EQ) 2 Ver 8. Curative stration F(k) nat 4 Peo jed Goren tibston possesses no mentary” ack ofmemay’prapery hichcan be aedes Puc>arix>a)=Pix>) 1. Suppse he srobabity hatte wins ach game na touramorts 60 percent Alay uit ‘ens, (2) Fate expectes numer Eo res tha pays (2) Fate probedity >that A pay at east # gars (©) Face probabaty Piha wins he tousament ite turamenthes 64 teens. (hus, & team winning eres west aera). salt ‘Ts is. geomet cisibuton wth P= 0.4 and q = 0.8 (A plays unt foo) ~ dad oa” () Theory way Alay atlas 4 games ie A wins he ist 9 games. Thus, Pix> 3) = q? = (0.6)? = 0.216 = 21.6% (©) Hore must wn al 8 games 80 P = (06 = 00a s 48m (a) Sinco Ely) 28 5.33.5 Polison Distribution ‘random variable X, taking on one ofthe vals 0, 12... sald tab & Poisson random variable with paraniter Ai for ome A> 0, iu ont Pron = a For Poisson ditibution: Mean = E(x Vaiance = Vix) =2. ‘Terelor, expected valve and variance ofa Poisson random variable are bath equal oils parereterh. Horo is everage numberof occurrences of events an abservation percd At $0, k= at where a Is nol occurences of event per unt ime 390 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY probability and Statistics | 391 ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES < wer8i) = Fate Examelet a ‘acarainarportfeeies onan average o4 scr er hour Whats the reba no ; : arcraftlandsin a paricular 2 period te. Yoo) = 80° (dP joven Joos soliton Es iu Gvenequaion, a = retectocoureneset overt per untina = he of = 1 = avg. nocof occurrences of event in specified observation period ‘The cumulative probably function (sometimes also called as probabilly distribution function), is. saat jen by 0, wire Intiscase a dhrand , 1.80, peers Fi) = pik) = fade Howes ht cr sul ln for 2.19. =0 Not: ron cerbton ttn we ca oa robin nay anton by fxm blow one Piao) = Frequent, Poisson ditibuton is used to approximate Dnomialstibuton when nis very large & pis very smal Natce tha direct corpuation of C91 ~p)~*may be eransous oF impoesie whanns very large &p very smal. Hence, weresontto Poisson apprcnation wih =n. Example: 2 “Acorn compay cts tractors which al at arate of 1 oufot 1000, 1500 tacos are purchased tram tis company whats th prbabiity of 2 of them fling within et year. Solution: 1 de np= 500% sap5 Pix=2) = = 007582 Continuous Distributions: 1. General Continuous Distrbutgn 2. Union Ditton 3. Exponental Distrbiion 4. Normal Distribution 5, Standard Normal Distribution 53:36 General Continuous Distribution Terxteaconinuustandem variable. Acantrousdeibuon of Xcanbe dened by aprobabity ‘erty faneson fa whion uch aunt sue that peasxsn) = jiinae Tro expected value ofxis given by ea m- ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES FROM GATE Q.61 Hf probability density function of @ random vaviable Xs he) = ¥tor4 x= tend = O for any other value of vec topoconemontniye(-fexe!) (@) 9.247 (b) 2.47 (©) a7 (@) 247 ICE, GATE-2008, 2 marks} Solution: b) Given, fo) = 2 -12x51 2 ‘The probabilty expressed in percentage, p = Z x 100 = 2.460% = 2.47% (2.62 A oantinuous random variable X has a probabiity density function fs) = €,0 1) Solutior: (4) is (atis true, b) is true, (c) is tue @ 0968 fp) 08 ()istatea (@ 0692 @ 10 since, Dey) = EINER) - LIN, GATE-2019:: 1 mark] But since Xie net indopendent of x, fon: De) = [EOP Solution: (a) Epey?) = EOMENA += (EOOP EOP oe fode=foroe «er, =e"=0s00 0.64 Conside: the continuous random variable with probabity density function 1() = 1+tlor- tsts0 = t-tteosts! ‘The standard eviation ofthe random varableis 1 4 ‘ OF OR 1 4 Og os IME, GATE-2008, 2 marks) Solution: (6) Mean be Et) = Variance = )—[EO = Fe cos-teioe [Pte oF = Jenne = fecena + fea—oot ° 1 5 feseae{ee-va- [5 2 Sundarddovision = \iaranes = J 2.65 LetXand betwo independentrandom vailes, Which one oltre reaions between expectation (©) variance (Ver) anc covariance (Cov) given below is FALSE? (@) EOM=EQEM (0) Cov(K.¥) «0 (© Var (+ Y) = Var 0%) + Vari (0) E0EV) = EOUFEO? IME, GATE-2007, 2 marks] (2.6 A aobablity donsiy funni ofthe frm pl) = Kea, x« Tho value of Kis twos Od ose ae a TEC, GATE-2006, 1 mark) Foose = 1 Freee 1 Prerccefcer a 1 f = K = 050 (Q.67 Fird the value of such that function fx is vad probabilty density function al =2 (c= 1) 2x) for 1x2 ctherwee ICE, GATE-2013, 2 Mark] Sotton Freie. oe poterea texs2 0 oben he ean) = 1 = fdeteal 394 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EAST Probability and Statistics | 395 8_1),3, o> 3) 3e-9-20-9] 1 dene x 3)tal y= fa focesh = [0 otherwise . fosz) Shoe Isa constant alvalues of xbewsen and are equally tly (ler — 0.70 Suopose piste number of cars per minute passing through a certain rad junction between a '5PM..and p has Poisson ostibuton wih mean 3, Whats the prbablty of serving fewer = aw fae ‘then cars during any given mint in hisintervar? ase (@) ake) (b) 204) m1 2.68 A program consists of two modules executed sequently Let f() and ( rspectively ome OS) mee ‘rete the probabty density functions oftmotaken to execu th twormodules, Theprobatlty . , density function ofthe overall time taken fo execute the program is given by Solution: (6) ; Posson formua for(P =x) given as @ O+f © () Jrtoretarax ot (ofan (max 0,100) 2.: meen of Poisson ditibulon = 3 (given) [€8, GATE-2008, 2 marks] ‘Solution: (e) Lt the time taken for first and eecond modiles be represented by xand y and total tie « t 2, T+ is arandom variable. ‘Now the jant density function, at = fibcylex = [ioc trie = 00 bet be Which is also called as convolution of and, abbreviated asf * fp Correct answer is therefore, choice). (2.69 Lett) bo tho continuous probabilty density function af a random variaboX. The probability thatacxs0,i8 @ 16-3) 0) bye) (0) frees (2) ftir . , [€8, GATE-2005, 1 mark] Sotuton: (0) 1749) 8 te conteuous probably deny uncon of random vaiabiX hen, pla6 a (0.79 A pointisrandomiy selected wth uriflorm probably inte XY plane with tre rectangle wth (9 3ex<8 cramers (0.0) (1.0).(3,2)and(0, 2) pis he tenth f the poston vecor ofthe point he Solution: expeced value opis 23 1 oy 48 ose reat» [ito & sou oes = [Sto = acres) « [i ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 271 The standard doviaton of euro) erste encom varabl between and fs * + 8 Te OF 5 7 OW oF ME, GATE:2008, 2 mars} Soluton: (8) o- OE EF 2 VR "Fe 0.72 iP and @ are wo random evens, ten te flowing is TRUE {@) Independence of an Q imple a probably (PQ) =O {©) Probability Pu Q)> Probably) + Prabilty(Q) (6) If and Q are mutualy exclusve, than they mast be independent (@) Probably (PQ) ProbabiltyP) Solution: (d) IEE, GATE-2006, 1 mark] (@) Is alse since tP& @ are independent enP.nQ) = priP)*PXa) which need not be ze. (©) Isfalse since pr UO) = prP) + pr(Q)—peP0) FS puPUQ) < pri) + (0) (@) istelse ance independance and mitualy exclusive are unrelated properties. @ bstwe since Pnace = PQ) < AP) ICS, GATE-2004, 2 marks} Length of postion vector of point = p= SF eye ates a GF) = e+) = E84 EY) 0.2 New xand y ae uilomly Ssvibued Osx= tango ys2 1 : Probebity denstyhincton of = 725 0. ae Prabbity donsy uncton oty = 35 = v2 eee) = froma =f tax -[El -! ey) Jang « [P-v2-4 - [ff -8 6h 6 Ep) = EGA) + EW) 48 0.74 Twoindependent random variables Kand ¥ are uriformly dstroutedin the interval [-1, 1]. The prebabilty that max [X,Y] is less than 1/28 (38 © a6 1 @ 28 Sotution:(b) (EE, GATE-2012, 1 mark] “1815 1 and—1 Sy s1 is the entre rectangle. ‘aegnitichmasnumat lesan J homes shad agen trea 398 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ‘oa cf shaded a{maxicicg) ~ pigectsradedresee. 5.33.7 Exponential Distribution ‘A.continuous randons verable whee probably density functions given for some A > O by ie eo 100 gece Is sald tobe exponential random vatiablo with parameter. The cumulative cistioutve function F(a) ‘of an exponential random variable is given by! Fea) = POXsa)= [tae Moc= (of «10% 020 For Exponential Distribution: Mean = E(XI= thr Vatianoe = vx) = 1a? ILLUSTRATIVEEXAMPLES Example: ‘Suppose that the length of phone call in minutes isan exponential random variable with parameter = 21 it someone arives immediately head of yuat a public telephone booth, find the probability that you will have to wal, (a) Morethan 10 minutes + (6) Boroen 10 and 20minutos Solution: LLeting X denote the length af the call made by the person inthe booth, we have th the desited probabilties are: @ POX> 10] = 1-P(x< 10) 1-F (10) = 1 oh) oh = o'=0.388 Fe20) -F(10) = (1-eh)— (1-H) 2 e762 0283, © Pri0 ar = one Now puting «= 2, in above equation, we get, a1 8 Leet [a .78 Lotbearandon variabie following notmal distrbution wth mean +1 and valance 4 LatY¥ be ‘anoner neal variable witn mean ~1 and variance urkneawn,. f P(X <1) = PLY 2 2) the stardard deviation of Yis @s w 2 OB or [eS, GATE-2008, 2 marks) ‘Solution: fa) Given, 3 0,=2 P Alsc given y= 1 andy is unknown ven, PRXS=1) = (22) Converting nto standard normal variates, 0 NNowsince us know that in standard normal ition, ples-1) = piz2t) co} ‘Comparing () and (i) we can say that Cimee, (MADE EASY Probability and Statistics | 403 402 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY 1.79 LetXbe a normal random vari with mean 1 and vatiance 4. The probably PX < (@ 05 {() greater than zero and ies than 0.5 (@) greater han 0S and loss than 1.0, io) 10 IME, GATE-2019, 1 Mark] Solution: (6) @.80 The annual precptation data oct is normaly cstributed with mean and standard deviation ‘2s 1000 ren and 200 mn, respectively. The probably thatthe annual preciptation wil be ‘mere than 1200s aan oe 6 io oom (ce GATE 2012 mt sou) “To pecan ema asd ho mands = 20 poco = o{e> 1051088) = pe>1) ‘where zie the standara normal variate. Innermal distribution Now, since pt-t <2< 1) =0.68 (689% of ca win ena standard devon of rear) 0.68 poze) = Su034 so plz 1) = 05-034 =0.16~ 16% Which is <50% Sochoice a)iseorect Chebyshov's Inequality ‘in probabilly theory, Chobyshev's Inequality guarantees that in any probabiity cstibuton, "nearly 1 alr valuos are closet the mean the precise staernent being that no more than of detbutons. - 1 ‘Values can be more than standard devations away ftom the moan, (or equivalent, atest t= 55 ofthe distibuton’s vakies are within k standard deviations ofthe mean, Ths inequalty is named ‘ater the Russian mathematician Puy Chebyshev. Let bea random variable with ite expected values wand finite non-zero variance o. Then for any reatnumberk> 0 PO lke) s Ze fork>0 1 This eso leads to Pipe—nl < kode 1-7 This inequaliy hes great uty because can be appted to completely abirary dstrbutions, for ‘exampleit can be used to prove the weak law of large numbers. In practical usage, in contrast to the empirical ule, which applies to normal cistbuons, under ‘’chatyshav's inequaly ust 75% of values be thin wo standart deviations of the moan and 69% of valuee win toe standard deviations. 1. Suppose arandom variable x has mean Inequalty to estimate Px> 26) Sot 25 and standard deviation @=2, Use Chebyshov's 2y Chebyshev’ inequalty Fc achaya ech Puke Sx p+ ka) > Now 25, 2 Trends +2k=85 kes wt Ton, Peibsxsa5)2 TF PUssxs98) 20.95 ‘The event sorespancing to x235 contains asa subset of te event corresponding to 15x95 Thetolore, Pixs98)2 (15 $x538)20.96 Hence, the probably that xis less than er equa to 35 is atleast 96 percent. 2, Computers from a particular company are found to aston average for three years without any hardre maitaunctions, wih standard deviation of two months. Atleast what percent of the ‘compulrslast between 31 months and 47 months" so2 emean = Syears ‘Standard deviation, oe ad monn rok = 44 woedek = a mrs ko 2s sinay Ress se-enk = 31 25 So, (81 Sx 41) = Pn-2502K ye a But] (& (s2etaosce 7 36-185)" = (0.36) «08 @.83Anatonaized bankchas found thatthe daly balance avalable ints savings accounts olows.a ‘normalisiibution with a mean of Rs. S00 and a standard davlaton of, 60. The percentage of ‘savings account holders, who maintain an average daly balance more tan Rs. SOD _—_ IME, 2014: 1 Mark, Set-1] Solution : Given, = 500, = $00, ¢=50 @.84 The number of accidents occuring a plantinamont flows Poisson distribution with mean 28 5.2. The probably of occurrence of less than 2 accident in the plant during a randomly ‘selected month ie @ 008 © 00% (©) 00a @) 0.044 ME, 2014: souton:() Me, 2016 2 Mate, Sot2) wer Pa) = Fired) = PO)* PU wet tw tee Tata ‘Asulreer) «5.2 ree2) « SS-onme 406 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY any day dung a year in watershed is 2.85 The probability deneiy functon of evaporation ‘ven by OsE<5 mmicay 4 We={5 [0 othenise “The probabitty that tos inbetween 2 and mnideyina dayinthe watersheds (in decimal) ICE, 2014: 1 Mark, Se-t] sottion 1 5 | lw xennge ow 3 ino 2asntetedbaon by R29) B28 1 2 113 =! io o 1018 & 2 oth second pivots cet vaio, whicnis 103 aman 108 enon ering a vas below ths pvt nthe ual way a sow Blow 323] 1) lt eaey [2 2 2 [16 i 10/3 8 uo] iene io 8 | 10 lo v3 -1 | -2 > 0-6 Now Gauss elirination frst step (forward oliinaton) is fnished “The systom is consistent since rank (U) ~ rank [U | B’] =3. We proceed to second step e. back substitution by rewiting the matrix (U | B’]as a set of tiangular equations and solving. 18 32 3 -2|#824J0 101 8 10| jo v3 1 Bee 282 = 18 Byree= 0 wo =4 «wy, EE \Which i the same answer a6 what we obtained In simple Gaus efrination method (0, without paral phting), “Thenecossity of plsing can be appreciated only in such cases, where the piots (ckagonal eters) are very small as compared tocf-clagonal elements. Insuch cases than can be signficantciferenco in answers obtained by partial pivoting, as compared to answars obtained by Gauss-elimination ‘without patil pivoting. 5 “This i demonsiated by the example glen below, where pivot oloments aro significantly small as compares to of-dagonaleloments. Of couse, the answers obtained in Gauss elimination without part ping contan more ertors as compared to that obained with part pivting, whererumevicl ‘undo errors are significantly reduced by keeping the pivots large, resulting smaller mulipirs ‘and consequent dermpening (reduction) of roundoff ero ‘Solving i st, then (i, then ‘we getthe solution 38 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: ‘Soe the system c ‘0.0002x.+ 03003 = 0.1002 2.0000x+3.0000y = 20000 ‘The exact solution ofthe system is easily sen tobe x « 1/2.and Solution: Wie fest solve the system without pivoting, Multiplying the fest aquaion by (-210.0002) and. ‘aking tthe second, we obtain s002%2 ose) ‘3000 -02008%2),, > nog9 { by = 20000 2008 vehi simples to \ 14985y = 409, Hence th angular systam is 0.0002x-+0:3003y = 1002 498 5y = 409 ‘The solution to the system is given by y = 0.8990 and x = 0.5005; the errors inthe solution being due tothe large multipor, Wensxt interchange the twa rows so thatthe system fs witan as 2.0000%-+3.0000y = 20000 0.0002x-+ 0.20037 = 01000 "Matipying the frst equation by -0.0002/2) anc ading it tothe second, we obtain ane) 3 oun 00 (oxen with smpltiesto 0.3000) = Heroethosoluionis y= So, olvoting (interchange ofthe two rons) has redueed the errr Gauss-Jordan Method Tiss modtication ofthe Gauss eliminaton method; the escent diferance being tat when an Lunkrown efminate, its eliminate from all equations. The metiod does not requited back ‘substitution to obiain the soliton. This method isnot much used as Gauss-olimination method is ‘more computationally efficient (n°/8 computations) as compared to Gaussjrdan method (n2 compuiaions) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE Q.3- Inthe soluionot te folowing settler equatonsby Gauss elimination using partial pivoting Sx +y' 22 094: 4y-Se= 12, and 10x~2y +z =-4; the pots fer ebmination ofx andy are (@) toanda (b) toand2 (6) Sands (@) Sanda \" (GE, GATE-2008, 2 marks} ‘Solution: fa) Tne squations are Bety 422 = ot Oct ay-& = 12 and 10x-2y +7 = 4 fang if convergent, derive @ sequence of closer approximation - the cycie of emputation being epeated til the required accuracy ig obtained. This means that ina direct method the amount ot ‘computation is fixe, wile nan terative ethos he amount of compuaton dependson te accuracy requied In general one should preter a diract mathod forthe solution of a near system, but inthe case of ‘matrioesvth a large number of zero olemants, it wil be advantageous to use iterative methods 0 420 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 421 6 1 ayer ‘hich preserves these elements. Lethe sytem be gen by ‘The augmented maxx lor Gauss-olminationis| 4 ~3|12 ay tape + ani =by wo -2 1/4 Bp Oak tot Sy =D Since inthe estcolumn maximum elementin absolute values 1, we need to exchanger! ‘wth ron. Bh Beka tt By By 5 1 2y3¢ Ho 2 1/-4 intich to agonal elements do not vanish. iiss jonotvarish ns snot the case, then te equations shou 0 4 -3)r2)-B5)0 4 -sli2 rearranges tha his codon sated Re-wing hesysom()a8 ne 10 2 1 |-4 5 1 alse _ Some ptr imiaing xs, = 10.Now we lint sho phot as lowe 2, 10 -2 1/-4) ore : “ o 4 sll Sah Jo 4 3 2 51 2/34 0 2 3/2 3 @ Now to aliinae y, we nee to compare the elements in second column al and below the diagonal element ‘Soo, a= #8 andy larger in absolute value compares typ = 2 “he pvt eemon fr eirinating yis = 4 ee ie ‘The pivots for eliminating x ana y are respectively 10 and 4, Sarees 4 24 aro any fst approximations tothe unknowns X, Xo XX, Substituting inright hand id of) wo fr a eystem of second appr Q.4 With a1 unit change in b, what is the change in x in the solution of the system of equations ‘3 W ea id appresdmetion xe y m2, 101 x +098 y =b? Pa B 2g. Any () 200 (e) 2unts By a (©) sounis (@) 100s wate Say a9 (ME, GATE-2005, 2 marks) Sea See 2 Solution: (e) w Given, xty=2 w wie aay sorxsaaay = © @ an oe Mustpiy 0 98 equation (and auract rom equation (i); we get (101-099)x = b-2x099 Silty 4 fos Xf af a ystem of approximations, then the next sppreximatons 00% = b- 196 ven by formula & “ab So, for 1 unit change in b, change in x would be 50 units. (wy 6.2.3 Iterative Methods : Gauss-Seidel and Jacobi Methods wor Baan 20 ‘There are many methods to solve the linear system of equations out of which there is ane method eee on oom as terave mess or ndrect malhods wich slat rom an approximaionto%ne ue soon ‘n mati erm hon te eration trmuta(v) may be writen as x02 = BXM4C o Tita eta Strode method is also callad “Jacob's method”, "= Gauss Seidel Method Inthe fret squat of i, we substi he rst approximation (8.08, af) io ight hand sigs and dencto the est as x 422. | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY Intho socond equation we substtute (6212... 26") and denote the recut as xf Inthe tire approxatin wo subst (Px! 10) and callthe resut as xn this manner, we compte the fist stagoofitration anc the entre process i repsetdtlthevalvas of Xone Ky Obtained the accuracy requied,tisciear therefore that his method uses an Improved Component as econ as tle avalable end It is called the mathod of “Successive displacements" or “Gauss-Seidel method” . Note: can be shown that te Gauss Soel method converges twice as fastasthe “Jacobi method! ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: Sov dayez= 10 ea gyese = 8 x4 4y +82 = 16 by Jacob and Gauss Seidel Methods. Solution ‘Step 1: Solve the fee equation for, second for yan tir for x- Oye © 2 18. » y= BS © _ 18-x-4y wi 22% oy yeoz Comment ‘Step 2: We start the Reration with inal Gauss values x + By puting x= 0,y =O and2=0ie ‘equations (1), (2) and (3) and2 = 16/0 equations (1), (2) and(3) Comment z=Oin(t)wegetx=5 =5,2=01n (2) wa gaty= 1,5 Sandy =15in (9) we getz=0.555 “Atgugh ony 2 iterations are shown in above table, further iterations may be done unt ifrence between successive values of x,y and za insignibcent (asow tolerance level). Note thet, In Gauss Seidel hla solving for each variable, the atest avalabie solved valves of 1.2 &1¢ used, while in Jacobi, only od values of previous iteration are used to get new values. MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 423, Note: Unessotherwis sates, we usually start both Jacob and Gauss-Seidel methads with starting Gauss values of x, #0, %=0,% = 0... =O 623.2 Rate of Convergence of Gauss Seldel Method ‘Te matric form of Gauss-Seidel method ie writen a3 (4D)X*" = UB Wino, L+D+U= a (Liste lover wang, Dis the ciagonal& Uis tho upper trangia ofA) Now, Xe = (LADPCU)X + (LAD) B Pating (LeDPMCU) = H&(LsDy" B= 8 we get the Gauss-Seidel iterative equation in matrix form as, XeT es HX 4B "Now fnathe eigen values of1 and then the spectral radius of H whichis the modulus ofthe largest igen vale of H. Let this be denoted by pH). Now if a(H) < 1, ten the Gauss-Seldel eration corwarges, eset cverges. The rate of convergence is glen by y= log [oH] Note: 4. Specralradius of Gauss-Seidel method = (Spectral radu of Jacobi Method? 2 Ratoof corwergance of Gauss-Seidel method = 2 rate of convergence of Jacobi Method. 6.3 NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF NONLINEAR ALGEBRAIC AND TRANSCENDENTAL EQUATIONS BY BISECTION, REGULA-FALSI, SECANT AND NEWTON-RAPHSON METHODS In solentit and engineering work, a frequent occuring problem isto find the roots of equations of theform 0) o Infs)ise cuadkatc, cub or biquacatlc expression then algebraic formula aro avalable for expressing the rots in terms ofthe cooficionts. On the other nand when fx) is @ polynomial of higher dagreo or ‘on expression involving transcendental functions a4, 1 + cose 5x, ntan x-coshx, esi ot. Algebralomethods are not avaiable anc recourse must be akan tod the roots by approximate methods. There ata some numerical maths forthe soluone of equation ofthe farm (1), where fo) is algebraic ‘or transcendental ora combinations ofboth 63.1 Rootsof Algebraic Equations Let pp + yt! + nx". X+ By be aration integral function of xo n cimensions, anc letus deetet by Ko then fi) 0s the general ype of rational iniogral equation ofthen® degree. Diving troughout by p, we se thal without any loss of generality we may take B+ DAM + Dah? aD, +P, 4s the typ2 of araona integralequation of" degree 1. Unies otherwise sated the coefficients pp... will aways be supposed rational 2. Anyvalue of which makes (vanish calle a root ofthe equation fe) = 0 3. Wheni(x) sided by x- a without remainder, ais roc ofthe equation fx) = 0. 4 We sal assume that every equation ofthe form x) = has oot, real or imaginary. 5. Everyequation ofthe th degre has roots, and no more. Proof: Denote the given equaton by #2) = 0 where 100 = Boe + B+ BAM? Haat 424 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY ‘The equation fp) = Ohas arco, real or imaginary: ft this be dencted by a; ten fps civsible by x=8y 0 tat 18) = (&-a0,66) \ahere o, (xi rational integral function of n~ 1 drnensions. Again, the equation ¢() real or imaginary. lot his be dented by a, then d(x) 8 cuisible by xa, 0 Ha has aroct, O46) = (2,180) here (is ational integral uncton otn -2 dimensions, Tus Fox) = pyk=3,) 0 =29) 00) Proceeding inthis way, we aban, Me) = py ay) Oe 2nd ay) Heneothe equation fx) = Ohas n root, since (x) vanishes when xhas any ofthe values a 8 {6 Alsothe equation cannot have more than n roots: for ix has any value cifere from any of the quantes &, dB, a the factors on the right are ctferent trom zero, and tneroor ts) ‘cannes vanish for that valve of 7. In te above investigation some ofthe quantities &, ay. ay--8, may be equal inthis case, however we shal suppose thal he equation hassiln reste, although these re not alert. 2. nan equation with eal coecients imaginary roots osour in pairs. Suppose tat) ~ Osan equation with eal coeiciets ad suppose that thas an imaginary oot ‘a+ lo; we shal show that a bis also arts. The factor fx) corresponding to these two roo is (8-1) (a + iB), ora + bE ‘Suppoce thal a = 1b, ¢ =i, ¢=ig, are the imaginary roots ofthe equation fx) = 0, and that {is the producto he quadratic factors coresponding to these imaginary roots; hen 1G) = [bx-a}®+ BA (xe + AHO -eF +o "Now each of these factors is postive fr every real value of x hence x) slays positive for ‘oa values o 9. Wemay ehow hatin an equation wth rational coeficients,surd roots enter in pairs; that i, ita 4+ WB isa rootinen a JB iealsoa oot ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: a ‘Solve the equation Bx! 190- ae =x +3 = 0, having given that one root is 2 VB Solution: . ‘Since 2~ V8 isa root, we know that 2+ v8 fe also@ root, and corresponding to this pair of roots we have the quadratic factor x? 4x ¢ 1 Also 6x2 + 13:2 35:2 x43 = G2 4x-+ 1) (G+ 11x43): hence the ether roc are cbtainad trem Bes tx+3 =o, e xe NRH3) = 0 WG-0 “To determine the nature of sme ofthe roots of an equation tis aot alvays necessary to salve it or instance, th truth of the folowing stators wil bo roadlly acted, (MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 425 1. tthe costiciants are all positive, the equation hes no positive oot thus the equation x4 32 + 2x +1 = O cannot have a posive oot 2, the costiiens of tno even powers ox areal of ono sign, and the coetficents ofthe od Powers ate all ofthe conlaraty sign, the equation has no negalve roots; thus the equation * W 4 B~2x¢ 498 3x? + 7-5 = 0 carnot have a nogatve oot 3. |ftheequation contains only even powers ofx and the coaiciants are alo the same eign, the ‘equation nas no real root thus the equation 24° + Set +2 + 7 = Ocannat havea real oat, 4. tne equation contains oly odd powers of, and te coeficients ae all of te same sign, the ‘equation has no real root except x= 0; thus the equation »° + 2x + 3x3 +x =O has no real oot except x=0 ‘Altheforogoing resus areincluded in thethecram fhe net ail, whichis krown as Descate! ule of Sons. 6.3.2 Descarte'sRule of Signs ‘An equation I(x) = 0 carnet have mare postive tools than there are changes of signin fx), arc ‘cannot have more nepative roots han there are changes of sign nf). ie, numberof eal postive roots < num af sign changes in (x) and rumberofreai negative rots = number af sign changes in (x) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES. camper Corsider the equation x° + Sx =28 + P+ 2 = 0 Solution: Hor there are two changes of sign, therefore there are et most wo positive rts ‘Again (-x) = + 5e 498-7 + 2, ana ere there ae three changes a sign thereore the ‘glen equation has at most three negative roots, and therefore it must have st least four Imaginary root, since total numberof roots nine, itbeing ninth dagtoe polynomial ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE @5. Given hat ane oat ofthe equation x? 10%? + 31x30 = 0186, the ther wo rts are (@) Banas (@) 2and4 (6) Band (@) 2end-3 ICE, GATE-2007, 2 marks] ‘Solution: fa) Since § is a root, fe diveible by x5, Now diving 1) by x8 we get x-5)e~ 1G Fox BO(e! Sx +6 x-5e “Se 4 Six 8D Bid + 25 xa 6x-30 426 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 8108+ 31x-90 = 0 Se shoe 5x46) = 0 Roots of 5x + 6 are 2 and. . The other two roots are 2and 3 6.3.3 Numerical Methods or Root Finding We shat study four numerical methods, a of whi er teratva (Hal and error methods) for rot fing Le, song te) =O 1. Bisecton Memos 2. Regula-Fale Metod ‘8. Secant Method 4. Newtonfapicon trod bisection Method “his method i based on the intermedia valuo thecom which states tht if function His continuous tween and, and fe) and () are ofpposte sans Pen here exists atleast one oot betmean aan for defntoness. Leti(a)bo negative andi(o) be postve (eee figure below) Thenthe oot kes between and and lot ts approximate vate Be given by X= (a + BV2 1110) «0, we canclude thats arotof he equation i) =0,aherise tho root es otha x and b orbetween xand.a cepending on whether fh) is negative or posive. We designte this now intervals [a,b whose length [23/2 ‘As befor tis is bisected at x, andthe new interval willbe exact al te long of he previous ‘one. We repeat tis process Unt the lost neva i as smal as desired ea. tis clear thatthe imorval whi reduces by afactr of cne-hal at each sep and athe endo hen stp, ene interval wil bef, 8,lotlength ib —al 2 (2! ioe? Inequaty (ves the numberof erations requiedo achive an accuracy ‘Thismathedcan be shown graphical as follows * ve AF o-al We then nave o Se which gives on simpticaton n= : wah Theron eqton rating «28 rer gerry X= MADE EASY : Numerical Methods | 427 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES xample Find area oot ofthe equiion fx) = 38x - Solution: ‘Sinze (1) is negative and (2) 's postive, a root les between t and 2and therefore we ake 8 Z-$ = wnion is postive. Hence he oot between 1 and 1.5 and we +18)2 « 1.25 tnd He) = 19/6, whichis negative, We therelora, conclude thar te rot ies between 1.25 and 15, follows that x; = (1.25 + 1.5Y2 = 1.975, ‘The procedure is repeated and the successive approximallons ate y= 1.3125,n, 134375, v= 1.928126; ate 63.3.2 Regula-Falsi Method ‘The method stars by taking two guess values x and ; or the root, ike the bisection method, sch that 10) 1) « 0, The leraton formula lor Reguia-Falsl mathos i lifrent from bisection method ard tis ormore generally ree Patho nee Craphicaly this can be shown as drawing chord between (x) ant (x, f) and seeing thet the Poin of irtracton of tis chord wit x axis is %, a8 shawn below. In the nextiteaton, the root is either between X and x, or between x, and Sox, rpleces ether x,0¢ x, depending on whether) He) <0 orf, he, <0), 1) fg <0 then x; replaced by x, els6 xy replaced by x. And the laraion i again contved andthe new value of in ndlcates By x, i igure below 428 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY This illustrated grephically as follows: ‘The process continued uni we gelas cose tothe oot as desied. Like bisection methad, Regu Foals methods 100% retabie and tho rot wil always be found, since always x, and x retaken on either side ofthe root. otis kept wapped between x, and x, bath bisection as wollas Regula- Falsi methods BohBioecon and Regula Fasi methods ar fst crdor convergence iear convergent). as cnpared ‘with secantand Newton-Raphson methods which have convergence rates of *.62and 2respectvely ite, Newton Rohn method is quadratic convergent. 6.3.33. Secant Method ‘The Secant method proceeds sinilary to Regula Falsi method inthe ene that elso requires two starting guess values, but he diference is that fx) fx) Need not be negative i. al any stage of ‘tration we donot ensure tha the roctis between x, and x, However, Socant method uses the same iterabon equation as Hegula-Fals method. cormoca generally % in Secant method, once the value of x, Is obained, to proceed tothe next eration, x 8 always replaced by x, end x, Is alvays replacad by x. This isthe only and primary diference botwoon Regula-Fals and Secant mathod. Geometicaly, both Reguig Fas! and Secant metnods tind x, by ‘same way, thatis by drawing the chord fom (ff) 0X, f) and intersection ofthis chord with axis isp The advantage of the Secant metnod is hat tis fastor han both the Bisection and Regula Falsi -mothed asithas a corvergence order at 1.62. However, he disadvantages that, Secant method is not 100% reliable, since the equation hte bm ca wil fal if, = which may happen singe no ator is made 1 keep f, and f tobe of oppesite signs sits done in case of Regula-Fals method, which uses the same iteation equation. Newton-Raphson Method ‘This method is generally used to imprave te result obtained by one of he previous method. Let, ‘be an approximate root of x) = Candle, = + h be the cortetroet so thal x) = 0. Expanding ‘x, + h) by Taylors series we obtain MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 429 ees ere ae ‘ win ne oid tot entnten garoe shane meer Fee) Successive approximations are QvEn by yy where fi) a a) 6 which is Newton Raphsoa erm teh i Snes = BST “ ‘Sothat he Newton Raphson process nas a second ardor or quaatie convergence, ‘Geometrical, in Newtor’Raphson method & fangent to curve is drawn at point xf} and the ‘oint of intersection of tis tangent and x axis taken as x, which Ie tha next vai of he trate ‘ofcourse, i closer to rot than x, Il can bo used for solving both algebraic and transcendental ‘equations and it can algo be used whan the roots aro compl, a) ‘The method corworges rapidly othe root witha second order convergence, Therumbero significant lt oot which are corec, doubles, ator each teration of N-A method, Following sa isto! Comman Newton Rephson iterative problems atonguith the Newton-Raphsan Hetation equation, fr soving that problem, 1. Theinverse of, ls no rot of he equaton tx) = 4b =0 toraton Equation: Kar = %(2-b4) 2, ‘The inverse square root by, Is the root of equation fx) = pb =O eration Equation: Lela va = Paleo) 8 Theat cha pvonrunbe Lise olequten te) = 9° -N=0 {om t)ss +N eration Equation: Kart 430 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY Noto: Tha order of Bisection, Regula Flsi and Secant Method and Newton Raphson Method are piven below: Si | wetiod [OCT 7} Beeston [ft 2_| Regier [7 | Secantithod | 762 4_[NewtonFaphson| 2 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE Statement for Linked Answer Questions 6 and 7 Given a> 0, we wish to calculate tho raciproca value = by Newton-Raphgon mod or Hx) = 0 26 TretlewonRaphson agonhnferinouncton woo Oe (« +8) 8) Xr eh PH ICE, GATE-2008, 2 marks) Solution: (e) ‘oelate + sept mat satupneequionse MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 431 Q7 Fora? and stating with x, = D2, the frst two iterations wil be @ 21101208 @) 0.12,0.1392 (@ dr2.o1416 (@) 0.13. 0.1428, ICE, GATE-2008, 2 mares} Solution: ) Fer a= Tiheteratin equation ooimes Den xe vith pony) 2ig- TH? «2 0.2-7102%= oro Wy = BGT? = 21012-0127 =0 1982 8 Te'olowing equation needs tobe numerically salve using the Newton Raphson meted. Br e-9=0 The toalv equation fr this purpose i (kates he teation evel wo -28t8 Lange (oan G48 0) apie anges eran ed ade ICE, GATE-2007, 2 marks] Solution: (a) w= Bs 9. Tho squar0rootet a number Nis tobe obtained by aopving the Newon Raphson erations the equation x -N = 0. if denctos the Heaton index, the Corbet iterative scheme wil be to nsed{xed] 0) % (e+) © m-gne) sez) -IGE, GATE-2011, 2 marke) 432 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY ——Ee———ee Solution: (2) fx) F(x) N [+5] 0.10 staring teons,=1. on siop Newton Racheonraed noking ecauaion® + Giecthe nxt value) 28 IME, GATE-2008, 2 marks] fe) A Fh 0 Given function is fix) = 34 3x-7 one fH) = 3243 Puting 4 % xg) = 1) = (IP #3 (1) 7-8 hg) = 1) =8x (1 43.06 ‘Susttutng x, fy) and fg) values into (i) we get, weg 0.11 Whon the Newton Raphson methods applied to solve te equation (x)= 0 + 2x—1=0, the solution at he end of he fie iteration wth tho inal guess vale a8 %= 1.218 @ 02 ) 049 ) 0705, . @ 169 IEE, GATE.2018, 2 Matis] Solution: (¢) Fy) = S242 (1.2) + 2=652 2.12 Equation e*-1 = O's required tobe solved using Newton's mathodwith anni uoss X= “Thon, ator one step of Newton's matnod, estimate x, othe solution wil be given by MADE EASY ‘Numerical Methods | 433 (@ 071828 (o) ose7e (© 020687 (3) oan aon (EE, GATE-2008, 2 marks] Here fix) = tt 09) = 6 Tenewton Raphison terave equations ' Soa a Tey fg) = et Fo) = oF Nowputi=0 Puts, ==1 a8 given, 0.19 Letst—17 ©) & 2% ORK Ae nea EE, GATE-2000, 2 marks] 0.14 Rooteof the algobeaic equation 4x2 +x + 1=0 are @ 6140) © (1,-1.4) (0.0.0) Cro) oe (EE, GATE:-2011, 1 marks) =tisone ofthe roots ince PPFD et eo 434 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE [MADE EASY. MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 435 £2) polynomial eviion 2.17 The wcurson relation to solve x =e using Newton Raphson mahed is ae Aes) @ ry. 20 0) Ko o* ~ at ecet = OF DD © Koay (108) OK gyye SN Soroots ae (4,4. ers 2.18 Souton otha variables x, an forthe otowng equations so be obained by enplovng theNewen-Aaphson rave metnod teuation() 10484, -0 equation (i 108 10% 008% -06=0 Aesuring to rl valu x,» 00 and X= 1.0 the Jacobian matin is 10 2] 10 0 o [223 © [2 sl ae : © [fa] «fps | TEE, GATE-2011, 2 marks] eae iy 4) = 10x89, 08 =0 VOX) = 10x -10120054,-06 = 0 Tre Jacobian matixis [au au Ber Me esa t0sinx ] fe ° a a . an a1) = [Fogene 20x-t0006x| "Lo. 10 Oxy Oe, ios * 0.16 The equation x8 =x? + 4x4 = Gistobe solved using the Newon-Raphson method. thx= 2 is taken aa the intial approximation ofthe solon, then the next approximation using tis method wilbe F 4 @e q 5 1 wos (£0, GATE.2007, 2marka] solton: (0) ee ee on eowemend fon = Se 2n t@-e reer 2 - ad oe Te) ee) EC, GATE-2008, 2 marks} he von equation be eoked ‘ic canborewiten es 4) yc tees Te hewn Rapacn te tomai Mea 7 Fc) % Hee fa) = erm TO) = 1+ om « TheNewlon-Raphson erative formula is (2.18 A rumorial solution of the equation fe) = x+Vi-2=0 ean be obtained using Newton= Faphcon method, the starting valueis x= 2for te eatin, the vale of Bien mete, ue ofthat is tobe uso (@) 0906 (b) 0.739 ' to) 1694 (6) 2008 sous: (EC, GATE2011, 2a] = fie Fl) | fo) = 24B-3- 8-1 ti 1 fo 2 eh Os aR thy = tole H Then, for GATE MADE EASY 436 | Engineering Mathemati 0.19 A piecewise linear funation (x) is plotted using hick soi nes in the fgure betow (te pots raunto scale). two use the Newron-Raphson mat tofindtnerootsct(x) = Dusing x01 and x2respectvely as inial quesses, the roots obtained would be (@) 13,06and 06respectively (6) 13, 13and0s respectively (@) 06,08and 1.3 respectively (@) 13,06and 13 respectively [CS, GATE-2003, 2 marks] Solution: () Starting from Xe slope of Ine & yintroept = 1 Eqn.ofaisy = m+ Thi ine wil cut xis (Le, y = 0), at: Since x=1 ie > than x= 08, aperpendicular atx = 1 wil cut the ine ¢ and not ne. root ibe 3 Staring tam, the perpenalciar atx, cating ne b end root wil be OS. Staring tom xy Sope oftne . Equaionoédis — y-Q5 = Hix-155) te y = x= 105 TWiasne wil cutis atx = 1.05 Since, x= 1.05; > tan x= 0.8, the perpendicular atx = 1.05 wil cut the fine c and not ine The root willbe therfore equal io 1.3 So starting from Xan x The foots wll be respectively 1.9, 0.6 and 1.3. 0.20 Consider the series x,,,= 22 + :2-, %)= 0. obtained tom the Newton Raphson mathod, 2 * Be, ‘The saries convergesto 1s We @ te 14 i [€8, GATE-2007, 2 marks} Numerical Methods | 437 = Dy Mer Dae 1 ry, when the series converges Year = = =r00tof equation 021 natoentapsntonna +8) entourage (@) square ot R (b) reciprocal of © snare. (3 toeanmetn eal ICS, GATE-2008, 2 marks} Yak sore ord] eomgmre a ee Ye on fo") aeasl a= HR 6 ageaten : oon an So, tis iteration wll compute the equare root of Correct choicais(e), 0.22 Newbn-Raphson metiod Is used to compute 8 root the equation x? 19 = Owith3.5.s the intalvalve. The appreximaton ater one iteration is (@) as75 () 3677 (©) ae57 (& a607 [€8, GATE-2010, 1 mark) 438 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE (MADE EASY ‘Solution: (4) The equations) =x? 13 =0 ‘Newton-Raphson teraan equation is fig) = ag 18 6g) = oe] 8 put % 98.5(88 given) “> OxBS _ The approximation ater ne interation =3.607 (2.23 The bisection method is applies to compute a z2r0 of he function (x)= x4 =n the Interval [1,9], The metned converges to a solution alter iteratons @t 3 ©5 (7 [08, GATE-2012, 2 marks) Solution: (0) = a4 has a z0roat 2ainco B22 4 = 18-8-4-=0 bisection method is app to given problem with xy = t and, ‘Aftor4 Reration epee andar 2*ierstin x, = SE Now since fh) fx) > 0, x, replaces x, and x, = 1 and x, = 3 and after 3rd iteration Which is oxacty a root. ‘Somethad coverages exacty tothe root in3 trations. Q.24 The uncton{{x) =e 1 tobe solved using Newton-Raphscn mathod. the intial value of Is taken as 1.0, thon the absoluo eror observed at 2 iteration fs TEE, 2014: 2 Marks, Set] Solution : Given, fis) = oF a) = OM and get MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 439 InNewtor-Raphison method, we have: veo bert] “ Putting the values, we get Also, w Putting th values, we get “Theroore, the absolute oor observe at second iteration Q.25 There root of ne equation Se~2 cose (up to to decimal accuracy) is IME, 2014: 2 Marks, Sot-3) ‘Solution fi) « Sx=2e05e~1 FE) = 54 20ine ‘By Nowten Rapheons equation: “ Asgumingsy=1 (trad = $7.32) 440 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY (MADE EASY ‘Numerical Methods | 441 Sxtotecesr32)=1_ sezenigrsey "56% as = seas SxOS6%2 -200s19027)-1 FO near) = 0540s = tes SXO5425- 2005 08=1 Ba Zant = ost 4: Ral oot x= 054 64 NUMERICALINTEGRATION (QUADRATURE)BY TRAPEZOIDAL AND SIMPSON'S RULES The general problem of numa inegraton may be stated as flows. Gen ae of data points (4b) nb) fneton y= where Ks not known expt iraqitecto compute he value ofthe dri egral 1 = [yc 0 As in tho case of numerical ferentiation, wo replace fs) by an ierpotating polynomial oe) and btn on tegration an approximate valu othe dine tral. Tus, ferent tegration fouls canbe obtainad depending upon he yp at interpolaton oma usec Letthe interval [ab] be divided nton equal subintervals such that » Cleary soo. talc. sang by Newer’ Fora Dfroce em. wo hh, ve espn» BEB hye BOMO=D sree eee phce=Tip dhs te oe glamor nfifre + pave wich gree onsmption + sen al ys + Baye +MAD ety, « HOM sty Ig voce fee Bar MED «EF at, Tisishnow es Gonealama, wcan bain iteration toms by ptingn = 1,2,9 We dave hae alow fee oma Dt shoe reared tae Trapezoid {cd Smpeo' 19 rule ate tundto ive suloert accuracy vs nprasteal poblr, ‘The folowing tao shows how Aya, Ay, Ap are derived from (x. Yo) (Xs): (Ya) et. % ve 0 xy A%e ay xy. | Ye = Yo BY = Yes and By = AB es Yo 6.4.1 Trapezoidal Rule Setting n= 1 in the genoval formula, al dilevences higher than the fst wil become zero and we obtain; Boye = sfreedave] = afserdin-vol] = Sher vd 0 For the rext interval x, ¥], we deduce similarly 2 Svs = Bovey] c) and son, Forthalastintenal x, We have Bye = Hsevd «i, combining al these exeessions, me oban the ule Sever = Siete yp bot yee) ‘Wich sown astepezoidl ue “The osomarial significance c is eis thatthe curve y = is eplced by n stright nes Joining the points (x. ¥q) amd (x), ¥5}; Oy ¥y) AME Ops Ya) oi Apts Voor) AND Oy Yo “he sre bounded by the cue y =f te orcnaoe x =x, and X= and tho ~ exis thon pproinatey equivalent othe sth aroas on Trapezume cand Simple Tapeziodal Aue: LA, aay Shaded Aron = Area of Tiapezum = fis Compound trapezoidal Aue wih ps and rtonvalo FZ Ky KN Ls eee eee % ‘Shaded Avea = Sum of Area of apes = fix 442 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 6.4.2 Simpson’sRules 642.1 Simpson's 1/3 Rule “is ri obtained by puting n= in genera fermua ie by replacing tho curve by 2 ares of secencdgrespaynomalscrparaboins. Weave boon i Jrae = aie save +fatve] Sfva + ova) foe -2n ve] = Bye +e vde {Oe - an +6) h = Bet an td Sitar, = Bern) ‘and finaly Pre = Bet A¥er ya) Summingup wecbian, Prt Bet ay, te tet tae Hat Hed whichis knonn ae “Simpson's 1/3 rule“or simply "Simpson's rule” It shouldbe noted that this rule ‘requires the divisions of the whole range nto an even ruber of subintervals of with. ‘Simple Simpson's Rule: ¥ Shaded ves = fib Compound Simpson's Ful (7psocBirenas) Teepe ee t= fied = MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 443 64.22 Simpson's 3/8 Rule Setting n =3 in general formula wo observe tha al lferences higher than the third wil become Zoro and we cbiain, Joo By Baty et afrordaror Sarvs tet] Sy -wed ‘ afr $or-10#205-aresoefou-o794-¥9] a = By 97 +9¥e +461 Sitry, Joa = Bn +34 +3546) & ‘and so on Suiting up al these, we obtain, Dlg # 94, + 4H) #4 Bie t eI) H+ Iya + Mya tM HY Fo Ba 25+ 8% B54 Be + Bans +n et My * 4) ‘Thisrulecalod “Simpson's 3/8 rule" isnot so accurate ae Simpsons rule ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES. Bare: Evaluate, |= [ak correctto three decimal places Solaton: \We exe this question by both the Tepezoidel and Simpson's rues wth = 05. i ‘The salve ofx and y are tabulated below, Xo [38 [ro 1.0000 | 0.6867 ) 0.5 (0 Tapesicl ni gives |= fron 20.6869 +05 7084 (©) Simpsons ule gives: {1 000 + 0.8607 + 05] = ous. ‘Note hathe exact ansver forthe preblembyanajica!intograion method = [hae = [looattxih = fon2=06951 CCoarty, Simpson's ues closer tothe answer and has less ere comparedio tapezoidal ne. 444 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE (0.26 The table below ajves values of a function Fix) obtained for values of at intervals of 0.25 x [0] 0 [os ]o7s] To Fay [toss] 08] 064050} ‘The value of to integral othe function Between the lsts Oto * using Simpson's rules (@ 07854 (o) 2:9562 (@ s1a6 (@) 75000 ICE, GATE-2010, 2 marks} Solution: (a) PMO 25 145 11) = Jxo2mte4xo.o412s 2x08+4x064+08) = 07854 [ oe 27 me cunats ot | coated ng Sinonrs nde wh tee cten exten cents te wave (e) 0.295, (&) 0088, (6) 0024 @ oo12 ICE, GATE-2012, 1 mark ‘Solution: () 5 Exact value of x leoxhe = log(t5)-log(0.5} = 1.0908 ‘Approximate valuo by Simpsoris rule with Spts a b= Boys 44s 42) n= my-t=9-102 (alsthenunterofpis and isthe mantener) o bea 15205 5 8 antegt) aan So tha estimate exceeds the exact value by Approximate valve ~Exact valve = 00124990012 TN MADE EASY Numerical Method: 6.4.3 Truncation Error Formulae forTrapezoidal and Simpson's Rule Lantnteanps cenit ‘Retention ne Bre rrp ns Tones = NO The absoUte T; bound for simple trapezoidal rue is given by # Vleans = axl = Bmax eo where. 4535%, For Camgne ue lo sary, Y Melon = mexl-H rel = Emax where, of8, The turcaon errr simple Spoon ule wth pts i gen by fa a) For compost Simpson's rule with NY ntervals, the kuncatton oor bound is given by id Tonos = “FON where, Ny numberof simpson’ intwals sho, wed n/N to(3) “Te absslt truncation aor boune for simple Spoons ris given by. Wanna = maxl-th er] 8, Team 6 = Bm lre@l where, x38 5%, “Tre absokte mucaton err bound fr compost Speci a vih Niels gen by, 1 (3) "el - fe 0 = Bema le@| Telus = may 446 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY Inallthese formulae, N= (0 ah (where and b are the ims ofintegraton) and N= Nt (where quis the numberof pls used inte integration). Since T for simple trapezoidal uo proportional ta, tis athird ocder method. ie. TE = Oth?) Since, or simple simpeons rule fs proportional to tle a fith oder method. ie. TE = Ott Important Note: 1. Trapezoidal ule gives exact resis while integrating polynomials upto degree 2. Simpson’ ule gives exact results while integeating polynomials upto degree = 3. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 0.28 A 2 degree polynomial, (x) has values of 1,4 and 15 atx = 0, 1 and 2, spectively, The integra 20 cx's tobe estimated by apphing te trapezoidal rule to is data. Whatis tha ‘err (defined a8 “rue value - approximate valuo" inthe estimate? ae wo oF (GE, GATE.2008, 2mares} Sotto: ) (8) = 1.4 15 t= 0, 1nd 2respctily Jc = Bee 2,et9 tapi tpi we het freee « Losarecrmete Approximate value by Tapezoidal Rule = 12 Since is second degree polynerial, ot i) = a raxeag? f0) = 1 = +040 =1 = aad a= 4 = 44,44; s asa = o i@) - #28, +a = = 1429, + 4a, = 2a, ta, = 16 ® Sovving () and (i) a, »=1 and ay = 4 1) = tox e e MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 447 Peal eee eros 4 Eror = Exact ~ Approximate value = 32 4g.= 4 3g 0.29 Te accuracy of Simpsons ue quadrature fora stop siz nis (@ Ore) © On) (el Ont) (o) One) IME, GATE-2009, 1 mark] Solutio: (¢) * 0.30 A calculate has accuracy up 08 cits ar door piace, The va o fsinxckc when : evaluated using this calculator by trapezoidal method with 8 equa intervals, to § signiicant cls is {@) ccoo00 (b) 1.0000, (6 000500 (8) 090025 IME, GATE-2007, 2 marks) Solution: (a) vee n+ a8) e770 oror10 o 070710 448 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY Trapezoid wo J 0-08 Biyoyg +2; He Ho toll fond ~ Exto+0)sa07071061 -070710+0-070710-070710) = coxen 0.31 Torque exred ona yee! over aces iste inthe table. Fyne energy (J per uit cy) ng Serozens eis Taste (aoaree)[O] CO | 120 [180 ]2H0| B00 3e0 Torquo Nm) [0] 7066 [=a] o- [oa] 255] 0 (a se Or (@ tea (@) 1088 (ME, GATE-2010, 2 marks] Solution: (b) Fyubeslenergy = | 10}, where (i terque exerted ‘The integral by using simpson’ ula is peeereenrer) t= codon Z ado $B elo +4 108 + 20-905) + (0) + 21829) + 4-355) +0) = m0 (0.82 The integral ff Lk, when evaluated by using Simpsons 18 ule on wo equa subintervals ‘each oflength 1, equals : (@ 1000 (b) 1098 tin @ 1120 . IME, GATE-2011, 2 marks) Solution: (c) ee MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 449 ES (2.39 The magnitude a te eror (corectto two decimal places) inthe estimation oolong infegral using simpson 178 ule. Take the step length as 1 fietsr0e ICE, GATE-2013, 2 Mark) Solution: Using Simpson's Rule xO 2 ay a y [10] 77] 287] 26; Fle oso Zilio+266)+-2(26)+a(114 83) « 245.99 Tre vate of integral foes) [Eo] = Eotod = ons + Magnitude of eror = 245,98 ~ 2448 = 0.53, (2.34 The minum number o equal lngh subintervals needed 0 approximate xe" ok to an accuiacy of atleast 1/3 x 10° using he trapezoidal ule (@) 19000 (©) 1000 (0) 10. (@) 100 [e, GATE-2008, 2 marks} ‘Solution: (e) Here.the function boing intogratedis 16) = x0 1) = xe vers PW) = 0 sot ot =o 4 2) ‘Since both eand xare increasing functions. ofx, maximum valve of ()n interval <§ <2, focus at » 2 8, dx [PQ] = e%2+.2)= 4ot Truncation Eros for rapezoidal ue «TE (oound) w ey = Brae 0 +n, here nunber futile bea Ne Tepang = Tyra | -2= 450 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY ie "4 7 = So amac@l rsts2 Now puting Teena re We get ue - . b Now, Number of intervals @.35._ Using the rapezsidal rule, and dividing the interval of integration into thee equal subintervals te tnt tegr ["er [2014 : 2 Marks, Set-2} Solution :1.10- 1.12 2.36 The value of | Md calculated using the Trapezoidal rule with fve subintervals is * IME, 2014 : 2Marks, Set-2] Solution z= ffl fs]. ‘ones | vanes | avons | a2zir | rane | 13055 »f»t»f[sl]» r= {inedde Fllig=) #20, Ye Ys 4H 03 [0.9168 + 1.2863) + 21.0206 + 1.1814 + 1.2297 + 1.9083)] t= 3 11.6006 = 1.7589 MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 451 wee Name Methocs | 451 2.37 Thedeeotnega fis ovaateduingtapezid lo yaa stp sz ol. The covet IME, 2014 1 Mark, Sot-3} Solution + TT27 3 [0s [035 vo [i Te re [lee h = Ho+ved2vd 1 » dnsosa42% ev0s8+2%05) 233 = 28a B= .105 6.5 NUMERICAL SOLUTION OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 65.1 Introduction ‘Anaifica ethods of olsion are appficable ony foaled clas offre equations. requartly liforential equations appeering in physical problems do nt belong to any ofthese familiar types {and one is obliged to resort to numerical methods. These methods are of even greater importance ‘when we ‘elise that computing machines are now avaiable which reduce the fime taken to do ‘umercaleomeutaton considerably ‘Aoumber 2frumerica methods are avalabe forthe solution offst order difretial esuations ofthe fox B= tM, oven v4) = Ye 0 These metodo sluions eter a over sresinx tom hich he value ofy canbe ound by ect stan ora set valu and, The nethodof Patan Tye ses bong tote fomer clas of cuon whereas ose of Eder, Funge Kuta, Mine, Aarne Saco ote ong tone ar clase. In thon ier methods the vac oly ee eatated sh saps cuairioral of xand ar herefore, trod as step by. sep methods. Er and Runge-Kuta methods re ved for compuing overated angecxcvaluos whereas Min and ans-Bastorth mthod may be-appted fe erngy veratrine of evoke These trmathods equ starting vais which ao fund by Peatdb or Tyr sores Range. Kita metods. Te ital conten in (is speciadat h pit x Sch problems in whch hen conten are ven ae ta oi nla caled it! valuepotiar.But eee ae pele where condone given a wo ore ports. hase are known as bos value roles. In his hap. wu shal sy toe mathodscarenon usar slain ra rr derenaloratone, aay 452 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE 1. Eulore Method 2. Modlied Euler Method 3, Runge Kuta Method of Fourth Order (Classical Runge-Kutta Method) 65.2 Euler’sMethod Coneiderthe equation, dye = ty) o Given that yi) = oe cuve of solution trough PO.) s shown in Fig. Now we have to find the ‘otcnate of anyother point @ on this curve. Cu eM oagihagem too Le us dhvide LM into msubintervas each of with at LL 80 that hf quit smal. nthe interval L,, we approximate ne cuve by the tangent at Phe ornate though Ly moet tis tangentin og + 9). thon yelr inp, = y+ PRI taro = of = Yee hind) Let, be tne curvecl soliton) ough anit angel alP, etn crnat trough Linh seg 2h y) Then . Fopeding bis process tines, we aly each an epprosmaton MP of MO gvenby Yous 1100 HOD. Yqa 9) Ingenaa may Yer Wt NTH) ‘This is Euler's method o ng an approximate solution ot () (Obs. In Eulers method, we approximate the curve of soluton bythe tangentin each interval, by ‘a sequence of shot lines, Unless h is small, the eroris bound o be quiet significant. This sequence flines may also deviate considerably rom the curve of solulon. Hence there is a moification of thiemethed whichis givenin the next secton, caled moaied Evers method, hich more accurate (MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 453, ECs ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: Using Euler's method, find an approximate value of ycortesponding lox= 1, giventat dich xt yandy= Twhen x= 0, Solution: Weisko n= 10andh =0.1 whichis sutciently small The varius calculations are arranged as folows: yee ayia] Oy +OTGyTeR = naw y ao; too] Teo | r00+0.¥1.00)= 1.10 osfrso | 120 | t.t0s0.41.20)=1.22 oz] 122) 142 | t2e40.q1aa=196 03} 136 | 166 | 196+0.43.66)=1.53 o4] ssa] 198 | 153+0.4199)=1.72 os} 172] 222 | 172+0.1222)=1.94 os| 194 | 254 | to4+o.42ss)=-239 o7| 219] 269 | 21940.4200)-2.48 os| 248 | 329 | 248+0-1380)=281 og] 261] a7 281+0.1879=34 10 | F578} ‘Thus the required approximate value of ys 3.18 atx 1.0. ‘Obs. inthis examole, the true value of y ftom ts exact soliton atx = 16 Y= 20x 1 2on1-1 = 344 \whoroas ty Eulers method y = 0.18. In the above Solution, had we chosen n = 20, the accuracy ‘would have been considerably increased burt atthe expense of double the labour of computation. Euler's mend is ne doubt very simple, but cannot be considered as one ofthe best. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Wt intial condition y = 1 atx = 0 find y for 1 by Euler's method, yex Solution: ‘We divide the interval (0, 0.1) nto fve stops i. we taken = 5, h ‘The various calculations are arranged as ols 454 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY (MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 455 —eEVwTr Om Taeraee | 6.5.4 Runge-KuttaMethod | XV = ae | aay +HeyTeh)= nawry ‘The Tayler’ saree method o song ciferil equations nurercaly i rescte by the labour Bor | ToomTT19Go0 Toon +00. 0000) = 1.0200 involved in finding the higher order devas, However there i 2 clas of metho known as 002 | 4.0200) 09615 | 1.0200+0.200+ 0049615) = 1.0302 Funge-Kuta methods which donot equi he galltions of higher oder darvatves. These methods 004 | 10302} 0926 110398 + 0.021926) = 1.0577 ' agree with Taylor's series solution upto the terms inf. wher riffs from method to method and is 08 | 1057 | 0.898, 4.0577 +0.02(896) = 1.0756 Caled the oda ofthat method Ela’s method Waele’ Eur metnad and unge's method ae the coal teers tame 00a(e2) 1.0008 unge-Kuta methods ofthe fist. second ana id ord respect asl The fourtorder Runge-Kutta method s mips gorunany Sed and ison ered to as Runge 28 Kutta metiod or classieal Runge-Kutta method, Recta rnaremamee re ea ering erring te caret yconeponsng te aninrenen nohy Runge 65.3 Modified Euler’sMethod o InGulers method Yer = eID Ge = xy, yh) = Yo a8 fons: inBackwa LEN Kod ® InBackwardEuiersmethod —y,,, = FMM.» Kad o ‘Calculate successively ‘A numerical method where yy 3opeers on LHS’ and RHS ofthe Rerative equation Is called an impli mathod, So Backward Euler's method isan impict method, while Euler's mathod is explicit sincoy,., appears only on lft ids of trative equation, In Backward Eulers method, we naedito rearrange and soive (oy, , before proceeding further. Moe 0) nile + dhe dh) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES 6 (sos frase) sare Using Backward Eulers Method find an approximate value of y corresponding to x = 0.2, os Ifa, hyo the) ven that dyldk = x+y andy = 1 when x = 0, ube step size n= 0.1 Finally com 4 Yer = HAP MD) by comput = {ese 420 thd Yon = FM KD ich gives the required approximate vak . roxinate vali y, ay rk Soton aharkehenotproseat shy ta Solving fory,,,weget, yi, = LtPAet Ove. One esvataon these mets ath opranisidericawnsherne ferent Now te celelton are shown bb ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: ‘Apply Runge-Kuta fourth order metnog ip fd approximate value of y when x=02 gen thal idx = x+y and y= 1 when x9, Solution: Here. = 0, Yo 1.5 = 0.2, ft Yo) = 1 s ky 4+04%0.1 UO 5.120 me ey oe So, the approximate velo ofy at x= 0.2 is 1.2689, "Notoe that his same problem when solvedtby onward Eulers method. gave a sight diferent faneworfory which was = 1.22 atx = 02. ‘Tha advantage of Backward Eulers method isis stabilly. Backward Euler's method is more lable compared to forward Eula method, ‘Amethads stale the efecto any single xed round of ero is bounded, independent of = 0264 01,1.9 - tye Bk, nootnned the number of mesh points 2 456 | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY aa nif + phye + 3he} = 02%401, 1.12) > 020 and Hi + hy # a) 0240.2, 1248) = 0.2888 1 k= Metre 42g th) = 2o.2000+0.4800+ 0.4880 +0.2868) = Jxt4989) -0.2408, Now York +0248 = 12428 Honce the required approximate value ofy is 1.2428. 6.5.5 Stability Analysis, Ifthe effect of round off etor remains bounded as | >=, with afked step size, then the method fs said to be stable otherwise unstable, Unstable methods wl diverge away from solution and cause overtow eter Using a general eigle stap method equation Yer EY o Condition for absolute sabi is lel < Using a test equation ye ay. ius find the condition for stably for Eulers method. ler method equation s Now, comparing wih () we get B= tena Conction for stabi 1E| <4 tena <4 sietehhct So, condition for stabil is Beano ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 2.88 The ciferentiat equation (dy/cx) = 0.25 is tobe solved using he backward (mpi Euler's method withthe boundary condition = tatx= Cand vithastep size! 1. What would be the value oy atx = 1? MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 457 @) 133 (e187 (© 200 @ 233 ICE, GATE-2006, + mark] Solution:(¢) oy B+ 0257 (yet atx 1 teatve equation for backward (movc) Euler methods or above equation wold be Yee Yet MOR Med Yoon = YeAMO25%Ry 3 (OREHYE Yat = 0 png i = Olnabove equation azsny?-y0y = 0 — p= tandh oasyz-yei = 0 [ 12 y 2x025 - wee 0.39 Whienurercalysoting the cterentalequaton 2 «ay? =, WO)= tusing Euler preciotoe corectr (improved Euler Cauchy) wth a sep size of 0.2, the value ofy after the frst step Is oi © 103 ©) 097 (2) 096. {IN GATEZ019 2 marks} Solution: (d) oon? Bea? =o 4 & oo aiterone tration Wi = Yort-2ey8) 1 +02f2x0x 14 Wy = Yor ZXO2I-Dia¥s Zn} 14 0.11420% #)-(2x02x 1) 1401 [-0-04) =1-004= 098 (0.40 The itferertial equation (axl) = [(1—] is isretised using Eve's numerical integration method witha time stop AT > 0. What isthe maximum permissible value of AT to ensure stably ofthe solution of te coresponding asrete time equation? @t ) x @r x IEE, GATE-2007, 2 marks} 458 | Engi MADE EASY ring Mathematics for GATE Solution: (8) Here, Hore, Euler's Method Equationis Since, h = AThere, aisi-Met = AT <2 0, maximum permissible value of ATs 2 Q.41 Match List with List-l and select he correct answer using the cods given below theists List List A. NewonRaghson method 4. Solving raninea equations 8. Rung-hitamethod equations 2. Sohing smutaneous near oquatons . Simpsons Fule equations 3. Saving ordinary coronal D. Gaus lmination “4. Numa itogration 8. tepoition 6. Calculatonofigewalues Codes: AB COD @ 6 1 6 3 ® 1 6 4 3 : ® 1 3 4 2 @ 8 3 4 4 {EO, GATE-2006, 2 marks} Solution: (€) 242 cot atowed ona (9) wn el oto yO) «0g Euler's frst order method witha step size of 0.1 the value of (03) Is (@ 001 (©) 0001 {} 00631, 01 (EC, GATE-2010, 2 marks} MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 459 ‘Solution: {b) » Boyan vo step size =n = 01 vk atordor formas Yar = 14 M99 Yt = Yo + PE Yo) Her, 4 = yp=¥e)=¥0)=0 sea mpen=0404 «08 Mayan racial! Yo Py 9) O'+0.1x1(0,0) 0401x1040) ° Oty 20 %+2h= 04201202 Ye Mya 0'+0.11(01,0)=0+01 (01 +0)=001 0.2, yy=001 yt dh=043%01 x03 = Ya = Yet Map = 001 +01 <1(02,0.01) =001 +0.1(02 +001) =0.081 9) x= 03, yy= 0001, ‘Coweet answer is choice (bo) « 0.43 Thearorin $1), foracontnuoss uncon estimated with h = 0.08 using he canal 4 th) ioencatomula 0] = ANN) cot me vahas chad) a 49,73 anc 800.01, respectively, The corespanding erorin the central ference estimate fr h=002is approximately @ 19x104 © 30x10¢ (945x104 (0) 90% 104 IGE, GATE-2012, 2 marks) Solution: ) Erorn cettal iferenc formulas) This moans, ore « 8 tore tor he 003182109 sen Enorforh = 0.0218 approximately 3 (O02. 9,404 2109 OEE ~ 9x10 460. | Engineering Mathematics for GATE MADE EASY 0.44 Match he corectpairs ‘Numerical Intogration ‘Scheme Simpson's 38 Rule “Tapezodal Rule ‘Simpson’ 1/3 ule P2,04,R3 Paa2Rs SE ROP Answer: (d) Order of Fting Polynomial +. Past 2. Second 3) Third (©) 3.02.84 (6) P3.04,R2 IME, GATE-2018, 1 Mark] 048 corte on cry crt agin SA, att = he cme cclculated using Runge Kuta fourth order muit-stap mathod witha step sizeof at» 0.2 is (@ 020 © 066 ‘Solution : (2) at ©) 048 (@) 088 IME, 2014 : 2 Marks, Set-2) aad = yay) Iespective of values off, x) depends on tony fly) =02r%4=08 orberd) hiOA. +04) = O24x0.1+4)= 088 = nor tne’) «021452048 = a2ttx0160)-008 = ftp hao +Ks) = 0210214080 o2tax02+4)-098 1 Fie the Aha tha) Joneacaneascaso90 = tes (MADE EASY Numerical Methods | 461 0.48 IntheNewion-Raphson method, an ial guess of, = 2is made and the sequen xy X= {is oblined forthe function 0752-258 Dee 4 ‘Consider the statements O 4-0 {W)Thomethed converges oa sotton in afte numberof trations Which ofthe fotowing is TRUE? (@) Gniy! @) Onytt (©) Bath and (@)Nestner nor [CS, 2014 (Sot2): 2 Marks] ‘Solution: (a) Compute HHH =0R= ey 2 = 0/8 correct but It converges in an infinite stops. 0.47 win espectto tne numerical evaluation o the define intogral ven, wich ofthe folowing stamens is/are TRUE? (0) The value of K obtained using the trapazcidal rules alvays greater than or equal fo the rat value of the definite integral. (i) Tre value of K obtained using the Simpsons rulais aways equal tothe exact value ofthe (Pace, where a and are inte itera (©) tony ©) ony (©) amt andi {@) Netter inori Tos, 2014 (Sets): 2 Marks} Sotuton (6) I 2a re ox {p10 S decimal places) Lotn =: FO] om pos pow TT y= 1 0 |a0ses]a2s| ose] vol vw lve] we |v Trapezsidal rule: jee - P25 [0+ 9+2(0.0825+026-+0.5625)] = 0.30875 Simpson's 1/9 rule: fee = 2Z3i(0+ 94.2(0.25)+ 40.0626 +0.5625)] 033538 (up 05 decal) 2000 CHAPTER => Laplace Transforms 7.1 INTRODUCTION ‘The Laplace transform mathod sovediferential equations and coresponcing nial and boundary value problems. The process of souton consists of three main steps: let step. The ghen “hare” problem i anstormes into “simple” equation (subsidiary equation) 2nd slop. The subsidiary equation is solved by purely algebraic manipulations. 421d stop. The soluten of the subsidy equation is transformed back to obtain tha solution ofthe ‘aiven problem, In tis way Laplace tanstorms reduce the problem of solving a ifrential equation to an algebrale problem. This process is made easier by tables of funcons and ther tansforms, whose rol Is siriler to that of integral tables in calculus. This sitchin om operations of calculus to algebraic operons on ransforsis called operational calculus, avery importantarea of appied mathemati, andor he engines the Laplace transform ‘methods practcaly the most mportant operation method. tis periculaly use in problems where thomechanicalo’lectcal ving method. tls pariculaty usetulin problems where the macharical ‘orelectica ving fxce has discontinuities, s impulsive ois @ complicated periodic function, nat merely a sine or cosine. Another operational method isthe Four ransform. The Laplace transform also has the advantage thal & ovo mil value problams crcty, witout first determining @ genoral solution. t also solves nonhomogeneous diferental equations directly ‘wnout rst solving the corresponding hemagencous oquation. ‘System of ODES and partial ciforertial equatons can alsobe treated by Laplace transforms. 7.2. DEFINITION Lat bea funn of | defn fr al postive vakes of, Then the Laplace tansfoms of, denoted by L{f{t)} is defined by Len) = Gertie 0 providedthat he integral exists sis a parecer which may be area complex number Ut) being caer a uncton of sis batywittan a H(e) or as le) ie. UK = Tee). ‘ich can eleo be writen as 1 = LHe MADE EASY Laplace Transforms | 463 Then calor te ewer Laplace ransiom of a), The syblL Which rato ito 7), is clos Laplace ransormation operate. Example: i © Lutay = fot 1a-(£]- Cal ae ‘Simiay Laplace wanstoxs of other commen funetops can also be evaluated ands shown below 7.3 TRANSFORMS OF ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS ‘The direc! application ofthe denon gives the folowing formulae sun! wo (<0) (20) (s>tap (soap ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE Q.1 IL defines the Laplace Transtoem of a tuncton, L [in (at) wil be equal to Oe © ea a oz zy {CE, GATE-2008, 2 mats} Sotto: 1) ci « jostoa Lsinatn = jet sia «8 22 Lapiace ransom tor he aneton i) = cosh(an fs Ore Ore a s Oe ome ICE, GATE-2009, 2 marks) 464 | Engineering Mathematics for Gate MADE EASY Solution: (0) ihe a standard result that Leoshat) = 0.3. Laplace transform of the function sin ats oF O ae o IME, GATE-2008, 2 marks) Solution: (0) Lpsnot) = 33 4 Teton ser be etlantin St1=0 ane atany ce 0 s, = 0, £00) = 4, The Laplace transfor of ft) is given by 2 4 o3 On 4 2 on OF IMME, GATE-2019, 2 Marks) Answer: (6) ‘7.4 PROPERTIES OF LAPLACETRANSFORMS 7.4.1 Linearity Property Wa, b, cbe any constants and f,o, Many functions of, then att) + bolt) = obit] = a LK} + BLEa() ~ Lin) 7.4.2. FirstShifting Property HLHtO) = Te). ten Lloro = Te-a) Application of this propety leads us othe following useful results: [ruse = a MADE EASY Laplace Transforms. | 4 Uoron = [[stcoeen Fa b r 5. Ue sicnby) = > isin oar pe A r 6 Loteoth bt) = —2=8 [ :tcoshen “ wa U where in each case s> a. 7.43 ChangeofScaleProperty 7 se i= 9. rent = Proof Liven Gorton purat=u be ata dura Ge~udura : Fi ft = arta dae) - Ps) = 744 Existence Conditions [peritct exsst [Poet can actualy be avasatodand slim as > exist, Otho ve may vee foloning theorem {Qs continous and Lt fe stint: en to Laplace tansiomoti io. Fei xa | fors>a Itshould however be noted that te above condtions are suicient athe han nec “y Simiarty a funtion ft) for which oc example, Lif) evs, though WE i inte at ¢ = {Je “M0 iste anc having @ nt cecontuty wit have a Laplace tarsfor for s> a MADE EASY 466 | Engineering Mathematics for Gate ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE G5. Inwhat range shou Fes) remain so thatthe Lapiace transform ofthe function el ®*5 ots, (a) Re(s)>a+2 (o) Fe(s)>a+7 (© Re()<2 () Pels>ar5 TEC, GATE-2005, 2 marks} Solution: (a) j= dt etal [1 le "=| aeaa | 1 ForL T toexst,Role)> a +2 @.6 Within values (0) = y(0) = 1, the solution of the ciferetial equation Phe aBleaynd axatis (£0, 20142 Marks, Sets] soktion en yO = yO=1 Fy AY ay 20.09 oe ae 1 =O “Taking he Laplace traneoem of equation (), we get 32%(6)-8¥(0) -Y(0) + fs¥(s) -y10)] + 4¥{8) = 0 [e2 +s + 4I¥{s) = <¥(0)¥(0)+ 4y(0) [s2+as4a)V(s) = 8444 45 Ye) = StS Beara e+5) Geer = Bea wat Yo) = 24 3K0% yo) = +30 on 3545 7 a st X(e)= 3p #5 — bo the Laplace anslerm of a signal) Then, x0") CCE eer attra Z @ 0 ws @s @ 2 (EE, 2016: 1 Mark, Set-t] (MADE EASY Laplace Transforms | 467 Solution : (0) Given, Xe) Using inital valve theorem, xo") x04) = tin on) 70 28 Laciecetranstorm of cont) is =z. Tholaplace transform ole cosiat 5-2 842 © apse © GaPre tt _s2 © Bare © waree IME, 2014 1 Mark, Set-1] Solution: (6) ss Ue cos b0 = Era apF -2ba4 Ue coscan) = ae ‘Transforms of Derivatives 1. #() becontiuous ana LK) = Tis, then LurcO) = eFee)—Ko) 2. I f(Qandits fst (n— 1) derivatives be contruous, then LPOE = oHe)- 2440) -2”2H10)-—..- 0) 7.45.1. Differential Equations, Initial Value Problems ‘We shall now ecuss how the Laplace transform mathod solved diferent equation, We begin win an intial value prot Ytaysby = 0, o WO) = Ky ¥lO)=K, with constant and, Her (is tha input (criving force) applied tothe mechanical system and yt) the output (response of the system). In Laplace's mathod we do tree steps ‘st Step: Tating Laplace transform of LHS and RHS of 1 we get LED +aLiy)+ BLY) = Uo. 468 | Engineering Mathematics for Gate MADE EASY [Now substituting L(y) = sLy)—f(0) and [Liy?) = * Liy)—si(0)~ f0)). we get (Uy) 29(0)- 101] + afsL(y)-y6)] + by = Ln. Now wiing Y= Liydand A = (9). This gives [5°%(9)~ 50) y(0)] + afs¥%e)—y(0] + by = ie) ‘Thisie cated the eubsidary equation. Collecting Werms, we have (7 +28 + BING) = (6+ A) +0) + FE. ‘2nd Step: We solve the subsidiary equation algebraically or. Dhision by s* +8 + banduse of the eo-cale traneter function 7 9 ase ‘¥e8 the soon Fier = Fe abvOrs ONGC) AOR) 10} = ¥(0)= 0, tse simply ¥ = RO: tus Qs the auctiont [ou = oa AT Lo) andithis explains the name of. Note that denends onlyon a end b, but does net dependen other 1 or onthe inal condtions. 8rd Stop, We reduce (i (usualy by paral actions, asin calculus) toa sum terms whose inverse ‘can be found from te table, 90 thatthe solution yt) = L-!(Y) a (i obtained Example 1: Initial problem: Explanation ofthe basic steps Solve yoyet O)= 1. ytO}= 1 Solution. 1st Step. By taking Laplace vanstorm of LHS and RHS of y"-y_=t, we get the folowing subsiiary equation Ly) =540)-¥1O)=L) = thus (6 Ves +t tit whore ¥=Ly) a 2nd Stop. The ranster functions Q= 1Ks*=1), and 1 asi Sd Step. Fromtnisexprezson for, we obtain the soliton by ewers Laplace transform asfolows w= Eee peak }-e{3| Jeeronne- Ct out, _ stot 2 = oe The deg ig bso ounrmoacarepprech Laplace Transforms | 469 Subsisrexuation (a tyeasan® ‘Seton pro ob ‘Saonateaearyeaion ‘The problem can also be solved by the usual method without using Laplace transforms as shown VO) = 1, y(0)=1 place tansy math Comparisca withthe usual method below yoyet (ty = 6 ‘Aupatary eoution bet 0 ©+)0-)=0 m, = Vandmp=t Socomplementaryuncton is cele, Now partulrintegral a © a 14D ‘So.complets solutions presses! Pating intl condtions 0) =" ana) = 1, got ey+e) = Vande, = 8008. is 4 \Which is exactly the same solution as obtained by Laplace tansiorm method. "Note: Lapiae ranstorm method has obtained the solaion cre without ery evaluation of constants oy 0368 7.4.6 Transformsof integrals 4 HLM» He). ther Uff Hasuh= 29) 470 | Engineering Mathematics for Gate MADE EASY ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 29 IFF(s)isthe Laplx ansorm of function (then Laplace ansto of [ees @ 26) © He)-40 (9 F)-10) (@ JFisias IME, GATE-2007, 2 marks} Solution: (8) {lE4e] - 2m In this problem a ned s uj 7.4.7 Multiplication By” HL¢K)] = 4), then ues) = © 7.48 Division Byt weitey= Te) amen Uta) = (Fee ‘provided the integral st. 7.5 EVALUATION OF INTEGRALS BY LAPLACE TRANSFORMS ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES Example: : Brahe [et sntat © Geeta co pester Solution @ Fietenta ~ Lotsinnat whores=2 Lit sin, by definition 2x2 4 EP SP BS MADE EASY Laplace Transforms | 471 Since, sin (#4) nee L Etat Bo iy jessnmt =tart & ot m Hon Lt tartgin) = Of m>dernim <0 “hus taking mits as s+ 0, we get jen iat = Eum>0or-Zitmow-Zimeo © Sice, = cot'{e=1), by shitng property 1 = teor's-9 ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 0.30 vat 7 22 wor os of ot Ice, GATE 2007, 2m] Solution: (b) Sree Us = ty = a = fro Fett fare ert Oenton jor 20a tant 2 472 | Engineering Mathematics for Gate MADE EASY vow t,u'(8) -o4msooretmea Teus taking mits as 5 0, we get Intis problem m = 1 whichis > Othereore te arsweris & 7.6 INVERSETRANSFORMS - METHOD OF PARTIAL FRACTIONS Having found the Laplace Tanslorme of@ few functions, letus now detercine the rverse vanstoems ‘ef given unctions os, Wehave seen that (| each casos rational algebraic function, Hence tofind the Inverse vansforme, we ist express the given function of into partial factions which wil, ‘then, be recognizable as one of the following standard forms: es a ufz 6. (ea) Jeinat penne. a 7 gla eaerne vege hires wanes fsa me |r +5 2a _A hesereauts need tobe mamorsed. eresuts(1)19 1} folow atone am er orespanding ‘esutsin vansorms of elementary yeton and properties cf Lanice anciorms. Rests (11) and (12)canbe proved tsinat Jgpenanonn ‘Note on Partial Fractions: Toresoive a given tractan into parti rctions, we fe factrise the denominator into real factors. ‘These wil’be either linear or quadratic, and some factors repeated. We know from algebra that a proper fraction can be reselvod Into a sum of partial rations such that 4. ta nomtepaatedlinoar factors a Inthe daneminator corresponds a pati fraction ofthe fou Aisa). 2. toarepested inear factor (5~a inthe denominator coresponds he sum or pata fractions of tne form Avy Ae y Aa oy 4 A ea" Gaaf Gaal” “Goa? MADE EASY Laplace Transforms | 473, 8. toaroropcated quadratic factor(s + as +-bin the denominator, comesponds aparial faction s+ Feastb 4, toa rapested quadrats factor (s+ as+ by the denominator, cortespends the sum ofr partial of toform AS+B, Ast, Ast Fase Praseoe “Then wo ave to determine te unknown constants A, A, By to. Inallotne cases, equate the given fraction toa sum of suitable pata fractions in accordance with 1104 above, naving found the partial fractions corresponding to the nor-repeatedinesr factors by the above rule. Then multiply Bon sides by the denominator ofthe given fraction and squate the ‘coefficients of Ike powers of 6 or substuto conveniant numerical values of on both sides. Finally solve the simpiest ofthe resuting equations to find tha unknown constants ‘ractons of he frm “as +5) ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES FROM GATE 1 Q.11 Theinverse Laplace transform of es (tte (6) 1-8 IME, GATE-2009, 1 mark] Solution: (e) {Using standard formulae] Standard formula: 1 112 TheLanlece wanstorm ofa function) s 1 —. The nto 8 eed fa tot 48" ©) tote (tee @ are IME, GATE-2010, 2 marks} 474 | Engineering Mathematics for Gate MADE EASY sotton: (a) Aas o 140) eset Malcing coor s and contain nerator weg. ArC=0 aw alpco a # nt) =1, hen the vale of Kis 2 os [E, GATE-2010, 2 marks) Solution: (8) M0 = in sie) Given that, ug 2.14 The inverse Laplace transform ofthe function Fs) = =" = is given by 1 a5 @) K)=sint (@ f)=e IME, GATE-2012, 2 marks] (MADE EASY Solution: (4) als + +B) Pat a & New 7.7 UNITSTEPFUNCTION ‘Attines, we came across such fractions of which the inverse transform ‘cannot be determined rom te formulae sofa dived. nerder to cover such cases, we introduce the unit step function (or Heaviside unt functor) i Det. Then te uncon uta s defied as flows oferta wea fess | where ais always postive. : 7.7. Transformof Unit Function | uta = [Sent—akk | = fet-oas fret sat «0+ L Tus, uta = om 0 tort

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