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LEE AND WHITE METHOD normal control at the same time the patient’s specimen is

Principle: The coagulation time of whole blood is the
length of time required for a measured amount of blood STYPVEN TIME (RUSSEL’S VIPER VENOM
to clot under specific conditions. TIME)
Specimen: Fresh whole blood, 4 ml. A two-syringe  To detect deficiency of prothrombin, fibrinogen,
technique is preferable, drawing 1 to 2 ml of blood in the factor V and X, factor VII not detected
first syringe and discarding.  Normal - 6-10 s
PROTHROMBIN TIME Principle: Russel viper venom is a thromboplastin like
substance that activates Factor X. This reagent is added
 screening for extrinsic coag, course of oral anticoag
to plasma, together w platelets and calcium chloride,
therapy, least sensitive to deficiency of factor II
activating coagulation process, with subsequent
 Normal – 10-12 s
conversion of prothrombin t thrombin and fibrinogen to
Principle: The calcium in whole blood is bound by fibrin. Deficiencies in Factor V, X, and prothrombin may
sodium citrate, thus preventing coagulation. Tissue be detected.
thromboplastin, to which calcium has been added, mixed
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
with plasma and clotting time is noted.
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Testing should be
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium performed within 2 hrs of blood collection. If this is not
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Testing should be possible, refriferate the plasma and test w/in 4 hrs ir
performed within 2 hrs after the specimen is drawn when freeze plasma at -20°C if testing is to be performed after
the plasma is maintained at room temperature and within 4 hrs.
2 to 5 days when the plasma is stored at -20°C.
ACTIVATED PARTIAL THROMBOPLASTIN  reptilase found in venom of Bothrops atrox snake,
conerts fibrinogen to fibrin and is unaffected by
 screening for intrinsic coag, inhibitors, monitor heparin. Test for functional fibrinogen when
heparin therapy thrombin time is prolonged due to heparin
 Normal – 25-35 s  Dysfibrinogenemia- prolonged thrombin and
reptilase time
Principle: The calcium in whole blood is bound by  Normal - 10-15 s
sodium citrate, thus preventing coagulation. The plasma,
after centrifugation, which contains all intrinsic factors Principle: When reptilase is added to plasma, it acts by
except calcium and platelets. Calcium as an activator and releasing fibrinopeptide A from the fibrinogen molecule.
phospholipid substitute for platelets are added to plasma. The resultant monomers polymerize end to end, forming
The time required for the plasma to clot is the activated a clot.
partial thromboplastin time.
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Testing shoul be
citrate to 9 parts whole blood performed w/in 4 hrs of collection. If this is not possible,
freeze the specimen at -20°C.

 intrinsic coag, deficiency of platelets not detected  Measure the availability of functional fibrinogen,
 Normal – 90-250 s sensitive detecting heparin inhibition, normal
prolonged- newborn, multiple myeloma.
Principle: Calcium chloride (to replace the calcium  Normal – 10-14 s
bound by anticoag) is added to platelet-poor plasma and
clotting time is determined. Principle: A measured amount of thrombin is added to
plasma. Length of time to form a clot is measure and
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium recorded as thrombin time.
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Obtain blood for use as a

Justine Gayon (

Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium noted. Concentration of fibrinogen in the unknown
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Specimen should be sample by comparing results with clotting times of
stored at 2 to 8°C as soon as collected, and the test standard reference using known amounts of fibrinogen.
performed within 4 hrs. The PPP may be frozen at -20°C The clotting time is inversely proportional to the conc of
or lower. fibrinogen. The higher the clotting time, the lower the
fibrinogen concentration.
SCREENING TEST Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
citrate to 9 parts whole blood
Principle: Patients with Fletcher factor deficiency will
have a prolonged APTT. If the plasma + APTT reagent FACTOR V (II, VII, X) ASSAY
mixture is incubated for 10 mis (instead of routine 3 or 5
Principle: PT is performed on factor V deficient
mins), the prolonged APTT will be shortened, or almost
substrates containing varying dilutions of patient’s
normal, if the def is due to Fletcher factor.
plasma. The amount of correction by the patient’s
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium plasma correlates with its factor activity level and is
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Immediately after blood compared to the results of PT performed on varying
collection, place the tube of blood in a cup of crushed ice dilutions of an assayed reference plasma. The factor V
and deliver to the lab. content of the patient’s plasma is expressed as the
percentage of normal.
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
 When factor XIII is present, the fibrin clot formed is
citrate to 9 parts whole blood
INSOLUBLE in 5 M Urea and 1%
monochloroacetic acid when left standing for 24 hrs. FACTOR VIII (VIII:C) (IX, XI, XII) ASSAY
Generally, a level of 1% of factor XIII is sufficient
Principle: APTT is performed on factor VIII deficient
to make the clot insoluble to urea
substrates containing varying dilutions of patient’s
Principle: The patient’s plasma is clotted by the addition plasma. The amount of correction by the patient’s
of calcium chloride. Urea (5 M) is added to the clot. If plasma correlates with its factor activity level and is
Factor XIII is absent in the patient’s plasma, the clot is compared to the results of APTT performed on varying
dissolved in less than 24 hrs. dilutions of an assayed reference plasma. The factor VIII
content of the patient’s plasma is expressed as the
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
percentage of normal.
citrate to 9 parts whole blood
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
FACTOR IDENTIFICATION (PT AND APTT citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Place specimen in a cup of
SUBSTITUTION TEST) ice immediately after collection.
Principle: An APTT or PT is performed on the patient’s
plasma diluted 1:1 with:
1.) Adsorbed plasma (Factors V, VIII, XI, and XII)
> specific antigenic determinant (vWF:Ag)
2.) Aged serum (Factors VII, IX, X, XI and XII)
3.) Sodium chloride, 0.85% > hemophilia A: decreased factor VIII:C, normal to
4.) Normal control plasma increase (vWF:Ag)
The patients undiluted plasma is also tested in the same > von Willebrand disease: decrease to normal both
manner. Specific coag may be detected by noting which
Principle: Plasma dilutions containing the vWF antigen
reagent corrects the APTT or PT.
are incubated in microwells coated with rabbit anti-vWF
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium Ab. During incubation, the plasma vWF Ag binds to the
citrate to 9 parts whole blood anti-vWF Ab. The anti vWF peroxidase conjugate (rgnt
2) is added, which binds to the free vWF Ag forming a
QUANTITATIVE FIBRINOGEN “sandwich”. The bound peroxidase acts on substrate
Principle: An excess amount of thrombin is added to orthophenylenediamine in the presence of H202 to
specimen of diluted plasma and the clotting time is

Justine Gayon (

produce a color change that is directly proportional to breakdown of fibrin). After complete clotting, the
the conc. of vWF Ag present in the plasma. patient’s serum is diluted and mixed with latex particles
coated with anti-FDP. If FDP are present, agglutination
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
will occur.
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Centrifuge specimen at
2500x for 10 minutes. Plasma may be stored at 20°C for Specimen: Using a clean, dry syringe, obtain 2 ml of
8 hrs or for 1 month at -20°C. blood from the patient and transfer immediately to the
sample collection tube. these tubes may be also used
RISTOCETIN COFACTOR ASSAY with a Vacutainer system and will draw 2 ml of blood.
 property of the plasma vWF, resp for in vito platelet As soon as the blood is in the tube, mix well by inverting
agglutination in the precense of ristocetin. several times
Decreased- assoc w/ vW syndrome
Principle: Patient’s plasma is added to a standardized PRODUCTS
mixture of platelets and ristocetin reagent. The degree of
 Fibrinosticon procedure
resultant platelet aggregation is measured by platelet
aggregometer. This result is then compared to a curve Principle: A dilution of the patient’s plasma is mixed
prepared from a normal reference plasma, and the % with latex particles coated with monoclonal antibodies to
conc. of ristocetin cofactor determined. D-dimer. If FDP containing the D-dimer are present,
agglutination will occur.
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Plasma may be Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
refrigerated for up to 8 hrs prior to testing or frozen at - citrate to 9 parts whole blood. This tube should be drawn
20°C or lower for up to 8 wks. last during phlebo. The plasma is stable for 4 hrs at room
temp, 8 hrs at 2 to 8°C and for 1 month at -20°C. cen
HEPARIN (ANTI-Xa) ASSAY also be collected in heparin, EDTA, K oxalate.
 heparin binds with anti-thrombin III- immendiate
anticoag effect; chromogenic method for assaying
the amount of heparin present in plasma.
> presence of SFMC in the plasma indicated that
Principle: Patient’s plasma (containing heparin) is
thrombin has been generated.
incubated with a measured amount of anti-thrombin III
and factor Xa. A complex of heparin, anti thrombin III, Principle: Citrated plasma is incubated with RBC coated
and factor Xa is formed. Substrate reagent is added to with fibrin monomers. The presence of soluble fibrin
the mixture and during incubation the remaining factor monomer complexes in the plasma will cause the red
Xa catalyzes the release of paranitroanilide from the cells to agglutinate. This will not occur in normal
chromogenic substrate. It is the measured by plasma.
spectrophotometer. Inversely proportional to the amount
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
of heparin. The O.D. of each plasma is read from a
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Venepuncture should be
reference curve to determine the conc of heparin present
clean and tissue contamination must be avoided to
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium prevent false positive rxns. Perform the test immediately
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. The blood specimen after collection.
should be centrifuge at 10 – 20°C within1 hr of
collection and should not sit for more than 2 hrs at 2 to ETHANOL GELATION TEST
8°C. the plasma may be frozen rapidly and stored for up  detect presence of fibrin monomers in plasma,
to 30 days. screening for DIC, distinguish from primary
Principle: During the process of DIC, the level of fibrin
 primary fibrinolysis, DIC with secondary
monomer in the blood increases. Sodium hydroxide is
fibrinolysis, Thrombo-Wellcotest procedure
added to the plasma to increase the pH to above 7.70.
Principle: Whole blood is added to thrombin(ensure Ethyl alcohol, added to plasma, will cause ppt of any
clotting) and soya bean enzyme inhibitors (prevent fibrin monomers which may be present.

Justine Gayon (

Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium collection. Obtain blood for a normal control at the same
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Obtain blood for a normal time the patient’s specimen is drawn. Perform test
control at the same time the patient’s specimen is drawn. immediately after collection.
> detect fibrin monomers by causing the formation of
fibrin strands or gel like clots (paracoagulation) > specific inhibitors: Abs that are directed against
specific coagulation factors, assoc. with bleeding
> normal plasma, no fibrin monomer
> nonspecific inhibitors: lupus anticoags, paraproteins,
Principle: Patient and control plasma are mixed with
FDP; not directed to single coag factor, Lupus anticoag
varying dilutions of protamine sulfate. Each tube is
directed against phospholipids, not associated with
incubated at room temp for 30 mins and then observed
for fibrin strand or gel formation. The protamine sulfate
causes gel formation of fibrin monomers or early fibrin > 2 most common: Factor VIII and lupus inhibitor.
slit products when they are present in plasma. Inhibitors are usually detected by prolonged APTT or
PT, wc is not corrected by addition of normal plasma.
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Obtain blood for a normal Principle: The test is performed in methods where there
control at the same time the patient’s specimen is drawn. is an abnormal result (APTT or PT). In the presence of
Perform test immediately after collection. an inhibitor, there will be little to no correction of the
clotting time when the patient’s plasma is mixed with
CLOT LYSIS normal plasma. If a factor deficiency exists, since only
 for increased fibrinolysis, detect large amount of 50% of plasma factors are necessary for normal
fibrinolytic activity coagulation, the clotting time will show significant
correction when mixed with normal plasma.
Principle: One of the tubes in clotting time is left in
incubator at 37 C and inspected for 8, 24, and 48 hrs. Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
Second tube is placed in refrigerator right after clotting citrate to 9 parts whole blood
for control. If the incubated tube become fluid in less
than 48 hrs, confirm by filtering. If the refrigerated clot
is still intact, it may assumed that the clot lysis has taken  detects lupus anticoag; increased amount of
place inside the incubator. If the refrigerated clot has phospholipid is added to the test system to minimize
also disapperead, it may due to deficiency rather than the effect of the phospholipid-dependent anticoag,
clot lysis for both tubes. “If no lysis in both thubes, which produces a shortened clotting time.
report no lysis after 48 hrs”
Principle: The patient’s platelet poor plasma is mixed
EUGLOBULIN CLOT LYSIS TIME with a suspension of ruptured platelets, APTT rgnt and
calcium chloride. Clotting tie is noted and compared
> screening fibrinolytic activity, more sensitive than clot
with (1) similar structure substituting sodium chloride
lysis, euglobulin fraction contains plasminogen,
for platelets , and (2) an APTT performed on the same
plasminogen activator, and fibrinogen.
plasma sample. If a lupus inhibitor is present, the effects
> normally, clot lysis does not occur in less than 1 hr. of the anticoag will be decreased or bypassed by the
Clot lysis in less time is indicative of abnormal freeze-thawed platelets and the clotting time will be
fibrinolytic activity. shorter than the clotting times of both the mixture
containing saline and original APTT.
Principle: Addition of 1% acetic acid to diluted plasma
causes the euglobulin portion of the plasma to Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
precipitate. After removing the supernatant, the citrate to 9 parts whole blood
euglobulins are dissolved in a buffer solution. Thrombin
is added in order to clot the euglobulins. The clot is
incubated at 37 C, time of complete clot lysis is noted. > major type of antiphospholipids of Lupus Anticoag:
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Place it on ice after

Justine Gayon (

> LA has no anticoag effect in vivo; not assoc with catalyze the release of paranitroanilide from the
bleeding substrate. The amount of this will be measure
spectrophotometrically. Inversely proportional to the
Principle: DVVtest reagent – single vial (Russell’s vper
amount of antithrombin III. The optical density of each
venom, calcium, limited conc of phospholipid. RVV in
plasma is read from a reference curve to determine the
the presence of of factor V, phospholipid and calcium
conc of antithrombin III present.
will activate factor X, and begin the coagulation
mechanism till thrombin formation. When this reagent is Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
added to plasma containing a LA, some of the citrate to 9 parts whole blood. As soon as blood is
phospholipid will be neutralized by LA, thus limiting obtained, the plasma should be removed and placed in
the amount of phospholipid available for coag thus ref temp. testing must be done within 4 hrs and may be
prolonging the clotting time. frozen for 30 days without the loss of antithrombin III
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Do not use excessively PLASMINOGEN ASSAY
hemolyzed plasma, heparinized plasma or samples with
Principle: The patient’s plasma is incubated with an
clots. Adjust the anticoag to blood ration if the HCT is
excess of streptokinase rgnt. There will be plasminogen-
<20% or >60%.
streptokinase complex. When the substrate is added to
INHIBITOR ASSAY the plasma-streptokinase mixture, the plasmin-like
activity present will release Para-nitroaniline (pNA)
> Neutralizing inhibitors (Factor V, VIII, IX, XI, and
from the substrate. The pNA is measured
XIII, fibrinogen, and vWF) : inhibit fibrin formation by
spectrophotometrically and is directly proportional to the
acttacking the active sites of enzymes or cofactors.
amount of plasminogen present in the plasma. Conc of
> Non-neutralizing inhibitors (Abs to factor VIII, and X, plasminogen is read from a Reference curve.
prothrombin and vWF) bing to the NONactive sites of
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
enzymes and form complexes that are rapidly cleared by
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Testing must be done
the body.
within 4 hrs and may be frozen for 30 days without the
FACTOR VIII INHIBITOR ASSAY (BETHESDA loss of Plasminogen activity.
Principle: In the presence of an inhibitor, some or all
Principle: Plasma is incubated with the protein C
factor VIII activity in the normal pooled plasma of the
activator. Upon addition of substrate, activated protein C
mixture (patient:NPP) will be inhibited. Mixtures are
will release pNA. Measured. Directly proportional to the
incubated at 37 C for 2 hrs. Factor VIII is measured in
conc of Protein C. Reference curve.
all tubes. Residual factor (Factor VIII not destroyed or
neutralized by inhibitor) is determined by comparing the Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
difference between the factor activity of the patient:NPP citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Plasma is stable for 8 hrs
mixture with that of the NPP. Convert. One Bethesda at room temp or 3 months at -20°C.
unit of inhibitor inactivates 50% of the factor VIII
activity present in 1ml of normal plasma in 2 hrs at 37°C PROTEIN C CLOTTING ASSAY
Principle: The amount of protein C in plasma is related
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
to the degree of correction obtained when diluted plasma
citrate to 9 parts whole blood
is incubated with protein C deficient plasma in the
ANTITHROMBIN III presence of protein C activator. The activated protein C
inhibits factor V and VIII, thus prolonging APTT. The
 chromogenic assay
clotting time obtained for each plasma dilution in
Principle: The test plasma containing anti-thrombin III inversely proportional to the percentage of protein C
is diluted in the presence of heparin and incubated with activity read by a calibration curve.
an excess amount of thrombin. The antithrombin III
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
present in the plasma will neutralized the thrombin by
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Plasma may be stored for
forming an antithrombin III-thrombin-heparin complex.
8 hrs at 20°C, 2 days at 2 to 8 °C and 1 month at -20°C.
Upon addition of substrate, the remaining thrombin will

Justine Gayon (

protein C levels will be decreased when the Px is the forearm. The length of time required for the bleeding
receiving oral anticoag therapy. to stop is recorded.
Principle: Plasma dilutions containing protein S antigen
are incubated in microwells coated with anti-protein S Principle: An inflated blood pressure cuff on the upper
antibody. During incubation, the plasma protein S arm is used to apply pressure on capillaries for 5 mins.
antigen binds to the anti-protein S Ab. The anti-protein S The arm is examined for petechiae.
peroxidase conjugate (rgnt 2) is added which will bind to
the free antigenic determinants of protein S, forming a CLOT RETRACTION
“sandwich”. The bound enzyme peroxidase acts on >Retraction: serum is expressed from the clot, and the
OPD, in the presence of H2O2 to produce a color change clot becomes denser.
that is directly proportional to the conc of protein S Ag
seen in plasma. >abnormal: Glanzmann, thrombocytopenia,
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Centrifuge at 2500 x for Principle: Fresh whole blood is placed in a 37C water
10 mins. Plasma may be stored for 8 hrs at 20°C and 1 bath and inspected at 1, 2, 4, and 24 hours, for the
month at -20°C. presence of retracted clot.


Principle: The protein S bound to C4b BP is removed  ADP

from the plasma by ppting with polyethylene glycol. Principle: PRP is placed in a test well of the platelet
Following incubation with this chemical, the supernatant aggregometer. An aggregating reagent is added to PRP,
plasma contains only free protein S, which is assayed at the same time, optical density is measured. As the
using the same procedure describes for total protein S. platelets in the plasma clump, the plasma becomes more
PROTEIN S CLOTTING ASSAY clear and light transmittance through the specimen
increases. These changes in optical density are recorded
Principle: The percentage of functional protein S by the instrument in the form of a graph. The
present in plasma is determined by the degree of aggregometer also calculates the slope of the aggregation
prolongation of the clotting time obtained when diluted curve and the amount (%) of platelet aggregation.
plasma is incubated with protein S deficint plasma in the
presence of activated protein C and factor Va. Free Specimen: all specimens must be drawn in plastic
protein S in the patient’s plasma acts as a cofactor of syringe. Obtain 9 ml of whole blood and immediately
activated protein C, thus enhancing anticoag effect of transfer to a plastic test tube containing 1 ml of 0.109 M
protein C on factor Va. The clotting time obtained for sodium citrate. Mix the tubes well. Collect a specimen of
each plasma dilution is inversely proportional to the blood from a normal control in the same manner at the
percentage of protein S activity. same time the patient’s blood is obtained.

Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium PLATELET ADHESIVENESS TEST

citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Plasma may be stored for SALZMANN METHOD
8 hrs at 20°C, 2 days at 2 to 8 °C and 1 month at -20°C.
Functional protein S levels will be decreased when the Principle: A platelet count is performed on both
Px is receiving oral anticoag therapy. specimens of blood. The number of platelets collected
through the glass bead collecting system, will be lower
BLEEDING TIME than the number obtained in routine venipuncture. This
>screening test for disorders of platelet function and von is because platelets have adhered to the column of the
Willebrand disease. glass beads due to their adhesive characteristics. The
results of this procedure are expressed as the percentage
Principle: A blood pressure cuff is placed on the of platelets retained in the glass bead.
patient’s arm above the elbow, inflated, and maintained
at a constant pressure throughout the procedure. One/two Specimen: 1 tube of whole blood collected by routine
standardized incisions are made on the volar surface of procedure using vacutainer assembly with a 20-gauge

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needle and drawing the blood directly into an EDTA
vacuum tube. A 2nd blood specimen is collected through
the glass bead collecting system directly into EDTA
Principle: Patient’s plasma is incubated with PRP from
a normal control in the presence of heparin. The degree
of platelet aggregation observed is measured by an
aggregometer and compared to aggregation obtained in
the absence of heparin. If the heparin induced antibody is
present, platelet aggregation will occur in the presence of
Specimen: Citrated plasma: 1 part 0.109 M sodium
citrate to 9 parts whole blood. Obtain a 10ml specimen.
Blood must be collected after the discontinuation of
heparin. Obtain blood specimen from a type O donor
who has not had aspirin or aspirin containing cmpds w/in
8 days.

Justine Gayon (

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