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REEWiody crporrn Suda dese poptns nc the ae ‘Sind Ot Rott mas vo Nab) oc eat el, aly th ute Sadan Ns doe Do bel a et ens ‘Szeto sag ne oan pion ‘STN, So ron pci pitch so nay oro. An Se Spm. Chae: he itt) i eS oa pts in de mu ‘CCASSIEEbn resent te man bans on Tis, ‘ng. 7p mor tone Md Brg, Deer Pes "Eines Open presente by Chen Sha he pst Doe Ban eaeedr Aap SN ATR, sant “Bayan Fo Fetal” 1 Ri Raat nl Bone up) he Te Mn. ‘TAQSIM NAHAWAND: A STUDY OF SIXTEEN PERFORMANCES BY JIHAD RACY This sty isa attempt gain insight int anaspes of the process of Improvisation im Mile Eastern musi. Tn contast 10s number of Stes which generalize aboot his ope the purpose eres to provide concentrated dovomentation on the ay in which single Arse pr former improvices none maga, ung ope form or genre In this respect, our stay is somewbal similar to Net! and Fin? which tempts to show the range of improvisstory teshnigues and of perfor. noe types used by Persian musicians when performing one portion of 4dasgah or mode, the dardmad of chahrgah Wis also Felted to Study by Roth Kat! which compares two generations of singers roma Timted popsation soup, performing ne pente ian Arabic Jewish ‘sea tradition The guhering of basic nsical data was caried out to some extent in te syle ofan experiment andes the esting consol but als the Untation of materi thats especialy elicited in order to provide a structured muss of dat. Jhod Racy isa young Lebanese musician ‘vas born ina village But moved to Blut at ge 18, who stodied ‘ations musicians and iidependenily, who is proficient on several in- Strumens, and whois wellregatded by the indigneous musical commu ity of Lebanon. He basa background in Westen music a8 well and has studied ut no throug performance) oer non-European musis. He ‘as studied ethpomustcology but has kept his performing creer sep ‘ate from this interest During 1971-7 twas possible topesuade him to ‘esform and record 100 tagasn forthe University af nas Archives ot Eshnomoricology. We use the term tags forthe siguartagarin for plurals and mogam for single, magart for pal, throughout ths paper.) He was asked simpy to perform and to records tags of his hoe every twoor three days and not to fel during performance, in fsny way retrcted by wht he had recorded previously inthe series, ot before » performance 1 ten tothe fagasin tha he had already recorded. No audience was present. I shou be pointed ou that dung {he period in which he made the recordings, he also gave many othe performances in concerts and classes. Ths, we Teel that We have & Smple of tateial whose its are well knows, aml which can be ‘egarded as thoroughly representative of ts universe. he perfor: ‘mance style pf Jihad Racy, playing alge, in 1971-72) cast in nahawand form the basi of this study. They were rams Spalyed, and compare, ands part of the analytical dt, ax wel 8 Sensis raw Rosi mpeseteshee Foureen of hagas of {he bse corpus wer pvformed on he Bui, a (9, ‘he degre to wish Rays performances ae pal smuician in genera, mesiians of his peetation, of Arabic mn at ioe ors inde, th degre t which they provide init int he rSssnes of Mile Eastern iprovantion m general eannot be dacs ‘Scere Norean he way whch isconcept ot naawand sito he ‘ric comeptalintion ofthat magam be presently sssesid, Ab indeed we cannot ae t sow the elatonsin of Ray's pero. Imancestahowand tt of ter magamat in hisrepetry Al ht Mer aempling oJ hrs to make cse stay of one msi Sipe of improvisation upon one mol "Tiaay We appropiate, Towsver, fo comment upon one inmedte problem, Roche ovis tminil contact with Wester musie and ih tnoomusicolgs, sd he posible tects ofthis upon is pect Iman, On te bass general crel, but unaaleal ain of {-mumber of Arabic means, we may say tht despite Hs usual ( Reckoreund, Rey's performances ined give the inpression of beng ) Yescnyypicl of Arab msc andl thi stody may in te es [utane be conadaedrseuchin theft of authentic Arabic mos thd ot am invesigaton ofan excepional musical phenomenon "Total sone othe major orn ofthe general train of Arabic mus According to Touma, i an improvised ‘agam with renzo ha i a ) freee TemBURT ones, the later including rhythm and length [Seren wen Tiay Be eve between or aRer metic, composed pieces: t tna appear aloe, ad, ot fequealyitisanintrdcton oxic {only vocal romance. The performances in thes varios mua Saas may ifr und the reader murtbesrin mind he et tha aot eta performed forte pest ty wars.laedlone, tia the coment of aterm. Moreover here enss ami ace of | gin taiaabda, butts ot consdered atl nist). ‘ne ument upon whch gran, Whe th te, broadly Sean tile ae Sbviour-dfsrences between the icua_and a! Performances af Rik. ao Rearing ecordngs by oe usians hs _ persed thot the inaument use OWN,» condense Bait these wires have a peat perfomance than upon eo ‘Ksrpios it nin lathe lmitaons mentioned above, then we have atjemnted, thrqugh transcription and analysis, to 6 usta sve But perhaps cL NerrumID Le Those RANAWaND tsi, indsing what alLor mont of se pufermances hve (a

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